Bradley James Merlin

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Joel Amos The Movie Mensch

Joel Amos The Movie Mensch

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@marvelpku 13 жыл бұрын
Firstly, I will say I begin watching Merlin for Arthur and Merlin's bromance and I keep on watching purely for Bradley and Colin's incredible chemistry and talents. I love Bradley for always raising his own voice and keeping true to himself. Sometimes he is wry, sometimes he is serious with very incisive comments. From all his interviews in the past few years, his opinions are always consistent. And he won't fake his opinion according to commercial reason. He is pure in his heart.
@toniallen1130 2 жыл бұрын
Watching it for the first time, 10 years later, I completely agree!
@wynflaeth 2 жыл бұрын
@polinam52 Жыл бұрын
still in love with this series 💔 and charming Bradley
@shannelmejia7692 6 жыл бұрын
I love how he addressed the sudden change in dynamics with Arthur and Morgana. I mean I like ArMor, just because their chemistry is off the roof. But, even though I like them, I knew somehow it’ll be gwen and arthur in the end. So I was looking forward how they’ll deal with the relationships, both familial and romantic, also the politics of the changes. Only to be disappointed that the next seasons was written as if season 1 did not happen at all. Thank you for clearing it up, Bradley. Honestly though, they could still have approached it better. Cause honestly, Gwen and Arthur love story came out of nowhere, which made me feel like they’re forcing it too much. Plus, The personality of Gwen from season 1 suddenly disappeared and she just became a love interest for Arthur and Lancelot. Such a waste of talent, cause Angel is amazing.
@marvelpku 13 жыл бұрын
Bradley is a guy PURE at heart. He speaks what is true in his heart. I RESPECT him for that. The producers are always caring more for commercial reason. They have to consider a lot of things and manipulate their storyline to all those things. That's commercial.
@Kay2be2mr 12 жыл бұрын
Can I just say I LOVE the way this interviewer conducted her interview. Very relaxed, confident way of speaking, good questions. Just all around good interview.
@thenchanted88 13 жыл бұрын
Jeez, I just love this man!!! "For Arthur, Camelot comes in first" - Amen for Bradley for saying this, I couldn´t agree more =)
@AlzbetaMolnarova 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful Beautiful ❤️
@AlzbetaMolnarova 6 ай бұрын
@Kirstyn.h86 13 жыл бұрын
you're the voice is one of my fave TV moments EVER!!!! the behind the scenes with bradley was always very entertaining lol
@Furkanylmaxx07 3 жыл бұрын
2021 ?
@Linneagillarlurven 11 жыл бұрын
I would also have loved that the story had ended where Arthur had reached his goal, united albion and Merlin would no longer be needed (even though I wouldn't like to put him in a 'ice cave' as he expressed XP)
@Sarephen 13 жыл бұрын
People you need to stop! Why are you so surprised? Read the legend! The betrayal of Guinevere brings the downfall of Camelot! And Merlin was not here to help Arthur because of his voluntary exile in a cave (for Nimueh); cam'on! Arthur in the season is dependent on the help of Merlin and that's WRONG! Arthur (in the legend) doesn't need a nanny... Lastly you have to respect the actor, he say what he think is right, who the hell are you to tell him he is wrong?!!
@Chiscribbs 8 жыл бұрын
Poor Bradley, always having to deal with the whole "Arwen vs Merthur" fanbase topic of choice. It's not like he wrote the script, he can only make assumptions as to the writers' intentions based on the material that he's given. And we all know that the Merlin writing team is notoriously "slap-dash" (for lack of a better term).
@Fancyclanc 13 жыл бұрын
The legend of Arthur and Gwen, really is tragic. Bradley is telling the truth, Camelot comes first for Arthur, he may love Gwen, but he has duties. That's where Lancelot comes in and Gwen becomes unfaithful. It's just tragic. Merlin does tend to disappear in the legends because he did his job. He kept Arthur safe and alive so that he could rule over Camelot. The show may stick to some of the legends, but i'm sure that Merlin will stick around as Arthurs friend, but not his servant. Calm down.
