He Drove A BUS Into A HOUSE!

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@novatheastro3857 6 ай бұрын
For the kid who smelled like weed, it's entirely possible that his parents smoke (not ruling it out that he himself hadn't smoked before coming to school and that's why the smell was so strong). Growing up, my dad was a huge stoner and my best friend almost got barred from coming to my house bc she had gone back to her parents smelling like weed bc of how strong the smell was in my own house. I had become nose blind to it at that point so I didn't even know. Either way horrifying situation that poor kid got stuck in I can't imagine how scared he must've been
@terezamatys4489 6 ай бұрын
I thought the same. I live with my parents who are smokers and I am a student teacher. I was speaking with one of the councelers trying to arrange my teaching practise and I got scolded that smoking while being on school grounds is unaccaptable. I don't smoke but she accused me of having one right before comming in.
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
​@@terezamatys4489Your Colleagues are jumping to conclusions fast eh?
@kiwikrg 6 ай бұрын
Yup, or parents who smoke in the car. Like I smelled of cigarettes in elementary school cause of my mom
@forcetz 6 ай бұрын
I know this guy in my prob and stats class and he smell like cigarettes most likely because of his parents, honestly if I were him it’d suck for me
@giraffewhiskers2045 6 ай бұрын
I agree my parents smoke cigarettes and in school I was always insecure when people mentioned it smelled like cigarettes
@j_bleachgirly 6 ай бұрын
I think people forget that scents/smells can linger on a person lol like just bc you smell weed doesn’t mean it’s on the person maybe he was around someone who smoked it right before he went to school 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
its why he got checked but he resisted stupid games get you stupid prizes they cant arrest you for smelling like it but he def acted like he had it one him idk why pig thinks its bad to check pp for weed in schools if your selling it at school your more than likely doing harder things outside of it
@Fangirl-kk3zt 6 ай бұрын
@spudbang No, just because they sell a little bit of weed to a friend doesn't mean they're doing harder drugs. I mean, if they're the whole school's plug then maybe. Either way, it's a big conclusion to jump to considering people do drugs for various reasons (typically home life not the draw to the drug itself) and that weed is no harder/worse than alcohol. Tbf, I think pig's issue lies more with the fact that the officer got called in instead of it being solved by the school. Cops aren't called in for nicotine or alcohol issues at school(at least not in my area) so it seems a little extra to call them in for weed.
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
@Fangirl-kk3zt didn't say harder drugs just harder crimes in gen for instance at my high school in Memphis pretty much anyone who was slinging in school was also gang banging half of the guys I'm talking about where arrested and doing 35-life for murder And yes getting the cops involved was 100% correct since possession or intent to distribute is still a crime bleeding heart compassion is why more innocent people get hurt people these days feel more sympathy to the criminals than the victims take joe bidens speech last night he apologized for calling a murder an illegal but didn't apologize for getting the victims name wrong
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
@@Fangirl-kk3zt wasn’t referring to harder drugs but crime
@shatteredteacup91 6 ай бұрын
With the girl who got suspended, I definitely feel like the home life most likely wasn't great for her to risk getting in more trouble by going to school instead of staying home.
@rei2684 6 ай бұрын
I, as a child did act up all the time at school but would have a meltdown if i get threatened with a suspension because i didnt want to be at home with my abusive mother
@shroombunny510 6 ай бұрын
Real…(I’m sorry you had to experience that, I feel you tho..)
@forcetz 6 ай бұрын
That’s so sad to hear man. I hope you are doing well now
@parkerisles7256 6 ай бұрын
Which is why in school suspension is necessary
@kodomoshawn6729 6 ай бұрын
I was an angry kid, I had meltdowns often and I know I wasn’t easy to deal with at times, but do you know what ACTUALLY helped??? Because it wasn’t getting yelled at or restrained, that just made me MORE scared and angry. What actually helped was adults who de-escalated the situation and made me feel like I could talk to them about why I was upset, and also getting actual treatment for my adhd. Children don’t have the ability to control their emotions the way adults do, they don’t have two+ decades of practice like adults do. It’s something they have to learn, and they aren’t going to learn it by getting physically restrained and yelled at. When you’re that kid, and you’re that angry, being physically restrained feels like an attack. OF COURSE the kid is just going to get angrier!!! You would too!!! When you’re that young and that small, you feel powerless. You feel this boiling rage inside and you don’t know what to do, it feels awful but you don’t know how to make it stop, and the whole time the adults who you are supposed to be able to trust and rely on are screaming at you and holding you down, so you panic, everything feels bad and you just want it to STOP but it won’t, so you do the only thing you feel like you can, you scream and you cry. What they NEED is to be taught REAL anger management techniques, and ways to actually cope with anger, but they aren’t! Instead they are treated like ticking time bombs and told to just not get angry, which not only isn’t possible, but is also NOT what anger management is! What helped me was Being told that I was allowed to feel angry, but that it wasn’t fair to lash out at everyone, and instead I could rip up a blank sheet of paper or go sit in a quiet area for a bit to calm down, and being able to TALK to adults about why I was angry without my feelings being dismissed. Children are people. They are allowed to feel emotions, even when their emotions are “inconvenient”. Most of the times when kids have meltdowns it’s because something is stressing them out, or they’re having a sensory overload, or someone is treating them badly. They aren’t getting angry just to be an inconvenience. Talk to them, address the REASON they are angry, and work with them to figure out solutions and coping mechanisms. THAT is how to actually make positive changes. It takes patience, learning takes time and practice, but it’s what the kid needs. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be consequences, but if you only punish them without giving them the tools they need to learn how to control their anger, nothing will change, nothing will get better. Give them the space and time to learn and grow.
@CamDollar 6 ай бұрын
exactly, these weirdos just get off on hurting kids and being domineering. They don't actually wanna help anyone. It's so sad to see.
@gimmiekiwi Ай бұрын
Thank you ❤ I'm going through alot of that right now... my mom doesn't know how to deal with me so she'll yell and lock herself in her room and call the cops to calm HER down.. but hearing I'm not alone helps
@kodomoshawn6729 Ай бұрын
@@gimmiekiwi idk if you're in therapy or not, but finding a good therapist that can help you work through where the anger is coming from and how to cope in nondestructive ways can help immensely. It's also good to have someone you can talk to about it. I've personally come a long way in being able to manage my anger and I can say that I do feel a lot better after getting help from people who actually knew how to help me. It took a lot of time and work, but it's worth it. And I mean real coping mechanisms for anger, not pushing it down or ignoring it, because that never ends well.
@sundaesprites 6 ай бұрын
For the girl who was suspended. Some parents dont care if your suspended ir not theyll send you to school. Even if you get in more trouble. I think some parents just dont want their kids at home..
