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Billy Mitchell is Screwed Now...

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Free Play Arcade

Free Play Arcade

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A round table discussion on the current posture of the discovery process in Billy Mitchell's main case against Twin Galaxies.
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@the_synack 11 ай бұрын
Regarding the Mortgage Brokers score (1.05 million), it's more than just the red joystick. There are also these problems: 1. The videotape Billy had of that run was not produced using genuine arcade hardware. It was full of MAME signatures similar to the King of Kong score. 2. Despite Billy, in a sworn deposition, stating that the machine was hooked up for direct capture, the individual Billy said did it was also deposed and he said under oath that no direct capture was ever setup after he installed the PCB. The cabinet was pad locked and only this person allegedly had the key. 3. The organizer of the convention said that she heard there was a new world record very, very shortly after Billy allegedly started playing. She didn't know the exact time, but she was certain it was less than an hour, and more likely 15 minutes. 4. Billy Mitchell, while deposed under oath, said that he would have never played with a non-authentic joystick. This pattern of facts really leads you to believe that what actually happened was Billy never actually played DK at that convention. Instead they pretended to, backed up by the TG refs that were allies of Billy. They didn't want to have anyone actually see him play, they just wanted the illusion of it. They then submitted the score as ref-verified, but also supplied the tape as axillary proof. Billy didn't know at the time that MAME gameplay was discernable from authentic arcade gameplay, so he was certain the tape would pass as legitimate. EDIT: Regarding the relevance of the NAMCO plaque, it's relevant because Mitchell and Day are being sued for fraud. Part of the fraud was that the "Video Game Player of the Century" award was fabricated to inflate the value of TG prior to it's sale to Jace Hall.
@leodouskyron5671 11 ай бұрын
You guys should go back to the beginning of this saga and start over. (I stopped at 35:00) Twin Galaxies was sold and had a brand as the ‘official scorekeeper of video games’ but the new owner came in and found a lot of fraud and criminality that diminished the brand value. That brand value being lesser meant the new owners were defrauded as it was not disclosed as part of the sale. Actions by the prior owners and employees thus caused a basses for the removal of records and some of these lawsuit issues. So when BM and his friends did things like made awards and the like they were effectively criminal actors diminishing the value of the brand. Thus the new owners can sue (counter sue) over the scorers and all the fraudulent actions that these less then honest persons took. In fact, they should bring to light every impropriety as a means to restore respect to the brand. So yeah it is worth it to rip BM a new one.
@thedeadstig123 11 ай бұрын
Its pretty simple, Twin Galaxies (that billy was part owner or had a stake in the company) gave Billy a award saying he was video gamer of the century He was given a award from namco for his perfect pac man score and nothing more But ever since then hes told the world this award was for "video gamer of the century" even though the award talked about pac man for the ps1 Now Billy has to prove this happened (and Namco is not helping his case by denying all knowledge), so his story has changed again to say he got two awards and has now created two fakes to make his new story credible So yes the plaques matter, his story changed massively and he clearly doesn't have the original plaque......but photos from back in the day show the plaque never said he was gamer of the century
@Surllio 9 ай бұрын
You mentioned that Twin Galaxies was in on the thing. The old company was, Walter Day's company was, as Billy was a primary shareholder OF the company. The new owner, Jace Hall, bought the company under a lot of pretenses of its reputation and how it maintained its records. What Hall has discovered in the years since is that a LOT of the records are false, many of them have been discovered to be impossible, such as Todd Rogers (who also input his own scores, as he was a judge). So when the Mitchell Mame stuff came out, Galaxies removed his scores. Billy is suing them over this because he wants to protect this image of himself. Galaxies counter sued for Fraud against Mitchell and Day, who sold him Twin Galaxies. So what they have done, in this discovery portion, is basically drag Billy through everything to try and coax out more and more fraudulent claims. The idea would be to not only prove the Mitchell is a liar, but that he has been abusing the legal system to uphold that lie for decades to boost the value of Twin Galaxies, by threatening anyone that might expose him. However, he finally bucked up against someone who has the means to fight back.
