Booktube Gatekeeping

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Becoming a Bookworm

Becoming a Bookworm

5 ай бұрын

I saw a video and got frustrated.. Let people enjoy books!
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@anotherbibliophilereads 5 ай бұрын
I’ve been listening to audiobooks for more than 25 years. There are an essential part of my reading life. No one can convince me there are lesser than a printed book.
@SpinstersLibrary 5 ай бұрын
Ah yes, my favourite thing about booktube: people telling you in the comments that you're reading books wrong. Particularly the way classics are talked about, it's infuriating. The gatekeeping and snobbery around it is exhausting. You spoke from my soul.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I am used to it but will never understand it. When people comment like that I am mostly left with a feeling of sympathy or pity.. I conclude that people who trash other peoples reading experiences can´t really feel their best..
@thesandersreview 5 ай бұрын
As a teacher, if a student reads ANYTHING on their own, I show excitement for them! It doesn’t matter much what it is, as long as it is developing their love and passion for something through reading. Thanks for your thoughts!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Oh yes! Remembering back on when I was a child, some of the brightest kids I went to school with were the ones that read comics on breaks. I have thought about this a lot because these are the ones that still read. Thanks for the comment!
@Momba_Jules 5 ай бұрын
Fellow ELA teacher here, and I came to say this exact thing!
@thesandersreview 5 ай бұрын
@@Momba_Jules in a world of distractions, reading is something to be championed and celebrated!
@mtnshelby7059 5 ай бұрын
People apparently forget our ancestors didnt sit around the fire reading books. 😂 They were telling audio stories. 😂. I love audiobooks. They're my drug of choice. 😂
@janehex 5 ай бұрын
I came here to say this! Storytelling is way older than reading, and only until very recently, illiteracy was much more widespread. Reading was only available to wealthy men or the clergy a few hundred years ago.
@GentleReader01 5 ай бұрын
I always think of how little we know of others’ lives: who’s struggling with incurable pain, who’s about to lose a loved one, who’s grieving for a loved one who died recently, who’s losing a job through no fault of their own, and on and on. Who are we to say that some fluffy fun might be what another really, really needs to hold it together? Bah. And if someone’s life is good and they want to read it r listen to some fluff, what’s that to me? Routine modern life brings stress to us all, and stress genuinely is a killer. I think time filled with a satisfying pleasure is time well spent.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I could not agree more. It often surprises me that we all have been through personal ups and downs ourselves but we still judge peoples choices based on little or no information.
@alex_unabridged 5 ай бұрын
Ugh, gatekeeping. I've got zero tolerance for it. Read whatever you want, if you're enjoying yourself that's what matters! I read a ton of different things these days, across all formats (physical, e-book, audio) and I love experiencing it all, even if some of the books don't turn out to be my thing. I just love the experience of trying them all. I've just found the joys of YA fiction in the last year or so, some of that has been outstanding, and I'm hardly the target audience (I'm 42), but what does it matter if I'm having a blast with a story! Great video, can totally understand your frustration on this. Happy Reading! 😊
@karenbird6727 5 ай бұрын
You may some excellent points. BTW, I read the Harry Potter every few years, and I am in my 50s. Why do I read them every few years, because I get so much enjoyment out of them.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I have almost listen to all of them since christmas and it strikes me how they seem to contain all tropes available😅 Really enjoying all of them.
@OhioEddieBlack 5 ай бұрын
I am in my 50s and I reread the HP series every few years as well. I even sometimes reread the Little House books. They make me happy. It's like spending quality time with an old friend.
@sueysbookbanter 5 ай бұрын
Here here! So well said! I'm old enough to be your mom and guess what my favorite books are? YA! Gasp.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Haha, Im just guessing that you get comments about that from time to time.. Luckily booktube is also the place where one finds people who like the same sort of books as oneself as well.
@sw4rls45 5 ай бұрын
I am 40 years old. I just recently started reading fiction again after a near 20 year hiatus of reading non-fiction exclusively. Somehow I forgot that reading is not only about "what can I learn from it?", but also very much about "what does it make me feel?". I started the year with the intention of reading one book a month just to see if I can still enjoy reading. First book I read was a novel by Sebastian Fitzek, a famous thriller author here in Germany, because my wife recommended it. But I didn't get from it what I was looking for. For the second book I chose a fantasy novel, because when I was young I loved fantasy novels by authors like Raymond Feist, R.A. Salvatore or Tolkien (of course). So I looked what was famous in the fantasy genre currently and found "Fourth Wing". I am having a blast. There are passages I am having the urge to skip ( -> the explicit parts... for everyone who read it...), but I draw much enjoyment from both the first and the second novel. People around me are telling me it is badly written, there is much better fantasy out there etc. etc. and I can see why people think it' doesn't live up to the hype or is "bad". But frankly: I couldn't care less. After 20 years of missing the enjoyment of reading a book and getting immersed in its world I found something that gives me back this feeling. And I am not going to let anyone ruin this for me. Long story short: I can totally see your point and I 100% agree. Thanks for making this video.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like you have had sort of a renaissance! I have non fictions sort of as my safe bet now. If I read fiction I don´t care for there is always a memoir or another non fiction I know Ill find interesting. Do you have a top 3 non fiction?
@sw4rls45 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm Well, yes I do. They are all very different from each other and none of them are surprises. They are all very well known. Here are my top 3 non fiction I read kind of regularly: 3. Sun Tzu - The Art of War: First time I read it was 25 years ago and although it is about war a lot of its lessons are applicable to everyday life. 2. Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people: Tailored to be applied to sales. But actually I learned a lot about communication and the way people think. 1. James Clear - Atomic Habits: Hands down the best non fiction on the planet. I applied so much of this book in my life. Everyone should read it at least once.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! I have seen and thought about reading these at some point.. I guess I haven´t read Atomic Habits because It´s just everywhere.. That is a bad reason for not reading a book but so it is.. I think I have downloaded How to win friends.. on my kindle. Maybe I should get to that one soon. Thanks for the list!
@laurakistemaker8918 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying this! I personally feel like particularly women get these kinds of comments online for talking about romance books. What women like and especially these books are so easily branded as frivolous and silly. Like it doesn’t count as “real reading” I personally don’t like them as much but let people read what they read!!! Good for you for enjoying the Harry Potter books❤ Re-reading all of them during COVID time was what got me back in to reading!! And now I read all the time and I love it. We should all be able to enjoy art in whatever way we prefer without judgement from others.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I agree that romance novels has become a target for people that love bashing on other peoples reading preferences.. When I got into reading I realized how I had always read the wrong books and had started associating reading with bad books. After I realized that I had been reading the wrong kind of stuff it all became easier and fun!
