Weekly Vlog: Emergency Vlog - Setting the Record Straight

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Bright Line Eating

Bright Line Eating

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@deepdriedinkelvin Жыл бұрын
As a professional writer (journalist) I really hope JoAnn is appropriately compensated and acknowledged
@cindynorsworthy1189 Жыл бұрын
YES!!! Joann Campbell Rice needs to be acknowledged! She has been a brillant part of the team for a long time! So grateful you see her contribution in the book and to BLE. From day one when she was introducted she has been a joy and a blessing to this community. Her ability to create, present and support this community is a gift. When she spoke to us in 2019 at Phoenix's Brightest in 2019 I knew she has several books in her. Have you been able to listien to what she shared with us that day? She is a hidden gem , let's let her shine. Thank you!
@mkatyo Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that you recognized Joanne's contribution, even if after the book was published-- and that you're looking to remedy it. I hope she not only gets credit going forward but also a percentage of the profits. That's deserved as much as being a co-author. I've worked for bosses who didn't appreciate their team's contribution to their success and it's demoralizing. The end result is that the leader usually ends up having to replace good people again and again and again...
@dianeboissett669 Жыл бұрын
This was so hard to watch, not from the perspective of Susan not sharing JoAnn’s massive contribution to this book, but from JoAnn not feeling empowered to speak up to her boss. Well done for getting this out into the open Susan. BLE is Susan’s baby as the founder of this movement, but the people that work for her are the ones that keep the wheels spinning and this movement needs to be bigger than one person, it should be all about all of us.
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
@christina-wq8lg 11 ай бұрын
I'm sure it's a great comfort to JCR that you seemingly only teared up over not being able to breastfeed your babies while making a supposed "amends" to her about "inadvertently" (seems like too much time has passed to still consider this "inadvertent") presenting her work as your own. A proper amends is a sincere apology (leave the “parts” babble out of it) and doing what is necessary to make things right (like acknowledgment and compensation), not making excuses and drawing bizarre and OTT dramatic analogies to paint yourself-again-as a victim (you weren’t able to breastfeed your babies, seriously?!). JCR, as always, is a gracious class act and whatever you are paying her salary-wise is not nearly enough. Listening to her perspective on recovery on the accountability/coaching calls is always time well spent. Other than Dr. Joy, she is the only other true and *professional* coach that BLE has. Unlike the other 2, she doesn't constantly interrupt the callers to interject her personal stories and she doesn't waste time reading and participating with the chat thread (despite announcing that hands are up) or dispensing scientifically disproven nutritional advice. Until the breastfeeding segue, the amends sounded sincere enough, I suppose. Now how about JCR's share of the royalties and a second edition of the book with the appropriate credit given? Yes, I understand that bookwriting is rarely a solo act, but tasking an employee with writing material for your book and not giving any credit or compensation for the above-and-beyond work is just plain demoralizing to that employee. I do hope you will strive to do better moving forward. FWIW, I returned my copy of the book after I saw this latest dramatic episode, but I will consider purchasing another copy when I see JCR given the credit that is due. Or just wait to buy HER book.
@TuesdayWoman Жыл бұрын
Susan - I rarely comment, here or in the FB community, but thank you for being so so vulnerable and owning up to your mistakes, and most of all, for giving credit where credit is due. Few people would be brave enough to go out on this ledge of amends, inviting more criticism, dealing with next steps with the publisher, but it was the right thing to do in so many ways. Congrats to you on this lovely book (already have my copy!) and CONGRATS JOANN, co-author and BLE coach-extraordinaire, for this achievement. -Rox
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
😄😍🥰 Thank you for commenting!
@martyduke3139 11 ай бұрын
Observations (& Just a Little Commentary): 1. SPT spent about 60 seconds praising & affirming Joanne. 2. SPT also affirmed herself: "I'm a Great Writer!" After the professional writer wrote entire first book draft, SPT went on a writer's retreat for 3 weeks & " spent sleepless nights & round- the- clock work" [ on just her story]. " I was surprised how good it was!" SPT gave the format to JCR for the book: Title, Quote, Blurb & Mantra. That is the format for many/ most daily readers. SPT said " I envisioned that!! I gave JCR ALL OF THAT as structure! After JCR wrote the entire draft/ book, SPT "I pored over it with a fine tooth comb!" SPT: "I will be gentle with myself that has been grieving my book. 😢" This Podcast Host stated at the outset "I'm here to make amends." ~ Amends to JCR approximately 60 seconds. ~Reasons for not giving JCR credit & Expressions of Compassion for Self: ~"I shined a light on the recesses of my mind" ~"I have been hiding from myself...painful for ME" ~"Super painful & emotional for ME" ~" So painful to realize I couldn't write 1st draft" "I had an Exile part [that didnt know I didnt write the book] & then a Protector part " ~"I have a wounded, tender, little part of me & a fierce, protector part" ~My protector part so FIERCE I didnt see it unti this week! This is all news to me, Folks!!" God bless my sweet, protective parts!!" ~"I've done a lot of crying" ~Re: the making amends part: "I've been working as hard & as fast as I can!!" ~"And I will be gentle with myself that has been grieving my book 😢" ~[See others' comments on the disappointing & sad breastfeeding experiences, as part of this amends. (?) Most of this long Comment has been statements of facts & direct quotes. Here, however, is some brief commentary & a few Closing Thoughts: 1. Something trying to break through, something hidden, deep in the recesses, an unknown Part: an Exile, a Wounded One, a Fierce Protector? A Conscience? 2. I am making no judgment on SPT's honesty or character. Some here have suggested that her failure to give JCR credit ( 4 years later) was intentional & manipulative. I cannot see into anyone's heart & cannot judge anyone, even myself. However, if everything shared here is honest & true, what an amazing lack of self-awareness. 😮😢 (Ph.D. notwithstanding). 3. I am grateful for SPT, both her personal recovery & the academic information she has shared for the past 8+ years. 4. I do not think that Joanne Campbell Rice is a Co- Author. I think that she is the Primary Author. I'm pretty sure of it! 😊 5. I have asked God (& will continue to ask Him) to keep on blessing SPT personally & professionally & all her Loved Ones. ❤
@bethhoover6923 Жыл бұрын
So my thought is that when you need to print more books, you need to reprint the cover with Joann a co author. You also need to compensate her financially
@TheaOrsetti Жыл бұрын
@amy2284 11 ай бұрын
I agree!
