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@clivegilbertson6542 7 ай бұрын
G'day Mate! He failed to say why the fruit bat was on the list...The only danger they indirectly affect humans is if a human catches the Hendra virus form a horse which caught it from a fruit bat...Maybe he should have included the Drop Bear instead...LOL!
@BigGen222 7 ай бұрын
And the hoop snakes.
@RickyisSwan 7 ай бұрын
Trouser snake. 😎
@kevo6190 7 ай бұрын
That accent is doing my bloody head in😤
@FromTheGong 7 ай бұрын
Hard to tell if it's computer generated try hard at an Aussie accent or it's someone doing a really bad interpretation of our accent.
@helenpearson781 7 ай бұрын
Do people think we talk like that😂
@kevo6190 7 ай бұрын
@@helenpearson781 I will bet you 100 Dollaridoos they do🤣🤨
@raskalkat9092 7 ай бұрын
Yes. That accent is bloody awful.
@juliemarsden1858 7 ай бұрын
Its a yank trying to speak styra
@wildeturkey2006 7 ай бұрын
Bullshark attacked a woman in Sydney Harbour this week, almost lost her leg
@lizbrown2686 7 ай бұрын
As an Aussie quietly proud of our Dangerous creatures 😉🤫💪💪🇦🇺🇦🇺
@RickyisSwan 7 ай бұрын
Hello Kabir. I can’t have you being led astray, like so many other reaction folk. Please draw a horizontal line 2/3 of the way up on the map of Australia. The top 1/3 is the tropical end of W.A, N.T and QLD. Most of the dangerous creatures, such as crocodiles, blue, ring octopus, etc are found in these regions. Aside from Darwin, (which most Australians don’t go to) Brisbane is the closest major city which is 1000 Ks away from such places. You would still have to go searching for most of these creatures, they are not waiting by the side of the road to ambush you. Below the horizontal line, we have Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth. You can still find some venomous snakes, spiders etc here as well, but you need to realise that these creatures ARE AFRAID OF YOU. Again, they are not waiting to ambush you and will run away or hide when they hear/see you coming. I live in Melbourne and there are spiders in webs in crevices around my place. Most are small and harmless, and we see the webs, but rarely see the spiders because they are afraid and keep themselves happily eating flies. If you came to Australia, would you be worried about spiders considering that the last death from spiders in Australia was, 45 YEARS AGO In 1979? I think most foreign people are made to believe in that the creatures have semi-automatics and are waiting to pounce on you. People living in country areas will have seen snakes, but probably around 70 to 80% of city people will have never seen a snake in the wild. You would have to go to the edge of the suburbs where it meets the bush, and even then you’re unlikely to see a snake because they will slither away when they hear you coming. I’m an older guy who has travelled and stayed in every city/town up and down the east coast of Australia, also Perth W.A. and Adelaide SA. I have never been bitten by ANYTHING!!! SO IF I’M WRONG, and Australia is such a dangerous place to live, then why has the creature that has killed more Australians than any other been HORSES??? 77 people died from accidents with horses on mainly country properties between 2008 and 2017. (Cows was the next accidental killer.) Remember, we have our fair share of elderly people like anywhere else, and they wouldn’t have got to be “elderly” if everything was going to kill them. Have a good day. 🇦🇺🦘🐨 P.S. For the benefit of a few trolls, the octopus is also found in other areas apart from the tropical zones. I did not mean to say it was exclusive to those areas.
@jono.pom-downunder 7 ай бұрын
Perfect explanation 🇦🇺👍
@RickyisSwan 7 ай бұрын
@@jono.pom-downunder Thanks mate. Cheers.
@daft_ss6917 7 ай бұрын
blue ring octopus are found all over the coast line
@RickyisSwan 7 ай бұрын
@@daft_ss6917 I didn’t say the blue ring octopus weren’t found anywhere else, but they are specially found in “tropical” waters.