@laurakistemaker8918 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookwormexactly! So you go and enjoy whatever it is that you’re reading right now!!!
@M-J 5 ай бұрын
Hi, I just found your channel. Love this discussion. I agree with you 100% on your points. It is weird. Let people enjoy what they want. No one should judge another by what they want to read.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Indeed! I think the people that choose to judge others by what they are reading probably underestimates those certain people..
@ProseAndPetticoats 5 ай бұрын
Your video popped up on my homepage, and I'm glad I clicked. Excellent video. I always try to spread positivity, and ALL reading is beautiful. Subscribed to your lovely channel.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! Reading something you like is the important thing.
@WinterbornBookworm 5 ай бұрын
This video popped up in my feed and I'm so glad that it did. I 100% agree with you. I cannot stand gatekeeping, it drives me crazy. People should read what brings them joy. That is what reading is all about after all. Getting to experience things outside of your own world is the point! To each their own! Have people forgotten this? Live and let live, be and let be. Bravo to you for speaking out about this. I subscribed!
@becomingabookworm 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! To me it seems like people have forgotten that not everyone are the same.. Welcome aboard :)!
@RaynorReadsStuff 5 ай бұрын
I’m currently reading War and Peace. But I’m also reading the Little House on the Prairie series. I love Harry Potter, have read them several times (and I’m 58 😂). I read for enjoyment and I hope all serious readers just continue to read what they enjoy. New to your channel. Brilliant video 😊
@jenniferm.2142 5 ай бұрын
I love this comment so much. ❤😂 Yesss. Read lots and read lots of different things. I love it.
@biankakoettlitz6979 5 ай бұрын
I think audiobooks are a godsent. Bevor 'normal'people hadn't discovered them , the offer/tilbud of them were rare and expensive. Blind people struggle with reading 'up to date'books but thanks to the nomals they can chose from many.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It is absolutely a new way of making books accessible and I love it :)
@LunaciaBooks 5 ай бұрын
In Norway we at least have NLB (the library for people with disabilities and need audio books).
@starilvara 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree with this
@TiffWaffles 5 ай бұрын
I am part of a toxic facebook group that thinks that audiobooks don't count as reading them until I make things awkward by asking them what they think of people who have disabilities who can't read a traditional book? Then they just shut up and either block me so I can't see their posts or they have my comments reported for hate content. I really wish that the mods of these communities would shut down these 'conversations' because not only is it ridiculous, it's incredibly toxic to think that there's only one way to read a book. Research indicates that listening to a book makes you envision the plot of the book more than picking up a book and 'traditionally' reading the book would.
@biankakoettlitz6979 5 ай бұрын
@@LunaciaBooks maybe now, but a couple of years ago that possibility wasn't mentioned to me, there were a couple of books with extra big letters (storskrift)but try were few and outdated. But face it:the same happened when more people asks for bigger skreans(PC skjermer). I admit the development was there , too,but the prices fall like stones and the weight😄
@Paromita_M 5 ай бұрын
Very well said, 💯 agree. Live and let live always.
@Cubehead27 5 ай бұрын
I fully agree that judging people for *what* *kind* of books they read is stupid and dumb, although I will say, I do think that *how* someone reads is really important. I don't mean this in a reading format snobbery kind of way (I listen to lots of audiobooks myself, and it's a great way to get through more stuff - especially massive intimidating classics, which I often listen to via Librivox). What I mean is that I think it's important for readers to learn to develop an eye for patterns and themes, so that they can better identify the ideas a book is communicating and learn to consciously evaluate those ideas. Some books have bad ideas, and if a reader doesn't have the analytical skills to see them working, they can easily internalize them uncritically. Harry Potter is a great example. I fully admit - even as someone who has lost interest in the franchise (partially on account of J.K. Rowling's embarrassing spiral into bigoted assholedom over the last several years) that the books are honestly really fun and enjoyable. They even have some pretty great themes. But they also have some truly terrible recurring ideas - a lot of the people the reader is supposed to dislike are described in pretty fatphobic/misogynistic terms, racialized characters have laughably stereotypical names, and the way Dobby and Hermione's respective struggles against the literal institution of slavery are frequently played for laughs is genuinely disgusting. A reader who doesn't have the analytical tools to recognize these sorts of things may walk away having had some bad ideas unconsciously reinforced. That's my two cents anyway.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
That is absolutely a good point, and it´s something I wished I was better at. But don´t you think that readers that read books with importantly bad or good ideas are more prone to be interested in those skills? There is a lot of literature out there that to me does not really seem to be saying a whole lot other than just trying to deliver a good story at least. I think what you are describing about Harry Potter is maybe why I am glad I am now experiencing them for the first time. After reading her ludicrousy on twitter for years it becomes almost comical to listen to some parts of the book. For example the use of the word "fat" all of the time and sometimes as the only pointer to a person. As if they did not have other character traits.. I do see how people that are not aware of this might be affected especially since we are talking about literature targeted towards children. I don´t have another solution than hoping that the education system will help them.. Thanks for this comment. It really did make me ponder.
@Cubehead27 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm I mean sure, those skills are more important to have if you're reading books that are setting out specifically to make a point (I'd much rather someone without those skills were uncritically reading Harry Potter than Ayn Rand, for example), but then even authors who aren't really setting out to say anything still end up having some kinds of themes in their work, even if they're doing it unintentionally. And when authors writing popular romance/children's lit/pulp crime novels/etc. aren't wholly conscious of their themes, they still typically end up writing in their own biases/the biases of the culture they live in. Although you do make me wonder if perhaps critical reading requires a slightly different set of skills depending on what kind of books you're reading? Like the ability to recognize biases/stereotypes/etc. vs. the ability to consider more explicitly philosophical themes? It's an interesting thought at least - either way I personally developed a lot of those skills watching Lindsay Ellis/Big Joel/Hello Future Me/other cool media criticism channels on youtube, so it's not like there's some sort of rules people need to follow for that either 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, love the video! 😊
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I don´t know how to write this without sounding a bit slow. But I am a reader who mostly reads for the stories and then enjoy good language if it´s included in the package. This means that messages and viewpoints of the author often flies a bit under the radar or I just don´t care. I have never read Rand, but I have read a lot about her and her thoughts. But without that background knowledge I don´t know if I would have ever picked up on her beliefs when reading her stuff. Or at least not to the degree that it would change me or my behaviour. But this might just be my naivety. All this to say I think I underestimate how others might be affected by authors with crazy views on things. And we are all susceptible in varying degrees i guess. I dont know if this made sensse but I tried 😅
@Cubehead27 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm No, that makes sense! I totally get it, I mean people read for different reasons and that's cool. I just think there isn't really any author out there that doesn't benefit from being read critically.