@vampirefrompluto9788 6 ай бұрын
9:16 As someone who did work with troubled kids for a while, 9 year old's can cause a lot more damage than people think. 1 kid who was ~7/8 was able to pick up a desk (the kind with the chair attached) & throw it. Not far but in a fairly small room he didn't need to.
@animefan1047 6 ай бұрын
People really underestimate kids and I get why they might, but not every kid is harmless and unable to do actual damage.
@FelineVillain 6 ай бұрын
He was a bit of an idiot on that one for multiple reasons. 1, weapons don't care what age you are and anything can be a weapon of your holding it right 2, if the kid gets injured by thire own stupidity while your trying to restrain them then you get blamed for it. The most sensible option is to just put the kid in cuffs.
@myeyesburn641 6 ай бұрын
I remember that one child in my elementary school class. He had psychological issues and his parents neglected him severely. One day he almost unalived one of the other children by suffocation. It was horrible. Fortunately the other child was transported to the hospital immediately and survived.
@catinthekitchen1 6 ай бұрын
Also it is to protect the child. They're fragile and this way the cop needs less force
@TheTideKing004 6 ай бұрын
When I was this kids age I could pick up fully grown men fairly easily. I took multiple teachers to hold me down with full body weight when I got riled up. And if I as police officer were called to calm my child self down I would have put cuffs on me no question. To protect the child I'm cuffing, to protect myself and everyone else around them. People think that just because they are a child they are harmless and defenceless but that is just flatout wr9ng
@DavidStruveDesigns 6 ай бұрын
That dude who crashed the bus into the house, I wonder if he crashed the same way my uncle crashed his car - panicked and _thought_ he was pressing the brake but it was actually the accelerator, but his brain couldn't process that fact so he pressed even harder trying to get the vehicle to stop but just made it go even faster. My uncle crashed the same way, and even after the car was wrecked was _still_ trying to press the "brake" pedal which was actually the accelerator. It's strange how our brains go full malfunction mode when in utter panic like that sometimes.
@magnus_bb 5 ай бұрын
i actually almost crashed my dads truck into a tree when i was learning how to drive the EXACT same way too. I only was able to stop myself and realize i needed to move my foot up until right before i hit it, and somehow i stopped like feet in front of it. it still scares me to think about how my panic just like caused me to not think like that.
@OingoDeLaBoingo 6 ай бұрын
Cops after aggressively holding down a small child who was just scared and angry: we're protecting america
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
The Second I saw the Clip with the Cop slamming that Girl with the Attitude down my Thoughts were also something along the Lines of: "Yeah those Kids must feel really Protected right there." That Cop going full Powertrip with his stupid comments the whole time as well.
@QuikVidGuy 6 ай бұрын
They called the cops on a kid for "disrupting the cafeteria"? And he threatened to come back and hurt the kids who were filming him too? "The student was a huge nuisance who riled up the nice cop and deserved to get arrested" Okay this bodycam channel is absolutely disgusting, jesus. "She tried to guilt the cop for arresting her" *Immediately cuts to the cop guilting her for him hurting her* Then with Jasmine, it's another case of the guy PINNING HER ON HER BACK while ordering her to get on her stomach. It's an impossible command just to aggravate the resisting charge Oh, I HAVE seen this channel before. I think the only thing I got annoyed with there was that the narrator keeps saying 0.04%. It's either .04 or 4%; the breathalyzer doesn't measure to the 10000th part
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
It's 0.4‰
@devilsdeckofcards Ай бұрын
isnt the channel probly like AI or the vaguest of scripts and stuff with the compilations anyhow?
@torialbs7290 6 ай бұрын
I feel like the line should be drawn at putting a 9 y/o in handcuffs for throwing a temper tantrum. How bout train your staff to deal with de-escalation instead of traumatizing a child with behavioral problems
@path5657 6 ай бұрын
the handcuffs definitely continued to escalate the situation. how is a child supposed to calm down in that environment?? like what were those pads they were using??? felt insanely dehumanising. seems like he was set up for failure tbh
@Baratako0 6 ай бұрын
How was the kid traumatised? Just because he got put in handcuffs?
@clem.ent.3246 6 ай бұрын
@vampirefrompluto9788 6 ай бұрын
@@path5657 Those pads are used to stop staff from getting hit/kicked & block anything thrown at them. The staff are just defending themselves from unnecessary harm.
@torialbs7290 6 ай бұрын
@@Baratako0 I don’t think there’s ever been a case of a child in distress being put into handcuffs and not getting traumatized. At that age they cannot rationalize to the capacity an adult can, even some adults get traumatized when being cuffed. A child who is already feeling out of control being restrained even more will not calm them, it’ll just make it worse.
@ElvishPrinceling 6 ай бұрын
Pig's right re: the home situation- for a lot of kids, a week's suspension means they don't have access to regular meals for a week, or they're forced to stay in the house with the person harming them. For kids who *are* spoiled, the suspension isn't a punishment anyway, it's a vacation. And not all suspensions are legit, either- I got a 3 days suspension once in middle school for "talking back" when I pointed out to a teacher that it wasn't okay to put my best friend on the spot and ask her to speak Piikanii (bc it is not cool to do that to the ONLY Native kid in a class full of non-Indigenous kids)
@galeforce3192 3 ай бұрын
Good on you for defending your friend. Too bad your parents didn't do anything like talk with administration. Or it they did, I'm guessing it didn't accomplish anything.
@BlazeOfEvreyone1 6 ай бұрын
I like how pig cooked about kids with abusive/ trauma households. I was really close with a kid toward the end of middle school and high school. He was the oldest of four and parents were very neglectful. He often got suspended on purpose so he could stay home and help with his siblings without dropping out.
@elijahtthayer 5 ай бұрын
Bruv this is the wrong use of 'cooked'...simply put, reminds me of chatgbt trying to sound hip or sum😂
@BlazeOfEvreyone1 5 ай бұрын
@@elijahtthayer pls find me where it matters! Thank you
@djroscurro9859 2 ай бұрын
​@@BlazeOfEvreyone1 pay them no mind. YOU cooked
@Aveysaur 6 ай бұрын
girl's change in demeanor around her mum indicates she is scared of her
@rachaelwilliams7936 6 ай бұрын
For the weed smell, someone in his house could smoke weed then it could stick to his clothes. I had to wash my clothes multiple times because of that.
@GenX_files 6 ай бұрын
Yeah my niece would be dropped off in a cloud of smoke from her mom smoking it in the house and car. She smelled SO fucking strong of weed that you could smell it across the house the minute she walked up to our patio and she was nose blind to it of course cause she lived with it and was a young teen but omg it reeked
@meganfaith4052 6 ай бұрын
My dad smoked cigarettes in the car with us on the way to school and it was all over our clothes. No one ever assumed we smoked them, but maybe I’m just white
@islaythejabberwokky 4 ай бұрын
My downstairs NEIGHBOR smoked so much weed in her apartment that all my clothes and furniture smelled like it for weeks even after moving out. Cheap weed stank is absurdly clingy.
