BONE STORM Necromancer Build - Diablo 3 2.6 Season 11

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@arthrogeddon928 7 жыл бұрын
A necromancer smiting his ennemis with holy light ? I call for the poison crusader then !
@brindlebriar 7 жыл бұрын
Hi. I'm the guy who invented this build back when the contamination mage build got nerfed (when the skelly build started). I also ended the necro beta at rank 1 with it, having beat Grift 96(first attempt) ~paragon 1440. By the end, everybody had copied it. The build can beat GR100. I didn't check the Asian Leaderboards, but the build wasn't viable until they switched the set bonus from 800%-2750%, and that's when I started it. ;) (My guy was the red Leoric-looking dude with the 2-hander, Marrowharrow.) I think it's awesome that it worked out. I wanted to keep it quite at first so it wouldn't get nerfed(since it's passive dmg), but the cat's long since out of the bag. I hope you won't mind my sharing some additional tips on the build for your viewers. Build concept: This is LoN set with doubled dmg. (LoN =1300%, Inarius = 2750%). Both sets buff everything you can possibly do, including item and gem procs. I always wanted to create a build that used leg gems for dmg, but LoN was just too weak. So this occurred to me right away when they changed Inarius set bonus from 800% to 2750%. Very tanky/forgiving, and very mobile. And the easiest build to play in the history of this game. On T13, you just walk around and everything dies passively. You actually don't have to even push 1 button, (except refresh bone armor once every 30 seconds or so.) It's almost a zero-button build. (I beat 86 just with the gems, before adding LoD and CL to the build.) A couple of points: Your guild mate is right that decreptify stun gives more AoE dmg than frailty aura(which I use). But there are some hidden problems with that which, I believe, negate the benefit. 1st, cc can hit 3 times at, I believe, 50% reduced duration per time; then monsters are immune for about 10 seconds. Once they are all immune in a pack, you can't stun them with Dislocation bone armor to cause your bracers to reduce your dmg taken. So you lose some useful control. For example, I can stand on top of 10 Frost bombs at 95. Instead of moving away and ruining my good positioning and losing dmg, I hit Dislocation just before the bombs explode, and the bracers make me basically immune to dmg for 2 seconds. Bone-nado keeps proccing your dmg and healing while you're stunned. That doesn't work if the monsters are already immune to stuns. - Another problem is that(I don't see you doing it in the video), you move up to the packs with yellow monsters, hit frozen lands LoD to stun everything, hold corpse lance, and If you haven't already stunned them, frozen lands keeps them stunned for the first ~7 of the 10 second duration, which allows you to stand still and nuke him down without taking dmg. So you want to avoid stunning them prior to using LoD. With this technique, its easier and safer to nuke yellows from full to zero in the 10 seconds of LoD. - With more control instead of random stuns it's a lot easier to move to the occulus circles, get the mobs to move close to you quickly, and then stun them with bone armor rune so you can use the occulus circles more effectively, and combine your Krysbin ring bonus more effectively with the occulus circles. I find that this works out to be more dmg than having random stuns lowering my control of positioning, offense, and defense. - Finally, your last passive gives 1% dmg per cursed enemy. Frailty Aura(range increased by pickup radius) keeps everything cursed. If you only apply curses with Grim Scythe, it can be more difficult to get a curse on everything. If you manually cast decreptify a few times in a row, it takes a bit of time, and you have to remember not to lower your essence below 90% and lose the Aquila defense. It's plausible that stun curse is still better than Frailty, but there's more to consider, as you can see. ;) The dmg from pain enhancer bleed is comparable to the dmg from mirinae. That's because bone-nado ensures that everything in range is constantly bleeding 100% of the time no matter what. Nothing is ever not bleeding. Mirinae procs a lot, but it's still a proc, so the listed dmg doesn't hit everything every second. That evens them out. I tested the lightning gem, and it works too, but seems a bit weaker than the other two, and the run speed secondary is much less useful, since we use blood rush. (The poison gem is