BEHOLD! The King Of AoE - GRUBBY's A to Z - Jakiro - Dota 2

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Let's continue our A to Z series with the Ice and Fire dragon, inspired by the Warcraft 3 Chimaera, Jakiro!
BEHOLD! The King Of AoE (Game played on 8-September-2022)
Catch me live all days of the week at: / grubby
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00:00 Demo Mode
11:11 Gameplay
#Grubby #Dota2 #allheroes #valve #AtoZ #Dotaclips #Dota2clips #DotaShorts #Dota2shorts #Dendi #Dendidota2 #TheInternational

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@AspieOld Жыл бұрын
By the way, his old attack range talent used to give +325 - enough to out-range towers with autoattacks. They nerfed it specifically to prevent that. Now you can only do that by manual-casting E and D
@FollowGrubby Жыл бұрын
Damn that was insane!
@vietnguyenquoc9173 Жыл бұрын
@@FollowGrubby Or dragon lance/any attack range neutral item for the dragon and you still outrange the tower
@Ai.Why-SoloPlayer Жыл бұрын
@@FollowGrubby also u can cast the spell on the ground for faster cast point
@Aesc1016 Жыл бұрын
First atk range talent is +400 from 7.00
@kusog3 Жыл бұрын
@@vietnguyenquoc9173 for a support, it's kinda expensive. would prefer to just build the aghs for zoning push rather than buy dlance
@purpleisthesneakiest Жыл бұрын
walking up to the dragon knight around 24:00 was super ballsy and i'm utterly convinced that it's the reason why he didn't just kill you nobody in their right mind would just walk up to him like that as a pos5 alone, so he must've assumed you were initiating for a gank and booked it. i actually think that, if you landed your ice path, he would've had enough time to realize "hang on, there's nobody else here" and he would've killed you. very funny situation!
@VormPCbinichnackt Жыл бұрын
I was pretty sure grubby would like jakiro because he farms so well(jungle and lane) and it also feels good to be farmed with jakiro. Hes one of my favorite supports because he can become a core farmwise. Btw pushing lanes your carrys neglect with jakiro is VERY good and better then taking bad fights. Jungling like one or two Camps every now and then is good to if you dont take it from carries. But being in jungle over lane, not being able to join fights because of jungling is VERY bad.
@slashslash92 Жыл бұрын
12:31 lol that hook moment, the look on Grubby's face is priceless
@patelkedar Жыл бұрын
Great game Grubby! Thanks for streaming & uploading these games! Sorry, a long post... You've started to get better map awareness like when you called out the 4 man jungling but this was a weird game because of people just ignoring their opponents. Both teams did this. I'll just call out your teams in my notes below hehe :P
@theplaylistpsycho Жыл бұрын
These timing specific comments are very helpful compared to the ones that are given without context.
@Windowsprodukt Жыл бұрын
Honestly this game was really solid from a learning-the-game perspective. Just a single tweak, this game would have gone in the completely opposite direction: Offensive Vision. Wards on the friendly side of the map doesn't really do much, but wards on the other side are amazing! (though risky to set up). Vision on enemy farming, finding targets to gank, knowing when they group up, and giving warning when they approach to defend a tower you're pushing. It's a game-winner that people don't talk nearly enough about.
@hr.8580 Жыл бұрын
My day is not complete without this series. Im loving it!
@josephcarter9761 Жыл бұрын
Rip in peace Heroes of Newerth. I shed a tear hearing Grubby even knowing of such greatness
@Dualities Жыл бұрын
Gigantic, Heroes of the Storm, Paragon... and then these MOBA studios who only care about dota/conquest fans, with 0 innovations and ahve outdated action combat and social system somehow still getting played by content creators
@Quillraven Жыл бұрын
HoN was the best MOBA for me. I still have a few videos in my channel. Played it the most and came to ~1800 rating when I left. Everything felt so fluent, responsive and satisfying. A really great MOBA.
@HolyRamanRajya Жыл бұрын
I dont miss it cuz it has the same smooth brain no turn rate like league.
@kusog3 Жыл бұрын
as a jakiro spammer, attack range is my usual talent go to. The ability to deward cliffs from afar gives you plenty of space to run away from enemies. Jakiro's innate attack range is just too short and with no escape abilities, going too close towards a cliff for a deward is just dangerous. That's why the attack range is better over all, put sentry on ground, ice path cliff/highground and deward safely from a very good distance.
