Black Myth: Wukong - Bajie and Spider 2nd Love Song - The Precept & the Web (CN & ENG Subtitles)

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Bear Gaming Asia

Bear Gaming Asia

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Song: 戒網 The Precept & The Web
Vocals: 張靜崢 Zhang Jingzheng、王馨悦 Wang Xinyue
Bajie and Violet Spider 1st Love Song - Listen Not (Chinese & English Subtitles)
• Black Myth: Wukong - B...
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@BearGamingAsia 23 күн бұрын
Bajie and Violet Spider 1st Love Song - Listen Not (Chinese & English Subtitles)
@doobienoobie8505 21 күн бұрын
@calvinlee2951 15 күн бұрын
@acacaca9181 14 күн бұрын
@taylor88888 12 күн бұрын
totally true..
@yufengliu1084 11 күн бұрын
@NightWolf3342 11 күн бұрын
@FutureLien 9 күн бұрын
寫歌的人用了腦,唱歌的人用了心, 聽歌的人用了情,有故事的流了淚。 不怕音樂太好聽,就怕歌詞入了心 願聞曲中意,勿為曲中人, 願天下有情人終成眷屬~
@I平常心l 9 күн бұрын
这首歌的歌词是游戏科学的制作人冯骥写的 还有第一章的动画歌曲(屁)也是冯骥写的歌词 他是一位才华横溢的制作人
@Lily0317 10 күн бұрын
男:山海半生漂泊 一葉孤舟, 女:天地兩世零落 幾處離愁, 男:本是一處同飛鳥 餘生無所求, (「夫妻是同林鳥,大難臨頭各自飛」) 女:空把青絲等白頭, (唐李白 將進酒) 男:清泉無垢倒映著 我的心, 女:恨到歸時方始休, (唐白居易 長相思汴水流) 男:為何心有靈犀 從來難長久, (唐李商隱 無題) 女:得見青天總在雨打風吹後, (得見青天,成語,出自西遊記62回) 男:知我千萬頭緒煩憂, 女:不知謂我何求, (「知我者謂我心憂,不知我者謂我何求」 詩經‧王風‧粟離) 男:可否執子之手, 女:來抓住我的手, (「執子之手,與子偕老」詩經·邶風·擊鼓) 男:為何相見恨晚 情深卻不壽, (金庸《書劍恩仇錄》「情深不壽,強極則辱。謙謙君子,溫潤如玉」) 女:管他虛情假意花落水自流, (「花自飄零水自流」一剪梅·紅藕香殘玉簟秋 宋 李清照) 男:知我千萬頭緒煩憂, 女:不知謂我何求, 合:待盡掃西風去 烏有, (宋 錢時《立冬前一日霜對菊有感》) 男:踏破銀河無覓 玉顏紅袖, (踏破鐵鞋無覓食處,得來全不費功夫 宋夏元鼎《絕句》) 女:尋遍宮闕不見 良人佳偶, 男:一夜雨聲多少事 月下強說愁, (唐.崔道融 秋夕 ) (宋辛棄疾 醜奴兒·書博山道中壁) 女:紅豆如何敢消受, (唐 王維 相思) 男:功名休問幾時成 今朝酒, (西遊記第五回 「詩酒且圖今朝樂,功名休問幾時成」 ) 女:更無一個肯回頭, (西遊記「爭名奪利幾時休?早起遲眠不自由!騎著驢騾思駿馬,官居宰相望王侯。只愁衣食耽勞碌,何怕閻君就取勾?繼子蔭孫圖富貴,更無一個肯回頭! 男:縱然意合情投 怎能長相守, (情投意合 成語 西遊記·第二十七回 「那鎮元子與行者結為兄弟,兩人情投意合」) 女:如醉方醒原來情鍾不自由, (宋·陸遊《讀唐人愁詩戲作五首其四》) 男:知我千萬頭緒煩憂, 女:不知謂我何求, 男:世事不如山丘, (宋‧黃庭堅 《法文》「世事悠悠,不如山丘」) 女:山青不如水秀, (西遊記·第九回 漁樵問答 ) 男:為何相見恨晚 情深卻不壽, 女:管他虛情假意花落水自流, (宋 李清照 一剪梅 花自飄零水自流,一種相思,兩處閒愁) 男:知我千萬頭緒煩憂, 女:不知謂我何求, 合:待盡掃西風去 烏有, (宋 錢時 立冬前一日霜對菊有感 園林盡掃西風去,惟有黃花不負秋。) 男:獨立小橋等風滿袖, (五代 馮延巳 鵲踏枝·誰道閒情拋擲久) 女:去年此門依舊。 (唐崔護 題都城南莊 ) 合:夜燈為君留 歸來否?