much less dmg/second, so it's no good.) Tip for starting the season: It's easy to find a Bul-Kathos Band with good stats for some reason, and the Inarius set buffs the life-steal dmg(though not the healing). So that provids a third significant AoE dmg source. I used it till around 80. Tip: Convention of Elements is, in theory better for necro than for any other class. This is because we only have 3 elements, cold, physical, poison; rather than 4. This means, whichever element you use is getting buffed 33% of the time, rather than 25% of the time. However, it doesn't buff the Holy dmg from Mirinae. The cold buff would really make your LoD+CL burst huge, though. It might be possible to 10-sec kill RGs at 90. Unfortunately, we really seem to need that jewelry slot for defense. The reason for the 2-hander over the 1-hander is mainly that the legendary affix rolls max value. Teh 1-hander is 150-200%, as I recall, so it's harder to get a good roll. Several people obtained Primal Ancient 1-handers and used those(with any off-hand), which seemed to work just as well. However, I'm not certain if blizzard rolls attack speed dmg increase into bleed dmg. If not, you'll lose pain enhancer dmg with the 1-hander(since everything is always bleeding anyway). Also any bone lances you cast from corpses(outside LoD) will give you less dmg per corpse with a 1-hander. You'll also get less dmg per Mirinae proc, and, as I understand it, you won't get equivalently more procs, because attack speed does not seem to cause bone-nado to tick more frequently(I tested, but can't be 100% certain). Almost all your procs come from bone-nado; the grim scythe swings are mainly for applying curses. On the other hand, 1-hander with an ideal off-hand lets you get more CL dmg, more area dmg, more crit, more intellect & vitality(more cdr if you're using a cdr variation). So it's close either way. Unity is slightly better than Wisdom of Kalan for solo. You're right that the dmg reduction is exactly the same at full stacks, but if you die to the Rift Boss, It's damned hard to get 15 stacks of bone armor back, and you get no benefit from Wisdom until you have 11+ stacks. Other than that they're the same. (Of course, use Wisdom in groups) ...
@brindlebriar 7 жыл бұрын
Tip to remember: Unlike almost every other build in D3, the healing for this build is almost all a percentage of your maximum health. (Mirinae heals 3% of your health per proc, and your Leech Curse(auto-applied by Grim Scythe) heals 2% of your health) This means, if you're dying, switching some paragon points from intellect into vitality gives you a lot more benefit than it would for other builds. It increases your self-healing(sustain) in addition to your total health. When I beat 95-96 I had 1000 extra vitality from paragon points for that nice health/healing cushion. Tip: Don't forget. Maximize your bonus Essence from Paragon points before adding intellect or vitality(increases Reilanna's Hook leg bonus.) Bracers: I didn't use an element dmg because I started the build without corpse lance(and never got around to adding cold dmg to bracers; also I didn't need it because LoD+CL was killing the yellows within the 10 seconds duration. However by mid-90s I do believe it is well worth switching out the armor for cold damage on bracers. I did add 15% CL dmg to my chest(but not to shoulders yet). You need to kill the yellows in 10 seconds for efficiency. If that stops happening, add cold to bracers, 15% CL to chest and shoulders, and off-hand if you're using 1-hander, as needed. This also helps kill the RG faster. Tip: Stop stunning the RG for the 15 seconds before LoD becomes available, so you get the full freeze duration. At GR90, you can take 50% of the RG's health in the 10 seconds of LoD. (No need for stricken) A bug: There's a bug I didn't get to report, that will kill you. For some really weird reason, casting Corpse Lance causes one of the 50% dmg reduction items(I didn't have time to test to figure out which one) to stop working for about 3 seconds. Or else it just lowers your base toughness by 50%. I checked after dying many times, by watching my toughness in the character pane while hitting CL. This means, when LoD ends, you lose 50% of your toughness, everthing is immune to stun, so you can't gain toughness from the bracers either. And if you didn't hit something to apply a decreptify curse before using LoD, you're really fucked. So, get decreptify on something(for the belt leg affix) before hitting LoD. After LoD ends, on high GR