Buffy Sainte Marie Investigation Hurts Indigenous Communities

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Mallory Rose

Mallory Rose

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@ravenreid9080 10 ай бұрын
As a sixties scoop artist that did face a lot of terrible abuse and then abandoned by most of my adopted family…this truly hurt me. Buffy stole my life story and many others and made millions from our pain! Terrible and embarrassing for her. The fact that she is still sticking to the lies, is a slap in the face.
@Apachita 10 ай бұрын
She is just sort of "redefining" her lies. (now her mom is an adultress etc) As Dr.Grande put it "she wasn't special in the way she claimed. This should not be a disappointment however, because Buffy was special in another way. She was a pioneer in the area of redefining reality. She started this in 1961, long before many of her contemporaries" He said it with a straight face. His video analyzed her narcissistic traits.
@TemujinMSM 9 ай бұрын
I don't believe you if you were really a 60s scoop survivor you would know some dusty old birth certificate doesn't prove anything. Your birth certificate says your white too and lists you as being the natural child of your adopting parents if you are a 60s scoop survivor. I mean I guess you might also just be like really dumb and not thinking this through.
@TrueBliuNineleven 10 ай бұрын
I don't have a problem with her identifying with the tribal family who adopted her, and I think it's important to recognize that there were a lot of non-native people who were "adopted" into tribes throughout history, my own tribe included. But these people did not pretend to actually be indigenous or native. They were simply adopted into tribes because of the work they did to help and support the tribe, for example. What Buffy Sainte Marie did (and is continuing to do) is pretend to be "an indian". She dyes her hair black, wears makeup that is darker than her actual skin color, to appear "more" indian, although she isn't indian at all. Those who were adopted into tribes didn't try to convince others that this actually made them indigenous. She is a fraud. And it is offensive to me, because there are many REAL natives from whom various types of recognition were stolen by this woman, who wasn't even eligible to be in the running. It's absolutely no different than the story of Rachel Dolezal, who pretended to be black, to the point that she permed her hair into tight curls and again, tanned and wore dark makeup. She was even a chapter president for the NAACP before it was discovered that she wasn't actually black. The investigation into Buffy Sainte Marie's claims of being indigenous is not what is hurting indigenous communities. The shame she has brought by lying the entire time is what has hurt indigenous communities. And she doesn't even have the decency to admit what she did and apologize. That hurts indigenous communities. She doesn't have the decency to return the awards she fraudulently received throughout the years. The fact is, had she "been white," she almost certainly would not have ever attained the name recognition she did "as an indigenous person".
@maik4946 10 ай бұрын
Is Shania Twain a case like this? I do consider her Ojibwa culturally but not biological. Plus she is honest about her roots. She step-dad adopted her in. I think she is a rare case.
@Arewal851 10 ай бұрын
Very true, she would not have gotten very far on her talent alone (or lack thereof). She sings worse than Yoko Ono. I could never listen to her voice. Sounds like a goat at the dentist. Funny you should mention Rachel Dolezal. Buffys own son likened her to Rachel on fb 3 years ago when he said people didn't know that Buffy wasn't really native, that she died her hair and wore dark make up and that she was Italian/English. Not only did she steal all those awards from Indigenous but her last one (the recent Emmy) she stole from "international" artists. She is from the US and was not eligible for that category either. As far as her adoption #2 (into the Piapot family) it seems she was the instigator on that. There is a newspaper article where Emile Piapot said Buffy approached he and his cousin and asked for them to give her a spirit name. She is a very bold narcissist and she exploited their kindness. It is important also to note that the current chief of the Piapot nation is not supporting Buffy and has in fact asked for her to do a DNA test.
@pernilla9831 10 ай бұрын
This is such an important comment, that does NOT get stuck in the "she was adopted as an adult so she KIND OF is indigenous anyway"-BS. Thank you! I hope it will be reposted everywhere. One aspect I have not heared about, is that when she visited that pow wow in the 60ies, she was already CLAIMING to be indigenous and PRESENTED her self as such, for the cree piapot couple she approached in order to create connections that would make her public fantasy (fraud) seam more credible. She was actually USING them, and betraying them to begin with! An older couple light years from main stream media/awareness. The couple is gone, but how much harder for the family to accept the fact now, after decades of deception and upholding that bond. And, to be honest, it might also have been a priviligue for the family to have that connection w a famous artist. In my opinion she came IN to that relationship on those false premisions, so there you go. Even if the interest in native culture was sincere, it does NOT excuse the massive, over half a century long LIE. That shows NO respect, for the actual REAL family (biological), or the Cree Piapot family by adult native adoption (social), OR the native community - and also the non-native public, who also were duped. PS I have a theory of why, in part, she decided to "go native" as a career move. Yes, it gave a "nish"/identity on the folk scene, but MABY also because of her very strange and unusual, for most people even unpleasant, high speed vibrato in the voice. She might have thought that it resembled some kind of native singing and thereby verified the hoax while turning a defect into an ethnic "authentic trademark". (Thank God that is not the native way) Sorry for spelling, am from over seas Last edit: She did have a gift of creating music/songwriting but would not have made it as a VOCAL artist without that identity theft. The bigger the lie, the harder to confess?
@Indigenous-quay 9 ай бұрын
She never thought she would be caught. Little did she know that technology and instant access to information would expose her. Little did she know that DNA would show her for the fraudster she is. Being a liar is not so easy.
@GrantStreetGarden 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely. I am Irish/French/Romany I have worked with the Native tribes in California, they adopted me as an ally. Nothing wrong with that and a very special honor. Buffy appeared on To Tell The Truth show (ironically) in the 60's and claimed she was Cree. The lies started to get more fame as a recording artist. It needs to come to light, the truth needs to come out as it has also been severely hurting her own family for decades. The investigation is not the problem, Buffy is the problem. Truth is like a splinter, it needs to come out for the healing to begin.
@faithwilson3529 10 ай бұрын
I’m so disgusted by the fact that she claimed to be a sixty’s scoop survivor. To claim a trauma and to stick by it is truly disturbing. I believe she should be charged criminally for her actions. She took awards and jobs from deserving indigenous people. She needs to be held accountable
@Jared184 10 ай бұрын
Let’s not forget she was going to try to blackmail her brother to hide her lies.She’s a despicable woman.imo
@LynnRank 10 ай бұрын
Why wòuld she do this oh she is an ac tress
@Laura1roni1 10 ай бұрын
​@@Jared184the so called white brother who sexually abused her. Why wait until now...oh ya media would pay far more for their "story" .
@maik4946 10 ай бұрын
This is the part that makes me crazy ...it makes it seem like if Buffy can do it ....why can't others just forget /heal/ "pick up where they left of in life" . REAL sixties scoop survivors must just be weak in comparison to fake Buffy. She created a horrible message for them and Canadians.
@Arewal851 10 ай бұрын
I agree. I can't for the life of me understand how people defend her like she was doing them some kind of favour. She is so egotistical in her interviews and constantly dehumanizes native people. In one she even defends the Italian Explorer (Columbus) and his men as good people who just had "bad management" (ASU video on youtube where she says "I never BECAME the kind of Indian that was racist" nice Freudian slip there! Wearing blackface is wrong even for a day just once...how is redface ok for 60 years? I do hope they find something she can be charged with. Its weird how she suddenly started removing everything related to being Cree and Canada and Saskatchewan from her website. She says it is to protect her fans and supporters, but maybe she is worried about legalities...?
