Magnus Heystek explains why he’s avoiding SA property investments like a modern plague

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@craigvoortman3917 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Magnus and Alec for another very interesting show. Always a good listen. I own one large home purchased in Somerset West which has rapidly appreciated in value since my semigration buy in 2019. Was thinking of purchasing a rental two-bedroom but now think Mauritius 🇲🇺 and Portugal 🇵🇹 will be a smarter move. Western Cape is still well run, but travel down from Johannesburg Pretoria via Durban Maritzburg towards East London and PE and it is surprisingly shocking to see the mess that South Africa is in. The ANC are so obviously clueless, riddled with cancerous corruption, and the cracks are showing left right and center….with gaping holes now emerging in infrastructure and investment too. Sad to see. Cry the Beloved Country 😢
@johankruger9507 Жыл бұрын
I sold all my properties in South Africa and now live happily in Mauritius. I still have some investments in South Africa, but will be getting out of this by end 2023 before the next election. I am still very sad when I see all the horrible news out of my ex home country. My children now live in Australia and Scotland . They have started new careers and their children are getting very good education. They are safe and happy. .
@redeemablesoul Жыл бұрын
Very happy for you indeed
@warren6899 Жыл бұрын
A dwelling is a liability not an investment thanks to the anc
@leobard7767 Жыл бұрын
The Absolutely No Clue is doing exactly what it was entrusted to do! The globalist strategy of Rule by Kakistocracy [look it up] has ensured that the RSA is no longer a minor outpost-threat to those who choose to believe that they will soon rule the remnant that they allow to continue live. The Moegoes bowing at the feet of the WEF, IMF, WORLD BANK and other Bankster organizations are just some of the sellouts, if you care to see their faces. Cyfril made his money on child labour and unionist gangsterism. Now he's the Main-Moegoe! What did you all expect? Now I see why Elon wants to head to the hostile red desert, Mars...... Because he saw what's coming in SA and wants to be as far away from it as he possibly can! Anything is better that where the once beautiful RSA is headed. Not sure? Take a little vacation in Harare to see SA's future.
@dk.650 Жыл бұрын
Yip ....exact words of Robert Kiyosaki years ago.
@travelsouthafrica5048 Жыл бұрын
depends on what you paid for it , property can be a great investment if you get it for the right price , like with everything else
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. The ANC and municipalities are totally responsible for this and it's going to bite their arse
@dannyarcher6370 Жыл бұрын
A dwelling is a liability no matter if the ANC is involved or not.
@ashleighking9073 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to stock market /Crypto and would like to invest but I've go no idea on how to make good profits. Pls what's the best approach you'd recommend?
@garyjesus1387 Жыл бұрын
I heard so many millionaires like Mr elon are investors in the crypto space
@miaejaita7119 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! Impressive you trade with Mrs Claudia Walter's too! I thought people don't know her that well.... She's really awesome!
@Kateschrad Жыл бұрын
Who's this professional trader and how can I get In Touch with her? Can I start with 2000$?
@brianboogie9700 Жыл бұрын
Make a note to Mrs Claudia Walter's regarding your interest in investing in Bitcoin
@nelsonkatherine2123 Жыл бұрын
you can make a quick contact with her. She's always active on wassap
@mixi2090 Жыл бұрын
Property agents are COLD calling me begging me to sell my little place in Cape Town. They say people are fleeing the ANC areas. It is the "Groot Trek" south.
@lesibamoja1901 Жыл бұрын
Crazy I’ve been experiencing something similar in Polokwane. The cold calling to be exact
@roylyle8222 Жыл бұрын
Its vital the property you invest in, is well serviced. Once your municipality is corrupt and disfunctional then it follows that your property is going to be devalued. If the people in your area are voting for Another Night with Candles then you are definitely going to get Another Night with Candles !
@nelsonbarbosa546 Жыл бұрын
Western cape is like the last cabin on the titanic
@jewels211966 Жыл бұрын
On the money mate, most don't get it...
@tessb2854 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the truth ❣
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, best interview. The writing was red all over the wall when municipalities started stealing the rates, hiking rates, rendering no service, crime and no services. Not to mention other factors. Property is rapidly becoming a liability no longer an asset. Only the few pockets of excellence still remain, WC is one of them. Totally dependent on proper management. Our Liberty investment gave me a good haircut. Will never go back there again.
@DaveJoubert-f3d 8 ай бұрын
Excellent discussion.