@daft_ss6917 7 ай бұрын
@@RickyisSwan ithe greater blue ringed octopus is found in tropical waters, the southern blue ring octopus is found in the colder waters in the south all the way to tassie
@raskalkat9092 7 ай бұрын
We have antivenom for the funnel web. It was developed in 1980/81 and since then there have been no recorded deaths from this spider.
@claireatkinson9041 7 ай бұрын
Yes, I am in Coffs Harbour (on the coast between Brisbane and Sydney), we see plenty of the red backs, funnel webs are often in pools so you have to be careful , and this being regional we have plenty of snakes. I have a large python that has taken up residence in my back yard. We also see sharks , plenty of bull sharks after the rain when the creeks get murky. But, generally us Aussies know how to keep out of the way of the dangerous creatures. It is just part of life here.
@alwynemcintyre2184 7 ай бұрын
The other shark was a grey nurse, which only eats fish
@alwynemcintyre2184 7 ай бұрын
Bees pollenate most plants, no bees, no plants, no food, no humans
@daft_ss6917 7 ай бұрын
the inland taipan is rare to even see never lone get bit by one, There are actually NO recorded human fatalities from the bite of an inland taipan
@aperinich 7 ай бұрын
Flying foxes, barely behave anything like bats too. They are a highly social species, they are not blind but have excellent eye sight and sense of smell (like a sight hound) and have a skeletal structure similar to dogs in many ways. They brain to body ratio is also higher than other "bats" with a value very similar to domestic dogs. They can imprint on humans when they are handled/engaged while young. They are cute AF too and eat fruit. The similarities to most bats is largely a simple aesthetic and a matter of historical classification, but the war for taxonomic reclassification is not over!
@RobNMelbourne 7 ай бұрын
The problem with this video is it is done by an Umurikan who has read a book and now thinks he knows everything. Flying Foxes can be dangerous only if they are carrying Lyssavirus which is almost 100% fatal. Just because an animal has a highly toxic venom doesn't mean it is dangerous. Many toxic reptiles are well known to Australians, we know where they live and how to avoid them. Also, most only become aggressive if purposely provoked - if you do that then you deserve what you get. With snakes always tread heavily when walking in the bush, that way the snake will hear you, know you are there and scamper off to avoid you. An animal is dangerous if it actually does kill people. The video didn't mention that the animal that has the highest 'kill rate' in Australia is the horse due to riding accidents. Also no mention of Cassowaries, a large bird that looks like a cross between an Emu and a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park, lives only in the rainforests of FNQ (far north Queensland). It can disembowel a man with one strike of its foot. There are about 200 attacks reported each year (usually in Spring breeding season) but the last reported death was way back in 1926. In the 10 years to 2017, horses killed 77 people, way ahead of the 2nd most deadly, bees/wasps/hornet stings at 27. Sharks and other marine animals were ranked 3rd with 26 just ahead of snakes with 23 in 4th. Dogs (mainly domestics but including some Dingoes) were 5th with 22 deaths. Crocodiles only ranked 6th with 17 deaths in the 10 year period. Worldwide the deadliest animal is the mosquito which kills an estimated 700,000 people each year by carrying malaria, dengue fever and other diseases.
@joannesmart6021 7 ай бұрын
I was waiting for the cassowary too! Dangerous but fascinating, I’d love to see one….from a distance!
@vk88864 7 ай бұрын
@@joannesmart6021you mostly see the southern cassowary in north QLD rainforests. My brother lived across the road from a rainforest and there were a family of cassowaries living in there which was fenced off. One came right up to the fence and we still kept our distance. They are beautiful to look at.
