Freedom from Addictions - Neil Anderson

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@capkarr 6 жыл бұрын
Mr. Anderson, You rock the house!!! Praise God for your ministry....
@nickolassprenghers2314 3 жыл бұрын
You are great Neil Anderson
@christinehernandez6357 6 ай бұрын
Amen! Good word! Thank you.
@jipsees1908 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Wonderful!
@TheSailin 6 жыл бұрын
This is excellent! Marriages need this teaching.
@santosme2398 3 жыл бұрын
Such an amazing message for my soul
@spitfireap77 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, this guy gets it. Freedom in Christ....real freedom.
@therubinaser8470 4 жыл бұрын
all of your work Dr. is so solid! thank you I know Abba brought me to your teachings few months back for a reason. its amazing how we become new creations in Jesus. Yahushua. I was an addict sinner reprobate witch all of the horrible things. since being molested at 6-9 by family member as a child and had to apologize at 12 years of age. I never knew what I was into trting to find peace were ways so bad until The Holy Spirit brought bible to my attention and what you invite into your life by the evils of this world. Glory be to the heavenly becoming a new creation brought such a sense of peace that drugs sex dudes never could.
@alicehunter9580 5 жыл бұрын
My son and I studied your book and companion workbook, Victory Over Darkness. It was a study well worth completing, especially since his father and I were divorced. None of the side effects of our broken home experience. There were no dark corners for secret I'll feelings to hide. After all of these years, I still reflect on those lessons. May God always bless your good work.
@MonteVigh 4 жыл бұрын
I first heard of Neil Anderson and FICM in 1992. I had no idea what God was preparing me to face. I am so thankful for this ministry. However, the one thing that keeps standing out as a point of conflict is the belief that forgiveness means forgiving everyone of everything all the time. In this message, this was applied to the bigger picture with the suggestion that all people are forgiven, just not reconciled to God. Legally, God cannot condemn anyone whom he has forgiven. If he has forgiven everyone, he cannot send anyone to hell because he can't hold people accountable for sins that have been forgiven. Whenever the Bible addresses who it is that is forgiven, three things stand out clearly. First, when the recipient of forgiveness is specified, it is always a repentant person/people. Second, when the recipient of forgiveness is specified, it is never an unrepentant person/people. Third, when instructions are given that clearly relate to an unrepentant person/people, there is not one that ever tells us to forgive them while they are still unrepentant, and there are other things we are told to do instead of forgiving. Because the Bible only relates forgiveness to the way God or ourselves respond to someone's repentance, Jesus' offer of salvation to the whole world cannot mean that he forgives everyone of everything all the time, but that the only way anyone throughout the whole world for all of time can come to the Father is through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Without repentance, there cannot be forgiveness of sin (hence the gospel: "that repentance FOR the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem" - Luke 24:47). So, if the cure to bitterness is not forgiving everyone of everything all the time, what is the solution? Answer: repenting of our flesh-based handling of injustices ourselves and handing all the sins, hurts and heartaches to God in faith that vengeance is his and he will do what is good, acceptable and perfect in his sight. Should we hand those grievances over to God with the same thoroughness as Neil Anderson teaches in relation to forgiving? Absolutely. Be thorough! However, the issue is not forgiving everyone for everything all the time, but trusting God with every injustice ever committed against us knowing that he will always do what is just and right and good.
@DairangerSentai7 4 жыл бұрын
Word,? Could you put this in layman's terms?
@MonteVigh 4 жыл бұрын
@@DairangerSentai7 Yes, I would be happy to clarify! First, I have loved and appreciated Neil Anderson’s ministry ever since I first heard of the guy in 1992. I devoured his two books, The Bondage Breaker, and, Victory Over the Darkness, before meeting him at a Pastors’ and Wives’ conference the following year. Seeing him running the race with perseverance while so many seniors are off in their year-round vacations stirs my deep respect for him. Second, the popular teaching that we are to forgive everyone of everything all the time is not in the Bible. Why is this important? Because it is not in the Bible! And, because it keeps people from the freedom-steps that are in the Bible. Third, the general exhortations/teachings to forgive do not clarify whether that means forgiving everyone of everything all the time or forgive every time someone repents. To know what the general exhortations mean we need to examine the specific teachings or examples that clarify this. Fourth, because it is easy to show that there are zero examples in the Bible of an unrepentant person being forgiven by God or any of his representatives, ever; because there are many examples of unrepentant people being rebuked and/or disciplined in their unrepentance, and because the only examples of forgiveness are in relation to people who have repented, all the exhortations to “forgive one another” can only mean, no matter what the sin, and no matter how often it has been committed against us, every time someone repents, God requires us to forgive in the same way as he forgives us every time we repent. Since this is just a comment section to someone else’s video, I will leave these two links where I explain this in greater detail for anyone who is interested. There IS freedom from bitterness, despair, worthlessness and hopelessness. There IS healing for the brokenhearted and binding up of our wounds. Jesus DOES set people free from the chains of what others have done to us. Forgiveness only applies when those people repent (the rare thing), and faith in God’s sovereign goodness applies to the majority of times when they don’t. This link takes you to a short blog-post that includes our home church video on, “The Freedom to Not Forgive”: If you want just the video, it is: This post & video focuses on the “Freedom to Forgive” side: Just the video is at: My email is in the posts, so I would love to continue sharing about the wonderful gift of grace we find in both faith and forgiveness.
