BellWright - 10 Tips & Tricks I wish I knew sooner - Beginner Tips for you and your settlement

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FirmButFair Gaming

FirmButFair Gaming

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@Oinnelstan 4 ай бұрын
Here's a tip for you: Use fences to surround your encampment, leaving a small narrow corridor, one man or so in width, for your villagers to access the fields etc. When your base is inevitably raided, you can have your shield equipped villagers stand at the narrow opening to your base, where they will form what is effectively a shield wall, stopping the attackers from entering your camp. Then you can use a bow to quickly pick off the attackers, either solo or with a bow equipped villager at your side. I have yet to be successfully raided. This is not cheesing the game as tactics such as this were successfully used to prevent raids on town, for example King Alfred the Great (Ælfred cyning) created a network of fortified towns, Burhs, to defend against raids by the Norðmenn, or Vikings. I am having an absolute phat time playing this game. The game's devs seem to have gone to some lengths to maintain a semblance of historical accuracy, as in the Medieval/Middle ages period. For example we see the use of Rondel dagger, Seaxs (sax), short sword (Viking, Anglo-Saxon era swords), Falchion, amongst others.
@Dave062YT 4 ай бұрын
Very nice ,just starting myself but making bottlenecks to defeat would be raiders makes a lot of sense .I'll follow that tip once I get established .Cheers
@PainNsuffering 4 ай бұрын
that is in fact cheesing the game
@why_wait 3 ай бұрын
​@@PainNsuffering but is accurate to history but they had real walls not fences
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
I'm sure you have figured this out, but you seriously slowed your progress by building those fences, raiders simply take a few things... either assign a guard or guard yourself against the first couple of raids. Your villagers return the next day if they die.
@Deltasoldier89 4 ай бұрын
I haven't seen a single person mention this but when you sprint on the road your stamina drains slower than when you sprint on the grass. Meats increase your Health and veggies and fruits increase Stamina
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
Did not know this either, thanks!
@davidwilliams7552 4 ай бұрын
New feature that was just introduced!
@CogitoNonovis 4 ай бұрын
There are many more key tips that are not mentione here, not to mention those who are uterly wrong and confuse players once they understand how the game really works...a very bad tips list..
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
Thats WHY you build ALONG the roads... so you can run between builders with less stamina drain.
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
Fish stew increases skill experience gain rates..
@meowxeno 4 ай бұрын
For combat there's a reason you can cancel attacks with blocks, it's feinting, the AI of bandits and brigands will react accordingly when you full charge a heavy and cancel it last second for a side light or a jab, it's very easy to abuse their attack patterns when you feint and soft-feint attacks, Armor is based on light or heavy types, the gambeson may have 32 DR but the thick jerkin has 19, the gambeson has -15% action and movement speed vs the 8% of the thick jerkin as an example, it's important to manage weight as it was it earlier betas, movement speed matters when you're an archer and can get vaporized in a gank, versus shield-tanking or two-handed tanking, other tips and tricks would be: AI will flee when they *cannot* path to you, jumping over halfwalls and onto tents and structures will make AI flee combat, as an archer brick halfwalls lining roads are a dream to behold, this is technically a cheese as archers flee too, You're the player character, with access to level 10 of all skills, AI companions range from 5-7-10 and are not capable usually of the same XP gains, multiclass, suffering through the night burning days till winter is much worse than power leveling crafting, XP boosts can be gained easily with cloudberries and fish stew, which can easily be bought by the fishermen vendors south of haerndean with the two brigands at the inn, buying both fish stew and a cloudberry is a *80%* xp increase and eating a smoked fish after will make those buffs last forever, XP books are read over time and the XP is granted on completion, books range from 500 to 6000+ xp and sleeping progresses the timer, XP buffs affect the XP payout after the books are read, Change your settings to fit your playstyle, not everyone can use the forhonor style fluid guard and there is an option for drag-click guarding, Make