Best Organic Sea Fertilizer that You Can Eat!

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@MIgardener 10 жыл бұрын
Hey, you definitely cannot refute what is being said here. The more nutrient dense your soil is, the more nutrient dense your plants are, and the more nutrient dense your food is! Thanks John, I have used rock dust and azomite for 2 years, and the results are not a joke!
@elijah9822 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the input!
@MIgardener 10 жыл бұрын
Permaculture Prepper well lets put it this way, It is certainly not hurting anything. I love it, and have had great success with it.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
Permaculture Prepper You are basing your statements on the testing of 2 people. The test results of 2 people that at this point. I am not even convinced are serious about the real results, is not the end all conclusion. They only add small amounts of the additives to their test plots. And most importantly they are not doing a combined rock dust / Biochar bed to get the results of that combination. Watch for my pictures next year. I will be doing an AZOMITE & 20 % Biochar mix using 3 different plants. Tomato, Bell pepper & Ground Cherry in 10 gal. containers. You should not question John's suggestions unless you are ready to prove him wrong. And you are not ready. He has been doing it for too long, and he bases his opinion about trace minerals on scientific test lab results. If you were paying attention, he said that the AZOMITE has to be broken down by the microbes before it is available to the plants which takes time. And that is why Sea 90 is a good product because it is water soluble and available for use to your plants immediately. He may not be soft spoken and all warm and fuzzy, but he know how to garden and that is all that matters to me.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
Until you are ready to try it yourself your comments are useless. I use AZOMITE and Sea 90 and it works. Hands on testing by myself. And I don't know what is in the minerals in the rock dust from some other country. I live in America and like Luke said it works. And anyone that knows anything about rock dust knows that it has to be broken down by the microbes before it is available to the plants. That is why Sea 90 can be so beneficial the first few years into a new garden until the soils microbial population has had time to ingest and breakdown all of the elements in the rock dust. Where do you think people got all of the essential vitamins and minerals before One A Day vitamins came along. It was from nutrient dense food grown in good soil that has had the same minerals in it that some of us are trying to put back into it.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
I have 7 worm bins and a rabbit that visits my yard on a regular basis because I put out food for it. And I get droppings in return. You are only scratching the surface with your soil mix. I will be sure to show the results you can get next season when you don't penny pinch and give your soil all that it needs. And I do it all in containers, so they will be doing well because of what I put in the soil. Trust me your garden needs more. And for the record mycorrhizae are a beneficial soil fungus not bacteria. Do you watch these videos with the sound off. You still have lots to learn. Get over yourself and stop questioning John with his 5 1/2 foot pepper plants.
@jbreefer148 2 жыл бұрын
I've been using sea-90 in my hydroponic tomato garden for over 8 years, and the results were amazing. Now I'm using this salt in my saltwater aquarium to provide my fish and corals the seawater they lived in for millennia.
@tarinewton7296 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, John, so much for bringing such helpful information to us for our health. I have heard you say many times that you want to change the world. I truly believe you are, one person, one video at a time. Thank you for being to passionate and dedicated to inspiring and empowering people toward health. God Bless you!
@billwilson3665 11 ай бұрын
When a hurricane makes land fall the storm surge can inundate miles of land, this is pure sea water the vegetation thrives on this.
@billiamc1969 10 жыл бұрын
Most definitely agree!!!! I will be using this product to supplement my bee feed. Trace nutrients are no longer present in conventional agriculture and ORGANICS...
@matteblack222 2 жыл бұрын
Ive for sure watched this video over 10 times. Love this salt. I use it in my garden. My food. And my aquariums.
@TheAdhdGardener 3 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping to try this as my dad(gardener also) just learned about this 🌱
@toneyjohnson8910 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this as it is something I am very interested in.
@RawFoodMuscle 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome video and I couldn't agree more. We only use organic fertilizers on the farm, one being fish emulsion and it does an amazing job. I also love to use rock dust and wish they sold it locally at a good price so I try to only use that for my raised beds and potted veggies. Thanks and have an awesome weekend
@jasonwillard9189 5 жыл бұрын
Yep you know about "Sea-90" 💪
@AlbertaUrbanGarden 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting points about soil additives and such. We are actually doing comparative trials with rock dust and Biochar to see what is going on in the soil and veggies. To get a better understanding I have also sent samples into a lab to be analyzed. Like you said test it out yourself !
@tootz1950 10 жыл бұрын
Can you please give us an update on your channel in the discussion area?
@AlbertaUrbanGarden 10 жыл бұрын
Here is the harvest count from my garden The analysis of the soil episode here. I am still waiting on lab results for the tissue samples as well.