@DairangerSentai7 4 жыл бұрын
@@MonteVigh Thank you for the clarification! If there was anything I'd disagree with, it would be your second point. It would be in our best interest, and it might be in our best interest as believers to adopt a shoot off-the-hip forgiving attitude. Neil said it before-in one of his videos that I can't recall-when we "don't want to let someone off the hook," the problem is that " *we're* still hooked". The only verse I can think within seconds is when Jesus said to forgive 70x-if I can paraphrase-so it could be our role to gatling gun forgiveness. Vengeance is of the Lord's, man. But if this spool of forgiveness isn't in the biblical, it's still wisdom. God's wisdom is capable of going beyond the bible. This is an instance when regardless of if neil teaches it, should be taken into consideration for your own health. As someone who's been on prednisone and too many serotonin changing drugs, forgiveness supplied me sanity, and I really think my autoimmune condition slowly alleviated during periods when I genuinely forgave others. It's wisdom to forgive everyone because our hope isn't in this world and the things we get offended over will pass away. Depending on how you want to live, that could be depressing or a helpful paradigm shift. To me, it takes away a lot of weight off my shoulders knowing that ultimately God will take care of others for me, or deal with me when I've wronged others. It's good for my health in the endgame.
@MonteVigh 4 жыл бұрын
@@DairangerSentai7 I know that the popular teachings only present two options: Forgive everyone of everything all the time or be bitter. Neither is God’s will, but if people are never offered the third option (the plumbline between the two pendulum extremes), they are stuck trying to choose between the lesser of two evils. Those who know it would be unjust to forgive an unrepentant abuser believe their only option is to live with bitterness. Those who know bitterness is wrong think they must forgive people no matter how unrepentant they are. Since it is a biblical fact that God wants us to “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice” (Eph 4:31), and since it is a biblical fact that forgiveness is only ever given to repentant people, what is the biblical way that we stop being hooked into people’s sins against us and enjoy freedom in Christ? Answer: Faith! So, when Jesus said that forgiveness has no limits (70x 7), he had already clarified that this means as long as people keep repenting (Luke 17:3-4). We can’t take a general exhortation about forgiveness and ignore what the specifics have already clarified. In fact, the 70x7 teaching comes right after Jesus clearly taught us NOT to forgive an unrepentant person (Matthew 18:15-20), and Peter was simply asking for clarification (seeming to want to be teacher’s pet) regarding how often we should forgive a sinning brother when they listen to us and repent. When you say that “vengeance is the Lord’s” you are making MY point. There is NO reference to forgiving unrepentant people when we are told to leave vengeance with our God. The issue is having the faith that God WILL take vengeance, either by carrying out justice against unrepentant people, or bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ where his wrath against their sin has already been propitiated. Once we trust him with that, we are free of what anyone has done to us. Plus, we will be ready to forgive them should they ever repent! When you conclude by saying that forgiveness takes a weight off your shoulders, you are describing what faith does all the time. Once we understand that it is Faith (not forgiveness) that sets us free, we can learn to trust Jesus with all our unresolved justice-issues (including our own repentance that we haven’t trusted him thus far), and we can live without bitterness because we are walking in such love-relationship with God that we know he’s going to handle everything according to standards of justice and mercy that are completely in his hands. For anyone who battles bitterness, your real issue with bitterness is not that you are unforgiving, but that you are unbelieving that God will handle the wrongs against you with perfect justice. When WE repent of holding such offensive things against God, he will forgive us and purify such unrighteousness from our hearts, leading us into the freedom for which Jesus Christ has set us free.
