看过一些老外直播玩游戏,看到不白、不净、不能、不空翻译成 Non-white, Non-clean, Non-able, Non-Void,差点没绷住。。。 其实完全用音译就好用,只用直接用 Bu Bai, Bu Jing, Bu Neng, Bu Kong,因为这里明显的是对应白龙马、悟净、悟能、悟空四个人
i dont think the translation "bend the knees" is wrong here, bending the knee comes from Medieval/old European tradition to pledge loyalty and fealty to a lord or king, where the action itself requires the person to bend 1 knee. But in the Chinese customs of showing respect and fealty is a kneel action of bending both knees, especially when worshipping Gods/Buddhas in temples. Thus, it's translated as "bend the knees", cuz no one would merely bend 1 knee in Ancient China.
其实悟空的开发者并不是完全直译。比如6:34,老马觉得“定然不会罢休”应当翻译成“I'll never give up”或者“I'll never stop”。我觉得这些反而是不太好的直译--前者把贬义语境变成中性/褒义了,而后者话说一半又让人摸不着头脑。结合上文“输(被打败)了不罢休”就是回来报仇的意思,所以游戏里“I'll surely take revenge”反而是更好的意译。
As a Chinese who don’t speak Mandarin, I found it interesting to have the English Accent at the end the sounds of the actors and actresses matched very well for the attitude of characters. The voice matches the character of Wukong very well with attitude and personality! Great choices from the developer!
@distrillbe19284 ай бұрын
我第一次看«黑神话:悟空»的游戏直播是英文版本的配音。(我强调一下,我是马来西亚华人,所以对于英文语境和中文语境的差别是了如指掌的) 从一开始接触英文配音的悟空,我对于英文的script很满意,里面有提到几个关键的信息。"My master. Safe! The scriptures. Sound!"Master和Scripture还有后边二郎神所说的monkey of merit以及悟空所说的except for that pig. 这几处的信息都足以让英文玩家catch到这是在西游记之后的故事。 噢,我要补充一下,我挺喜欢二郎神出场的英文配音,我不知道谁是Andrew Koji,但是他的声音给我的感觉是和二郎神好搭。然后,英文版的悟空一开始听起来感觉没什么,听了中文版的悟空,哇,原来是中文版的悟空配得太好了,相较之下,英文版悟空就听着很像反派,然而悟空不是反派。 中英文的翻译,我比较了一下,英文确确实实有很多遗漏之处,但是第一次去看英文直播,我并没有不明白什么。再看中文版,发现很多对白都是精心设计,有很多细节。很多人一来就批评英文怎么怎么垃圾,说实话,我认为翻译团队做得好的地方是despite有那么多信息要翻译,他们还是能做到用比较好质量的文本翻译出来,让玩家能明白。(如果是按照我的要求,我一定要求所有信息都不能遗漏,可能有些地方还需要标注给你讲解一番) 这英文翻译,我会给85/100的评分,因为我觉得能做到这种水平,真的太优秀了。配音我倒觉得可以进步,至少别让悟空说话的语气那么像反派(不知道他们是不是试过很多版配音,如果悟空的声音听似反派比较有感觉,那我估计也没什么意见,毕竟如果语境口气氛围不同,可能会让英文玩家玩得很出戏,那可能不是一种很好的做法)
@kafukwamekemeh4 ай бұрын
I think your criticism of the english voice of Wukong sounding villainous sounds weird when Wukong was known as being a arrogant, charismatic and proud being
I'm not Chinese, I'm Thai. Buddhist. Studied Chinese in a Singapore international school in Thailand. Knew about Sun WuKong from a Chinese textbook in Primary School. Watched Journey of the West in Chinese dub and loved it. So, obv I prefer the Chinese dub. Also, I feel like for any film/cartoon/anime/movie, The original dub is always the best version. e.g English movies best with english dub, Japanese anime best with jp dub......
@宁义柱4 ай бұрын
@卫宫巨俠4 ай бұрын
What you said is right. The origin dub can perform the core concept of the screenwriter most directly. If being translated, the meaning will change easily, which contribute to the diffrence of understanding.