@djbc64 10 ай бұрын
I've had a few conversations w/friends & family about this. The non-Native friends seem to have the attitude of "what's the big deal? She's done so much for the Native community. She's the ultimate ally." My Native friend has been a fan of Buffy's for years and is heartbroken. She believes the "attacks" on Buffy are false. I am in my late 50's. Folk music makes me cringe. Every time I saw clips of Buffy performing, they made me cringe. She always seemed fake to me with the parrot feathers in her hair and beads. I'd just write her off; "that's show biz". When I saw The Fifth Estate investigative story that exposed her lies, my stomach turned. It's taken a few days for me to process all of this. I went from not giving a damn about her to being angry. How dare she! Caucasian girl from east coast "decides" she wants to be Indian. How many of our elders and ancestors paid dearly for "being" Indigenous?! Some, paid with their lives. All the teachings, the languages, our ceremonies and customs beaten and tortured out of our elders. While pretendians get a tan and feathers and call themselves Indigenous. Like, someone buying war medals in a shop and claiming to be war hero's. Gaahh!!
@Smithpolly 10 ай бұрын
She has a big responsiblity for all of this but she didn't and couldn't do this by herself. A lot of information has had to be deliberately ignored or swept under the carpet by others for her to have gotten away with this.
@pernilla9831 10 ай бұрын
Painful but true!
@melissademarco5271 7 ай бұрын
@@Smithpolly 💯🤫
@spiceystonefemme 10 ай бұрын
I was raised white because my 'Nish mom married a white german/brit! My great grandfather fought in WWI and was a residential school survivor. My grandfather fought in WWII and was a residential school survivor. I,at 55 am working to fund my Indigenous roots,learn my language, and embrace my Indigenous spirituality. I did not claim my Indiginaity earlier because I was ashamed of being Indigenous and how we are treated in this country (🇨🇦) I have been called a "fake Indian" by other Indigenous folks! This is very painful for me. I am afraid to try to get more into my Indigenous community because of this fact. It makes me feel deep down pain.
@theholidaylady1 9 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that this is so hard for you. I hope you find all the information you need and get accepted into your community in the end.
@TraceyRolandelli 10 ай бұрын
I’m an American who didn’t really know who Buffy was until today, but I am of mixed (Northern and Southern) Italian heritage (I say mixed because in Italian culture these two areas are very, very different). After seeing videos of her on here, she definitely looks Italian. Southern Italian with Iberian/North African DNA. I’m sorry this person took advantage of your community.
@danielnascimento6300 10 ай бұрын
She’s co-opted an identity for her own personal gain. It’s the epitome of privilege.
@dianemakes 10 ай бұрын
I disagree with your position. TRC is what CBC did. There is no other way this could have been done. No matter how it was done, it is going to hurt not matter what. Buffy is the one who needs to set the record straight. She has taken so much away from other REAL Indigenous people, starting all the way back to Sesame Street. As an Indigenous woman, I find it greatly offensive that more people are not demanding Buffy come clean, by way of a DNA test and answering many unanswered questions.
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
I sooo agree with you
@deborahpalmer8298 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. It's so disappointing and heartbreaking to learn of her lies. :-(
@Apachita 10 ай бұрын
Don't hold your breath on the DNA but I think she might be worried about legal ramifications. She has now removed everything to do with being born in Canada, Saskatchewan and the Piapot family from her website. The chief of the Piapot Nation has done exactly what you suggested. He has demanded that Buffy take a DNA test. Hopefully more people will follow suit. Especially the universities that gave her all those honorary degrees and the Oscars and the Emmys and the Order of Canada!
@RayyanKesnan 6 ай бұрын
It's a sad story, but at the end of the day the Piapot claim her as one of their society and it seems to me they should be the only people who can determine that. Obviously emotions are strong about this but at least imo that's a separate issue. I just see the potential for tribal identity to become something determined by the "public" rather than the actual nation which is really problematic.
@donnaconverse8516 3 ай бұрын
we need the truth.........so other people will not use our culture to just make money and get attention
@shirleybryant3525 10 ай бұрын
I, at first, refused to believe what was exposed. After her birth records were revealed I was heartbroken. I believed in her and was proud of her many accomplishments. I, like much of the Indigenous communities across Turtle Island, feel betrayed. Thank you Mallory for this video, it brought some clarity to the situation, and how I was viewing it, especially when you talked about success and a healthy environment. I know our people face multiple struggles on a daily just trying to survive, let alone reaching the pinnacle of success, and that, by defrauding whole communities! I am angry! I believe she needs to pay the price for this act of hers, fraud is actually a crime, impersonation is a crime. Perhaps these things need to happen so that pretindians will think twice about doing such things!
@kan-zee 10 ай бұрын
Would this be a Crime ?? Identity Crime ?? a form of identity theft ??
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
Her birth certificate is just a record that her mother filled out. That doesn't make it accurate. Adopted birth certificates look exactly the same as hers does.
@Apachita 10 ай бұрын
@@sr2291 Wrong. The hospital filled it out, it was signed by the doctor with the exact time and birth weight, and it was kept in a vault because it is an official document. I challenge you to find just one adopted birth certificate that looks exactly like an original. (they are not issued from a hospital and don't have the same stats but knock yourself out)
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
@Apachita Mine is the same with my adopted mother attesting that she gave birth to a live child, my adopted father's name as if he was my real father, and the doctor's signature testifying that he attended the live birth. The only difference is that mine issued years later has the time of birth while Buffys has no time of birth. Neither has a birth weight. And both have the same statement that the information was provided by the mother.
@Apachita 10 ай бұрын
@@sr2291 Well then maybe you should stop going around claiming to be adopted. You seriously think that doctors are in on some kind of big conspiracy and they will risk their licence and say a birth happened and they attended when they didn't?
@aqilahjackson. 10 ай бұрын
I so agree with everything that you said. My mom was told she was adopted because the rest of the family could pass except her. So she grew up knowing nothing except the name of two tribes. When her parents died she found out the truth and it destroyed her. I only know what she taught me which isn't much. My father is African American so I have little history from that side as well, I am so Indigenous in my spirit and my life but I remain a tribe unto myself and what is worse I am 65 and in one more generation there won't be enough blood quantum to matter and my Indigenous heritage will be lost forever because of the fear and shame of my grandparents....
@Racha0900 10 ай бұрын
This was such a big blow. So many of us Native women have looked up to her for years . .since she breastfed her baby on Sesame Street in the 70's.