@Fearsomehero 6 ай бұрын
I've worked with kids with conduct disorder, that nine-year-old may have had something related. There are a lot of rules and regulations when it comes to things like that, so it isn't as clear-cut as it may seem. Plus, a bear hug could make things worse if the kid has a sensory problem or doesn't response well to physical touch.
@MizzBellaKitty 4 ай бұрын
I was definitely thinking the same thing. He could have ASD. Many kids with ASD have similar meltdowns to this kid’s.
@johnthieman419 6 ай бұрын
"I was trying to be helpful to you, but you had to go and do that" is such an abuser's line
@raventrapcarson5812 6 ай бұрын
Or you know he was trying to be helpful then she made it worse 🤷🏻‍♂️
@parkerisles7256 6 ай бұрын
@@raventrapcarson5812 not you defending an overly aggressive cop
@h0peros382 3 ай бұрын
​@@raventrapcarson5812 Regardless, that doesn't do anything for the girl he arrested; he's essentially saying, "I tried my hardest, but since you're such a bad person that you *made* me hurt you", as if the officer wasn't in control of his own actions, and the teenager 'forced his hand'. All that does is tell the kid that she's a terrible person; that statement fails to do anything beneficial in terms of teaching her, and on the contrary, it only blames her.
@jannecapelle_art 6 ай бұрын
as a european, its already kinda gross that there are police officers at school, but handcuffing a 9-year old??? shoving around a girl for being disruptive?? how horrible. that can only ever foster a stressful, shit environment for the kids. and i kinda feel like the cops are talking down to the kids as well. christ.
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
That Cop with the 16 year old girl with the Attitude had some definitive Powertrip vibes going on. And yeah that environment, constantly having their Eyes on you. Probably would've driven me nuts if that would be a Thing here
@skyraider87 6 ай бұрын
Most schools have a school resource officer here. It's not really gross, more sad that they even need to be a thing. Fortunately the one at my school is actually a pretty good guy, but the fact that he's armed is really a sign as to how bad the situation is with American schools, especially in terms of school shooters and stuff.
@jannecapelle_art 6 ай бұрын
@@skyraider87 well, whether you callit 'gross' or 'sad', i think we mean the same thing. it shouldn't be necessary, and in a country with stricter gun laws and less guns, it isnt. like i said, i wouldve felt hella unsafe in school if we had someone with a weapon in school, whether he was a 'good guy' or not :/
@skyraider87 6 ай бұрын
@@LycanKai14 I mean for a situation involving someone who isn't supposed to be in the building
@skyraider87 6 ай бұрын
@LycanKai14 oh, so if someone is shooting people in the school, you want to talk to them?
@daisyninja3674 6 ай бұрын
I work with kids and have had to deal with some terrible tantrums. The majority of time when it’s really extreme it is because the child has a bad home life. A lot of times a child will act out at a place like school because they know their teachers won’t hurt them and it gives them a sense of control (something they don’t have at home). Kids like this need adults with compassion because they may have little to no support system.
@_politefrog_8892 2 ай бұрын
That’s so sad 😢 I never thought of it like that
@yjohnson3678 6 ай бұрын
The whole thing was so disgusting. Like why is an underage girl being tossed around by a grown man for being disruptive in the cafeteria, all kids did that, could’ve just sent her to the office/expell her. And the cop was saying “why do I have to do this with yall every day” maybe because you curse and manhandle the kids and they turn around and do the same thing??? Then since when do you handcuff nine years olds??? Call their fucking parents hello?
@ladybug1601 6 ай бұрын
I feel like there are more important problems
@CamDollar 6 ай бұрын
Because most cops are weirdos ,especially the ones at schools. they go there TO BE WEIRD. and hurt kids like abusive dads.
@CamDollar 6 ай бұрын
Idk about anyone else but any school cop we ever had just acted like an abusive father that got off on being violent to children.
@kiwikrg 6 ай бұрын
​@CamDollar yup! All my school cops were so rude
@Fangirl-kk3zt 6 ай бұрын
@CamDollar Seriously! They thought they ruled the school, it was bad
@lexorwhatever4940 6 ай бұрын
I was a wonderful student, because I did not want to be at home. My parents were severely (CPS worthy) neglectful, and being at home just meant being by them more, so I stayed out of trouble, so that I could keep going to school to escape them. I even liked being after school longer. Sometimes the students that are neglected want to stay away from home, if it is their safest spot to be.
@SirAnimosity 6 ай бұрын
Nine year olds dont normally act like that. He's probably being abused or was abused at some point. Sometimes when a child is abused at a very young age they cant remember it at all and so they have all this trauma and they dont know why so they act out. Ive seen it first-hand.
@shaymizelle 6 ай бұрын
Okay but I hate seeing the cop pinning her down and then yelling in her face to flip onto her stomach.
@Asaciadaone 6 ай бұрын
I mean, there’s a lot of schools where there are police officers stationed there for the whole day, so when there’s situations such as possession of drugs or disturbances, the cops are already there so they don’t call the cops on kids.
@Fangirl-kk3zt 6 ай бұрын
On the same hand the teacher have to page for the officer. There have been many many drug/paraphernalia cases in my school (which has an on-duty officer all the time) that aren't dealt with by the cop. Mostly because most cops, especially in our area, don't know proper deescalation and will simply attempt to give them criminal charges, which are life ruining, instead of allowing the child to learn and change from their mistakes.
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
@@Fangirl-kk3zt hard disagree most charges dont stick unless charged as an adult plus if your selling drugs at your chool most likely doing more illegal stuff outside of it btw i went to school in memphis,tn
@lumi6945 6 ай бұрын
at my old high school we have security guards that I think are actually just police officers off-duty or retired. and they like hang out at the entrance of the school within the doorways in their offices. I remember being surprised when my dad was coming to pick me up and casually greeted the guard like they knew eachother (fun fact; they did in fact know eachother) almost any older staff at my old high school know's my father 😭😭
@sethsherr2793 4 ай бұрын
Well they shouldn’t be at all HAVE NO COPS IN OR AROUND ANY SCHOOL
@islaythejabberwokky 4 ай бұрын
My high school had a resident cop and drug dog who would stand in the middle rotunda all day, it's not all that uncommon tbh
@DavidStruveDesigns 6 ай бұрын
It is SO weird and SUCH an alien concept to me, that police are just "in" schools at all - nevermind being called to a student "disrupting the cafeteria" ... it's a school cafeteria, there's always kids being loud and messing around and throwing food, that's just what happens in a communal school area with food and boisterous kids who have been sitting in classes for several hours who use the time to blow off a little steam. Any of the kids take things a little too far, or start a fight you have cafeteria staff and teacher's assistances to take names of those responsible to be taken to (or called to later) their year head or head teachers office for a little chat or potentially disciplinary action. It would have to go REALLY far for the _police_ to be called to a school in the UK - like someone ending up in the back of an ambulance or school property destroyed levels of "far".