@cmae77 11 ай бұрын
@sonyawulff4602 Жыл бұрын
You ask what else can you do? You can split the proceeds with her..that’s part of ammends
@kathykerr1202 Жыл бұрын
Hay House is capable of making extremely rapid changes. When Doreen Virtue converted to Christianity and decided she did not want her name authored on any of the products, Co-author Radleigh Valentine's name started appearing solo on the products. It happened almost overnight.
@Melodyinthe6 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this is how pubic accountability should be done! Thank you, Susan and Joanne Campbell Rice for setting an example for awareness, integrity, accountability given freely, and an attempt to make things right. The publishing industry may re-examine how they operate because of this conversation and the ripples from it. Much love to both of you! ♥
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
@jobryson Жыл бұрын
Publicly admitting ones’s mistakes and taking accountability for them is the highest level of humility and piety. Well done Susan and maybe now your broken part can heal. You’ve grown before our eyes in so many ways since 2016. 🙏🏻💕☺️
@debtfreedivas8513 2 ай бұрын
Yes and yes. I wonder how many of the people publicly shaming Susan here have ever made an internationally broadcast amends. Wild guess: 0
@KellyPeterson-c9e Жыл бұрын
Susan, I cannot imagine the enormous amount of stress you are under even considering the tremendous amount of support you have. I was nodding my head when JoAnn said the pressure was taken off since she wasn't on the cover. You will be gentle with yourself during this grieving process. I know that if I were in your shoes, making these amends, being vulnerable to share this deeply personal information with everyone AND being gentle with myself, would be the only way I could truly survive without substances, and I'm so grateful that you role model that for me. And THANK YOU to all the people who are a part of Susan's village. I know it takes a village. Being in recovery is remedial adulthood. We need our village. Thank you to all those who contribute! You all are such gifts!
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
@limoncellosmith7594 Жыл бұрын
Wow there seems to be a LOT of drama around the release of this book for some reason. As an author myself, I have no idea how such a thing could have occurred, despite the explanation, and can only think this is the public view of the iceberg. I love BLE for its solid program and huge support network, but have no desire to engage in such drama when we don't know the whole picture.
@NancyMasterson-Newkirk 11 ай бұрын
I agree and it's very disappointing.
@JohnAsams Жыл бұрын
I listened to the entire vlog but no mention of compensation to your co-author. Good grief. :(
@lydee0981 Жыл бұрын
Bravo SPT to recognize this about yourself and to share it here. I have to say I am relieved to know you pretty much edited the book. You are so talented in many areas, but this book topic is not your wheel house. I wasn't really buying you have this depth and calm to share like this in a daily reader. When I saw the content, I was really surprised at the quality. So this makes sense that a mature giving, developed,kind, non self absorbed,caring, vested healing spirit like Joanne is really the author, and you are the co-author. Thanks for telling the truth here, I can imagine how challenging this is. Integrity, as it turns out, is more than splitting blueberries when weighing ones food,eh? Yep, much more. Makes sense why you didn't want to market it and had so many issues. I think it's great you are making this public amends and plan to feature her on the next edition. These are all words. How about some actions now and give her financial compensation of a co-author now. That's something that can happen now. Pay her NOW to make amends. You'll feel better and so will all of your parts, IMHO.
@mardellgunn2059 Жыл бұрын
I don't usually write comments but so appreciative of how I heard Joannes response.... "yes of course I appreciate acknowledgment but I have a gift of writing and I am just the conduit. I am privileged to be able to be able to do that." If we all offered our gifts without greed, or need for self confirmation our world would be a better place. I appreciate Susans transparency as well
@leslielike793 Жыл бұрын
I hope the recognition includes financial compensation as well. Kudos to you for publicly rewarding all the unrecognized work JoAnn did on the book. On page 181, in the last few sentences, starting with; "What qualities do you admire or respect in a person?", seems to stand out as a question that is easy to answer today. I think we all respect SPT today.
@chickadee818 11 ай бұрын
I love Susan and her program. I’ve been around since 2016. Back then, each Boot Camper received a beautiful handwritten card from Susan. But at some point, Susan admitted that it was someone else who wrote them. This kind of feels like that to me.