@trevorkrause7220 7 ай бұрын
When I was working in the inland Pilbara region of the North of Western Australia I saw a small lizard, not a gecko, about two or three inches long from tip of nose to tip of tail, get momentarily caught up in a Redback's web just outside the outside door to my room. The spider must have bitten it as it quickly escaped quickly from the web but only got about a metre or two away before it dropped dead. Redbacks were pretty common during and just after the wet season finished, when they then became very scarce. Maybe they didn't like the extremely low relative humidity of most of the dry season, or maybe there just were not enough flying insects around then to keep most of them alive. But come the wet season the Redbacks reappeared building their webs and producing eggs and then young ones like crazy. After seeing that lizard quickly wiped out by one Redback bite I had a lot more respect for them even though at certain times of they year they seemed to be building webs everywhere. Spiders generally feed by injecting toxins and other compounds into the prey's body which basically breaks down the internal tissue and such to a kind of soup which the spider draws back up. Maybe the spider could have feasted on some of its larder before it went septic or rancid, or maybe the spider just had a notion to wipe out anything that was entangled in its web before that brought down and destroyed its whole web system. No doubt the spider itself did not have any real deep thoughts about that either way.
@lynndally9160 7 ай бұрын
OMG. There's is absolutely nothing more cringeworthy than someone trying to do an Aussie accent, let alone do it for a whole video. A woman was attacked by a bull shark in Sydney harbour last Sunday
@doubledee9675 7 ай бұрын
We live on Sydney's Upper North Shore, the home of redback spiders and also of funnel web spiders. The redbacks aren't too bad, and the red stripe makes them easier to see. Funnel webs are another story, as they blend into the leaf mould covering gardens. Gardeners have to be especially careful, as do bushwalkers. The bite of a funnel web, if left untreated, can result in a rapid and painful death. We catch a couple or so each year (most definitely a task not to be undertaken unless you know just what you're doing). They're caught in a jar, which we take to the casualty section of a nearby public hospital. From there, they're collected and taken to a laboratory not that far away. They're milked for their venom, which is the base for the anti-venene. That has been very successful in eliminating deaths from spider bite.
@BigGen222 7 ай бұрын
Agree. Growing up in Sydney they'd form a bubble in the bottom of the pool and they'd jump at you if angry enough.
@doubledee9675 7 ай бұрын
I don't think emotions like anger come into it. They just like biting people.@@BigGen222
@BigGen222 7 ай бұрын
@@doubledee9675 little bastards. 😁
@doubledee9675 7 ай бұрын
Nasty little bastards. @@BigGen222
@doubledee9675 7 ай бұрын
Yes. Just don't kill them, but catch them as I mentioned.@@BigGen222
@Jeni10 7 ай бұрын
Bees need pollen and as they gather the pollen, they pollenate the stamen of each flower. You knew that, right? So take the apple trees as an example. When the tree is covered in blossoms, the bees come to collect the pollen and they pollenate every flower they visit. That’s how we get the apples. Without bees there would be no apples, no oranges, no strawberries, no pumpkins, etc etc. Thus there would be no edible plants! No plants means no food for farm animals, so for example, no grass means no cattle, no dairy products - no milk, no cheese, no yoghurt, no cream, etc. Bees are the ones who cause plants to regenerate! Without the bees, mankind starves!
@vk88864 7 ай бұрын
And it’ll be then that man realises you can’t eat money. Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. Cree Indian proverb
@michaelsillis1841 7 ай бұрын
My best friend was eaten by two salt water crocs last year. They captured both of them and retrieved his remains. Such a sad time 🥺
@ramiromaia592 7 ай бұрын
I've been stung by a box jellyfish and it's not a great feeling
@aperinich 7 ай бұрын
yes bees are primary pollinators... of plants (food). Most plants are sexual and require pollinating animals to transmit pollen from the male's anther to the female's stigma, mostly on account of plants not being able to move around on their own :p It's not simply a matter of throwing seeds at the ground and waiting for rain! The entire world of animal life depends on plants as a food source.
@Jeni10 7 ай бұрын
The red-back has a tiny skink. They’re about 6cm from nose to the tip of the tail. They can move very quickly, so perhaps in avoiding a hungry bird, it darted behind a bush and got tangled in a web. Red backs are the size of a lentil and they build nests in gaps and underneath manmade objects such as park benches.
@alwynemcintyre2184 7 ай бұрын
Dingo proof fence, still a thing here
@shezza66 7 ай бұрын
Great Wall 21,196km and dingo fence 5,600km
@mikeythehat6693 7 ай бұрын
Bees are responsible for pollinating many of our food crops. For example, fruits and vegetables. Without bees the amount of food crops available to us would be severely diminished. With Climate Change and pollution, Bees are analogous to Canaries in the Coal Mine.
