I cannot express my gratitude enough for this. This one may be your best yet. This is true therapy and when combined with a willingness to do the work there is great power in this. I get it, it's a guy hitting bowls - but, the energy put into each stroke and the magic that happens throughout this video is absolute power. If you are struggling, there is help, have some buy in and spend some time to listen and watch this video, 15 minutes meditation or go on a therapeutic trip with this video whatever you need to do. I understand that real professional help is hard to achieve, but this is the stuff they tell you to do. Lay down, Listen, Think, Mull, Wallow, Grieve, Cry, Laugh, Smile, Alleviate do what YOU need to do, and sometimes figuring what you need when you need it - takes time and that's ok. Mindful Melodies, I'd love to get the name or any socials of the person performing.