Bishop Barron on Who God Is & Who God Isn't

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Bishop Robert Barron

Bishop Robert Barron

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Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit

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@bobexler9041 7 жыл бұрын
Very good lectures should be shared in every school in the USA. Using the internet to the max like this is helping us all and lifting us up from this consumer society run by large corporations.
@YOUMATTER2 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks Fr. Barron for your explanation.
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
Oy vey... I'm not "calling the universe god." Just the contrary. "The universe" is a catch-all term for the sum total of contingent things. I'm arguing that a radically contingent universe requires, finally, a non-contingent explanation.
@themitchellbrothers 3 жыл бұрын
Do you still believe we were created in his image then?
@riyascorner9198 3 жыл бұрын
lol yeah we were made in his image becuase we live within him.
@peaceturtleinfinity 3 жыл бұрын
Bishop Barron, your words always quiet my soul. Whenever I find myself in a unpleasant place I come to your videos. Thanks, man!
@c.tylercohen7633 7 жыл бұрын
Great book. It changed the direction I was heading in life.
@alexsolis3188 10 жыл бұрын
esse ipsum subsistens! This goes hard in the paint, SON!!! God's blessings To all who view this and God be with you, Father Barron!
@curious1curious 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Bishop Barron, We need priests and teachers who are not afraid to broach the tough questions, who are not afraid of being labeled this or that by those in disagreement, for we are headed in a catastrophic direction in this country and the world. We are censoring thought and denying possibilities of advancing our knowledge by following corrupt ideas and people. We are being asked to accept that which goes contrary to our religious beliefs and sense of moral correctness. We must educate ourselves, but true education does not come easy. Bishop Barron has put his time in and still does. He's always reading his Bible and other works "out there" in the world. He has his finger on the pulse of humanity...always trying to learn more. We all need to do the same, for we are in danger of losing our freedom precisely to those who pretend to want justice and equity for all. They are deceivers and materialists. Let us focus on reading God's Word and sharing that Word (Christ) with others, humbly. Let us prepare a place for the Spirit of God to live within us. Let us fight the good fight! Thank you Bishop Barron. You are an inspiration to us all!
@LorrainaNinaiava 7 жыл бұрын
663 comments... I wonder if you'll even notice mine... I was shown this video in a college philosophy course two years or so ago, and I fell in love with your description and definition of God. Nothing else I know of actually addresses this question in an easy to understand, coherent manner; and the whole world argues about theories of what God is, but your explanation here, I feel, knocks many of the arguments out of the water. I have referenced this video many times in discussions with atheists and agnostics across the internet. I know this is you describing the meaning of a book, but even so, your description of who/what God is and isn't can stand alone; and, more importantly, it really gets people thinking about the nature of God. This argument has become a tool in the arsenal of people who go around inspiring belief in God in people. I remember when I first saw this, and was amazed that a bishop would be taking a view that seems to deviate from the common Christian view of God being a "male being" watching over us (the all-powerful "He"), and, instead, delves into an awe-inspiring concept of God's "being" as "to be," instead of as a solid entity. I wonder if I'm being (ha ha) too narrow in my thinking, and if God is both this non-conditional source of all conditional things, AND this entity of goodwill and care for what has been created? Biblically, it seems so, but I still struggle with finding truth. Many of us are. I try to make sense of this in the relation to Christ. How can God be a supernatural force on which all of reality exists as contingent things, and Christ still be the son of God? I do wish we could actually have a conversation, because I'd love to ask you about 200 questions, ha ha... Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you for making this video and inspiring a level of contemplation of God that I believe is deeper than many people go on their own, and which is eye-opening and thought-provoking.
@arielwertlen6709 5 жыл бұрын
Lorraina Art If you are still searching for the answer to the concept of an embodies God in Jesus, and the metaphysical God of Aquinas, I would recommend looking into how early Catholicism incorporated stoic metaphysics. The Creative Fire, or Logos, and culmination of this in the Christ figure. Think of the event acting as a resolution between metaphysical and physical forms. Fascinating.
@BeeFC27 11 жыл бұрын
Fr Barron, I love your commentaries. Thank you so much for producing then continuously and excellently. I know you love to read, I do so as well, and feel safe reading books you recommend or comment on. I wonder if you could comment on a book which I found at first interesting, but after finding out the author is an atheist, I wondered if it would be beneficial to actually read it or would I be at risk of being confused? The book is called Lying by Sam Harris. Would you mind commenting on it if you've read it, or commenting on reading books by atheists or Protestants? Would it be a threat to my understanding of our Catholic faith? God bless you Sir.
