BRITISH GUY First Reaction to "Tornado Sirens are Scary..."

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More Adam Couser

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@MoreAdamCouser 3 ай бұрын
@CinciEdits_WX 3 ай бұрын
Ey wassup
@balthiersgirl2658 3 ай бұрын
​​@@CinciEdits_WXI'm in UK and I'm terrified that one day I hear a siren if you know what I mean at least in USA it's windy and many houses in USA have an whole yo hide in we in UK don't no where to hide utterly terrifying
@allycat0136 3 ай бұрын
The best way I can describe a tornado siren is the absolute dread they instill, and then the immediate relief you feel when you realize it was just the test day.
@Dante1920 3 ай бұрын
First wednesday of each month
@DJ_Cub 3 ай бұрын
I was doing door to door sales in Oklahoma City the day of the Moore F5. I heard sirens and got excited. I think there’s something wrong with me. Yes some fear but more… adrenaline than anything
@SheldonMurphy-fp4ko 3 ай бұрын
Yeah everything stops for a minute, got one near me for chemical releases it's similar and not something I ever want to hear on full blast.
@prestons2002 3 ай бұрын
​@@Dante1920 ours test every Saturday at 12 in oklahoma
@Dante1920 3 ай бұрын
​@@prestons2002neat, ours in Alabma is on Wednesday.
@benjalucian1515 3 ай бұрын
Your reaction is my reaction "Here I am with PTSD for nothin'." I live in Tornado Alley. I've had relatives be talking to me on the phone and suddenly all the lights go off and they hear that siren. Talk about a pucker factor of 10. Two weeks ago I was lazing sleepily in bed, listening to the rain...then the sirens went off. I tell, you, nothing will get you on your feet and wide awake faster. Worst one was when I was driving to work, and the rain turned into a blinding downpour. Could hardly see 5 feet in front of me. Then the sirens went off. 😨Man, you're f'd. Are you driving INTO it or away from it? No way to tell. 💀
@kristinwojtowich8902 Ай бұрын
That's fucking terrifying 😳 I'd literally poop.
@shimesu443 3 ай бұрын
You get used to hearing them after so many years. My junior high school had the town's siren on its roof, so we would hear it at least once a month on test day. The reason that one person was just standing on their porch and filming was because there was probably no real danger. Yeah, there was clearly a storm overhead, and the sirens were going off for a reason, but things were too quiet (But not completely still.) for a tornado to be close by. Nearby tornadoes either cause a massive intensification of the storm, or everything goes completely still.
@footballgoat5967 3 ай бұрын
Some of these sirens are basic sirens for volunteer fire departments in the U.S. too so whenever there is an emergency the local fire departments would sound an alert to the firefighters not at the station or at home
@sylentlight6771 3 ай бұрын
Ah, the sound of the seasons changing. The sound to grab a drink and sit on the porch to see which direction it's gonna go! Side note, we have one of the voice sirens at the local plant and it just has some dude with a HEAVY southern accent saying "Take shelter".... It's actually kinda funny
@rj-zz8im 3 ай бұрын
They ran the siren in my town everyday at noon. When you here it all the time, it's not scary.
@VegasAlien1 3 ай бұрын
Hopefully there's not a tornado or attack in your town at noon.
@t0mahawkj0nes 3 ай бұрын
These go off the first Wednesday every month where I live.
@LindaSmith-r2f 2 ай бұрын
For those of us to live to far out in the sticks to have tornado sirens... we watch the skies, our animals and the hair on our arms. There is no other feeling like the complete dread of an oncoming twister. And of course we have to get up and go to work in the morning so we roll over and go back to sleep. In my opinion either it will hit us and kill us or it will miss us completely. In either case I don't have to be awake for that.
@cynthiapeller2195 2 ай бұрын
About 8 years ago Honolulu air raid sirens alerted Oahu residents of an incoming atomic rocket attack, followed by a broadcast stating this was “not a drill” & to seek shelter. Honolulu & nearby Pearl Harbor are considered first strike zones in the Pacific. Naturally this was unnerving to EVERYONE, not sure if people were fired, LOL 😂
@kelleewolfe2834 3 ай бұрын
We have the duel ones where I live. It was the second one and it's TERRIFYING
@potatolee4473 3 ай бұрын
When he asked why that one guy was just sitting on his porch I just said cause he is probably from Oklahoma 😂
@Python951 2 ай бұрын
🗣️RUN LIKE FUCK!!🗣️ 😂😂😂
@jacd751 3 ай бұрын
I've got the chillest most unflappable cat ever. Mr Moose is a very big black cat that showed up at our house via the cat distribution system. NOTHING fazes him - not our overly active kids, not the other cats, not our noisy dogs, not even 6 VERY RAMBUNCTIOUS & FEISTY RACCOONS we raised in our home for a little over a year. Not a growl or hiss from Moose EVER. That is UNTIL the tornado sirens go off. Once a month year round, once a week during tornado season & whenever they go off during storms. Moose HATES the sirens. He gets up in the windows, growls & hisses nonstop until they shut off. It's actually quite hilarious 😂
@emrilbennett8704 3 ай бұрын
That’s hilarious! My cat does the same thing he rarely plays with his stuffed animal toys, but when those things go off, he grabs his stuffed animal gets into the window hugs it, and hisses like a snake! lol.