@smashing0125 13 жыл бұрын
I just don't see any thing wrong in his comment. It IS tragedy, for all three of them. So what's wrong with saying it? They are not going to change that part of the history to cheesy happy ending. And regarding Merlin, this show is about how Merlin fulfilled his destiny as to make Arthur king. And when is that finally accomplished? When Arthur can take care of himself and the entire kingdom. Merlin is a great friend, but only can Arthur be independent he deserves to be called the greatest king
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
@chelsearoses22 Yeah I get that and that's what I was trying to say in my previous post, I think people just need to calm down. Bradley is an ACTOR. That's it, he has his preferences and ideas on the stories which he has every right to, I see no need to insult him. Just enjoy the show and let's see what it brings us in season 4.
@Aldreda 13 жыл бұрын
@horacemaggie - Totally agree horacemaggie, people are taking this interview too seriously. As you said Bradley is quoting as Arthur, not as Bradley and he's joking about the Gwen thing.. "the only woman in Camelot". It's his dry sense of humour that some people don't get. Plus he's trying to impress the interviewer with his wit and charm. She's impressed, why can't other people be.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
So lay off Bradley because he's right and also repeating what Colin said. Yes this show is based on Merlin/Arthur's relationship and its what holds the show together, but Bradley said that as an ENDING. Merlin can't be holding Arthur's hand throughout his reign. Thank you for uploading this.
@aurelminuial 13 жыл бұрын
But the whole "time when Arthur doesn't need Merlin" bit is more understandable. At the end, it would be a great place to leave at, yeah? The show's heart revolves around their friendship and need for each other to grow. But there will come a time when Merlin is no longer essential to help Arthur grow, his "job" IS done, and he can move on. I think Bradley is trying to say that would be the ideal way to end the show. But I hope that isn't for some time:p haha
@shak15ti 13 жыл бұрын
I understood & enjoyed all Bradley's comments. No problem here. Interesting YT debates here though. I guess I don't have a favorite, just the show. Agree or not the interviews contribute depths for viewing the story and discussions. Bradley does not offend me, when everyone else is. Colin, Bradley, Angel, Katie, Richard, Tony and all the rest are All LOVELY! Highest rated comments a little surprise but like Bradley, they are all just conversation.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
I think Arthur treats Gwen like she is his world.He has risked his life for hers and thus his kingdom(2x04)He has risked he life for her happiness, and thus his kingdom(3x07)He has shown willingness to relinquish his crown for her(3x10)He showed anguish over his decision to give her up and apologized before reclaiming her (4x05)surely she can forgive his 1 mistake.He gave up land and risked a war for her after he thought she betrayed him(4x11)He made her is Queen (4x13)it's okay to cry. xox
@SnowGirl098 11 жыл бұрын
Sigh...if only this show were on HBO >:D
@bedshock589 13 жыл бұрын
I love how he jokes about how Gwenivere's like the only chick in Camelot :) haha
@gatepromise 13 жыл бұрын
@sendmeanangel11 Your comments are so mean. Bradley's seen the scripts regarding Gwen and Arthur and you haven't. As far as Merlin, Bradley isn't saying he doesn't want Merlin, he's saying his character needs to get to the point where he can do things on his own and not need to be rescued or protected by Merlin every five minutes. Why are you so mad at him for disagreeing with your opinion? He knows more about the show than fans do, has insight that you don't, and he's honest and candid.
