What is a spinal hemangioma? Is it dangerous?

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Brain and Spine Surgery Riga

Brain and Spine Surgery Riga

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@Continental123-i2n 5 ай бұрын
It may be benign-- but it's Not Normal. An Abnormal Growth of Blood Vessels inside your spine is not normal-- and depending on movement-- or maybe just sitting due to the pressure on it----may start causing symptoms. I hate doctors that dismiss it like it's "nothing"--- especially when the person is having various symptoms-- that Could be stemming from the Hemangioma
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Agree that it needs to be treated if causing symtoms, but thats rare. Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@Continental123-i2n 5 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Look at the comments - It's not that rare
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRigaTHIS IS THE PROBLEM!! They read INACCURATE journals and think they know it all. Heady, Narcissistic Gaslighting shooting down the patient’s communication! WHO STRUCK OUT THE TWO SENTENCES OF THIS PATIENT’S EXPRESSION?! They typed lines over their experiences! It’s HIGH TIME YOU STOP DISREGARDING THE PATIENTS!! (PAIN IS SIGNIFICANT AND DOCTORS ARE OBLIGATED TO UPHOLD THEIR HIPOCRATIC OATH!) Stop looking at your job as a business and start caring for patients! If you don’t care about what the patient feels, you shouldn’t be a doctor. PERIOD!
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@Continental123-i2n Scroll down until you find comments in German! You’ll be Surprised to see such a drastic difference in response!
@Continental123-i2n 3 ай бұрын
@@ErinMorgan-o1d I don't see a translation button -- What are they saying? That the Dr is a paid lazy slave to "studies" and can't be bothered to really listen to hundreds of patients telling him that Hemangiomas ARE causing symptoms ? Hopefully something like that ?
@oluyemisioke5574 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. My 15 years old son was diagnosed with hemagioma of the T2 W4 region and I have been a lot scared. This video has given me a better understanding of what I am dealing with.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment and I am happy my video gave you some peace and better understanding. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
Search for Better Sources than this because if your son is in pain, he needs Competent Attention! Your son is young! It can affect his whole life! Don’t Ignore Him because of ignorant doctors who will tell you that a hemangioma is “Extremely Rare” and “Clinically Irrelevant”! Get him to a Specialist who has genuine concern and competency!
@jspychalski7286 10 ай бұрын
I had a cavernous hemangioma in my cervical spinal cord that paralyzed me from the neck down after a seizure and stroke caused from multiple hemorrhages. Finally had it removed and was able to learn to walk again. I have some residual effects, but I can walk.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Its extremely rare case that you have experienced. Hopefully you are doing well!
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@Continental123-i2n 2 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Stop saying it's rare - Are you that bought off by the medical mafia? Have you read the comments?
@AJ-gz6qd 2 ай бұрын
I have these down my entire spine along with a transitional vertebrae with L5 sacrilization, and the doctors tell me it’s nothing. BULLS…
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@mrmrs_k_m 3 ай бұрын
Hello doctor is this also the same thing Osseous haemangioma seen in C2 vertebral body. And can it cause blurry vision and headaches
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 3 ай бұрын
Hi, thanks for your comment and question. Yes it is likely the same, however it is very unlikely to cause any visual disturbances or headaches.
@jemma7188 7 күн бұрын
Have two. One in L3 and T1. I started getting symptoms around 2 years ago ie I can’t lay on my back, if I wake up laying on my back, I am unable to move and have to grab side of bed to get onto my side. Out of a week I wake up more than 10 times with this issue. I can’t bend washing my hair, I sometimes can’t cross right leg, right leg feels weaker, sometimes dead leg that lasted 4 days, constant soreness in legs and recently arms and hands, some when I sit down, and some other symptoms. I am getting another scan. However, what do you suggest would be best treatment?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Күн бұрын
Hi, Thanks for your comment and question. In case hemangioma becomes symptomatic, the best treatment is either vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. However judging from your symptoms - those are unlikely to be caused be hemangioma, probably something else. Therefore probably you maight end up needing some other treatment. Best regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@jemma7188 Күн бұрын
@ when I got a scan in October on my spine it was for arthritis but they said I didn’t have any but changes to my L3 and T1 which are most likely hemangioma. I have to get another scan next week to confirm. I guess the symptoms are pretty bad to just be that.