@김승철-n8q 6 күн бұрын
출처까지 적힌 좋은 댓글
@FenixYuk Күн бұрын
男:知我千萬頭緒煩憂 女:不知謂我何求 (三國魏 曹植 自誡令•機等吹毛求疵,千端萬緒,然終無可言者)
@墨洇于水 14 сағат бұрын
@visions30 23 күн бұрын
The emotional connection to this song and the game is truly a work of art......
@bloomingblossom5269 23 күн бұрын
At the end of their Journey, Wukong, their master Tang Sanzang and Sha Wujing all reached enlightenment and ascended. Zhu Bajie alone, remained in the mortal realm because of his lingering attachment and guilt for leaving his beloved lover behind.
@karthikeyan3d319 23 күн бұрын
Tat sad
@tacticalpause3767 23 күн бұрын
True gigachad
@ayumishiraishi 23 күн бұрын
Man, I'm crying again and again 😭
@Kburn1985 22 күн бұрын
In the novel, it's implied he was an imperial agent for the Taoist faction, trying to white ant the journey. That's why he was always against sun wukong, and even got him kicked out, because he knew it wouldn't succeed without the monkey. His title was a Taoist one too, cleaner of altars is a very Taoist kind of title to give, and there is nothing close in Buddhism. There are no conventional (food) altars in Buddhism, but plenty in taoism. That's why he didn't attain Buddhahood, or even a lower rank buddhist Ararat title - he never was one in the first place.
@mimiwu_ 22 күн бұрын
@svcupc 13 күн бұрын
@all-ages-games 12 күн бұрын
@Destination_Euphoria 12 күн бұрын
​@@all-ages-games 得让奈飞投资拍,国内太多限制。
@haodk3478 12 күн бұрын
@user-xu4zb4gj2m 11 күн бұрын
@xmin7275 10 күн бұрын
@@user-xu4zb4gj2m 笑死xd
@huashliu8846 21 күн бұрын
@流放兔 7 күн бұрын
@l.d.landau8846 6 күн бұрын
@@流放兔 这就是中华千年文脉,任何一个外国哪里找去
@0.618-z6l 6 күн бұрын
@weijieChen-j5h 23 күн бұрын
@BearGamingAsia 23 күн бұрын
是啊~八戒一開始形象是渣男,不認情人,不認女兒,標準不負責任的負心漢。(不確定女兒是不是他的種) 看完牛魔王的下場,才知道,如果你不走佛祖和天神替你安排的路,我就滅你全家。 八戒原來是不敢認,取經的時候,要跟著師傅走,不能為愛留下。 成佛之後,要為師兄報仇,也不敢跟舊愛相認。 黑神話的確夠黑,不管是遊戲畫面、動作、劇情、寓意都是 2024最頂,應該是2024 GOTY。
@hanliem9241 23 күн бұрын
​@@BearGamingAsiaGOTY 2024 must be FFVII: rebirth, almost everyone bought PS5 just to play this game. but yes BM:wukong is a great game.
@EtopiaEddie 23 күн бұрын
@我兜里有糖-p8j 23 күн бұрын
@@hanliem9241 为一个奖项争来争去, 你贪嗔痴欲望过重, GOTY 没那么重要, 玩家心中对好作品各自有论断
@GNA-g9b 23 күн бұрын
我也是後知後覺本以為是渣男 結果八戒才是有情人怕天庭滅掉他們不敢相認,期待傳説中的劇本 悟空再上天庭殺爆害他們的神佛
@Uncleprime4165 22 күн бұрын
In this version, he knew Heaven had kept an eye on him since he was cursed to had his love ending in pain and suffering for 1000 lifetimes, so if he returns to violet spider and his daughter, they’ll probably be eliminated by heaven at some point, so he has to let them go. But how irony it is, for someone who tries so hard to unattached himself from love turns out to be the only one that couldn’t let go, because he care so much for them and couldn’t live with knowing they might end up in sorrow, because he couldn’t let them go.
@MichaelHarto 7 күн бұрын
i remember in the old serial, wukong asked bajie "if you know you're violating the rules of heaven, why did you try to change your fate?" bajie answered "it's because of my love for chang'e, big brother. i have no regrets. That's how love works, the pain knows no end"
@diorchanellee 23 күн бұрын
我以为我不会哭,可是我还是哭了,大哭一场。如果你想哭个痛快,就来听这首歌。人生最怕的是离别,可是谁都避免不了。I thought I will never cry, but I cried like a river after listened to it many times. We are afraid of separate with the people or things we love but we can never avoid it.
@sionxion Күн бұрын
@diorchanellee 20 сағат бұрын
@@sionxion 🥲是啊
@MkChyi 23 күн бұрын
Secretly falling in love with the most beautiful girl around me, having a possible or vague budding romance, and later becoming a tattered person. Rolling into the mud in society, I met someone who had the same poor past experience. The story afterwards is seen by others as two ugly monsters in the mud, with strange forms but genuine emotions. This is also a story belonging to a portion of the general public.