@OmnivorousReader 5 ай бұрын
%100 true - Everyone should read books they enjoy, whether audio, electronica, paper or whatever. I do a lot of audiobooks; it affects my review a little, as I review the narrator also, but it is still a book. And I was in my 30th when I first read Harry Potter, and I STILL re-read every few years.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I also think the format affect the reviews. When I read on my kindle it’s easier going back to reread passages I liked for example. When it comes to narrators they can really make or break the experience.. I think Stephen Fry is doing a great job with the Harry Potter series :)
@carrieannkouri2151 5 ай бұрын
Agreed. What you read is what you read. Theres no right or wrong book. It’s the reader’s choice, no one else’s.
@southernbiscuits1275 5 ай бұрын
I started watching BookTube videos back in 2017. At that time there was an interesting mix of channels, each with their own distinctive attitude. Then, almost overnight, many channels began coagulating together with a political agenda in their reading. If you did not read books from third world countries you were made to feel like you were zenophobic. If you didn't read books that dealt with the gay culture, you were homophobic. If you were a white male author, your books were not worth reading. One KZbinr (who is still putting out videos) said that all white male authors should be placed on an iceberg and pulled out to sea. Now, I am a very liberal person. I cannot stand the conservative movement. But, as you point out, no one should tell others what they should or should not read. The desire to become a social "influencer" has created a very narrow field of original thought on KZbin. These days, people who put out videos are striving to be popular rather than to give fair and insightful opinions about what they read. Bravo to you for having a video that addresses this problem. As for your reading Harry Potter in your thirties, I am in my seventies and am reading The Boxcar Children. Like you, I read what I want to read. No one tells me what I SHOULD read.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I have been to that corner of booktube that you are describing and I find it to be a bit boring. I like to have read authors from other parts of the world and with other perspectives but only if I think I will enjoy it. Of course the history of literature has been dominated by white western men, and I do get the feeling that some booktubers make it their mission to never read those authors. I feel like these are the same people that never want to read stuff by authors that has done stupid things in their life or has had terrible personal views. I would have missed out on a ton of great art if I was to exclude artists that were terrible people. Who knows.. Luckily there are many many great booktubers out there :)
@ProseAndPetticoats 5 ай бұрын
👏 This.
@southernbiscuits1275 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm The thing about your channel is your honesty. I wish more people would concentrate on that as opposed to kissing up to viewers in the hopes of becoming an "influencer". As if that were something to aspire to be.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
@@southernbiscuits1275 I think I would struggle if I was to try and please everyone that watch my videos. Would be too much work😅
@Johanna_reads 5 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree with you more! Thank you for speaking out about this.
@pickyourpopculturepoison 5 ай бұрын
I don't like audiobooks, but people don't like things I like. That's the joy of life. We're all going to find something that works for us, and finding books that you enjoy is nice.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Great channel name btw!
@joebo7777 5 ай бұрын
Read what you enjoy and read as often as possible. The point is people are reading! Listened to a few audio books last year and they were great another way to read; and it is reading.
@AaronReadABook 5 ай бұрын
I gave up on some genres that I loved when I was in my 20s. I then later I realised life is too short to deny myself fun things because they aren't critically acclaimed. I think a lot of people have snob phases (some never grow out of it) but leaving rude comments should always just be in instant delete and block.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Hurray you! I had that same experience with music. I would say everyone has that phase in their youth where there are just some things that can´t change. Luckily they do.
@nightmarishcompositions4536 5 ай бұрын
I love everything from literary fiction, horror novels, epic fantasy, comic books, manga, westerns, middle grade and more. I get judged all the time but I really don't care. All that matters is that I'm enjoying myself. They all influence and inspire me in unique ways.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
@verosnotebook 5 ай бұрын
Totally agree 🤓 All books have their place. I read across genres, picking up what I feel like, not unlike food 😊
@TiffWaffles 5 ай бұрын
For many years, I was only picking up classics because my brain goes through these episodes where if it's not focusing on something that keeps my attention, it literally self destructs. I did read other books that weren't classics like middle grade and some thrillers and other stuff, but now that my brain doesn't need the classics, I've been picking up more books. Including my first YA fantasy novels in three or four years. It doesn't matter the genre you are picking up and reading. Books are books- and as long as you are enjoying the books, that book is important.
@QueenOphiliaIII 5 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with you on everything. As a librarian i see teens tell me they arent ”real readers” cuz they dont read the same as booktubers read. And i find it sad a ”real reader” has to read a specific way, genre, amount of books etc. In my life i was taught there is no bad or good lit. But there is books thats more fitted for you as a reader. But we are all so different so its very hard. And i re-read books i hated that i now love. Cuz i have read more and my thoughts and ecperiances in life have changed do i can approciate a book now in a different way.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I must admit that I think I had that mindset until I found more “my style” of reading. Interesting that rereading can make that big of a difference. I have not reread that much so far, but the day will come. Would be interesting to read a book I did not enjoy to see what has happened to me as a reader/person in the meantime.
@gardenplots283 5 ай бұрын
Probably what happens is many of the younger booktubers seem to all read the same books so if you watch multiple channels that lends itself to viewers thinking there is something wrong with them if they are not reading those same books.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
That might be. I could easily see how many would feel they are missing out on reading Colleen Hoover if every video they watch is about someone having read her.
@dallasisgood 4 ай бұрын
It is always okay to point out when someone is an idiot. Always.
@Jellibox 5 ай бұрын
I think a lot about how stories changed from oral tradition to a written one, and how because of colonisation oral traditions were devalued or considered “uncivilised”, that truth could only exist in what was written down. I feel this mindset pervades this argument about what “reading (consuming stories and information)” is and what literature is and who gets to decide these things. The other thing is writing is technology that we made up, it is currently the dominant way of sharing ideas, but it may not be the main one in the future so freaking out about not reading or writing in the traditional manner may end up being redundant anyway.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Could not have said this better it I tried (a lot). Think you are spot on!
