Blend Club Review; July 2017, Cornell & Diehl Crooner

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Muttnchop Piper

Muttnchop Piper

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This is a review of Cornell and Diehl crooner

Пікірлер: 41
@erikw3105 2 жыл бұрын
🙂🙂🙂🙂 - I'm relatively new (only smoking for ~ 1 yr) but I like this blend a lot. I really enjoy English blends and haven't tried too many Burley blends, but when I'm in the mood for crooner nothing can hit the spot. The Burley tastes nutty, and the deertongue tastes like a light grassy vanilla. It's a good combination, everything complements each other. The cube cut is easy to pack and keep lit. I do get a big nic hit from crooner. It also tends to ghost pipes so I've dedicated a cob to it. It's a simple blend, but that's part of why I like it. It helps me contemplate and ponder, as I don't focus on whispers of flavors that may or may not be there and I just enjoy the blend for what it is. I like to enjoy it by smoking some before bed. I go outside on my porch when the weather is nice and it's well past dark. I light my pipe and just enjoy the forest at night, alone with my thoughts. I also like to think that it's the same type of blend people would smoke 100 years ago, and I like that connection to older times. In all honesty, I think I like it for this ritual, and the simple blend makes it possible. It's not too sweet, not spicy or smoky, nothing too much, and it just helps me relax after a long day. It seems it's a love it or hate it kind of blend, and I definitely fall into the love it group. I recommend trying it at least once
@SleepyPiperTodd 2 жыл бұрын
I just tried this tobacco and like it quite a bit. For some reason it's burning really hot for me. Trying to go slow. Towards the end of the bowl it gets harsh. I must be doing something wrong. I've only smoked a couple bowls, but end up wasting some charred tobacco at the end. On the next bowl I'll pay extra attention to giving it less fire on delights and see if that helps.
@kyohan9349 7 жыл бұрын
🙂🙂🙂 This is a blend that has been in my rotation for years, but it is definitely something that I have to be in the mood for. But when I am, there is nothing else that will “hit the spot.” When I first started smoking a pipe I used to hang out at my local B&M on Saturday mornings with a bunch of other pipe smokers, and that is where I learned about different tobaccos, how to pack and light my pipe, etc. On one of those Saturday mornings the conversation turned to some of the “old” blends that contained deer tongue and it turned out that most of us had never tried one. The pipe manager, who was also the shops blender, said he’d be right back and he went to the back room and came out with an old can of deer tongue that he said he had used for blending years ago. He passed that around for all of us to smell and then he mixed up a quick blend of burley and deer tongue and we all filled our bowls and lit up - this blend always reminds me of that morning. The burley in this is very nutty tasting and I like it a lot (and would like to try it sometime without the DT), but is gets covered up quite a bit by the DT in the blend. The DT give this flowery, almost soapy, kind of aroma (and it will ghost your pipe, so be careful). This nic level is pretty high is this one too, so puff slowly. My favorite way to smoke this, because it reminds me of that first time I tried DT, is to mix this about 50/50 with Carter Hall. That drops the nic level a bit and also helps boost the nuttiness of the burley.
@jimmybobo 6 жыл бұрын
5 Stars. One of my favorites, I buy it by the pound. The cubed cut is a very easy cut to keep lit and dries easily. Smoke it dry, not moist.This is not a beginner blend I am not sure I would suggest it for a newer smoker. Heavy on taste but one that is partial to me. I do not get a perfume smell in the bag from deer tongue. This blend POURS smoke out! I know you do not care for burley blends so I do not expect you to ever rate them highly :) Thanks for all you do Muttnchop!
@abxer3p 6 жыл бұрын
❸ ½ out of ❺: I like the cut and the deertongue (this is the only blend with this ingredient I’ve tried), which isn’t as strong a perfumed scent to me as the Lakeland Essence other blends have (which I didn’t like). I get a cinnamon spiciness and a little of the vanilla, but not the cigarette quality others get. While it isn’t loaded with compelling flavors, the uniqueness of the deertongue and the general simplicity works for me. I try lots of other blends and come back to this one periodically. I first tried this about four years ago and never got a nicotine punch from this (definitely did from Haunted Bookshop) but will be on the lookout for any hint of it. Thank you for your videos and information, sir!
@HeavyMetalPiper 6 жыл бұрын
☘️☘️☘️ I enjoyed this blend, it was mild, but interesting. I'm curious to try more deertongue blends to see how I like it in a larger concentration than in this blend.