@user-jy7nz6gi8i 20 күн бұрын
在社會的泥沼裡打滾,遇見了同樣有著同樣悲慘經驗的人。後來的故事在別人看來就像是泥巴裡的兩隻醜陋的怪物,形態奇特,情感真誠。 ---------------------真實反映人生啊
@JackSmith-xy4pp 22 күн бұрын
Many people say they can't understand the Eight Precepts and the Spider Spirit: the details are that the Eight Precepts admired the Star King of Taiyin (not Chang'e), and the maid they bumped into on the road was Chang'e (Chang'e is an official position, and all of the Star King of Taiyin's attendants are called Chang'e). The Jade Emperor and the Star King of Tai Yin had a private meeting with the canopy, and were relegated to the mortal world. This Chang'e couldn't forget the canopy and descended to the mortal world to become a spider spirit. And was relegated to the eight ring in the high old village saw high Cuilan thought it was Chang E chased up, who knows high Cuilan saw the real body of the eight ring scared to death, westbound to the Pansi Cave, reincarnation of the purple spider at once recognized the heart of the pig's head, the two fell in love with each other, the eight ring is also in the robbery released the purple spider, the purple spider has a daughter of the eight ring has been waiting for the eight ring until the old age. Also because of that time to recognize the wrong person, purple spider before dying said that, you are still as stupid as before (refers to recognize the wrong person), also refers to the old pig do not dare to recognize them for fear of heaven liquidation. Strong as his own Monkey, also killed by the Heavenly Court. Bull Demon King, cut off a side of the powerful, just a little bit of relationship with the Heavenly Orders people, will be broken families and wives scattered. How could the tiny Pansi Cave withstand the Heavenly Court? The Eight Precepts do not have the skills of the Big Brother, nor are they as powerful as the King Bull Demon. If you don't turn back you can't love you, if you turn back you will be harmed. So the Eight Precepts disown her, they can't. The eight rings has insisted on helping the heavenly orders people, even if it fails, but also only need to pay their own lives, will not involve their loved ones again, lifting this breath can give you love, is to let go.
@idesorld 22 күн бұрын
@yangxn100 12 күн бұрын
Thanks. 'High' here is actually mis-translated. In Chinese, the word can mean high and also is a surname. Herein, 'High' is the family name of Cuilan. The village is called 'High' (surname) village, since majority of people living there probably have this surname. This is still common nowadays in many rural areas of China.
@bok3rnes425 23 күн бұрын
I still can't take my eyes of the beautiful enviroment and graphic of this game. It's just simply amazing. Great video bro❤❤❤
@姓名-k3z 21 күн бұрын
猪八戒(九齿钉耙), 蜘蛛精(织网) 男耕女织
@puayzhefeng7817 19 күн бұрын
@赵子昂 9 күн бұрын
@张辉-p7u 8 күн бұрын
@jonseilim4321 23 күн бұрын
Why am I here, why do I love making myself cry?
@CN-YXB 21 күн бұрын
再看个刀的,他俩的主题曲最后词是如果下一世相遇, 猪八戒:请别再回眸(可能是怕因为再与他相遇会让她再次遭到诸多痛苦) 蜘蛛精:请记得回眸(再来一次她也不怕)
@user-xy5ll7nd3p 10 күн бұрын
@kerrylin2007 23 күн бұрын
@BearGamingAsia 23 күн бұрын
仔細再重看一次動畫,蜘蛛精穿著古代女子準備嫁人的大紅衣裳。 重逢老情人,再入一次洞房。 豬哥哥,你讓我等得好久啊。
@GNA-g9b 23 күн бұрын
不是這概念,他是天上仙女愛上豬八戒就下凡找他,但豬八戒知道天庭會滅掉與他們有關系的人 不敢相認😢
@미제드론 22 күн бұрын
Is that a fasion of Tang dynasty age styles?
@BearGamingAsia 22 күн бұрын
@@미제드론 In ancient China, red represented happiness Most wedding clothes are red
@미제드론 22 күн бұрын
@@BearGamingAsia Ah... 😢 So sad & beautiful story.
@zhhusxou 21 күн бұрын
@@미제드론 穿了一辈子婚服
@HaNguyen-sy3bj 23 күн бұрын
Tây du ký dường như đã ăn sâu vào kí ức của mọi đứa trẻ châu á
@Linqunfeng 22 күн бұрын
@RYH94 13 күн бұрын
@Staroy 11 күн бұрын
you learn about it even outside of china?
@Staroy 11 күн бұрын
@@Linqunfeng What are the other 3 classics?
@xiaobaimingfan287 10 күн бұрын
@@Staroy 《三国演义》Romance of Three Kingdoms,《水浒传》Water Margin,《红楼梦》The Dream of the Red Chamber
@OniichanOfficiall 22 күн бұрын
The game, art, song, everything is very well, i hope it will be GOTY this year
@andreaernesto5818 22 күн бұрын
It’s going to be hard for two reasons: 1.The Western market's resistance to Chinese products. 2.The influence of the woke community on the gaming industry.
