Thanks Greg, no matter how old I get these things bare repeating to sink in for me & think about sometimes. a covenant is an ongoing accord, a promise, bargain, an agreement- like an HOA member, a Home Owners Agreement- its ongoing- you sign up and agree to its covenants when you buy a house in a neighborhood and then as long as you own it- its ongoing behaviors youve agreed to. If you reneg, you are going back on your word & in a deceptive manor. Its a Testament. The Old Testament is different than the New Testament. A new agreement. Thats ongoing. I remember the Get out of jail free card pushed in the 70s & 80s. Once Saved, always saved. (sounded good to me- no committment, perfect) My faith evolves/grows like I hopefully & try to do. Just when I think Ims a total loser I realize I have in fact grown over the years as I slowly get to know Him. I am relieved I am not the same christian I was 20 years ago. But a long way to go.