"Best part of Hinduism does not allow..." I Vikram Seth on Modi, Hinduism, Hindutva I Barkha Dutt

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@ASeeker-9999 3 ай бұрын
We all know that Hinduism is tolerant and accepts all faiths as valid paths to god! But that’s not the issue. The issue is the hypocrisy with which Congress/ opposition makes attack on Hindus n Hinduism as acceptable but calls out scrutiny of any other religion as communal n hatred! We as Hindus just want equal treatment and equal respect for our faith and our religious places! Why doesn’t Rahul Gandhi condemn Stalin saying Hinduism should be eradicated like Dengue, Malaria n HIV or like ARaja saying that Hinduism is a menace to the world? Congress senior leader Venugopal said that Godse leant non violence from Geeta. How can such statements be acceptable or secular? Would any community tolerate such hate n disrespect towards any other religion? Obviously Not! Congress itself will start crying that it is hate speech! Yet Rahul made no comments on Stalin comments n official Congress put out a statement saying Stalin has freedom of speech!! So mocking n making appalling statements against Hinduism is freedom of speech but to any other religion is hate speech?? Why such double standards? N we Hindus should somehow accept this as secularism?? Come on! Treat all religions with respect n dignity! You can’t say such hate comments about any religion including Hinduism!!! Nothing wrong is questioning why Hindu temples are controlled n taxed by government when all other places of worship are not! How is this secular? Which secular country controls temples of one faith?? What is going on? Hindus always fight to uphold Dharma! And to uphold dharma , a Hindu would pick up weapons. But never to hurt an innocent! That’s the difference. We do not fight to snatch rights from innocent people including Muslims. We are not wrong in asking for equal treatment n dignity for our community n religion n scriptures! Be truly secular not pseudo secular!
@NTIS-DHARMIK 3 ай бұрын
@Brucelee-007 3 ай бұрын
Thanks brother 🙏
@dilipsharma3878 3 ай бұрын
Being Hindu, what we observe is we give long sermons and lectures against other faiths but we are criminally silent on treatment of low castes.
@ASeeker-9999 3 ай бұрын
@@dilipsharma3878 lol! It’s Hindus itself who talk about lower caste. In the other hand do you hear about Jatt Sikhs controlling 80% of Punjab land, control on gurudwaras n political space. Ramgari, Sikhs, Ravidasi Sikhs, mazhabi Sikhs etc etc are discriminated as lower caste. How much do you hear of those discrimination?? How much do you hear of Pasmanda Muslims and the lack of their representation in waqf n parliament? Think. On the hand, most left media like The wire, Newslaundry, newsminute, The print etc go on n on about Hindu lower caste! It’s fine. Social justice is good but why no social justice by rahul/ congress/ AAP, left media for other religion lower castes? Because politically it doesn’t suit to divide minority votes in the name of caste. That strategy is only reserved to divide the majority Hindu votes.
@dilipsharma3878 3 ай бұрын
@@ASeeker-9999 why should we compare with other faiths? Are u saying just because Sikhs and Muslims have similar discrimination against lower castes, we should also have it.
@chaitanya9229 3 ай бұрын
What about stalins statement? What about hatred against brahmins and general castes?
@binakhimji6509 2 ай бұрын
Ye log kuch nahi bolenge. Inki phati hai😂
@surajitrath7014 3 ай бұрын
Rabindranath Tagore, simultaneously, harboured great faith in Hinduism. He said, “When two-three different religions claim that only their own religions are true and all other religions are false, their religions are only ways to Heaven, conflicts cannot be avoided. Thus, fundamentalism tries to abolish all other religions. This is called Bolshevism in religion. Only the path shown by the Hinduism can relieve the world form this meanness.” (Tagore, ‘Aatmaparichapa’ in his book `Parichaya’)
@ABhattacharya 3 ай бұрын
Interesting. Tagore, a Brahmo, did have a sacred thread ceremony, as during his time, Brahmoism had not become sectarian. He is very, sometimes even unfairly, critical of Hinduism in most of his works. Tagore, the poet and lyricist though made beautiful renditions on Hindu Gods.
@VenkatG09 3 ай бұрын
Free all hindu temples from government kabza
@rruchii 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this Barkha Dutt and Vikram Seth! Many of us can also relate to 'lacking the language of faith' because we were brought up in a more rational, scientific environment. Enjoying this rediscovery (albeit the hard way). Lessons to learn at every step :)
@ajinkyashembekar 3 ай бұрын
47 mins of loss of brain cells
@manishjaiswal5488 3 ай бұрын
There is nothing like allowed and not allowed in Hindu philosophy. Hindu is not a monolithic faith with a single rulebook. There is a vast pool of thoughts and they cover everything. Whatever you do is just your reaction to some kind of action and you can always find a hindu scripture that supported you.