@lysanderofsparta3708 11 жыл бұрын
David Bentley Hart is a great writer. His book "Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies" is also fantastic.
@AJMacDonaldJr 11 жыл бұрын
Well said Father Barron!!
@humanistfox4910 11 жыл бұрын
The quote was perfectly within context. You can go back and re-watch the video to be sure. I grow extremely wearisome of honest people like me being accused of being liars by liars. I'm reminded of RatinoalWarrior's lyrics in "Beyond Reason": "I know, we taking it out of context. That's what you would say next like it's so complex." It's worth a listen.
@nevermind2886 11 жыл бұрын
Fantastic. Thank you.
@ryanwiacek902 10 жыл бұрын
Woah that question at the end blew my mind.
@tjlaviolette 10 жыл бұрын
Great video Father, loved it...
@ericemerson3413 4 жыл бұрын
I love this video, you explain it so well brother. .
@zrobert66 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Bishop Barron ❤
@kinglehr79 11 жыл бұрын
"[I]f someone asks me whether or not the theorem I proved with Borde and Guth implies that the universe had a beginning, I would say that the short answer is “yes”. If you are willing to get into subtleties, then the answer is “No, but…” So, there are ways to get around having a beginning, but then you are forced to have something nearly as special as a beginning." -- Alexander Vilenkin
@KyleOfCanada 11 жыл бұрын
If I may even be so bold as to draw a comparison between St. Paul and Fr. Barron who also makes use of new media and examines/references modern culture and pointing out truth in an effort to evangelize and share the Good News of Christ with the modern world in a relatable manner. Just some thoughts on an interesting topic for discussion. All the best, Kyle. (Part 3)
@rubendrakkar 8 жыл бұрын
waaoooo great explanation
@bitphr3ak 11 жыл бұрын, as social creatures we've come to realize the value and good that comes from our collective capabilities, and we rely on each other to succeed in ways that we never could as isolated, uninterested individuals. So in that we collectively strive for the 'good', our moral ideas are objective. We follow just laws, we treat others how we wish to be treated, we strive to get along. Of course we are also subject to team verses your team...but these are human characteristics
@OneCatholicSpeaks 11 жыл бұрын
"...and [we're] accused of magical thinking!" Fr. Baron, I had to agree with you so completely that I laughed. I greatly enjoy how you can take such a deep philosophical issue and present it in such a way that I learn something. I can "track" on how you develop your logic. Thanks. BTW: I also like posting your videos to my facebook page. My way of helping get the "word" out (pun intended). God bless you and your ministry.
@billybagbom 11 жыл бұрын
My own favorite analogy for the relationship of "God" to His created space-time continuum is the relationship between an author and his/her narrative. The characters within the story cannot approach the level of the Author's existence; if the Author "exists" at all, the characters in the story don't "exist" at all, for their "existence" is not at all commensurate with the Author's "existence."
@kinglehr79 11 жыл бұрын
When it comes to the beginning, none of the available, suggested answers (even those by science) suggested are more extraordinary than the others; more rational than the others; more solidly evidenced than the others. That's the point of putting down the Vilenkin quote.
@WillStrop2008 11 жыл бұрын
Only if it's bound into time (which it wouldn't be, as the Bang was the start of time as well as space). As for the dilemma of being outside time but still acting, that can be solved via Chiros (non-physical, non-linear "time" for lack of a better word). You can always do the thought experiment of the Series of Natural Integers (properties existing necessarily despite quantatively describing contingent things). God would be a similar necessary existence.
@patrickbinter3715 11 жыл бұрын
"Realm of nature"... That's a tight way to put it.
@frankstancatto2662 11 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking about this argument ever since I started watching Fr. Barron. I admit that the Contingency argument makes a good deal of sense but it still doesn't convince me that there is a God. It's a very abstract line of reasoning and it's just not going to do the job. I'm a physical creature and I have trouble understanding how the physical world works, so good luck convincing me that there exist something which isn't physical.
@julianlord5366 11 жыл бұрын
The way I put it is : What is the origin of causality ?
@deepaktripathi4417 Жыл бұрын
It's very hard for me to believe that there is a God but it's even way harder to explain why there's something rather than nothing, why is there anything at all? I want to know the Truth.
@WillStrop2008 11 жыл бұрын
We (Or I at least) don't have to re-iterate the grand categorical difference between "the gods" and God. Father Barron already did that just fine, and your comment does show a categorical error (even if Alex Pham did do a poor job of pointing it out). God of the Gaps would imply God to be "a thing" to stick after 1 known (physical) cause and before another. Not the case, Fr. Barron is (and others are) discussing why anything can exist at all not specific cause/effect/explanatory instances.