@whitecrow1949 10 ай бұрын
Whew! This is overwhelming. So much to say in response. I don't know if I can. 1. Celebrities do not influence or shape me on a personal level. Yes, they can in general be inspiring or demoralizing. But personally, it is up to me to explore and examine who I am. 2. My father did not identify with his reservation born mother. His first language was Portuguese. He was estranged from her. So, I grew up unaware of this part of my ancestry. I was in my forties when she passed and then I learned of her birthplace (Sisseton Wahpeton Reservation). I grew up without the knowledge that would have made a difference in my conscious identity. 3. Dad was brown-skinned. Black hair. He had an accent. Once he even had difficulty reentering California from Mexico. He strongly identified as Portuguese-American. About sixty years ago, we adopted two babies. Both had brown skin and dark hair. Back then, in the adoption process they sought to match the children with physical characteristics of the new parents. I have wondered in recent years if my adopted siblings might have had Indigenous ancestry. 4. I think it is critically important what motivates us in determining and establishing our identity. Identifying as Indigenous for financial gain or for special qualification in employment or academic applications is distinct from just trying to know and connect with whom we are. For me, it has always been about the latter .. never the former. Some years ago, my life fell apart. It was a circle of brothers who embraced me. They saw my pain. They included me in their Native American Circle. I found my spiritual home there. 5. I have long been a radical leftist, advocating for the rights of oppressed people. Indigenous, women, LGBTQIA+, Muslims, Jews, et al. For me, identity is in part about connecting with people. I am "only" one-fourth of Indigenous ancestry. As a bisexual person, I am "only" one of the letters in LGBTQIA+. "Only." But my heart and soul is 100% with all of these communities. I do tire of the complications added to our struggles. It is already hard enough. Why make it harder? Mallory .... thank you for this and allowing me the space to share.
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
I hear you
@whitecrow1949 10 ай бұрын
​@@KahlessTheUnforgettable ... Your reply doesn't truly follow from what I said. There are people who are awful among Christianity and Islam. I see your comment as laser focused on Muslims, which I find suspect.
@janetscully3337 10 ай бұрын
She is not even a Canadian, which is shocking to me because she made her career comeback starting with Sesame Street and on the backs of Canada. The first hint is that she wrote and illustrated a book saying she was Cree from Piapot, living in her father's house teaching the Cree language. There were about 400 people on the Reserve, not "Reservation", at the time. It was a telling error. She would have automatically used Reserve. I'm 75. I've travelled my whole life including being a Royal Canadian Air Force BRAT. I never knew her connection to America but we didn't know that the internet would revolutionize the world's information and disinformation. Bluffy is extremely talented and is creative in many ways. She'd have had no difficulty conning the Piapot family who must have been in awe that this folk singer was so interested in joining up. Studying Oriental philosophy is another clue because she nade no mention of her overwhelming need to find her Indian birth mother. Ask yourself- what Italian immigrant family from the States decides to drive to little known Saskatchewan in 1940 to adopt a baby on "Indian give away a baby day"??? It's ludicrous. I want Bluffy striped of the Governor General Award for obvious reasons because she's an American fraudster. I can't imagine how bad Indigenous people must feel about being conned by such a powerful personality. As her brother Alan said that the truth will eventually come out. It did. She will never own it but use word salad, victimhood and sexual abuse as her excuses among other things. Poor Bluffy suffered so much at the hands of her Italian parents who just happen to look just like her especially her Dad. Narcissists never admit to anything. In her own words recently she claims that her "gifts" she bestowed upon the great nation of Canada and Indigenous peoples were bountiful with love. Afterall, where would Indigenous people be without her. The raw Conceit and Arrogance on display. Unbelievable. I suppose we should all be grateful for this American Italian for showing Canada the way to enlightenment. 0:23
@pernilla9831 10 ай бұрын
Everyone should read this! Excellent!!
@Ben-Downlow. 10 ай бұрын
When I was in junior school, one of my teachers wore a wig. We (the kids) liked this teacher well enough, but behind his back we called him "wig wam", we laughed at him and his wig, but other than that we quite liked him. One morning in the middle of term he turned up at school with no wig! Bald! And we kids barely remarked on it, however, we no longer called him "wig wam", many of us (even as 8 year olds) realised how brave he was, and this man whome we quite liked suddenly earned a new respect in our eyes. 40 years later, I still think of that man, not only as one of the best most caring teachers ever, but, as an exemplar of moral strength, of bravery, of good example in facing his shadows! Surely this is the first test of a shaman to their new prospective student, can they face their own shadow with courage and honesty. Wishing Buffy courage and strength to step into the light and be liberated. Best wishes from the Celtic Isles to all affected confused hurt or shaken etc by this. Be yourself, you are enough. Surely the second task of the prospective Shaman is to know and be at one with one's roots? X
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
@@BerthaClark-n5e I am Canadian and as far as I know I'm not indigenous but speaking of shame...I AM ashamed. Not of the wonderful world of journalism though, or our social media... I'm ashamed that being Canadian I truly believed in Buffy and held her in high regard. She was our Canadian icon for our indigenous community. Only she wasn't/isn't!! Wow! Was I a fool! Shame... shame on me for having faith in a false Canadian Indigenous Icon!!
@TS-bwey 10 ай бұрын
My mom adored Buffy and I grew up listening to her music and seeing her on Sesame Street. We have Anishinaabe ancestry several generations back, and my mom looked for any positive Native artists, writers, and role models to share with us kids. I was shocked when I first heard the rumors, and was really confused - then I watched the tv special and I've done enough genealogical research to know that the case is pretty much settled. I was physically hurting in my stomach with shock and shame for her. I'm just so deeply embarassed for her and feel terrible that the adoptive family may have been taken in by her claims, it feels like she took advantage of their loss of two cherished daughters. But as a mostly White person, I haven't said much in public or to enrolled Native friends because it feels very much like it's not my place to discuss, and I know people's opinions are all over the place on this.
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
I understand fully where your coming from. It's an awful blow to everyone. But, having said that, I would rather know the truth than continue to believe in something false like sticking my head in the sand.
@BrightFamousBannersglare 5 ай бұрын
This was also the case of Sacheen Littlefeather, Iron Eyes Cody, and other famous people who were considered "indigenous." I am not indigenous, but I was brought up with the myth of the Cherokee ancestrix like many other Americans. Despite the fact that I found no evidence of it, I'm still fascinated by indigenous history, culture, and linguistics regardless. I support such causes without lying about myself. If anything, the Buffy Sainte-Marie case should cause people, ordinary or famous, to really apply scrutiny and skepticism to non-descript claims of indigenous ancestry with such considerations like: 1. If someone "looks" indigenous, such as tan complexion and black hair. It's important to keep in mind that many indigenous people have multiracial ancestries, so obviously they are going to look different individually. So, there is no copy-and-paste criteria for "looking" indigenous. 2. If someone makes the non-descript declaration of Cherokee, Cree, Lakota, or Apache ancestry with no specifics as to enrollment records or family lineage. 3. Even DNA testing alone might not be enough if there is no enrollment documentation. Even though Elizabeth Warren was able to prove she did have a small amount of Cherokee ancestry, she was still not accepted because indigenous identity cannot be watered down to DNA testing. I don't think this case would hurt Truth and Reconciliation, but it would make people more skeptical of non-descript claims of indigenous ancestry. If you are not indigenous and want to support indigenous people, just be honest. Not being indigenous should not exclude you from supporting indigenous people. A case can be made that Buffy Sainte-Marie's family were the victims of anti-Italian sentiment and thus had to redo their whole identity, even changing their surname from Italian to a calque French translation. However, Buffy did not use the background of anti-Italian sentiment as skeleton-key pathos to better empathize with indigenous people, rather to commit wholesale fraud.