@tejasousep 3 ай бұрын
While I have great admiration for Vikram Seth as a fine writer (one of the finest perhaps! ) of contemporary english literature, I cannot help thinking that he, like many liberals of his generation, have a view of Hinduism as being passive and accommodating no matter what the historic circumstances. They fail to register that Hindutva (or political Hinduism) is a reaction to centuries of 'othering' by both Islam and, later, Christianity, both of which were strategically planted upon the soil of this culture to flourish with the singular intention of subsuming the native ways and worldview of it's indigenous people as represented by Hinduism. Who are the Christians and Muslims of India if not those whose ancestors were once Hindus? ; converted through force mostly ( as with Muslims) or through intellectual indoctrination as with Christianity. The fact that many of us western educated Indian liberals know very little about the civilisational legacy of India (it's epics and spiritual literature for one) is proof of the extent to which our minds have been "colonised" by perceptions that are alien and at cross purposes with Indian culture and worldviews. Unfortunately, to be English speaking and western in one's thinking and ways is considered to be a lofty ideal to pursue in much of middle class India. Vikram mentions how the minority population of India (200 million) are under seige. While I'm not a great fan of many of the BJP's policies, I have yet to see one that is deliberately discriminatory towards minority communities, Muslims in particular. There have been a slew of legislations enacted over the last 10 years when the party was in power that specifically addressed education ,housing, sanitation and empowerment of women of the Muslim community. That these did not convert to votes as expected is another story and an illustrative one for future bookmarking. Even if you consider the instances of sectarian violence across all the states, there are more Hindu victims than Muslim ones, particularly in the South. Vikram is also ignorant of the fast tipping demographic scale that is likely to make the Muslim community of India a powerful political force to reckon with over the next 2-3 decades. And we know what that could mean for India - as a culture and a civilisation !! This is the problem with writers and artists generally - they don't always know where imagination ends and reality begins . It's nice to listen to them. But we should never let them think for us ~
@komalamgeorge2950 3 ай бұрын
So, the reaction of hindutva towards muslims & xtians today is justified because of the 'othering' they experienced at the hands of Mughals & colonialists who were xtian? Maybe in another 100 yrs from now Muslims or xtians will be justified in lynching/ othering of Hindus again 😅 kya logic 😊 and please tell me that Hindus didn't 'other' & throw the Buddhists out of India which is when the Mughals entered the scene
@komalamgeorge2950 3 ай бұрын
By the way, Modi has become very westernised in many aspects or have you not noticed? The reason that he is not so well-liked is because of his silences at atrocities on minorities & his opponents & because of his hateful speeches. Who cares what he was before he became PM, atleast he used it to his advantage 😂
@sunilcaleb4882 3 ай бұрын
Modi is a Very Bad advertisement for Hinduism. He has put off a Christian like me immensely
@tejasousep 3 ай бұрын
@@sunilcaleb4882 Sunil, what has Modi done (in your opinion) to Christians that puts you off? He has not taken away the rights of the church or the Christian community of India to manage it's own affairs. The same goes for the Muslim community of India who still enjoy all rights to practice and propagate their faith under the auspices of the Waqf board. I am disappointed with Modi not because he has offended or tyrannised non Hindu minority communities, which he has plainly not done despite what some people may want to think. I'm disappointed with him because he has not been Hindu enough. Why are the Hindu temples of India still under Government control? This is a law that goes back to British times. The BJP, for all their show of Hindutva, have not been able to restore the temples back to the Hindu community who are their rightful caretakers. No celebrity Indian Muslim or Christian has stated publicly that this is morally wrong. How would it feel for you as a Christian if your churches were being managed by the state and not your community? This is the soul of Sanatana Dharma - that it gives precedence to the needs of others over it's own to the point of self extinction almost. But who is able to see the chaff from the wheat ?
@tejasousep 3 ай бұрын
​@@sunilcaleb4882 What is the best side of Hinduism? There will be a billion answers to this. Let us put it another way. Do you see yourself as a good advertisement for Christianity? Are you capable of understanding and forgiving the trespasses of others? (in this case PM Modi) Are you without sin to be able to cast a stone at another in all righteousness? Maybe these are the hard questions that we should begin to ask ourselves . .
@minecraftgod1238 3 ай бұрын
Vikram seth, stop being naive, stop pretending. Better you stick to fiction. Barkha, can you not interview intelligent Indian people, not these pseudos?
@sureshmurty6523 3 ай бұрын
An inane self serving conversation. The elephant in the room is the opposition and Rahul Gandhi who have cornered Modi. Barkha Dutt with her whataboutery on the emergency of 1975 is obviously terrified of the present grand dictator but what prevents Seth from speaking his mind?
@Youtoo210 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha who the **** is Vikram Seth to talk about Hindus...
@hotfun07 3 ай бұрын
Does Vikram Seth live in India? The Answer lies in this question. He is worried about his image in the Anglophile coterie he sticks to in his leisure time.