@NancyMasterson-Newkirk 11 ай бұрын
This is so disappointing and self serving. Susan should have known better. Joanne must be added as a co-author and should share in the royalties. I'm a Bright Lifer and BLE member since 2019. I bought the book and am enjoying it, but this leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.
@splendidmacadamia21495 11 ай бұрын
SPT was the editor. Credit Joanne Campbell rice as the author and you get credit as the editor
@cmae77 Жыл бұрын
Knowingly appropriating someone's work then admitting it after it's too late to either compensate them or give them any meaningful credit doesn't show integrity - it shows calculation.
@Karen-og8fv Жыл бұрын
I trust Susan's perspective on this. We know what we know when we know it. She did not even have to bring this up or acknowledge this but she is a truth teller. Trust the process and that Joanne will be compensated. Trust Joanne's story in this as well. She is at peace.
@cmae77 Жыл бұрын
If someone is trained as an academic and they don't know the difference between their own work and publishing someone else's under their own name, they either weren't trained very well and aren't very good at their job or they aren't being completely honest.
@splendidmacadamia21495 11 ай бұрын
I agree 100 percent!!!!!!! There are just so many holes and questions about things SPT has said about stuff In the past.
@cjgh4348 11 ай бұрын
This isn’t an academic work, it’s an inspirational self help post it. Do you honestly think these books are being written by one person looking out over the bay and sipping coffee in a modest yet stylish one bedroom studio? Please.
@cmae77 11 ай бұрын
^ Not the point and totally changing the subject. The"author" of Bright Line Eating bases her credibility on her academic credentials yet she produces no original work of her own, claims credit for work others produce, and even goes so far as to say that "no one writes their own books" (which is hilarious). Give me a break.
@lisatimm3599 Жыл бұрын
Oh JoAnn, You are so gracious!!
@msjanicen Жыл бұрын
Big virtual hugs to JoAnn. A difficult situation but important lesson. You are remarkable. You are adored by so many for your strength, wisdom, and ability to share your amazingness to help others. Inspiring.
@sharonjaso3877 11 ай бұрын
I hope you are also including JoAnn on the financial benefits of being a co-author. I appreciate you coming forward and how you are currently handling this. Although the shift at the end to your losses seemed an odd way of bringing focus to yourself as victim…keep on living and learning and sharing. I’m excited to see where your growth leads as you continue this mission.
@sandytw5229 Жыл бұрын
I am surprised to watch this, I have been a fan of yours since the very early days & I know from the very beginning the objective was to write the book way before any of the rest of BLE happened...The baby stories sounded like a distraction, not sure what that was all about? How about having JoAnn do a book tour on her own? You are her boss, there was only so much she could say on camera... Ask her off camera how you can make it up to her? Well done on admitting your mistake, now how about privately making it right 🙏
@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Жыл бұрын
We’ve been speaking privately every day, sometimes more than once. For sure.
@KateGerard-qz8kf Жыл бұрын
Susan, I’ve always loved and your authenticity and integrity, and this vlog is a living embodiment of that. You are a shining example of what it how to be a loving, aware, authentic human being. Thank you so much for being you.
@margaretterris1925 Жыл бұрын
O Susan…what’s going on…this vlog doesn’t sit well with me…
@alissapearson3070 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely beautiful message! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this very humbling experience! I appreciate your integrity, your bravery, your authenticity and your humility! This was inspiring in more ways than you probably realize! Thank you! Thank you both! ❤
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
Thank you! 🤩🤩
@evepolastri5570 Жыл бұрын
There is so much to take away in this vlog from both of your sides. My deepest respect and thanks for the confessions and showing how tragic but transformative processes between humans can be solved. I love you both so much in this moment. Thank you!
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
We appreciate you 🧡🧡
@Divinemule Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Susan, for this incredible example of humanity and integrity. So glad JoAnn joined the zoom with her beautiful smile, honesty and wisdom. Thank you both for being powerful people who practice what they preach. I am so grateful to be a part of the BLE community of learners!❤️💪🌟❤️
@raybepko9709 Жыл бұрын
Susan, a very long time ago a friend from AA told me I was just AFHB and remembering that would be very helpful in my sober journey. I have and it has been. I'm just Another Fallible Human Being. As are you. As are we all. Blessings to you and to JoAnn.
@brendafarris7350 Жыл бұрын
TY for your public acknowledgment. So beautiful to get to know this second author to your book !
@kirstin9609 Жыл бұрын
❤❤Joann is a true shining beacon of grace and humility, and I love her and this book even more now! Susan, I was sad to hear your pain around not writing the BLE books completely on your own, because what you and the team have created is a gift to the world. It was funny you brought up breastfeeding because while you were describing your disappointment around the first drafts not being created how you expected they would, it reminded me so much of women being mad at how they birthed or created their child and sometimes losing site of the beautiful family in front of them. Sending you and Joann so much love! Thank you for this beautiful vlog and Susan thank you for your example of vulnerability and authenticity.
@angelaglasser2205 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Susan for making it right and making amends! You are an amazing role model. I hadn't bought the book yet and this blog has made me want to buy it today. What an incredible example of integrity and accountability. It was so nice to "meet" JoAnn. What a lovely human being.
@NicBathurst Жыл бұрын
Yes acknowledging your oversight so vulnerably...but also to financially reward?