@doctorqui-gon417 Ай бұрын
I'am a french man living in France and I loved Buffy sainte-Mary for her song and her interpretation on scene. But, now I am chocked by that i learned about her. I can't imagine all the trauma of this falsification make on all the First Nation of canada and Quebec, and all the Turtle Island. What a shame ! What a pity ! I have lots of compassion and empathy for all first nations people who be hurt by this. She don't need to do this to have success. It's so sad for you and the indigenous people and It's so pityful from her. All my support, Mitakuye Oyasin.
@marymelnyk5798 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Mallory for your insights. It really helped me see how Buffy Sainte Marie's actions deeply affected Indigenous peoples and Canadians as well. A simple DNA test would make it clear as to who she is. I'm am heartsore for how this has affected us all.
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
This is a statement from Ancestry DNA: Inheritance is random Ethnicities may be passed down unevenly, or not at all.
@dannygravel2938 10 ай бұрын
I am truly saddened by this. I even sent her a song I wrote about being born away from my tribe and not knowing many of my indigenous family. I wanted to take it back the moment I heard. My page has many of her videos and interviews and I really was so proud of her. I am very upset by this news. She got rich and is living or should I say hiding somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands.
@MalloryRoseCo 10 ай бұрын
I hear you 100% - I was saddened by the news as well, but more shocked at first to be honest. I remember my mom playing her CD all of the time growing up. I hope you are still playing your songs that you wrote - I love songwriting! ❤😁
@dannygravel2938 10 ай бұрын
@@MalloryRoseCo I will always continue to sing songs of my truth. My Mother is English/ Irish and my Father is French/ Mi'kmaq! I don't want to post if it is not welcome so if you would like me to remove my video just let me know. I am just so very proud of who I am! My name given to me by the Elders is "Swimming Bear", one who always seeks truth! This is the song I shared with Buffy. Just to let you know buffy and I share many friends and her studio engineer is also my engineer so it has really effected our music community to say the least. kzbin.info/www/bejne/eZyUdIJufqibnpY
@Apachita 10 ай бұрын
You know what, I don't even think an "adoption" took place with the Piapot family. Yes she did get the grandchildren of Emile and Clara to make some sort of an affidavit before the documentary aired, but I wonder what they will say now that they know more details. The current chief has asked for Buffy to take a DNA test and is disappointed in her statements. Here are the reasons I am calling her bluff on her Piapot adoption. 1. I just watched her give a speech (UBC Vancouver 2012) and she says "today you have adopted me into your family, thank you" when they definitely didn't adopt her in any way, shape or form. 2. An article from the Regina Leader-Post in 1994 quotes Emile as saying "After her performance, she called over to me and my cousin,” he told the paper. “She wanted us to give her an Indian name.” And Buffy was quoted as saying to the Boston Herald. “You can imagine how honoured I felt they had ACCEPTED me,” “My Cree name is Piyasees Kanikamut, which means 'Singing Bird.' I'm a recognized member of the reservation now.” 3. The biggest reason I don't think any adoption took place in Saskatchewan is that she constantly changes her stories and neither herself nor Emile used the word adopted. I will leave it to the CBC to track down when accepted became adopted. Its probably like the way Micmac and Algonquin eventually became Cree. I have watched many of Buffys interviews and I don't think I have ever seen such an extreme case of grandiose NPD. She is constantly bragging and exaggerating and has a need to make stuff up.
@lindajones8101 10 ай бұрын
Found out today on the news that she’s been removing stuff from her website in which she claimed Cree heritage. And the acting chief of the Piapot reserve is calling for her to do a DNA test.
@donnaconverse8516 3 ай бұрын
True!!! They are probably embarrassed by being duped!!!
@Lillyofthevalley222 10 ай бұрын
I think Buffy truly wanted to embrace indigenous culture and community, but she clearly has some serious mental health issues, I would even suggest borderline personality disorder based on her previous statements over the years regarding reality and her current statements regarding reality. I’m not indigenous but I am a 9th generation Canadian and I support reconciliation. So my next comment may or may not be valid because I’m not indigenous. But people with the types of mental health issues that Buffy clearly exhibits pull the wool over everyones eyes often. The pain associated with seeing a “hero”, icon or cultural star fall from grace is sadly experienced by all cultures. When we discover that the person who inspired us, who we looked up to, who made it seem like we could be and do anything turns out to be a fraud, a liar, a manipulator, it leaves those that looked up to them second guessing themselves, while feeling angry, depressed and questioning if there even is any hope. I’m only offering this perspective because all of us are truly of one human race and the fall from grace of a beloved icon and community figure is a sad and yes negative example of how we are all cery similar and how we can all feel the same hurt and betrayal in this really screwed up world. What I think is a real crime here are the awards and benefits that she received from the Canadian government that should have been awarded and given to actual Indigenous Canadians. Here we have a white American woman who was raised with full privilege within a stable and supportive community who is then later competing against a group of people who assume the door will be closed to them before they even try! Those aren’t fare odds, she’s a liar and a manipulator. Even her own biological family! My God, the woman the mother who gave birth to Buffy has been publicly identified as Buffy as her adoptive mother! As a mother myself, I can’t fathom the pain that something like that would cause. Buffy was and is a sick woman and sick people take advantage of good people all of the time. I hope the indigenous community doesn’t lose trust in themselves over this, because we all experience this one and it seems to be one of those difficult roads to being human.
@cdavidlake2 4 ай бұрын
Interesting how this story just evaporated.
@rozalilu1 3 ай бұрын
When you "retire" b4 the documentary and hide out in Hawaii where Buffy has lived for 50 years, she can avoid confrontation
@bobmeteor 10 ай бұрын
I was heartbroken when the report was revealed. Truth is the basis of meaningful relationships. Without truth, there cannot be trust. My impression is that many young people today are questioning their own identity. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for adopted children. The only encouraging aspect of the investigation is that a truth came out at the end. While this incident was very hurtful, it may serve to increase everyone's awareness of the importance of truth and the damage which being untrue can cause.
@mariawalker424 10 ай бұрын
The one thing I would want Buffy Saint Marie is please take a DNA test. I did I am 30%, but cannot find a paper trail,this is a heartache for me
@ShiraVT 10 ай бұрын
I'd like to share part of my story as it does relate heavily to this.. I was adopted by a white family just as she claimed and I had been interested in finding family and eventually when I was able to reconnect with biological family, my biological father has told me that we have indigenous ancestry. He said it's through his mother's side and it's incredibly complicated to dig through records with absolutely no help at all..I struggle financially so aside from free resources, it's not something I can easily do..and it's so hard because I want to do right by myself and all tribal nations by doing my research before claiming indigenous ancestry.. I look very indigenous as well, but I have such a huge doubt in my mind because I'm not sure with everyone I'm related with. Even through the free records I can find, it's not enough, truthfully. Similar locations, dates, and last names are showing up in the dawes rolls, for example, but I can't confirm it without going to see some of the records myself in person. Situations like Buffy's could prevent me from a support system for myself and that terrifies me. I have a very large desire to learn what I can, as respectfully as I can. I want to do right by everyone and I want to know the truth but finding the truth is so hard when resources are getting restricted. The fact that my social worker during my adoption told my adoptive father not to tell anyone about my possible indigenous ancestry is sad and heartbreaking.. The social worker didn't want me to go to an indigenous family, so if I am indigenous, ICWA failed me..I was adopted in 2003. It's a very challenging situation for me and truthfully I'm not sure what to do or where to get help because of my financial situation and also just not knowing basically anyone in my biological family..