water with the water-wells on the right side of the research tree, a water collector is available in tier 1 after the mud collector and stuff and water can be stored in both AI huts and player shelters for the winter, you lose access to well and collector water in the winter, farms and stews need water and are much better than normal meals, bandit and brigand AI are two seperate factions with different attack patterns and scales, attacking bandit camps is profitable early on with a bow and attacking brigands is ill advised till tier 2 after you make a town hall, brigands are very well equipped and have very high skills and need to be zerged usually, a single brigand swordsman is on par with level 8-10 one handed characters and the player, again for multiclassing it's very smart to level crafting and harvesting as early as possible, it sucks to not be able to craft shit and that level 3 crafter is definitely worse in the long run, leveling skills is very easy with the above tips, archery gets more xp on headshots, harvesting gets more xp on trees, crafting gets more xp the later tiered the item so crafting one of everything as you research is not a bad idea, there's a outhouse that works as a trash can for items you can't sell or no longer want, strength gets more xp on kills and doing damage with longer charged attacks as i've seen and building 1h/2h xp at the same time is easy, always having a bow isn't a bad idea when you make a bag, it's a 3x3 item and is unlocked early, your AI allies can also have equipped bags and it helps them work and haul much more, 2x the logs, as they only have a 3x3 inventory at base, these are tips i've learned so far with ~16 hours of gameplay.
@ЕвгенийЗамятин-в2ц 4 ай бұрын
just found a book that gives 9000xp . called Expert book and requires lvl 9 skill
@GrasslandsStudio 4 ай бұрын
Tips in order -build near road -don’t hunt all animals -make more animal traps -kill the chickens! -stack food instead of splitting in inventory -do not recruit all NPCs from one village -use shields -shirts are useless (armor durability) -trust level of town increases recruitment costs -train companions from afar I’d say these are pretty solid tips! Very excited to play the game and will try to keep these in mind as I start off on my first playthrough!
@RICHIEV333 4 ай бұрын
My only problem with shields is they break easily. (And usually right in the middle of a fight) I hope we either get reinforced shields later or perhaps shield skill will improve durability at some point.
@Opferlamm113 4 ай бұрын
addon for the last tip: press N for Settlement Overview, go to population tab, click on a worker, click attributes, spend the book. Press R for next companion, level him and so on.
@MomusAlreadyDead 4 ай бұрын
How can your villagers change bait in a traps or change a trap then it will broke?
@Opferlamm113 4 ай бұрын
@@MomusAlreadyDead you need the trappers hut for that.
@진다앜석양이 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great tip. If you don't feel like eating even one meal, try this. Take one out from the stack of food in the warehouse. Then, the food left in the warehouse will be 100% fresh. Take out another one again. Then, there will be one food with 100% freshness and one food with low freshness in your inventory. At this time, if you place 100% fresh food in your inventory by clicking the mouse with the ALT key at once, all food will become 100% fresh and enter the warehouse. I'm not sure if it was conveyed well because I wrote it through a translator. In summary, if you click on a food with high freshness in the inventory and add the same food, the freshness of the food will change.
@GreysPrimusD 4 ай бұрын
Another tip. If you want to harvest/mine stuff quickly, place a stockpile near the node and make it its own settlement. Fill it up to the brim yourself and set a onetime delivery to your main base. So you can easily transport 100s of the stuff you want. Works basically with everything.
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
Fill yourself? No way! Build a housing tent and assign a villager to do it. Stock the camp with food and several pick axes... make one for copper and tin and later build a Tier 2 Mining camp for iron.
@GreysPrimusD 4 ай бұрын
Another tip. There is a 1 star/point bandit camp northwest from Haerndean. About 8 or so bandits in a small castle ruin. The special thing about this location is that there are no bowmen. So you can easily kill those bandits with hit and run OR you can run in, jump on the wagon and kill em without risk. If you leave 1 alive, all bandits will respawn the next day. Early on thats a lot of renown daily.
@Dave062YT 4 ай бұрын
Cool .Esp the tip of leaving one alive .Cheers .