@ElizabethEllisCoach 4 ай бұрын
I just have to say that I love you and admire you, your raw honestly, your humanity. I’ve been here since the beginning and am tracking all the pieces and parts. So grateful to you for all you contribute, who you are, and all you share. So much appreciation for you. Loved seeing the conversation between you and Joanne as well. So real. Such wisdom.
@janesheetz Жыл бұрын
When I read the introduction to the book, the thought crossed my mind that it was strange JoAnn wasn’t a co-author. Now I understand what happened. I’m so glad you were able to shoot this vlog and make the amends needed for peace with JoAnn and in yourself. The book is wonderful and you have both done an amazing work!!!!
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
We're so glad you are enjoying it 🥰🥰
@ShahrzadMoez-zl7sv Жыл бұрын
Kudos to both of you. This has been therapeutic for me, a complete outsider. I’m sure it’s secondary but important: will author royalties be shared in some form? Take care.
@marymcevillyhernandez-imag9888 Жыл бұрын
This point bubbled up for me as well
@SusansAgility Жыл бұрын
My mind and heart are so full of love for you, Susan, and you, JoAnn. The courage that both of you have shared with us in the VLOG, and the process leading up to it, is so......I can't find the words! Inspiring, remarkable, raw, honest, courageous, touching. You have demonstrated the powerful process of discovering an inner truth and then making a profound amends--together. I am just God-smacked. You both have just verified the authenticity of the Bright Line Eating movement. It is so much more than a tool for weight or addiction management; it is truly a powerful process of emotional, mental, and spiritual growth that can actually happen when we are not consumed by our obsession with food and debilitating shame. I am so grateful for both of you. And thank you, both, for this wonderful book!
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🥰🥰
@martyduke3139 11 ай бұрын
Curious what inner truth you saw discovered? And what aspect of the amends made it seem profound to you?
@SusansAgility 11 ай бұрын
Hi Marty, I'm sorry it has taken me a while to repond to your questions. The 'inner truth" I saw was Susan's discovery of the wounded parts of herself and her history that blinded her from being able to see clearly her mistake in not recognizing and crediting JoAnn for her work. The fact that Susan was willing to go on video and apologize to JoAnn and her entire community seems to be to be a profound act of courage. I'm sure Susan knew she would draw more ire and criticism from many people by making this inner struggle for her so public--and reading the responses to this VLOG confirms this. We are so very hard on each other. Living a life of integrity is not easy, and at least I see Susan trying to model a way to take responsibility for one's mistakes and make amends. Like many others, I hope JoAnn is recognized and compensated for her work. That will be the real test of Susan's authenticity. In the meantime, I choose to practice compassion and forgiveness.@@martyduke3139
@JudyFuller-c4v Жыл бұрын
Awww, with this "emergency vlog," what a wonderful acknowledgement of JoAnn Campbell-Rice as the HUGE creative talent behind every single day to read, in ON THIS BRIGHT DAY! I was not able to be on any of the Lunch Lives except for Thursday, when you cried your heart out, with Nicola Kraus also sitting there in the Zoom box next to you, at lunch with all of us; it truly was so special to be on the Zoom that day! Dr. Susan, you have been able to surround yourself with some wonderful helpers, and all of us in the BLE movement are blessed by you and ALL of them! Having the recording, in this vlog, of the Zoom meeting you and JoAnn had, was really precious, as well. Thank you for your honesty, genuineness and tender heart. Much love & many hugs & kisses!💖
@LisaKrijger Жыл бұрын
Wow - so powerful. I wasn't planning on buying this book (have so many things going on), but now I HAVE to. Just purchased a hardcover. Transparency and honesty is how humanity and life can move forward. Respect.
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
🙏Much love.
@marlysalger4231 11 ай бұрын
I would expect that JoAnn will receive half of the proceeds of this book that she co-wrote. I also would like everyone who bought the book to get a sticker/some kind of recognition to add to our books to acknowledge that JoANN Campbell-Rice is a co-author of this book. I believe there is a lot we/the public do not know about the behind the scenes issues leading up to this vlog, however, at the very least your EGO got in the way of acknowledging JoAnn PRIOR to publishing this book. I also suspect that people in the community were talking and you knew you'd eventually have to deal with this issue so you jumped in front and shot this vlog.
@auntsue5718 11 ай бұрын
I have to say that I agree with this. I wonder what people that were on the live call think.
@marlysalger4231 11 ай бұрын
That is a good question! It is sometimes hard for some people to call out what they believe to be true, especially if they work at the company, or in this case they are all attached to the community, many deeply connected. Being nice is a value many hold regardless of the circumstances. Susan knew how much work JoAnn put into this book. JoAnn is an amazing human and I hope from now on she speaks up for herself! My comment got immediately buried. It's still there but buried.........@@auntsue5718
@martyduke3139 11 ай бұрын
Awesome, powerful, perceptive & loving! Guessing you probably work a good program! ❤ And have a low tolerance for bullshit, as I do. TY!
@alp18081 4 ай бұрын
Only half? Please, she wrote the book she deserves all of it except for what she chooses to pay SPT and Nicola.
@marlysalger4231 4 ай бұрын
@@alp18081 Sounds like this is still an issue. I was appalled at her EGO and self centeredness regarding JoAnn back then and hoped this would be remedied.
@debmoyle-iy6mr Жыл бұрын
Wow. Just Wow. Joanne, you are amazing. You shine Bright !!!! I agree with Susan. You should definitely have been Co-Author!