@TrueBliuNineleven 10 ай бұрын
I have been studying my native ancestry for decades. I'm not sure if I can help you to research, but I would be willing to try. If you want to send me a private message, I would be happy to see if I can find anything out.
@fellspoint9364 10 ай бұрын
Fraud and concealment for monetary gain equals theft. She could easily be sued and prosecuted. What a long con job she worked ! Her audacity is stunning and probably pathological.
@WhoaBo 10 ай бұрын
This video was really enlightening on levels that i had never considered for. But still, Buffy just needs to come forth and come clean, or she is going to leave a stain on both Native Canadians and Native Americans. Its really sad.
@lamar1423 10 ай бұрын
I am autistic, high functioning but a bit of an oddball. I am also a card-carrying "Native American" with the paper trail and family connections but raised off the reservation. I did have land on the reservation. My native family moved off the reservation as part of a government job program. Very common Indigenous story. Anyway, I am 70 and was born when "injuns" were savages shot off horses by cowboy heroes until Dances With Wolves came along. I am mixed pass for white unless you look closely. (eye roll). As I said I am a bit different in my affect is peculiar. It took me more time than most to learn social nuances. When I was a child I made the (not really a) mistake of telling people my dad was "Indian". From that point on it seemed almost everyone attributed my weirdness to being Indian. It followed me around for decades. I knew I was different, I wasn't raised in an Indigenous community with a frame of reference for what that meant. I came to believe it myself. Sometimes it gave people a reason to bully me even more. Thankfully I learned later that Natives are not all oddballs... though some of us are, it has nothing to do with that part of who we are. It's just the roll of the dice. Interesting journey Gitchi Manitou had for me. Gitchi Megwetch to you for your gifts to us.
@moorejl57 10 ай бұрын
I feel that these appropriation con artists need to be called out publicly to help discourage the behavior from continuing. It does appear that the truth part of Truth and Reconciliation is going to be the most difficult and painful part of the process.
@melissademarco5271 7 ай бұрын
Does your opinion also translate to gender concealment in the arts and professional sports where this deception runs rampant?
@moorejl57 7 ай бұрын
@@melissademarco5271 I am not concerned about a persons gender in the arts, and it depends on the sport if it is an issue.
@JohnDoe-lt3hi 5 ай бұрын
She’s not even Canadian😂
@forty5Rpm 5 ай бұрын
Not Cree. Not Indigenous, and not even Canadian
@vstar7196 10 ай бұрын
It doesn’t hurt natives because she isn’t native. She was born in the U.S., has a U.S. birth certificate and has family in the U.S. She’s lived her whole life and profited from a fraud.
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
It doesn’t hurt natives? Come again? 🙄🙄
@Kat-jf4wt 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if I have the right to say anything about it so I won't. The ONLY thing I've ever been proud of about myself growing up what that I AM Indigenous. It made me SO proud. A little while ago I took a dna test and it turned out I was only 0.3% . It hurts so much and now I feel like I don't know who I am.. People are telling me to embrace the 0.3% but I feel like a fraud.. If that makes sense. I know that they aren't always super accurate too.
@BerthaClark-n5e 10 ай бұрын
I spoke to soon my last words. Cause I wanted to protect her. I watched the 5th element. I was shocked. I loved her and her works. I have no words for her deceit.😢 Saddened
@BiGDuke6Actual 10 ай бұрын
Mallory, great video! Obviously, a LOT of thought and effort went into this video's creation. You've underpinned your arguments and statements, clearly, logically and sensibly. I have every CD/recording that *Bev* Sainte-Marie has ever recorded. Disappointment and resentment barely addresses this level of utter *betrayal* . CBC called it "The Making Of An Icon"? I believe it should've been more correctly titled *An Icon No More* ... While *Bev* has subsequently released a video statement, condemning and protesting this CBC documentary as 'a colonial attack' on her lineage, it's not and how *Bev* can continue to lay claim to such an apparent lie with such contradictory and over whelming *evidence* and continue to claim this is nothing more than an unwarranted attack on her because(substitute various excuses and half-truths here) is just the pleadings of someone who's been finally caught and attempts to double-down on their outright lies and entirely unlikely stories. The actual true *hero* of this story is Jacqueline Keeler > kzbin.info/www/bejne/jZzcnHWHZ9uZiJI < And yes, Jacqueline is also the journalist who informed the World that in 1973 a women who announced herself as being from the Apache Nation who went by the name of Sacheen Littlefeather, was in fact not Apache but of Mexican heritage. All I can add is, while this disclosure about *Bev* angers and saddens me beyond description, at least she got one song right - *The Big One's Get Away* Kit Che Miigwetch, Mallory..
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
Brilliantly put! I too feel betrayed by Beverly. She's not Canadian either. Pfft! Such a sad state of affairs. She should come clean and address this with DNA testing. Her niece and son are a match so I guess she doesn't have to now. I say bless her family for what they must have gone through over the years. Shame on BLuffy...I mean Beverly. Tsk tsk!!
@MayaShantiSoulpeace 10 ай бұрын
I wonder WHY did she lie about herself? I grew up believing she was indigenous. 😮
@thecoldglassofwatershow 10 ай бұрын
Money and fame
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
Narcissistic pathology
@MayaShantiSoulpeace 10 ай бұрын
​@@EMVelezcould be the reason why because they lie and manipulate to get what they want. Anyway this news was so sad to know about...😢
@kaydenpat 10 ай бұрын
I’m shocked because she looks Indigenous to my non-indigenous eyes. I feel sorry for the family she rejected to create this fantasy of being an Indian woman. I hope she comes out with the truth before she passes on.
@lindajones8101 10 ай бұрын
Her birth mom, Winifred lived with her and died at the age of 92 several years ago in Hawaii. Her son Cody Wolfchild has a lovely picture of him and his grandmother on his FB page. Funny how Buffy never mentioned that her mother lived with her.
@jasonbeard4713 10 ай бұрын
​@lindajones8101 I never knew that either. The entire matter is such a disappointment. I wonder when and how she decided to masquerade as Indigenous. This is so heartbreaking, but I'm writing nothing that hasn't been written here. Thank you for this video.
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
It’s hilarious to me that all it takes for someone to “look indigenous” to white people is to have dark hair and skin 🙄🙄. Oh and put feathers in your hair 🙄. Indigenous people come in many shades and varieties. It is idiocy like this that made it so easy for her to perpetrate her fraud for decades.
@oliviagourlay4944 7 ай бұрын
This women is nothing more than a disgraceful con artist! 😠
@nixkrenisky8907 10 ай бұрын
Indigenous is an English word... All humans are indigenous to this planet. I don't know shit about this woman but how has she disrespected your culture?
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
Lmao. Written like a truly ignorant white person. You don’t think it is disrespectful to essentially wear “red face” for decades, claim a heritage that is not yours when many people truly of that heritage faced racism, abuse, and genocide, all while collecting accolades and awards specifically intended for indigenous people? None of that strikes you as disrespectful? 🙄🙄
@MalloryRoseCo 10 ай бұрын
Which of these affects do you feel the strongest? Share your thoughts on how you have seen the Buffy Sainte Marie investigation effect you and those around you?