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
and straps... dont get strapped for straps!
@loveisontheroad7155 3 ай бұрын
That remote training tips was *absolutely welcome*.
@richgoo 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video, what I really appreciate is that these tips aren't spoilery at all, they're more about game mechanics, which is exactly what I am looking for and what a video like this should be.
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
Loving all these additional tips that are coming in! Thanks all for contributing!
@rogueone98 Ай бұрын
i liked pretty much all of these except for #8 shirts aren't entirely useless early game especially if you have ranged villagers - they give you less of a speed reduction than the higher defence armoured tops which is important for your rangers its like comparing metal armour to leather at T2+ yes the armour is much lower but with the heavier stuff you end up having like a 30%+ speed decrease which isnt overly important with your melee/ tanks. but it is pretty important for your hunters and ranged defenders. But apart from that loved the video, good job
@TheProfaneProphet 4 ай бұрын
The shirts aren't useless. If you look at them the stronger defense ratings slow your movement down. So lighter armor is good for town members that transports stuff or hunters. As to where the heavier armor ratings are good for straight out melee combat. Going naked is the best option for speed with villagers but they tend to walk into wild animals and bandits from time to time.
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
Good call, my playstyle is definitely get stabbed in the face, so the heavier armor is better for me.
@pickle2891 4 ай бұрын
A tip I found that changed my game is to change resource collection and craft items from once only to up to. You set and forget.Then you can wander around and do your research and weapon building via smoke signals.I also found that a beggar early in the game is a cheap harvester. He is useless for everything else but if you set them as your transport guy they happily go off and grab mushrooms and flax etc without most of the mental conditions some of the higher-level characters have like scoffing down food or being near sighter archers.. They run screaming in a fight though LOL. I wish they added something that lets you reward loyalty and raise your member's max level over time as I think if you have harvested hundreds of mushrooms and flax plants, you would get pretty good at it ! Another thing is make sure your companions are stocked up on food before you go off on an expedition. A few times I been heading off on a bandit run got close to their base and my "army" went wandering off back to base for food leaving me buggered in a fight... If you made you base on the hill just start another base down near the road. You can have your base camp spread over a large area and not use the part of it you don't need any more or just make it a outpost. If you set a stockpile to nothing your fellow campers will move the stock out of it to one that fits the need. I'm really enjoying watching my team go from a team of useless gumps to killers, but I wish they made a way to get your crack fighting squad to change their own clothes. I'm getting sick of be the team's butler and changing their outfits for them...
@Tombs365 4 ай бұрын
You can also remote research from the first tab if you go to builldings and then press the research table or what stage you are currently on, helps when out and about :)
@TorDaiShan 3 ай бұрын
Training companions remotely is an amazing tip, thank you!!! Totally huge time saver
@danielgriffith8911 2 ай бұрын
My advice for new players is to get your mining camps set up early. Its tempting to "just figure it out later", but you will enjoy the game more if you learn how to set everything up for 'outposts'. Dont be afraid to buy straps and hide and fur early game for research costs. Learn storage limitations! Separate resources from food and such so that you are not always LOOKING for stuff. Dont get rushed! And dont forget to set your "Top Offs" and "Turn Offs" so your villagers dont smoke the fish you just bought instead of making Fish Stew!
@xlaZuRelx 4 ай бұрын
Here's another tip on food. If you eat the same food before it expires, you keep the other 2 food duration in slot 2 and 3 for free. So it is better to eat the same food as the one is being digested instead of letting it run out on your character.
@ryanpollard8760 4 ай бұрын
Those are a few pretty good tips. One of my personal favorites is using companions to be more productive. The game shows you how to give followers commands, however it does not highlight to advantage of ordering a few companions around or describe how much faster then tend to work.