@zrad09 Жыл бұрын
3:21 Grubby: so slow them first with Dual Breath which makes Ice Path more likely to hit and then you follow up with the Macropyre Jakiro: Mm, yes
@cyberdystopia6029 Жыл бұрын
It's weird that nobody mentions it, but this game was lost to a lone druid, who did literally the worst thing you can do outside of outright feeding - went top for a while to split exp with Luna, ensuring she gets behind and then afk jungled till the end. That guaranteed top being lost and lanes never being pushed, ultimately allowing TB to do what he wants. So by 25 minutes a Lone Druid+ Luna+ Jakiro lineup had pushed one tower - pretty grim stuff.
@ducpika5356 Жыл бұрын
This match sums up my experience with SEA server. Always 4 carries farms in jungle and me- the Position 6, who has to do everything by himself, to get the W and still get flamed at the end of the match. Keep the positivity Grubby, we love ur content
@bjornArk0 Жыл бұрын
Nothing better in the morning than a cup of coffee and Grubby's A to Z. 💯
@AspieOld Жыл бұрын
FINALLY! I've been waiting for this
@FollowGrubby Жыл бұрын
The wait is over! :D
@chrisg8989 Жыл бұрын
Two heads are better than one! Or so they say. 😁👍
@MittensOnly Жыл бұрын
Been looking forward to this one I find Jakiro to be a very cozy hero, very strong utility and team fight potential throughout the entire game, even when you're very low level. Nothing flashy, just a very strong kit
@SLR86 Жыл бұрын
One of my favourites!!
@HolyRamanRajya Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite heroes. You can do some Stop key shenanigans while casting ice path to accurately hit heroes 9/10 times. Blink is also good for positioning to cast icepath but Force staff can also be used to push a hero into an already casted ice path.
@kkrstudios Жыл бұрын
The one thing you did "wrong" mostly on this game is that you were not with your teammate during fights.
@txcangel Жыл бұрын
A ride ice & of fire! Thats my new favorite inspirational quote
@Schuylerbs Жыл бұрын
Absolutely killing the thumbnail game 😂
@bakshev Жыл бұрын
I play Jakiro more like a pusher/nuker, so I build Veil and Gleipnir on top of the Shard. Gleipnir is especially good IMO because between it and Ice Path you can hold enemies in the Macropyre for about 5 seconds. On top of that the lightings part goes well with the lvl 10 attack range increase. Also Jakiro is quite slow, so blink, Boots of Travel or Eul's into Windwaker is also good. Of course consider Refresher for even more dmg.
@johan790 Жыл бұрын
For when you read youtube comments: You need to place observer wards where they are useful. In a way, you declare objective by warding the approach paths to that objective. If you only ward your jungle, you are telling your team to jungle. Spending a smoke to ward deep is very acceptable.
@Lebroish Жыл бұрын
Eul’s Scepter works great with Jakiro. You put the enemy in a tornado and set up the ice and ult under him. Its a guaranteed stun
@dtibvgz8441 Жыл бұрын
Something which was not mentioned in the comments. Using Liquid Fire and Liquid Frost manually increases the range with 200, similar to Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows. So, with the level 10 talent for range, 875 is the attack range when using it manually which is once again able to outrange it. Plenty of ways to play the hero, but Aghanim's Scepter is not only 'damage increase', piercing spell immunity and turning its damage type to Pure is a game changer. Pure damage is not reduced by spell resistance. That implies 25% damage amplification based on the natural's resistance of the heroes. Duration and range increase makes it able to be used for multiple purposes, one of the most important is clearing creep waves from long and safe range, invaluable ability to have during defending the high ground and preventing the creeps to get close and remove the Backdoor Protection.
@DiZzYDeNnis2k9 Жыл бұрын
Im a support main and Jakiro is my favourite hero in all of DotA. early on the combination of Dual breath+liquid fire slows down the enemy attack speed so much, that you outtrade almost everyone, while the debuffs are up. So you basically want to go for short trades with a couple of autoattacks thrown in. Its very important to only use Q when you can follow up with some AAs. Later in the game Jakiro feels great. Good item scaling, utility, damage, cc, waveclear. His cast points make it a bit tricky to always hit your spells well, though and it takes some practice but for example Euls Scepter is a great item that helps you set up for your stun.