@steveheywood9428 7 ай бұрын
You never see these critters ... you will if you go looking fir them in the tropics . The narrator is not an Aussie but an AI voice. Believe what you want mate.
@WineSippingCowboy 7 ай бұрын
Those are only some scariest animals. More. Cane toad, great white shark 🦈, tiger shark 🦈, tiger snake 🐍, death adder snake 🐍, brown snake 🐍.
@grahamejohn6847 7 ай бұрын
Directly and indirectly, bees are responsible for nearly all our food.
@ozzybloke-craig3690 7 ай бұрын
Straya 🇦🇺
@terryjeisman7550 7 ай бұрын
The narator is definitely not an Australian, probably a Kiwi or Pom. Obviously he is very paranoid about the wild lif og Australia, The only one of the those 17 I have ever com across is the red back spider (under the toilet set at my grand parents' farm. In short no need to worry about any of these creatures if you are coming to Australia. As long as you don't do stupid things like swim at beaches or in rivers in the tropical north. If you are going to go snorkling along the Qld coast wear a stinger suit (you can hire one from a dive shop), gauranteed to stop jelly fish stings. Tou might come across sea snakes, but don't worry, although they are extremely poisonous, their mouth are so small the only place they can get a hold is on the webbing between your fingers.
@warrenturner397 7 ай бұрын
The only thing that saved this video from being one of the shittiest I've ever seen was the hilarious AI Aussie/Kiwi/Yank accent!
@vk88864 7 ай бұрын
And yet the Indigenous people survived for thousands of years alongside all these creatures. They had dingoes as pets. And I have not heard one story of an Aboriginal person being killed by these deadly animals. Not to say it didn’t happen. I’ve just never heard of it. Snakes don’t attack they defend like most animals and creatures. There’s a difference. Our Elders always told us as kids you leave them alone they leave you alone. You’re in their territory. You live and learn I guess.
@trishave5639 7 ай бұрын
They forgot cows and horses.
@LikkieAU 7 ай бұрын
That terrible accent is doing my head in…..
@PurpleUnicorn212 7 ай бұрын
That AI voice is horrendous. This list is very misleading. Not an accurate example of our wildlife. Dingoes are NOT semi domesticated, they are wild animals. The fence mentioned was built to stop rabbits spreading not dingoes. Disappointing, misleading video.
@LikkieAU 7 ай бұрын
That’s not quite true… the rabbit fence is in WA and the dingo fence runs through SA, NSW and QLD.
@RoxanneHudson-dd3bs 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to know where the narrator comes from because he's not an Aussie!!
@daft_ss6917 7 ай бұрын
its not a gecko it was a skink
@petersaxby9302 7 ай бұрын
Probably the worst Australian post to react to, put on accent and incorrect information
@Sticks31 7 ай бұрын
Why is it that these videos about Australia are never made by Australians? "Al-berry"" instead of "Awl_bry". Strange accent. Sounds half-Aussie and half-something-else. Martian?
@garryellis3085 7 ай бұрын
Total clickbait bs mate
@belleriffraff 7 ай бұрын
Haven't seen a snake for years, and never seen a crocodile ever!!
@FromTheGong 7 ай бұрын
Actually just had to move a tiger snake out of my back yard that my dingo was trying to bite. (I'm a trained snake handler). First for the year but there's plenty around, they just know to stay away from us and are really only encountered by actually looking for them. The one today had been disturbed from its safe haven behind my back fence by council mowing. I live behind a coastal lagoon dune reserve in northern Wollongong and it's well known for its tiger snake population with regular walkers and dog walkers. I can guarantee not one person would have ever seen one walking past even though they could be less than a metre off the path in the reeds or bushes.
@marcplucinski8846 7 ай бұрын
So if it crawls, slithers, flys, walks ,swims drifts it will kill you😊😊😊
@FromTheGong 7 ай бұрын
Or is just alive.
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