@chelsearoses22 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 Arthur should at some point be able to have Merlin there, but no depend on him for everything whether it's advice or just being there as a friend. He'll always need Merlin, they are one in the same. Two sides of the same coin kind of thing. But Arthur should be able to make most decisions without Merlin guiding him every step of the way. Hence the show which shows us his growth and taking on responsibilities. I hope I haven't been more confusing than Bradley ;)
@talrasha1985 3 жыл бұрын
hello from 2021! I mostly agree with the "Bradley is from an another dimension , it has nothing to do with shipwars and crap like this , the guy doesnt even have a correct insight on his own character" comment because he often says something wrong and confuses the show/some legends, but i think he's trying to say that the original idea was for Gwen/Lancelot without magic. Later he said this: "They had a moment last year where Gwen kisses Lancelot [Santiago Cabrera] and then [the writers] went, 'Right, we'll put a magical bracelet in to make it alright... That was quite a late addition to the script, because they were afraid of demonising her character. I've always felt that they could have gone a bit further with that". And this "For Arthur, I think when you find someone in your life who you love more than anything, you will do anything for them. And I believe that Arthur would do anything for Guinevere"
@Melissa.Garrett 2 жыл бұрын
See, I’ve always taken the apparent conflict between Bradley’s comments and what actually happened on screen as one of two things: sometimes he’s no more clued in than the audience, because he hasn’t received those scripts yet (or seen the final edit of episodes he’s already filmed), and is guessing like everyone else. Other times, I think it was his way of subtly disagreeing with the direction the show took, and putting forward what he would have liked to see but without sounding like he’s criticising. In either case, I’ve always agreed with his take on the character, and on certain plot points that should have been developed differently. Just as a couple of examples, off the top of my head: he was consistently describing ‘Merlin’ as a before-they-were-famous kind of story. It was clear he didn’t expect Arthur to die in the finale, because the show was setup as a prequel in the same vein as ‘Smallville’. I thoroughly expected the series to end with the beginning of the Golden Age, and the rest of the legends involving Camelot’s downfall left to some murky future beyond the show’s end. Was he right? No, but only because the writers did a dirty on the audience and did not deliver the promises of the earlier seasons. *Should* it have ended the way Bradley predicted? Given how many fans HATED the ending, absolutely. He also had very clear ideas on how the magic reveal might go, too. He suggested that it would be impractical to write Arthur as oblivious indefinitely, and there should come a point where he has figured out Merlin’s secret without actually telling Merlin he knows (again, think Chloe or Lois in Smallville, that dynamic worked perfectly). He also wanted Arthur to find out around Season 3. Again, his predictions were off in that what happened on-screen was nothing like that; but again, I would argue that he was actually right. Some of the biggest complaints I see in the fandom to this day involve those two points: that Arthur was never allowed to develop into this kingly character who used his brain, and that we never got to see Merlin and Arthur working together as Warlock and King. I think what I’m trying to say is that yes, he often expressed opinions that didn’t jibe with the official narrative - but given how much backlash there was over S5, and the finale in particular, perhaps the writers should have actually listened to him a bit more.
@TomBydand 13 жыл бұрын
@misslanfeartelamon yeah but when you think about it, that is exactly what colin was saying about merlin. merlin needs arthur to get to a point where he can brong magic back. that is all merlinwants is to be left alone wiht his magic to live his life. to do that he needs to get arthur to a point where he no longer needs merlin around.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
You may want to look more carefully. 4x13 They rubbed noses and he tried to slip her the the tongue...again! I know it's hard to watch boy kissing girl for you...but it's true;-). Angel is always the one to break the kiss and Bradley is much more into them than may want to remind him how much he doesn't like Arwen because he sure puts his back into it. LOL xoxo
@gatepromise 13 жыл бұрын
@mediaescapee Keep in mind that Bradley's seen the scripts and you haven't.
@chelsearoses22 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 I think what he means is that yes Camelot is most important because they are his people, but Gwenevere is up there. I think Arthur just gets confused and caught up in his life with his father losing his mind, being able to be with Gwen more and loving her so much, then there's Morgana being his sister and now being completely evil. It's a lot for him to take in I don't think he seems to know his priorities just yet. Which we all know is where Merlin comes in.
@poupoufinou 13 жыл бұрын
lol he doesnt give a damn about merlin being tripped in a ice cave? how many times did he save your royal butt? xD dude your friendship (bromance) is what makes the show!!
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Because he sees that A/G as depicted on the show is just really flat and lifeless, very Disney-esque and aimed at children and perhaps thinks that if he voices his disappointment in it, changes will be made. Alas, though, most Arwenites think that Arthur treating Gwen very badly and giving away land that his men fought and died for is perfect behavior for a legendary king and that it's TWU WUV. Bradley just sees the flaws in the ointment and has enough bravery to be candid despite the backlash.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
HELLO MERTHUR, AND ARTHUR/MERLIN BROMANCE FANS!! Get off of Bradley James case. /watch?v=BNbIYBfSx4I (Colin's interview) Don't see fans getting on his back! (and don't you dare take your fighting to the comments!) Bradley was just repeating what Colin has been saying. They'll be fine. Two sides of the same coin and all. Plus we all can see their phenomenal chemistry. So KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON!