@_zilo9000 5 жыл бұрын
This Blend is amazing. It packs and smokes like a dream. It's one blend that just hits the spot any time of day. Smooth and very slightly sweet. I mean just a touch of sweet. It's now one of my favorites of my 35+ blend collections.
@jaburger07 6 жыл бұрын
⭐️⭐️⭐️I enjoyed it because it was so different and has a smooth nutty/slightly sweet flavor. Sometimes I’m just in the mood for a chance and reach for the crooner jar. Definitely not something I’d want every day though.
@TheLarryfine 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) - I give Crooner 2 emoji's - The pouch note was deer tongue forward for me. Which I must say was intriguing. I found Vanilla to be the main aroma other than straight deer tongue and burley. The smoke was okay, it was pretty mute as far as flavor goes. If you're a burley person, try it! I will keep some around for a rainy day perhaps but It won't be seeing any "normal" rotation. I always like to branch out, so I am happy that I was able to try it. (EDIT: After Finishing 2 Ounces of Crooner I still give it 2 Emoji's - I wanted to add that I found it slightly annoying to tamp in smaller bowls as it puffs up a TON when charring. A small but noticeable inconvenience.)
@yankeedoodledandeefirecrac7518 4 жыл бұрын
I really respect your flavors, I like the plum Pudding and cannot wait to get my Maltese flavor! so i listen a lot to your recommendations we seem to have the same flavor likes. Thank you!!
@stokingembers1173 7 жыл бұрын
😀. I smoked this blend in a Missouri Meerschaum pipe. Visually, this blend was off putting. It was dry with small green leaves and stems that made it difficult to pack. It smelled of unsmoked cigarettes. It lights easy, stays lit, and burns slow. I tasted the vanilla in the first 1/4 of the bow, but it faded away after that. The taste was bland and I suffered a nic hit about 1/2 through and had to stop. I tried again a few days later after moistening the blend. Taste did not improve and the nic hit happened about 3/4 bowl. After smoking cigars for 27 years, it's rare I suffer from Vitamin N. This blend did me in. I gave away what I had left.
@groovemessenger2407 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been reading comments everywhere. I’m surprised that nobody has ever said… GRAPE NUTS! Like the cereal…I like it, not love it. I will say I like the first 1/2 f the bowl better than the 2nd 1/2, as the burley takes over. Freight training is NOT recommended. But gentle puffing offers some nutty and earthy rewards.
@ReedbenderBud 7 жыл бұрын
:), :) - Liked the smell and the taste, smoked well in the bowl. It just didn't agree with me. My second bowl was OK, but I don't think I enjoyed it after my bad experience. (which may have had nothing to do with the blend, still not sure). Anyway, I'm going to put it away for a while and give it another try sometime. Maybe try another blend with deer tongue to see how it goes.
@TheAnticSits 4 жыл бұрын
😀😀😀😀😀 Got a great Nic hit off off it that I really enjoyed. I’ve only been back at pipe smoking for a short time and this is the first time I’ve really been getting into aromatics. This one is just really nice to smoke.
@EricKoinz 2 жыл бұрын
😀😀😀😀. I love this blend. Cube cut burns good and easy to smoke. Tastes nothing like cigarettes to me and really enjoy the deer tongue. The nic hit is strong and a great after dinner smoke for me.
@elwoodmaker 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) :) Three smileys. From the jar it smelled a bit nutty, maybe even a little like plum. Maybe a little mildew kind of smell too unfortunately. It had a strange aftertaste. I don't think I will purchase any more of this. But it was good to try it.
@Sponji-Ras 5 жыл бұрын
💚💚💚💚 4/5.. This is a "Love it or Hate it" blend for sure.. But I absolutely LOVE this blend when im in the mood for it that is. deerstongue is of the gods really great blend and probably my favorite room note and beard note its a lingering scent
@adamt3341 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) :) :) I really like this tobacco. I find that it has a hint of a licorice smell, and almost a hint of hay. I like the cut, although if packed full, it tends to rise out of the pipe, and needs to be tamed. Taste is almost a vanilla/nutmeg type sweetness, but not overly sweet. Almost like granola. I typically like English tobacco's, and have been looking for something a bit more mild, with a nice room note, and this hit the spot for me. I will keep some on hand. Looking forward to continuing to participate in pipe club!