levels, use blood rush to GTFO for 3-7 seconds(and the armor bonus). Tip: Skip Juggernauts. The Krysbin ring doubles your dmg at all times(trapped gem slows everything), and then doubles that again(4x dmg) against stunned/frozen targets. Juggernauts, however, are immune to CC. Tip: I did test Frostburn with cold bone armor rune. It works, but you have to use RoRG, so not worth it. I didn't use Rimeheart, but for that you have to drop one of the other 2 weapons each of which gives a huge dmg buff, so I don't think that can work. This also caused the same random stuns problems as the stun curse. Tip: Don't forget to Grim Scythe everything around, not just the primary target, in order to apply Decreptify and Leech curse. This isn't necessary, but it helps. Variations: 1 You can use Inarius with pets(a guy beat 95 that way). Very viable. (Without Mirinae or Pain enhancer) 2 You can use it with high cooldown reduction and Corpse Explosion or bone lance as main source of dmg. A guy beat 92 with the CE version. Bone-nado passively stacks Gogok of Swiftness(It shouldn't, but it does.) 3 There's a third variation that is better than my build above, discovered and tested by somebody else, who didn't push it, in order to keep it secret. I won't give away his secret. But his build will probably be the top solo build if nothing changes. Maybe you can figure it out and beat the curve. ;) 4 There may not be a lot of classes other than Necro in season 11. In this case groups may have to make due with a zdps Inarius tank instead of Monk. Other sets: 1. Rathma set with skelleton archers beat 90, I think. 2. Blood set with corpse lance beat 92.
@yunakimgame9430 7 жыл бұрын
dude, I am always too lazy to comment on youtube, but this is an exception. Your tips are gold. Create your own diablofans build with these comments bro. I have been seeing this lacking of these insights for all d3 builds. Those guides do not touch on the play style and techniques
@yunakimgame9430 7 жыл бұрын
hold on, I am reading a choice between Decrepify and Failty. Which one do you choose eventually? And you said on the top we should not Decrepify before LOD, then later said Decrepify before LOD. Did I misunderstood something?
@gmartins0 7 жыл бұрын
Well, that's an amazing response. Thanks man!
@tanyatpm9163 7 жыл бұрын
Wow! Thank's for sharing all these tips!
@scottreidel5992 7 жыл бұрын
lmao. people are messed up in these comments. you did an awesome job at explaining the build, for which you never claimed credit. :p Rhyker, perhaps a disclaimer in your videos saying "i did not make this build, nor can i verify who was the first to use it" at the beginning of each build videos to keep the trolls at bay? LoL.
@Rhykker 7 жыл бұрын
@clueso_ 7 жыл бұрын
The ironic thing is that if they had never ever implemented these giant damage multipliers on sets and legendaries in the first place that only buff one skill or a predetermined skill-set, then items like Mirange would have been useful (or at least more useful) from the beginning. Also there would be significantly more freedom in the way we customize our builds, because without these giant multipliers that only buff a preset amount of skills, we wouldn't be forced to play a certain way. D3 had soooo much potential, but they messed up in terms of build diversity and character customization.
@Thordanar 7 жыл бұрын
Mirane(?) was actually really good for monks back in the day
@DefCatofficial 7 жыл бұрын
Don't quite know why people are seeming so salty in the comments, Thanks for the continual content Rhykker I'd love to make a custom song for your channel in the future buddy!
@gagejoseph91 7 жыл бұрын
For those of you not good at math, quick explanation... 100 - 75% = 25. 100 - 50% = 50, then 50 - 50% = 25. Just to clear that up since I'm SURE there are people that don't understand how the math works out.
@Kryptec13 7 жыл бұрын
You can't subtract a percentage from a whole number. But, 100 - 72 is indeed 25.
@Kryptec13 7 жыл бұрын
Meh, totally meant 100 - 75...
@gagejoseph91 7 жыл бұрын
You can "edit" your comments to fix that. And I considered first saying "75% of 100 is 75, 100 - 75" etc, but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for people NOT good at math. I know math. I know math very goodly. But the comment is meant to play in their field, not mine. People not as good at math see "75% damage reduction" and think "take away 75%", so that's how I represented it visually.
@Rhykker 7 жыл бұрын
This is a great way of explaining this in a simple manner!