@stinkygooby5325 6 ай бұрын
Ok, but why did the cop need to bodyslam the girl? Like she's not a big buff person so there's no need to throw her around. And then saying it's her fault he hurt her... Ngl sus
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
His Comments the whole time gave me massive Powertrip vibes too. Like he felt good having all that Power over her.
@stinkygooby5325 6 ай бұрын
@@donnikthejedi2222 plus he probably knew because it's in front of her friends the humiliation she would feel as well, he probably got off to that too
@sundaesprites 6 ай бұрын
From the bodycam footage she did not even seem threatening, more defensive. Anyone would be if a cop was going at them and touching them over a "cafeteria disturbance"
@HarmlessHagoftheWoods 6 ай бұрын
On the kid who smelled like weed, I once got pulled out of my high school English class cause the drug dog signaled to my locker. I was terrified, a hundred percent sure I was going to be arrested, my mom would kill me, and had to let a bunch of grown men root through my locker with dogs around me. All because the dog was smelling the moonpie I had left in my jacket. Had they tried to hand cuff teeange me, I probably would have had a full blown panic as well.
@piperminty 6 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if it's true for every school, but policy-wise where I teach is that we're supposed to inform admin of suspected substance abuse/possession and the ADMIN talks to them about it one-on-one... If the police were called, that's admin's fault they couldn't handle it on their own. Half the time I don't even assume the kid's doing the drugs, they're just around a family member that hotboxes or something. But that could have been solved with a conversation with the principal or someone without embarrassing the kid in front of classmates that they stink. Getting the police is an overreaction and potentially traumatizing for that poor kid. FYI, as far as the smell itself, if it's THAT bad, it can be considered a "distraction" to other students (consider: one may have hyperosmia) and it's the teacher's job to mitigate such distractions. It can happen with BO too which often points to underlying factors (can't afford hygiene products, homeless, etc.). That's why the one-on-one conversation is so important to figure out what's up and how to help. tl;dr calling the police for that one kid for smelling like weed was stupid. Agreeing with Pig & reiterating: just talk to him about it wtf.
@dominicusx 6 ай бұрын
Isn't the girl's face supposed to be blurred? She is a minor, right? Cop groped her, too. smh
@isaiascardoso2855 6 ай бұрын
Ya I noticed that too. Sad thing is law enforcement/CPS won't do look any deeper into this
@TheSkyGuy77 6 ай бұрын
Really? We treating kids in school like prisoners now?
@bugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugs 6 ай бұрын
believe me on some places it aint new
@tacticallemon7518 6 ай бұрын
@fallingawayfromthenorm 6 ай бұрын
The school-to-prison pipeline has unfortunately been a thing for a long time in some places.
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
​@@fallingawayfromthenormwell I can see they're streamlining the Process now
@gucciguy3408 6 ай бұрын
Always has been unless your always listening and doing the stupid homework that showcases nothing. Trust me schools have never cared about education for a long time nor do they care for your kids safety.
@parkerisles7256 6 ай бұрын
This video is convincing me more that cops shouldn’t be in schools.
@avatar40k86 6 ай бұрын
I didn't realize the danger the cops were in until you compared the paper to an acorn. Everyone is lucky to have made it out of that situation with their lives. 🙃
@shanmac277 6 ай бұрын
How do you not understand that school bus drivers can’t have a drop of alcohol in their system while driving a SCHOOL bus?? And maybe he’d already dropped all the kids off. Jesus And a lot of charges are increased on school campuses. Drugs, weapons etc. I wish you could spend a year working with at risk kids. I used to do it and most kids liked me but I still saw them lose it constantly with others on the daily. I also worked with SPED kids for a time. Neither are easy but I loved “my” kids. There was a reason we got hazard pay though. I can’t stand people with no knowledge talking like they’re experts. We never cuffed 9 year olds. Not cool. We could search anything we wanted cuz there’s no expectation of privacy when you’re on campus. Not like the real world. School campuses have different rules than the streets.
@bugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugsbugs 6 ай бұрын
that channel is real biased and i think its a bait. that or they have some WILD opinions also when i got busted for weed at school (not possession, they tested me and i was .01 over the "legal limit" at the time) so i just dropped out lol worked out pretty well (i was homeless for a year)
@BeavisLover7 5 ай бұрын
I feel bad for that girl who wanted to go to school despite being suspended. There must have been a reason, most kids wouldn’t want to go to school instead of staying home. I hope she’s okay.
@tigerzero5216 6 ай бұрын
About the clip of the 9 year old boy. I had to make a LONG post. (Let's exclude where he could have learned that,, fight language). Nothing was said about what happened that lead up to this. I see a desperate flight or flight panic response from the boy. Now he is cuffed and can't move his arms to defend himself. Obviously the cuffing made things far worse for everyone. I think the boy's imagination is going wild. Panicking. What could he could be thinking. I can't move my arms. I can't defend myself. How much pain is coming and I can't stop it. Generating so much fear/anger he has lost all ability to hear/understand what is being said to him. I could be totally wrong on the above thoughts. Seems plausible to me. I don't know the correct way to have handled this. He needed time and space to settle down to get rid of that angry energy/emotions. Also. That was the wrong room to put him in. Too much stuff he could through around and there were people there to throw it at. Maybe evacuating the room and let him have the room to himself along with his fit of anger, to settle down, would have been better in the end.
@jannecapelle_art 6 ай бұрын
exactly. "oh, a kid is stressed and is yelling and screaming? lets put him in cuffs and make it hard for him to move, thats gonna calm him down!" HELLO??? to a NINE YEAR OLD??? of course thats not gonna improve anything holy shit. that is so fucked!!!! he needed a calm environment to calm down! and also that girl in the red shirt, she was so obviously panicked, i feel so bad for her. maybe americans think that is a reasonable thing to do? there would genuinely be a national outcry if something like that happened at a school here where i live.
@tigerzero5216 6 ай бұрын
@@jannecapelle_art Thank you for the reply. Just now noticed @torialbs7290 response. I liked it. I'll quote it here so you don't have to look for it. "I feel like the line should be drawn at putting a 9 y/o in handcuffs for throwing a temper tantrum. How bout train your staff to deal with de-escalation instead of traumatizing a child with behavioral problems"
@vickybabadoo9927 Ай бұрын
Totally, but sometimes restraint can be necessary bc A LOT of people, especially kids who act out like this end up hurting themselves most of the time. Theyre under a lot of stress, a lot of emotions & they start flailing around, usually hitting themselves. Ive seen a lot of kids when i was in school act out & then immediately start hitting themselves especially in the head, so they would be restrained to not hurt themselves anymore. Situations like this are always hard to deal with no matter what.