@downygao6309 22 күн бұрын
@@andreaernesto5818 well, its not impossible tho, considering there aint many good games in 2024 so far.
@colinwei3338 22 күн бұрын
Best Art Direction !!!
@leegoodman7760 21 күн бұрын
it has ready been Goty from me, actually the best game i have ever seen so far,i am 43 btw
@bj26bj12 19 күн бұрын
@@leegoodman7760 respect!
@GNA-g9b 23 күн бұрын
好可憐 為八戒拋棄仙女身份下凡找豬八戒,但八戒怕害他被天庭消滅 不敢認他😢😢
@刘郝-t2c 23 күн бұрын
@Lilian.N 22 күн бұрын
@@刘郝-t2c 我竟然一时不知该如何反驳 🤣
@quyenluong3705 22 күн бұрын
@---sx7mc 22 күн бұрын
@Mikemi-cl3mv 21 күн бұрын
@user-jt4yu3mw5g 這就是這個遊戲的多樣性啊
@julianlookh 17 күн бұрын
I have completed the game 3 days(all secret bosses and true ending) ago and because of this song, I am replaying the game.
@MW-kf8qg 3 күн бұрын
做人最怕相識到刻骨銘心的人, 身外物要不了也帶不走,捨不得的愛,有多愛就有多苦要承受, 真利害的歌及詞.非常喜歡
@yingchan8284 16 күн бұрын
@user-eo4ov4pe3b 22 күн бұрын
@AKBI 18 күн бұрын
정말 오랜만에 중국 문화의 경이로움을 느끼고 갑니다. 신화와 전승이 잘 남아있는 문화는 너무 부럽습니다.
@ericlao1935 3 күн бұрын
@heihachichichan8910 2 күн бұрын
@TonyWen-ht7hn 13 сағат бұрын
@user-mu2fk8ih9n 6 сағат бұрын
@林志强-j5d 6 күн бұрын
@LonelyMe-7777 11 күн бұрын
The longest distance in this world is between two people who in love but can't be together..
@MichaelHarto 7 күн бұрын
and i hope you never have to feel it. i would never wish it on my worst enemy. the pain knows no bound.
@utlarsC 23 күн бұрын
@Divanks 23 күн бұрын
Beautiful and sad, couldn’t stop crying 😭 😭 😭 💔💔💔
@CCFF6688 8 күн бұрын
@learninggcn1113 23 күн бұрын
情深不寿、😢😢 那些少年们总有一天会感慨的……😢😢
@Rerawing 12 күн бұрын
@woody8900hkm 19 күн бұрын
@H-GHN 11 күн бұрын
Lyrics by: Feng Ji (a.k.a CEO/Producer/Founder of Game Science) damn... what a genius guy..........
@fractureray6812 10 күн бұрын
@泡泡茶壺-p1r Күн бұрын
chapter 1 “i see”,chapter 2 “headless monk song”,chapter 3 “fart”,chapter 4 “listen not”,“the precept and the web”,chapter 5 “destiny”,all the lyrics by Feng Ji
@woody8900hkm 19 күн бұрын
@wangingcend 16 күн бұрын
真的 直擊內心,可能觸動內心深底的那個共鳴
@shawnhe6180 14 күн бұрын
@user-xu4zb4gj2m 11 күн бұрын
@user-rb7uf7cz8h 23 күн бұрын
@yamiyang6207 23 күн бұрын
@Aapig 22 күн бұрын
@pentawiz 22 күн бұрын
@zhxcn44 21 күн бұрын
@道号孑孓子 19 күн бұрын
@zhxcn44 的确是双关,字面意思戒指八戒,网指蜘蛛,内涵是:戒断,情网……
@ericliume 11 күн бұрын
@erziocygnus1415 14 күн бұрын
God damn once you play th game this one looks so real like it is actually real story in a real world... the buildings looks so real
@ericliume 12 күн бұрын
The buildings are real. Game Science digitalized dozens of traditional Chinese historical sites and buildings, then used them in the game modeling.