@zxyatiywariii8 10 ай бұрын
I'm Polynesian, but I was born in NY, and I've always been more at home in Indigenous Turtle Island communities than in White culture (probably because my ancestors were also almost annihilated by colonization) and I've loved Buffy's music all my life. I especially loved the apparent feeling she put into her music, and her two dog songs (which aren't as well known as some of her other songs) made my heart feel so happy. CBC never even contacted the Sixties Scoop Survivors before they basically kicked a hornets nest into the Indigenous community and then scuttled off gleefully counting the money they made by exploding the story for sheer clickbait greed. 😢🤬🙇🏾‍♀️
@005Amergin 10 ай бұрын
The fact that she BSM feels justified in her actions and continues to be so arrogant about being exposed is just appalling. Won't even acknowledge the pain and confusion she has caused. Every award, accolade and financial gain should be returned. There's a reason she decided to live in a mansion in Hawaii and not in Saskatchewan.
@paulregret3180 10 ай бұрын
You never requested once to BUFFY that she get DNA test. What is her excuse??
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
The Piapot chief has called for her to get a DNA test. Her response was “I don’t have to answer to you”.
@solapeterson3790 2 ай бұрын
Who has buffy St marie harmed? Who wrote and played the incredible music she produced? Who was damaged and defamed by her being exacrly who she is? Her music is a gift to each person who listens.she is who she is. She took nothing away from another. She has contributed a lot. Her music continues to inspire , she has a great gift that she shared with many. Thank you Buffy St Marie for " We are circling" A song that we all could sing together, its a beautiful tribute to what her music has done to the people it touched.
@h.w.barlow6693 9 ай бұрын
She's my favorite Italian-American folk artist.
@donnaconverse8516 3 ай бұрын
she should get an academy award for her fake performance.........
@EmeraldPath 10 ай бұрын
My 3rd or 4th grandmother was a Cherokee woman who married into a colonial family. Her blood line runs through me, and my soul carries the dharma/Karma of her ancestral line. I'm working on connecting spiritually with all parts of my soul. It's not my identity. However, I embrace the culture and the ancient knowledge and have great respect and love for all people, places, and practices of all indigenous cultures.
@hissheepIAm222. 10 ай бұрын
I use to try and hide my Native heritage because I felt shameful,the way certain teachers made me feel! Funny thing I would lie as a child that I was Italian 😔
@IamtheBurceDickenson 10 ай бұрын
That Jean jacket is cultural appropriation.
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
Yeah. How come she can wear dominant culture fashionable clothing when I am not allowed to wear seed bead earrings or necklaces or a North African looking wood and glass bead bracelet that I made myself when I am part North African?
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
Are you freaking kidding me??
@IamtheBurceDickenson 10 ай бұрын
The IKEA furniture in the background is appropriating Swedish culture.
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
@@IamtheBurceDickenson I know. This is becomming ridiculous.
@thevoiceofmany2119 10 ай бұрын
It's so hurtful and devastating because some people do have REAL stories like this That are not fabricated at all! But they also have adoption certificates and other paperwork that Even if incomplete and Or partially Destroyed exists! , (and they did do that in The state boarding schools And christian schools) and adoptions with colored babies In the northeast into Canada that was actually truthful and a common practice. You could buy an indigenous Baby especially if they were lighter skinned. You can look this up for yourself it was common practice. With assimilation. But she's hurt ALL of us! And especially those Who carry that truth Who already fight And have to suffer and walk in that genocide With judgment from all sides she just made it so much worse And horrific, Carrying devastating history And trauma. A community who looked to her as a voice or some sort of representation. It's sickening and devastating. She was raised indigenous by her Adoptive family later on but she should have just told the Truth about all of it! 💔💯
@mboiko 10 ай бұрын
The Ultimate Irony... Turns out Buffy/Beverly has the SAME ancestry (Italian) as Columbus...
@VictoriaKing1977 10 ай бұрын
@Thefare1234 10 ай бұрын
The person behind the investigation is Jacqueline Keeler who is a brave Native American journalist. Are you suggesting indigenous voices who expose fraudsters taking advantage of resources dedicated to indigenous communities should be silenced?
@kristenmarielle3497 10 ай бұрын
Umm she’s doing a video on the topic! Wtf question is this? Why do you focus on this when the video has so many great points? You maybe need therapy
@MalloryRoseCo 10 ай бұрын
@Thefare1234 I agree with you 100% the journalism work was incredibly brave. No I don't think anyone should be silenced ever. I am big beleiver in free speech no matter what. My suggestions are aimed to support people in coping and unpacking their feelings when they learn about this investigation and others. 🧡
@Thefare1234 10 ай бұрын
@@MalloryRoseCo This is great, and I understand your intentions. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding. I agree with other comments that it is not the investigations that are causing the harm. What is truly harming people is the actions of people who try to capitalize on indigenous trauma for fame or money or other reasons.
@auntyTea-v9m 10 ай бұрын
Nawh Jackie is a lakota matriarch, she had every right to prevent cultural abuse within the oceti sakowin which is treaty 4 territory, we arnt cree here, it's assinibione territory
@mayloo2137 10 ай бұрын
​@user-fl2it1wg2x Isn't Treaty 4 in Saskatchewan which would include the Piapot Reserve which is Cree?
@nakuruhike7991 10 ай бұрын
Proving indigenous identity is no longer a problem. A simple DNA test proves your ethnic combination easily. 😊
@ErikaSzell 10 ай бұрын
So, I've been curious about this since I found out via DNA testing. I have a small percentage of indigenous, but I don't come out and say that I am indigenous; however, I honor every molecule that makes me one entire being. I would never try to benefit from this, which I could not anyway, but I have always felt drawn to the indigenous culture since I was younger. What do you do in these circumstances? I simply want to learn about this part of me and enjoy friendships with those in the indigenous community, as I would with another.
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
What is a small amount, and does it make you different from mainstream society?
@efjefe 10 ай бұрын
Ask her if she loves Pepsi. She says no... there ya go.
@ccs1453b2g 10 ай бұрын
I always thought being Indigenous was a way to live life. Often I wonder if we are our own worst people.
@KahlessTheUnforgettable 10 ай бұрын
That’s all well and good; but “being indigenous” is a fact or it isn’t. I agree, when indigenous people can identify with an interloper to the detriment of the authentically indigenous as whole; maybe you are right.
@forty5Rpm 10 ай бұрын
Why Buffy WHY ?
@lenaperie.5752 10 ай бұрын
Just GREAT! - Speaking as someone who has and has to use, an adopted name. I wasn't adopted, but my name was adopted by my white father having NEVER known (or been told) who his REAL Father was. I'm so dissapointed knowing she would claim to be indigenous when she truly is not at all. How could she live a day to day lie and reap benefits on our behalf without burden and heavy guilt until ONLY recently? Our lives are already a heavy hardship proving who we are especially when Tribes always try to deny us. Often times as petty as, based on our skin color for example. Tribes turn their backs on us and doubt who we truly are enough without this disaster adding to the hardship. My native Mothers side we FULLY trace back 7 FULL Generations as Native Americans BUT, I'm still DENIED being Indigenous based ONLY on my lighter skin color by other Native Americans first with sight only. Although, my Medical Genetic Cell Typing PROVES without doubt, my Race is Native American FIRST. THIS is NOT fair to us and I'm DISGUSTED by Buffy Sainte Marie's actions she carried out for so long.... THIS disaster WILL HURT those like me even more and it's very SAD.