@mitchellgildea254 3 ай бұрын
I mean if a funnel shaped destructive implement of nature was approaching where I live I'd like a creepy siren to warn me 😂
@arewilliams398 3 ай бұрын
Used to dispatch police, fire and rescue (bf 911). I had to test the system once a week, (5 mins long test) it was on the roof of bldg I worked in...can't begin to say how horribly loud, makes any metal, rock live concert seem like nothing...IMO don't get rid of them, not everyone has TVs, phones, any media to be notified...they are horrible but save lives...
@kateg7298 3 ай бұрын
Well said!! Thank you!
@Whatthechuckttv 3 ай бұрын
dispatcher for 30 years and counting... I rolled up at my previous employer back when I still worked there and as soon as my foot hit the ground, the sirens went off. It was 25 feet away from me on a pole and it was rattle your teeth loud. But since it wasn't a test of the system, I couldn't drive away. I had to go in and get ready for the inbound tornado that hit about 5 minutes later.
@dakotaparker8367 3 ай бұрын
As an Oklahoman, this is just a Tuesday 😂 matter fact it was last Tuesday if i remember correctly lol they test the sirens around where i live every Saturday at noon, been here my whole life & it still scares the shit outta me when it first goes off sometimes 😂
@weezilfreak 3 ай бұрын
They test them every Wednesday in Oklahoma at noon. I live a block from one of the sirens
@Kaya084 3 ай бұрын
Tornado sirens don’t scare me at all, growing up in Oklahoma, you get used to it and it just means you have to go outside.
@dakotaparker8367 2 ай бұрын
@@weezilfreak I'm sure they test them in different areas on different days, I live in NW OKC & they test them on Saturdays at noon.
@dakotaparker8367 2 ай бұрын
@@Kaya084 yeah I'm used to them since I've lived here my whole life but that doesn't matter if I'm dead ass asleep on a Saturday & it wakes me up when they test them, during a tornado doesn't scare me at all lol get at least a couple every year.
@poppycon7204 Ай бұрын
they test every wednesday in ks.
@stephanledford9792 3 ай бұрын
The Sunday before Memorial Day, we had 6 tornadoes go through Benton County, Arkansas, the closest hitting about a mile from my house. This thing was 3,000 yards wide (almost 2 miles), so I was on the edge of it and have damage to my house from it. I was asleep and DID NOT hear the sirens inside my house, I woke up when I heard the high-pitched wind sound like you get from a whistling tea kettle, and when I looked outside the windows, I thought I might be in the path of the tornado, but the severe damage started about a mile away. We had lots of trees down in my neighborhood, some very large trees, but no building destroyed, or roofs torn off, not the case for the homes and businesses one mile south, or another mile past that in the city of Rogers. Tornado sirens may be scary, but not hearing them when a tornado is coming through is even scarier.
@jibberjabber3477 3 ай бұрын
I’ve always wondered if they were loud enough to wake someone. My mother was deaf so questions like that always pop into my head.
@feoltmanns7624 2 ай бұрын
It will be our phones that jack myself and my husband awake. The sirens can be heard but it’s a 50/50 shot in the dark that it wakes one of us up if we’re sound asleep.
@Absaroka 2 ай бұрын
I don't live in that area but close. I was watching the live coverage of that on Arkansas Weather Watchers. What a crazy system of storms.
@stephanledford9792 2 ай бұрын
@Captainmoonlight09 My mom lives with my sister in OKC and since my mom is almost 93, I visit monthly. Most of the time I stay on 412 instead of the turnpike, so I pass through Kansas, OK almost monthly. That area still looks like Arkansas and the scenery is more interesting than the turnpike.
@pebblehilllane 3 ай бұрын
I'm 69 years old. I lived in several states in Tornado alley and Dixie Alley. I have heard way more tornado sirens than I could ever begin to guess and have never been hit. I've been close enough to have seen two tornadoes in my life, but most times when someone hears a tornado siren the worst they normally experience in a powerful thunderstorm. For example Oklahoma has a lot of tornadoes. A 1986 study concluded that the tornado risk within any 1-degree latitude (about 69 miles wide) by 1-degree longitude (about 53 miles wide in the midlatitudes) grid box is a maximum over central Oklahoma with about a 0.06% yearly risk. But you will very likely hear a tornado siren many times yearly.
@allthethings_6429 3 ай бұрын
He's sitting on the porch just watching. We do this in my family too. It's awesome to see the sky turning green. It's fun.
@suicyco4life666 3 ай бұрын
That's what I always said I would do if a nuclear war ever kicked off. I really don't think I want to live through it and the aftermath. I would probably just suffer a horrible end in the near future anyway.