@michaelpage4199 7 жыл бұрын
☺☺...Right with you on this... I wished the bag note followed thru in the smoke but it didn't Really wanted to like this but found it very singular in flavor after the first few puffs
@SoCal-Piper 2 жыл бұрын
I'm five years late but, I'm getting hints of Tonka Bean and Cinnamon. 💪
@OnBelayClimbOn 7 жыл бұрын
🙂🙂🙂 this blend grew on me over this past month; cut- very fine cube cut, aroma - vanilla, floral; moisture - dry but ok; pipe packing - super easy; burn - easy to light and keep lit; burns sort of hot; taste - nutty, vanilla liquor, must sip. strength - medium intense flavor probably from deer tongue with a nice room note. would I put this in my regular rotation - no; would I put this into an occasional rotation yes. I got used to it and appreciated it more over time; it's a nice burley blend.
@bveracka 7 жыл бұрын
Overall:🔵🔵🔵 Unique and unlike any blend I've had. Pouch Aroma:🔵🔵-Smells of hay & alfalfa; intriguing. Taste:🔵🔵🔵-Earthy; Burley; Connecticut-wrapped cigar; very mild vanilla; overall pleasant. Nicotine Content:🔵🔵🔵½-Starts off with a moderate hit and stays there, it's not a creeper. I'm well-adjusted to nicotine, yet I got the nic hit unlike M. Room Note:🔵🔵-Again, hard to describe. Pleasant, though it definitely wont win over non-smokers. Final Thoughts: I use the word unique sparingly for a good reason, because there aren't that many blends which truly are. This is unique, and likely hearkens back to the good ol' days of pipe tobacco. The perfume M. describes smells like dried alfalfa to me-like the stuff you often smell at a pet store that's designed to feed to a rabbits, goats, and other small animals. This may sound off-putting but it's really not. I do get a lot of the Burley smell too, but to me the vanilla is all-but absent. It's more like Burley straight-up as opposed to say, Carter Hall, which has a slightly stronger vanilla aroma & flavor. I'm a big fan of Bing, so I put on a record of his and sat back on the porch. Smoked it in a Rossi Vittoria pot, which has a shape identical to M.'s Savinelli in the video. This shape tends to burn anything, no matter how stubborn. Last night on Cape Cod was beautiful! Under a crescent moon sky on a cool & dry eve, I felt as if I were taken right back to the forties or fifties as Bing sang and I puffed. Poetry aside, I mostly agree with M. on this one. Fairly one-dimensional, not at all sweet nor much depth of flavor, and just a bit like a cigarette or a basic cigar. Undoubtedly a niche blend, but another great job by C&D.
@mfghammell 7 жыл бұрын
:-) ;-) Not my cup of tea. Deertongue is interesting, but I prefer "Gentleman's Caller" which has deertongue in a virginia based blend which I think is more balanced.
@ericfehr8632 7 жыл бұрын
🙂🙂 This blend is harsh in my opinion. It is smokeable but has a harshness that lingers in the back of my throat. The perfume type flavors are just not my thing. I will continue to try this blend until it is all smoked, just to see if I can draw some positives out of it.
@fedorapiper2841 7 жыл бұрын
😋😋😋 like you I like the blend, but not a favorite. The deer tongue was a nice change of pace. But it will be an Something that I will go to when I want something unusual.
@treedirt10000 7 жыл бұрын
☠️☠️☠️ I would normally have given it a 2 emoji as I am not a fan of aromatics. However I did like that it was given the aromatic via the deer tongue vs. a chemical or oil which usually leaves my mouth a feeling oily so it acquired an extra emoji. The smell to me was burly heavy with just a hint of alcohol (dark rum maybe) and vanilla. The taste was also burly heavy and definitely had a bit of cigarette taste to it with a hint of vanilla in the back. As aromatics go this one to me so far is the best but again I'm not a fan. Mine was cube cut as well which kept a solid burn through out the whole bowl which was nice along with the green leaves of deer tongue mixed in. My wife said the room note was similar to the typical vanilla blends just not as potent.
@erichermann1226 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) I am new to pipe smoking (3 months at the time of this comment). To me this blend was tolerable but not much else. If you've ever had an Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar, this tastes very similar except Crooner has an faint syrupy flavor. I did receive a nicotine hit, but it was mild and quickly went away. I gave it two smiley faces because it is smokable but I will not be ordering it again.
