Can animals evolve to deal with climate change? - The Climate Question, BBC World Service

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BBC World Service

BBC World Service

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@Byzantion 6 ай бұрын
i'm observing evolution since i was 15-16 years old when i started selective breeding... the best way to start learning first hand about evolution is breeding annual plants
@volkerengels5298 2 жыл бұрын
Jump to: 22:00 You get the answer - with out listening to some interesting sweet sugar-talk.
@junecwanglove 3 ай бұрын
Infeed enjoyed watching this video. Very educational. Thank you.
@stevefitt9538 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, the climate has been changing during all of deep time. However, the rate of change matters a lot. And, the current rate is 100 to 1000 times the normal or even abnormal rate of change. So, I think vertebrates are screwed if close to the worst case is what we cause to happen. OTOH, insects breed so fast and can often fly, so they will do better.
@Philip-x3d 5 ай бұрын
what charts are you looking at that "show" 100 to 1,000 times ? Did someone get the decimal point in the wrong place ? This doesn't match scientific data from NASA, NOAA etc.
@donutemptycircle8717 2 жыл бұрын
Adaptation takes time. There is no time. It's not difficult. Extinction is now the only game in town.
@nobody8328 2 жыл бұрын
Eh. Lots of critters will survive long enough to reproduce, and of those many of the species will survive long enough to adapt. Things with low metabolisms and high reproductive rates will do just fine. Insects, worms and fungi that can live on decomposition absolutely thrive. Think house flys, cockroaches and earthworms. Larger critters with low metabolisms will also be ok. Reptiles in general, and specifically alligators and crocodiles and snakes should keep thriving for another 5 million years, easy. Things that live in caves or burrows will have an advantage too, much like the tunneling mammals that survived Chixalube (sp?) Most importantly, there are complicated live forms in deep caves and around hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the oceans that don't know we're here now, and certainly won't miss us. Life itself will be fine no matter what we manage to do to the poor planet. Unfortunately, humans are also ridiculously adaptive as are many of the plants and animals we've domesticated.
@petercollins7848 2 жыл бұрын
The whole idea of ‘evolution’ and ‘adaption’ is just a load of nonsense. Ask yourself, where are the millions of intermediate species and ‘adaptions’ if the theory of evolution is true?
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
Adaptation can be rapid. Even the changes in the beak form and size of the famous Galapagos finches actually happen rapidly, at a rhythm of a couple of years. The main known mechanism behind adaptation is epigenetic variations which are also reversible. The Neo-Darwinian explanation of random DNA mutations is not in line with the latest scientific discoveries in this field.
@Philip-x3d 5 ай бұрын
so you dont understand anything then !!! You have A LOT to learn. 🙄
@Philip-x3d 5 ай бұрын
@@petercollins7848 this is the sort of comment made by someone right at the beginning of learning about life and evolution. Say a 10yr old.
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
This is about adaptation, not evolution in the Darwinian sense, nor in the Neo-Darwinian sense. And that adaptation happens all the time in a time frame of a few years. The main today known system behind it is epigenetics, a rapid, reversible, fluctuating adaptation.
@yuniakaminska5385 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, thank you ❤
@flycamshots Жыл бұрын
in my opinion, yes we can adapt to climate change but it has to change more slowly than the current situation. we need more time than we think . the earth should be hotter 5 degree celsius in the next 1000 years.
@SuryaSurya-yl5jj Жыл бұрын
Q Q Q Qaaaaaa
@Pou1gie1 6 ай бұрын
One way that animals are evolving to meet environmental hurdles is by mating. The polar bear has been discovered to be mating with the Black bear because they are now in similar areas due to climate change.
@Philip-x3d 5 ай бұрын
and they GOT THERE due to climate change 500k years ago. 🙄 Brown bears crossed the land bridge from Russia to Canada mainly and EVOLVED into Polar Bears. ie/ their fur became white for camouflage and their teeth and digestive system changed to adapt to a higher meat intake, rather than fruit and berries as eaten when they were "Brown" bears.
@rahulc4403 8 ай бұрын
Seals 🧘‍♀️
@mdnazmulnazmul3639 Жыл бұрын
Climate change has become a latest shock
@tinyfrog919 Жыл бұрын
Future is here
@nguyenkimdung2142 Жыл бұрын
@nicolaasfourie Жыл бұрын
They've dealt with climate change since the dawn of life.
@No-cg9kj Жыл бұрын
You do realize that 95% of species that ever lived are extinct, right? Even when climate change was slow and gradual, there were still many species that have gone extinct. Maybe actually study some biology.
@dimamatat5548 2 жыл бұрын
Will humanity evolve too? After all, we are not special
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
I would call it adaptation.
@dimamatat5548 11 ай бұрын
@@s.unosson So, drought-resistant crops, walls to protect from floods, air conditioning, etc.?
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
@@dimamatat5548 Humans live already in all sorts of climate. As the video shows living organisms adapt quite rapidly, without having to wait millions of years for a random mutation that might help. But of course the climate change is a challenge to be taken seriously.