@LavenderSystem69 Ай бұрын
Honestly, yea. You're not really in any trouble until hail starts falling or you feel the massive pressure drop in your ears that precedes a tornado
@Marcus_Postma Ай бұрын
I remember back in 97, I was sitting on my front porch with my family watching an F3 tornado in Detroit. Apparently we were hit by 3 of them but I only saw the 1.
@elijahsiegal5739 2 ай бұрын
The Chicago siren is the same sound used for siren head. As someone who lives in Chicago, that shi is creepy as hell.
@tracycuster4833 3 ай бұрын
True story, We live in Dallas Texas, and in the early to mid- 1960s I was about 6, I was walking down the ally that ran beside our house to the Piggly Wiggly grocery store, there was a firehouse station with the sires on a pole across the street, all the sudden LOUD, Screeching, blasting sirens cranked up, I PANICKED, I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me into an old Echerts Drug drugstore screaming and crying for my mother, this was at a time during which we were taught in school about war, raids, bombings and AIR AIDS in which the same sirens were used for, I thought bombs were being dropped and I was DYING, and I wanted my Mother, the lady called our house and my sister walked down to get me... I was never more scared in my life than hearing those sirens blasting right next to me. I just knew my 6 year- old self was BOMBED and everyone was going to die... NOW 60 years later I don't even flinch when I hear them , it has become second nature to hear them during Texas storms.
@lisaestes4748 3 ай бұрын
I'm younger but I used to have nightmares about looking out my back window and seeing a mushroom cloud!? I hated those nightmares and I was 7
@V7avalon 3 ай бұрын
our town siren goes off at noon and 6 pm everyday, designating meal time and end of work day. It also has 3 other distinct sound arrangements to alert for a wildfire, a tornado or in case of a missle attack 🔥🌪🚀🏃‍♂️🏃🙆
@feoltmanns7624 2 ай бұрын
My hometown has a clock that plays some little tune every hour and makes a ‘dong’ sound for each hour. At the half hour it plays a portion of the tune and stops.
@BellsWatson 3 ай бұрын
I grew up in the 1950s where the Civil Defense sirens were tested weekly (at noon on Monday) in my town. In school we were taught "duck and cover". During the Cuban Missile crisis bomb shelters were being build in many back yards. Thank fully none of that was needed.
@AretaicGames 3 ай бұрын
In my home town in Ohio, at least up through the mid 1980s, the Civil Defense sirens were also used to mobilize the volunteer fire department, with the number of oscillations indicating the severity of the emergency. Hearing it at night, during a thunderstorm, held a special kind of terror, though.
@YetiUprising 3 ай бұрын
10:26 I have a funny story for you then lol. Typically at 10AM the first Tuesday of every month they test the tornado sirens. I am always deep in a forest preserve hiking by this time and at 10AM the test went off which I'm used to so it wasn't anything to me. Then 10:30AM rolls around and the sirens go off again... I went ok that's strange and start looking up the weather on my phone cause it was overcast that day but it certainly didn't seem like tornado weather. I saw a few articles that had "tornado watch" in the title and then I freaked out and started hauling ass back to my car. That would be about an hour and half back the way I came though so instead I cut across this grassland that you're not supposed to go through at all cause it's an endangered bird nesting ground. About 10 min away from the parking lot it turned 11AM the sirens went off yet again, I was completely out of breath, struggling to run and yelling "Fuck fuck fuck fuck..." Finally got back to my car and calmed down a bit and I still didn't see anything resembling tornado activity so I started looking stuff up and it turned out the articles were for tornados in the southeast of the country multiple states away from me and this preserve happened to be near 3 different towns that simply tested their sirens a half hour apart from each other. 🤣
@kristinwojtowich8902 Ай бұрын
Omg I'd shit 😮😂😂
@sawed_of_mosin 3 ай бұрын
I live in the states. I love Tornadoes and have always been fascinated by them ever since I was a kid. I've only seen one in person but the sirens go off every first Wednesday of the month as a test to make sure they work.
@sassytbc7923 3 ай бұрын
You LOVE tornados???? OMG
@sawed_of_mosin 3 ай бұрын
@@sassytbc7923 Always have, ever since I was a kid. Lmao
@dlmullins9054 3 ай бұрын
Back in the eighties at 3 AM i woke up to a loud whining sound that sounded like a big train bearing down on us. It was a tornado and it came right through my house ripping it in half. Thankfully it slammed a huge tree onto my house which stopped it from taking the whole house with it. It was either an F3 or an F4. It tore a six mile path through my county and then went another thirty miles and destroyed a lot of houses and buildings including a Walmart. I couldn't sleep for ten years if i hear rain or wind at night. I am still afraid but learned to deal with it better anyway. It is a scary thing to go through. I am happy my whole family survived and i thank God that tree held us down.