@tinaavantis6900 Жыл бұрын
Oh Susan! ❤ I have only seen the first half of this vlog yet, but I know exactly what is to come. I know, because I eas there. This had to come. I was in awe at that tea party - listening to the conversation, watching the tears. The few days that has passed since I have so much hoped you would say something about it. Before maybe anybody else would. I have struggeled watching all the book advertisements these last few days, because it did not feel right. You know this feeling. So I was hoping for something like this - not thinking it would actually come. And there you are. Just like that. So brave! I feel honoured to have sat with JoAnn and you in the tea party. And today - just now Susan - I gained so much respect for you and for BLE that I might just be able to come all the way in and sit all the way down. Such a beautiful example of doing mistakes and admitting them to the world. Of being human. Thanks! 💚❤️💚 I will now watch this whole vlog. Love and respect from Tina Avantis, psychologist, Norway
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
Tina, thank you so much for taking the time to comment. 🧡
@missygrinnell2905 Жыл бұрын
I too was there during the first moments this all came to light. I was crying with such beautiful tears of gratitude for the care, vulnerability, willingness to speak hard things and find correction and restoration. Isn’t this how we should all live. My respect for both of you was already off the charts, now it’s even more so. Thank you. Thank you both!
@AquaSagebrush Жыл бұрын
So… is Joann going on book tour with you and can you do the interviews without “being the boss” and show up as a true and equal co-author?
@amymckee2306 Жыл бұрын
… and when we are wrong promptly admitting it. Thank you for sharing this amends with the BLE community. I am enjoying and benefiting from the daily readings in OTBD. I will now be able to visualize both authors each morning as I read.
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
We love this! 🧡🧡
@marshaweiner298 Жыл бұрын
When I heard this, I IMMEDIATELY opened my book to the very front, and in red ink, I wrote that it is coauthored by Joanne Campbell Rice, and now when I open it, I'm reminded of how AWESONE BOTH ladies are in putting this book together! I LOVE THIS BOOK AND TREASURE HAVING IT! THANK YOU BOTH for bringing it to us!❣️👌💖
@AndrewStennett-v7d Жыл бұрын
Respect to you for this. I underdstand the dificulties in changing credits so late in the day. However i feel that a rebased calculation of royalties due would easily achievable with mutual agreement with the co author using direct accounting from your publisher. This could be without changing the public credits on the understanding 3rd print tund would be changed.
@kathykerr1202 Жыл бұрын
Justification is not contrition
@TheSusiq485 Жыл бұрын
To witness this first hand this week has done nothing more than love you, JoAnn and this beautiful movement even more ❤ such beautiful amends. You show us daily how to live this human life thing in which we are all involved with Grace, hope and love ❤️
@NancyNewby Жыл бұрын
Your are a special lady for coming forward. It makes me want to read your and Joanne's book even more! Thank you for sharing your honesty to the world. I have the upmost trust and respect for you. Love to you and Joanne!
@splendidmacadamia21495 11 ай бұрын
You know…. I wouldn’t care if you had been up front and honest about this. You have said in vlogs and other things that you were up early in the morning and writing the book and blah blah blah. I really feel like what else have you lied about?!! I think it’s sad. Why lie? What else have you lied about?!
@mongoliamel Жыл бұрын
Oh, the two of you. This really touched my heart. Thank you for being so vulnerable with each other and all of us. Such courage!
@johenry6534 11 ай бұрын
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Susan and JoAnn, this is what public accountability, reconciliation, and healing really can look like. I am left breathless from this vlog and full of hope that models of mistakes and reparations such as this are in the world - we need them. Susan, thank you for your vulnerability and honesty. JoAnn, thank you for showing us what grace when wronged can look like. I was so touched by the way you chose to look for opportunities for growth and gratitude: never questioning timing; gently examining your pattern of not speaking up for yourself (me too); and even acknowledging some of the ways this was a gift to you. That's such strength of character. Lastly, thank you Susan, for opening up a public conversation about "just the way books are written these days." I am a writer that turned ghost writer as the publishing industry has become ever-more risk adverse, looking only to publish big names to ensure sales. I understand this tough moment in publishing, but I also see a trail of broken-hearted creatives strewn all over the path to publication. I didn't even realize the extent I was grieving my own creative "ghosting" as I watched book after book that I wrote or co-wrote take off and soar in the world, sometimes going to best-seller status while someone else took all the credit. I closed my business a few months ago after my heart just couldn't take it any more. Yes, I was a "hired gun" and paid for what I did. Yes, I felt grief. I don't know any other industry that takes people's creative work and erases them so completely as in the world of writing. Just because it has become normalized doesn't make it right. Susan, I never saw the broken heart of the person who couldn't write their own book before and that also touched me deeply. Something is healing in me too from this vlog. Thank you, Susan and JoAnn.
@sorshae.elsbernd Жыл бұрын
This was so healing to watch. Thank you both. The struggle with not speaking up and asking for what I want really hit home for me. And Dr. Susan, seeing your graceful apology brought me to tears. Thank you both for being so vulnerable and sharing this.
@carolcaldwell Жыл бұрын
I am the granddaughter of an antiques dealer. I have in my possession, a first edition copy from an author who had printed, a modified full title page pasted on to the existing page. It makes the book more unique, and as a result, more financially valuable. I would be willing to paste pages into books to make these books even more special!😃
@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Жыл бұрын
What an interesting idea! Now that’s something I hadn’t considered. Not the cover but the internal title page-pasting an alternate title page before shipping out to distribution?