@AAAMHHH Жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you. T1 vertebral Hemangioma, left sided weakness, neck pain, back pain & neurological symptoms. What would you recommend patient do next after this discovery & these accompanying symptom’s?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you for the comment and question. Majority of hemangiomas are benign and have no symptoms at all, except very rare cases. In your case it would be useful to consult with experienced neurosurgeon, to understand if your symptoms are related to hemangioma or there is another cause. If yes, then there is need to develop comprehensive treament plan. Best regards, Mr Janis Slezins, MD, PhD
@Continental123-i2n 5 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Stop saying it's "rare" to have symptoms... Just look through the comments... Way too many have reported serious issues with Hemangiomas
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@Continental123-i2nI agree! This book sense is like a zombie. The difference is When The Patient HAS SYMPTOMS! “SYMPTOMATIC” MEANS PAIN OR NUMBNESS!! The consistent “irrelevancy” has got to STOP!!
@MJ-fr9zu Жыл бұрын
Very useful video! I had really bad and persistant lower neck pain and upper back pain (19 years old) so I went to the doctor and they did an MRI which showed a hemangioma on the T2 vertebral body with signal intensity ratio of the opposed phase over the in phase is 0.87 on axial view and approx. 0.81 on the sagittal view. The MRI also showed mild degenerative upper to mid-cervical disc disease (with no significant protrusions or canal compromise). I couldn't afford any follow-ups but my pain has been getting worse in the past few months, what should I do? Is it the hemangioma?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for your comments. Hemangiomas are very unlikely to cause any symptoms, except very rare cases, therefore just from the statistical point of view its unlikely that yoyr pain is related to hemangioma. Since there are some degenerative changes observed, they are more likely to be cause of symptoms. Constant, intensive physiotherapy undr guidance of physiotherapist is cornerstone of back pain treatment, therefore this seem to be your way. Best regards, Mr Janis Slezins, MD, PhD
@Continental123-i2n 3 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga You sound like a Robot- same answer to anyone
@Continental123-i2n 3 ай бұрын
@@MJ-fr9zu It could be.. Maybe talk to a Chiropractor to get another opinion
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@Continental123-i2n It’s time to find out Exactly what this MD, PhD’s source is! What are you consulting? The Merck Manual or clinical journals? Erroneous observations from a clearly substandard source has been causing these in medical practice to believe some very misleading information! To the detriment of those who may otherwise be safeguarded from compression fractures. It’s blatantly obvious that patients who present themselves, after taking time and effort to make appointments with medical doctors, to learn why they’re experiencing symptoms or voice reason for concern. It shouldn’t be perplexing to doctors when these patients express themselves as having a Symptomatic Hemangioma. There should be no confusion in understanding that the patient is suffering in debilitating pain. Especially when it’s become chronic and impacts their activities of daily living, leaving the person unable to live their lives as they did before the onset of pain. Every concentrated effort should be given to efficiently identify the cause of pain without excuse or delay. Specialists should possess integrity! A sincere diligence so as not to neglect patients. Again, another instance of the necessity for adherence to the ethical standards of the Hippocratic Oath.