@Scipionyxsam 7 жыл бұрын
Bishop Barron in this video: 'Atheists mislabel Christianity's concept as a supreme instance of a category being(...) Well that is exactly who god is not.' Bishop Barron in another video: 'One of the deepest truths about god is that god is a person. He is a person.He is the supreme person' Christian doublethink at its best...all these semantic exercises and willful ambiguities just to dodge arround the point, that there is no evidence for god and not a logical reason to believe in him, especially not in the way organized religions do.
@BishopBarron 7 жыл бұрын
Scipionyxsam Not at all! To say that God is not a being is to say that he is the sheer act of to be itself. To say he is a person is to say he has the ontological perfections of freedom, Intelligence, and will. The first statement implies the truth of the second.
@patrickfoley4990 6 жыл бұрын
Heavy question Who or rather what is God? Jesus said more or less if you have seen Him then you have seen God. As the second person of the Trinity I take His Word for it .This allows me to rest my feeble mind and concentrate on learning the other abstract concert of what is Love? And then, wouldn't you no it an internal voice mt rather an external voice internalized by me tells me that Love is God and God is Love.I think I'll run with that.
@PolishRoman 11 жыл бұрын
@Wordonfirevideo, I have always wondered how this understanding of God relates to Jesus. Is he both contingent and non-contingent at the same time? I understand he is both Human and God and that each person is God wholly and without substance but I have a hard time understanding what you state in the video and how that Supernatural Nature relates to the three persons of the Trinity.
@Javier-il1xi 6 жыл бұрын
It reminds me of the idea of Brahmán. Grea video!
@titanfidelis 11 жыл бұрын
Father Barron, What about the God of the Old Testament? Isn't He depicted as a being in the world?
@leighwiggin4139 7 жыл бұрын
If God has an affect on the universe then it will be measurable, if he doesn't he isn't worth worshipping.
@BishopBarron 7 жыл бұрын
Well who said you can't measure his effects? The sciences do this all the time.
@leighwiggin4139 7 жыл бұрын
Bishop Robert Barron The sciences measure God's effects? I thought God was beyond the sciences?
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
It's not an honest answer. We can know some things, including the fact that an infinite regress of contingent causes is incoherent.
@bitphr3ak 11 жыл бұрын
"Out of the thousands of gods only one seems to shed light on absolute moral truth and perfection which is what any good and honest person strives for." That sounds like you are talking more about Plato, as opposed to what is written in the Bible. There are some moral lessons, taught by God. There are also many immoral, jealous, and violent lessons, taught by God, within the Bible. I would argue that morals come more from our nature, our parents, and socialization, not religion.
@Suicideforcelluloid 11 жыл бұрын
I'm curious about your thoughts on Marion's "God Without Being". He argues (as a catholic) that the tradition of "ontotheology" or the metaphysics of God is innately idolatrous, as it still places god as an object of understanding or renders God as something intelligible/conceptual. The argument that he makes opens the way for a catholic critique of people like Leibniz (who you cite).
@3minecrafter77 11 жыл бұрын
I think you missed both my point as well as the point Barron puts forth. He suggests that god is god because he is, a, I might add, silly argument to put forth in such well worded terms. What I am saying is, if god is god, and god does not change, I am a form of a god, or god itself, because I do not change (In any sense related to this argument). To answer your question, I am because I am, or in other words, I think because I am. My thoughts being my being and "am" being myself.
@psychogrodus1 9 жыл бұрын
Father Barron, I am an atheist, but I love your videos. You explain Catholicism with such logic and clarity that it allows me to understand why someone believes and to be more accepting of them. Thank you.
@frisco61 7 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if after an entire year you're still an atheist?
@elspethsilverstar6136 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Convert to Catholicism! We'd love to have you on our side! :D
@blesspascal6016 5 жыл бұрын
@@elspethsilverstar6136 sides? .....
@wickedhenderson4497 5 жыл бұрын
Bless Pascal theists atheists
@edlabonte7773 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a former atheist myself, and I've ended up a Catholic. I understand that you can't just begin to believe without any reason. If you don't want to believe, then all these respondents encouraging you to believe are wasting their time. I came to believe by going to mass with my wife who was a Catholic convert. I fell in love with the mass and was moved by what I feel is the Holy Spirit. I then read a lot of material by authors like David Bentley Hart, who wrote another book called Atheist Delusions. That book exorcised me of my atheism. I sometimes have doubts about the Catholic Church, but never about the existence of God any more. I won't encourage you to believe, because you can only believe what you find plausible. But I do encourage you to read the works of intelligent theists like Hart and Bishop Barron. Also Kenneth Miller, a biology professor and expert on evolution who is also a devout Catholic.