@crimsonlunar3456 23 күн бұрын
First time i saw an old lady with bridal suits ! I was like lol wtf the groom is doomed ! But after knowing their history! I can't help myself but admire these two ! This episode is fucking beautiful ! Kudos to developers! And just like our monkey king said " FUCK CELESTIAL COURTS 👿" these two deserve the happiness
@Khann_2102 22 күн бұрын
Sun Wukong is right to oppose the Celestial Court, since Tang Sanzang never comes back to prevent him since it's the right way
@justpassingbye 22 күн бұрын
​@@Khann_2102 pretty sure... this time the Buddhas all abandoned the Celestial court. The Buddha already gave them chances, yet they dared to genocide Sun Wukong's monkey friemd, despite Sun Wukong already in the right path and good deeds
@WSOJ3 12 күн бұрын
lol nothing in the story can take down the Celestial Court. The most powerful being in the Taoist universe Yuanshitianzun (the original creator of heaven) never even showed up in the plot aside from being mentioned in conversations. Only the last one of the Three Supreme Being of Taoism showed up (Taishanglaojin/Tao Tzu), and he never actually fought Wukong in the story. His ride, the Ox King, fought almost on equal terms to Wukong. The combined force of the three supreme beings can dictate anything in the Taoism universe. PS. Jade Emperor is one of the 4 Emperors ranked below the 3 Supreme Beings in the Taoism hierarchy. And the Jade Emperor’s best warrior Erlang Shen is roughly the same strength as Wukong, the Victory Buddha. I’d imaging Gautama Buddha (Rulai) is probably at the same tier as Yuanshitianzun from the Taoism side.
@MbahMu9829 22 күн бұрын
Imagine The DLC will be all about zhu Badjie past. That would be so awesome
@lidan6463 18 күн бұрын
@MichaelHarto 7 күн бұрын
My God.. My heart can't take this... it's smashed to smithereens. Chinese tragic love story is too much
@taylor88888 12 күн бұрын
love this song, so beautiful!!
@pupuyong3893 17 күн бұрын
wow nice❤除了猪八戒那段动画的一首,还有这首都不错,这游戏值得买了 已经三周目❤玩不腻
@annlin0515 23 күн бұрын
@a5836804 20 күн бұрын
@坐著火車去台灣 20 күн бұрын
@a5836804 20 күн бұрын
@@坐著火車去台灣 音樂會,特展什麼都行,能再來個DLC發佈就更好了,但求別拍成電影,車一翻就難在上路了。
@rooney5199 18 күн бұрын
@@a5836804 同意
@haodk3478 9 күн бұрын
@JackSmith-xy4pp 22 күн бұрын
What did the Heavenly Hornet reincarnate as?" "It seems to be a pig." "Well, then I'll be reborn as a spider too" (here is the harmonic terrain) False beauty plan: dress up alluringly and colorfully to tempt you The real beauty plan: you're still as dumb as you were back then. A nail rake and a spitting silk, this is the ultimate fantasy life of the ancient Chinese, men plowing and women weaving.