@pbalexa1 5 ай бұрын
If you want to read a book, read it. If you want to listen to a book, listen to it. All books IN either format are valid. I think it's great you are reading Harry Potter if you enjoy it. You will never go wrong if you read what interests you. And don't listen to the nay sayers. You do a very nice job because you are authentic.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Fully agree and thank you.
@biankakoettlitz6979 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree . In Norway have authorities trouble to get the youth to read. And to read what you really like was my ticket to learn the language. And listen to it, would have improve my pronouncation, but wasn't possible in the past.
@LauraGomez-bl2so 5 ай бұрын
I hate book snobbery. Lots of people look down on romance books, and then even within the romance reading community, there are readers who look down on category or Harlequin style romance. People cannot resist feeling superior!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Yes.. And I will never understand why people have that need.. Especially when it comes to what art you like or don´t..
@books_and_bocadillos 5 ай бұрын
I just found your channel...I'm a bit older than you and I love reading YA and middle grade books...I also do quite a lot of reading with help from audiobooks. English is my second language and when I was a recent immigrant in school in the USA, my teachers taught me to read in English , using audiobooks... audiobooks feel like a great tool even now 30+ years later. I hesitated to start a booktube channel out of fear of being judged...but I have come to care less about being judged and more about delighting in the joy of reading. Happy reading to you! PS: I read Harry Potter for the first time in my 30's.
@becomingabookworm 4 ай бұрын
I have not thought about it before, but audiobooks would probably get you quite a bit of language "volume". Might be a good tip for others wanting to learn another language. Cool that you overcame the fear and joined this beautiful community :) Happy reading to you too!
@books_and_bocadillos 4 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm cheers!
@Steppeponytail 5 ай бұрын
Just a drive by viewing and I have to say your thoughts about this notion are spot on. I’d go a step further and suggest that people who try to tell you the *right* books to read are just telling you more about themselves than the about the quality of the books they are recommending. I was on the cusp of 50 when I started reading the Harry Potter series and got plenty of enjoyment out of them and anyone who looks down their noses at these kinds of books is either a snob or self important or (very likely) a bit of a jerk. Or all three. Read what you are inclined to read and maybe challenge yourself. Polite recommendations are always nice but if it goes along with any kind of judgement hell no!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
100%! And sometimes the ones that are judgemental ruin their beloved books for me by the way that they behave..
@MrMummy15 5 ай бұрын
Well for me personally I discovered that by reading literature of lets say a higher standart (both content- and language wise) I felt more and more disappointed by the "lower" or "cheaper" books that I would have no doubt enjoyed previously when I was younger and not as well read (there is still a lot out there for me to discover). One gets used to a higher standard and maybe I want others to have that experience too? Obviously that does not allow me to look down on anyone and the books they enjoy - it in no way makes me anything better. But I guess a lot of people often feel like that a little bit and even enjoy a feeling of superiority (I know I do sometimes) ;)
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It sounds like you have been lucky with the books you have chosen. To me what generally is seen as "a higher standard" often disappoints, but we´re just different. Sometimes these books also end up being among my favourites, it´s often difficult to predict for me. But I understand how you want others to have the same good experience as you, and I guess the clue is that if they don´t that doesn´t really matter all that much as you say.
@Kite562bookishreviews 5 ай бұрын
Well stories and information would be given to people orally and as time went on writing and books became available to everyone over centuries of evolution and advancements with time. I read for the enjoyment of reading because I find it quite relaxing as one of my main of many hobbies. I'm an avid horror book and manga reader but I'm open to other genres as well. Booktube should be an open place for everyone to share their thoughts on what they're currently reading. I made my channel just to document my thoughts on what I'm reading while also keeping my editing skills sharp. I read for the enjoyment of reading. You've earned yourself a new subscriber. 🙂❤📚
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It seems like we´re both doing this for the same reason. I like how making videos makes me reflect a bit more on what I am reading it also forces me to revisit the books and thus making it stick just a bit more. At least that is true for a big portion of the books I am reading. Thanks subscribing :)
@thekeywitness 5 ай бұрын
Gatekeeping is such a nuisance in online forums and so unnecessary. Read what you want and in the format that suits you!
@LunaciaBooks 5 ай бұрын
I might not always agree with you on books, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on this! I read all kinds of books. Sometimes I just need to relax, and all I want is an easy English countryside romance book, so I do. Or I want an adventurous fantasy book for a bit of action. Or a non-fiction to learn something new. Or a thought provoking literary novel. No one of them is better or worse than the other, they all serve their own purpose. We need to stop reading snobbery, and we need to do it now!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely! To disagree and learn from it is a powerful trait to have. Learning what I like to read at what time I find to be one of the hardest things about reading, but I am getting there :)
@LunaciaBooks 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm I believe in you! 💜
@jenniferm.2142 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree. Fwiw I’m rereading Harry Potter now too, and I’m in my mid 40s. Also my mom just reread them recently, and she’s much older than me. She listened to them and I’m reading them on my Kindle. It’s all reading. Plus I don’t think good art has an age limit. Read what makes you happy, that’s my philosophy.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Cool! Agreed. I think we are all to some extent thaught what to like and what not to, so we have to do the work ourselves to find back to what we truly are interested in.
@Tiffs-bookshelf 5 ай бұрын
I primarily read YA. And I’m 45. I discovered audiobooks end of 2022 and now most of my reading is audiobooks now and I read way way more due to that.
@qamarqammar7629 5 ай бұрын
Reading in the past sometimes meant listening to someone else read aloud while you listened. Slaves in the Roman era are a well-known example. Caesar didn't write his memoirs, he dictated them to a slave. Slaves read at dinner time and listening was communal. If we turn on an audio book during dinner time that is quite the same thing. There are still communities in the world where you can see people reading aloud to other people, even where everyone can read and write. One cannot simply devalue one experience over the other, although they both have their points. For example, when I want to read more slowly, go back over the words, pause and reflect, a printed book will be better so I don't have to keep hitting a pause button. But that's not better just different.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this comment. Storytelling has been through some phases over the times and it keeps on engaing people. Curious to see what role audiobooks play in 10 years time or so. I like them a lot. But I prefer physical reading if I am going to read a book I think I will love.
@casualreader 5 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more with you. The judgemental attitudes are so tiresome and unnecessary.