@gagejoseph91 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Rhykker. Just trying to help.
@---xk8cp 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, Solid build Rhykker. Thank you for posting it. I have tried this since Necro came out. But I made two alterations that seem to have vastly improved Grim Scythe Performance. I have swapped out Bane of the Trapped for a "Simplicitys Strength" since this does a great deal to help bridge the gaps in both the Damage of "Cursed Scythe" as well as further increase the healing on hit theme of the "Miranae". Plus I have swapped out the weapon for a Corrupted Ashbringer. Which again significantly fixes the damage of "Cursed Scythe" resulting in gigantic hits with "Cursed Scythe" while till playing on the themes you have established in the initial build. I wanted to post this here in the hopes that it helps others as a lot of people seem to be having issues pushing past T10-12 with Necromancer. These changes have allowed me to push well over GR60.
@Longie 7 жыл бұрын
Love your guides, so informative and precise, all within a decent time frame. Very well set out and easily followed, keep it up
@christopheferr7116 7 жыл бұрын
best build guide by far, you're the man Rhykker. did 90 in 24 hours (and thousands of mats wasted ;) thanks
@jared1321 7 жыл бұрын
I'm using a different variant for this set that seems to do pretty well. One of the key difference is I'm using the 15 bone armour stacks amulet with convention of elements in the cube. With only 3 elements for the necromancer you get a 66% damage buff and can time it with corpse explosive for insane damage. I am focusing on poison damage with Neyrs Black Death in the cube and utilising the close quarters rune, cursed sythe, dislocation, and plaugelands for killing elites. For my other ring I'm doing the prayer of Briggs which pairs nicely with the strong arm bracers and groups enemies nicely to maximize the corpse explosion damage. For weapon and offhand I'm using trag ouls corroded sythe for damage to cursed buff and stormsheild for more damage reduction. In the 60s gr guardians die within one land of the dead and the explosions can crit nearly 100 billion and I'm not optimised! :) maybe I'll try your build to compare!
@TH3SLASH3R 7 жыл бұрын
So before I knew what seasons and builds were while playing on console, I used to literally always use Intense and you have no idea how excited that makes me.
@mouceen 7 жыл бұрын
you could give the gear to a crusader to roll %holly dmg and it wold buff miranae so you can buff your dmg more
@gabrielcastlebary2836 7 жыл бұрын
Great video. I can't wait for the Necro to be live and to try this build. Looks right up my alley.
@hofnaerrchen 7 жыл бұрын
I wish all classes had that kind of set that wouldn't be restrictive with skills/items/gems and still be resonable competitve. Love to see this Necro set.
@soupordave 7 жыл бұрын
I love this build. I just got my full set of Inarius last night and put the build together this morning. I can finally ditch my plague build!
@eituyn 7 жыл бұрын
First time I've watched one of your vids. I very much enjoyed your style. You communicate the info fast, but effectively, and also a little big of Diablo for Idiots. Super helpful, thank you!
@h0lykn1gt34 7 жыл бұрын
Love this build, still crossing my fingers that blizzard won't nerf it. Great video as always, Rhykker.
@uktuktruk 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rhykker, I feel the same way about Mirinae. I hope they make other unique ways to add in more Caldesann's Despair fodder.
@1ButtonDash 7 жыл бұрын
that six piece is very cool because it pretty much gives a new spell. I wish more sets did this instead of just buffs to damage on spells
@keeperofligh 7 жыл бұрын
Hello there. I have Off hand Leger's Disdain and it is a great asset to the set. Grim scyte deals 7% additional dmg for each point of essence it restores. The dmg could go 10x ++ Dunno if someone allready posted about that. Sorry if i am repeating it :)
@RandomUserFromHell 7 жыл бұрын
Builds like these is what D3 needs!
@Majaro 7 жыл бұрын
this set with corpse exposition gloves with the curse ring is amazing dmg add that with the golem that leaves corpses it practically boss autokill
@macman1138 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome video as usual. Thanks for posting!
@cartof123 7 жыл бұрын
Considering you want mirinae hits, i think having a 1h weapon with more attacks per second might translate into much more damage.
