Oh boy the Ordo vigilis ...main quote should of be everybody has a price!," As Ted DiBiase would say but there's nothing like buying and selling information, are driving your enemies to be a pawn, in the game of intrigue. but at least Marius O'Reilly change everything, into more professional level section A is got good Network monitoring the informer networks using former DSi agents, the Palace guard got lot of intense training to become. Section b external surveillance sleeper agents must have been an eye opener ya it's time to be a sleeper and traveler of information, section C military intelligence well I know is got lot scorn looks their way, since they also look over their brother in arms to see what information they have ya section C, those guys who will be at your court martial."section D's corporate operations is got men of action with their assassination and sabotage. Those Marian are going to be real jacked up since they come from a penal colony, the Carsina Federal intelligence command, is rough for civilian and pirate like agents and little Bob McIntyre, is a heck of a name I got to say!" And that Artwork of his sneaky face at 12:00 definitely fits the name. Ya can't let Michael Syrian get ideas now.😃👍