@Sepukku975 6 ай бұрын
When I was 18 I don't believe I was rightfully arrested for defending myself against my own father who is 2-3 times my size
@jolteon345 6 ай бұрын
Explaining the guy driving while impaired. There's two different kinds of driving while intoxicated, zero tolerance and just general driving. Because he's a school bus driver, and was actively driving a school bus, he likely qualified for zero tolerance. Depending on the state, it ranges from 0.0 to 0.02. So yes it sounds like he was under, but there are circumstances where the legal limit is even more strict.
@green7449 6 ай бұрын
0.04 blood alcohol is under. But the issue is that he blew a 0.04 long after he had already crashed. Which means that when he was behind the wheel, he was most likely at a 0.08 or higher.
@KissyAdair 2 ай бұрын
If she's suspended and trying to go to school, someone needs to check out what's going on at home. A lot of kids don't want to be at school.
@Miya-Akuma 6 ай бұрын
We're calling the police on school student's for just being disruptive???
@sethsherr2793 4 ай бұрын
Exactly let the kids do whatever they want to do that will help Them in the real World
@johnwaters1768 6 ай бұрын
9:25 another potential reason for the cuffs is because if the kid has behavioral issues or some sort of developmental disability he may lash out and hurt him and then in turn the school could be liable. a lot of kids with sensory issues overload and freak out and can potentially flail their hands and another thing ive seen is they tend to hit themselves in the head repeatedly and headbutt walls and stuff. Admittedly i dont know all the procedures but my mom worked in a school for years and worked with many of those types of children and theres soooo much more going on that you would even think of logically. The cop has to keep the staff safe, the staff has to help the child keep himself safe, and on top of that sadly theres a lot of situations where, like pig said, the home life isnt the best. Additionally, and less malicious is that a lot of times parents just dont understand the issues fully in their children regardless of how much they try to help them, and then theres another sect of parents that dont "believe in mental stuff" and deprive the child of any mental help or any of the necessary tools. IDK what specifically happened in this case but theres a lot more going on with stuff like this than meets the eye
@Reticulating-Splines 6 ай бұрын
Agree. Also haven't seen anyone consider that just because an adult *can* physically restrain a child, doesn't mean that won't end up in them accidentally hurting the child as well as vice versa. It actually happens quite regularly. With cuffs there's no need to put either side in harm's way.
@kingkat_ 6 ай бұрын
exactly, the only other way to restrain the kid would be to pin him similar to jasmine's case and that would absolutely just make everything worse. the handcuffs while being able to sit up is absolutely the best route to take in that situation, most especially since the kid didn't even get charged or anything edit: i say this as someone who's ACAB but when it comes to cops and the justice system, there are some things that ppl label as issues that may look bad on the outside but ultimately was the best solution for the situation at hand, like the 9 y/o. i really wish ppl would look more into these situations more and sort of think outside of the box for these types of situations
@paigeelwell4348 6 ай бұрын
​@@kingkat_ I agree that it was a lot safer for everyone that he be in cuffs but don't they have actual padded cuffs for behavioural issues to restrain them without hurting them. If that makes sense??
@skydivingisfun 6 ай бұрын
For anothny he has a cdl and there is a 0 tolerance.....also .08 is the abs limit if the cops deem u too frunk to drive u can b arrested at .01
@BitterSweetAerith 6 ай бұрын
You might have been a little drunk when typing that out 😂
@skydivingisfun 6 ай бұрын
@BitterSweetAerith lol too fast on mobile and bad sesnetivity on fone. And too lazy to correct lol
@SomeRustyNuts 6 ай бұрын
​@skydivingisfun cdl alcohol limit is half of the normal legal limit, so it is actually .04
@skydivingisfun 6 ай бұрын
@SomeRustyNuts thats for a personal vechile, in a commercial vechile its 0.00
@SomeRustyNuts 6 ай бұрын
@skydivingisfun I didn't realize that. Thanks for the clarification.
@moonshadowanimations1034 6 ай бұрын
Holy hell "posted 42 seconds ago", that's new for me XD
@yeturs69420 6 ай бұрын
You can get a dui/duwi under the limit. Any amount that impairs your driving is criminal. 0.08 is more like a limit, the state assumes anyone would be impaired at that point
@ayajade6683 2 ай бұрын
He's a bus driver which is a different license it's a commercial passenger license that has .01% as drunk driving same as a tractor trailer driver
@Kelsey1994 6 ай бұрын
My son is autistic and has aggressive behaviors like that 9 year old…so no thanks not always bad parenting…
@FelineVillain 6 ай бұрын
Of course you would not admit that you are a bad parent... But you probably are because you are coming right out of the gate with excuses.
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
@@FelineVillainclearly never dealt with any mentally disabled kids they don’t respond to things the same way a normal child does your comment is just ignorance
@FelineVillain 6 ай бұрын
@@spudbang I was diagnosed with Aspergers, and treating me any different than anyone else would definitely make me angry. So your claim of ignorance is erroneous,and I think that you will find that many people with disabilities or mental illness would agree with me. It's self-righteous and permissive people that make things worse with their good intentions.
@donnikthejedi2222 6 ай бұрын
​@@FelineVillain"I am like that that's why everyone else has to be as well" you are your own Anecdotal Evidence.
@spudbang 6 ай бұрын
@FelineVillain doubt that as there are always levels to things and also I wouldn't go through life just assuming people would agree with you kinda self righteous
@GrillMasterP88 3 ай бұрын
That lady probably smelled her own stash lol
@galeforce3192 3 ай бұрын
Is it sad that I actually buy the possibility of a staff member forgetting to leave their stash at home?
@ashtonhawerlander8220 6 ай бұрын
Y'all are tweaking pigs hair line isn't that bad he doesn't even look like vagita 💀
@Reusable_kidney 6 ай бұрын
Ah, the public school, Christian school, private school system, so beautiful ❤️ these videos really be making homeschooling look like (and probably is at this point) the best choice lmao
@Reusable_kidney 6 ай бұрын
Also a lot of these children are WILD got damn
@crowMilatonin Ай бұрын
As somebody who gets homeschooled, I must say I do not miss school in the slightest... It doesn't help that I live in one of the trashiest states (West Virginia) and the safety of these schools was very questionable at times
@Spectrum0122 2 ай бұрын
Also highly illegal for cops and the school to do all that without notifying the parents. Kid seems like he has mental issues. Imo zero reason to handcuff a 9 year old
@User-pw3pu 9 күн бұрын
Honestly, my kid had similar issues last year. He had an IEP and we had to sue the school before to get him a 1 on 1 aid for his autisim. All they'd do is call me after trying unsuccessfully to calm down. At one point I was at the school every day, multiple hours a day, but we did get through the school year. Now he's done a complete 180 at a new school, more suited to kids on the spectrum 🤙
@GogiRegion 3 ай бұрын
A BAC of 0.08% is the legal limit for civilian vehicles, but the limit is 0.04% for working drivers. You also can be charged even below the limit if your intoxication affected your driving (for example crashing while still under the limit).