@54hzw07204 ай бұрын
这个游戏的翻译和配音已经很棒了。黄眉那段的“倒果为因”,很多人在争论性恶论的问题,但是英文翻译成seek means to an end,反而更好理解,这是目的和手段的辩论,黄眉和金蝉子的辩论没有结果,更好的印证了章节动画名“屁”
I am Mexican, so my first language is Spanish and am familiar with other Latin-derived tongues, such as Portuguese, Italian and French, to know that translating meaning, intention and other small details that are particular to the specific culture is difficult. And that's with western European languages. English, while close geographically to Romance Languages, is somewhat more difficult. The effort to translate dialogue from Asian languages like Japanese (one I'm familiar with), Korean or Mandarin is much higher. A one-to-one translation is not possible. In audiovisual media such as film and now videogames, there is the constraint of what is on the screen as well as the obvious linguistic reasons. We should all be thankful that we non Chinese get to play a game such as this, which is not only a treat in terms of the base game, but also see and hear about a story that is so dear to the people of China. I hope I get to read the book that inspired what is quickly becoming one of the best games I have played soon.
@Ateshtesh4 ай бұрын
As spanish speaker, I feel that play this videogame in english is like to watch japanese animation in english, is not as expressive as the original dub and some times sounds really unnatural. The Chinese voice actuation is a lot better in this case.
说实话主要剧情的翻译我觉得都挺ok的,还能再雕琢的反而是一些lore wise的东西,which causes many confusions and can be hard to follow. 比如妖怪的大王和国家的国王用的都是 king,像是在第二章黄毛鼠精是黄风岭山大王,但旁边斯哈哩国也有一国王,yet both were referred to as kings,在用英文解读黄金佛国剧情的时候就容易产生混淆
不少中文是文言文或者夾帶成語,要完全在簡短的英文翻譯全部,那是不可能的。而且很多翻譯哪怕沒有照翻原意也能玩得下去,FF10最後的場景,女主角日文跟男主角是說謝謝,英文版居然翻譯成 I love you. 照樣哭慘了一堆外國玩家。謝謝能翻譯成 I love you 嗎? 重點是當時的場景,男女主角生離死別前最終的一句話,各有各的優點 (日本的含蓄與歐美的開放),幾乎可以說沒有對錯可言了
7:25 I think "bend the knees" being plural is a valid creative choice, since it is followed by "admit the wrongs" (both use an infinitive verb + plural noun). Kinda has a poetic quality. Personally I like to view the English dub as a British stage play rather than a movie, it's more entertaining that way lol (and makes it easier to digest the "unnatural" line deliveries) 9:55 FYI Mark Ota is an actor based in London, so he very likely is a native-level speaker
@franklee6634 ай бұрын
I think kneel down and admit your wrong doings may be more appropriate.
Bend the kneeS Admit the wrongS And we can put this behind uS
@leepi46454 ай бұрын
英文配音真的是我见过的最绝的了 一直在追各种英文配音版在听 语气、意境基本全都达到了
@可乐啊-u8o4 ай бұрын
@Cozymusic0_04 ай бұрын
@KK-gk9zk4 ай бұрын
if you translate everything 100% its gonna sound awkward af to the western audience, if some phrases sound good in chinese doesnt mean it will sound good in english
@ElMoppo14 ай бұрын
When I read Journey to the West, I found the poems to be rather awkward to read, but I think it was for that very reason. It's hard enough to translate normal text, but poetry is more than just the raw meaning, the poetry aspect itself is completely lost.
@chengyongterk43604 ай бұрын
@freshmaker64414 ай бұрын
Any language is fine, we ASEAN people grew up watching Journey to the West (1986 and 1996) with our language dubbing, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, it doesn't matter we still love the series and that's why now we love the game! we support n buy it ! Because now wukong is always part of our childhood, the most important thing is the storyline and the acting of the characters. What I mean is China should understand if they want their games, movies and animated series to be more popular in the world. I suggest using dubbing in each country so people can understand easily, not everyone wants to read subtitles, Chinese mandarin is also very difficult language , not easy
@yud4s4 ай бұрын
add malaysia , singapore , and whole south east asia bro !!! long live DaSheng !!!!
