Mae prydferthwch ail i Eden Yn dy fynwes gynnes, feinwen, Fwyn gariadus liwus lawen. Seren syw, clyw di’r claf. Addo’th gariad i mi heno, Gwnawn amodau cyn ymado I ymrwymo, doed a ddelo; Rho dy gred, a dwed y doi. Liwus lonnach, serch fy mynwes, Wiwdeg orau ‘rioed a gerais Mi’th gymeraf yn gymhares; Rho dy gred, a d’wed y doi. Yn dy lygaid caf wirionedd Yn serennu gras a rhinwedd, Mae dy weld i mi’n orfoledd: Seren syw, clyw di’r claf. -----------ooooOOOOoooo--------------- There is beauty only second to Eden In your warm bosom, fair maiden. Dear loved one, bright and happy; Beautiful star, hear this lovesick one. Promise your love to me tonight, We’ll make vows before we leave To engage, come what may. Place your trust, and say you’ll come. Bright happier one, love of my breast Best and fairest that I ever loved I will take you as a partner Place your trust, and say you’ll come. In your eyes I find truth That shines like stars of grace and virtue; For me, seeing you is a joy. Beautiful star, hear this lovesick one.
@gwilymjones347611 жыл бұрын
Da iawn!
@brahms44ify8 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know where I can find this piece? I also love this arrangement by Chris Hazel, but after looking n line I only find a choral arrangement by Holst. Any info is appreciated. Bryn Terfel is always sensational!
@sallydarley98126 жыл бұрын
CD First Love by Bryn Terfel.
@szalard11 жыл бұрын
He should sing more in Welsh...
@massagewallah9 жыл бұрын
+Seraphatum a fav of mine!
@Seraphatum7 жыл бұрын
That was the first Song, i discoverd from him. And it took me right away :)
@gary9032 жыл бұрын
We also need to thank whoever is doing these magnificent orchestrations on Bryn Terfel's albums. * Diolch yn fawr lawn *