@nandhinisathis6064 23 күн бұрын
Hi Doctor, In my MRI well defined hemangioma noted involved in c7 vertebral body... What is the meaning sir?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 21 күн бұрын
Hi, Hemangioma is very common finding on MRI scans and as long as this hemangioma is not causing symptoms and not enlarging over time, it does not require any treatment and can be considered as not having any significance. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@nandhinisathis6064 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your reply sir. ​@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga
@rajeshgupta2015 17 күн бұрын
Hi doctr in my MRI Hemnagioma at L3 body ... please suggest me further medication
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 16 күн бұрын
Hi! There is literally no medication for hemangioma. If hemangioma is causing pain it should be treated via surgical procedure either vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. But majority of cases hamengioma is not causong pain or is not putting vertebra at risk of fracture, therefore there is no need for treatment. Best regards, Janis Slezins, NM, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@susensauerzopf8730 5 ай бұрын
Danke für den tollen Beitrag. Zwei Stiche hatte ich beim Husten in der Wirbelsäule. Danach konnte ich mich 4 Wochen nicht bewegen und hatte wahnsinnige Rippenschmerzen, die bis zu den Wirbel zogen. Beim Aufstehen hatte ich das Gefühl, das die Wirbelsäule abknickt, ich hatte das Gefühl einen Wirbelbruch zu haben. Alle Orthopäden und Neurochirurgen schauten sich nur die Bandscheiben und den Wirbelkanal an, die bester Gesundheit sind. Man fand nur ein paar Hämangiome im MRT und CT, die sind laut Ärzten nicht so tragisch, es ist gutartig. Irgendwoher kommen diese Schmerzen. Nach 8 Monaten fand Arzt Nr 12 einen Wirbelbruch. Dieser schickte mich zum Ostoporosetest, Gott sei Dank habe ich das nicht, die Knochendichte ist sogar ein wenig erhöht. Nun wurde der Knochenstoffwechsel getestet, der ist normal. Es wird immer seltsamer. Ich war in der Knochenszintigraphie nach 14 Monaten, das Ergebnis ist echt komisch, zwei Wirbel BWK11 + BWK12 und zwei Rippen waren gebrochen und sind verheilt. 99% der Ärzte mir erklären immer, das Hämangiomwirbel nicht brechen können. Das witzige ist, das sich viele Ärzte den schlimmesten Wirbel angeschaut haben und nichts gesehen haben. Mittlerweile geht es mir wieder gut, treibe viel Sport und gehe arbeiten. Wenn ich etwas zu Schweres hochhebe, merke ich den Wirbel enorm. Deshalb meide ich es. Leider habe ich bisher noch keinen Arzt gefunden, der diese Wirbel auffüllt, damit sie nicht wieder brechen.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 4 ай бұрын
Es tut mir leid zu hören, was Sie durchgemacht haben, und es ist beeindruckend, dass Sie trotz dieser Herausforderungen aktiv bleiben und arbeiten. Ihre Geschichte zeigt, wie komplex Wirbelsäulenverletzungen sein können, und wie schwer es oft ist, eine richtige Diagnose zu stellen. Mögliche Ursachen und Überlegungen: Wirbelbrüche durch minimale Belastungen: Auch ohne Osteoporose oder Knochendichteprobleme können Wirbel manchmal durch Belastungen brechen, insbesondere wenn es kleine strukturelle Schwächen gibt, wie bei Hämangiomen. Auch wenn die meisten Ärzte sagen, dass Hämangiome normalerweise keine Brüche verursachen, gibt es Fälle, in denen sie eine Schwachstelle darstellen können, besonders wenn die Knochensubstanz generell belastet wird. Übersehene Brüche: Dass die Brüche bei früheren Untersuchungen übersehen wurden, kann daran liegen, dass frische Frakturen oft schwer zu sehen sind, insbesondere wenn sie stabil bleiben und keine Verlagerung der Wirbelkörper zeigen. Erst im Heilungsprozess werden solche Veränderungen oft deutlicher. Vertebroplastie oder Kyphoplastie: Diese Verfahren könnten für Sie interessant sein. Bei der Vertebroplastie wird ein spezieller Knochenzement in den Wirbel eingebracht, um Stabilität zu bieten und Schmerzen zu lindern. Die Kyphoplastie funktioniert ähnlich, hat jedoch zusätzlich den Vorteil, dass der Wirbel zunächst aufgerichtet werden kann, bevor der Zement eingebracht wird. Diese Verfahren werden normalerweise bei osteoporotischen Frakturen