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Block Mountains:-
Block Mountains is defined as the result of faulting caused by tensile and compressive forces motored by endogenetic forces coming from within the earth, also known as fault block mountains. Block mountains represent the upstanding parts of the ground between two faults or on either side of a rift valley or a Graben.
Types of Block Mountains:
Essentially, block mountains are formed due to faulting in the ground surface. Block mountains are generally of two basic types e.g.:
(i) Tilted block mountains having one steep side represented by fault scarp and one gentle side and
(ii) Lifted block mountains represent real horst and are characterized by flattened summit of tabular shape and very steep side slopes represented by two boundary fault scarps, Block mountains are also called as horst mountains.
Block mountains are found in all the continents e.g.:
(i) Young block mountains around Albert, Warner and Klamath lakes in the Steens Mountain District of Southern Oregon, Wasatch Range in the Utah province etc., in the USA,
(ii) Vosges and Black Forest mountains bordering the faulted Rhine Rift valley in Europe, and
(iii) Salt Range of Pakistan etc. Sierra Navada mountain of California (USA) is considered to be the most extensive block mountain of the world.
This mountain extends for a length of 640 km (400 miles) having a width of 80 km (50 miles) and the height of 2,400 to 3,600 m (8,000 to 12,000 feet).
There is difference of opinions among the scientists regarding the origin of block mountains.
Block mountains are formed in a number of ways:
(i) Block mountains are formed due to upward movement of middle block between two normal faults. The up-thrown block is also called as horst. The submittal area of such block mountain is of flat surface but the side slopes are very steep.
(ii) Block mountains may be formed when the side blocks of two faults move downward whereas the middle block remains stable at its place. It is apparent that the middle block projects above the surrounding surface because of downward movement of side blocks. Such block mountains are generally formed in high plateaux or broad domes.
(iii) Block mountains may be formed when the middle block between two normal faults moves downward. Thus, the side blocks become horsts and block mountains. Such mountains are associated with the formation of rift valleys.
Song for fun:-
Black mountain, cool river
And I could be anyone
I counted the dark pine trees
And I could be any one of them
Oh tonight I see it through
With no thought of self-ridicule
Was it overlong, so overdue?
No thought of me in my thought of you
Black mountain, cool river runs
Oh tonight I see it through
With no thought of self-ridicule
Was it overlong, so overdue?
No thought of me in my thought of you
Black mountain, cool river runs
To the sea, and I could be no one but me
It’s true, you could be no one but you