@maiadawncreighton1438 5 ай бұрын
Author Elizabeth Wheatley said something incredibly smart in one of her short videos about audiobooks. Oral storytelling is older than writing and much older than the printing press, so why wouldn't they be counted as reading? I loved the Harry Potter audiobooks, which I listened to long before the movie came out. In fact, it took me a few minutes to get over the fact that the characters sounded wrong in the movies because they didn't sound like Jim Dale's characters.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Haha! I could see how that could happen. I am currently listening to Stephen Frys version and I am constantly wishing that he played several roles in the movies..
@jamgart6880 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree. Although I’ve been on a classics run for the last two years. I don’t discount the fact that in another year I might want to read sci-fi or fantasy or romance etc. it’s the same with music, I love classical music, but I also love dance music if I’m in a club or rock music in the car. If it’s something I don’t particularly like, I just say ‘it’s not for me’ rather than trashing someone else’s favourite genre. Because I’m sure the books I read aren’t on everyone’s favourites list either and what I don’t want to read right now could become one of my best reads in five years time. Who knows?! You like what you like. So why say anything to someone else who also likes what they like?
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely! I have also never just found ´one´ style within any artform. There is so much good stuff out there! I feel like a lot of people would have more fun if they let their guard down a bit more. That being said, let people like what they like.
@booksmitin 5 ай бұрын
Love this and totally agree!
@jakeschell3941 5 ай бұрын
Exactly, read or listen as you please!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Indeed :)
@badrad9226 5 ай бұрын
Extreme horror community have this problem on judgement. In my channel that’s why I created a safe place to read this material. No judgement on my channel. Extreme horror is about splatterpunk storytelling and I enjoy it very much . I don’t get much negativity but I hear on other channels they do . Fantastic video my friend, keep reading on whatever you want . Life is to short to care on what others judge , to many wonderful books to be read! Let’s read and enjoy life ❤
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! I guess all communities could experience people talking thrash about others experienses. Thanks for the well wishes :)
@rgaijin 5 ай бұрын
hello there! used to live in olso a couple of years ago, love that city. so your video just popped up on my homepage and you make some valide points which i agree with. just read what you enjoy and whatever anyone else thinks is on them not you so doesn't really matter. new sub!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Cool! Welcome aboard :)
@EveningReader 5 ай бұрын
I agree with this a thousand times over.
@60sbaby70sgirl 5 ай бұрын
Thank you and I agree!
@maryshimp2664 5 ай бұрын
My thoughts are read what you want, in any format you want! Life is too short! I can’t get into audiobooks but that doesn’t mean they aren’t reading! Love and agree with your thoughts. Thank you for this video! Read on! So many books so little time!
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and your comment! Absolutely agree :)
@MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 5 ай бұрын
I agree the gatekeeping is rather heavy handed in many areas of the book community. I can’t pretend that in the past I never made assumptions about certain people based on what they read. Fortunately, I’ve managed to mature as I’ve aged and have come to the same conclusion that ANY reading is good. No one should be expected to enjoy the same things as someone else or be shamed for liking something. My niece was recently talking to me about a book she was reading and although it may be an author I have no interest in, I was genuinely interested in her love for the book. Because it was LOVE for a BOOK! Typically she’s mired down in doom scrolling on her phone, so the fact that she was excited to talk books with me made me SO happy! Will I read the book? No. Is she likely to read anything I’m into? Probably not. But none of that was the point. I hope more people start to realize how much happier we all are and how many more readers we can create in this world by simply encouraging that spark, no matter what form it takes. ❤
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Wonderful! As you say, any reading is good! And maybe one day your reading paths will cross :)
@petervandeweyer517 5 ай бұрын
Love this video. Let people enjoy books that they enjoy. I read a lot of SF and Fantasy and I enjoy them a lot and get a lot of value from them. But for some people these genres give them nothing and they should read whatever genre or author they like.
@becomingabookworm 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! I think people would be happier if they stopped concering themselves with what other people read.
@radiantchristina 5 ай бұрын
@OhioEddieBlack 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for saying this in a video - people need reminded. Especially regarding audiobooks. People who consider them "less" or "not real 'reading' " need to STFU. That's BS. Whether you are reading with your eyes or listening with your ears, your brain still has to process the EXACT. SAME. WORDS. What's the effing difference?! Personally I actually think audiobooks are HARDER than print books because for me it's easier for my mind to wander if I'm not looking at the page, plus I remember less about the story later on when I listen instead of read. GAAAH People need to mind their own damn business. Frankly we should all just be thankful that at least lots of people are still reading, meaning we haven't reached Idiocracy levels yet.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I find it easier with audiobooks and thus I get to experience a lot more books than if they didn’t exist, so I’m happy. I still have friends that feel the need to say that they think of audiobooks as inferior but I think that group will slowly become smaller and smaller. I could easily have named this video “people should mind their own business” 😂
@francb1634 5 ай бұрын
"What's the effing difference?!": The narrator's performance. I don't consider audiobooks a "lesser" version, but it absolutely is a *different* version.. one that is experienced through the filter of someone else's perception of the work.
@OhioEddieBlack 5 ай бұрын
@@francb1634 That's a very fair point. And I didn't listen to audiobooks for a long time because I don't like the way other people read out loud. It took me a while to realize that there are actually some good narrators. I'd still prefer to read the book myself though.
@LisaOfTroy 5 ай бұрын
A lot of people read for entertainment--what is entertaining varies from person to person. When I jumped back into reading, I certainly didn't start with Middlemarch by George Eliot. It took a long time for me to work my way up to the classics. When I felt comfortable reading mysteries, biographies, fantasy, it was easier to tackle more sophisticated books. I will say that I find the people on GoodReads to make less of the comments like "You just don't understand this book!" But, yes, I have been on the receiving end of vitriol about not loving a certain book. If people want to attack me personally, I just block them. Everyone should be treated with a certain level of respect even if our opinions differ.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I find goodreads to be a strange place. Feels like a third diary third social media and third shopping list. I am there for the funny reviews and to keep track..
@jakelewis1752 5 ай бұрын
Great video and couldnt agree more! Read what and how you want! Audiobooks are fantastic, a great narrator can add to the story if anything
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! Sometimes I finish an audiobook and wonder if I liked the book or if the narrator was just very very good.
@banannakis6723 5 ай бұрын
One man's trash, is another man's treasure. People are diverse, and their tastes vary greatly. Who cares what someone reads as long as no one gets hurt. Also, audiobooks are reading, taking in the same materials as if reading them. Before there was the written word or at least easily accessible, most stories were through oral storytelling. Just because someone ingests the information differently doesn't change the fact that they are still reading the book.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It´s a good expression! It surprised me a bit when discovering audiobooks that some people thought that was harder to digest than the physical books. But that just shows how different people are. To me audiobooks is easy to take in and I get to discover a whole lot of books that would otherwise not be available to me. My life would be more boring without them.