@mateomoreno331 Жыл бұрын
10:46 you undestood the guilty pleasure of this hero quickly, poking towers is the name of the game :DD
@Beren0323 Жыл бұрын
Your decision-making could easily be mistaken for someone in Archon-Legend bracket. Great improvement!
@hanpol2053 Жыл бұрын
I think I notice that your enemies also get better as you get better, last game I think it was also a fairly stark increase in capability. and this one you even got a fairly cordinate first blood gank and a lot of other things that indicated a higher skill level of enemies then back when you were in the A and B range, and also another uptick since D. In the last few games were you were coached the pros basically played the map awareness and decision making for you. while you did hero micromanagement and laning (specially with carries that is well above the level of the people you play against. But on your own your decision making and map awareness is obviously very much improvable.
@incorrectformat Жыл бұрын
Map awareness and knowing when to strike is what wins games in dota imo. Grubby's team was ahead until they stayed in the jungle. They got outfarmed and they werent together when radiant attacked with all 5.
@hanpol2053 Жыл бұрын
​@@incorrectformat yeah but honestly the lost the game mostly in the picking phase. picking jariko +4 of the hardest farmer hard carries in the game means that none of them get their item timings well.
@kenleal6293 Жыл бұрын
Something that might improve your vision of the game is that positions (1-5) also describe farm priority and where the damage should be coming from. So POS1 is expected to do most of the farming and most of the damage, even when that obviously doesn't happen. Your teammates also don't seem to realize this as they seem pretty low skill, but maybe that'll help you function better within your team. Your attention should be at least 50/50 on the minimap to see where your team is going and where the enemy is showing, so that you position yourself accordingly. You pushing on a side while your team is all grouped up mid ready to fight is terrible, for example. Hope this helps!
@pepeknight Жыл бұрын
Jakiro has indeed been played midlane as a counterpick to Templar Assassin and a combo with Faceless Void. Though the most infamous competitive presence of Jakiro was as an Offlaner, where he would immediately max out Liquid Fire (which dealt full damage to buildings) and take out all towers at an alarming rate then use the gold gained to snowball to victory. Since then Liquid Fire's damage has been nerfed against buildings, Tower durability has been buffed, and the gold gained destroying them has been reduced significantly.
@thanatosor Жыл бұрын
16:43 - I still see that risky style from WC3 in his playing here
@Izigurand Жыл бұрын
Actually good game knowledge at the end there.
@meodrac Жыл бұрын
What's great about jak's aghs is it goes through magic immunity but the bonus range is really good too
@John-zg3st Жыл бұрын
@faydn3150 Жыл бұрын
In general as a supp, your job is to secure vision and safety for your cores to farm and shove lanes, but if they're refusing to do it and stay in the jungle even with vision, then you push the wave instead. Chat's also not wrong, you should be playing together with your team, but you can deviate to farm some jungle camps during downtimes Your knowledge is good enough that you as a support should buy smokes and tell your team when and where to smoke for ganks, that way you're all together and fight as 5, instead of this 3v5 4v5 that happens way too often Also don't steal CS from your cores lul, it's fine to last hit a creep once and a while, but nuking everything that your carry was farming is a big no and ruins their game entirely You're right about how a pos 4 operates generally, but jakiro is not able to roam around in that way (imo). So your job this game, even as a pos 4, was to play more like a 5 in that sense
@owwsdingatlaga8633 Жыл бұрын
Great combo with enigmas ultimate or voids chrono
@Scarlettshardd Жыл бұрын
Well played. Really tough game. your team drafted 4 cores, it's always going to feel like you have to been in 3 places at once when that happens.
@alexanderericson8628 Жыл бұрын
grubby you are ofc right. There has now come a point were u outskill your chat. They only see your hero as one role, not what is needed in the game played. Thats why you get this "feedback"
@manoi8 Жыл бұрын
you're right about the pushing lanes. It's just hard to execute as a team. Especially if your teammate doesn't know the theory whatsoever
@edimus3324 Жыл бұрын
pangmir here, im so addicted to Grubby dota 2 content. 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@lucgagnon7169 Жыл бұрын
Hi Grubby, from my expérience, tier 1 Tower is always a good deny because they dont even have backdoor protection. If it's the first t1 to drop, you can fortify all Tower b4 deny because you will have fortify back right after it fall.