@tootz1950 10 жыл бұрын
***** Thank you so much.
@AlbertaUrbanGarden 10 жыл бұрын
my pleasure! the lab results should be very interesting!
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
tootz1950 You should like that channel, a bit more your speed.
@gardenkeeper707 10 жыл бұрын
you answered all of my questions. thanks for the great vid!
@YarrHarr11 5 жыл бұрын
Salt is not bad, it's a vital mineral! Read the "Salt Fix" book which is very well researched and argued.
@ibm450 10 жыл бұрын
where could i buy SEA-90 in australia? i've been experimenting with seawater collected from the beach (10L) on my lawn and vegetables. I just grab a bucket full when i take the dog to the beach LOL and the results of the beach water application are incredible. i use a 1:9 mixture with chlorine free water on the veggie patch either by using my watering can ( 1L of beach water to 9L of filtered water) or for foliar spray application, in a hand held spray bottle, (100ml beach water to 900 ml filtered water) on anything thats plant related. i also use beach water on my lawn (in one of those empty weed and feed spray bottles (2L) and jesus you can see the benefits within days. beach water has far more nitrogen and is readily more accessible for plants/lawns to take up through their roots/foliage. we noticed how green our veggies and lawn become after the application. i have been doing this for the last 4 weeks and i am convinced. i apply beach water on a weekly basis ( thank god for google calendar to remind me) along with compost tea.
@pro-methean4121 9 жыл бұрын
The fresher the better right ? Keep taking water from the beach , you might want to get some aquarium charcoal to remove the toxins
@mr.blackhawk142 3 жыл бұрын
JC can see the difference? I thought he died over 2000 years ago?!?
@mmccrownus2406 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr.blackhawk142 I AM with you always...
@JoeFeser 9 жыл бұрын
I love Sea-90 and have used 15+ lbs in the garden. I use it in raw form and you need to be careful if you are broadcasting it free hand in the worms are on the surface. I rinsed them off and all is good.
@bluejay3945 3 жыл бұрын
Joe how big is your garden. Like many of the comments here I’m concerned about the sodium chloride content. I want some answers before I cast this stuff
@Udabuda1 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the details. I have used this to feed plants and soil and see an amazing difference in quality and vitality. I think I will try adding a small amount to the water I offer my wild birds once a week. Any reason not to? FYI, "foliar" feeding is pronounced: FOH-lee-er.
@Karl_B 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for another fascinating and informative video!
@SpankyMcNuttly7624 5 жыл бұрын
Is there anything in Sea-90 that is not also found in kelp meal?
@rbw8371 Жыл бұрын
Just bought Sea-90 livestock salt and have used it in my pond. It's the same chemical composition as the Sea-90 sea salt for aquariums but at a lower cost (I paid $35 for a 50lb bag at my local livestock store) as it is less refined (cleaned/washed) and is coarser grade. The Sea-90 mineral salt fertilizer is the same thing as well as the food-grade Sea-90. Just a matter of having a certain quality grade for the intended use. I have brackish fish. Te Sea-90 livestock salt has made my fish colors pop and has not resulted in aquatic plant death as some of my other aquarium marine salts have caused due to a higher concentration of sodium chloride.
@johnmack5844 10 жыл бұрын
this was wonderful, thanks
@vonadmin6935 7 ай бұрын
Thank you
@zoltan3554 10 жыл бұрын
i probably consume the trace minerals i dont even need. this is how full in potential is my very good unfiltered but usually not rotting over time kind of water.
@charliemahoney2912 Ай бұрын
Awesome Thank you
@freewaybaby 9 жыл бұрын
If someone can tell me this, thank you for your response. I have all the Boogie Brew stuff, but have put off using the Sea-90 because of the salt. I have raised beds since we have awful clay soil and the ground level soil is probably saturated with salts because our public water supply contains a lot of sodium. Last year and this, I amended the raised beds with Azomite, but want to know about using the Sea-90 because I don't want to add to the sodium concentration; can continue using Azomite, if that would be better in the situation I have. I do use rain water, as long as my barrels hold during summer, but after they're empty, I'm using the end hose filter, but this doesn't remove the city water sodium, so just wondered about this. Thanks for any clarification.
@909jed 10 жыл бұрын
John new to your channel and youtube not sure where to ask a ? I live in central Texas and I am have a hard time with my garden the grasshoppers are killing it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Peace
@909jed 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@07negative56 10 жыл бұрын
Time to get some chickens!