@gailhewitt1467 5 ай бұрын
This has just shown in my feed and I agree with you. People should feel free to read whatever and however they want without being judged. I'm envious of those who can take in an audio book - a skill I've still to master. My neighbour is 81 and she re-reads the Harry Potter series every summer. I was even thinking of starting them so we can have a good chat about something she adores.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It´s funny how people like the different reading formats. Since I like audiobooks I have thought that everyone else does as well, but clearly that is not the case. If I had an 81 year old neighbour I would be really interested in hearing that persons thoughts on it. I don´t think I have heard about anyone at that age reading books like that before. Very cool!
@jshaers96 5 ай бұрын
If someone is 50 and all they read are books written for 8-year-olds then people are going to raise a few eyebrows. I don't think that's gatekeeping. We all know about the importance of a balanced diet, well I think it's similar with reading. People need to be encouraged sometimes to go beyond their comfort zone if they are going to develop. There's no harm in reading junk as long as you balance it with books that are a bit more challenging.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I don´t agree. People raise their eyebrows for nothing all of the time. No one really has to read but if that 50 year old only wants to read books originally written for 8 year olds, so be it. I think people would get more out of reading those books than watching tv all night. But people must do what they please.
@erikareading 5 ай бұрын
Sometimes listening to audiobooks actually helps me understand a book better because the tone the narrator uses. Sometimes I miss those little things while reading paper books. Especially with humor in books which I always seem to miss. I also find the weird put downs of YA readers on booktube off-putting as it was basically YA readers who started booktube to begin with.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Exactly! A good narrator really enhances the experience. Agreed! Wish KZbin would release statistics of the most popular books and genres. I do think that YA has brought a lot of new faces into reading and booktube.
@SteveHolthof 5 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. I subscribe to several other book channels. All have their merits, however one young fellow has a very strong dislike for Robert Heinlein and will bash him any chance he gets…and don’t dare say anything about Heinlein on his comments, or you will get the ‘death stare’. An older English chap has a great channel, but the feeling is he is slightly smug and egotistical about certain novels such as Dune, and The Lord of the Rings thinking they are massively overrated. I think Both are masterpieces, why do they feel they need to steer the viewers towards what they like ie 1984. (Another great novel IMO)…They have cultural significance and literary value. Let people enjoy what they want.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Does not sound great for the channel if you don´t feel like you can disagree without getting shamed for it.. I also have my favourite novels to thrash talk but if someone loves a book I hate I would be interested to hear what they have to say.
@SteveHolthof 5 ай бұрын
That’s why I subscribed to your channel…no judgement from the well read book lords on high.
@biankakoettlitz6979 4 ай бұрын
BTW: My husband listened to en audiobook and I catched some paragraphs of it . I was so intrigued that I bought it myself, his was a short download or something like that. I would never thought of buying or reading. It. It's. :The old man and the sea by Hemmingway😁I struggle with :The Count of Monte Cristo. I'm still in the process of reading it, but don't ask for how long...😀
@becomingabookworm 4 ай бұрын
I was not that fond of the old man and the sea but TCOMC I am consering to read again at some point, loved it! :)
@denisadellinger4543 5 ай бұрын
A big huge Amen! We are grown adults who make our own decisions, We are not fifth graders needing a lecture I will read whatever the heck I want to.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
@ObscureBookAdventures 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree. Although I haven’t had any negative comments on my videos yet. And I read plenty of trashy but highly entertaining books. And by doing this I went from 2 to 4 books a year to 36 books last year.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I guess no matter what kind of channel you have these comments will come at some point. The comments on my channel usually come when I talk about classic literature and someone feels I have read it in a wrong way 😂 I think you are onto the most important thing there. Reading what you actually like makes you read more. Love it!
@thelibrarianofalexandria6200 5 ай бұрын
Yess!! Few things in life should be banned, but I honestly belive gatekeeping should. Hei hei morsomt å se andre nordmenn her på booktube 👋
@becomingabookworm 4 ай бұрын
Good point! Vi er ein liten men bra klubb :)
@biankakoettlitz6979 5 ай бұрын
Great video, I totally agree. I've only once 'critizised' you, when you read ' Buddenbrooks'by T. Mann and experienced it so different as I did. I'm sorry if it hurt you. I was astonished that you experienced this book so different. Thanks to your channel, I've learnt so much🤩
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Sharing opinions is what it’s all about. Another tving would have been if you thought less of me for not having the same taste in books as you 😅
@biankakoettlitz6979 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm Husker du, at jeg påpekte engang🙂 at søstra til Abid Raja hadde andre erfaringer og valgte stilen hun skrev på, slik at det var mer 'spiselig'å lese ? Gnis du ønsker å komme nær følsene eller grusomhetene, hun og andre har opplevd, kan du lese de 'Bodø- krimene' fra Ørjan N. Karlsson, den 1. heter ' Det siste stykke hjem', glem krimdelene, les bare de 'forbryter-delene' . Selv om de er bare fiktion, men jeg synes, de er nær virkeligheten. Men jeg synes ikke mindre, hvis du ikke gjør det🙂 de bøkene er veldig sterk kost.
@reaganwiles_art 5 ай бұрын
Well, as you probably already know, some people are egomaniacs with inferiority complexes (as I suppose I am); belligerent narcissists (as I suppose I might also be). We need to feel needed. We seek approval. We want renown. We hate ourselves. Our lives suck. We suck. Everything sucks! But our choices are infallible, they must be! It's all we have....
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Haha! I think you are onto something. When I grew up I was a music snob. Some artists I disliked because they were the wrong ones. I feel like some people are still stuck in that mindset. I also get how someone would want to stay like that if they have a group of people around them that feels the same way about literature as themselves. It’s validation I guess.
@CriminOllyBlog 5 ай бұрын
Hard agree.
@TiffWaffles 5 ай бұрын
I got burned by a lot of YA books some years ago because I went into them with high expectations, but I never shamed somebody who I noticed was reading a YA book. I noted the title and decided to shove it to the corner of my mind for books that I'd try when I was in the mood for a YA novel in future. That said, I do not understand the hate readers have for those who choose to read books that they are interested in or are in genres that they love. It's such a stupid thing to do. Also, the hatred a lot of people have for audiobooks is just mind boggling. There's a lot of reasons for why people listen to books, one of the major ones is disability or people who are starting to lose vision due to old age. Listening to an audio book is the same as reading a book in my opinion.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I don´t get it either.. The only reason I could think of was that some of them might try to shield other readers from what they feel are bad books. Maybe to try and help them, but they are not.. Oh yes! Audiobooks have opened the world of books to those that otherwise maybe couldn´t and I love it!