@johnbrowneyes7534 10 ай бұрын
Her website recently deleted some details about her life. She’s stopped touring as well. A family member said they had to stay silent about her lies or they could “lose the house”.
@paulneumann7739 10 ай бұрын
I for one, am hoping there is an excellent tiramisu recipe at the end of this rollercoaster. Looks like someone slipped into the wrong category of the "wheel of privilege and power".
@nickyp2820 Ай бұрын
It's why Starwalker is her worst song (it's so bad it's embarrassing!) and Up Where We Belong is her best. She fooled a lot of people but music doesn't lie the way people do. She used native dress and song for her stage show but it never rang true. Even the french spelling Sainte Marie was a stage name. Instead of Saint Marie and Santa Maria to give credence to her claims as many French trappers who lived year round on their trap lines married native women in the mid 1800's. Shunning her family for fame and fortune and threatening her brother Allen the way she did was truly repulsive.
@KahlessTheUnforgettable 10 ай бұрын
🔥 BREAKING NEWS: Bluffy Ainte-Acree has just released a statement confirming that she IS 💯% INDIAN. She has revealed she is a lifelong Hindu and was raised in New Delhi, India 🇮🇳
@selfhealherbs13ms 3 ай бұрын
Why don't they do a DEEP DNA Test. She looks like she has indian something. Yes, it's a terrible story on her part saying she's something that she's not, and continue to stick to it. People like me have indian blood in me and haven't revealed it because I dont feel that I should take that away from them. Hopefully, she will open up and tell the truth, whatever it is. Peace, Love.
@barbarasmith6340 10 ай бұрын
I hated being native as a kid. Was a 60s scoop. Was constantly tormented and teased as a child and teenager. I wished all the time I was of European Descent.
@Lerxst3333 10 ай бұрын
I was hurt when my parents admitted Santa Claus was a pretend thing. It’s their fault! Lol
@MalloryRoseCo 10 ай бұрын
Lol love this - When I found out, I wasn't hurt - I felt bad for my parents knowing they do so much work their kids :(
@heathercondo150 10 ай бұрын
I was born in Canada adopted and brought to Massachusetts. I looked up to her but I wasn't a super fan, maybe I felt something subconsciously. Anyways, I'm totally devastated by this whole thing. I truly believe she might have been delusional this whole time.
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
Not delusional. Just a classic narcissist with a sense of entitlement.
@WillieBrownsWeiner 10 ай бұрын
The Peepots are the best Indian family money can buy
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
@WillieBrownsWeiner 10 ай бұрын
@EMVelez Peepots. If you allowed this fraud to perpetuate for this long for money you're a Peepot
@simoncaron6424 Ай бұрын
Getting mad at the journalism that exposed her would be like getting mad at the friend who found out your husband was cheating.
@michaelobrien8219 2 ай бұрын
i'm caucasian, yet find this news really upsetting and confusing in some way i can't put into words - as if Indigenous peoples have not been through enough - it's incredibly sad - yet maybe something positive can eventually come out of it.
@justinfendelet8675 10 ай бұрын
It's obvious buffy is italian looks like Phil Esposito born 1942
@cae2582 10 ай бұрын
Our we gonna have to carry around our family history to our tribe and ancestors to prove we are NATIVE... after everything we all been thru from our ancestors to today.
@madalen532 10 ай бұрын
Being a yt US american, I understand I will always have a limited perspective on this topic, and I'm driven to learn more. Asking out of curiosity (not spite), how would you handle this case moving forward to avoid the most harm? Obviously Buffy Sainte Marie caused a lot of harm and many folx would like to see justice, but at the same time like you said in the video, this investigation will spark a lot of increased harm for indigenous folx to prove their identity both informally and legally. Do you think the investigation should be dropped and let the community handle the justice to avoid the legal ramifications for the community? At the same time I'm thinking about all the profit (both monetarily and socially) she's made over the years that should have gone to benefiting the indigenous community that would be lost if legal action isn't taken.
@accomplicemom 10 ай бұрын
I never feel more native than the day a pretendian is outted. jokes. but really how disrespectful to her relatives and ancestors creating this elaborate lie that she has told for so long she probably believes it, its really sick.
@accomplicemom 10 ай бұрын
its just like this german women who wrote a whole memoir about how she was a Jewish holocaust survivor, made a whole career off of it. But actually she was a German christian and lived in luxury during that time.
@danbernstein4694 10 ай бұрын
So it was all a con.She doesn't care who she hurts... her blood family, the First Nations artists she has whose place she took, and the Canadian people who she played for a sucker. All for the dollars.
@jimmcconnell7328 10 ай бұрын
It wasn’t just the money but more the fame,that of being looked up to and respected,that was what motivated her even more. She was willing to do anything for that applause and recognition. That is why she couldn’t stop lying. Even in her old age she wanted to do another tour. She dropped the tour probably because someone clued her in on the investigation that would reveal the truth. The sad part is she wants to cover her lie with more lies.
@Yennefer_Of_Vengerberg--1266 9 ай бұрын
I have a friend who is Full Blood Cheyenne , he was raised by a Caucasian family and his birth certificate claimed he was born to Caucasian parents as well . Just like Buffy Saint-Marie but he took a DNA test and it proved he is full blood Cheyenne . I prefer to see her take a DNA test to prove once and for all her lineage . If she truly is Caucasian then she is one of the first I know of that has spoken out through song about the things that have happened to the Indigenous people. I have also seen Full Blooded Native American people who look like they are Caucasian . So it is entirely possible for a Caucasian person to look Native American and Vice-Versa . I want to see DNA results . Enough of the lip work , now show the blood work.
@rozalilu1 5 ай бұрын
Buffy will never do a DNA. That is worse than saying she lied. She's Italian
@jeffjones3040 10 ай бұрын
Why does she LOOK so indigenous? That is a good trick.
@CMAtkinson 10 ай бұрын
Brings to mind Joel Grey in Cabaret "if you could only see through my eyes.....". I mean really - what does being Indigenous really look like?
@jeffjones3040 10 ай бұрын
@@CMAtkinson ....If you don't know, you are blind. Don't play stupid.
@jeffjones3040 10 ай бұрын
@@CMAtkinson ....It looks like Indigenous people look. Stop being a cretin.
@thecoldglassofwatershow 10 ай бұрын
She looks like an Italian woman tbh
@jimmcconnell7328 10 ай бұрын
Her son Cody said she used heavy makeup and dyed her hair to appear that way. If you see earlier pictures of her she looks Italian. She was quite pretty when she was a teen. Not until her early twenties did her appearance change with the straight hair,dark skin and the native beads,feathers and jewelry. She did not want to be Italian and adopted another culture.
@RayyanKesnan 6 ай бұрын
The way I've heard it expressed by many people is that the Piapot Cree claim her as their own and that's basically the end of it. They are the only people who can say if she is or isn't a member of their society. Makes sense to me as trying to "hold her accountable" seems to call into question indigenous sovereignties and invite non-natives to police identity. Not that she isn't completely wrong for what she did or that indigenous people have to put up with people stealing their space and identity either. It's really confusing :((
@rozalilu1 5 ай бұрын
Just cause the tribe adopted Buffy doesn't make her indigenous. She is a fraud
@donnaconverse8516 3 ай бұрын
they want a DNA test as this has the potential to be an embarrassment of being conned on such a deep level of trust
@rozalilu1 3 ай бұрын
It will never happen. Her biological Italian sister took one and showed relation to her son Cody.