@VeritasGames 10 ай бұрын
The relevant aspect regarding the joystick is not that it disqualifies his score based on him playing on modified hardware, it’s that it’s additional proof he never actually played on the machine live in front of an audience at all, which is what most folks ultimately believe. He did the tapes in his basement on his computer on MAME (probably) and the machine was a prop. Coupled with his deposition testimony where he is extremely adamant that he would categorically not play with a red stick, it’s proof the machine was a prop he never touched. (obviously can't know this for sure, but this is at least what the evidence strongly suggests, in my opinion)
@VeritasGames 10 ай бұрын
Also, you say you want them to call a truce. Would you do that if Billy sued you for defamation because you said some things he didn’t like?
@MaggotDiggo1 5 ай бұрын
@@VeritasGames I just watched your Billy Mitchell video yesterday. It's the most comprehensive rundown of this whole saga. Well done.
@venomdust1 11 ай бұрын
He sued people who tried to tell the truth. People who could not afford it . He uses people then throws them away
@Crimefighter 11 ай бұрын
Robbie Lakeman currently holds the DK world record at 1,272,800
@RetrofIex 11 ай бұрын
Will DK forum ever recognize it?
@Crimefighter 11 ай бұрын
@@RetrofIex why wouldn't they? TG verified and accepted the score.
@QuadB47 9 ай бұрын
This video is all over the place. An attorney would actually understand that fail to state a claim defense is a standard defense made immediately after the plaintiff files a lawsuit. 12B motion as it is known is during this first stage of the case. If a trial court is willing to dismiss a case at the beginning it means it’s a weak case. Billy appealed this decision and the appellate court said to let the case go on. (not surprised with this appellate court ruling.) when the case gets to continue then the second stage of case is discovery which is where both sides have to exchange evidence, information, and even get to take depositions of witnesses (testimony but outside of a courtroom setting) (but it is still testimony under oath). In this stage is where Billy is getting destroyed because this is where the evidence comes out. Also you lack of understanding of why Twins Galaxy lawyers “wasted” their time arguing about the plagues is disappointing. If they can prove Billy is a liar about the plagues the defense gets to keep calling billy a liar throughout the whole trial. The more lies they show he made the less likely a jury will believe him. Its standard litigation practice and trial lawyers understand this. History has shown one of the many tactics of con artists are to manipulate or fabricate evidence. It is harder to disprove somethings is fake if you only provide a picture of it and not the actual item. Don’t believe me, do the research on your own. Billy does not want to provide the actual plague because he claimed the plague was an award for player of the century by Namco. Good luck being able to read the actual language of the “Picture of the plague” to confirm that is what it actually says. This is why he claims he lost the original and he made copies of the plague. Wake up!!!!
@shawnd567 11 ай бұрын
Its quite obvious at this point that Billy is a liar, cheater and a bad person. The stuff he texted about Apollo is disgusting.
@nolife6013 10 ай бұрын
Yeah he’s pure evil
@bigbubbajay8119 10 ай бұрын
Maybe not evil but certainly he is deceitful and malicious.
@shawnd567 10 ай бұрын
​@@bigbubbajay8119You described evil 😂
@nolife6013 9 ай бұрын
@@bigbubbajay8119 Evil comes in many forms. To me what makes a person evil is if they knowingly and intentionally want to bring harm in some way to other individuals whether emotional, psychological or psychical. Billy Mitchell is evil in the way that he wants to cause psychologically stress with lawsuits because they dare to challenge his narcissism.
@eto6197 11 ай бұрын
Imho the issue with the red joystick is less that it is a red joystick but that Billy Mitchell insists that he would have never played on a machine with a red joystick because a red joystick is not an original machine.
@thedeadstig123 11 ай бұрын
everyone goes on about the colour of it and less that its a 8 way joystick which is why it would help someone playing
@the_synack 11 ай бұрын
@@thedeadstig123 I don't think it's worthwhile trying to say it could have been an 8-way joystick. Yes it could have been, but we have no proof of that in the photo. The fact the joystick was red, and Mitchell said under oath he'd never play with anything other than a black joystick, really puts holes in his story though.