@Ameslan1 3 ай бұрын
Adam Couser, In Columbus Ohio where I live tornado sirens are tested for maintenance EVERY SINGLE Wednesday at 12 noon sharp! The sirens can be heard for about 1 minute when tested. Yes, it sounds like an Air Raid Siren from World War 2! Though scary, Tornado sirens are actually a GOOD thing to WARN people of Tornado warnings to take cover. If there was no sirens to alert, People would be oblivious to the oncoming tornado and that is when high number of deaths and injuries occurs especially back in early days before the alert system and radar broadcasts over the tv and radio
@melancholymelodies89 3 ай бұрын
That's how we know it's noon on a Wednesday. 😂
@Ameslan1 3 ай бұрын
@@melancholymelodies89 Yep! LOL
@dawnwendell5271 3 ай бұрын
They cause such anxiety! They use them for Severe Thunderstorms as well. Just terrifying.
@BlazeBadger Ай бұрын
"That one sounded too much like scottish bagpipes, i don't know whether there's a tornado coming, an atomic bomb or a Scotsman walking down the road with bagpipes". Omg. Lol. So accurate.
@BewareTheJabberwock 3 ай бұрын
Growing up in Florida we didn’t have tornado sirens in my area. So when I moved to Atlanta and was pumping gasoline one day and heard one go off for the first time, - and was about a mile from an Air Force base, I nearly $hit myself, because I didn’t know what it meant and I was “exposed” just out pumping gasoline. *shiver* I will always remember that experience.
@kakketekek8500 3 ай бұрын
its a time honored tradition of hearing the siren and going outside on the porch to watch/film
@emrilbennett8704 3 ай бұрын
And many still partake in it, as well as taking pictures of them and traveling to them during their test cycle
@eddihaskell 3 ай бұрын
Imagine being from Brooklyn New York and its your first night in East Texas. You'be been assigned there for a long work project. It is late April. It is 4:00 PM and the sky turns dark green. You are on the phone talking to someone at work in your motel. This siren goes off. You look at your tv. This banner comes across with the following message. TORNADO WARNING. A TORNADO HAS BEEN SIGHTED TWO MILES SOUTH OF CANTON TEXAS MOVING NORTH AT 25 MPH. PEOPLE IN CANTON MUST SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER IN THEIR NEAREST TORNADO SHELTER, DITCH OR CULVERT. Remember, you are from Brooklyn and you have no idea what a culvert is, and the people at the motel look at you like you are nuts when you ask them if there is a tornado shelter around. Plus you are a hyper New Yorker and they are slow Texans. Doesnt it sound like fun?
@thedeviouspanda 3 ай бұрын
The closest thing we have in Arizona would probably be the sirens around the nuclear plant. There are 70 sirens placed within a 10 mile radius of the plant. They test them every so often and they don't sound like tornado sirens. It's like a solid single tone.
@Bob-jm8kl 3 ай бұрын
There's a siren 3 blocks from my home. There are several downtown. One is a block from work and another 5 blocks. That one echos through the high rises. Sirens are creepy AF, but I love them. The first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 they all go off. If they go off any other time, I usually go outside and look at the sky...except one time. I felt sick to my stomach, crammed my cat in her carrier, and headed to the basement. It so happens a baby EF0 passed a few blocks away. I have no idea why/how my body alerted me.
@missouriluv 3 ай бұрын
The other night the tornado sirens went off (at like 3am), so I looked outside to see how bad it was while simultaneously checking the weather news on my phone. When I looked outside I realized the tornado siren near my house lights up an eerie red color when it's in use. Also now i know exactly where the siren is, always knew it was near the house just not the exact spot.
@chnkypolarbear 3 ай бұрын
Our sirens are tested at the same time the first Saturday of the month. My huskies LOVE howling at them lol
@bobd2659 3 ай бұрын
I toured a show to a small town in Southern Ontario. We also have Tornado sirens (I'm from near there) and I knew this town had one as well. What I DIDN'T know, and wasn't told was when the test happens and more importantly WHERE the siren was located in the town. Needless to say, being a live mix audio technician, hearing is very important. Finding out the siren was TEN FEET above my office while I was in there prepping an hour before my first show was not, as they say, fun.
@kateg7298 3 ай бұрын
You wouldn't want to live close to Galveston. They test the sirens every Wednesday. Then also we have the 3rd largest refinery in the world. If there's an industrial accident or tornado warning, you have those sirens blaring along with announcements to take shelter and turn off air conditioning. The plants might have spill like a benzene or a fire involving toxic chemicals. You wait inside until you hear the announcement "All CLEAR, ALL CLEAR". You might want to look up the accident in Texas City that happened in 2004 or 2005. That was scary and a lot of people got hurt.
@5Gburn 3 ай бұрын
Why would you need to turn the AC off?
@kateg7298 3 ай бұрын
@@5Gburn If there's a blow like hydrocarbon vapor or chlorine it's toxic to your lungs. The air conditioner will pull the fumes into your house and recirculate it so that you're getting worse exposure over time. The idea is to seal the clean air into your house as much as possible. The last big plant explosion was a huge petroleum fire along with benzene. Thousands of people could have wound up with lung and skin damage. My husband wound up locked in the bank for 6 hours.