@hyltonian500 4 ай бұрын
Wow, brilliant advice. Nice one, look forward to seeing you on twitch
@natureangel2662 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Video, i was shocked with number 9 but now i know why the Price for the people feeled so random 🤦‍♂ Most of the tips i found out myself in the Game so far but i have a few myself: 1. if bandits attack the Next day or soon, find a few camps the clear, Saves u a few attacks on the village 2.try the outpost System for a Little Mining Camp an set at your Main a Order to deliver ore. Now youcan See at mitnight that the ore is delivered. To set an Order you have to press n and in the last tab , if i remember correct, you set at Main camp the Order for ore and at Mining camp the Order for Food. 3.people with Jobs that Need a Tool that takes the 3 Slot, put there Schild Away…and forget that They had them 🙃 so Chance the work if you want a fixed guard. I think it also could Happen with Slot 1 , i have to Test that 😅 So a wish all fun with this nice Game😁
@Scorpion27772 4 ай бұрын
Great video, very helpful information. I didn’t know about the trust impact with the cost for a follower. If anything I would have thought the more trust you have the less renown needed to hire a follower. Thanks for sharing.
@charlesferris3646 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the helpful tips.
@anthonyweibel 7 күн бұрын
Great guide!
@RayJones-PBB 4 ай бұрын
I don't think light armor is useless... There is less reduced speed using them. Plus the last one you reasearch only reduces speed by 3% as opposed to --8 to -15 in the heavier stuff. It just depends on your playstyle.
@cameronmiller7980 4 ай бұрын
The thing is you can just walk away from the chasing enemy so speed doesn’t matter much. It’s more about taking less damage from arrows during your kiting and reducing a misplay against a melee who might land a swing on you. I have found that I once you get your archery level higher and can charge and release your arrows quicker, that’s much more important in kiting than your actual speed. You can release an arrow, turn and sprint just enough to get out of their swing radius and then go back to walking - rinse and repeat. No extra movement speed necessary. Taking arrow damage is reduced and when you do want to go in melee, you’re heavily kitted.
@dred8616 3 ай бұрын
Great vid.... book tip is a winner!
@thaynthegamer 4 ай бұрын
10:00 TIP: Right-clicking on the gear that you want to equip is faster than dragging and dropping.
@RICHIEV333 4 ай бұрын
ALT Left-click saves time as well. Transfers all of the same items at one time. After harvesting flax (Or wood, or berries) Open storage, ALT Left-click on flax and all the flax in your bag transfers to storage. (As long as there is space)
@chewwwy695 3 ай бұрын
Can't recruit some people, unlus you hit that friend lvl ❤
@reaper7264 2 ай бұрын
It's very frustrating to make a box for food only but the npcs keep throwing everything else in it as well. Is there a way to tell them it's just for food? Clicking the little buttons doesn't work. How do you tell them?
@Dave062YT 4 ай бұрын
Nice I'm brand new to the game so all tips are priceless.I 've just built my house 2 camp boxes a fire and now building a place for the hunter .Ludamir is it?I'Il remember to get followers from a variety of towns ,think that will save a lot of aggro as we go on.Cheers subbed
@zafpoijean7749 4 ай бұрын
very useful thanks alot
@why_wait 3 ай бұрын
They should introduce farming/ keeping animals as it makes little sense that you can't buy and keep your own chickens
@wolf_bmg 4 ай бұрын
Nice vid. But Shirts are not useless, quite good armor, but better movement speed.
@vex2788 4 ай бұрын
Lol other beginner video i watched first tip was dont build near a road because of wandering bandits when starting out lol
@RICHIEV333 4 ай бұрын
I saw that tip... right after I built my settlement just south of the starter town right were those two roads come together. So I am on the corner of two roads. (I get raided about once a season. I don't know if that is normal or a lot.)