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
As I'm using the term, "contingency" means ontological dependency. To say that God is the non-contingent (or unconditioned) ground of contingency is to say that he is that reality upon which everything else depends, even as he himself depends on nothing. How this is in any sense "self-negating" you'll have to explain to me. In answer to your colleague's question: Yes, I listen to myself; she might benefit from listening to me a bit more carefully.
@Odinsyasa 4 жыл бұрын
@mattsigl1426 6 жыл бұрын
“God is not a Being” is perhaps the most profound understanding of God ignored by believers and non-believers alike. God is not A Being! He is Being. Itself.
@TheGuiltsOfUs 4 жыл бұрын
The last, thinnest, emptiest - Nietzsche
@baguette7851 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGuiltsOfUs NEETsche was a loser
@jeffreyheil9542 4 жыл бұрын
OminousImpression Nietzsche is dead. God is eternal.
@demetriusmiddleton1246 4 жыл бұрын
"God is not A Being! He is Being." What are the implications of this. What does this imply / mean?
@JeevanMathew92 3 жыл бұрын
Then who hears our prayers? If God is not a being, then how can he love us, judge us, etc.
@kokorojournal 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't realize how philosophical being catholic could be...for a while I saw it as an institution that controlled people's thoughts and limiting the scope of their wonders...Thank you for your videos they're really enlightening.
@thecarlitosshow7687 4 жыл бұрын
Many great thinkers were very religious and back then The Roman Catholic Church ran all universities (science, art, philosophy you name it) in the Western World. Many modern people don’t know that. Why do you think Universities like Harvard, Oxford etc look like religious churches or castles.
@mikeleo8209 2 жыл бұрын
Knowledge is precious, offered only to the needy. this is why we pay school fees to get it.
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
They're all equivocating on the word "nothing." They mean the fluctuating quantum vacuum, which is certainly not "nothing" in the philosophical sense of the term.
@dwmiller63 11 жыл бұрын
"'It popped out of nothing!' And I'm the one being accused of magical thinking." Perfect.
@chosenskeptic5319 4 жыл бұрын
Straw man, lol. Why is there something than nothing, because there’s matter.
@chosenskeptic5319 4 жыл бұрын
Matt Blaise 🤔 there has never been, according to the Big Bang model that there was never no matter. The singularity was all the matter in the universe as a singularity, a giant fusion ball of energy, aka a super sun so dense that there is no external space, external time or external gravitational systems of accretion. The cosmos seems eternal, since there was no known time that that all the matter in the universe did not exist. Matter cannot be destroyed and is constantly changing form and density. Therefore, the Big Bang was an event in the cosmos. Is there Big Bang repeatable? Yes. The singularity is nothing more than a star 🌟 exploding, of countless other stars that have exploded in history of the cosmos, that will eventually form other fusion stars aka suns that will explode.
@tryhardf844 4 жыл бұрын
@Matt Blaise You suddenly went blank with skeptoid here.
@chosenskeptic5319 4 жыл бұрын
GeorgeBecky Dragan 🤔 energy aka matter cannot be destroyed or created, first law of thermodynamics. Just because matter is contingent does not mean it is not necessary. The cosmos is necessary for matter to have an origin point, and the big bang is just an event of matter changing into something else. Matter is not dependent on the fallacy of ex-nihilo 😮. Ex-nihilo is a biased personal incredulity assertion.
@lukeabbott3591 3 жыл бұрын
@@chosenskeptic5319 Good point, although the eternal existence of matter doesn't invalidate the argument from contingency. In declaring matter eternal, you've only explained how the building material exists without referring to a prior/external agent. You must also explain what caused things to exist in their particular configurations and forms. Matter is only the "material cause" but is not the "efficient cause" as Aristotle would have said. The existence of inert "matter-as-such" doesn't explain the universe and all the distinct beings within it in the same way that the existence of inert "sand-as-such" doesn't explain a sand-castle-a prior/external agent is necessary for explaining how it came to be in that particular form. Also, this discovery wouldn't have tripped Aquinas up either. Aquinas didn't consider "matter-as-such" (prime matter) to exist in itself, but only to exist virtually within things as their constituent building-material. That's how he (sort of) reconciled creation "ex-nihilo" with reason.
@lscottb1 11 жыл бұрын
Fr. Barron I find your videos so instructive and constructive. You have such a gift for synthesizing theological information, from so many resources, and presenting it in such a way that I can walk out tomorrow, have a conversation with someone on the subjects that you cover and sound like I have studied it for years. BTW, we use a number of your materials in our faith sharing group that meets weekly in our home. Thanks so much.
