Feb 15, 2022: Jimmy Hoffa was involved with the 1963 hit on President Kennedy, but Bobby never bothered him again. My story: As a new Christian, I became embroiled with a crazy guy from Albuquerque's North Valley who earned his GED. Once again, my family's persecution forced me into another terrible situation. Guy {McIntyre} had become born-again in the Catholic Charismatic movement, which eventually led to bible teaching at the local parish. Raised in the Church as well, I felt inspired; however, I didn't realize I would barely get away with my life! I met him at his Catholic gift shop, which I later learned had been funded by illegal drugs. (I became his captive, often being sodomized and beaten. Terror became a part of my life, as the state health clinic confirmed I was pregnant.) Once he stated he'd most likely kill me 'accidentally' due to my petite frame, I left with my son and never turned back. NOTE: Guy once introduced me to a REAL mobster with the Mexican Mafia, whom he had contacted regarding concerns about me! Why? Guy, a former drug dealer, was convinced that I was working undercover for either the CIA or FBI. {My grandfathers were successful businessmen from northern New Mexico. As a Sandia graduate from the Heights, I was naïve, trusting and gullible, especially when 'Jesus' was mentioned.} IF I had lied or crossed them in any way, I KNOW they would have killed me. (Guy often warned me about being buried in an ABQ parking lot....without a trace. Screaming in my face he'd rant, "You are on my turf now. A tough little Christian....we will see. By the time I'm done, you will barely be able to survive.") With God's help, I divorced Guy but his curse has followed me for 25 years. This world is EVIL. JOHN 3:16-17