ምርጥ መዝሙር፣ጌታን ባገኘሁበት 1984ዓም ይህ ድንቅ መዝሙር አቁሞኛል፡፡ዘማረዎች ጌታ አብዝቶ ይባረካችሁ፡፡ዛሬ እኔም የጌታ ባርያ ነኝ ክብር ሁሉ ለኢየሱስ ይሁን፡፡God bless you all in Jesus name!
@thefoursomefour41774 жыл бұрын
@ukuliayele82613 жыл бұрын
@habtamuoda46042 жыл бұрын
I grew up in the country side close to Nazareth. I used to sing these songs while walking up and down to the mountain on my way to and back to school. Oh my God!! These songs are full of life and unique. Stay blessed 🙌.
Woow I remember when I was Catholic singer always love those songs I even thought it was Catholic songs I love and always cray when I sing በጣም በደስታ ነበር የምንዘምረው አስታውሳለው አንድ ጊዜ ዘማሪዎች ሁላችንም በመንፍስ ተነክተን ሰናስበው እያለቀስን ነበር የምንዘምርው አስታውሳለው መዝሙሩ የኢየሱስ አደራ የሚለው ነበር እናማ እንደጨርስን ኳየሩ በሙሉ ቄሱ ብሮ ተጠራና ለምንድነው ያለቀሳቹት ብለው ያፋጠጡትን መቼም አልርሳውም 1997 ጌታ ይክበር ዛሬ እኔን ጨምሮ ብዙዎች ጌታን እያገለገልን ነው ታባርኩ
3rd Grad After I Lost My Father With Sucidal. My Negbour Was Born Again Christian, I Use To Borrow Casset When My Mom Go Out And Return Before She Return. And I Do Not Know What It Was But It Give Me Joy And Hope, Guess What It Was Jesus. He Become My Father, My Restorer, My Joy My Hope, My Reedmer, My Saviour, my Light And Salvation , My Gold And Money, My Maker , My Love, My All In All, My King, My Deleverer, Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus My True Love,
Christianity is not a religion rather than it is a revelation for that matter God gives us amazing ,powerful and joyful grace that are making us Strength So Holy Songs are the best Example 1Cor 14:27_
@tesfayethomas42754 жыл бұрын
Wow a blessing day , hearing this song in my office at -------. Thank you Jesus