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
LINK NUMBER 2 FOR MERTHUR AND ARTHUR/MERLIN BROMANCE FANS! /watch?v=qhK_CTq0BZo To quote Bradley, "I don't think our show will ever facilitate that happening" So be happy that Lancelot/Gwen is endgame, Arthur will never love her more then Camelot, and Merlin will be his bestie on the show as long as its running.
@Amberisnotinvisible 13 жыл бұрын
Aww i think you guys have picked up on his comments abit wrong. I agree with all he said, cept the part about not needin merlin; but he didn't mean that in a bad way, i think, what he means is, once merlins work is done then merlin will be free to follow his own destiny and became the grestest wizard he can be, and im sort of okay with that idea, while i like the thought he would be beside arthur, protecing him, setting him free on his own path is actually a really noble thing for arthur to do.
@DreaLinh 13 жыл бұрын
@1234blahluv nobody ever said he hated it, but he obviously doesn't like it either when you hear his reactions in other interviews.
@misslanfeartelamon 13 жыл бұрын
@tumblebugbydand maybe. if you look at it that way what merlin and morgana trying to achieve is same. only merlin's way depends on a lot to his faith in Arthur which i think a little bit exaggerated (even though i love it). i mean come on, there is no guarentee that Arthur will free to magic. sorry for my english.
@horacemaggie 13 жыл бұрын
I guess I'm not seeing what others are. First, even though he may be joking about the "one woman in town thing," he points to himself and says she's going to HIM, and "inevitably that's what we're leading towards." I read that that he's saying Arthur and Gwen are endgame. He merely points out, even if incorrectly, that Camelot is first for Arthur. Even in 310 when he said he'd leave with Gwen, he told Morgana he'd come back to claim throne. But he's saying here that Gwen DOES have (cont.d)
@Cherry7Lipgloss 13 жыл бұрын
Why are all the comments so long
@avanta83 13 жыл бұрын
Im kind if stunned by how unpleasant fans of Gwen & Arthur are toward an actor giving his own Pov about the relationship. Whatever the welsh legends may have included, the show has a Lancelot character so they're clearly going with the better known legend of the triangle. The problem they may have is in convincing the audience that a character as sanitised (imho boring) as Gwen who they write as having no flaws at all would be unfaithful. Maybe thats why we're seeing the reaction here.
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 Yeah, I agree. Calling A/G fans delusional is not necessary. I see them have tons of chemistry, and I believe so do many people out there. Beside, as far as I know Bradley clear is not a member of Writer group, what he thinks can not change anything going to happen on this show. I doubt he know much more than we do. So it is too early to tell who are endgame, but I am sure Arthur won't marry Merlin. LOL.
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
@TheAmazingTzworg of the show for now he needs his guidance and protection to become the great king that we all know he will be, but not only is Merlin his protector but he is also a friend so not needing him to me makes no sense, friends should be there for you no matter what. And an individual can be independent without losing the advice of a friend. It isn't mutually exclusive, but whatever he has his opinions and that's fine and as long as he does his job he is a-okay with me.
@JulietChristineTudor 13 жыл бұрын
Gosh... I have never seen so many paragraphs for one video.
@gatepromise 13 жыл бұрын
@drcomposed I don't think this is actually Bradley's "opinion"--I think he's commenting on what's going to happen, based on what he knows from what he's filmed already and what's in the scripts.