@lwazimseleku288 Жыл бұрын
This guy is so logical and is straight talker ...Need to follow him
@marcusmoonstein242 Жыл бұрын
This was my exact experience. I started my own Jo'burg residential property portfolio in the early 2000's, and until 2008 my returns were fantastic. Things took a dip in 2008 of course, but I expected things to bounce back eventually. They didn't, and from about 2015 my returns actually became worse and worse as the years went by. The Jo'burg city council tried to revalue my properties upwards for tax purposes, and I could prove that they actually haven't increased in value at all.
@lennartvonblottnitz2977 Жыл бұрын
In September 2014 I had to sell my property in Port Alfred at 30%lessthan the municipal valuation
@SP-wn2oh Жыл бұрын
We should collectively take municipalities to court for over valuation: they have to be sued for the difference in their valuation and the final selling price.
@frikrabie5371 Жыл бұрын
THE SOLUTION The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations. The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed. Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't. It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise. Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this. Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation. Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal). Alternatively we can just use the constitutional court as a platform where we inform the ANC and public of our decision to control our money and effectively start our own government. Give reasons and evidence for our decision. DIE OPLOSSING? Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control). Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai. Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry? Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen. My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt. Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai. As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie? Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie. Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof. Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie. Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie. So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring. Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie. Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding. Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond. Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie. Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel. Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie. Ek het n ou onderhoud op KZbin van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande. Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was. As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis! Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe. ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was? Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak. Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het. Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen. Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie. Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog? Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie. Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen. Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring. Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel. Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word? Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede? Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG? Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid. Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling. Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie. Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie. Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy. Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie. Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land. Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word. Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor? Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he. Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!? Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe. Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg. Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".
@leobard7767 Жыл бұрын
The Absolutely No Clue is doing exactly what it was entrusted to do! The globalist strategy of Rule by Kakistocracy [look it up] has ensured that the RSA is no longer a minor outpost-threat to those who choose to believe that they will soon rule the remnant that they allow to continue live. The Moegoes bowing at the feet of the WEF, IMF, WORLD BANK and other Bankster organizations are just some of the sellouts, if you care to see their faces. Cyfril made his money on child labour and unionist gangsterism. Now he's the Main-Moegoe! What did you all expect? Now I see why Elon wants to head to the hostile red desert, Mars...... Because he saw what's coming in SA and wants to be as far away from it as he possibly can! Anything is better that where the once beautiful RSA is headed. Not sure? Take a little vacation in Harare to see SA's future.
@aviatixmodels589 Жыл бұрын
Jy is korrek en ek stem saam met wat jy se en dit sou goeie plan gewees het indien die normale reels sou geld. Daar is een groot probleem, die howe is ook korrup en die ANC mafia en hulle poppemeesters besit hulle en sal sorg dat daar nie reg geskied nie. Ons lande is gekaap deur evil wat die mafia laat lyk soos sondagskool kinders…..As mens na geskiedenis kyk word die kommie kriminele tyrants nooit uitgevote of deur howe in die bek geruk nie, bevryding gebeur net deur revolusie wat sulke regimes tot val bring gewelddadig …
@jacobusackermann5254 Жыл бұрын
Ek stem volkome saam met jou oplossings en korrekte argumente. Ons grootste vyande is die hoofstroom media wat floreer op politieke sensasie van die Eff en die Anc. Die media is die onderdrukker van die waarheid en hulle het geen eerbare waardes oor nie as jy sien hoe die joernaliste pro Anc en Eff praat. So baie van ons mense van alle rasse het alreeds so in verval gegaan met verdowingsmiddels, werkloosheid en sommer net om niks te doen in plaas van om te werk. Dit is die algemene trand wat ons bevolking inslaan. Die meerderheid werkloses het nog nooit gewerk nie en sal ook nie in staat wees om werk te verrig nie want hulle wil nie of kan nie werk doen nie. Ons het verskeie organisasies soos Solidariteit en Afriforum wat in my opinie nie veel beteken vir ons nie. Hulle sal so dan en wan n bietjie geraas maak maar dis ook maar al. Ons het mense nodig wat kan standpunt inneem teen hierdie korrupte regering maar ons positiewe mense is maar seker in die mindere. As ons n organisaie gehad het wat ons in die hof kon verteenwoordig het, sou dit die oplossing wees om belasting, munisipale fooie en so meer van die Anc te weerhou en fooie in n rekening te plaas wat deur n standvastige organisasie beheer word. Versuiming van dienslewering soos water, elektrisiteit, paaie en infrastruktuur moet dan gemonitor word en die Anc regering slegs betaal word uit so n beheerde finansiele rekening as die dienslewering goed genoeg is. Orania is n tipiese voorbeeld van sukses deur n groep mense wat finansies kan bestuur maar jaloesie van die Anc en Eff sowel as die media maak die fantastiese plek en sy mense af as misdadigers weens die feit dat hulle aan hul tradiesie vashou.
