K.P. Buteyko once said that: To test the validity of the scientific discovery made by us almost 30 years ago, it takes 30 seconds of time: offer an asthmatic hyperventilation - he will have a suffocation attack, offer to reduce breathing - will relieve the attack. The cause of the asthma attack is hyperventilation of the lungs, no one said this before our scientific research. And so I have been asking scientists for 30 years to spend 30 seconds to check this (1986).
@GeorgeJetson110 жыл бұрын
We have a discussion group on FB concerning this procedure. If you are interested in learning more from people that have had this procedure, are in the process of going through it, or want to try and learn more about it, please stop by and join. We are a work in progress and don't have all the answers. We just suffer from Asthma and are trying to support and offer advice to each other. Thanks. And breathe easy. facebook.com/groups/BT.Discussion/