@tspryaviation 3 ай бұрын
I lived in League City for a few years during the Pandemic and never heard a siren... I DID experience the great Texas freeze but no sirens. Glad to be back in Sunny San Diego, CA
@kateg7298 3 ай бұрын
@@tspryaviation League City is a little north. I'm down right by the dike in Texas City. So we have sirens a lot from the plants. You missed the refinery blasts that I can think of.
@kateg7298 3 ай бұрын
@@5Gburn You don't want to pull in chemicals through your house and then recirculate them. You wanted to breathe the air you had until they could test the air levels.
@andrewwright8507 3 ай бұрын
The first time hearing that first siren the sky was green and had an F2 tornado touch down a few miles away
@SheldonMurphy-fp4ko 3 ай бұрын
He loves the idea of them not actually hearing one for it's purpose. I've also in my travels met a friend of the guy who made it his life to install lights on every highway in his country. I know it was around Amsterdam, not sure where exactly. Guy did it too, made travel so much safer and then went out from, I believe, stomach cancer. Also blue LEDs, it was thought basically impossible for like 30yrs. It's a good watch if ya want some ideas.
@Jay_EdwardS 3 ай бұрын
Siren test days would be your least favorite day of the week. My town does it EVERY SINGLE WEDNESDAY at noon. The only time they don't do it is when there is an active storm in the area. The emergency alert broadcast system is what they used for radio and early TV. That's also really creepy. You hear that and it basically means STFU and turn the radio up before you die.
@StarBornMichael 3 ай бұрын
These Sirens would also also be sounding off if our country got attacked; you would hear them all over as you see anti-aircraft fire Jets going overhead- and I'm recreating Modern Warfare 2. Well, s***.
@VinceP1974 2 ай бұрын
In Chicago we have that wail sound. It's so dissonnant and anxiety-inducing. And actually for nearly 20 years we never had a reason for the siren to go off and now we get them a few times a year in the city
@singluna888 3 ай бұрын
I like knowing but the sound goes on and on. It's enough to drive a person mad. Imagine being in an old fashioned cellar about 2 blocks from the siren. Also a hysterical 20 year old woman. It went on and on because there were 2 tornados. After that we decided to take shelter in the "odd" room. Odd in many ways. One of which was that it was haunted. However,we figured the tornados were scarier than a ghost. We finally told him his family had moved. After that we weren't disturbed.
@BriLaLaah 3 ай бұрын
In Arkansas, the tornado siren test goes off every week on Wednesday at the same time. We all just think “Oh, it’s noon.” We get tornados all the time so it’s not scary.
@Kepi_Kei 2 ай бұрын
They're really scary when you're driving. Last month I was about a block from home, stopped at a light, when I heard them. Images from tornado videos of cars swirling in the wind ran through my mind. I was just about to run the light when it turned green, and I never do that. I also rarely speed but I intentionally did so that day. I got into my bathroom just when the hail started hitting my roof
@debralecuivre3366 3 ай бұрын
You are so goofy/funny, but in a good way. I love the Scottsman walking down the street with bagpipes.
@TFJ_Shadows 3 ай бұрын
I wish a siren would just say "Run like fuck!" repeatedly. I'd pay millions to have that installed lmao
@chelseagray-rd1sd 2 ай бұрын
I’ll never forget the first day I moved to a town that had a siren and ran regulars test on Saturdays at 10am on the dot, we lived just a few blocks away from it…having never heard one before imagine my surprise the first time that went off
@tracysumner4970 3 ай бұрын
Roller coasters were invented by carrying coal. Someone sat in the car that carried coal, and became the roller coaster. Interesting how things came about It's off the subject. Tornado sirens are scary. 😊
@highpriestessgabagool5170 3 ай бұрын
Did this guy think he was gonna get away with using the Apotos day theme from Sonic Unleashed as his background music 😂
@5Gburn 3 ай бұрын
By the time you hear the siren, the sky is gray tinged with Wicked Witch of the West green and the leaves are twirling in mock tornado formations all around your car as you're driving.
@hannahbridges4620 2 ай бұрын
So here in Indiana we do a weekly testing every week on Friday at noon. I cannot even explain the fear and dread that still hits me. Even when I know that it’s just a test.
@Chris-lc4bo 3 ай бұрын
Down side, when one gets old and removes the hearing aid, one can sleep through the sirens. Good thing an good hearing person was in the house. I never heard the sirens until I put in my hearing aids. I now leave my phone on weather alert, I can hear it.
@sassytbc7923 3 ай бұрын
This was a very interesting video. This young man did some amazing research/
@tj_2701 3 ай бұрын
Adam's videos are always entertaining. 💚💚💚💚
@patkaiser7177 3 ай бұрын
I live in a state that gets lots of tornadoes so I've heard these sirens my entire life. If I hear a siren I first look outside and then turn on the TV to see where the tornado is. If it's in my area, I may go to the basement. If not, I wait it out and watch the path. If the announcer says "take cover" I watch tv in the basement. They usually tell you how long the warning is for. My house has never been hit by a tornado but I know two people who have lost their house due to one. When you live with these sirens you can get pretty complacent about them. I couldn't even tell you how many times the siren has gone off for tornadoes in my area. Multiple times per year. We do get a once a month test on our siren. It's the first Tuesday of the month.