@jonathantorbenson7667 7 жыл бұрын
Running that build right now, still need a few things but it plays so well. I use corpse explosion and really does the trick.
@m4dski1lz 7 жыл бұрын
I like the neck piece that adds 5 bone armor stacks
@Plzpetmyrooster 7 жыл бұрын
Remember some of the old Crusader builds used that mirinea... actually alot of builds used that gem when Leg Gems came out just because it was just a cool gem haha
@Joryu_69-cm3hs 7 жыл бұрын
Rhykker is a wizard he can play the game without using his hands
@tinman1543 7 жыл бұрын
I love this build!! just tried it, and it's awesome.
@AlteraLin 7 жыл бұрын
I use Mirinae's a lot, personally. Both for my T13 Condemn Sader and the Generator Monk. I think its fantastic.
@bromora989 7 жыл бұрын
For the weapon power. I prefer to use the Legner's Legacy (or whatever it's called. The one that does grim scythe damage boost) because I actually use the blood scythe rune to help my regeneration per second. Although it would be more effective with the damage boost to always be double and to apply curse. Whilst in progress of development survivability is my key
@rouster2 7 жыл бұрын
I've been playing the beta using this set, and I made a nearly identical build without looking at any online builds. I'm watching this video and thinking how amazing I got a very similar build to this after just some trial and error. I'm using an off-hand with the 2-hander cubed (I don't remember the off-hander I have on at the moment), but I just randomly decided to use the Mirinae gem because I thought the healing would be useful. I am using the frailty aura and decrepify, but I don't have land of the dead or blood rush. It's a nice build and has a few customization options.
@fly1010 7 жыл бұрын
I run with Corpse Explosion with the rune that explodes the 5 closest corpses to you and some different gear and it is SUPER strong even outside of land of the dead. I am also running the piece of gear that stacks % damage for each corpse explosion up to like 5 times. Forget what all the gear is called. Corpse Explosion just annihilates and when you pop Land of the Dead on the Rift Guardian they just melt.. like less than 1 second in really high GRs.. it's insane.
@attiliodinunno2263 7 жыл бұрын
If I understood correctly, most of your damage comes from marinae, right? if that's the case, wouldn't be better to go dual wield to get the attack speed bonus for more procs?
@SapphireDragon357 7 жыл бұрын
Possibly, but Necros can't dual wield, and there are no offhands that lend anything to this build, so the straight higher damage of a 2H is better for now.
@attiliodinunno2263 7 жыл бұрын
Oh, I did't know that. That makes a lot more sense now, thanks for the heads-up!
@the_metalist2221 7 жыл бұрын
They have to do something with the Pestilence set. It's great if your mowing through corpses, but fails on some elites and bosses if you don't have a ton of ED Bone spears on hand.
@diculas9672 7 жыл бұрын
So what is the main difference between this variation and the Corpse Explosion variant? Cursed scythe death nova - blight corpse explosion - close quarters bone armor - dislocation decrepify - borrowed time land of the dead - frozen lands With sub optimal gear i completed GR70 at 460 paragons. When i got my obsidian ring, i did GR 70 5 minutes faster
@Philip0223 7 жыл бұрын
Great video once again Rhykker! Would it be possible to go in depth with paragon poisnt and maybe some time stamps? Keep up the good work!
@meganesenpai 7 жыл бұрын
Ok. Thanks for the video! I have another consideration, though. In the past you showed some of your interest to the Leapquake Barb build. And honestly, it's my favorite build, though. Do you think the legendary property of the ring you imtroduced in the video, which increase your damage to cc-ed enemies up to 300% more, be an indirect buff for the leapquake build? Or this ring is only effectiveto the Necromancer? #Rhykker Oh, and please add more details about the build, about how to play, how to combo, which properties are better, etc!
@Wheathn 7 жыл бұрын
Just a note, the simple Singularity focused Inarius build is pretty much just/almost as strong.
@fly1010 7 жыл бұрын
Also I really hope they add that instant revive mechanic for multiple deaths in solo grift with time penalty. It sucks having to wait. I'd rather just take the time penalty.