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
Hey Scott, thanks!
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
The sneering doesn't help, friend. Whatever the fluctuating quantum vacuum is, it is not absolute non-being. And precisely as fluctuating and determined by quantum laws, it is contingent. Therefore, it requires an explanation. No infinite regress of contingent causes is possible. Thus...
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
I actually have answered this question many times. The unconditioned ground of existence is that whose very nature is to be. This implies that its existence is properly unlimited, for any limit would constitute a condition. Therefore, the unconditioned ground of contingency must possess any and all ontological perfection.
@nathanbogart3191 10 жыл бұрын
David Bentley Hart is brilliant. As an Orthodox, I love having him as a face of the faith--so to speak. I was hoping to find a video of you speaking on the Orthodox Church or Orthodox-Catholic dialogue. I can't find anything. Would you consider doing a video on such a topic? I would love to hear what you have to say, and I have a few close Catholic friends who would love it as well. Hopefully not a discussion of why you're a Catholic and not an Orthodox, but what we can learn from one another. Etc. Just a thought! In Christ, Nathan
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 4 жыл бұрын
🤜 🦛
@nathanbogart3191 10 жыл бұрын
Also, I was just reading comments that people have left on here. None of them possess the great rhetoric or logical tact that the great atheist philosophers of the past have possessed. They call you out on logical fallacies while making fallacious arguments themselves. The fact that you respond to such comments means you must possess a great deal of patience. KZbin is not the place for serious philosophical discussion--whether atheist or theist--and yet you respond to them as best as you can. That is wonderful. God bless you, father--and may He continue to give you patience in face of such absurdities.
@Imdisappointed 9 жыл бұрын
***** he put away Adam&Eve from the earthly paradise in respect of their belief to be independent, knowing that we would have the possibility to sin, and gave us rules for not get engaged from sin in itself and proceed to our santifications, such as instruments to be closer to this path: prayer, the mass, the Church...the problem is not the sin in itself but the lack of repentance about the sin and the firm conclusion not to sin anymore, that's why confession exists...actually you aren't punished until you die and even souls in hell can be recieved by God if just they would ask to, they don't want to ask it and that is what continues their damnation. All what I said is better comprehensible if you put at the basis the statement that life is in itself suffering and what you can do is just alleviate the sufferings...."in hac lacrimarum valle..." In this valley of tears..."
@marypinakat8594 4 жыл бұрын
*The Intellectual Life*
@gisshebap21 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Barron. As always, you've given me something more to think about as I continue to seek out fuller understanding of the Catholic Faith. I will defiantly be buying this book and you're new series as well. God Bless you in all that you continue to do for The Church.
@TheSkepticalHumanist 10 жыл бұрын
David Bentley Hart is one of the most important theologians writing in English today. His book "Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies" is a must read for anyone who's followed the rise of the new atheists. Even more worthwhile, though, is his "The Beauty of the Infinite: the Aesthetics of Christian Truth." As for the atheists typical reply to the question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" -- they often appeal to Bertrand Russell. Russell was a clever man and a brilliant analytic philosopher and mathematician, but his brute assertion that "the universe is just there, and that is all," is rather embarrassingly uncurious and evasive. It's a refusal to even entertain the question since the obvious logical answer point to the transcendent. Modern atheists have inherited this lack of curiosity and evasiveness, or been reduced to even baser irrationalities -- like asserting the universe created itself out of nothing, as does Lawrence Krauss.
@OniLeafNin 9 жыл бұрын
420bluntsmokerxXx That's not how the universe has always been defined. There's always been two schools, one of panentheism and the other of theism.
@Killjoyed95 9 жыл бұрын
I don't give a fuck how it has "always" been defined, moran. I care about the intelligent, well-reasoned definition. And nobody who gives two fucks about "panentheism" and "theism" has any access to anything well reasoned or intelligent, precisely because they are still under-evolved enough to care about crap like that.
@OniLeafNin 9 жыл бұрын
You're the first troll I've fed in a long time.
@Killjoyed95 9 жыл бұрын
I'm not a troll dipshit. I'm above each and every person here who does not understand the things I've posted about -- including the evolutionary throwback in this video. People like this belong in zoos and asylums, bottom line.