@hrh597788 5 ай бұрын
Interesting that your English teacher tried to dissuade you from taking on Moby Dick. My eleventh grade English teacher assigned it as a class requirement. I’m convinced that he was a sadist. 😂
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Haha! I think I had a more caring English teacher at least.. Will have to try it at some point and then make up my mind if it was a good idea to let it rest a bit or not..
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 5 ай бұрын
If someone complains and it gives us a sting then it could be because there is either some truth in it or alternatively, that it is unfair. Then the key thing to remember is that life is short and what am I going to spend my allotted time doing? Best wishes to you.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
There is a lot of truth to that. Remembering to do what brings you joy is important.
@fraterahava 5 ай бұрын
There are some books that dont work in audio format, like the book house of leaves for example, also nostalgia often dissapoint me when i come back to books I've read when i was younger like harry Potter
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Oh yes.. I have trouble listening to mysteries with a lot of people on audiobook.. The disappointment thing I feel translate to too much at times..
@awedwards08 5 ай бұрын
So you’re saying I don’t need to hide my anime waifu harem novels inside of a physics book?
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
When you’re asking like this I am too afraid of googling, but I would guess so! 😂
@anastasiiasafiannikova5181 5 ай бұрын
@marjoriedonnett5467 5 ай бұрын
I know what you mean. I'm not a book tuber, but I had to delete my Goodreads account because I became disgusted with people who criticized me for the same reason - I read books they hated. They would even attack me personally. Who needs it? I read what I want.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
It is like I dont believe these people exist, then they comment my videos and I realize they (probably) are living breathing people. Seems like a good decision quitting goodreads if these people were getting through to you there..
@PageTurnersWithKatja 5 ай бұрын
@PageTurnersWithKatja 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more
@ladylungs 5 ай бұрын
Øystein, congratulations for you Channel, it's wonderful... I'd like to ask If you have a Channel in Norwegian with subtitles, there's very little content in Norwegian for those learning your beautiful language... 🇸🇯 ❤
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! No, I dont unfortunatly.. And to be honest I don´t really subscribe to any norwegian speaking channels either I think..
@TomOrange 5 ай бұрын
You should read (or listen) to whatever you want with no second thoughts about it.
@steventregilgas5016 5 ай бұрын
Hi I like your channel and I don’t always like the same books as you but we read for pleasure so don’t worry about what others think. Ps I didn’t like Moby Dick either a whole chapter on the whiteness of the whale.Spare me
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Exactly! I do think I’ll have to try Moby Dick once, but I am sure I won’t love it..
@OhioEddieBlack 5 ай бұрын
@steventregilgas I majored in English literature in college and I am convinced that a large percentage of people who say they like Melville, especially Moby Dick, only say so because they are too afraid to admit they didn't like it because of the very same judgemental people Øystein is talking about. I used to sit in classes with names like "Nineteenth Century American Fiction" and while there was plenty of debate about what the stories' main themes were or the use of symbolism, I can't recall a single discussion where someone had the nerve to say "that book sucked out loud" or "that story was SO boring that I couldn't even finish it even though I knew I would fail the quiz" because the academic-minded people they were surrounded by (mostly profs but also certain students with elitist attitudes) made it an unsafe environment to admit you had a differing opinion. I don't teach anymore but when I did, I would never have cared if a student said "that story was lame" because A LOT OF THEM ARE. The whole concept of canonical literature needs to be re-examined, like yesterday. And not by a whole new bunch of white dudes. End of rant.
@sandrapippo8954 5 ай бұрын
My only peeve is booktubers pushing the narrative that they have READ sooooo much in a month, when they have listened to a lot of audiobooks. When reading a physical book you literally cannot do anything else. While listening to audiobooks, people can drive cars etc. Audiobooks are great. Physical books are great. Electronic books are great. And listening and reading are different actions, and not being clear on the format of all the many many books you have “read” is deceiving to new readers and viewers. Just saying.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comments. I see what you mean and I know people are very different in how they view formats. Some say they find it harder listening to audiobooks and vice versa, personally I find it way easier to digest audiobooks than physical ones, but does it really matter? If people listen to a lot of audiobooks that´s cool right? Ps. I in general think it´s strange when booktubers "boast" about how much they have read. Seems silly.
@sandrapippo8954 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm Thanks for the reply. How books are consumed doesn’t really matter to me, it all good 🥰
@duhastkeinhertz 5 ай бұрын
When I first started watching booktubers, I loved them all. But then I started noticing a lot were reading what ever was trending. I love a lot of genres, but hearing over and over a review for the same books, I got tired of. I have complete control over watching them or not. So I've been searching for booktubers that aren't about trends, but about what they like, whether it's trending or not. Booktubers sharing "I read it so you don't videos, don't make sense to me. But some people can't make a decision without others' help. I like watching one booktuber, because not all of her content is about books, but she absolutely loves fantasy, romance, YA, etc. and I don't. But I still watch her. I just chose not to watch others that only have those genres for content. Again, we can all make our own decisions about what we watch. We don't need to tell others what we don't' want to watch on their channels- go to another channel. Thanks for posting this video.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I know what you mean. I think some do it for the sense of community and some do it to try and get more views. I have tried to read the books everyone is talking about, sometimes it works and sometime it doesn’t. I try treating my channel as an online diary or something like that. I find that It kreps med motivated and curious. Thanks for the comment!
@duhastkeinhertz 5 ай бұрын
@becomingabookworm thinking of ur channel as an online diary is what it should be. It's really for u, and maybe for any viewers that enjoy what ur reading. Read what u like, love, or wanna try out. I'm trying classics now because of another booktuber since I never read any of the classics. I wanna see what the rave is all about. Hearing what others read opens my world to other books I may not of heard of or otherwise not thought about.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Agree. I often seek out other booktubers for inspiration. Sometimes I get a bit tired of "the books I already know of" and want something completely new. Out of curiosity which classic are your reading?
@duhastkeinhertz 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm Anna Katenina by Leo Tolstoy and barely started The Old Cutiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.
@AnnNovella 5 ай бұрын
The only person who can tell which book is good for you, is you! If you feel like reading romance, horror or YA, just have fun. I’m currently reading Moby-Dick 😂
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Yes! Ohh! Do you like it so far?