@lucgagnon7169 Жыл бұрын
I forgot, not always good. But only if u have a treant or a Lich LV 25 in game. Only way to heal towers.
@astronemir Жыл бұрын
The amount of bad advice in chat is staggering. Telling him to go with team instead of shove waves. Lmao
@CiseilEverburning Жыл бұрын
12:30 Welcome to Dota 2 moment hahaha
@slashslash92 Жыл бұрын
So... Basically... he is a dragon lol
@ballzack1747 Жыл бұрын
12:30 the classic 101 bounty rune bait
@adamhero459 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if you noticed(you cut out the of the video) but aghs pieces spell immunity. This makes this much better than shard. Makes bkb a lot less useful on enemy team.
@EthVortexShield Жыл бұрын
Grubby should use jakiro's shard om buildings, I dont believe they changed that. Poor grubby though finding out that jakiro stuns himself with every cast
@ResidentEvilNostalgia Жыл бұрын
Rumour has it that Grubby is of Targaryen lineage
@curierurier Жыл бұрын
Hey grubby just a reason why everyone picks ice path stun over macropyre dmg is that u actually do more dmg cuz they are stunned more in the macropyre itself usually
@LindTaylorl Жыл бұрын
And you should make the calls to go with the team too
@MrFuggleGuggle Жыл бұрын
Jakiro is a 'hard support' since his kit is almost all slows/stuns/disables, and doesn't have any hard removal/nukes. He's best played in the safe lane for that reason, at least at higher level games. You can play him in the offlane, but, he's squishy and can't 'nuke', so, it's usually tougher.
@lost.empathy Жыл бұрын
My favorite hero, but I like to buy Force Staff first (after movement artifact). Works great on enemies to break their position and stun them with ice path near the tower. Also movespeed is more effective imo. You firtsly bought two items on mana regen, that's a mistake imo, because the hero is god damn slow. Your farming was great btw, you mostly lose because of the pick and because your team didn't have a carry. So you can't make much as a 5th position, only make less mistakes and play the hero more to feel his power (u could kill warlock so many times at the line). Also use ur ulti if you get your level earlier than opponent. With two stuns at the line you can kill almost everybody with full hp.
@_zz__Z Жыл бұрын
Instant like! Thank you for the content!
@mither4214 Жыл бұрын
eroL : Even among magical beasts, a twin-headed dragon is a freak. Equal parts ice and fire, cunning and rage, the creature known as Jakiro glides over charred and ice-bound battlefields, laying waste to any who would bear arms against it. Pyrexae dragon clutches always contain two fledglings. Famous for their viciousness even from the first moments of life, newly hatched dragons of this species will try to kill their sibling while still in the nest. Only the strongest survive. In this way is the strength of the Pyrexae line ensured. By some accident of nature, the freak Jakiro hatches from a single egg, combining in a single individual the full range of abilities found within the diverse Pyrexae species. Trapped within the armature of its monstrous body, the powers of ice and fire combine, and now no enemy is safe.
@FollowGrubby Жыл бұрын
@noshadb.e3111 Жыл бұрын
Gorge RR Martin Favorit hero!
@viternity6903 Жыл бұрын
Take a ride on heavy metal!
@Cowboy_Consultants Жыл бұрын
@santurius4235 Жыл бұрын
You should deffinetly try playing jakiro mid! So much fun and so annoying to play against A bit different build but interesting
@louiskusters9452 Жыл бұрын
Grubby assuming his teammates at this level understand high level concepts :D
@michaelmccarty1327 Жыл бұрын
Grubby HATES eating tangos. I can't believe how often I see him sitting on a double stack at half or even two thirds HP.
@Ai.Why-SoloPlayer Жыл бұрын
mostly this hero is using magic dmg and lens to cast spells so far away to help teamfight and push towers 🤣 my usual build is huricane pike, octarine core (lens upgrade) , kaya and sange (kaya and yasha or ethereal blade is okay), glimmer to escape, eul or windwaker for mana problem, last one is guardian greaves if u really want to sustain hp and mana for team also 😆, this hero could clear the creepwave really fast and easy, like a counter for pusher hero like nature prophet and others, but most priority target to be killed 1st
@dardardarner Жыл бұрын
You should also know that Liquid Fire has higher cast range when you cast it instead of just leave it on auto-cast and use your own attack range.