@sundareshanal1849 3 ай бұрын
What is unfolding is an open , declared , civilisational confrontation and the fight for the composite soul of India , between (a) the duo of colonialised , westernised elite who were the entitled legatees of the brown British Raj and the venal political class and (b) a defiant native consciousness and non westernised desis who always existed in large numbers throughout our Islamic and European colonialism , preserved their nativity and are now emerging from the debris. This will be a complex and meandering tussle . However the cozy, coterie based , feudal & venal elitism which held sway for decades is now out of the canvass. Try as they may, their days of influence are over. Their global patrons - the neo imperialists and the internal quislings from dissipated political fringes will not be able to get them back to their hey days of shameless dominance..The desi has arrived and the goras among us will have to learn to speak and ideate in vernacular. Ivy league will.attract a negative connotation. Karan Thapar and Barkha Dutt still take care to pronounce 'Chaaleesaa' in the anglicised version 'cheleesaa'. Such is their fear of desi contamination. These folks are survivors and sycophants. They will mutate to a new cultural avataar. Coopting their deracinated tribe as rooted hindus ( Sheth as a hanuman bhakth is a powerful metaphor ) is part of that transformation.. The other part of consolidated dismantling of Hinduism with woke led deconstruction will continue. Modi is standing at the gate cuturally thwarting them. That is why they hate him. He is their real target.
@publicvoice2360 2 ай бұрын
We all don’t know what we are calling Hindus is very smartly propagated word by Brahmins and now proudly calling themselves Sanatani. Every 50years they are trying to rediscover and unifying Brahmanism into one religion similar to Islam or Christianity but using false claims and demeaning Indian literature. I have a question if Hindus believe in such a great wisdom and so called 33crore gods, where was that wisdom and those gods when we got ruled by Mughals, later Britishers and now Sanghis?
@supreetdeshpande9602 2 ай бұрын
Vikram Seth forgets Britishers despite miniscule minority ruled India, when Hindus were in vast majority. Same was when Mughals came. That is why Hindus must be proactive now to avoid repeat of past experiences. Vikram, read correct history not the one written by Romilla and her ilk.
@muhammadaquil2256 3 ай бұрын
Excellent 👍
@1008apocalypse1008 3 ай бұрын
@nightairy 3 ай бұрын
It would not be right to generalise about being colonised and de-cultured. It is true' of a certain middle class - perhaps North Indian. In Bengal We grew up with a strong sense of cultural rootedness while being educated in English.
@pankajtripathi1167 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, interesting though a bit meandering conversation, which is fine. Had read and memorised the Hanuman Chalisa in class 5. Interestingly, children too largely know it by heart. Will be interesting to read Vikram Seth’s translation. His ability to tell a story in verse - The Golden Gate - probably stands next only to Pushkin. As regards his thoughts and views on the Indian polity and the current times, these probably broadly reflect the thoughts of those 60% or so, who did not vote for the BJP.
@rajrevank9108 2 ай бұрын
I am ok you criticize BJP or other right wing forces being on the left side of the spectrum and give lecture on justice, fairness, fanaticism. What I do not understand is the hypocrisy of the left, you are total blessing wrong things other side doing for example communal forces that want to convert and take over. Some of these forces been devastating to the humanity during dark ages and post dark ages in contrast to Santana civilization. Also, look at the effort by Congress to resurrect caste and dividing people on same for electoral gains.
@Adv.RiyaSingh 3 ай бұрын
6 pc 7 pc lakh lakh pm salary to GOV officers must stop Its not SABKA SAATH SABKA VIKAS All GOV pay must be 5 PC CTC GOV will save 2 L CR per month by shifting pay from 7 pc to 5 PC CTC Use that money to create GOV multispeciality HOSPITAL in every police station area of country Diabetes cancer hypertension heart attack killing 143 CR public
@ErikBerg666 2 ай бұрын
47 min 14 sec of utter hubrish and slef validation of own theories and opinion of what he think and what & how other shall think. All surfacial opinion without any in-depth conversation on any topic discussed and patronising views. RIP part of my precious brain cells.
@gitadasgupta7488 3 ай бұрын
What is it with our journalists, Karan thapar, now Barkha d. Say chAAlisa, lady. Chaaalis means forty in Hindi, and in many of our languages. Or listen to your guest pronounce the word. Or any other person in our country
@magnart 3 ай бұрын
Naive. He means well though
@PS-ej2xn 2 ай бұрын
This guy is so disappointing.
@mintusaren895 3 ай бұрын
@ASeeker-9999 3 ай бұрын
Ever seen any Hindu read Manu?? Hindus have a whole library of scripture n scholars in the past have added to that list. Nobody even knows who wrote manusmriti! Infact, most have not even read Vedas or Geeta! Manusmriti doesn’t even stand a chance nor is anyone attached to it or bothers about it! So stop obsessing over it!
@user-qw1fh7mu9o 3 ай бұрын
I love manusmriti
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