@luisperez3968 7 жыл бұрын
I found the simplicity gem worked better than the pain because the cold down for land of the dead.
@martins.9216 7 жыл бұрын
Will it be possible in patch 2.6 to skip the waiting on death en solo GR? Noticed on your stream, that you could revive instant, and just withdraw the seconds from your timer. Crossing my fingers here.
@demosthenesb6240 7 жыл бұрын
Stun lock ftw. Got this but struggled a bit. 2mil dps, 80+ gems and one 80 aug. Playstyle took getting used too. Will try to push today. Thanks, Mike. Ps this krysbin bug though, check Zhanji video.
@Rumblephil1 7 жыл бұрын
This build had me wondering if this set was really the only one that buffed legendary gem damage, so I did some testing around, mostly with Tal Rasha wizard builds, and it turns out, Tal Rasha and Firebird also buff legendary gem damage, as they "increase your dmg" in a general manner. To give an example, a lvl 22 Wreath of lightning dealt around 500M dmg in archon form without CoE for me, with around 60 archon stacks, while a lvl 30 Mirinae could deal up to 50Billion dmg crits. Now, obviously with the Manald Heal dealing hundreds of billions on crits, Mirinae will most likely never outshine Zei's stone of Vengeance in high tiers, but it's fun enough to use when farming lower tiers, where the Zei buff is pretty much not necessary, for the occasional 1shot kills that aren't in your beam's area of effect, etc. I'll have to level a gem higher to see really just how high the damage goes, but I'd enjoy seeing that gem in a couple more builds everywhere.
@drkknght1138 7 жыл бұрын
I use a very similar build, but I'm stuck at GR64. Will try this one out and see if I like it better once the Necro comes back.
@BunnychanFarabee 7 жыл бұрын
Heya Rhykker. Love your build guides, fun to throw them on driving home from work and tinker when I get home. any plans on new HOTS content? Lot of new stuff over there since 2.0.
@drummersarus 7 жыл бұрын
Are you the guy that did the Diablo podcast? Sorry for being lazy and not researching it myself. Either way great video you have a new sub!
@miothan 7 жыл бұрын
That build looks fun, before the builds used looked really boring and didn't really make me want to buy the ncro, but this might actually convince me to buy the necro, i like the skill animations :)
@jp5125 7 жыл бұрын
Rhykker- Twister Me - Hurricane Rhykker - Tornado Me - HURRICANE Rhykker - Hurricane I think Me - SAVED!
@jakemoore8095 7 жыл бұрын
Anyone else notice this set is kind of a Legacy Of Nightmare set exclusive to the Necromancer. As long as you have on Bone Armor you get the procs from 6 set bonus, you could run a better, with more toughness, pet build with this set than you can with Rathma's. I figured out a blood build with this set that overshadows Trag'oul set. Haven't tried a bone spear build because 1) I don't like the skill as it is and 2) I'm sure it would over shadow the Pestilence set. They need to rework the wording or else there really won't be any kind of diversity as far as people using different sets.
@zacharyhiland300 7 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think Unity would be a better choice for this build, since the damage reduction it gives isn't reliant upon building up stacks, which can be a problem if you end up dying to a RG.
@Aztheron 7 жыл бұрын
Nice build man, but wouldn't Wreath of Lightning be pretty good too?
@avbdhzue2224 7 жыл бұрын
Nice ideas, nice explained, nice video, Cheers!
@Allerdyne 7 жыл бұрын
Crazy. I experimented with something a bit close to this, but I was using the old Depth Diggers/Simplicity's Strength combo in addition to the shadow hook and fang. Neat build. I'm a bit hesitant about Land of the Dead and Corpse Lance: I hate cooldowns. Maybe with Blood is Power it won't be so bad.
@Allerdyne 7 жыл бұрын
Tried it. Pretty bad-ass build.
@TehTussin 7 жыл бұрын
Are we 100% sure that 6 piece bonus applies to gem damage? I understand it should be based on the phrasing, but has your testing specifically shown it to be true?