@owwsdingatlaga8633 Жыл бұрын
I usually get 1 dual breath max liquid fire icepath max harass them to the max
@EonFigure Жыл бұрын
with each game grubby grows more wise 😎 live and let play
@Norbingel Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that "based not on the latin dancer and singer" joke. Are you even a dad yet @Grubby? You already have the jokes down pat
@danilazyan Жыл бұрын
Liquid fire doesnt give stick charges to enemy - very nice for harrasing on line
@Duranggobr Жыл бұрын
Wait... 6000+ hours of Dota 2 and i never knew about those HUD visual Guide helpers of wards/sentries/pull and stacks, how the heck do i enable those in options, where is it ?!?!?!
@empirean1166 Жыл бұрын
you can autocast both liquid frost and liquid fire
@hugonunez6920 Жыл бұрын
Was that a Shakira reference? Lol never thought of if
@N0llPunktE1ns Жыл бұрын
gg wp
@pakundo123 Жыл бұрын
grubby i wanna see the vod of you getting coached by s4 too :(((
@FollowGrubby Жыл бұрын
I'll tell you a secret, it's going to be out tomorrow (26th) at 12pm Amsterdam ;)
@josedasilva6885 Жыл бұрын
@Archphoenix1 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes i dont know if Grubbys stream is lagging or its because he is dutch! 😉😉
@berkshirehat Жыл бұрын
I thought it was AoE as in Age of Empires :')
@lnwlf-7478 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried dota Ability Draft?
@LivingLyfelikeaMuffin Жыл бұрын
Ive enjoyed watching you play during your wc3 days since your rivalry with moon back then. Honestly, i rather watch you play wc3 or SC2, your strats and your micro with orc is a thing of beauty. Although you've played HOTS, ive never seen it and I feel dota just doesn't suit you in my opinion, but as long as you have fun its all that matters. Its just way too different from regular RTS
@Cairn_August Жыл бұрын
do not always say simple heroe to my main heroes! :D
@jojr6825 Жыл бұрын
says someone who takes the jungle. you did well... in farming.
@m.k.9650 Жыл бұрын
Try Euls+icepath
@oledilep Жыл бұрын
A ride ice and of fire?
@daddysempaichan Жыл бұрын
In this game I feel you've spent too much time farming jungle when you could've pushed creep waves and be in team fights. All you needed was to drop by, press Q E, and then just leave, let your creep wave do the rest. Go back to farming jungle, and see where the new Creep Equilibrium is, drop by again, Q E, back to jungle. At 30:35, you killed a wave, and went to farm Jungle. Ok, and then you stayed in Jungle for 1 minute, farming Ancient Creeps and letting 2 Juicy Creep Waves go by and pushed up to your tower, losing you a bit of map control. But I think all of your mistakes mainly has to do with you being new at the game, a noob, and that's across all your games. This game you lost because your team kind of let Radiant do whatever they wanted, but going back to you, since your new at the game, you lack knowledge of what things do and how capable some heroes are. When you're loosing you play passively and when you're winning you run ahead of everyone else. I'm sure that the more hours you put into the game the more you'll be able to pull ahead of other players and be certified to flame and blame your team.
@adulthitter8455 Жыл бұрын
is jakiro one dragon or two dragons?
@FollowGrubby Жыл бұрын
@adulthitter8455 Жыл бұрын
@@FollowGrubby i will take that as two
@LindTaylorl Жыл бұрын
Man, I love the series but you gotta farm less as support and fight more, it's inconceivable that the whole team is fighting and you are farming on the side
@jojr6825 Жыл бұрын
passive e. team fighting the enemy a few steps away but farming. ops sry but did it on purpose and made fun of it 👏👏👏
@commifaiL Жыл бұрын
"league is the best" ima just ignore what you said.. and remain a fan of yours..