@jarrysampson 6 ай бұрын
I was expelled and banned from campus in 2nd grade not for being spoiled (crazy I know) but because I had anger issues and a really bad home at the time and I'd take that out on the people around me, then I didn't want to live/be awake, I remember I just wanted to play with my toys because creating a lil world better than mine was all I wanted. It's really upsetting to think people thought that was me being spoiled.
@samanthabackman1444 6 ай бұрын
For the kid who smelled like weed- I sort of understand the teacher's side, but I also completely agree with you. The problem, is that teachers are mandatory reporters. In college, I briefly wanted to be a science teacher, so I took education courses, and in those basic education courses it was taught to us that teachers /must/ report any crime they see/notice while on the job. An assault, illegal possession of drugs, child neglect, child abuse, all those kinds of things. There are times that's a good thing: ie child abuse, child neglect, etc. However... I also agree that the poor kid didn't need the cops there. The smell of weed doesn't mean he was smoking it or had any on him. Hell, his friends or his parents or someone he chatted with on the street could have been smoking! So I get why the teachers got the cops involved... but I also feel like this should have been a conversation, not freaking the poor guy out and getting him restrained.
@dylanperry3735 6 ай бұрын
That cop that body slammed that girl that weights about 80 llbs wet for “resisting” SHE’S A CHILD WTF
@Icouldntthinkofausername123 6 ай бұрын
5:05 that look sort of like a stapler
@squeggit1511 6 ай бұрын
I don’t wanna be that guy so all I’m gonna say is the ai voices should cost chat more to send
@naturallynoted 6 ай бұрын
7:45 PIG: "I genuinely don't understand how kids get like this..." Me: *Clears throat* *Licks lips* *Slams hands on table and stands up* "Fortnite."
@pwner332 6 ай бұрын
Hey bus, you cant park there!
@giraffewhiskers2045 6 ай бұрын
I was this kid 7:59 when I was 12-18 years old, I was influenced by bad friends, later extremely depressed and anxious
@DreemyDreemz 6 ай бұрын
Bro how hard is it to just TALK TO A KID?? Teachers need better training because it's really easy to talk a 9 year old down if you notice they're starting to escalate. That poor kid :/ I also feel like most kids who live in good homes wouldn't act up in places because they're in a stable environment where they get the love and attention they need. I definitely feel worried about the kids acting up. They COULD be spoiled brats but it would be so shitty to call them spoiled only to find out they're the opposite :(
16:30 As someone who had a friend who was constantly in trouble at school and who even came to the school when hed been suspended I can attest that yeah sometimes kids act out in school because their home life is sh1t. It turned out my friend was being molested at home by his Moms BF who apparently just got with HER so he could start Molesting my friend. Luckily the Principal at the school wasnt an A-Hole scared idiot like these people here and when my friend came to the school on suspension he just made him sit in his office and talked to him. My friend came the next day did the same thing and the next day. Finally he broke down and told the Principal what was happening. His Suspension was immediately revoked and the piece of sh1t BF was locked up and my Friend was given counseling both At school and At a Therapists office. His Mom even got more involved in his school activities and just showered him with love whenever she could because she felt horrible that that had been happening behind her back while she was working and making the money. And thats just ONE of my Friends who survived horrible home lives and acted out in school because of it. Hell my Kids Dad who though Im not with him now I still cherish him as a friend; despite him actually being very smart....when hes not acting Dumb....he did terrible in school....And his Mom used to Drink and Pop Pills and Abuse him; and his Dad drank and rarely saw him and when he Did see him hed be drinking or drunk and sleep....So My kids Dad joined the Baseball team and stayed after school and then would stay hanging out in the streets to 12AM JUST TO NOT GO HOME....So when it came time for School....He COULDNT Do It. Hed Sleep. So yeah....ALOT of kids act out when they are being abused or neglected. Hell its a KNOW THING For Kids to Do in Child Psychology AND is one of the things they look for as a Red Flag when they are investigating Abuse. Likewise is a Child SUDDENLY becoming Fearful and Quiet when their Parent is Around. I would know....Cause despite the fact I Love My Mom to Death....She did abuse me as a Kid. Mind you TO HER she was doing the "Christian Thing" and not sparing the Rod so I wouldnt grow into a spoiled sinful adult....It Half Worked.....If she saw my Search History and knew my F-List of Kinks she would know K am nothing But SIN. But I am at least not a Spoiled and Entitled Karen B1tch. So I think Im Good. XD
@abbie_joan Ай бұрын
yeah that 9-year old is DEFINITELY dangerous...he could bite someone!! or yell at them!! in all seriousness who the hell thought to call the cops on a 9-year old? unless that kid had a gun or drugs they could have found other de-escalation methods
@MagicCookieGaming 2 ай бұрын
24:30 the teachers DID want to search him but he wouldn't let them, they did confront him, I'm with you most times but you clearly missed the story here
@happyappy02 6 ай бұрын
Pig I keep watching your videos and you have horrible takes sometimes. I know i’m probably gonna get a ton of replies to this lol. I think you don’t think logically about these situations. You take what you see and run with it while ignoring context. The boy being handcuffed kept getting up and trying to assault the employees. That’s not excessive force considering if he stopped trying to attack people, he wouldn’t have been handcuffed. Just because they’re a child doesn’t mean they cannot hurt someone. A 9 year old child can be quite a big person as well. My brother at 9 was bigger than our mother. You discuss these situations with too much opinion and not enough of a reasonable perspective. I enjoy watching your content because you’re funny but it’s nearly every video where you say the wildest stuff with nothing but “i said so”. I get it’s ur channel so i’m not saying “change your ways” but i’m telling u why I’m starting to watch you less
@devilsdeckofcards Ай бұрын
you would think the cop cams would filter out that migraine-assassin of a high pitch noise. like it triggered my migraine xd and i get lashing out at school but if u have a abusive family and you do something that makes you not allowed to escape that, why make it worse? dont the parents get worse since they have to actively get to u cus the school would call them in?