@アメリカの自由4 ай бұрын
@唐山哈哈4 ай бұрын
@leehtp47074 ай бұрын
@@yud4s Why is Pinoy not included?😁
@yud4s4 ай бұрын
@@leehtp4707 of course Pinoy putang inamo also our brotherhood !! 👍
赞👍, 翻译本身就是一件精益求精的事业,就像贾岛欧阳修讨论推敲二字那样身临其境地追求出神入化。马老师提到的问题都是方家之言,有些也是我在反复聆听黑神话悟空游戏的中英文版本时所感受到打磨不够的地方。而且悟空的开场白对于抓住西游记之大闹天宫的精髓非常重要,不然很难把握后面的情节发展。个人认为二郎神和悟空这段对话的英文翻译有七成功力,三成改进空间,还是在表达上有些隔了一层的。加上这段开场白的对话时间比较紧,无法铺垫和从容转環,导致这种“隔”从观看网上英语玩家的相关视频的英文表述中可以明显地看出来。类似的力不能及体会我在国内古体诗词网站进行中英文经典诗歌的对译尝试过程中也时常出现,只能通过反复吟读推敲力求能够带入读者身临其境,同时并排比较所有可以找到的前人翻译作品以确定关键用词的微妙差异,有时候只有大声朗诵出来才能真正体会不同处理方式的高下,因此认为再优异的翻译也需要如这个视频中马老师所较真的地方那样精益求精不断打磨抛光。信达雅标准尚不够实现完美的翻译,还需要像麦克利什的《诗艺》(Ars Poetica)所说的“A poem should not mean, But be.” 一首诗不应该进行说白,而是必须展示意境画面,令读者身临其境。也就是「信达雅境」俱全。
@26125634 ай бұрын
大胆点重构句子加上使用俚语才劲爆。中文也很难将GTA的语境感情翻译得恰到好处。评论区不应乱说粗口,但悟空都骂娘了,应该整点PG16的硬菜。字对字翻译我能想到的是例如:虾兵蟹将=clowns or maggots, “all these years, besides that pig face, you are my favourite jester”.
@hanfucolorful96564 ай бұрын
How to translate 虾兵蟹将? Edit:Shrimp Soldiers and Crab General -------- does this mean anything in English?
I love the respectful comments. Love you, China. You're an example to all nations
@Set_The_Seas_Abwlaze4 ай бұрын
English speaker here from SEA, yeah imo Wukong had outstanding English voice acting, but sadly the lip sync wasn't meant for English, but instead Chinese since it's lip-synching perfectly during the gameplay since it was the original dub, but contrary to any Japanese games like Final Fantasy series where most of them had lip sync on english voiceover for worldwide audiences while they also provided the Japanese voiceover for Japanese audiences and sometimes non-japanese speaker audiences like hardcore weeb/otaku
@ronaldflint17414 ай бұрын
@yinitialize49304 ай бұрын
They should really hire you to direct their next game translation. I'm not kidding, i really wonder how much better it could get, how hard it is to achieve top of ceiling chinese to english translation and how would it sounds.
@archerli47834 ай бұрын
Nuh.... I strongly disagree with you.
@yinitialize49304 ай бұрын
@@archerli4783 why?
@metacomputist4 ай бұрын
虾兵蟹将直译成 shrimp soldiers and crab generals 念出来效果会怎样?老炮儿能不能试试发个 short?
@iamsheep4 ай бұрын
I think you would do a great English dub of Wukong Chris!
Having been an interpreter and translator, Chinese as a source material definitely has its challenges regardless of whether it is manhwa, movies or even just normal conversation. I wouldn't say they did a bad job on BM:W, but rather they did not have enough time to polish their work. It feels very rushed and rugged, the word choices and sentence structures could've been better, and overall the characters' dialogues lack flavor and distinction. Perhaps some slang words, expressions or even dialects could be added to further build each characters personality. For example, Wukong often refers to himself in third person, which could be easily interpreted as is. Overall it just doesn't quite hit the mark of what the industry expects as the Japanese developers had provided many great examples in the past. At first I suspect it's a lack of experience at GS, or perhaps they weren't able to secure a suitable outsourced team. But later did I find out in an interview that they had last minute changes to the storyline and only managed to finalise it during the last month before launch. It's definitely a case of time constraint and perhaps a strict translation guideline that limits the potential of their TL team.