@brunodelpasso Жыл бұрын
Jakiro is one of the most annoying champs to deal with in lane
@somersault4762 Жыл бұрын
Ofc it was pretty bad that all your team was farming jungle. But your job is not to farm or to stop creep waves. Luna needs the gold and can do it much more efficient than Jakiro can. Luna was pretty bad tbh. In general your team composition was not the best. You had one stun from WK + Luna micro stun and your frost. Your job as Nr 4 is to stay with team and disable. Everytime you were not in battle your team got slaughtered. If you start farming with Jakiro the game turns against you in late game. With jakiro you have to push lanes asap and get towers. They even had their 1st left lane tower in the end of the game. Luna should have pushed lanes. LC go chase them. Lone Druid Woods + push lanes. Same WK. You must always have to bear TPs. Buy 2 or 3 at a time, that you fast TP and save your carries. Don't place both wards at the same place. Just observer ward on high ground and sentry low ground a little to the side.
@oguzcanoguz5977 Жыл бұрын
You did not lose to terrorblade, you lost to sandking. He solo'ed your entire team multiple times, while you were all pushing. That is what allows their team to be 4v5 with terrorblade free farming. Otherwise they would have lost 4, you would have pushed their barracks much earlier and terrorblade would have to tp back and do a 1v5. Also you are completely right about the lanes. It is not your job and you should be with the team, but your team forced you to respond to creeps by not farming it.
@LindTaylorl Жыл бұрын
But you are right about the pushing importance, your draft was terrible and the team didn't help much
@talkbirdy2me Жыл бұрын
Grubby so selfish its hard to watch him play support
@ian7235 Жыл бұрын
Why are u so adamant about putting D n E on autocast? It doesn't cost mana and its low CD. And also u don't need to cast it correctly in order. Putting it on autocast simply advantages for u since u'll have less button to press when u r fighting (which sometime make ppl panic and dont remember to press buttons). I don't mean to be toxic, sometimes chat is misleading, but this time they're right, on how u shud play the hero.
@dansmirnov7009 Жыл бұрын
Grubby, u lose almost all games just bcz dont use items. Maybe u need change hotkeys or try to focus on this aspect of the game?
@jarretbrown5778 Жыл бұрын
grubby would you play a Dota match with me I suck and never win
@LiebestraumLiszt Жыл бұрын
@NessOnett8 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Grubby missed the last step in his thought process at 47:25. Which is that he is describing what the enemy team did, and the response they forced was that he went off to counter their push, so the enemy got the 5v4 on them(missing him). He seems to be struggling a bit with the game sense, which is expected, it's something most new players struggle with. And it's beyond the scope of the series, which is more about learning heroes first and foremost. People need to cut him some more slack.
@ThisIsQuarty Жыл бұрын
You're right. Things need to get done in a game, creeps farmed & lanes pushed are high priority. If your carries aren't doing it, you should (to an extent of course). I think chat watches pro-level supports and believes that's the "correct" way to play, not understanding the reason pro supports play that way is to match their carry (who already takes all the farm correctly). P.S Jakiro's E and D can be cast on towers and does superb damage over time, maybe you knew already.
@Ressel_ Жыл бұрын
you see.. now i wonder, instead of A-Z why didnt grubby just take that ingame all hero challenge. he'll go through all heroes anyway, just in random order
@blazearmoru Жыл бұрын
Since you're doing A->Z and you're at J for Jakiro, you haven't gotten to L yet for Legion Commander so you don't know. Legion's ult makes it so the winner of the fight gets a permanent damage bonus and this is infinitely stackable. This means just stacking kills and not capitalizing on objectives after kills is a viable strategy given your team's draft given the long game. It's not that you're always supposed to be with the team but your draft benefits more with you killing them. If you must push out the lanes, always be ready to TP and be in a position to smoke, gank ,and fight. So while there are good standard builds, that game might have wanted boots of travel and/or blink for more movement. Also coordinate with your team. They were itching to fight. :c
@Supsiria Жыл бұрын
Honestly a really bad game by Grubby here. He will 100% see it if he re-watches this video now
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Hans tries to TROLL Hikaru, Gets Absolutely DESTROYED
Рет қаралды 56 М.
I've been asked FOR YEARS to do a WC3 Heroes tier list... Here it is.
A to Z REVISITED: Anti-Mage! - Grubby
Рет қаралды 22 М.
Рет қаралды 645 М.
Құбыжық Кэтнеп Баланы жеп қойды!
10 Дней в мире Страшных Мобов в майнкрафт