@frikrabie5371 Жыл бұрын
@@jacobusackermann5254 Goeie naand. Hoofstroom media is ons groot vyand maar ons grootste vyand is onsself. Toe daar begin gepraat word van "one man one vote" sekerlik al in die sestigs het die Russe, ANC en Ons gedink ons gaan vir ewig vas gevang wees in die oordonderende demokrasie. Ek het natuurlik ook so gedink, tot eendag vra ek my self af maar waarom moet ons deel wees v.d politieke bedeling? Die ANC breek dan al die reels? Breek die land af. Ons eie koppe se vir ons ons moet deel wees van hierdie politieke bedeling! Dis waarom ek se ons is ons eie grootste vyand. Hoe lank gaan dit Blankes asook Bruin en Indier vat om te besef dat jy geregtig is om n selfvernietigende regering te verwerp? Daar is niemand wat n geweer teen ons koppe hou nie, ons indoktrinasie laat ons glo daar is. Kom ons stop hierdie sotlikheid, kom ons bevry onsself!
@petrinaude6032 Жыл бұрын
Body corporates are also playing a role in devaluation
@GlendaHayward Жыл бұрын
Very true
@paulerdosdaughter Жыл бұрын
Care to explain.
@tonythebomb4147 Жыл бұрын
Please explain why.
@marcdemontbron9657 Жыл бұрын
One can only hope to end up in a benevolent dictatorship. My body corporate also corrupt hehe.
@tonythebomb4147 Жыл бұрын
@@marcdemontbron9657 Get involved.
@dionoliveira4058 Жыл бұрын
WC property has consistently increased in value, with large growth up to 2018 and slower more stabilised but still growing up to now.
@TruthbBeTold Жыл бұрын
This country is a glorified squatter camp. The government does not protect landowners on all fronts. The renters stay 2 months and duck. The amount we spend on crime prevention eats the profits. The roads and surrounding areas are rotting.
@gortech7812 Жыл бұрын
The rot and decay will eventually get to the Western Cape. It is inevitable as long as it is part of SA which it will always be.
@nicholasgrobler6988 Жыл бұрын
Magnus is a oracle and my advise to investors is to take his advise
@dk.650 Жыл бұрын
What's going on in George? Is it true that the infrastructure is at maximum capacity and can't handle any more residential gated Estates. Heard this from a guy that claimed has access to this kind of information...? True or false.
@Ab-te8in Жыл бұрын
Sounds accurate
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
The next factor. Pockets of excellence will be come saturated to the point they become less attractive. Hoard, collective mentality, till resources become over streached,
@christinefinniss6263 Жыл бұрын
Solution = #VoetsekANC
@marlenefeldmann6108 Жыл бұрын
I'll second that, solution #voetsekANC!!!!!!!!!!
@technofobe6376 Жыл бұрын
Magnus is 100% correct. My family (reluctantly) left SA 2 years ago to return to the UK. I sold my UK house in 1982 and bought a house in Joberg with the proceeds. I upgraded my property with a pool and outbuildings during my time in SA. On selling my property in SA, I find that the amount I received, when converted into British pounds is now only 30% of the value of my original UK property I sold 40 years ago!!! Therefore my SA property declined by 70% when valued in REAL Money. The reasons are all those mentioned by Magnus and of course the devaluation of the SA Rand. In 1982 the rand was at R1,50 to the British Pound Compared to around R21 at present.
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
You summed it up perfectly. Liberty took me to the cleaners...
@jeffbigbear1766 Жыл бұрын
just enough money for gas. maybe not
@pierrefourie5753 Жыл бұрын
This is a blanket statement which is not true. The informed and clever property investors make a killing. I agree that to invest in funds is not clever. Simply because you cannot control your investment.