@megatroll2590 3 ай бұрын
Adam would hate visiting my town, They use the tornado siren to alert the volunteer fire department.
@joturner-greve3690 3 ай бұрын
They used to do that before cell phones in my town! I remember waking up to sirens on the cusp of the Gulf War, thinking that nukes were incoming!
@jamiefeterl4161 7 сағат бұрын
ROCKET ATTACK. ROCKET ATTACK. ROCKET ATTACK. Those who served recently know.
@BelleDede01 3 күн бұрын
Thank God where I live in Northeastern Ontario, Canada, I've never heard any of them. Loved your reaction on this one, and I'd probably do the same thing as you. RUN, lol
@chemicallust77 Күн бұрын
It was really creepy when planes had them...they would spin up and wail during dive bombing
@bodyartatlarge 8 күн бұрын
I live in the Midwest, and my uncle actually just experienced a tornado. He was in his house and in the basement. Him and his husband were both down there, with their dogs, and the tornado ripped through like a flash. It tore off 3/4 of his house. It was a miracle that they survived. Luckily the basement was somewhat in tack, but it was scary. He told us that he was huddled up with them, and he witnessed the pure horror of the tornado as it ripped through his house, right in front of him. We saw it on the news and tried to call him, but that’s when his house just went 💨🌬️🌬️🌬️ I’m just glad that they didn’t die. 🫠
@Courage_girl13 2 күн бұрын
Tornado sirens are so comforting to me. They scare me in the moment, but they are so vital that I can't see them as anything besides soldiers or warriors, putting themselves at risk to protect us. I love them
@nerysghemor5781 5 күн бұрын
OMG. Today I learned it really IS true that the US Southern accent has Scots-Irish origin. How do I know? Si-reen. I've only heard that in the South; never heard it anywhere else until now. Not to mention "What in tarnation?!"
@nerysghemor5781 5 күн бұрын
12:20 Imagine having one of those basically right outside your damn house. That happened when I lived in Alabama and it scared the crap out of me. Even when I moved away I remembered that exact sound decades later and was immediately able to pinpoint it.
@VirtualSimulations-Sirens1954B Ай бұрын
That last part I keep having to remind people, Outdoor Warning Sirens are only meant to be heard outdoors, it is highly unlikely for you to hear them inside your home especially while sleeping which is why the Emergency Alert System is now able to alert you via smartphone. The Alerts can be turned off when silencing your phone or by disabling the the alerts through your notification settings. During the most recent updates there’s now an option to make it so the sound still plays even while your phone is on silent. You also have a few options to choose from so you can enable or disable what type of alerts you want to receive such as AMBER ALERTS (Child Abduction Emergency), Public Safety Alerts, and Test Alerts. Having a NOAA Weather Is right now the preferred indoor warning system.
@ShanRenxin 22 күн бұрын
Narrator: "If you hear these sirens," Adam: "You're f*cked." N: "What will you do?" A: "Die." Well, you're not wrong. "Can you imagine just walking down the street when that sh*t goes off?" Yes. Yes I can. On Wendesdays at 10:15am, weekly during tornado season, cause that's when the tests happen in my county. I've also had the unique displeasure of being both in line with the siren and surrounded by closely built, tall buildings on three sides, creating an echo chamber which amplifies the sound to the point of pain.
@srt4535 9 күн бұрын
The call of our people 😊 Oklahoman here. The most chilling sound of a siren is when its dark, during a sever storm its best described like a banshees wail that fades in and out on the rumbling wind. But true to form ( and NOT joking) were standing in our yard or on our porch looking for it to see which direction it's moving. Most of us are use to it and yes it it terrifying when it's too close.
@colleenmonell1601 3 ай бұрын
I have lived, almost, my entire life in San Diego, CA. We have our share of natural disasters however we do not see tornados. Now I spent one year at my father's home in Wisconsin. They do not get many tornadoes but they do get them. No one told me about the sirens before this and that they tested them once a month to make sure they were working correctly. The first time I heard them I thought we were going to war and panicked a bit (I was 14 or 15 yrs old at this point). I ran back home and they explained what was going on. In my time in Wisconsin the closest I got to one was during a tornado warning. It began to descend towards the ground but lucky for us it went straight back up and disappeared.
@tspryaviation 3 ай бұрын
As a fellow San Diegan native, I agree with you. We have actually had a few Tornado Warnings in SD County this past winter but the only thing that came from it was a funnel cloud trynna drop at the 125 and 54 interchange in the South Bay. That's the closest we ever got to one here in SD to my knowledge. This past winter's atmospheric rivers were pretty severe.
@colleenmonell1601 3 ай бұрын
@@tspryaviation Lol, how about that devastating hurricane we saw this year. I mean the ground got really wet in that one.