@carolcaldwell Жыл бұрын
@@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Yes!
@thaisabernethy-mcclure3421 Жыл бұрын
Everything is as it should be. Wonderful classroom so we can all learn. Thank you for your vulnerability. All things are lessons God would have me learn. Love it. The past is gone. Let's celebrate the now 🎉🎉🎉
@diandenmark Жыл бұрын
I have actually been waiting for this to happen ... I am so happy for both of you that it has - and grateful for your sharing.
@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Жыл бұрын
Really? Did you know JoAnn four years ago when she was creating the spreadsheet she contributed to the book? Is that why?
@Krnhim Жыл бұрын
A fiscal gesture is always honoring to the person. But aside from all of that, I hope you don't let this experience still your joy because there is treasure in the darkness!
@zandragotteberg1007 Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you. I recently opted out of my BLE membership after 1.5yrs. After reaching my goal I seemed to struggle and Susan did say in a zoom call that I had not done my homework (maintenance studies). Bad habits had snuck in so I joined the 2nd bootcamp. Still I struggled also with delving into accountability and the psycology of it all. Now I see the importance of parts work which I avoided due to YEARS of therapy for specific reasons. The result is a good life so I felt no need for more deep diving.. It seemed pointless being a member if I could not follow the plan. Perhaps signing on for a course with Everet Consodine would help me stay on track now. I am still no flour, no sugar at home and as best I can when out. Ps Joanne was on my 1st group as mentor until the system changed and I missed her.
@dragonlei3 11 ай бұрын
I received my book and have been loving it. Thank you Susan & JoAnn. Simmering thoughts coming up and exploring. Thank you so much for sharing! 💛. I am adding her to the book as a co-author
@pinkskiestoday Жыл бұрын
World leaders should have conversations in this manner.
@jonbug8098 10 ай бұрын
This confirms what I’ve always felt about SPT. She is not an authentic person.
@patstarkey8289 11 ай бұрын
JoAnn you are a beautiful shining Light. ❤
@kathykerr1202 Жыл бұрын
Pay her. A bunch.
@laurelbrett Жыл бұрын
Bright Line Eating is not for me, but I follow you, Susan, for your transparency. Facing oneself is hard and being public is even harder. What wasn’t said, but was implied, is that you wanted people mislead. You wanted us to think you’d authored these books. That’s obviously out ethics and not just an oversight, but it reveals such a wound in you. You still don’t feel worthy, but you are. As a writer, professor, and mother I wrote my own books and got a rave from the NYT, but I am not a celebrity. I can’t get later books published. Your celebrity status makes your name the most important. The goal is to sell books. I hate that talent takes aback seat to money. Not your fault. It just is. I thought JoAnn was still hiding resentment from herself. I hope she enjoys half the profits. Write your own memoir. Do you really want to join the ranks of the super privileged? If you can’t, enough of your story is already out there. Lastly, thank you for sharing. You’re a beautiful woman inside and out. The narcissism is a killer. You are so fortunate that you can make things right. My husband died suddenly, and I am suddenly aware of so many of my own shortcomings with no remedy. You can change things and are. Brava.😊
@DianeKluft 11 ай бұрын
I adore you Susan, but I do have to say this vlog IS all about YOU and inappropriate to post in such backstory detail for your BLE audience. That’s what therapy is for. All the best to you.
@stephiejane Жыл бұрын
I would only assume that there are many fingers in the pie so to speak when it comes to writing a book. You are amazing for acknowledging those who assisted you in writing your fabulous books. I applaud you and your team for all that you have done for your community. Sending loving and healing thoughts to you all.
@marshaweiner298 Жыл бұрын
Thank you SUSAN! I immediately took my book and wrote on the inside front cover that she is a co-author with you on this book.,🥰👌❣️. So, every time I copen it now, I'll be able to see it!💕👌❣️
@thriveonseminars9183 11 ай бұрын
So brave and so humble. Thanks ladies for showing how recovery looks.
@carolyncooley3035 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your transparency.
@loriabbott308 Жыл бұрын
Very disappointing. This was no inadvertent overlook.
@laurieolson7425 Жыл бұрын
The book is fabulous and I'm not a huge lover of daily readers. I've read my start day, my birthday, this past week, and a bunch of other meaning full days to me and they have all been fantastic. I love, love, love the book! Thank you both so much!!!! Thank you, Susan, for the transparency. JoAnn, I know you have another book in you too and I can't wait to read it when that happens. I love you both so much. It has been fantastic to be part of those Lunchtime lives.
@JillianRiley 11 ай бұрын
I am in awe of both of you for your honesty, vulnerability, and willingness to share this. What a beautiful example of grace. Thank you. Susan, I am so grateful you allowed your book to come out into the world as it did. I may not have found BLE otherwise. Thank you for allowing it to be "not the perfect" situation so that it could find me when it did.
@daphnecaldwellrackley8289 Жыл бұрын
How real! How painful and joyful! Such a gift to watch this series of confessions and reconciliations to yourselves and one another.