@garagepie Жыл бұрын
If you have savings of R100k Do you gamble with R100k worth of stocks or do you put down 10% on a million rand property? If the property value increases by 1% my ROI is 10%
@mixi2090 Жыл бұрын
Who pays the interest on the R900k and who maintain the property. In my opinion such gearing only work when things go well and when the country is run properly.
@karlbenz5636 Жыл бұрын
i would say stocks
@mixi2090 Жыл бұрын
@@truth-Hurts375 Everybody has a 100k. Its nothing. And there is a lot of stupid people on here.
@gabriellewhalley1328 Жыл бұрын
Anything except property but probably stocks
@lesibamoja1901 Жыл бұрын
Depends I’m a big of low income housing 😅 places under 400k
@smbpretoria2782 Жыл бұрын
What kind of property investments are you talking about? (1) Bricks and mortar or (2) stock exchange?
@gautengpropertyinspections8164 Жыл бұрын
I disagree that women buy with their hearts. I do numerous inspections for female property investors and they are making a boatload of money. You must know how and where to invest in property
@carlosherckenrath1415 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget Stanford , Pringle Bay , Kleinmond , Gansbaai and Pearly Beach if you mentioning Hermanus - ✅✅👌👌
@tflking4916 Жыл бұрын
Those are holiday towns though
@mathewman Жыл бұрын
should have come to australia in the '80's like we did. massive wealth has been created thru owning aus property esp sydney
@mathewman Жыл бұрын
and its tax free for principal place of residence
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Reason... fantastic management. Singapore another example.
@rationalthinker9181 Жыл бұрын
The WC is the only part of SA inc that is normal, roads without potholes etc not well run just normal, the rest is irreversibly ruined. Those that can are moving here no question. Every small town along the coast from Velddrift to Plett are being bombarded with buyers. As an owner of a few rental properties there are literally hundreds of tenants looking for property to rent. Property prices have gone up significantly and aren't slowing down. South Africans are moving to WC or leaving the ANC have pushed the population to the point of maximum pain and the people are voting with their feet. There is also a significant number of foreign buyers that push prices also I have 4 neighbours only one is SA rest German here for summer only. Like every African country 98% destroyed but the other 2% very lucrative.
@travelsouthafrica5048 Жыл бұрын
property is like everything else , the prices go up and down , if you buy at a low price you can make good money , if you buy when prices are high you are going to get burned , property is not a bad investment IF you know what you are doing
@garagepie Жыл бұрын
Go ask the average renter if they getting a good deal on their rent?
@gabriellewhalley1328 Жыл бұрын
I just sold was getting 10k rent and rates n levies around 5k. Now with a fixed deposit of 1 bar for 5 years I get 10k a month and no costs or property hijacking etc.
@garagepie Жыл бұрын
@@gabriellewhalley1328 how did you get the 1 bar?
@GeorgeOfTheJungle. Жыл бұрын
@@gabriellewhalley1328 You did the best thing - Well done and clever move! No more headaches
@bernhardeigenhuis3522 Жыл бұрын
CapeXit - only 25% of tax from Western Cape comes back from central government....
@anthonybarnard3527 Жыл бұрын
He hit the ball correct - municipalities taxes ,corruption ,inflation electricity water and the economy not growing. Hope thing can get better in the future but it s only HOPE!.
@lesibamoja1901 Жыл бұрын
I’m skeptical to buy in Pretoria because I’ve been fighting with the municipality on false charges
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Spot on
@jljjoubert3611 Жыл бұрын
Property values will go down as long as we have idiots as politicians. My property was rezoned for high density housing. 10 Years later bulk sevices was still not delivered by the useless Tshwane municipality. It is beyond their mental capacity. For that to increase in future is practically zero. Cobus🐳
@mattjordan6505 Жыл бұрын
What about buying under R1mil for rental investments
@indylwth2327 Жыл бұрын
Curious about value of Western cape properties? Especially Cape town and surrounds. Also, if you rent, how do you mitigate the ANC disaster wrt water and power? Add tanks and pumps and they add to the property at your cost. Connecting inverters/solar/generators to a house is also not an option as it isn’t your house. All good and well to say install removable systems but not always practical and cost effective at all. I feel like in SA you must almost have a house just to be able to avoid the ANC and live in a civilized manner….
@dionoliveira4058 Жыл бұрын
WC property has consistently increased in value, with large growth up to 2018 and slower more stabilised but still growing up to now.