@AnnNovella 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm It’s my second read and it is my most favourite American classic.
@AnnNovella 5 ай бұрын
But I agree, a lot of classics are not worth the title.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Cool! Is it different now vs last time you read it?
@AnnNovella 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm oh yes, it’s a very rich novel with lots of symbolism. I’m focussing more on the other characters this time such as Queequeg and cpt Ahab.
@TimeTravelReads 5 ай бұрын
So, I know you're going to think I'm being a gatekeeper for this comment, but I've been asking various people about this because certain questions won't let me go. I've noticed some things about booktubers. 1. Quite a few newbies think that "being a reader" means reading only fiction, and that they should say that they read purely for escapism. Why do they think and do this? 2. When women review historical fiction, they treat it as any other novel which happens to have a historical setting. They review it based on how fun it was, not how accurate it was. When men review historical fiction, they're more likely to mention the book's accuracy and research. 2a. Why is there this gender difference? 2b. I would think that historical fiction and nonfiction would go hand in hand. One could read a nonfiction book to prepare for a fiction portrayal, or visa versa, but it doesn't seem to work that way. Why? 3. I would think that fantasy readers and reviewers would want to read about the various aspects of the real world that authors should research in order to build fantasy worlds. They don't. The closest I could find is one booktuber who likes pirate books. Why?
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
Hey! I don´t know if I would call this gatekeeping but you´re generalizing a bit. 1. This might be true, but I have not seen these channels. If that is true I could understand how especially young people would rather read fiction if they are still in school and read non fiction all of the time. 2. I don´t know that there is a gender difference here. I like historical fiction, but I think I do so because there are more known factors often. The world is sort of "set" if that makes sense. I could at least never start doubting or dig into what is factually correct and not. That would drive me crazy. I have no problem switching between fiction and fact, I like both. 3. I don´t see the issue with people just wanting to read fantasy, if that´s their thing that´s cool. I doubt that there has ever been a fantasy writer that has not built their fantasy world around what they already know in the real world. If there is that would be impressive. Thanks for commenting! :)
@TimeTravelReads 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm Why would it drive you crazy to know a bit about what is factual in historical fiction? That's curious. Wouldn't it enhance the experience or at least help guide your reading? I guess I've stayed away from historical fiction because I figure it's written to be fluff, not written to be well researched and well presented. That may not always be the case though. I want someone who has read both to put up guides. Maybe at some point I'll have to do that myself.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I think it´s just the amount of time it would take. I would rather read two historic books with opposite views about an event rather than reading one of them and then researching it 100% if that made sense. If I read historic fiction I sort of just think of the whole thing as made up in stead of trying to think its all real. One of my favourite books is "when we cease to understand the world by Benjamin Labatut" and a great thing about that one is that I dont know what is true and what is not, its just a great story. It is based on real people and events but its less and less true the more you read I guess. I think Im trying to say that I can like most things as longs as I find them interestinng..
@emily_robinson 5 ай бұрын
@abookolive has a playlist on her channel of fiction and nonfiction matchups, a fiction and nonfiction book that go well together.
@TimeTravelReads 5 ай бұрын
@@emily_robinson Yes. I think we need more people who do this type of content.
@Arven8 5 ай бұрын
I think part of why you get the "You're doing it wrong" is the way you position yourself with humility and openness, as someone who is trying to find his way to fiction that he likes. That stance probably subtly 'invites' people who think of themselves as Experienced Readers to give you condescending advice about what you should and shouldn't be reading. Booktubers who take a more authoritative stance or come off as highly experienced fiction readers don't get that sort of feedback -- at least I don't see it much. That's not to say you should change. I like the way you present yourself. I'm in the same boat. I used to read a lot of fiction when I was younger, but now I'm trying to get back into it, after spending most of my adult years reading non-fiction. I'm using Booktube and channels like yours to help me stumble my way to fiction that I might enjoy. It's harder than I thought, because there is so much out there, and most of it, frankly, I have no interest in. Which is another thing I appreciate about you. You don't hesitate to say which books or genres you don't like. You are open about what you do *not* like. For whatever reason, that seems rare on Booktube. I think content creators don't want to alienate people. Or maybe they want to keep things "positive" all the time. To me, that's too restrictive. And besides, if someone is telling me they like 90% of the books they read, how can I know what they really like? I prefer your style, where you say, "I found this boring." Perfect! I find a lot of books boring, too (e.g., most classics -- although some are worth the trouble), and I appreciate your honesty about that. I'll bet that creates a little pushback, though, among people who like the stuff you don't. Some people seem to take it as a personal affront if you don't like something they like. Anyhow, I enjoy your channel. You have a good sense of humor.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
That might be, but I would never be able to change that about myself. But comments like that are also thrown around by booktubers in the way that they tell their audience that "reading YA is not proper" or something along those lines. I find it a little distasteful. I think it´s nearly impossible to be yourself all the way on the internet. Not to say that I am not close, but I have bad days (as anyone else) that never will end up on the channel. But this is also something I find interesting about doint youtube. Thanks :)
@Angel-sh7mn 5 ай бұрын
The world needs more gatekeeping across the board. Protect your culture, kids, whatever it may be.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I think the world would be quite the miserable place if everyone closed their borders and lived by «themselves».
@Angel-sh7mn 5 ай бұрын
@@becomingabookworm yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man
@pantern2 5 ай бұрын
With J.K Rowling being what she is, reading or listening her books is only okay if you pirated them. So a really horrible example for this kind of video.
@becomingabookworm 5 ай бұрын
I get how you think she does not deserve more royalties, but I am mentioning her in the video because I was listening to her audiobooks in the period when I made the video.
@Arven8 5 ай бұрын
Boo. I bought Harry Potter because of this attitude. Cancel culture is nasty.
@pantern2 5 ай бұрын
@@Arven8 Considering the very real and in cases deadly consequences of the suffering Rowlings open bigotry causes I find that a deeply irresponsible attitude.
@Arven8 5 ай бұрын
@@pantern2 I bought the game based on her work, Hogwarts Legacy, too, for the same reason -- just to thumb my nose at the cancel culture mob. They tried to boycott it because it was associated with Rowling. It ended up the #1 best-selling game of the year, lol. I'm sure Rowling doesn't need my money, but the repressive mobs you seem fond of annoy me, and I will push back in my own little way. A lot of other people do the same. So keep it up, it helps with sales. :p
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