@thedeadstig123 11 ай бұрын
@@the_synack im more going off the creation of the set up, they said the only sticks they found that looked the same was 8 way
@tomwells8093 8 ай бұрын
Of course he's lying but the red joystick was never actually used anyway lol. He pretended to play at the event for about 15 minutes. Then showed a pre recorded tape of him playing MAME as proof from well before then. Saying that he set a new record live as his friends who were refs verified it. A complete hoax as usual with him. No recording equipment was even setup there, cabinet was locked and wires would have to be let out with cabinet open if there were any attached.
@thedeadstig123 8 ай бұрын
@@tomwells8093 it will be interesting now what Walter day admits to now since he has left Billy's side and is now helping TG
@jaridcool 11 ай бұрын
Im happy to announce Phoenix Wright has agreed to look into the infamous Red 🕹️ 😮
@HappyMealBieber 11 ай бұрын
He was tinkering around with Mame and passing it off as legit board runs which they werent. Apolo legends video bascily sealed it. Billy is using the courts to bully people realy. He got caught . Billy Mithcel is an ego maniac. Lies for decades Walter was his Buddy With Twin Galazy and just covered for him. Since it began . Hes no where close to being the best player At Anything. So idk what hes defending. I think its a 99% Ego thing at this point;. Says alot about the guy.
@Dusty338 11 ай бұрын
I'm absolutely fascinated by the Billy Mitchell saga. Its the best entertainment the internet has seen in a while, and I'm here for it! Thank you for weighing in with your awesome content.
@PurpleFoxArcade 11 ай бұрын
Billy Mitchell's generation was able to get away with a lot. The internet and access to information ruined their story. He needs to let it go and realize he isn't some great gamer anymore. He ruined his own legacy. Very sad.
@shawnd567 11 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. Oh man the stories my uncle's told me were wild lol. We're in a digital world where the internet is fast, data is unlimited and storage is cheap. Basically up until 2010 you could still get away with stuff. Now everything is recorded, saved and reposted.
@Crimefighter 11 ай бұрын
All he really needed to do was redo the scores if there were any questions as to whether they were legit or not avoiding all the drama entirely. Cause he has been able to redo scores (for some reason he has not gone back to DKJ). Had he done that all the drama since then would had been avoided. I dunno why he chose to go the direction he did but what do I know?
@MrNintendokid45 11 ай бұрын
The whole reason for the plaque and player of the century, is billy and walter built the company to be the "great" thing to increase the value for jayce to realize a few years after that the scores are all b.s. the player of the century award is fake. That help build the brand to what it was. So it's a counter sue.
@JonJoe-ox6kt 11 ай бұрын
They misspoke on the faster perfect pac being the "real record." Pac-Man high scores are listed separately from the timed runs. You'd think lawyers would be better at prepping before speaking.
@the_synack 11 ай бұрын
They're not wrong. It's not really seen as a competitive category anymore. The only really competitive category is fastest perfect.
@JonJoe-ox6kt 10 ай бұрын
@@the_synack sorry - but they are wrong. Check the Guiness Gamers edition. They are separate records. How much competition there is has no bearing on whether the records are separate.
@the_synack 10 ай бұрын
@@JonJoe-ox6kt I, nor the podcasters, are arguing they’re not different leaderboards. I’m just arguing that the timed leaderboard is more competitive and is seen as more important.
@JonJoe-ox6kt 10 ай бұрын
@@the_synack my point is they did not even give explicit mention of separate leaderboards. A casual observer might construe that as there only being one active leaderboard - which is categorically false - and somewhat misleading IMO
@codenamecod2931 11 ай бұрын
The sillee bitchelle saga. The deposition video of mr bitchelle is a good watch
@JoebDragon 11 ай бұрын
Did he use an Donkey Kong - 2005 Release was produced by Namco in 2005 that is licensed by Nintendo? 3-1 in board
@nolife6013 10 ай бұрын
Karl does get views outside of Silly Bitchell content.
@automator24 8 ай бұрын
"I kind of like Billy Mitchell." This is a person suing civilians for hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars for calling him a cheater in a video game. This is affecting people's lives and their families. This could destroy people financially. What are you people talking about. This is beyond playing a heel to bring attention to arcade gaming.