@indylwth2327 Жыл бұрын
@@truth-Hurts375 You don’t, but I was asking the question in relation to Magnus’ statement. If not owning property(which he says is a terrible idea in SA), then renting is better according to him? How then to mitigate the ANC disaster….?
@indylwth2327 Жыл бұрын
@@dionoliveira4058 It must just keep growing, as I have a property there….🙈
@napez4126 Жыл бұрын
@@indylwth2327 don’t over invest possibly Also by thinking we’re mitigating the ANC by equipping our lives with bigger cars (to combat potholes), Jojo tanks to combat water outages and invertors/solar for loadshedding, are we not becoming complacent and allowing ANC to not do more? It’s just been on my thoughts. Our reactive behaviour and make a plan attitude is wonderful for lazy useless government
@timo57890 Жыл бұрын
Easy with a wellpoint or borehole and solar panels
@robertclark8527 Жыл бұрын
What about the 3 Million arriving from the Eastern Cape demanding free accommodation ?
@aneil3041 Жыл бұрын
This channel is fast becoming one of my favourite crypto channels, thanks guys!
@janicehughes7838 Жыл бұрын
Memory serves when the bottom falls out economy must change to production not buying equity
@petervanne1578 Жыл бұрын
Did Winde say where 99,000 newcomers to the Cape came from? Definitely not property investors.
@mobalance4736 Жыл бұрын
I agree that value of property is declining in 80% of South Africa..due to Swatters,Student Residents that are not controlled well South Africa is becoming unbearable to have peace, therefore properties are not an attractive investment currently.
@carlosherckenrath1415 Жыл бұрын
Certainly not in the Western Cape - The demand for Property in the WC is growing by the minute - Most Agents don’t have enough stock to sell - The evidence of construction in the CBD speaks for itself !!
@gbone7581 Жыл бұрын
It's a catch 22 the prices go up, the rates go up and eventually you will not be able to afford to stay there!
@johnmajor9564 Жыл бұрын
SA is a failed state. And the WC is part of it. So eventually I predict the rot will reach the WC as well.
@angiemac8066 Жыл бұрын
Too many people with their heads in the sand. Its fact and reality! I may be wrong, but read somewhere about a year ago that Fourways Mall was under curatorship....?
@peterharwa9472 Жыл бұрын
Well, too many people took out home loans when the intrests rates where low. Look how quickly that has changed.
@noelineverbizier4701 Жыл бұрын
There are a few exclusive areas in the Midlands, KZN that are booming with high demand.
@normalchristian3963 Жыл бұрын
Bought a rental property in Centurion in 2006 and took one year to sell it in 2022 with an average of 3.75% pa gross growth. cANCer rates and taxes slowly eat up the returns (rental). Mangnus Heystek is correct.😢😢😢
@fin-rb3yz Жыл бұрын
@@jasonvvanheerden1925 is in case u havent noticed...
@devinfraserashpole4753 Жыл бұрын
@@fin-rb3yz So you want the ANC to control Cape Town?
@jkoorts Жыл бұрын
Just to be clear, every time he says the property market/sector/business/growth is in shambles he is not refering to the DA run Western Cape.
@fredotlogetswe3047 Жыл бұрын
A failed state; SA
@cloudsoundz9431 Жыл бұрын
You will own nothing and you will be happy
@leobard7767 Жыл бұрын
The Absolutely No Clue is doing exactly what it was entrusted to do! The globalist strategy of Rule by Kakistocracy [look it up] has ensured that the RSA is no longer a minor outpost-threat to those who choose to believe that they will soon rule the remnant that they allow to continue live. The Moegoes bowing at the feet of the WEF, IMF, WORLD BANK and other Bankster organizations are just some of the sellouts, if you care to see their faces. Cyfril made his money on child labour and unionist gangsterism. Now he's the Main-Moegoe! What did you all expect? Now I see why Elon wants to head to the hostile red desert, Mars...... Because he saw what's coming in SA and wants to be as far away from it as he possibly can! Anything is better that where the once beautiful RSA is headed. Not sure? Take a little vacation in Harare to see SA's future.
@jacobusackermann5254 Жыл бұрын
So true in the words of Klaus Swaap.
@YESYES-qz2ex Жыл бұрын
I always knew there was something about Liberty.
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Yes, yes, liberty took me for a nice bath, then gave me a short haircut. BS, BS explaination all the way. I couldn't pull out quick enough.