@JoeFeser 9 жыл бұрын
I am so happy that Josh from Boogie Brew is present at 2:20 +
@gonzo93041 9 жыл бұрын
is seaweed extract a good alternative for soil mineralization? i've heard that seaweed contains a large variety of minerals.
@jmcconnaughey8369 6 жыл бұрын
YES seaweed extract or meal contains all the minerals in Sea90, but much less Sodium. Plus it contains cytokinins, amino acids, and other growth stimulants!
@decathlete2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@jmcconnaughey8369 how do you use seaweed extract and meal and from where do u buy it? where can i find info on it...
@jamesshi9093 7 жыл бұрын
human needs over 20 minerals wheras plats need only 14(16?) to grow well. a well grown crop does not necessaril make human grow well, unless the minerals all we need are there. i can't agree more with this vedio. thanks a lot.
@plum413 10 жыл бұрын
The sea of Cortez is a product of the Colorado River best place to grow any food the Chinese made it possible 1906 look at the delta of the sea of the Cortez eats very dense water came with erosion with rock from the north America
@Deusmecumest 10 жыл бұрын
How would it work on an aquaponic system?
@HarryElmore-jl2pj 4 жыл бұрын
i am a fan of Joel Wallack and his products health products with the 90+ but i cant afford those prices - i will try this because it has to be the same or similar and much cheeped
@TheAbledGardener 10 жыл бұрын
John, I did acquire some of the Sea-90 and plan on putting it in my new garden beds, you discussed with your guest at to how much to use and I would like to apply it to the beds, what would be a good amount for a 4X8 bed 12" deep?
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
Morning kvig59 ,,If you google Sea 90 application rate. It will tell you everything you need. Good luck
@TheAbledGardener 10 жыл бұрын
Tim Robinson Thanks Tim
@TheSajeffe 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting episode, John. Thanks.
@ryankantlehner2174 4 жыл бұрын
How would I dilute it in a inline fertilizer application for my drip system? I have the Chapin direct feed and want to know how much to put in the tank. It dilutes 1/10.
@niteeshjoshi9686 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have any online training programs as to how is this produced? I would like to learn the same Thanks.
@KeystoneJul 3 жыл бұрын
Pure sodium chloride is not so good. Salt containing its naturally occurring minerals and trace elements is beneficial
@anajinn Жыл бұрын
How does Sea-90 compare with kelp?
@thestuffedvegan9471 5 жыл бұрын
Great info☆♡
@isaiahhesslup8463 6 жыл бұрын
@mmmp_nations_creation5672 6 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm new to sea 90 been using it very lil at a time lil hoes long way any tips u can give me.for using it outside garden should I spray it on ground or sprinkle it here and there.... Pls give me as much info as possible I got a 50lb bag of it hope itladts forever and ill keep using this stuff very good stuff..
@enzyme20056 10 жыл бұрын
Isn't salting the soil something you do to your enemies garden. I've always been cautious about the salt content in my soils. This trace mineral product is just that, a tiny amount of minor metals and metalloids dominated by a large amount of sodium chloride.
@mmccrownus2406 2 жыл бұрын
Wrong. Soils are deficient in sodium.
@xx7101 Жыл бұрын
​@@mmccrownus2406 lol sit dwn ja
@loganpothast9780 4 жыл бұрын
Is this similar to ormus??
@danjf1 6 жыл бұрын
As an Organic farmer im of course worried about salts in my LIVE SOIL and have some concerns about it. Got a 10 lb bag of it for the new growing season and had been planning on using this as one of my remineralization inputs. From one source it states that 77% of the sea-90 crystal is sodium and chloride. Which I think even newer organic gardeners know salt (in certain amounts; and this seems like THAT amount) your gonna lockup nutrients and kill off much of your beneficial microorganisms/fungi. So, in people's experience is anyone seeing bad effects with this product? I'd rather throw away my 10 lb bag than put in something that will destroy my hard work (and $$) of building up the soil to have it become either useless or lower yields, flavor, etc. Thanks!
@freewaybaby 6 жыл бұрын
danjf1 I originally asked the same thing about 3 years ago on this video, but still don't know, so my bag of Sea 90 is basically a rock now, as it's been sitting in the garage all this time. Like you, I've always tried to limit the sodium build up in my gardening efforts; our city water has very high sodium and the hose end filters apparently do NOT filter it out. My gardening (5 years now) has been a journey of futility so far as there is obviously SOMEthing lacking (or too much of) in the soil...the plants live but do not thrive or produce well. If you did use the Sea 90, did it work out well for you?
@igitahimsa5871 5 жыл бұрын
Suggestion: Why don't you pick a corner or just a few plants and foliar feed with it and see what happens? JMHO.