@CinciEdits_WX 3 ай бұрын
@Phantom_Fireside 3 ай бұрын
@lizadedeaux 3 ай бұрын
Sup nasty natti nap here
@LemuKao 3 күн бұрын
I actually live really close to a tornado siren. They test them every first Thursday of the month. Feels like silent hill.
@LavenderSystem69 Ай бұрын
Look... as long as the siren just wails for a bit, you're probably fine. Unless you know it's testing time, you should get to shelter, but in all likelihood you're probably fine. If it comes back down from a wail and then proceeds to return to wailing without completely stopping, *then* you're in trouble
@MajorDstruction 11 күн бұрын
Our sirens go off the 1st Friday of each month. We had a tornado touch down about a mile north of us, and it wreaked havoc on our neighborhood. Giant, old growth trees were completely uprooted here. We have that air defense style siren, and it didn't go off until about halfway through the storm!
@WhatsGnat 18 күн бұрын
The "attack siren" is what they used to play for tornados when I was growing up in north texas. I got immediate PTSD 😭😭😭😭
@WanderingRoe 3 ай бұрын
Tornado sirens are panic-attack fuel. Thankfully (or not so thankfully…? 🤔) we don’t have them in Florida that I’m aware of even though our state gets its share of tornadoes (mostly small ones.) My phone went off a few weeks ago at 4AM with a tornado warning. Scared the living daylights out of me. 😵‍💫❗️
@erinfehderau6500 12 күн бұрын
The sound of sirens dont scare me alone but only cause first week of summer on Wednesday (used to be Saturday) at 11am and throughout they are tested. But living in Nebraska... they are horrible when you hear them and its not a test day lol
@ChoosingKindnessAndLove 22 күн бұрын
On April 26, 1984 I lived in Moore, Oklahoma and was starting to walk out my front door when I noticed the air was very still and then my neighbors across the street were frantically calling me over to them, so I went over and asked them what was up. They pointed back toward my house. I turned around and saw a massive tornado going over us. You could see it churning. It was not yet touching down. It went down the road about 10 miles to a town called Morris and then touched down.The siren in our town did go off but it moved so fast to Morris, they didn't have time to sound theirs. 9 people died and many more were injured. It wiped out the entire business part of town. My dad was in the military and ended up deployed to assist with the post tornado destruction search and rescue. He showed me a picture where a piece of straw was put thru a tree by the force of the wind. Scary sh*$ my dude. F the weather in that state!
@KleinesHamsterchen Ай бұрын
Hi there. I don't know if you have already also watched some videos about sirens from other countries. In Germany, we also have different siren signals. I remember back in the 80ies, we had regular checks of the siren systems for their functionality. This stopped then for many years. Today, we have these regular checks of the systems again. Once a year, normally in September. Maybe that might also something interesting for you.
@AnneKohls-ej6zk Ай бұрын
I hear tornado sirens I get excited! I love severe weather.... like seriously, I love that shit. Obviously I don't want anybody to die but I can't stop it and I'm not summoning 1. Only 2 things you can do... get down or get out of the way. I obviously want it in a field where I can enjoy it cuz the first house it hits my chase is over. My biggest fear is being trapped in a tight place not being able to move and not knowing if rescues coming. So i can not keep driving past that i HAVE to help. that's why most hear it and go to the basement.... I'm running outside
@vivienneclarke2421 2 ай бұрын
I live 17 miles from a nuclear power plant. And when they run their siren tests it always makes my blood run cold. Absolutely terrifying~!!
@lisaestes4748 3 ай бұрын
Before we bought our new house we lived a street over from the ones that look like the long metal square things that cause PTSD because, excuse my language but why Da'fuk did the school take 6 year olds, tell us to get on our knees, put our head between our legs, and cover our heads? The alarm sounds but EXCUSE ME, WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THE DIF BETWEEN A DRILL AND A REAL ONE! Child abuse. Sorry i had a moment 😂😂
@Jude_196 3 ай бұрын
HA!! They scare the living sh*t out of EVERYONE!!! We've had them go off, about 3 times, in the last month, or so!! Last time were 75-80 mph straight-line winds and lost a lot of big branches out of Elm tree in the front yard.... Hope you NEVER have to experience them....I'm NOT diggin' it, myself!! HUGS from TEXAS! :)
@turdgoblin6113 6 күн бұрын
All of "the" sudden?? Never ever heard any one say "the" sudden.. its always been all of a sudden...