@Dan-in-the-Wild 7 жыл бұрын
=]=] I think burley fans that have any curiosity at all about Crooner should go ahead and give it a shot. My thoughts are... The burley is very up front, and the star of the show. There is a nic-hit if you smoke hard and fast, but Muttonchop is proof that if smoked smartly, it can be a tame blend. The nicotine level is comparable to Haunted Bookshop or Atlas Balkan. Slightly less than OJK or Shandygaff, slightly more than Moreley's Best or Billy Budd. I have had a number of Cornell & Diehl burley blends as you can tell, and each one seems to have a slightly different burley profile. It's not uncommon for these blends to contain more than one type of burley, and I feel like that is the case with Crooner. It is not just a cube cut burley. It has some bigger chunks like Match Ready Rubbed, and has a unique flavor that only Crooner possesses. The deer tongue is just heavy enough to detect it in tin and room note, and on the palate. Any heavier and it may be unpleasant. This blend has a smooth taste, but a little boring for me. Plain burley, whether dark, white or cube cut are good for a bowl or two, but lose their appeal quickly. A bit one-dimensional, just as Crooner was for me. I'm sure it's somebody's favorite though, and it certainly has a place in the tobacco community.
@adamt3341 7 жыл бұрын
Daddy Olson, Do you have a personal favorite Cornell & Diehl tobacco?
@Dan-in-the-Wild 7 жыл бұрын
No. I can't pin it down to just one. It's close between Atlas Balkan and Haunted Bookshop though!
@adamt3341 7 жыл бұрын
Ordered some Haunted Bookshop. Thanks!
@Dan-in-the-Wild 7 жыл бұрын
Happy smoking!
@frontierlife4456 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) I liked it its Different what i liked was the Deer tongue . But it leaves you with wanting more from this Tobacco.
@GrognardPiper Жыл бұрын
🤘🤘It’s not bad, but not great. I can see why the people that like it do like it, but it’s not for me. I definitely got the nicotine hit though. Like you, I’ll smoke what I have, but I’m not ordering it again.
@harlowpiper2352 7 жыл бұрын
😊😊July 2017 Cornell & Diehl, Crooner - Tin Note: It smells like a Christmas blend I can't identify the spice but smells like maybe cinnamon or ginger - Presentation: cut cube and larger green leafs I didn't like the way it looked, It was pretty dry probably my fault be cause I didn't store it quite right - Taste: it doesn't taste anything like it spells. Didn't care for it. - Notes: I don't like the cube cut. However it burns nice and no bite
@sierrasam316 7 жыл бұрын
:) :) - This blend of tobacco was not my favorite. As a newcomer to pipe smoking, I am still figuring out what I like and don't like. This was the first burley blend that I tried and it tasted a little too similar to cigarettes for me. It was a strong, yet subdued flavor for me and I would much prefer a more balanced blend; That said, I am glad that I tried it.
@BriboyW 3 жыл бұрын
4 Stars. My local tobacconist had an open tin of this that he let my wife and I smell. My wife initially said it smells like something familiar but I just can't put my finger on it. Then I said, "zucchini bread" and she's like "Yes that's it". So we're on the same page . . . zucchini bread. Anyone else get this? I like this blend! It's somewhat unusual because the room note is similar to an aromatic but tastes like a burley with a bit of sweetness. I consider it a nice crossover blend. Must be the vanilla-like deer tongue. Very different than most I've tried. Cube-cut is also new to me. Burns easy and creates a nice even ash bed.
@paulthescandinavian4992 7 жыл бұрын
assumably this blend has some similarities with Sir Walther Raleigh Aromatic
@stogiepipesmoker8317 7 жыл бұрын
😝I find this blend to be very bad in my opinion it's to much like cigarettes to me I've tried several bowl in different pipes and just can't find good in this blend would not buy or recommend
@pipingcalifornia3476 7 жыл бұрын
:/ Yes, that is kind of a scary face... and only one of them. I have this feeling that this tobacco is rather polarizing with me being on the... I cant' stand it... side. Kinda like smoking whatever waste is in my green bin (the yard one) mixed with some type of spice... maybe cumen. Yuck. Anyway... Flavor is grassy, bitter, and kind of Indian spice. The cut is good and easy to pack and holds the light well. Moisture is good from the tin and I would say that the flavor is medium to medium full. Also note, this ghosts the pipe pretty well. I made the mistake of smoking it in one of my briars and 6 bowls later I can still feel the essence of it. Don't like it... moving on.
@russel4682 7 жыл бұрын
:) really disliked this one. The smell from the bag was amazing but I couldn't get past the bland tasteless flavoring.
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