@JimmyTimmy-wh8dz Жыл бұрын
I was born a fish and then grew legs when I got beached..I was a monkey then I left the other monkeys behind to become what I am today.
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
I am a Galapagos finch and change the size and form of my beak continuously thanks to epigenetic adaptation, I don't need millions of years for that.
@s.unosson 11 ай бұрын
Have a look at epigenetics, dear researchers.
@rimarralamiasanta3150 2 ай бұрын
‏مضى عام، فشكراً غزَّة! ‏١. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أن مجلس الأمن عصابة، وأن القانون الدولي مجرَّد حبر على ورق، وأن شِرعة حقوق الإنسان نكتة! ‏٢. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أن هذا العالم أعور، يديرُ عينه المبصرة حيث شاء، ويدير العوراء حيث شاء، فأطفال غزَّة ليسوا كأطفال أوكرانيا! ‏أولئك رومٌ مثلهم، أما نحن عرب! ‏٣. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنَّ الحقَّ يُنتزع انتزاعاً ولا يُستجدى، لن يأتي أحدٌ إليكَ ليقول أنتَ طيَّب وسأعطيكَ ما تريدُ! إذا كنتَ تريدُ شيئاً مُدَّ يدكَ وخذه رغماً عن العالم! ‏٤. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أن تحرير فلسطين من بحرها إلى نهرها ممكن، وأنَّ ما حدت هذه المرَّة ما هو إلا "بروفة" مصغَّرة لما سيأتي! ‏٥. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنّ من يريدُ يستطيع، وأن المسألة لم تتعلّق يوماً بالإمكانيات وإنما بالإرادة، من كان يتخيَّل، مجرَّد تخيلٍ أن غزَّة المحاصرة بإمكانها أن تصنع سلاحها وتُحارب به وتُدهش أحبابها قبل أعدائها! ‏٦. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنْ نحترم النِّعم، هناك حيث تغدو شربة الماء النَّظيف حُلُماً، والرَّغيف الطازج انجازاً، والاستحمام رفاهية تُشبه التمدد على شواطئ المالديف، والبيت الصّغير جداً أثمن من قصور الدُّنيا ما دام لم يسقط على رؤوس ساكنيه! ‏٧. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنَّ أشباه الصَّحابة يعيشون بيننا، أحفاد خالد بن الوليد يقتحمون صفوف الأعداء بشراسة، وأحفاد سعد بن أبي وقاص يرمون بدقّة، وأحفاد عكرمة ما زالوا يتبايعون على الموت، وأحفاد القعقاع صوتهم في الجيش يخلع القلب من مكانه، سمعناهم يقولون: باسم الله الغالب! ‏٨. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أن الخنساء لم تمُتْ، وأن عشرات آلاف النُّسخ منها ما زلنَ يعِشْنَ بيننا، يُقدِّمنَ أولادهُنَّ في سبيل الله صابراتٍ محتسباتٍ ولسان حالهنَّ: اللهُمَّ خذ من دماء أولادنا حتى ترضى! ‏٩. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنَّ الأطفال إذا ربَّتهم المصاعب كبروا قبل أوانهم، وبلغُوا مبلغ الرَّجال قبل أقرانهم، وكأنهم صبيُّ الأخدود الذي أحيا دمه قوماً مؤمنين أُحرقوا جميعاً أحياء ولم يرتدُّوا، هذا الدَّين تُحييه الدَّماء وتُطفئه الدموع، فامسحوا دموعكم، وربُّوا شُهداء الغد! ‏١٠. مضى عامٌ، فشكراً غزّة لأنك علَّمتينا أنَّ العقيدة سلوكٌ لا سُطور، لم نرَ أحداً فيكِ ساخطاً على قضاء اللهِ، يجمعون أشلاء أحبائهم ويحمدون ربَّهم، يمسحون دموعهم بيد ويُتابعون الجَمع بيد أُخرى، عقيدتهم امتلأت بها قلوبهم ففاضتْ على جوارحهم! ‏أدهم شرقاوي
@primuspilus858 2 жыл бұрын
These CC weirdos crack me up. LMAO! "They're altogether OOKY, the CC family!"
@OldScientist 5 ай бұрын
Extinction rates (1500-2009) peaked around 1900 at 50 per decade. Extinction rates have declined dramatically to around 4 to per decade in the 2000s. So the extinction rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years (IUCN), so from observations there are an average of slightly less than 2 species lost every year. Out of a known species total of over 2 million. That gives an annual percentage loss of less than 0.0001%. That's background extinction. At that frequency it will take over 930,000 years to reach 80% extinction of species experienced at the K-T boundary that saw the extinction of the dinosaurs. Of course, extinction is a natural part of the evolution of life on this planet with the average lifespan of a species thought to be about 1 million years (cf 930,000). It is estimated that 99.9% of all plant and animal species that have existed have gone extinct. It should also be noted that no taxonomic families have become extinct in the last 500 years. In fact marine diversity at the taxonomic level of families is the highest it has ever been in the Earth's long history (see Sepkoski Curve). In a review of 16,009 species, most populations (85%) did not show significant trends in abundance, and those that did were balanced between winners (8%) and losers (7%) (Dornelas et al, 2019). There have been only 9 species of continental birds and mammals confirmed extinct since 1500 (Loehle, 2011). No global marine animals have become extinct in the past 50 years (McCauley et, 2015 using IUCN data). There is no climate crisis.