@WhatIsMatter101 8 ай бұрын
How can Silly Bitchell be Player of the Century if he doesn't even have an 8-bit or 16-bit game record? The 1980s arcades didnt define the whole last century.
@utubepunk 11 ай бұрын
This is gonna be a spicy one!
@Dusty338 11 ай бұрын
Right? The Billy Mitchell story just keeps getting wilder and wilder.
@Bobo-hd6qn 10 ай бұрын
You guys did zero research on this.
@thewhitematstudio 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely correct and look really foolish
@teddyy80 10 ай бұрын
Where are you NBA Hangtime guys at? Still waiting for a challenge on arcade1up cab. Name's Grand Master
@strangevision99 10 ай бұрын
Billy Mitchell would be a good heel, if he wasn't suing people over nothing and severly impacting their lives. If he was just an asshole who was really good at games, but didn't bother people's personal lives, he might be fun to hate.
@Alberto7tube 11 ай бұрын
Are you getting all your info from Karl’s jobs videos ???
@matthelm4666 11 ай бұрын
This is like NPR from SNL.
@whynot5568 11 ай бұрын
They never gave him the plaque. He brought it with him and asked the guy if he could pose for a photo with him holding the plaque. Thats why theyre contesting the plaque thing. So if Billy is lying about this stuff to that kind of extent then it seems plausible what extent hes gone through to fake his scores.
@charlibiris 11 ай бұрын
Chilly Mitbell
@PowhaBottom 7 ай бұрын
These are the absolute worst takes on this situation on all of youtube
@jdgustofwinddance.7748 10 ай бұрын
Does arthur even talk in these?
@karlvincent5291 11 ай бұрын
Ok I made that up
@Alberto7tube 11 ай бұрын
Billy I feel sad for you 👎 But we love Karl jobs 😃🥰👍
@omerozel4716 11 ай бұрын
And we miss Apollo
@stevesarcadeandgameroom3617 11 ай бұрын
pixels was a great movie as far as entertaining and nostalgia, if you are in the arcade business and think its bad then you take all of this way too seriously. its not an award winner but I think its a great escape from normal life.
@TalkingDonkey2 11 ай бұрын
@karlvincent5291 11 ай бұрын
Billy Mitchell children aren't his . Lol
@sneed3840 11 ай бұрын
@nicholausbuthmann1421 11 ай бұрын
Let's have the Good Ghost of WW I & 1920's Air Hero COLONEL BILLY MITCHELL come and haunt this man disparaging his good name !
@TalkingDonkey2 11 ай бұрын
@arthurok327 10 ай бұрын
Howdy ya'll, First, Billy Mitchell clearly cheated, than lied and lied and, well you get the picture, he's also turned into the " King of Suing everyone " 😂 Having said that, I just wanted to say, I liked your other studio better, the one with Classic Arcade games in the background, ya'll need to bring that back, Thank you, Stay safe, God Bless and game on my Friends 🕹 Peace
@ngqp 8 ай бұрын
Stop talking about him and he will go away.
@brentmorris736 11 ай бұрын
When i think of the best gamers of mankind.... Maru and Seral of Starcraft 2 or Faker in League of Legends come to mind. Top score in DK doesn't even sit in my top 10 gamer achievements, in my opinion. Billy Mitchell and the drama that comes with him is so laughable im glad im not him.
@sicko669 9 ай бұрын
Leave Billy Mitchell alone!! He is an innocent angel being accused of cheating and lying which is literally impossible for him to do bcuz he is pure and incapable of commiting such lowesome acts.
@TalkingDonkey2 11 ай бұрын
@America_is_now_Mexico2.0 9 ай бұрын
Billy is a great gamer and role model to all americans. He is an icon in American gaming.
@liam6170 9 ай бұрын
Billy’s an icon in being a man baby child
@AlmightyDreadlock 8 ай бұрын
@thewhitematstudio 7 ай бұрын
He’s literal human waste
@davida12345 11 ай бұрын
Hello you legends
@kimjongun2946 10 ай бұрын
Arcade 1up won lol
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