angewendet, könnten aber auch in Ihrem Fall Stabilität schaffen. Warum kein Arzt bisher aufgefüllt hat: Ärzte sind oft vorsichtig bei der Behandlung von Wirbeln mit Hämangiomen, da es theoretisch ein leicht erhöhtes Risiko für Komplikationen geben könnte. Es ist jedoch wichtig, einen erfahrenen Spezialisten zu finden, der die Prozedur sicher durchführen kann. Was Sie tun können: Spezialisten für minimal-invasive Wirbelsäulenoperationen aufsuchen: Sie sollten einen Wirbelsäulenchirurgen oder interventionellen Radiologen suchen, der Erfahrung mit Vertebroplastie oder Kyphoplastie hat, insbesondere in Fällen mit Hämangiomen. Manchmal sind Spezialkliniken oder Universitätskliniken die beste Anlaufstelle, da sie häufiger mit solchen komplexen Fällen zu tun haben. Belastungen weiter meiden: Es ist gut, dass Sie vorsichtig mit dem Heben schwerer Gegenstände sind. Auch wenn Sie jetzt fit sind, sollten Sie weiterhin übermäßige Belastungen der Wirbelsäule vermeiden, um das Risiko eines erneuten Bruchs zu minimieren. Regelmäßige Kontrollen: Auch wenn Ihre Knochendichte gut ist, kann es sinnvoll sein, den Zustand Ihrer Wirbel regelmäßig überprüfen zu lassen, um frühzeitig neue Veränderungen zu erkennen. Schmerzmanagement und Rehabilitation: Sollten erneut Schmerzen auftreten, könnten gezielte physiotherapeutische Maßnahmen und ein individuell angepasstes Rehabilitationsprogramm helfen, die Muskulatur zu stärken und die Wirbelsäule zu entlasten. Es ist großartig, dass Sie trotz der Komplikationen aktiv bleiben, und ich hoffe, dass Sie einen Arzt finden, der Ihre Wirbel stabilisieren kann. Bei weiteren Fragen oder Unsicherheiten sollten Sie nicht zögern, eine zweite oder dritte Meinung einzuholen, um die bestmögliche Behandlung zu erhalten.
@susensauerzopf8730 4 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Antwort. Ich hatte ein paar Tage Urlaub und war unterwegs, deshalb habe ich es gestern erst gelesen. Bei uns gibt es eine Schmerzklinik, die haben auf der Homepage sogar das Wort „Tumorschmerzen“ stehen. Die Ärztin Untersuchte mich und stellte fest, dass ich superbeweglich bin. Sie drückte mir eine Heilverordnung mit 6 Krankengymnastikbehandlungen in die Hand und formulierte dann, dass sie sich die MRT Bilder nicht anschaut, denn Hämangiome sind harmlos. Aus diesem Grund wurde ich abgelehnt. Man steht da, wie ein begossener Pudel und denkt, das kann, doch nicht war sein. Nächsten Monat habe ich bei einem Neurologen einen Termin, es ist der erste Arzt, der mich ernst nimmt. Er hat mir ein Schmerzmittel verschrieben, die schmerzen sind weniger. Ich bräuchte eine Überweisung, ich hoffe das er mich in eine Uniklinik überweißt. Ich habe das Gefühl, die Ärzte nehmen mich nicht ernst, denn für die Hausärzte bin ich gesund. Sie haben recht, dass die kleinen Untermieter, die meine Wirbel innerlich langsam verspeisen, die Struktur des Knochens schwächen. Sie bringen mich auf die Idee, dass ich Ärzte aufsuche, die sich mit Vertebroplastie oder Kyphoplastie auskennen. Vielleicht hat einer dieser Ärzte schonmal einen Hämangiomwirbel aufgefüllt? Sollte ich einen Arzt finden, dann ist das für mich wie ein Lottogewinn für die Knochensubstanz. Nochmals vielen Dank für den langen Text.
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga HALLELUJAH!!!@!!!@ FINALLY Some Reasonable Communication! Maybe we aught to learn German! GOOD RESPONSE THIS TIME!!! 🎉f🎆🎇
@jakeranee4948 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment, happy to know you found it usable. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@Anandapitaloka-f9k 2 ай бұрын
My father has a hemangioma in his lumbar spine, The doctor said that there was no solution to cure it. I need help, cause he was a lot of pain in his back and legs, which made his very weak.. 😢
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 2 ай бұрын
Hi, Thanks for your comment and question. If cause of your fathers symptoms is hemangioma there is a solution and treatment, however hemangioma rarely causes such a symptoms, it is likely to be something else. Regards, Janis Slezins MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@Anandapitaloka-f9k 2 ай бұрын
@ The doctor said it was because of the location of the hemangioma that made it difficult to take action.