@carlosherckenrath1415 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a family where the question was always asked in passing - What would invest your money in - “A m3 of Concrete or a m3 of Gold” - And the conclusion was always “A m3 of Concrete” - I’ll leave it there - 😃😃✅✅👍👍👌👌 - Property will Never be a bad investment irrespective of the timing - !!
@leobard7767 Жыл бұрын
You obviously never invested in Rhodesian concrete then!
@Michael-0000 Жыл бұрын
I’d happily take the gold and leave the concrete!
@raoulduke1914 Жыл бұрын
based on what logic or lack of?
@carlosherckenrath1415 Жыл бұрын
Raoul Duke - Rather analyse my comment before making silly comments - If you not in the Built Environment Sector you won’t understand!! - - To explain a little better - If I had R 2 Billion to invest - I’d buy as much property as possible - I would never gamble away any of my money 💰 on a Stock Exchange
@carlosherckenrath1415 Жыл бұрын
Leo Bard - Have you been to Rhodesia Recently - If you have any spare cash - I suggest you go and invest some money in the property market there - You’ll be presently surprised
@innovruptly1769 Жыл бұрын
Semigration places a huge amount of strain on limited resources, which the DA is NOT addressing with infrastructure spend such as new Dams/Reservoirs, new expansion of waste treatment facilities, no waste disposal incinerators, etc. The Western Cape needs new management, although I fear it is too late for this, but any party that commits to these crucial infrastructure projects will be better than the DA. imho.
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Where ever the DA is doing a good job it's struggling with backlog and over demand for its good management
@carlruppert7324 Жыл бұрын
I disagree. The DA is doing EXTREMELY well in the WC, considering the limited resources they have to work with plus the constant acts of sabotage they have to put up with on a daily basis. Infrastructure doesn't just fall out of the sky - do you know how much it costs to build a dam? It's not nearly as simple as, say, building a road or a house. If the DA were able to govern nationally instead of just provincially, then they would be much better equipped to tackle such large projects.
@metalcake2288 Жыл бұрын
Then there's also the fact that even though everyone from eastern Cape, northern cape, kzn, etc. Are coming here, treasury still splits huge amounts of money into the eastern Cape
@sc0rtch Жыл бұрын
Got a property in Cape Town, in the school belt. My worry is, as the wealth continues to flood into the WC, so will people looking for jobs. Not even the DA can govern that well, when the city and surrounding area's are ballooning.
@BreezeTalk Жыл бұрын
Fingers crossed for a new GP cabinet…
@HarmonicRezolution Жыл бұрын
Huge demand in the WC - Cape Town and the suburbs for freeholds. Actually increased recently. Possibly due to better governance, or unrest in KZN last year, or power outages not as bad here - or maybe even Covid - folk working from home. I guess as the rest of the country becomes more degraded, one city (in this case Cape Town) becomes richer. Seen it all over Africa
@johnmajor9564 Жыл бұрын
That might be so in the medium term. However I doubt that even the WC can shield itself on the longer run from the failed state called South Africa.
@r.mariano8118 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmajor9564 Eh it seems to be setting itself up gradually to be an independent entity.
@johnmajor9564 Жыл бұрын
@@r.mariano8118 Then there will be a war.
@r.mariano8118 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmajor9564 Yeah really I don't see the South African Defense Force currently being able to conquer the western cape at all. Prolly a few skirmishes and they give up.
@johnmajor9564 Жыл бұрын
@@r.mariano8118 it’s sad to see that some people take the horrors of war so lightly. Not a single death is it worth. Moreover the UN wouldn’t recognize the WC as a new state as there is no reason to declare independence such as violation of human rights.
@maelemothiba1423 Жыл бұрын
All the Cities he is speaking of were run by DA-headed coalitions... it seems we are separating their historic performance from current issues.
@carlruppert7324 Жыл бұрын
The DA-led coalitions have been running those cities for less than a year. You cannot fix the damage done by the ANC in only one year, my friend.