@omsakau8320 15 күн бұрын
BEAUTIFUL and SAD love song...
@锅巴喷火-f5k 16 күн бұрын
@shawnhe6180 14 күн бұрын
@欧阳诗宇 13 күн бұрын
中文的信息密度非常大, 一两个字就可以引经据典,赋予深刻含义。
@user-ux5ir7uf2e 3 күн бұрын
@starcrazy-iz6sg 19 күн бұрын
"He became so bad" "Oh! Spider? Okay"
@nevan1778 22 күн бұрын
@NaNi-vr8yp 4 күн бұрын
一句 “能回来就好” 背后的思念,委屈和心酸真的让人伤感...
@computer5012 23 күн бұрын
@wenhweiwen5616 23 күн бұрын
@ericliume 23 күн бұрын
@ericlao1935 22 күн бұрын
@saleenasalam 8 күн бұрын
I swear even when I'm sure I didn't miss anything, I still feel like I've missed stuff. :p
@user-lv8qv2rl9l 7 күн бұрын
剛開始我不看好這遊戲 現在 這遊戲太神了! 罵這遊戲的不是沒玩過 就是帶著明顯的政治立場
@crc1615 7 күн бұрын
@bathcguy8816 18 күн бұрын
Thats its a love the strugle and hurt is never end
@vysaga-darknessrises-mobile 21 күн бұрын
Dont dare to say they are my daughter, dont dare to tell she is my wife... How painful
@tjYDCA 15 күн бұрын
这首歌曲用了大量的古文诗词典故,中国人都不见得听的懂,国际友人大概更难懂了,除了中国人大概也就华语地区能看懂,不知道日本人是不是能看出其中的忧伤。这里我试着将其中文做注解,我是没有自信翻译成英文。 首先说背景:西游记是中国神话,同时具备了佛教和道教的背景。很多故事要从背景说起,中国佛教被统治阶级变成了愚民的工具,讲究“六道轮回”,(1 天道;2 阿修罗道;3 人道;4 畜牲道;5 饿鬼道;6 地狱道。)人死后会得到评定,下辈子去哪个道,评分高的会去天道,低的会去地狱道。“三毒”为评定的一个标准,包括贪(贪婪)嗔(不满,发脾气)痴(沉溺于追求某事,不分善恶),这三毒都会让人降级。简单说就是统治阶级的福气是天赐的,不管谁欺负你,抢你财产,你不要贪财,不要生气,不要纠结其中,要明理,要放下痴念,下辈子就能升级,享受欺负别人的生活。 结合《勿听》说一下故事背景,天蓬元帅喜欢太阴星君(广寒宫主,月亮的主人),追太阴星君的时候撞到了侍女,侍女对他一见钟情,后来猪八戒遇到了太阴星君和其它神仙约会(很可能是玉皇大帝),被惩罚入下轮回,变成了猪妖,也就是猪八戒。侍女天宫寻觅不到天蓬元帅,(可能)得知天蓬元帅被贬下界成了猪妖,她就堕落成蜘蛛妖下天堂来找猪八戒,也就是紫蛛儿。两人互相寻觅了几百年,在八戒取经路上相遇,最后猪八戒离开了紫蛛儿,跟随唐僧取经,终成正果,紫蛛儿为寻找八戒犯了三毒中的(痴),导致她越来越堕落,最后变成妖怪。(《勿听》中二人的图片闪放就体现了这个过程,紫蛛儿越来越像妖,八戒越来越像神。) 再说歌词,这首歌看似男女对唱,其实男女唱的内容完全不同。男声唱的是踌躇,纠结,心烦意乱。女声唱的是不安,希望,义无反顾。中间唱词之所以引用典故,不易懂,也有恋情不被天地允许,有苦说不出的意境。 男:山海半生漂泊 一叶孤舟,(在山海间半生漂泊,一叶孤舟,没有得到救赎。猪八戒最后皈依佛门,仍旧是一叶孤舟在漂泊,没有得到普渡,这里引用了慈航普度的佛教典故。) 女:天地两世零落 几处离愁,(天地两世,如蓬草一样随风飞转,我想你,你想我吗?紫蛛儿不安,天地相隔,两个轮回,是不是只有我在单相思,不确定是否单相思,才用几处,有问猪八戒的意思。) 男:本是一处同飞鸟 余生无所求,(本来想一直和你在一起,余生别无他求,结果不能在一起。引用诗词典故,夫妻本是同林鸟,大难当头独自飞。) 女:空把青丝等白头,(紫蛛儿等了八戒几百年,好几世,等到头发花白了还化最初相遇的妆,穿婚纱迎接他,最后没等来,空等一场。青丝白发,就是说从年轻到老,代表时间的长久。) 男:清泉无垢倒映着 我的心,(用了西游记原著中猪八戒和蜘蛛精相遇的桥段,蜘蛛精在濯垢泉里面洗澡,猪八戒跳进去调戏蜘蛛精,我理解这里是猪八戒还记得紫蛛儿,还爱着紫蛛儿的意思。) 女:恨到归时方始休,(我一直恨你到归来为止,你回来了,我就不恨你了。紫蛛儿还是爱着八戒的,正如动画中暮年的紫蛛儿穿着婚纱跟八戒说“回来就好”) 男:为何心有灵犀 从来难长久,(为什么恋爱着的双方心心相印的人,从来难长久?引用古诗“身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。”) 女:得见青天总在雨打风吹后,(经历过风吹雨打的苦难之后,日子会好起来的。) 男:知我千万头绪烦忧,((你)知道我现在非常烦恼吗?万千头绪,形容事情头绪很多;复杂纷繁) 女:不知谓我何求,((你)不知道我想要什么吗?) 男:可否执子之手,(我可以和你在一起吗?