@NEPtune-fy1ug 4 жыл бұрын
now we know where stranger things got their inspiration from
@VIDSTORAGE 2 жыл бұрын
I always hear SALT KILLS MICROBES AND FUNGI but that is not the case with this ..?
@deannasantiago3330 4 жыл бұрын
Would you be able to recommend an organic plant based trace mineral supplement to take myself?
@mmccrownus2406 2 жыл бұрын
Take this salt they are discussing
@nz5752 4 ай бұрын
Celtic Sea Salt is good for cooking & Healthy for you. Check their website they test all their Salt products. It's expensive but worth it! Food comes out Delicious! I only use this Salt for all my food needs
@NupeAtl 2 жыл бұрын
They don't sell BAJA Gold anymore. There are other sources it seems and hopefully they are also trust worthy.
@wizardatmath 3 жыл бұрын
Minute 17:50 wish you'd have left that cut in
@jonnyc2.047 5 жыл бұрын
@rhaven50 10 жыл бұрын
Elijah get your own channel
@johnnylamuelo2102 2 жыл бұрын
Oh love makes him do crazy things, like having an open relationship. Give me a break.
@timdarmetko4039 2 жыл бұрын
josh ! :)
@elijah9822 10 жыл бұрын
Also, John, please don't say things like, "I don't like reading too much," while encouraging people to buy products instead of reading. Trying products is great, but a 100 page book contains way more knowledge than does a bag of Boogie Brew or whatever other product you're exploring. Reading allows you to learn things that you don't even know you didn't know. I mentioned this in a video you posted years ago when you suggested that people practice gardening at home instead of going to college or university for horticulture or botany. I respect that you encourage people to practice gardening, but please stop discouraging people from educating themselves and broadening their horizons. This is the last thing I would want to hear from my role model and it's seriously becoming aggravating. It's no wonder you sound like a broken record-read a book.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of lies out there in print, so choose your books wisely. How about the way farmers have been taught to grow with salt based fertilizers for the past 50 years by Agricultural schools. That was real good book learnin'. I have been an electrician for 34 years next week. And the books taught me about 2% of what I know compared to hands on training that I picked up by doing. Books are good to an extent in some cases. Because for every Organic gardening book out there, I bet there are at least 20 that say the complete opposite. Get your hands dirty and stop waiting for someone to right his or her opinion about it in a book. John says all the time that he is just presenting you with the options and it is up to you to decide if it is right for you. And no the 100 page book does not compare to real time results that you can see with your own eyes from your own garden by trying Boogie Brew yourself. Pull your head out of that book and get outside once in awhile.
@karlaharrington1 10 жыл бұрын
I think Elijah's point is that since John is, and is becoming even more of, a role model for all kinds of people out there, he might want to rethink the impression he could be having on young people who still have some important decisions to make that will greatly affect the future (theirs and ours). We all need to remember that you can't unring a bell. Once something comes out of your mouth, you can't put it back in. No matter how hard you try to change the consequences of your words, you can never really take them back. EVERYBODY needs to be aware of that. It seems obvious that John works so hard on all these videos in order to remove ignorance from our society. Maybe he'll read this and give his words some more thought in the future, or maybe he won't. The point is that OVERALL he's doing a helluva job educating people and he's been doing it for quite some time (if I understand the yt dates correctly). He's one of the best gardening teachers on yt, IMO, and knows how to hold onto an audience. That's important, because you can't teach anything if no one is willing to listen. John's never going to be perfect or be able to please everyone no matter how hard he might try. Maybe we should try to keep his comments in perspective and not take all of them so seriously. Pretty sure John has read a thing or two and he does promote books quite often according to what I've seen so far. Like a previous comment said, the next time you get a chance please let us know how to find your channel so we can see how you think the videos should be done. Unless you've already done better yourself, being negative and critical of someone else just makes you look bad. Perspective. Let's cut the boy some slack and keep our standards reasonable. He didn't ask to be anyone's role model afterall. Did he? (I haven't watched all the videos yet.)
@tootz1950 10 жыл бұрын
quietlysecure I agreed with everything you said up to the point where you (and so many others) say 'you can't criticize unless you have made a video doing the same thing.' That is just ignorance. I've never been president of anything, made a record, designed clothes, made anything in a laboratory, or made any discoveries in any field. Yet I feel I have the right to express opinions and if my opinion is I think that is an awful color that someone used on their house, even though I've never painted one, I should be able to say it without the consequence of someone telling me I have no right.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
Michael McMillan Did I say "don't read", or did I say "choose your books wisely". I read all the time and own not only 1 but 2 Kindle Fires with a Prime subscription to Amazon. But that does not mean that I don't learn a lot more by actually getting out there and getting my hands dirty. Some of you people need to stop acting like John is some holy figure that is going to bring down the destruction of man because he doesn't fit into your molds. He is just some guy that is very charismatic, and I think that bothers some of the (smaller men out there). He is a garden geek that loves people. Love him back and stop all of the bitter words of hate.
