New subscriber ☺just came across your channel, love Alice in Chains. Another legend band would love your thoughts on this live show, you won't be disappointed Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark (En Vivo!) 4K 😁
@jawlinetheory26 күн бұрын
Thanks for subscribing! Much appreciated. I'm just having fun talking about music I love. I'll have a look at Iron Maiden's track! Much appreciated!
@ryanball275427 күн бұрын
I was going to leave you a list of about 1,000 songs to react to, but I will just start with 1. I want to know your thoughts on Matchbox 20 "Long Day" Oh, and I guess you can put a filter on the video and just blur it a bit to get around the copyright. I dont know how you do it though.
@jawlinetheory26 күн бұрын
Yes, I never thought about the blurring video technique. I'll try a few thing. Yes, I'll look into Matchbox 20 🙂
@CoreyWickramasekera14 күн бұрын
And Jerry has a new solo album, and i know that he has at 2 other solo albums from when Layne was still alive, on was called "BOGGY DEPOT"
@CoreyWickramasekera14 күн бұрын
I was actually commenting on Facebook, I THINK, years ago, and William DuVall, or someone claiming to be him, THANKED ME for my comment
@CoreyWickramasekera14 күн бұрын
CHECK MY BRAIN 🧠 is William's Debut, but it really reminded me of the ALICE IN CHAINS ⛓️ that i had been missing for 12 years, when Layne Staley passed away
@ryanball275427 күн бұрын
Another good song! I have to add it to my list. I got that feeling also about Jerry not being like Layne in his song writing. Although I love a lot of the songs Layne wrote my all time favorite songs were written by Jerry because apparently I like the little slower, more melodic music they created better.
@jawlinetheory26 күн бұрын
Yes, Jerry has written and published many AIC hits. His style is different than Layne's. I couldn't imagine having to write those darker songs post-Dirt album. I'd need something more melodic and overall optimistic!
@CoreyWickramasekera14 күн бұрын
My favorite ALICE IN CHAINS ⛓️ song is WHAT THE HELL HAVE I, from :THE LAST ACTION HERO soundtrack
@CoreyWickramasekera14 күн бұрын
I like DuVall alot, he does not, SEEM TO ME, to "TRY" to be Layne.