@OniLeafNin 9 жыл бұрын
Very well, :) I'll bite. Only an eternal unchanging standard of perfection can be that from which a person may correctly judge. That standard must be good, it must be whole, it must be true, it must not be lacking in anything to be a proper standard of goodness. In other words that standard must not be physical and not just another part of the universe which changes, or else it is a changing, fallible, and utterly meaningless standard. If the standard is the laws which govern nature, then why is one thing better than another thing? There is no difference in goodness between a fish and a sun from a law's perspective. A law isn't a judging thing, a law isn't a thinking thing. Gravity doesn't care, nor is evolution a means to know a monkey is better than a tortoise. Only a mind can do that. In what way is a mind physical? Synapses firing doesn't explain emotions, they react to sensory experience but can't tell us why such emotions exist in the first place. The relationship between the experience I have of myself, and synapses firing doesn't make sense of why I am either good or bad, above or below. For you sir, being a material reductionist is silly because you lack any power to explain you're own position, the belief that you're better than everyone here. If that statement has any weight at all, it must come from an objective standard, but neither evolution, the laws of physics, nor the universe are that means of knowing that's true. Therefore sir, in order for you to be right an objective standard must exist outside of this universe by which you attempt to judge creatures in it. But that contradicts your earlier statement that the universe is all in all. So you're wrong either way, mostly likely on both accounts because you failed to spell moron properly.
@4455matthew 8 жыл бұрын
'the non-contingent ground of contingency', that is excellent, thank you, Bishop Barron, once again, and a Happy New Year!!
@joshazprozaz4733 8 жыл бұрын
+Matthew D I loved this video, but my head is spinning from that line. Could you translate for me, please? :-)
@4455matthew 8 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Canada, sure, all things in existence depend on other things to function, all things change and pass away, but God is the foundation of all of these things, the ground upon which all of these things occur, from which all things gain their existence, power, etc. He is unchanging source of all things.
@joshazprozaz4733 8 жыл бұрын
Matthew D, thanks again. Yes, my understanding from the Old Testament as well as the writing of St Thomas Acquinas is that God IS. In other words, he is not some higher being above us, but the act of existence in itself. God is eternal, and IS. God has brought everything else into existence for no need of his own, but for the purpose of sharing his love. For God is IS; God is Love; God is faithfulness; God is Mercy; God is righteousness.
@JoeyC0914 7 жыл бұрын
Saint Bishop Barron: Patron saint of Apologetics to Catholics
@oambitiousone7100 5 жыл бұрын
First multi- media apologist?
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
Hey Mark, thanks for that even-handed and reasonable reply!
@christophereasley7336 5 жыл бұрын
Easily one of the best explanations of God I have heard. I see God in everything and everything in God. I believe that is what you said. Great video!
@marypinakat8594 4 жыл бұрын
*The Intellectual Life*
@AG-kr1my 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this video many years ago and I remember having a deep sense of.....oh, God is real. For real.
@hereLiesThisTroper 4 жыл бұрын
Finding God inside nature is like finding JK Rowling inside the Harry Potter series.
@joelciaccio62 11 жыл бұрын
I love it! My favorite part is how you nearly come out of your seat exclaiming: "And I'm getting accused of magical thinking?!?!"
@sshealy1 11 жыл бұрын
Great video! DNA science ought to convert atheists since vast areas of the genome are still unknown to scientists despite knowing the entire sequence and the location/function of a many genes. Who could study DNA without marveling at its wonderful creator, our Almighty God?
@joeb1808 9 жыл бұрын
The more responses I read here the more I realize nobody really studies the bible and its history. Go watch a Gary Habermas video. Go pick up study Bible, study archaeology and learn what a myth really is. The NT can be backed more today than ever before with archaeological finds plus so much more. Just take a look.
@JarenJade 11 жыл бұрын
Greatest line: "...and I'm getting accused of irrational thinking?!?" Love it Father!
@stressbelden4478 4 жыл бұрын
Agree! Agree!! The non-believers have no logical argument, whatsoever, for their non-belief in the existence of God. I have nothing but pity for them.
@giosanpedro 11 жыл бұрын
Either you clearly did not understand what that quote meant, or you're just intentionally putting the quote out of context. I hope it's the former. It means this: the reason why atheists DON'T believe in God is that atheist think that by "God", theists mean a certain being in this universe which happens to be supreme. Fr. Barron DID NOT mean atheists believe in God insofar as it means a certain reality in the world; rather he meant that such an idea is the reason why atheists DON'T believe so.
@margarethhuapcent1270 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutly. God in him self containt us all Universe exist cause He is. Without existence of God. Can't be an Universe.😇😇😇👼☄️🕊️💗💐
@sergeauclair9175 9 жыл бұрын
Bonjour father Barron and thank you for your ministry. It helps me a great deal to deepen my understanding of catholicism and my relationship with Him and with my fellow human beings. God isn't a being or someone? Then how can we talk about one God in three Persons? This is a genuine question. I get the part that HE IS and that everything stems from that ultimate reality. The part I don't get is that he isn't someone because to me Jesus-Christ is someone, He is my Lord and my God as Thomas said. I am catholic and sincerly trying to understand. Have a nice day!