@user-fu2xy8dw6t Жыл бұрын
ចេញទៅផ្សារលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យអញ អាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍ បើមានប្រយោជន៍ជាប់គុក 😂 ( ខ្ញុំថាពួកអាអត់សម្លេងរំលោភសិទ្ធិមនុស្សទេ ពីរ កម្មវិធី ផ្ការណប)
@katyg3873 2 жыл бұрын
Well the climate has been changing for hundreds of thousands of years and creatures have adapted so far.
@MKelly1923 2 жыл бұрын
It's not changed at the rate it currently is though and that drastically increases the challenge!
@oldmanbiscuit7518 2 жыл бұрын
​​@@MKelly1923 yes, you're right. the ice age never happened. the earth has never been all tropics. infact. a mini ice age never happened 400 years ago.
@jbyrd655 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, ingorance is (apparently) truly bliss; the 'climate' has been 'changing' for at least 4.6 billion years, and the 'mini ice age' was a local almost non-event that took place in northwesten Europe "400 years ago". As Mark remarks, the difference is the rate of change, and, as he doesn't, another of the many problems is that the issue is global (unlike the oft-quoted 'little ice age' of denier fame)...
@oldmanbiscuit7518 2 жыл бұрын
@@jbyrd655 lol "north western europe". It was all of Europe and America. Also, were still in the ice age. A period of an ice age called "the interglacial period". The period where the earth gets warmer before freezing again. You alarmists aren't very intelligent.
@oldmanbiscuit7518 2 жыл бұрын
@Shep Raynham if the earth wants things to go extinct, there's nothing we can do to stop it. It's a never ending cycle that has always happened, and will continue long after we're gone. Of course the 6th extintion event is under way. 2.4 million years ago the earth went through its most drastic change it ever had. That's last week in earth years. The ice melted 11,000 years ago. The earth is in shock still. It's going to keep up its tantrums for the next million years or so. Nothing we can do about it. Sure we can stop carbon emissions. That will work out great until 3 volcanoes blow and put more pollutants into the air than we did in the span of 100 years. Falling for a political power grab is just foolish. Think to your self. If it was about climate change then why are they pushing solutions that still need petroleum? Yes, even wind mills need patroleum based lube to operate. Why not a push for nuclear? You know why? Because they know there's nothing they can do. They just take advantage of naive people with an authority bias.
@nargis3764 Жыл бұрын
I need a partner to speaking english . Who is volunteer ?
@bekzodkholboev-p1j Жыл бұрын
@TawnyPodratz 2 ай бұрын
@lw1zfog Жыл бұрын
luckily for you lot, Bill Hates has promised to SRM that AGW into submission with more of his fully tested, safe & effective ‘$CIENCE!™️’. Believe !
@MrRobertFarr 2 жыл бұрын
Robbo FARR. He can dwibble like George Ware. He, just keeps getting better. They, say he is going to be Prime Minister and, finance a children's home. Recieve his Footballer of the year award, and stand on stage with A Wagner. But, just give the award to A Wagner. He might even, let an actor. Take, on the great name, he has built for himself. And, play on well past the time other players, are blinded from heading the ball, like Edgar David's. Or, crippled like Ronaldo, from trying to kick the ball too hard! He can dwibble the ball, into the net, and hunch over the ball like Maradona. So the lofty great big lanky awkward giant athletes of today can't see the ball and feel sowwy for him with cute his habit of, misspelling words. He, can. Recieve the passes, and take on the goalkeeper. He can push that big fatty out the way. No problems. Gosh, I would pay £200 to see him play once again. 😁
@merlemondesire4721 Жыл бұрын
Ok I is ok 8 of it I don't ikr like if it is in in Ohio oil k my
@garryclegg6499 2 жыл бұрын
It's a physop. Just ask yourself who benefits big corporations. Wake up sheep.
@garryclegg6499 2 жыл бұрын
@@___.51 it's not about profit its about control. They can switch us on and of at will.
@MrRobertFarr 2 жыл бұрын
Physop is not really a word!
@garryclegg6499 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrRobertFarr y tel m y nt un sta wht am sying y idt.
@MrRobertFarr 2 жыл бұрын
@@garryclegg6499 What are you saying Mr Clegg?
@garryclegg6499 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrRobertFarr work it out if you think your intelligent.
@loanphuong1638 Жыл бұрын
Damn tell the africans to have fewer kids
@impressionist4821 Жыл бұрын
Climate change happens mostly not because of overpopulation but because of the overconsumption of developed countries
@이-u7l Жыл бұрын
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