@Yuan-lo3zz 6 ай бұрын
12:13 No, you're a police officer who's trained to deal with situations relating to violations of the law. There are no legal grounds for which a child can act out, kick, hit, or otherwise endanger staff members with their tantrums. He was given numerous opportunities to calm down and explain himself to the parties in the room; he chose not to and continued his escapade, which is why he was restrained. I find it interesting that you do bring up "being an adult," but I wonder if you would have those same feelings if a parent took these steps? They're an "adult" who's lived through and understands far more than their child can comprehend; they're naturally stronger and more developed than their child; and they're more logical, to the matter, unlike their child who goes off pure emotion. if their child was throwing things at them, kicking them, hitting them, or otherwise trying to injure them, they are in the wrong for restraining them so that they cannot cause harm uncontrollably? To you, "being an adult" is sufficient enough for the lack of use of higher restraints when more subtle methods were previously instituted: that's a myopic way of thinking. You're getting too caught up on the use of handcuffs: these are resources that the police have available to them. Of course, they're going to use them when the circumstance arises, which they did in this instance. As easily as they could have hurt this child, this child could do the same to them if he hit them in the right spot. Someone could've been hit in the face, tripped, fell trying to avoid something, have a previous injury be reaggravated, etc. This is why so many teachers quit because of the unruliness of students and lack of legal avenues for which they can protect themselves from abuse.
@50ShadesofBlond 6 ай бұрын
You can't park there mate !😂
@ahnjoemama7104 5 ай бұрын
Just because your home life is shitty doesn't mean you get to act out for attention. I had a horrendous home life and no one at school knew because it wasn't their problem so why would I make it theirs? That's not fair to them just because I was going through shit. I'd get suspended from something I did in school but I always went out of my way to make sure I didn't affect the people around me. Super toxic to myself ik but I thought I deserved it cause I felt like there was nothing more for me
@xoparadigm 6 ай бұрын
25:37 most schools have cops specifically meant to patrol at that school throughout the day if the district is big enough. so they most likely didn’t call the police, they were already there.
@ashes2ashes746 2 ай бұрын
21:21 The cop literally wasn’t gonna touch the kid if he would’ve just let go of his backpack but he can’t let this kid be hitting on him.
@KissyAdair 2 ай бұрын
Yea, instead of talking to him they put him in cuffs and scarred him for life.
@KatimusMaximus Ай бұрын
13:20 according to social media posts she was trying to get back into the school to go fight some girl who was talking shit on snap.
@yukigen4535 6 ай бұрын
Schools have no legal right to put their hands on a child. Not even to defend themselves. At least in the US. So, naturally the teachers or the school would call the cops on the children. Teachers who put their hands on a child would either be fired, sued, or even put in jail, that's why they called the police. In the situation of the 9 yr old, it doesn't matter how young a child is or how misbehaved a child is, if they grow violent you should restrain the child. No matter what! To stop the child from hurting themselves or others. Also in the US, if you're suspended, it is illegal for you to enter the school, it would be trespassing. If they don't want to be at home, then probably don't get suspended. Weed is also a huge problem in schools. Many students don't wish to high because someone smelled like weed. Some people are even allergic to weed. I personally get sick off just the smell of weed and become disoriented for hours due to it. Also, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to bring weed, or smell like weed at school. It's illegal at where I went to school at for the reasons I pointed out above and some more reasons. In the situation of the girl in the cafeteria, she raised her hands. I thought she was going to hit the cop, I feel like the cop had every right to put her to the ground.
@Fangirl-kk3zt 6 ай бұрын
I disagree with your opinion regarding handcuffing the child. He is having a tantrum like an average young boy in a confusing and upsetting situation. The officer attempting to restrain/handcuff him and be near him is why the officer was getting kicked. Also, imo, cuffing the kid is only antagonizing the behavior because the kid is confused and not having things explained to him in a calm, rational manner. Instead of the officer attempting to deescalate, he attempts to restrain/cuff the kid while repeated screaming at him to calm down and be quiet. Sounds like the perfect environment to calm a terrified child. The officer should have never been called unless the kid was actively attacking the teacher, which didn't look like the case from the footage. It looked like a boy having a tantrum because he's confused and upset he's being held down. Also, the fact that children have no right to privacy once entering school is extremely sad. Administrators should at least be required to have reasonable cause. Just because they're kids doesn't mean they shouldn't have rights or privacy. I wouldn't want people going through my stuff on mere speculation or because of random checks (like some schools do), whether I have illegal things or not. Imo, it's dehumanizing (because it displays a lack of mutual trust and respect), but also extremely prison like. In the situation of the girl raising your hands up slightly shouldn't mean you get thrown down. She was expressing herself with her hands. What if she was deaf and the cop took her down for trying to use sign language? She showed no aggression and even said I'm not going to hurt you as he grabbed her and bodyslammed her. She wanted no harm, only to express herself. He could've de-escalated and instead took her down, then tried to guilt trip her for it.
@tylerseese449 3 ай бұрын
The logic of thinking it’s somehow better for a cop to physically restrict and detain a child rather than handcuffing them is crazy lol.
@donnie96 6 ай бұрын
TBH if I was a school administrator and saw a kid that was supposed to be suspended who's REFUSING to leave campus or listen at all to instruction from other administrators, I'd probably think the kid has a weapon, and I'd call the cops too. We can't afford to be relaxed about who's on our public school campuses.
@majrovits4902 6 ай бұрын
I tried not resisting the one and only time I was in that situation. And they decided to play tug of war with me while yelling stop resisting. Then proceeded to beat the shit out of me in a grocery store so thats not always gonna help.
@junkjouster 3 ай бұрын
Cops should not be doling out discipline in schools.
@CrystallVal 6 ай бұрын
most schools have officers working there, so i dont think they "called the cops"
@ravenrisby 6 ай бұрын
Don’t like ppl pestering your videos 😢no one can probably watch your KZbin videos 😢
@Shannonbarnesdr1 6 ай бұрын
yies ! 5:04 its easy to say, hes a bad person, but usually young folks who act like that come from abusive homes and this is the behavior they see and hear their parent(s) acting i saw it all the time in my years in the social services world, most of the time its not ''a bad kid'' but its shit parents who model that behavior or act like that, sometimes yeah, you can have a genuinely bad kid, but most of the time its caused by something, usually some form of abuse or dysfunction in the home.
@jackmarshall3255 6 ай бұрын
Ride on the magic school bus.
@anonymoust0077 6 ай бұрын
This did is not a good streamer
@DemelicosHelsaint 6 ай бұрын
The thing you don't realize about the 9 year old is that if the 9 year old hurts himself in cuffs, it is the 9 year olds fault. If he hurts himself struggling against the officer, that is the officers fault. If you hurt your kid or they hurt themself while you are trying to restrain him, you'll find that out from CPS. As for the weed kid, paranoia isn't ever an excuse.
@kriscynical 6 ай бұрын
I think the simpleton way Pig's chat reacted to a lot of these kids, even after he cooked REALLY WELL about trauma and abuse and behavioral issues, shows just how young a lot of Pig's audience is. Young or dumb as doorstops. Because what he was saying really wasn't that hard to comprehend.