@Anandapitaloka-f9k 2 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga its location is between the lumbar spine and the coccyx
@nandhinisathis6064 21 күн бұрын
Hi Doctor, I have neck shoulder and arms pain.... In my MRI well defined hemangioma included in c7 vertebral body... Pains due to hemangioma? Pls reply sir
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 20 күн бұрын
Hi, Probably pain is not related to hemangioma. This looks more like pain due to compression of nerve root, and as hemangiomas are extremely rarely causing pain to nerve roots, this is very unlikely to be the cause. More often such a symptoms are caused by degenerative changes in spine, like disc herniations, stenosis etc. Best regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@nandhinisathis6064 20 күн бұрын
​@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Thank you sir for your reply
@joy6097 11 ай бұрын
Very good video. As per mri report hemangioma seen L1 vertebra. At night there are little bit pain in thigh, calf. Please tell me is this ok or it is timor?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment and question. No hemangioma is not a tumor, however in rare occasions it can produce some pain, but it is not radiating elsewhere, therefore I believe your pain is likely not related to hemangioma. There should be another cause. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@joy6097 10 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Thankyou for your advice. Actually nerve root has been compressed between L3 and L4 and L5 in lumbar spine. So there is
@oscaryard77 5 күн бұрын
It cause me upper limbs numbness and other parts of my body too, I got numb a lot
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@twodaysworld8023 6 ай бұрын
Hi dr, my mother age 55, her hemangioma L5 vertebral, He feel leg burn...please give any suggestion.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 6 ай бұрын
Hi, need to look at the scans, as quite often hemangioma is not a cause of leg burn. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD
@Abhijit29 11 ай бұрын
Hi Doc, My sister is diagnosed with tiny lipo hemangioma in l5 l3 l1 vetebral ....she is only having on and off sciatica problem in interval of 4 months and RLS symptoms.Adding to it her iron level is on lower side . Kindly suggest if she needs to be on treatment.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 11 ай бұрын
Hi, Thanks for your comment and question. Tiny lipohamangomas are extremely unlikely to cause any symptoms. There should be another cause to explan pain, which is not possible to identify from your comment. General advise would be to engage in physiotherapy to build upa paraspinal muscles. Best regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD
@Abhijit29 11 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga thanks so much doctor for your valuable response.
@Tina-fj5gl 5 ай бұрын
What about atypical hemangiomas?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 5 ай бұрын
Hi. Thanks for your comment and question. That as a rare case when hemangioma is acting agressively and causing symptoms. In this case it needs treatment. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@bhouriasingh7984 Жыл бұрын
Hi Doctor My MRI accidentally show hemangioma on T4 or T11. I had numbness in left arm that’s by I went to mri, rest of mri normal but mri only shows hemangioma. I don’t have any symptoms. After check mri I have started some pain in the back. It can be from anxiety, because I have some health anxiety. Fear of disease. I waiting for your reply Thank you
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Hi, Thanks for the comment and question - hemangiomas are beningn lesions in spine without any clinical significance except very rare cases when hemangioma behaves agressively or is very large. It seems this is not your case. There is no need for follow up as they are not growing (except those very rare cases). Numbness in left arm cannot be related to hemantioma un T4 or T11 as nerves leaving from there do not end up in arm. Hope this helps, Regards, Mr. Janis Slezins, Md, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@bhouriasingh7984 Жыл бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Thank you doctor. I really appreciate your answer. You have removed my tension. I was very nervous and sad. I appreciate your efforts you give answer to my question. Thank you
@karimelghamry7527 11 ай бұрын
Hi doctor, I just got my MRI Results Benign T1 hyperintense foci in T11 and T12 likely represent venous malformations. This is fine
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 11 ай бұрын
Hi, Yes, most likely its fine and these finding do not have any clinical relevance. Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@zj3070 5 ай бұрын
I have atypical T10 hemangioma and have extreme mid back pain that elevates at high. I have been given strong painkillers and injected steroids as well but no relief in pain. Can kyphoplasty be helpful for pain relief? Will it cure hemangioma forever?