@cameronmiller7980 4 ай бұрын
@@RICHIEV333once per season is about, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. That’s free loot and experience coming in to you. As long as the raids are manageable, that’s a good thing. However, if it’s a real struggle each time, you’re always gonna be on your heels and struggling to have an efficient economy and advancing
@DanielThomas-l1q 4 ай бұрын
i love this game but im so confused with the settlement system. any tips on it because i dont know where im going wrong. i have all the camp things set up like logging,harvesting, hunter, farm and mining. they are all set up close to what i want them to gather and i have a camp mate working on 1 specific job priority of 1 on each camp. but i dont seem to be getting anywhere or anything in abundance. like i never have any food even though i have a hunters camp set up right next to the forest and traps with traps in a storage. i have 6 camp mates to work on each thing independently. sorry for the big question i know the games new i just need help figuring this out:') because i have restarted my playthrough 3 times now because i dont know where im going wrong. im havent even gotten out of the first stage of the game yet... any advise would be amazing
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
A villagers first priority is always food. If they are hungry they won't work. Do you have a foraging station set up to gather berries or mushrooms for them to eat? If you have the traps set up, do you have the campfire or smoker for them to cook the meat? Are the traps broken? Do you have a simple workbench set up to make new traps so they will auto replace the broken ones and keep your small raw meat supply coming? There's a lot of possible reasons.
@Oinnelstan 4 ай бұрын
Hi. In Old English, the language, the "ae" or æ (ash), is pronounced like the "a" in cat. So the name Hærndean would be pronounced: H a rn d ay un. Some good tips. Cheers.
@ectosmankevin 4 ай бұрын
Chicken chaser!
@DaDwarfs 4 ай бұрын
The speed reduction on armor is not something to be ignored your comment on the shirts being useless is a lazy/poor take if you want mobility. The armor on the last tier of shirts is 21 and -3% speed vs 32 armor and -15% speed on the gambeson. I run with the shirt for mobility.
@MomusAlreadyDead 4 ай бұрын
How can your villagers change bait in a traps or change a trap then it will broke?
@firmbutfairgaming8636 3 ай бұрын
With a trappers hut, you can set up which food they will use as bait and they will replace broken ones if you have ones crafted that are in your stockpile.
@RicWalker 4 ай бұрын
Trust level increasing renown cost is an UI missinformation yeah, it shows +30 in the Lukas piers example, but in truth they are reductions of the price not increases. all that trust levels do is walling the better followers behind higher trust levels and making the lower tier followers a bit cheaper to recruit. The recruitment costs increases each time you hire someone from that village. and, at least to my observations, individually to the village. Thats why hireing someone from Padstow for 300ish is so dirt cheap compared to the 1200+ the next one of that same tier in Hearndean would cost.
@SakuraGarage 4 ай бұрын
put your archers in the shirts. the move penalty is waaaay less. also, they are super cheap to craft and don't take feathers.
@Recelus 4 ай бұрын
7:40 Shout out to the Microsoft Teams notification
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
lol, I was on lunch break boss, I swear!
@TheFlameRecca 4 ай бұрын
Tip no10 👍
@j.r.brewer8030 4 ай бұрын
The recruitment cost going up when trust goes up makes 0 sense. If the town trusts you more wouldnt they more easily join you? Lol ot should be the other way around, they get cheaper the more they trust you
@clayphillips9998 4 ай бұрын
10 trust.... bro a coin gives you a more then that to sell back
@benbaker4198 4 ай бұрын
It should be like that because if they wanted to make the game realistic then have fucking boar everywhere because they are invasive and they over populate most places
@benbaker4198 4 ай бұрын
What's crazy is we don't even naturally have boar but a giant pig farm caught fire and hundreds got out and they turn into boars and now there is a kill on sight order for them has been for like ten years and yet there is still a issue
@brianfox302 4 ай бұрын
tip #9 wholly incorrect
@Sudomana 4 ай бұрын
time stamps, then people will watch it ;-)
@dg66 4 ай бұрын
@torotechtt6535 4 ай бұрын
The price of recruits increases every time you recruit a new one . or is it really related to trust? otherwise good advices
@vihta545 4 ай бұрын
I think it is both.
@firmbutfairgaming8636 4 ай бұрын
@@vihta545 I Agree, it looks like its both.
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