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
@HPAndHG4ever Wooh Wooh that's a bit harsh I think calling people who prefer the Arthur/Gwen relationship delusional, you don't see the chemistry but obviously some other people do which is why they have fans. Your opinion differs from others that's fine, I personally love all the relationships and what they contribute to the show. It's fine that Bradley has his opinions he's only human and I think what people are trying to say is that the show portrayal and what he's saying r conflicting.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
@LoveOwenCris I do believe shipping will always be a "agree to disagree" topic. Personally I think the writers failed in A/G by making it go WAY to fast (true love kiss at Ep2S2). Bradley might not be a writer, but he certainly knows more then us, and he heavily implied (for a while actually) G/L endgame. Another thing that we'll just have to wait and see. Just curious, how is he being arrogant? He's giving his opinion on what his character is feeling.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah. She is and has always been her own person. Allowing for her role in this show. Have you even thought about her role. He's a Prince...she's a servant. They were always going to only have stolen moments. Even as written she has more depth than the character ever had in the legends. Really, just go read and accept the reality of THIS show or not. You can cry like the merthur's that the romance is too central and the show should be all about Merlin.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Arwen fans will be shrieking shrilly for babies, but A/G are so freakin' passionless that they'll be barren, just as they were in the legends. All I can say is I hope my daughter doesn't grow up to be like Gwen, so flawless and without fault, the Stand-By-Her-Man Mary Sue who keeps going back to someone who doesn't treat her all that well--dumping her, telling her a hug was a moment of weakness, never apologizing--and why would your ilk want your heroine with someone like him?
@ladydark623 6 жыл бұрын
Wonders what he thought of series 5 ending
@Melissa.Garrett 3 жыл бұрын
Taken aback, I imagine. He always seemed very certain that this was a “prequel” show that would ultimately end with the beginning of the Golden Age, and I can only think he was under that impression because the producers hinted in that direction throughout. And honestly, Bradley was right - it *should* have ended with Arthur beginning his reign as the king of a united Albion.
@SophiaAnime321 10 жыл бұрын
holy shit the comments
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
@LoveOwenCris Just because I don't like A/G doesn't mean a push A/M. As Bradley said, let's get some more women in Camelot! And yeah I agree I was a little out of line calling them delusional, but when I watch it I can't help but cringe at some of their scenes and to me L/G have a lot more natural chemistry. And though I'm not pushing A/M (because no way BBC does it) I could easily see that relationship working before A/G.
@SnowGirl098 12 жыл бұрын
...actually, in many interpretations, Arthur is old (as in, a LOT older than Gwen) and he did marry her for political reasons. It's implied that perhaps they did love each other, but certainly not with the sort of passion between Lancelot and Gwen.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 Perhaps you're right. I was just pissed that everyone is getting on Bradley's case about this. Look at the top comments saying "Bradley alienates people" and "Bradley seems so brainless sometimes". If people heard the other interviews then they would understand that Bradley is playing off a lot of what Colin has said. Colin had mentioned the Caves quite a few times recently. I don't think there is any doubt that Arthur cares for Merlin.
@sarahmn1470 12 жыл бұрын
I just forget that Uther revealed they were siblings and everythings fine
@bevinkathryn 13 жыл бұрын
Ugh, Bradley hate makes me so unbelievably irritated. He's an actor, people--not an Arthurian expert or a speech maker. Also, since he's the one playing Arthur, it makes sense that his answers are from the perspective of Arthur. Colin answers as Merlin, Katie as Morgana, and Angel as Gwen. What he says may not be 100% true, but he answers with Arthur in mind. He's a hard-working guy, just like the rest of the cast. /end rant. Lovely interview, thanks for posting. :)
@KahlanPendragon 13 жыл бұрын
I don't think that Bradley meant it as a Merlin and Arthur wouldn't be friends anymore kind of way, maybe he meant it as Merlin is more of a friend than servant to Arthur, And Arthur needs to stop depending on Merlin so much, adn fight his own battles in a way. So calm down peeps!
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@ILoveCustardCreams2 What the Arthur's personality is on this show is what the writers write. I don't see how this is OOC, and others are not.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
Then you have Merlin/Arthur. Honestly Bradley's right. King Arthur can't be dependent on Merlin during his reign. His the KING. He needs to handle it on his own. And Bradley probably feels upset at how Arthur has been portrayed so far (a bit dim). Its natural. Now if its Merthur fans, you should rejoice that he obviously dislikes Arwen, and that since the show is called MERLIN we'll never see that scene. Colin has said something similar at wanted to see "mad Merlin" of the woods.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
This is your imagination. There is no Merthur relationship on Merlin unless you mean the friendship between the characters. That bond is the center of the show and it was just as juvenile s4 as s1. If it makes you feel good though, believe it. Gwen IS A LOVE INTEREST. Even her back story will involve way around that. Still she has been given the power of choice and strength. Very subtle but if you are smart you get it.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Bradley was filming Ep 5 of S4 when he made this interview--you can keep denying his views on this (though your homepage you admit it!). You Arwen fans react with militant attacks to anyone who so much as says they dont' like your ship, I imagine Bradley would be strung up for outright saying he doesn't like it either. Nothing must ever shatter the illusion of your perfect fairy tale, even though it's dull as a hole in the wall. Bradley's opinions color his performance, why there's no chemistry.