我可以牵你的手吗?典故“执子之手,与子偕老”) 女:来抓住我的手,(来抓住我的手,我们在一起吧。) 男:为何相见恨晚 情深却不寿,(为什么我们相见恨晚,爱的那么深,却不能长久?) 女:管他虚情假意花落水自流,(就算(他)虚情假意骗我也好,只要能在一起就行,为什么要把我们分开呢?取自《西厢记》,花落水流红,闲愁万种,无语怨东风。落花纷纷落在水中,使溪水都变成了红色的,这么多的落花带着不愿离枝的愁绪,默默无语地埋怨吹落它们的东风。) 男:知我千万头绪烦忧,((你)知道我现在非常烦恼吗?万千头绪,形容事情头绪很多;复杂纷繁) 女:不知谓我何求,((你)不知道我想要什么吗?) 合:待尽扫西风去 乌有,(被西风吹走了,全没了,这里指代八戒去西天取经,两人分开了。) 男:踏破银河无觅 玉颜红袖,(走遍银河也找不到我的爱人。玉颜表示漂亮,红袖意思是指古代女子襦裙长袖,后来就成了女子的代名词。) 女:寻遍宫阙不见 良人佳偶,(寻遍各个宫殿也找不到我的爱人。良人释义为古时女子对丈夫的称呼) 男:一夜雨声多少事 月下强说愁,(我一夜没睡只想着你。一夜雨声,说明听了一夜的雨,没睡觉,但是雨天不应该看到月亮,月亮指代在月宫看到的侍女。) 女:红豆如何敢消受,(一直以来的思念,如何忍受?红豆在中国又叫相思子,自古被指代思念。) 男:功名休问几时成 今朝酒,(别问我的事业(取经大业)何时能成,成了也不能解决我的烦恼。典故今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日愁。) 女:更无一个肯回头,(然而你就是不回来。) 男:纵然意合情投 怎能长相守,(就算我们情投意合,也不能常在一起,指天庭不允许。) 女:如醉方醒原来情钟不自由,(这是现代文) 男:知我千万头绪烦忧,((你)知道我现在非常烦恼吗?万千头绪,形容事情头绪很多;复杂纷繁) 女:不知谓我何求,((你)不知道我想要什么吗?) 男:世事不如山丘,(做官不如隐居,想不如俩人逃跑隐居就算了,中国古代砍柴的和打渔的没耕地,不交税,比较适合隐居的营生。) 女:山青不如水秀,(你只嘴上说说,心里还是放不下,并不能隐居山林。引自西游记原著里面有俩“贤士”一个叫张稍,是个渔夫。一个叫李定,是个樵夫,这俩都是考取功名失败,隐居山林,虽干着打渔砍柴的活,却总不忘自己的个读书人。表面上“淡泊名利”最后因为山青好还是水秀好的问题互相攻击,互相诅咒起来了,他们只是嘴上说说,根本做不到淡泊名利。) 男:为何相见恨晚 情深却不寿,(为什么我们相见恨晚,爱的那么深,却不能长久?) 女:管他虚情假意花落水自流,(就算(他)虚情假意骗我也好,只要能在一起就行,为什么要把我们分开呢?取自《西厢记》,花落水流红,闲愁万种,无语怨东风。落花纷纷落在水中,使溪水都变成了红色的,这么多的落花带着不愿离枝的愁绪,默默无语地埋怨吹落它们的东风。) 男:知我千万头绪烦忧,((你)知道我现在非常烦恼吗?万千头绪,形容事情头绪很多;复杂纷繁) 女:不知谓我何求,((你)不知道我想要什么吗?) 合:待尽扫西风去 乌有,(被西风吹走了,全没了,这里指代八戒去西天取经,两人分开了。) 男:独立小桥等风满袖,(站在桥头踌躇,不敢去敲紫蛛儿的门,直到风灌满了我的衣袖,好凄凉。) 女:去年此门依旧。(我依然和去年一样等你来敲我的门。) 合:夜灯为君留,归来否?(灯象征着温暖,希望,指引与陪伴,紫蛛儿仍旧等着八戒回来。) 整个故事就是太阴星君和疑似玉皇大帝的神仙偷情,却要惩罚目击者八戒,八戒被贬下凡成了猪妖,紫蛛儿找不到他,就下届成了蜘蛛精寻找八戒,找了好多年找到了,但是八戒为了所谓正道,扔下紫蛛儿和三藏去西天取经,成了正果。紫蛛儿虽然和八戒有了孩子,但是扔被天地不容。最后八戒为了保护紫蛛儿的孩子,没有和她相认。强如孙悟空,也斗不过天(统治阶级),牛魔王也因天庭家破人亡,猪八戒的不相认,其实也是为了保护。紫蛛儿临死说的你还是那么笨,个人理解是紫蛛儿想死前和他相认。
@cosmoobserver3416 15 күн бұрын
@shawnhe6180 14 күн бұрын
@RYH94 13 күн бұрын
@user-bv5qz5qp7l 13 күн бұрын
@@shawnhe6180 解释就没意思了,两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,two birds fly in the sky.....
@shawnhe6180 13 күн бұрын
@@user-bv5qz5qp7l 他们汉语都不懂,更别说偏文言文了,要传播肯定得说一说嘛
@jimenaruiz498 20 күн бұрын
Their love story is so sad. This lyric breaks my heart.
@karenduncan6953 22 күн бұрын
@jvmoony 10 күн бұрын
Bajie said : I love you in every universe. Bajie is the original being who did that (love in every universe) before Spiderman did on multiverse..
@badboy250984 8 күн бұрын
Is it me or this song didn't make it to the game except in the promo trailers? Beat the whole game this song is not feature and is not within the OST as well. They played the song "Listen Not" for Bajie and Spider's story.