@LauraBrads Жыл бұрын
As I said to you in your book launch Facebook live this week, you are so very real and so very very relatable. This vlog just put the”!” to that statement. We are all human and make mistakes. One of the hardest things for me to have been told is that you have to delegate things, and we cannot take the weight of the world on our own shoulders. And you have done just that. It is definitely okay to ask for help. You did not do anything with malice or intention, and was simply an oversight but you are making amends and working to make it right which is the most important part. You did what you had to do to get your message to the masses and you have helped thousands and thousands of people which could not have been done on your own. Including me! For that I am forever grateful. I am thankful for everyone who has helped you write your books, including yourself. I can also relate to your childbearing stories as I myself had two Emergency C-sections and not great pregnancies and not how I pictured motherhood to go at all before they were even born. But looking at my now grown young men of 25 and 26, everything went as it should have, and everything is perfect, as it is with yours. Again, Dr. Susan, thank you so very much for all you have done and continue to do and will do. Thank you for all those who have helped you along this journey and will continue to help you. We love you and appreciate you immensely! Just remember to give yourself grace.
@everystitchaprayer6268 Жыл бұрын
This was beautiful, both sides, together. Great modeling. Thank you so much for this example! Love you, Susan!♥ Honored to meet you, JoAnn!♥
@carolyncooley3035 Жыл бұрын
Good teachers and leaders are humble and bury their ego for the greater good on every endeavor.
@maryclark1905 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Susan. We have so few public examples of rethinking how credit is due, how credit is acknowledged, and how to banish the ever present archetype in our society of the lone genius, the celebrity, the exceptional individual. I so, so appreciate you tackling an archetype that you also embody, (the exceptional individual/celebrity) so that your leadership comes to embrace and acknowledge the contributions of all. I am reminded of the stories that have come out over the past few years of Nobel prize -winning male scientists, whose wives and female lab partners had significant contributions to the work that won the scientist a Nobel prize, and that very rarely were those women acknowledged in a timely fashion. So again, kudos to you, Susan, and to your own path and sobriety for noticing and speaking up publicly. Well done. My last comment is that , a word you never mentioned, Susan, was shame, and perhaps there isn’t shame, and perhaps you chose not to use that word, but I was surprised-I kept expecting you to mention the word, ashamed, (even in regards to your very young parts) and I was surprised I didn’t hear it. Not a judgment, just a surprise. You know your truth, and you are speaking it. But boy do we live in a culture that punishes people by public shaming them, not the least of which are academics, and, the idea of women in science, in general not coming up to standard. Hence my surprise at not hearing the word. But again, praise to both of you. This is such an important topic for so many people in their sobriety journey, in their work journey, and in our culture of individual achievement.
@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Жыл бұрын
Yes, there was shame. Good catch. Yes. Shame from the very first book that I didn’t write it all myself. A part of me felt deeply ashamed of that and so I hid it.
@LynnWilliams-r5t Жыл бұрын
I am a brand new member and so far very encouraged by the straightforward science and approach. However, this is far too dramatic for me at this stage. I think please keep this type of thing with your business partners and staff. I'm feeling strong on concept, but skittish on marketing blitz drama.
@limoncellosmith7594 Жыл бұрын
@allisonkimmel8647 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. We're imperfect human beings.
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
@hoosiercelticchic8253 Жыл бұрын
🙏🏼💓🙏🏼 just beautiful, sweet lady!! this emergency vlog is all the reasons i love you - all in God’s time!! your vulnerability gives me permission to stretch myself, check myself and be brave. i need this gift you’ve given me in so many areas of my life. your heart & soul are so beautiful- blessing so many - i hope you come out the other side feeling great & i know you’re learning lessons all along the way… i have an idea - print up a sticker- maybe 🩷 shaped? and put Joann’s name & co-authorship & send to us or make it printable or a bookmark with that info! I AM SO SO SORRY TO SEE YOU UPSET & SO glad you’re promising to be gentle - YOU’RE AMAZING!! sending you light and love and the deepest admiration - to you & Joann!
@AtMyHappyPlace Жыл бұрын
While I love the BLE food program structure I am not a fan of the perpetual marketing of the program and drama that comes up, this is not the first apology I’ve heard. I’m sure my comment will be deleted but what upsets me most is that the original boot camp was touted as “the solution” yet it’s been a never ending marketing campaign with the original book, 14 day challenge, bootcamp, bright lifers, bootcamp 1 access then lost if not a monthly paying member. Cookbook, Rezoom book, NEW bootcamp launch, now this book and this drama. Cha-Ching $ and disingenuous and only one persons net worth is continuously growing exponentially from it all, SPT, at the expense of people suffering with food addiction.
@TheaOrsetti Жыл бұрын
Well said!!
@margaretterris1925 Жыл бұрын
Powerful stuff❤
@jkfiore2144 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. It's like a life time membership into the material part of the ... I'm not really sure what to call it bc program doesn't really fit bc it never ends.
@BarbParry-h7g Жыл бұрын
I am so impressed by Susan and JoAnn's example of how to deal respectfully, kindly, and truthfully when a mistake has occurred. A week or so ago I wondered why JoAnn didn't have more credit for the book when I heard the role she played in the book's beginning. I hope that people will use this video as an example of how everyone should deal with other people when a mistake has been made. Our world would be a better place if politicians and those in powerful situations responded in a way like Susan and JoAnn have.
@muzduza44 9 ай бұрын
I like the Campbell rice woman.she channel well.and I reconize you Susan as participating in staying present to humility. This is the real collaboration.