@maelemothiba1423 Жыл бұрын
@@carlruppert7324Tshwane Municipality was run by Kgosientsu Ramokgopa, during his time, the municipality had unqualified audits, and as part of his PHD research, the ex Mayor of Tshwane Dr Kgosientsu Ramokgopa ( who today is the head in Infrastructure development in the presidency) developed a strategy to develop the city into a mega city by 2050. The DA did not have the competence to understand and deploy a strategy that was already in place all it needed was implementation. All the current damage is as a result of the DA. At this stage, white people are starting to show that incompetence is not a matter of colour that runs a party but something that can show itself in anyone no matter the hue of their skin. Any black child who is reading this, I need you to be conscious and stop thinking incompetence is a black thing. Read and use the knowledge to improve the lives of Africans. Call out the corrupt, but know that white is not always right! Especially once you start looking into how less than 8% of the population ended up with more than 90% of land ownership
@carlruppert7324 Жыл бұрын
@@maelemothiba1423 You are blinded by race. I never said that incompetence was a black thing. On the contrary - when the DA was in control of Joburg, the mayor was Mpho Phalatse, who is a competent black woman. She was making a real effort to reverse the damage done to the city by the ANC and to turn things around, but she never got a chance to do so properly because the ANC and its allies ganged up on her. So don't tell me about black and white when the ANC clearly thinks nothing of ousting a black woman from power simply because she belongs to a different party. The ANC does not hold a monopoly over all black people and all black interests. This will be proven in 2024, when they are voted out of power in the next election.
@eduardmurison9358 Жыл бұрын
WC is going to run out of water
@boerplaas388 Жыл бұрын
Ag die plek is moertoe . Of jy bly en koop n plek wetend dat jy geld gaan verloor of jy klim op n vliegtuig en toer . 😂 Maar eish dis nie maklik om net te toer nie. Dit vat baie geld and prepare yourself for big difficulties overseas . The grass is not so green on the other side. Believe me . 😅I did it . Difficult difficult difficult.
@TheMomeni Жыл бұрын
Loved it, funny observation, he looks just like white Tito Mbweni, except not as cocky 🤣
@050gts8 Жыл бұрын
Not only our money its now our lives handed over too a 1% er mayor this should be of great concern,
@mobalance4736 Жыл бұрын
Major residential properties in suburbs is becoming unbearable to live in and you can't get your value even if you sell
@Codydoggy Жыл бұрын
Class action against directors of Accelerate Property Fund, many investors lost their pension monies investing in a property fund bought by Giorgio , now they want to give you some of their rubbish shares 😫
@ME-vi1cr Жыл бұрын
Very true all thiefs hope gorgio burn in hell because that is were he is. His family will join him someday when it is their time
@mash988 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps some smarter people than I can distill things down into simpler terms? Some other analysts (whom I've just read) currently claim that listed property has outperformed every other asset class in SA, with a slight dip in 2022, and three short-lived dips previously from 2002. Why such a massive disparity in analysis? How can they both be correct? If listed (and owned investment residential / other) property has been such a terrible investment as Magnus states, how is it that other analysts are coming up with such apparently disparate numbers? Personal experiences are one thing (we are having a good run, but clearly some others are not) but they do not and cannot indicate a "market average", basic win / lose, or trajectory of a market unless it is happening en masse? The average market (or sub-sectors of a market) numbers surely tell the truth, but the real question seems to be the interpretation of the same numbers??
@gabriellewhalley1328 Жыл бұрын
Its fictions reporting or outdated info.
@marcuskelly5768 Жыл бұрын
Ha, watch this space...
@Frank.678 Жыл бұрын
Investing appropriately today can save you a whole lot of stress in the nearest future
@georgenieuwoudt9644 Жыл бұрын
We semi grated from Joburg in 2014/2015 and the money we lost selling our house in Randburg we have doubled back in cape town in 7 years. so much better for it but I hear what Magnus is saying in that a couple of years the WC could also slam on the brakes when the smart money is gone. Buyer beware.
@stlouisix3 Жыл бұрын
Physical land property freedom of ownership will in South Aa will rapidly, substantially drop in this year's Heritage economic freedom index (and frankly for Fraser's in this and next year's indices for both).
@davidmcfarlane5873 Жыл бұрын
The property market will never improve,only when more people are employed moving into the middle class will the demand increase.Poverty is the enemy.
@kelebabe Жыл бұрын
Pretoria and Johannesburg a cash cow for ANC councilors? DA been in power there all along.
@gypsyrosallina Жыл бұрын
Continue to live in an illusion - at your own expense. The ANC has wiped the country clean and all who continue to vote for them are absolutely complicit in the corruption and degradation. Remember that.
@MrShnazer Жыл бұрын
Western cape property values are doing just fine.
@devinfraserashpole4753 Жыл бұрын
For now.