@corysimenson2231 10 ай бұрын
Great (sarcasm). I’m Métis, and shame from two previous generations about that heritage has prevented me from reclaiming it. This destroys that utterly. It was already a struggle now I have to abandon that heritage as my mother and her father did. I don’t want to, but the reality is I will not be accepted regardless of proof thanks to the race shifting committed by people like Buffy.
@davidpittman106 4 ай бұрын
OMG ARE YOU KIIDDING ME?!?!? What a loon
@flightographist 10 ай бұрын
Beloved fake indigenous icon. Her charade cost indigenous people opportunities.
@tonguepetals 7 ай бұрын
I knew she was a pretendian since day one. The fact y’all didn’t realize she’s Italian kills me.
@deborahpalmer8298 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Mallory for your videos. I learn so much from your wisdom and informative presentations. It's been heartbreaking to watch the unfolding of Buffy's lifelong deception and the harm she has caused in Indigenous communities, as a result of her betrayal.
@solapeterson3790 2 ай бұрын
Have you heard the Buffy St Marie song, 'We are circling" ITS A MANTRA Its a story Its healing Listen to it.
@marsheilarockwell9750 10 ай бұрын
I was adopted by my stepfather when my mom remarried, as were my siblings. Our birth certificates were changed to show my step-father as our biological father. Legally, he is considered our biological father. If not first the fact that my biological father was still around and his family kept genealogical records, there would be ZERO proof as to who my actual biological father is. This is extremely common in the US. You canNOT rely on birth certificates alone in the US, especially when it comes to establishing Indigenous descent. None of this alleged expose even touches on this fact, which reflects extremely poor journalistic integrity on their part, considering even the most amateur arm-chair genealogist in the US knows this. Very disappointing.
@iciajay6891 10 ай бұрын
The biggest rule of journalism. Who dose this story hurt. Its disgusting that they did it.
@Renee-wy1po 10 ай бұрын
So you think we should have let it go? Her own son was telling ppl for years 😔 that his mom lied about it, her ex husband found out to ,
@benjaminbewhite 10 ай бұрын
I have native American admixture, but I'm not Indigenous because I'm a mix of 29 different ethnicities/peoples...but this lady is vile to do this!
@jacinthegrondin1155 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for that video. You put complex information together in such amazing way and I will be using your video to explain and educate how impactful that fraud has on Indigenous community. Please keep making videos like that; I need that to avoid imposing on myself the emotional pain to educate over and over…
@pamelasutton6842 10 ай бұрын
I am so sorry for the pain and difficulties you are all experiencing with regard to this information. I have not had any hopeful documentation results in my maternal and paternal heritage and therefore I have never claimed the stories that were passed down to be accurate. No adoptions known. DNA testing is very expensive.
@mboiko 10 ай бұрын
23andme DNA Ancestry test cost is $119/US...Black Friday sale is/was $79/US...
@westcottage5453 10 ай бұрын
miigwech for this thoughtful inclusive compassionate inquiry into this complicated heartbreaking issues
@janicesalminen2557 10 ай бұрын
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
Her niece and son are a match.
@auntyTea-v9m 10 ай бұрын
Jackie is lakota...oceti sakowin aka 7 fires council is treaty 4 territory, a lakota matriarch has every right to look into cultural abuse, a trauma informed approach would have been piapots teaching her traditions like 7 grandfather teachings
@maik4946 10 ай бұрын
Listen to Aysanabee, and William Prince ( The Spark) music it timeless and true.
@tudormiller887 8 ай бұрын
How was BSM able to get away with this lie for so long ? Any DNA test would have proved that she wasn't Indigenous but of Sicillian/Jewish ancestry.
@rozalilu1 5 ай бұрын
Journalists do zero research. Add Hollywood careers, reputations, and the money train. All good here. Just move along.
@gordonlaliberte5708 10 ай бұрын
Ancestry DNA and a polygraph would proof if she is indigenous.
@Smithpolly 10 ай бұрын
DNA would. Polygraphs are not admissible in courts for a reason.
@charlesgriggs4598 10 ай бұрын
Buffie never hurt anyone. She was a good talented woman. She showed how indigenous people were shunned and hated. The Indian nation's should thank her for bringing up important issues. Political political correctness is destroying our modern 🌎.
@henrylorteau8699 10 ай бұрын
So she is not Indigenous or is she?
@debbielayden8893 10 ай бұрын
@sr2291 10 ай бұрын
Probably not indigenous, but maybe has indigenous ancestry.
@EMVelez 10 ай бұрын
Jeeze. How could you listen to this and not grasp the main point? 🙄
@lancer2029 10 ай бұрын
@ehbrownj 10 ай бұрын
Tansi, I was disappointed & saddened to find out that Buffy was not my blood relative from the Piapot Band #75 First Nation Saskatchewan Canada, but my uncle Emile Piapot and his wife my aunt Sarah Star-Blanket did adopted her to our tribe and that carries some weight wether she's considered "Indigenous Native"--(not by Blood, but by Spirit). And Buffy did contribute a whole lot with her talent to help the Native Americans communities throughout the America's AKA Turtle Island.
@Eichelhäherfeder 10 ай бұрын
Buffy St. Marie has gone her way. She recognized the strengths of the Indians, respected them and stood up for the Indians. She feels comfortable and safe with the Indians. The biggest compliment ever.
@roberttwin888 10 ай бұрын
When you look at some chiefs they look like they just got off the plane from Europe, but they got a treaty card. Dna testing is not 100% accurate.
@TrueBliuNineleven 10 ай бұрын
Native Americans are required to be able to prove their connection to the original tribal rolls through government-certified documentation in order to have tribal membership. We cannot just prove we are genetically related to someone. We must prove by documentation. In fact, we are the only race on the planet who is required to do this before we can be on a tribal roll. It is one of the reasons I KNOW Buffy Sainte Marie isn't native/indigenous/first nations. Because she would be able to prove it through documentation. Like Ms. Sainte Marie, my mother was also born in 1941, actually born on our reservation, and can prove it because the documentation is well-established. Ms. Sainte Marie speaks of "oh the paperwork just wasn't available way back then" as if someone being born in 1941 was ancient history. Birth certificates were established in Canada as far back as 1898, and tribal census rolls have been being made since 1871 in Canada, 3/4 of a century before Ms. Sainte Marie was born "in Canada" "was back then". But also, many chiefs today are mixed-blood chiefs. My tribe began intermarrying with the French very early on, before we ever left Missouri/Kansas and had to move to Oklahoma. My grandfather had dark skin and crystal blue eyes. My mother was born with light blond hair, but later had dark skin and black hair and dark brown eyes. Many children in our community have blond hair and lighter skin. But they are still actually native.
@KrisKey-dx8lg 27 күн бұрын
Your wrong, she knew who she was.
@eddypaul8959 10 ай бұрын
DNA would prove who she is actually genetically related to.
@mboiko 10 ай бұрын
23andme DNA Ancestry test cost is $119...Black Friday sale is/was $79 US...but she will NEVER do it for very obvious reasons. btw - Her Sister and Son did take a DNA test and their results matched...
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