@praxidescenteno3233 4 жыл бұрын
He is faithful ever! 😇😇😇And beloved!
@marcihf9763 6 жыл бұрын
I learn so much listening to Father Barron. Thank you for these videos.
@mountaintop5922 8 жыл бұрын
I love Father Barron!!
@Irished58 10 жыл бұрын
Father Barron again offers us the real insight of a questioning or critical thinking viewpoint on God and the challenges that flow from this analysis. When my brother went to Jesuit high school and I to Christian Brothers high school, the sin was not asking the necessary questions to make for a lively discussion. Actually, even from grade school to the sisters, "Can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift it?" "Yes He can." "Then He can't do everything." While that question usually got you an appointment in the principal's office, the questioning of Baltimore Catechism and all of its Q&A is what Father Barron does here on a larger scale. Father, you have my vote for making things clear and avoiding no question!!!
@rithinsiby2653 4 жыл бұрын
The God he speaks is really close to Indian philosophy of Brahman which is existence consiousness and bliss
@st.mephisto8564 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! There's nothing like Sat, Chit, Ananda in the Xtian tradition
@edgarm.rodriguez2246 6 жыл бұрын
Lol, Father Barron you are so funny towards the end of this video! I love your work Father!
@ludvikkaaber3222 4 жыл бұрын
For me this is probably Bishop Barron's most memorable and thought-provoking small video. A classic. A slight criticism: He mentions the “Russian cosmonaut” who went into space and saw no God there. For his info and yours, Yuri Gagarin never said this. First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev did so, rhetorically, in a speech. It may be understandable that Gagarin, an Air Force officer, refrained from commenting on his words. Gagarin was baptized, he and his wife had their daughter baptized, and they used to celebrate Christmas and Easter and keep icons in their home (Wikipedia).
@dbaseII 11 жыл бұрын
A 3 year old would have thought it nonsense also because s/he does not understand what Fr Barron is saying. Perhaps that is the case with you? Maybe? BTW, Fr Barron is right on in agreement with the Bible and too, a life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - has no point! :) :) Just sayin....
@kenciolek843 4 жыл бұрын
I believe the words of God conteyned in the 1611 King James Bible , is God . The Old Testament is the Father , and the New is the Son , and the Son is in the Father , and the Father is in the Son...I can't separate my King James Bible from Jesus Christ , they are one.
@nextchannelnext8890 5 жыл бұрын
I Love The Eternal Father of Fr. Bishop Robert Barron ... He's My Eternal Father Too Whom Christ Our Lord Adores and Directs all ... so should all do as Christ Does. Eternal
@martin2560 6 жыл бұрын
Ugh. This awful existence. This terrible world. I despise it. If there is anything afterwards other than total non existence. Or "real peace". I'm going to be the next rebel on the block.
@danserrano100 3 жыл бұрын
God is beyond any human finite comprehension. Not even a supreme being, but beyond any being that exist even in imagination. Yet men's finite mind inescapably pursue the infinite God, that ultimately ends in Faith....
@Disillusioned_JELly 4 жыл бұрын
I'm at 0:20 and I had to pause the video because I still have a feeling this video is some sort of trick question I'm missing. This is becaue all I can think is: God is Jesus and God isn't anyone else. [1st edit] I'm at 4:19 and paused again. So we're talking metaphysics and the existence of God. Well, I'm still thinking the answer is: God is Jesus and isn't anyone else.
@mattdunn4785 4 жыл бұрын
God is actually three persons. The father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. They make up the trinity
@defenestratefalsehoods 2 жыл бұрын
You admit you have no way to detect a god so how do you know there is a god? Most of all there are over 25 million gods how did you come up with it is the Christian God?
@paulibrahimrude9767 6 жыл бұрын
i love your video Bishop. praying that God will continue to strengthen u
@faithmaier 11 жыл бұрын
As a new Catholic, I only say that your intellectual integrity and respectful, witty responses only help me fall deeper in love with the Church and the wisdom of the Magisterium.
@FredrickLeicht 6 жыл бұрын
It is written somewhere I can't remember where. "That when man finally peers his head over the mountain of what will be called knowledge he will find that religion has been sitting there all along."
@moursundjames 6 жыл бұрын
Bishop Barron with another Grand Slam! Love the baseball analogies too, by the way.