@DreaLinh 13 жыл бұрын
@gatepromise nah I don't know what you exactly consider as the arthurian legend but what they're doing with A/G is rather the the version for children not the real one.
@horacemaggie 13 жыл бұрын
(cont'd) Gwen does have another option. That's all he's saying, not that she'll end up with Lancelot. I think the story has been tragic already IMO so he's not really wrong there either. And I think it's a jump saying Bradley doesn't like Arwen. I think he jokes a bit about some things, but I think people are reading too much into it.Bradley knows Arthur loves Gwen. He's pulling our leg here and when he plays his part it's very believable. I'm not mad at him. What he said was not so bad.
@soledadvillanueva2427 2 жыл бұрын
It might be a joke of Bradly saying doesn't want Arwen but it's too sarcastic conceited n ungentleman. Its so hurting to d person involved.
@DineLade 13 жыл бұрын
I wish I could switch off the background noise. It's making it hard to concentrate on what Bradley says...
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
I really don't understand most of his comments. Arthur and Gwen as portrayed on the show are a love story, I mean in 3.10 he gave up his throne for her so where is Camelot is more important coming from?I will never understand the concept of Gwen/Lancelot because I barely see him. And why would he not need Merlin anymore isn't the whole concept of the show about the dependency and essential role Merlin would play in protecting Arthur. Bradley just needs to stop interviews. He alienates people.
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@HPAndHG4ever Well, just like you think A/M could work, which I don't get why, I think A/G has tons of chemistry and they will be the endgame. I believe there are several different version of legend, right? BTW, Bradley is not the one who writes the show, so what he said is not my concern, just his arrogance bugs me all the time.
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@ILoveCustardCreams2 I don't understand how you can criticize whether the writers write him in character or out, since you said that the writers write him, if they write him wants to give up throne, then it is in his character.
@nimrod609 13 жыл бұрын
Huh. Okay, I get the Gwen comments, yes their relationship is destined for doom as the legend goes but I'm kinda irked by the ones about Merlin. As King he needs to be less dependent on him but damn, you don't just brush aside the person who got you there. Merlin it seems is his only true friend on the show, so the comments about these characters seems out of place. Maybe he was trying to be funny? Sarcastic? I mean, he can't REALLY feel that way, right?
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
Is he really the one who plays Arthur on this show?
@chelsearoses22 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 Amen to that, all's forgotten. Fans til the end ;) Can't wait for season 4, I have to unfortunately wait til January, but nonetheless, still excited!
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
I'm dreading the coming season, I am sure Saint Gwen will be feeding the hungry, curing leprosy and walking on water whilst shitting ice cream and roses and continuing the sterile, dull, boring, silly, child's fairy tale that is Arwen, all idealized for the babies they're playing to, no hint of any conflict or anything suggesting real life depth, working out problems, etc.
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
Can't believe you people. These comments are so incredibly stupid! Has Bradley EVER supported Arthur/Gwen? God Arwen fans are delusional! They have ZERO chemistry and its quite clear here why. Bradley doesn't like the couple, so its not going to come across on screen while he's Arthur. Gwen/Lancelot is endgame so face it! The fact that Gwen still has feelings for Lancelot and they BARELY see each other shows the depth of their feelings for each other.
@misslanfeartelamon 13 жыл бұрын
the thought of arthur doesn't need merlin anymore at the end of series, breaks my heart. ungraitful, spoiled, arrogant brat:D just kidding.
@gatepromise 13 жыл бұрын
@mediaescapee He's already filmed most of this season. He knows more about the show, the characters and the direction. I have no idea what a Cuckold is, but I think your protests are going to look pretty silly. Bradley described the Arthur-Gwen thing as "a mess of a relationship" and I don't think he'd be doing that if the writers were going to go in the direction you want them to. It has nothing to do now with liking or not liking; it's the legends.