@一明明一 3 күн бұрын
@leduong3916 19 күн бұрын
Ta thể chờ nàng cả đời nàng trả lời ta nàng chẳng chờ dược dù chỉ 1 năm . 😢😢😢
@ryanwang6119 23 күн бұрын
第六章 紫薇破天 終章 灭度末法 最後八戒決定終生輪回為妖 找到女兒后 等紫兒轉世
@mabinogi87 12 күн бұрын
希望不要 希望dlc上天庭打爆天庭,八戒與女兒樂享晚年,來世再尋紫蛛兒。
@sohy002 17 күн бұрын
I am finding this soundtrack 😢
@fransnatalius 17 күн бұрын
@tinyggukie 21 күн бұрын
i’m reading the book now for a uni exam. i wished i could play this just to so i could understand more/have an image of the character and places
@richaomai5436 Күн бұрын
@ninayoung9115 21 күн бұрын
im crying
@FaustV1 19 күн бұрын
Casually break my heart, why don't you
@user-et4ck2my9n 5 күн бұрын
這作品對文化要求偏高,至少我跟周遭兩種類型的朋友圈討論起來看到的畫面和聊到的內容相差甚遠 ... 後來我找到了它的分界線 - 國文要求 : 至少要地區前段高中水平。
@roastpork5437 18 күн бұрын
@louislai317 8 күн бұрын
@kenghoe94 9 күн бұрын
Song Starts at 1:39
@kbchris3233 13 күн бұрын
遊戲科學應該推出新的DLC :Fuck the celestial court 😂😂😂應該會被買爆。
@hyphuc9228 12 күн бұрын
@jermasus 20 күн бұрын
A shame this song was taken out of the final game and only the instrumental version was left
@ericliume 12 күн бұрын
This was the song couple of years ago for promotions.
@heartbrave8055 18 күн бұрын
無言 詞太美了
@zhenyansoo4964 17 күн бұрын
@jacky7251 19 күн бұрын
This sound-“戒网”、if you don’t know Chinese you will never catch the real meaning of it!
@nahlene1973 20 сағат бұрын
The original Chinese lyrics were written in classical Chinese. The English translation lost so much its beauty and appear shallow. But i figure it would be weird to translate it into Shakespeare English anyway.
@曉明玉 12 күн бұрын
@ravenchan539 20 күн бұрын
主题曲配上章节结尾动画就一个字 “痛” ,太痛了
@張文欽-f5k 5 күн бұрын
@shufleur284 20 күн бұрын
I wonder why they removed that ost during the cutscene they kept the instrumental
@ItchOnMyBack 20 күн бұрын
That was the Promotional Ingame cutscene
@LauftFafa 23 күн бұрын
didnt journalists claim there is no women in the game ? i guess they didnt make it to this part
@SimonMoreal 23 күн бұрын
Most of the reviews never played past chapter 2.
@StupidBadyXD 23 күн бұрын
@@SimonMorealcan these game journalist even play this game? They can’t play anything harder than candy crush.
@NaNi-vr8yp 22 күн бұрын
They're probably still getting maul by tiger vanguard until today.
@KentaroYuuki 21 күн бұрын
@@StupidBadyXD they can't even play angry birds right, saw some footage on youtube,that person was not even able to score 2 star in angry bird lol
@a5836804 20 күн бұрын
@@StupidBadyXD candy crush is harder hahaha
@phenix0212 22 күн бұрын
@NaNi-vr8yp 22 күн бұрын
@猪必胜 21 күн бұрын
@tyz-nh5mb 20 сағат бұрын
@高忠義-m2j 8 күн бұрын
@BlandonDu 2 күн бұрын
@dunmingliu7609 22 күн бұрын
Pure art, can't believe I am watching MTV on a video game
@yangxn100 12 күн бұрын
Such a wonderful song. But lot of the beauty of the lyric is lost in the translation.
@user-qj5jc6cx1l 14 күн бұрын
@cheemslord9917 22 күн бұрын
why this not in the game
@tc6434 17 күн бұрын
A npc plays this music in the game
@ongteelian8300 18 күн бұрын
前世今生今世未来的路 都是说,法 ( 道儒释耶回, 五大宗教信仰 在 五湖四海为家🌐境界就是要有 领悟 ( 悟空 悟 空 ) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 笨 愚蠢 行为 一 一 一 要有学会放下包袱 ( 重味舌根 吃喝穿玩乐 睡享 ) 清净心念❤
@shaopowang5643 12 күн бұрын
歌是谁唱的? 毛不易/单依纯 吗
@周艳阳-e9q 22 күн бұрын
The translation can never reach that level of the original version, maybe they should find someone know chinese ancient literature, it totally changed the experience of the game
@janusli8820 22 күн бұрын
fairly speaking any poetry in any language is very hard to translate
@周艳阳-e9q 22 күн бұрын
@@janusli8820 yes but it’s not just the poetry, for example: “Don’t waste the time” should translated to “Don’t miss the auspicious moment.” “Bajie, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” should be translated to “Darling, it’s so hard for me the time I’ve been waiting for you.” And many many. There’s some sound out of the string during the soliloquy and conversation to help understand the story. But yes it’s hard. And different experience.
@forgettohaveaname2954 21 күн бұрын
@@周艳阳-e9q But in a Chinese culture context, people, especially femail, don't speak out Darling, nor the word Love. I found the conservation of Chinese toward love to be precious, that, when you are really in love with someone, you hesitate to declare it.
@SuperKendoman 21 күн бұрын
More like dearly beloved or something similar. ​Darling doesn't fit the theme@@forgettohaveaname2954
@故人去未归 16 күн бұрын
@calciumryu4272 2 күн бұрын
‘Quit Internet’
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