@BishopBarron 11 жыл бұрын
Friend, this response proves only that you haven't grasped a thing I said in the video.
@swennykins 10 ай бұрын
This is the most fundamental concept in religion and it’s explained beautifully here. Thank you Bishop for showing how faith and reason work to strengthen each other!
@patrickheneghan2794 6 жыл бұрын
Thank You Bishop Barron...helping greatly listening to the eloquent way you have addressed the great question.
@ryanfernandez7040 4 жыл бұрын
The highest way to speak about God is simply removing all the idea about Him, removing any inadequate concept about God as you can never perceive who really God is, it exceeds man's perception.
@MrKentrob61 10 жыл бұрын
We cannot measure what God is. With the finite we try to understand the infinite. Supernatural cannot be limited, nor ever completely understood by natural. I guess, that's where Faith comes in. Yet, our faith is not unfounded. That's the whole essence and fire why we seek to understand!
@JeffersonDinedAlone 10 жыл бұрын
Faith is not a pathway to truth. Faith provides no evidence. Faith is gullibility.
@MrKentrob61 10 жыл бұрын
We all have faith in something. Even you have faith in what you said...or, you would not have stated it in the way you did.
@BishopBarron 10 жыл бұрын
JeffersonDinedAlone No. What you're describing is superstition. Authentic faith is never in opposition to reason or the canons of reasonableness.
@flyingbeagles8328 9 жыл бұрын
Faith is never in opposition to truth either. Correspondence is asserted when one argues for ultimate truth or even argues against ultimate truth. If ultimate truth is unassailable, then it stands as one of our most solid evidences of a disembodied reality. If the disembodied reality of truth cannot be disproven without asserting it, then we have a powerful basis to assert other disembodied realities. One of these is God. This does not mean we equivocate God as truth itself, but rather we accept that realities without material body or substance can exist. To argue against this is difficult unless you deny correspondence. Then we start over again.
@flyingbeagles8328 9 жыл бұрын
One more point - if truth exists as a disembodied reality, believing in truth or having faith in truth is not contrary to reason. It is an example of faith and reason in harmony.
@billybagbom 11 жыл бұрын
I love that fact that my favorite Catholic apologists and my favorite Orthodox apologists are in basic agreement on the most basic theological issues. Catholicism is not exclusively "Western." The East has no monopoly on "Orthodoxy."
@humanistfox4910 11 жыл бұрын
Every single theist has a different interpretation of what is meant by "God." Every single one. Of course, there are similarities and differences, but no two interpretations of "God" are exactly alike. This is why in any discussion of "God," the term "God" must be defined explicitly. For example, in the call-in show The Atheist Experience, the hosts will always ask theists, "What do you believe and why?" It's important because "God" is a malleable term.
@circulationsolutions9149 3 жыл бұрын
You ask the right questions but you assert an extraordinary answer without tangible justification.
@bitphr3ak 11 жыл бұрын
No where in the video did you make the connection between your conception of God (as the first cause) and the God Christians follow. From a philosophical stand point I can say "sure, all that Is was created by something, presumably something powerful, like a God"...I'm not sure how I travel from there to the God as described in the Bible.
@rhlogic 11 жыл бұрын
Oh yes! After going to the excruciating experience of hearing atheist's argumentation that what they come down to "is just happens". With that mentality, science would have never been born!
@humanistfox4910 11 жыл бұрын
Once again, the quote was perfectly within context (see my response below). Mr. Barron is wrong because typically, atheists explicitly ask what is meant by "God" before the conversation can continue. Either Mr. Barron doesn't understand this, or he is intentionally lying.
@Scott33W 8 жыл бұрын
Fr Barron, your lectures & sermons are so uplifting! Whenever I get discouraged about anything, I find my heart forever-lifted out of itself w/ all things true & beautiful & good. You have spoken many times (often implicitly) on how we internalize knowledge as truth within a scientific framework. But I don’t think I have ever heard you lecture on how we knows things to be true that are not necessarily reducible to scientific methods. I am thinking of the field of phenomenology. Would you please teach us? :)
@JuanRPF 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation.
@WhyCatholicdotCom 11 жыл бұрын
Father , apparently you have listened to close enough to Richard Dawkins otherwise you would know "Why" is a silly question, there is no need to ask it. Another great video Padre..keep em coming and God Bless
@linasmarcinkevicius 4 жыл бұрын
Amen. 😇 🌟
@justalessi 11 жыл бұрын
this video made my day: your words are inspiring and are a deep relief, Prof Barron, especially now that I feel my faith so weak in light of the disruptive words of certain scientists and opinionist against the religious sensibility
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