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
@TheAmazingTzworg I understand what he's trying to say and I do know the legends and for me they are different interpretations on it but I'll save that discussion for later. But when we talk abt the actual show Merlin I can't get invested in the Lancelot/Gwen relationship because I just don't see the character enough. What the show has portrayed is immensely contrary to what he is saying which for me is conflicting and confusing. I get he wants Arthur independent but the M/A rel is the core cont
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Actually, I was there at Pierrefonds when that was filmed--that was scripted. They did it several times and it was repeated exactly the same. The actors aren't given the liberty to ad lib. This can also be confirmed by many who were also there, just as the many vids, interviews and commentary regarding his very mealy mouthed, wishy washy, not at all enthusiastic, preferring the bromance with Merlin statements are out there that you choose to deny because it doesn't fit in with your fantasy are.
@naimasophie 13 жыл бұрын
slow down a second , the question was just "are arthur and gwen going to be still public in S4 ? " so why on earth Bradley talks about political reasons and other stuffs which has NOTHING to do with the questions ? even the interviewer stood there speechless. bradley , what s going on in your head ? O_O he keeps being like this in every interviews , its weird :/
@SeriousHarmony 13 жыл бұрын
@ittakesawoman May I ask, what the hell are you talking about? Merthur shippers should not be slighted by Bradley's comments. Colin has said something similar. The show is called MERLIN so that wouldn't happen, or it'll be the last scene. I think Bradley meant Merlin can go and be "wild Merlin" and only come when needed. Merlin can't hold Arthur's hand (as much as we want). As a Merthur fan I'm thrilled at his comments of AxG. Besides we've been spoiled because Bradley obviously like AxM more.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
Did I already mention that you were wrong? I think I did. xoxo
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@naimasophie It is okay.
@xoxoLoveHorses 13 жыл бұрын
@Fancyclanc You're just telling excactly the same thing that Bradley said -.-' Why? Is so unncessairy... -.-'
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@HPAndHG4ever Well, what he thinks does not affect what will happen on the show, does it? I doubt just b/c he thinks that L/G r endgame then the writers will write as such. As for arrogant comment, honestly, it bothers me all the time, not just from this video.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
If you say it long enough and loud enough you may actually believe what you are saying. BTW...why would Bradley apologize for still being hurt and unsure about someone who had in fact been passionately kissing another man the day before their wedding was to take place? I think Bradley must feel lots of chemistry after all it's he who holds onto the kisses and does the nose rubs. That scene where he strokes her arm before taking her hand in 4x02...did you know that was all him. LOL xoxo
@naimasophie 13 жыл бұрын
O_O is he fuckin' serious ? O_O
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@naimasophie For the love of the god, read my comments. I am an A/G shipper. May be it is a grammar mistake.
@gatepromise 13 жыл бұрын
@tammy8722 Well, he's seen the scripts and we haven't. I'm guessing he knows more about it than we do. Why would you get mad at him for disagreeing with what you want to see? He doesn't write the scripts! And when he responds honestly with his own opinions, again people get mad. Apparently he doesn't have the right to disagree with fans. No wonder he's become so withdrawn with fans. Certain sects, especially the romancers, have been treating him very shabbily. Shame on you.
@snet819 13 жыл бұрын
For all of you who keep harping on "The Legends" what you need to understand is the popular "French Legends" are what you are talking about and they are misogynistic blather. This show is very loosely based on the Arthurian for you or BJ to keep harping on them is willful ignorance. When Arthur doesn't need Merlin...the show will be over...If the producers turn the only positive female role in their show into a wanton...they will loose most of their female audience.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
LOL...Yes I am laughing at you once again. I don't have a y/t page and I've certainly never acknowledged any of your Merthur madness so I certainly don't know what you are talking about. It's ok. S4 has aired Bradley as ever did a wonderful job of portraying his characters love for Gwen and despite having the script...and the fact that A/G are a mess in the popular legends...Merlins Arthur married for love...LOL. xoxo LOL.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
And I'm laughing right back at you--there are so, so many who know what I am saying is true, who cannot stand the A/G pairing, including one half of the pairing itself, Bradley James. You just stay happy and content in your little world of denial. They may be married on the show, but that certainly doesn't make them interesting, compelling or believable or give them any chemistry. Even Angel believes her character more suited for Lancelot. You just keep goading and taunting, child.