@gabefoster8370 6 ай бұрын
when driving a semi or large vehicle that requires a CDL license, you cant be over 0.03 !
@trulslaastad15 3 ай бұрын
12:53 mom is calling, be cool
@hisaceinthehole3426 6 ай бұрын
For those saying "bro it's just weed." At the school i was at, weed was a major problem. Chronic users To the point where kids couldnt wait til after school and were smoking in the classroom, with teachers present. Then you have multiple kids [sometimes even half the class] who were a bunch of zombies that were falling asleep or just couldnt function. It was really sad. And then they wondered why they were going nowhere. Also, please keep in mind that students are still minors,, and taking substances while your brain is still developing can cause serious dependency issues. Just because you as an adult can handle it, doesn't mean kids should have anything to do with it. Just some needed context that I thought folks should have as to why it's taken seriously.
@catsayco1312 6 ай бұрын
It’s just weed in the sense that they didn’t need to slam him on the ground and be weird with him
@hisaceinthehole3426 6 ай бұрын
@@catsayco1312 oh yeah. Well that makes sense.
@galeforce3192 3 ай бұрын
You can't judge whether or not someone uses marijuana based on smell alone. Maybe that teen had a friend or family member who was a stoner and he got so used to the smell that he became desensitized to it. It's not so different from tobacco.
@DamiesEvilTwin 2 ай бұрын
22:47 the cop putting his fucking chips back is so funny, everything else is take entirely out but the chips are rolled back up for later
@Tikkywink 6 ай бұрын
9:16 Despite the age kids a very strong, I used to be like the kid in cuffs and even broke my mothers arm once (Granted she was coming in to hit me during a meltdown). It comes from anger (Either from parents or just the world around you) and not really having any support mostly, I mellowed out once I went into therapy and meds. Though this is not always the case as some kids just really have no one that understands, some are just violent since that's all they've known.
@redneckracekarts555 7 күн бұрын
They put the second kid in cuffs I was born i 2002 and I still remember one fight I got into and the resource officer responded and I was in a death grip fight with another kid cussing every word in the book but they never put me in handcuffs because I was viewed as the non violent quiet kid and their assumption was wrong with the following year still to this day never been cuffed yet
@jessbess394 2 ай бұрын
I can’t stand your softness with violent destructive kids. Shouldn’t have handcuffed them; are you serious?! So you’d rather that wild child be allowed to just hurt people. SOFT. You and the whole system is. If a kid is a danger to themselves and others, the police should be able to do what’s necessary to keep the peace/ safety. Oh the police should be able to just hold the kid down? You don’t think that can be more damaging than just a pair of cuffs? Jeeez la Luis I cannot watch this particular content from you , I’m so pissed. You have no clue how wild these kids are getting and people just want to enable the bad behavior.
@whenimmanicimgodly4228 Ай бұрын
That kid got arrested the day before 4/20 with weed...he was tryna give his homies a good holiday..... Edit didnt realize he didnt have any at all on him. However, point still stands; it being the day before 4/20 means police are already on a hogher alert thsn notmal for pot; the cops prolly got riled up abt it like "ph boy here we go" and jumped into action 24:22
@JizaiSupana4000 16 күн бұрын
My son got hot fry dust in his eyes and it took 5 nurses and a doctor AFTER they gave him a sedative just to hold him down and wash his eyes out ....he is 6 years old....he is ALL muscle.
@RK-dc2es 3 ай бұрын
the suspended girl is 100% from a bad home, like I grew up in a neglectful, abusive household so 1. rage & violence were heavily normalized 2. I didn't like or respect adults as a general rule because every adult I knew didn't like or respect me 3. as much as I lashed out at school, I still preferred being there vs being home. I'm seeing a lot of familiar stuff with her and it sucks because every adult who treats her like she's just an inherently bad brat is reinforcing "Adults are my enemy, they don't try to understand my situation or empathize with me, they don't have my best interests in mind, so why would I ever take direction from them"
@DarkbutNotsinister 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like we need to watch SUPERNANNY! It helped me understand why kids are the way they are. If you can get through the evil raptor screams.
@GenX_files 6 ай бұрын
OK so some kids are born with behavioral disorders but usually they are "given" them by a horrible environment. My daughter actually was born with oppositional defiance dissorder and used to throw hour long tantrums like that as a child (as did I as a child). Luckily she was in occupational therapy for years for her ODD and SPD (sensory processing dissorder) and is now an amazing teen but most kids aren't as lucky and untreated ODD can turn into antisocial personality dissorder as an adult. Most of these kids tho are just acting out like they're treated at home by crazy adults.. just my opinion
@monkeymita 6 ай бұрын
I think it should be taught that a lot of anger is just a mask for fear and/or sadness. And in some cases, it could just be something that's the easiest way to express discomfort with anything. I think the 9 yr old definitely didn't need the handcuffs though I'm curious what other way could they have subdued him? Cuz he can't keep throwing things and kicking the staff till he calms down. Like he's, he's just a small child but even small children can be difficult to maintain. The state of the whole room was in disarray. And I only know that in special needs classes with children on the spectrum, sometimes you have to hug them to provide pressure so they relax (I used to help aid in these classes). But for kids outside of that, I don't think the same thing applies. And with the black teen who was assumed to have weed, this is just my assumption, but man...in black households it's like...not at all uncommon for boys to be brought up to be as tough as possible. Even though my parents told us all to be extra careful around the police, they still insist that boys can't show fear or cry at all. I assume that kid was def scared but I also think he was tryin to not show any embarrassment in case other students came by. These situations are so difficult to have much of an opinion on since we don't know much :c but I can only hope the kids are alright. I came into this vid expecting a lot of crash crash shit, not traumatized kids 😭😭
@kylekeefer2748 3 ай бұрын
Here's the thing that you have to understand about legal drinking limit, if you are driving and you show signs of endangerment, swerving on the road, and things like that, it doesn't matter that you are under the legal drinking limit, because the alcohol has affected you to some degree to impair your driving ability. Another thing is that, similar to semi drivers, for bus drivers, the legal drinking limit is actually .04, or less depending on some areas. However, some districts and counties have a zero tolerance policy for certain professions, school bus drivers being one of them. The bus driver, even though under the legal drinking limit, ran into a house, which shows the alcohol has still affected him for him to demonstrate dangerous behaviors on the road. The legal limit is more of a suggestion, because some people can be affected by alcohol more so than others, but the average amount of BAL that affects a person is generally around .08, which is why that's the legal limit.
@theshadowking9626 4 ай бұрын
For the kid suspected of weed, you are completely wrong. Anyone who attends? Any public schooling under the age of 18 is subject to searches at any and all times all your possessions, such as your backpack, locker and your person are subject to any unwarranted searshe's for protection of the school at any and all times without warrant or probable cause.
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