@larawillingham3174 Жыл бұрын
Right on, Susan! You are a beautiful example of how a tenth step should be done: thoroughly and promptly. I admire your courage to change the things you can. I love JoAnne Campbell Rice, and it's funny, but I could hear her voice as I read some of the entries from On This Bright Day. But you are an awesome leader. And I love you.
@Pronchick1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you SPT and Joanne Campbell Rice for your courage and honesty! No mention was made (except in the comments) about compensation and the possibility of an insert in the books to recognize Joanne as the co-author. Beautiful and inspiring amends. Much love and many blessings to you both and your team. 💗🤗🕊️💗
@christywyles8476 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. This is one of the best Vlogs ever, even though painful. Yes, some good will come out of this - it already has for me.
@funfamily2119 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps you could create a bookplate that we could print and add to our book?
@susanpeircethompsonph.d.9125 Жыл бұрын
@marlysalger4231 4 ай бұрын
@carolperfect-carrperfect6809 11 ай бұрын
It is 2:30 in the morning, and I came upon this vlog. While I haven't done BLE eating for several years, because of the lack to have the willingness to be willing, I do believe in the concept. When you did the first book, I never thought about whether you were the final author. I think most people realize that it does take a🎉village to write a book. For you to stand up and acknowledge that you were not the only author, speaks volumes of the integrity you have; most do not. So you are to be commended. JoAnn, you are to be commended for handling this with such grace and dignity and with integrity, my hat is off to you. I trust Susan to make this right, not only financially but also like some have suggested, pasting a page in there. There isn't a thing wrong in doing that; in fact, I think readers will have more respect for you, Susan. Again, this is done probably 99% of the time so give yourself some grace, ok?. And JoAnn, it sounds like you are a terrific author/writer but never allowed yourself the power, for whatever reason, to stand up for yourself and say "I should be acknowedged". Is that an employee mindset, a woman's mindset... a good ol' boys world...I think us women (and men) get it, but whatever is in the past, and I hope you feel empowered in the future to say "I am worth it, I deserve it, and I want to be acknowledged!" You go girl! I hope you know your worth now. Again, my hat is off for both of you!
@alirupe6282 2 ай бұрын
Wow i just listened to this vlog today I am a newbie to BLE i have to say that the business of BLE to me is very transparent . And we are all human and each and everyone of us makes mistakes me included. But we don't have millions of people watching us , reading about us ect. To Joanne Congratulations on getting more specific credit on how this book was born now i have to get it and read it.
@Krnhim Жыл бұрын
Well, this is going in my five year diary for sure!!! A rare jewel of what reconciliation should look like.
@MaryRosewood-e6x Жыл бұрын
Kudos for sharing this information with us. But I'm not horrified by this confession at all. You are describing the process of working with a ghostwriter, which is a longstanding tradition in publishing. Perhaps you could have added "with [name of ghostwriter]" on the cover, but not all authors do this. Ghostwriters don't expect recognition, and so even a mention in the Acknowledgments is a bit of a thrill. (And you did do this.) You feel you should have let the BLE community in on this secret, so you have to deal with that inner turmoil, but if anyone condemns you for it, they simply don't understand what it takes to create a book.
@Brightlineeating Жыл бұрын
@char-su9vu 10 ай бұрын
I think a lot of books are written by multiple authors these days. Maybe with lead authors and co authors or contributing authors too. That being said, you followed your conscience 💛. Another thought - a lawyer with expertise in intellectual property could be a good person to have a chat with about what may be fair in this instance? Even get a couple of opinions from a few different lawyers and hopefully whatever decision you come to will sit right with you and JoAnne. Speaking to a lawyer could be good to take the guess work out of what is fair, so not over compensating or under compensating.
@careykeith9300 Жыл бұрын
We are better together and what is the point worrying about something we have no control over? You did acknowledge JCR in the book, it’s Lynn who did not get mentioned at all. I think all the coaches and everyone who works behind the scenes should have been mentioned too. It takes alot to make the BLE business work. I think you should just pull the book off the shelves and cut your losses. Or not? Please do not let this bump in the road keep you down. Keep doing your best and follow the path that brings you peace. I Love You!
@MsGoodfortune Жыл бұрын
Much more interested in the book now I know more people are involved🙂
@AtMyHappyPlace Жыл бұрын
Yes almost too convenient- how genius to come out with this video right after launch. Very scammy.
@jessicafeder-birnbaum1739 11 ай бұрын
You provide great content and help so many people. Most non fiction books are anonymously co-authored. So none of this is surprising.
@IslaSaona1 11 ай бұрын
Just when I was thinking about coming back… idk. I’m not going to drink the Kool-aid. Something is off here. You stole someone’s work and then brought in said person to apologize briefly. She’s your employee; If she still wants to keep her job of course she’s not going to fuss especially not on camera. I hope she is compensated well and her name is listed on the book. I did not buy your crocodile tears. This was cold and calculating. I know I won’t be back.
@shannonp422 Жыл бұрын
Well done Susan! Beautiful public apology❤ the book is fantastic JoAnn and Susan!
@kathydecker636 11 ай бұрын
With a next printing, I would be happy to purchase another copy. Thank you for this vlog. Kathy
@GailJohnson-nn5bn Жыл бұрын
Blessings to both of you and our whole BLE community! And for someone who says they struggle with humility, you have sure shown that you can rise to thr occssion!
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