@jldp24 Жыл бұрын
Semigration will never stop in cpt..never ever using his words
@gbone7581 Жыл бұрын
For WC semigration they must not just take the number of wealthy people moving!
@fernandoribeiro3309 Жыл бұрын
@leondupreez1123 Жыл бұрын
Property agents from Jeffreysbay are looking for houses .The Big Trek (move) to the south is going to increase exponentially in next 5 years.Sell and go of you own property up north.
@alexdeliperi4814 Жыл бұрын
Die Groot Trek reversed, who knew prior to 2009..
@SuperBommer1 Жыл бұрын
The prices for houses in Paarl is absurd high
@jacquesbooysen3773 Жыл бұрын
Lol I'm in Paarl. Come check it out, you're not gonna find a place to top it. Excessive heat aside 🔥
@SuperBommer1 Жыл бұрын
@@jacquesbooysen3773 I also live in Paarl my whole life the house prices though have gone through the roof since covid
@tflking4916 Жыл бұрын
Stellenbosch is even worse.
@jvc1783 Жыл бұрын
Val de vie did alot for Paarl’s status, Drakenstein has done a wonderful job in leveraging this opportunity
@plusgroup2010 Жыл бұрын
The perennial bear… couldn’t have labelled him better! Listed property is but one portion of property investment. Magnus’s bias to you giving him your money and you not doing private residential investment stands out like a soar thumb
@christinefinniss6263 Жыл бұрын
Wow Magnus, men are solely guided by their heads ? 😂
@kpitjeng3675 Жыл бұрын
"They ask me why I write all of these negative articles" coz you are a permabear when it comes to SA.
@xxyy_6969 Жыл бұрын
Shit I just bought a house.... lol
@GeorgeOfTheJungle. Жыл бұрын
Best comment of 2023 😀- If you bought as a home for you and your family just stay positive, every family deserves/needs a home - if you purchased as an investor dealing with tenants shoooooooooooo!
@brianboucher3700 Жыл бұрын
If you look at US, retail is also a major risk. Online shopping will result in the continued downward spiral of retail space.
@berealistic Жыл бұрын
Southern Cape new growth area.
@GeorgeOfTheJungle. Жыл бұрын
The Western Cape is still in South Africa - Read this comment again in 48-60 months...
@stephenbright9316 Жыл бұрын
Bang on, you nailed it. With the influx of people into the Western Cape, there won't be enough jobs / social (free) housing / land space, to go around, crime will increase and overflow into affluent suburbs. Does the Western Cape have the infrastructure to cope with all the migrants moving in? Are there new dams and powers stations being built? It will become another Joburg, gated suburbs and the new hijack capital of SA. Criminals follow and target the wealthy as they migrate. Property prices will fall. Like you say, let's compare the current state of the Western Cape to 48-60 months' time from now. I lived in the Cape (Bloubergstrand), it is stunning, but unfortunately, I now compare it to having a First Class Suite on the Top Deck of the TITANIC. 😔
@FL1CK3R Жыл бұрын
Where do u think the people will stay? There will always be a supply of tenants, if u chose location well.. The vast majority of people cannot afford to immigrate or semigrate. Basic human need, its not complicated.. I know people with profitable rentals in Zimbabwe to this day. But please continue the doom amd gloom. Nice and cheap properties poping up
@Reotha Жыл бұрын
Moeny is slowly to WC,ill just buy Gold.
@donaldgoodinson7550 Жыл бұрын
All thanks to Squirrel and his goons.
@basedsigma5634 Жыл бұрын
@daletrade5178 Жыл бұрын
@karlos99able Жыл бұрын
I disagree with Magnus about property investing in South Africa. There are still great Cashflow investment areas in South Africa, especially in the residential market. Magnus is largely referring to property investing for Capital Appreciation, which is far more risky than cash flow and that goes for any where in the world. I just don't think he is painting a true reflection on SA Property. I would like to see him in a debate with a property expert.
@TalkingMoneyWithNozi Жыл бұрын
You don't need an expert to tell you that ANC is destroying and will continue to destroy this country. Everything is connected, once businesses start failing and retrenching people, there will be no one to 'cash flow' your properties. Unless something changes there is no hope for any investments in this country
@hennietaljaard9096 Жыл бұрын
be warned, Western Cape is reaching its peak.
@sandrasingh4963 Жыл бұрын
Tĥankyou . How can I move R1 mill . Twice in one yr.
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