@ragnarok2160 7 жыл бұрын
this build is awesome. thanks
@darkdiablo888 7 жыл бұрын
if you're applying the curse with decrepify anyways, why is the cursed scythe skill necessary? wouldnt it be better with bone spikes + stun rune?
@mhover13 7 жыл бұрын
What about on console? I cant use blood rush and bone armor. i can only use one of those cause console has a "secondary" ability. So what would you suggest?
@SuperLazyllama 7 жыл бұрын
does the 200% damage buff apply to the curse ability or does it only work on targets, hit by cursed syth
@Underfaith 7 жыл бұрын
Hey necros been out for two days now. are you going to follow up with a guide for this?
@DatShadyGuy 7 жыл бұрын
Does the 6 piece 2,750% damage bonus apply to the bone storm effect? If so, wouldn't the bone storm deal a lot more damage?
@mr.nobody4994 7 жыл бұрын
Could you swap mirinaed with wreth of lighthning? Also, wouldnt BotS be a better choice???
@hambrosgaming383 7 жыл бұрын
Dude! you should put these builds up on Icy Veins or DiabloFans. You'd get a lot of positive reception
@jok325635 7 жыл бұрын
yep even with lvl 30 gems this bild rocks ty dude ur a true gameing master
@xanakify 7 жыл бұрын
holy shit mirinae! throwback to 2.1 monk
@goose10091203 7 жыл бұрын
How do you get the specific set armor pieces? Im recently returned and haven't played in years. Thank you for your help
@Bacon-egg-cheese 7 жыл бұрын
Basically a monkromancer, runs around with sweeping wind and has its main damage source come from mirinae just like I forget if it was season 1 or just one of the early seasons back when we used sunwuko + mirinae to do all our dmg cause our own skills damage was pathetic. Whelp I guess this gets me my sweeping wind monk that I've wanted back since RoS dropped and removed it from viability.
@Vin0Monster 7 жыл бұрын
Correct me if i'm wrong, but you didn't tell why this build is not using a elemental damage stat?
@reddawn2001 7 жыл бұрын
this is a great build. i am wondering however if Thorns would affect the damage? this would be a great setup for it
@michaelkey8966 7 жыл бұрын
looks fun and im hyped, hope its not nerfed into oblivion, like some witch doctor build which s now completely useless....
@Underfaith 7 жыл бұрын
I really hope this build is still viable on release. It looks pretty good.
@veryblackraven 7 жыл бұрын
The Necro seems quite interesting. The only thing I think is really missing are non-standard sets. Like Natalia's set or Inna's set. With 7 pieces and/or non-standard item slots. We can mix sets on all end every class to various degree of success, but not on the Necro. Why?
@gloweye 7 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to using it. You mind publishing more about updates to Necromancer items ? I dont think you told us about those changes :)
@x1PMac1x 7 жыл бұрын
"Decrepify = crap a fight" according to the closed captions.
@Be_Gee 7 жыл бұрын
4:50 Reilena's Shadowhook dropped for me at lv 26 so I put it in Kanai's. But you said, there doesn't seem to be an off-hand that can benefit this build, I ask you this then, what about "Leger's Disdain"? Grim Scythe deals an additional [7-10%] damage for each point of essence it restores. Grim Scythe restores 12 Essence per enemy hit. So 10 enemies hit, that's 120 Essence so that's 1200% dmg increase, and you stated that the main damage comes from Grim Scythe, so isn't this an upgrade? Still haven't tried it, as I just 5 mins ago hit 70 and still didn't gather the gear yet.
@warblades1337 7 жыл бұрын
if you are using Mirinae, why not start a level 1 crusader and reroll the bracers from armor to holy damage? Unless I'am mistaken on how the damage actually works
@chuck3ify 7 жыл бұрын
wouldnt a 1 hander benefit you with the higher AS, not to mention the additional stats of an offhand? Even a stormsheild if there is nothing else
@shamere07 7 жыл бұрын
any ideas on weather or not thorn damage might be a decent secondary damage on this . can run off hand shield for damage buff and even use thorn gem with 6 piece for xtra damage
@SorthCarver 7 жыл бұрын
The momentum building issue on the Necro sets need to be changed. From my testing it gets really frustrating to have such a large ramp up time, and all of the Necro builds have some form of stacking buff required.