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 4 ай бұрын
Hi, thanks for your comment and question - yes, vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty will likely cure this forever. Best regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@amandakohtz3274 Ай бұрын
I have it in T7 they did radiation but it didn’t shrink. I’m allergic to pain pills so that’s a flipping blast. They said I’m not a candidate for any procedure due to the size and location. It sucks
@Pinki_anything 11 ай бұрын
Recently I had a MIR for L spine and says there is hemangioma. I did MIR because it’s been almost 5 to 6 years that I am having a back and leg pain, pain gets on and off. But recently I had a severe back pain especially lower spine area. So I am just concerned whether this symptoms are all because of the hemangioma. Please doctor advise me on this 🙏🏻
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 11 ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks for the comment and question. Hemagioma extremely rare has any clinical relevance and produce any kind of symtoms, therefore statistically its unlikely that it can be cause of your pain, however, without seeing images I am not able to say if you may be exception.
@Continental123-i2n 5 ай бұрын
It could be-
@ErinMorgan-o1d 3 ай бұрын
@@Continental123-i2nyes, after all the sucking up from other commenters! It takes a brick wall to fall down on them! AND DECADES OF HORRIBLE, EXCRUCIATING, CONSTANT PAIN IS ALL TOO RARE TO CORRECT???!!!
@fineartlifestyling Ай бұрын
Where is the location of your hemangioma??
@ГюзельКудрявцева-с2ф Жыл бұрын
Добрый день а можно будет перевод?у меня есть это заболевание операция прошла в 2017 .
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Спасибо за комментарий и вопрос! На канале есть видео на русском посвяшённый данной тематике. Доктор Янис Шлезиньш, нейрохирург, ДМН
@Moxi_Shukrona_Fuzail_Zubayr Жыл бұрын
​@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRigaЗдравствуйте в Москве?
@gamewithghost9792 5 ай бұрын
I have hemangioma at d6 level..is it dangerous? I have back pain and also leg pain
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 4 ай бұрын
Hi, in general, hemangiomas are not dangerous, however, in rare cases, they can cause pain. In this case, it is important to understand if your hemangioma is responsible for pain, if so, treatment in the form of vertebroplasty may be recommended. Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@mujunes Жыл бұрын
Brilliant! I appreciate it.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for your comment! Mr Janis Slezins, MD, Neurosurgeon
@manojvasnani4204 2 ай бұрын
Thank you doctor
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! I am happy to know you found my video usable. Best regards, Janis Slezins, Md, PhD, Neurosurgeon.
@Nawandikajayawardena 11 ай бұрын
Hi doctor What is a lipid poor hemongioma? Thnks doctor
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for you comment and question. Lipid poor hemangioma is just a sub type of hemangiomas, but there is no much of a difference between them in practical terms - vast majority of them do not require any treatment and does not have any clinical significance. Best regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@Nawandikajayawardena 11 ай бұрын
@@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga thanks doctor ❤️
@_dear.straw.brry_ 8 ай бұрын
Nice explain sirji... Sir As per my Mri report... I hve l..3 vertebral hemnagioma prolem. Pliz suggest me 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 And Dr gave me only some medicine like curecumin n piperine tablets and pregabalin n nortriptyline tblets.
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. If your hemangioma is causing problems, you most likely need vertebroplasty surgery, which we are happy to provide. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD
@asiarajouri1725 7 ай бұрын
Hindi translate
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga 7 ай бұрын
Unfurtunately I dont know hindi. Regards, Janis Slezins, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
@fan_pavel_sazhina Жыл бұрын
Що, не понятно
@BrainandSpineSurgeryRiga Жыл бұрын
Спасибо за комментарий! Доктор Янис Шлезиньш, нейрохирург
HEMANGIOMA: capillary & Cavernous. Clinical features & Morphology
So Cute 🥰 who is better?
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Cheerleader Transformation That Left Everyone Speechless! #shorts
Fabiosa Best Lifehacks
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Dr  McCormick's patient Joanna tells her spine tumor story HD
Columbia Neurosurgery
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Failed back surgery
Spine Surgeon Speaks
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What is Vertebral Hemangioma and how can it be treated? Dr. Ajay Kothari
Naczyniak trzonu L4 | #26 Radiologia
mojfizjo Wojciech Jabłoński
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Hepatic Hemangioma: Pitfalls & Mimics, Part I
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Is Spinal Stenosis serious? | The Clinic: Episode 1
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5 reasons failed back surgery syndrome occurs
Caring Medical & Hauser Neck Center
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So Cute 🥰 who is better?
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