@abbymelcoffee18134 ай бұрын
I think the English translation and VA both did a great job, among games I’ve played, this is the best translation and dubbing work I have seen
It's just a game, not a blockbuster movie. The English dub is pretty good for a game.
@tokytoktok4 ай бұрын
It's not a mere game. This is based on one of the top 4 Chinese classics. There are reasons why people are particular about Wukong, it is not just a game. It is a story that holds dear to 1.4 billion people within China and 50 million other diaspora outside China. This story probably has the highest cultural value in the world.
@ben-taobeneton39454 ай бұрын
An English speaker and beginner Mandarin Learner here! I like English Dub because maybe English is not my first language and I find it amusing to hear it all the time, no matter what I watch in English Dub. And I have noticed that people whose first language is English, are where the hate comes from. Those who are bilingual and English is not their first language will find the English Dub more appealing and acceptable. Regarding that part of _'Making him villain'_ - I could see that he can be interpreted as a villain but as _a "Monkey who got too proudful of his power."_ But I still believe the English Sun Wukong did an amazing job! So as Erlang Shang. Very catchy and easy to get the gist of the "vibe" because as Laoma said, in Mandarin - in one short sentence you can say so much compared to English where it could lead to multiple sentences and or even an explanatory sentence to get the full meaning. I do understand the hate but I love both of the Dubs. "Game Science" did but a massive effort to convey the message well to the broader audience. Not many or I would say a lot of people haven't even heard of the Novel called "Journey to the West", hell don't even get me started in reading that massive novel. 😀 Rating 9/10 for me for all dubs.
I really really wish games would start adding a "dub captions" option alongside a "literal translation subtitles" option for those of us who don't speak Chinese but still are purists who want to hear the original intent for the voices and dialogue. As a native English speaker who knows no Chinese, I still really felt like the game was probably poorly translated based on the flow of conversations and word choices used. (To be clear, I HAVE read Journey to the West, so I know the general tone of the characters anyway.)
@kunlunmont63994 ай бұрын
Bend the knees 没错, 中国古代一般都是双膝下跪,单膝下跪仅限军礼。
@jarkid4 ай бұрын
@yangliu-w3n4 ай бұрын
@LaomaChris4 ай бұрын
@catinbootsnow42674 ай бұрын
@文-x7v4 ай бұрын
@@catinbootsnow4267 那几个对联真的能翻出那种意思跟意境吗🤣
@Human_kind_let_china_lead_us4 ай бұрын
@tfc32804 ай бұрын
齐天大圣 怎么翻译😅
@blackw-pr1hz4 ай бұрын
@jacksan075884 ай бұрын
@HHH-d6b4 ай бұрын
@Ancaryvan4 ай бұрын
Divine Great Sage 偉大創世神光賢者
@prophet67224 ай бұрын
@interstellar38374 ай бұрын
The English dub is actually great, it's just that Wukong's voice is not so great. But everything else is AMAZING!
@franklee6634 ай бұрын
Sorry it is a Chinese Legend, if you want to understand, go study Chinese, how many US games provide Chinese translations, how many Japanese or Korean games provide English translations. But this game is focused on telling a legend unlike other games with made up stories. This game is attractive because the places really existed, you visit in real life and they are thousands of years old. It is part past and present.
@墨沄4 ай бұрын
Sorry I'm trying to learn English so I can understand what you're saying.
@sichaoli65614 ай бұрын
@lance46984 ай бұрын
亢金星君:八荒云涌 乾元雷动 英版:The cloud surged and shivered with thunder 翻的挺努力的 但是肯定比不过原文的表达能力😂
@konodioda62894 ай бұрын
@lance46984 ай бұрын
@@konodioda6289 作为中国人如果不让我查的话,甚至我都说不出乾元具体是什么意思
@clairefoo47834 ай бұрын
懂中文的: 少了那澎拜和激情😂
@SKYLEE-0072 ай бұрын
@@lance4698 但你一定能感觉到当中玄之又玄和宏大的感觉。
@Gavin-h7s4 ай бұрын
@pashaw83804 ай бұрын
Anyone who claims that the English dub is terrible probably has their own issues with the English language anyway.