@RyuukySaotomi 7 жыл бұрын
I am making a poison bone armor build. I feel this will produce damage over time. Jess set gives me an off hand for block. I am still looking for a sweet spot between armor and Intelligence. I too hope no nerfing happens.
@MGC-XIII 7 жыл бұрын
would this build benefit from a Golem and the Golemskin Breeches with it's 30% dmg reduction?
@Plazma83 7 жыл бұрын
Rhykker , whats about the stat priority mate , can u tell us soething pls ? If you check @ leadersboards, overall you see people using Cold elemental stat...?
@Benevolent182 7 жыл бұрын
Ryker your the best! 👌🏼
@koujow 7 жыл бұрын
I still want to see an iron maiden pet build. I have been crunching numbers in my head and wonder if it could work.
@amfitness5598 7 жыл бұрын
Why not throw a Furnace in the cube weapon slot over the curse unruned item if it's only 15% increased damage versus the 50% against elites especially in GR pushing?
@spooky1000 7 жыл бұрын
So, since when Trang'Oul officially became Trag'oul ? I always though that the same named bracers had a typo and they didnt bother chaning it, now everithing Trang''Oul is minus the 'n'.
@ssg2wo 7 жыл бұрын
What about Cord of the Sherma (instead of Dayntee's) to work with the Mirinae? Maybe just for solo play, I get my DR up to 78% standing.
@arthrogeddon928 7 жыл бұрын
I thinks Unity is better than Wisdom of Kalan because you can't maintain 15 stacks of bone armor on some rift guardians (like Raziel). It works like Soul Harvest for WD : no density = no stacks.
@SirPuncake 7 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad. I was so into bone armor meleemancer from the start but it seemed like the shittiest build. And now its actually good.
@Skurai000 7 жыл бұрын
How does one get all those items to complete the set como? It's impossible to get all this items! How do you get them? I barely hit 70 and don't any of them lol
@ludvigdreng6315 7 жыл бұрын
You must have used Mirinae in some Monk build before, it was highly popular with the fast fists of the monk? Necromancer and the build looks fun :)
@EssenceOfRomance 7 жыл бұрын
So Mirinae (the gem used in this video) becomes 10,250% damage with the 6-piece bonus (7500+2750), which amounts to an average of 1537.5% damage per hit. 1537.5% per hit, is that good?
@KiLLERJA0 7 жыл бұрын
2:25 i swear he said jay wilson at first, i had to rewind to make sure.
@Weezedog 7 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't Krysbin's Sentence work REALLY well with Cord of the Sherma since the Chaos Field's blind should count as "any other type of control-impairing effect" granting you the triple damage over quite a large aoe area that last's for 3-4 seconds and has 100% chance to blind instead of the 10% chance to stun from Decrepify, then you could use Aura of Fraility instead of Decrepify
@VZVinssent 7 жыл бұрын
Rhykker I have to say I'm proud of you for shoutcasting Diablo 3. I still have hope for this game, But I'm a Hardcore only player as blizzard has sprayed ez juices all over the game rendering softcore ultimately unplayable. I've been here since the beta and while i do play other games after getting 90's on wizard in hc; I'm glad someone decided to step up and show the game can still be fun. Lack of trading hurts. Gameplay is recycled and monotonous. Ultimately Path of Exile and Grim Dawn are the BEST ARPGS out there....but bringing the necromancer gameplay to the community is a step the blizz devs themselves lack. This is where people like you come in; and hopefully our pleas will be heard, once blizzard stops smoking their $$ and realize a pillar of their company is crumbling.
@PureBrawler 7 жыл бұрын
@Lyow1 7 жыл бұрын
this sounds like a fun build to play
@sjombom 7 жыл бұрын
Super excited! : D
@benjaminlee2493 7 жыл бұрын
What about efficacious toxin instead of pain enhancer? Less damage, but procs off every hit, and provides a 10% increased damage taken and 10% reduced damage done debuff to the enemy.
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