Black-throated Wattle-eye known as Platysteira peltata, is a small bird found in sub-Saharan Africa

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The Black-throated Wattle-eye, scientifically known as Platysteira peltata, is a small bird found in sub-Saharan Africa. It's known for its distinctive black throat and striking white eye-ring. These birds inhabit dense forests and woodlands, where they feed on insects and occasionally fruits. They're known for their agile movements and melodious calls, making them a delight to observe for birdwatchers.Sure, here's some more information about the Black-throated Wattle-eye:
Apart from its black throat and white eye-ring, the Black-throated Wattle-eye has a glossy black upper body and wings, with a contrasting white belly. The male has a distinct wattle near its eye, which is absent in the female.
These birds prefer dense forests, woodlands, and riverine forests, often near water sources. They are found across sub-Saharan Africa, including countries like Cameroon, Gabon, Uganda, and Tanzania.
Black-throated Wattle-eyes are active and agile birds, often seen flitting about in the forest canopy in search of insects. They may also hover momentarily while catching flying prey.
Breeding typically occurs during the rainy season. The female builds a cup-shaped nest using plant fibers, spider webs, and other materials, usually placed in a tree fork. Both parents participate in incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks.
Their diet primarily consists of insects such as flies, beetles, ants, and caterpillars. They may also consume fruits, especially during the non-breeding season when insects are scarce.
These birds have a variety of calls, including melodious whistles and trills. Their vocalizations are often used for communication between mates or to establish territory.
While the Black-throated Wattle-eye is not currently considered globally threatened, habitat loss due to deforestation and human encroachment poses a potential threat to their populations in some regions. Conservation efforts to protect their forest habitats are crucial for their long-term survival.