@DairangerSentai7 4 жыл бұрын
@@MonteVigh Okay, this is interesting. I haven't thought about it that way, but I say this with honesty: that sounds more complicated, only because its lack of practicality, and (this is just an assumption) that when you had this realization of not needing to forgive unrepentant people, you wiped sweat off your eyebrows. Thank you for giving scriptural examples, but forreal, two questions: what is our responsibility then if we aren't to forgive everyone? I can have a headache trying to keep tabs on who to forgive and who not to all depending on if they verbally want to repent or ask for my forgiveness. Also, how would you explain this to someone who's been sexually abused? How would they know the person is repentant or unrepentant? What if their abuser is dead? I see the practicality of forgiveness as homeboy in the video said, only because this invites clarity in your mind that makes way for the peace of God. I'll reread your comment to see if I misunderstood your point (which I probably did since I've only read it once). *I just want to know your answer has been battle tested and has legitimately helped others through hard times, and not just a youtube comment philosopher.*
@elanevdwesthuizen1054 4 жыл бұрын
❤️Thank you for this excellent truth!
@ellielarkin1 4 жыл бұрын
Life is about choices. CHOOSE WISLEY. Choose Wisley. Big hugs xxx
@grantbartley483 4 жыл бұрын
The intellectual experience of God can be a valid experience of God. The problem is, if that's the only type, there are many aspects of life that are not also being sanctified, such as the emotional or attachment aspects of the psyche.
@sonicmainiacs 4 жыл бұрын
This is sooo good
@verocimil 5 жыл бұрын
This is outstanding!!!
@CloverPickingHarp 9 жыл бұрын
excellent, so edifying and enlightening
@MedievalMarshmello 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Anderson, you need to be here in Norway... I'm struggling terribly 😕
@gujtemki2295 4 жыл бұрын
You don't need no man, you need God Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me and I will show you great and mighty things." God is listening, He sees and knows what you are going through, cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. Get on your knees and cry out to Him. God bless you! ❤️
@andrewspencer7539 Ай бұрын
Brilliant 😊
@susannoel6396 5 жыл бұрын
I do see forgiveness in the old testament like when Jacob slept on the rock and saw the angels going up and down the ladder from earth to Heaven, and when he returned to his homeland 20 years later and found himself wrestling with the angel of the lord and said he wouldn't let him go until he blessed him. He was looking for forgiveness and peace of mind and had realized who he was dealing with. Ruth found forgiveness when she left Moab and the pagan worship of that land to live among the Israelites and worshiping the God of Heaven and earth as her God, even having the Messiah being born from her lineage.
@mortenkalland 5 жыл бұрын
Så sant.
@ryanhultman7712 4 жыл бұрын
I'm searching please help me.
@arthurherringiii 8 жыл бұрын
what are the steps to freedom?
@BRMinistries 8 жыл бұрын
The following is a list of steps from Neil Anderson
@arthurherringiii 8 жыл бұрын
BRMinistries THANK YOU!
@BRMinistries 8 жыл бұрын
I recommend you meditate on Galatians 5... Jesus came to set us FREE :)
@arthurherringiii 8 жыл бұрын
BRMinistries Yes.... I'm looking to start a Celebrate Recovery at my church....I took this course for Pastor Anderson back in 2006 (Bondage Breakers)
@evelynstever5885 7 жыл бұрын
Arthur Herring
@RavenSky1013 8 жыл бұрын
You sound right but i still don't understand any of it.
@FairScale-tx1qv 8 жыл бұрын
Are you struggling with any addiction or habits Heather? Are you bulimic? Mr.Anderson had blessed me with his books even though I am not a Baptist though.
@RavenSky1013 8 жыл бұрын
No offense...I'm not comfortable talking about it on social media, for the entire world to see.
@FairScale-tx1qv 8 жыл бұрын
Freedom In Christ Ministries.........God Bless
@RavenSky1013 8 жыл бұрын
God Bless you as well
@michaelking4578 5 жыл бұрын
@@RavenSky1013 God bless you.
@alanreader4815 8 жыл бұрын
Well Well Well MR Anderson. Are you still trying to find morpheus. Knock Knock Mr anderson. LOL
@arthurherringiii 8 жыл бұрын
Alan Reader some of us take this extremely seriously
@breathinggreen2790 7 жыл бұрын
our soul is always wanting us to have fun and find joy! Isn't true freedom the sound of laughter and our ability play. Take the red pill because it will be the last one you will ever need.
@brycehipp5925 4 жыл бұрын
Alan Reader it’s 4 years later... are you still this bad at jokes?
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