@timrobinson6111 10 жыл бұрын
tootz1950 You have the right to say it. But, if you don't have a better garden with bigger plants. Then you should not criticize someone that is as successful as John is. I personally think a lot of the haters that watch this channel are just jealous of John. When I am on a channel that I no longer agree with the practices of that channel I unsubscribe. And I did it twice just last week. You make a statement if you feel the need, and then you just go away and let those that enjoy the content of that channel be happy. It really is that simple.
@reallmccoy9043 Жыл бұрын
1) you say don’t bother reading books, just do it, lol so you don’t learn from books? 2) you have a video saying not to use salt! What are we supposed to believe?
@LauraTeAhoWhite 10 жыл бұрын
Healthy food (although it helps) will not correct adverse chemical imbalances in the brain. Prozac has been a godsend for my adult ADHD.
@alfalfa 10 жыл бұрын
I've heard it could be a form of auto immune disease which can be helped with adding things like probiotics, fish oil and removing gluten, sugar, dairy. However GMO's might be the culprit.
@LauraTeAhoWhite 10 жыл бұрын
Its genetic in my family. We don't have a family history of aids, and my parents raised me on an organic diet rich in fruit and vegetables. The structure of my brain is wired up a bit differently, look at some scans of an ADHD brain and compare it to a brain that doesn't have ADHD, you'll see the difference's. Of course healthy food helps with the symptoms of ADHD allot, but it has its limits. Same goes for drugs. I used to take Ritalin as reccomended by my doctor but ive found that a proper diet, exercise and sleep has been more beneficial for my inability to concentrate. Sadly I can't say the same for my anxiety which is why I take Prozac.
@MatanuskaHIGH 10 жыл бұрын
there you go take some chemicals..cannabis could have probably fixed that..natural..from the earth..made by god..
@LauraTeAhoWhite 10 жыл бұрын
Chemicals are natural and exist in everything including cannabis, I probably would take cannabis if it were legal in my country. But even then you can't go around consuming any old bud, different varieties have different effects which differ from person to person.
@MatanuskaHIGH 10 жыл бұрын
so prozac is found in nature? lmao and yes i am a breeder and i know how different cannabinoid profiles effect the body and mind..
@rawmark 6 жыл бұрын
John, you do know that Sea Agri is not the heir apparent to Dr. Murray's work, don't you? While I do use and enjoy their products the company who is responsible for Maynard Murray's legacy is Organic Solution. And they make this statement right on their website.
@incorectulpolitic 3 жыл бұрын
It's Ocean Solution I think.
@KevinSmith-dq9tz 3 жыл бұрын
Ocean Solutions.
@jasonaganetti8236 2 жыл бұрын
its foliar feeding not foiliar
@adarshguptak 4 жыл бұрын
Sea salt for $10/lb .. nice long ad👎🏼
@elijah9822 10 жыл бұрын
John, I love your videos, but I wish you would at least after so many years re-word your points. You literally sound like a broken record, and the things that you're used to saying like, "this day in age", "phytochemical, phytonutrients, etc.", "good, better, best", you hardly even annunciate anymore, you kind of mumble them because it's as if they're part of your breathing cycle at this point. You would sound much more interesting and persuasive if you said things with conviction and with CONSCIOUS effort rather than a tone that says, "Ugh, I've said this so many times before, let me get it over with." Anyways, love your videos and keep up the great work!
@karlaharrington1 10 жыл бұрын
Yikes!! Having a bad day? Glad you began and ended your comment with positives phrases. That was good of you. Come on, though. John, don't change a thing, honey!!! The way you talk and enunciate is who you are and how you are. It's part of your charm and what makes your videos so real, so inspirational, so addictive!!! ;)) Gotta be all those minerals you eat!!! Woohoo!! :)) Keep up the good work!!!! Sorry, Elijah. Hope you're feeling more positive tomorrow.
@jmcconnaughey8369 6 жыл бұрын
Nice infomercial...what a scam
@ianbell2288 8 жыл бұрын
This guy has forced himself on to everything important, and he cheapens it, due to his self serving motives. Its written all over his approach. An empty vessel indeed.
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