@JoeVanGogh 2 ай бұрын
The Chicago one is the creepiest lol when I lived in Ohio that was probably the worst thing about living there.. I've seen a couple tornadoes up there, I'm glad I moved back to the mountains of WV we RARELY hear of tornadoes around here and I'm thankful for it lol
@dahuffy 14 күн бұрын
Our sirens are tested EVERY Saturday at Noon. I live in Oklahoma City
@kawaiipastaaaa6819 Ай бұрын
10:33 funny thing: many states in the US (especially in tornado prone areas like the Midwest) have regular tornado siren tests during peak tornado season, which is spring-early summer for the Midwest. It’s different from town to town, but they’re tested about 1-2 times a month at a specific time. So lots of us will just be going about our day as all the sirens in the town are wailing for several minutes lol
@ragantaylor3772 Ай бұрын
So funny to me 😂 born and raised Texan here! I literally live next to a tornado siren in my town. Earlier today ours went off while I was chillin in bed watching KZbin. I didn’t even flinch, just rolled over and continued watching my video till it ended a minute later 🤣 my dog even looked up and then put his head back down. We’re so used to it here 🤷🏼‍♀️
@EduardQualls 3 ай бұрын
The biggest problem with getting rid of the sirens is that too many people don't take their situation seriously _until_ they are scared by the siren. A big problem with people putting cellphones into silent-mode is that the only substitute for sirens would be to force everyone to have a (NOAA) weather-alert radio in their house, always on, which is just neither practicable nor financially efficient. ••• Technically, these are not "tornado sirens" but "weather alert sirens." On 27 May 2024 just before 6 in the morning, the DFW area was alerted before being hit with 80-90 mph winds, hail, and short-spin-up, small, embedded tornados. When every siren for 30 miles around is going off, you _do_ wake up and pay attention!
@Whatthechuckttv 3 ай бұрын
Those sirens are remnants of the Cold War era. That's when they first began to appear was back in the 50's. They're OLD in many cases. It's important to remember that they are NOT designed or intended to be heard by people indoors. Yes, if you live close enough to one, you will hear it, even faintly. They were only intended to be heard by people who were outdoors. Now, as a certified storm spotter/weather nerd and 911 operator/dispatcher i have to say NEVER DEPEND ON THEM ALONE!!! I can't stress that enough. Having grown up and lived my entire life in Dixie Alley, you really need to have multiple ways of getting alerts. The Red Cross has a good cell phone app option called "Emergency" and most local tv stations these days also have pretty good options as well as dedicated weather apps. For your home, I highly suggest getting a weather radio. If you don't want alerts for every little thing, great. Program what you want or don't want. I literally turned ALL my alert options off except tornado warnings which can't be turned off. That's the ONLY alert i get on my radio.
@basicallyhidden6399 26 күн бұрын
Okay clearly I gotta be careful about jumping ten seconds forward or back in this video…
@thenedanocap7673 2 ай бұрын
In 2014 my family and I went to Dallas, Texas and I was 4 years old, so I obviously didn't have a phone, and neither did my older sisters. All we had was flip phones and a single Samsung tablet, which had no cell service. So, then, an ambulance started wailing, but my dad who was driving couldn't see it. Turns out the ambulance-like wailing sound was the tornado sirens sounding, because there was a tornado on the ground in between Fort Worth and Dallas, and we were just driving trying to find our way to our rental house. Im glad we survived. 😂
@ashleycappelle2288 24 күн бұрын
I live across the street from our siren. It attached to the village office/Fire department. It goes off every Saturday at noon. The first weekend in our house we freaked out because no one warned us it goes off every weekend. 5 yrs here and I’m still not used to it.
@spyrus_4359 3 ай бұрын
The only time I heard these was while working in Denver, CO. I asked my driver (a local) if we were being bombed. He laughed, and said "No, that just a tornado warning". And...he didn't care. I think this is a little like "the boy cried wolf" story. Nobody cares? Apparently. And there was no tornado that day.
@AikoPuppet Ай бұрын
The alert and attack ones we have here. They test them on the first Wednesday of every month. My jr high had a tornado siren right next to it. Imagine having gym class outside and hearing it. You practically go deaf, but I do like hearing em when there’s no tornado.
@fighterpilotdragon02 3 ай бұрын
They test the siren in my town every first Tuesday at 10 AM. Unfortunately, one year, that was my P.E. period. We would sometimes have outdoor P.E., and it was a unique brand of loud to have the siren (which is made to be heard for miles) tested right across the street. It's also a bit funny in Midwestern culture, because sometimes we'll hear a tornado siren, have the automatic reaction (even if it's a clear day outside) then go "Oh, wait, it's [insert test day]"
@OneWomanAndTwoAcres 3 ай бұрын
If there were a tornado coming, you would love that siren. It gives you the hope of time to get to cover
@gabytheonedd2695 3 ай бұрын
Typically, US fire engines have a different siren sound than UK ones. But if you were in the US, yes, you might be a bit confused expecting to see the fire department barreling through since the Hi-LO and Alternating Wail sirens did sound like a UK fire engine for sure. The 8/12 dual tone one did sound totally like bagpipes. Too funny. Siren goes off and we're all like "Take cover the bagpipers are coming!". You forgot one important step when you said that you would just admit defeat and lie down on the ground. You forgot the groceries! Don't let those go to waste. If you are just going to have a sit down and wait for the end might as well have a snack - heehee.
@frankisfunny2007 3 ай бұрын
4:48...... that's a Chrysler-made air raid siren. Which is powered by a V8 car engine. Yes, a V8 engine! Why? Because America!
@cjandauntieyaya1446 3 ай бұрын
Whatever you do, don't go looking for Siren Head videos. *Edit - Damnit! You already know about that creepypasta.
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