@tammy8722 13 жыл бұрын
@gatepromise Am sorry I didn't insult anybody I barely started an opinion, so need to attack me or tell me shame on you or whatever. Did you see me call him names? I started my opinion as a mature adult and that was it. If people agreed with me well that's not exactly my fault, is it? Am not mad at Bradley I have nothing against him. I have posted on here on multiple occasions that he has a right to his opinions so where do you perceive me being mad at him from? Just gave my opinion,that's it.
@naimasophie 13 жыл бұрын
@LoveOwenCris UGH sorry dear , i misunderstood you
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
I don't need your permission to like any aspect of the show. I'm so not caring about your problems. I don't agree that her character is poorly written. The fact is that she is a love interest and this is a 45min action adventure with 13 episodes. All of her story lines are going to somehow involve him. I don't think all haters are merthurs. Some are bigots, others not good at complex thinking. Yep I'm good with her. Exception removing her free will in 4x09.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
If my merthur centric you mean my favorite aspect of the show...the brotherhood/friendship of Arthur and Merlin...Then I guess you could be right. Though I personally think the 1st half of the seasoned show cased how interdependent the 3 are to one another. Of course you did. Because you resent's why you are as stupidly biased as you are. I love Merlin.
@aurelminuial 13 жыл бұрын
Wow. Bradley, maybe you should choose you're words a bit better in the future, yeah? haha Fans are obsessive and will pick apart everything you say:P I get the whole "Arthur/Gwen isn't a love story? wtf?" because so far that IS how it's been portrayed, and I really do think it will stay as such. So Bradley, idk what you're referring to in that regards. (cont...)
@naimasophie 13 жыл бұрын
@kaustenfan the thing is , the interviewer asked him about the SHOW and only that , so why he doesnt answer the question ABOUT THE SHOW like he was asked to ? , everyone is AWARE of the legends , i dont care of bradley telling me something that i already know . SHOW DIFFERENT FROM LEGENDS
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
@HPAndHG4ever You do realize that chemistry is subjective matter, right? How are A/G delusional, but those A/M are not? Clearly they are not going to have a romantic relationship either.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
You can't have it both ways--you've been insisting forever (and quite wrongly) that in the legends Arthur and Gwen were in love--and they were not, marriages for royals were not based on love matches--but now you're saying Bradley's talking about the legends and not the show here? You flipflop ridiculously just to further your childish Arwen. Bradley has always been on record for being an A/M bromance fan, and even Angel has said that while her character loves Arthur, Lancelot is better suited.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Wow! A threesome they were, then! Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that the knights were not even on the set at that time and so he didn't even have the opportunity. And you just go right ahead and keep denying Bradley's opinion on Arwen--many many people in this thread have commented on the fact that he does not like Arwen and some have been very upset about it, because NO ONE is allowed to not like the Arwen! Can't squash the little girls squee, poor little things.
@gatepromise 12 жыл бұрын
Even mediascape above points out that Bradley has never liked the A/G storyline--he obviously recognizes crap when he's confronted with it, unlike those who cling to childish, unbelievable fairy tales that make no sense what so ever and paint a woman as a doormat and unthinkingly following a man who does not treat her well. If you like her so much why in the hell would you want her with him? You have a twisted view of a healthy or good relationship. Violins, cooing and backlighting aren't it.
@LoveOwenCris 13 жыл бұрын
BTW, if the writers fail the A/G romance, or there is no chemistry between them, then why are you arguing with so many A/G shippers, huh? They shouldn't even exist.
@snet819 12 жыл бұрын
I begin to think you really have some serious issues. You don't know Bradley's opinion on Arwen. He's never stated it. He has made comments that you have transposed with your views. I'm certainly not sure why it's seems so important to you. Yeah, I do love the purity of their love and I love how Bradley loves playing those scenes with Angel and you'd think if he hates the story line he would put so much effort into it. xox
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