Can you show how small and compact the seat and basinet are when it is folded?
@bferguson42544 жыл бұрын
Hello! What would you recommend more, the Cybex Priam 2019 or the Fox 2?
@christineeeee4 жыл бұрын
I'd also be interested in the response to this question.
@rclyamzkiee81864 жыл бұрын
for me you have more colour options for the fox2 for a baby girl the cybex the floral design is to overacting, and sadly that's the only choice you have for a girl, the other colours are also " to much" the fox 2 has more simplier colours. just my opinion.
@Nadollie3 жыл бұрын
Is this compatible with the Nuna Pipa Rx car seat?
@nikoleta6753 жыл бұрын
Why doesn’t bugaboo chair recline separately for baby feet and back, like in cybex Priam for example? Is it considered better to have this fix angle between feet and back for the baby or not?
@MagicBeansVideos3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for reaching out! Its a personal preference, for both you and the child. There are advantages to each. We can help out with questions like these at or at!
@bruce.wgamel6578 Жыл бұрын
Very sturdy in comparison to other strollers that we had. I get a lot of compliments for it. My baby loves being in the bassinet, The kzbin.infoUgkx4qZutfp1y5CaTUcMTuFPbARE5u-8XLiE stroller comfortable. I like the rain cover and the white net that comes with it. I use the rain cover just to cover the car seat when it rains. If your front wheels don't turn well, make sure you lubricate.
@petramaras68064 жыл бұрын
I own a bugaboo fox, did a big research before buying the stroller for my now 5 month old and bugaboo fox turned to be the best option for us. We absolutely love the stroller, my baby was sleeping so comfortably in the bassinet and when she turned 4 months we switched from the bassinet to the seat set horizontally as it was summer so she had more air that way and she began to lurk around and felt bored in the bassinet. You need to have a bigger car at the beginning when you use the bassinet but later on with the seat it is easier. I drive a Mazda CX5 and everything fits perfectly. As I bough the stroller few weeks before the release of the Fox 2 my question for Mr. Magic Beans is, if I want to change looks can I buy a FOX 2 canopy and use it on fox?
@crazi3chick8013 жыл бұрын
You didn’t show the car seat that comes with the stroller
@iftelf3 жыл бұрын
May I ask about fox/fox2 breezy sun canopy ? Are there any minor or significant feature change between fox and fox2 breezy sun canopies ? I understand they are compatible, but do I miss something when buying cheap breezy fox canopy to be used on new fox2 stroller ? Thanks in advance for answer.
@MagicBeansVideos3 жыл бұрын
There are no differences that would make me suggest the more expensive one! I would go with the old one.
@marthavega64604 жыл бұрын
Which stroller would you get. I want something that looks good with big wheels and easy gold to storage in the trunk. I don’t care about the money I care about the quality and convenience. I’m between bugaboo lynx, bugaboo fox2, uppababy cruz 2 and Bod Gear Alterrain
@seasalt14014 жыл бұрын
I haven’t used mine yet but I went the bugaboo fox 2 and from the moment it arrived, you can tell this thing is all QUALITY. People often talk about hype and whatnot, but I got to see tall and try the uppababy vista 2 and the fox2 and definitely the fox2 looks and feels so much better. I give birth in October. I love it, feel it was worth every penny and haven’t even use it 😅 it’s super lightweight for the size and folds nicely for the car.
@shane8594 жыл бұрын
@@seasalt1401 hi , so i really want this fox2. But i did not buy before i gave birth. Now that my baby is 2 months old i still want it! 😅 do you think its still worth it now that shes 2mos old?
@seasalt14014 жыл бұрын
@@shane859 yeah because you get bassinet which she will use until around 6 months and it’s safe sleeping since it’s a bassinet. You can have her sleeping safely there and warm in the winter inside. You also get the chair. And a rain cover. The under basket is great too.
@shane8594 жыл бұрын
@@seasalt1401 how is the bassinet when its folded? Im concern about traveling with car.
@HannahSpannerBailey3 жыл бұрын
@@shane859 it folds down pretty thin. I’m sure there’s another video on KZbin showing it. Try bugaboos video on the fox 2.
@jenniferpike81684 жыл бұрын
I love that there's a bassinet to it, but are the nuna bugaboo turtle infant carseats adaptable with this stroller and the donkey? I'd hate to wake a sleeping baby in the carseat to move to the stroller.
@wibblewobble4894 жыл бұрын
Studies have shown its extremely bad for babies to sleep in carseats (or be in them longer than they absolutely have to) as their oxygen starts to deminish after 15mins. You can attach carseats to the fox but honestly, for the sake of your child, don't LOL.
@ilaarora60054 жыл бұрын
How does this compare to Yoyo 2
@gurdeepgill834 жыл бұрын
Why there is only one frame for bassinet and other seat?
@killat0n4 жыл бұрын
Because you won't be using the bassinet and the seat at the same time. Once your child outgrows the bassinet, it will no longer be needed. This is how I understand it. That video explains it.
@raikachan7664 жыл бұрын
Can I buy the Bugaboo Fox 2 without the infant bassinet because my baby is already 4 months old and I think he’ll outgrow the bassinet in 2 months time given his size?
@wibblewobble4894 жыл бұрын
Man, you'd need a truck (or an american SUV sized car) to fit that stroller even when folded. The size is insane! Are there any differences in the bassinet fabrics attachments to the frame? Are they still velcro'd on? Thank you for doing a review on this, its been a contender for me despite some drawbacks, i just love the square shape and there doesn't seem to be anything else like it on the market.
@EditSMU4 жыл бұрын
I jut bought a fox 2, and you can just remove the bassinette, snap the supports loose and compress it, and without it the chassi will be flat. Takes no space at all compared to others. folding it with the bassienette on like that is just dumb, nobody has a car like that!
@rclyamzkiee81864 жыл бұрын
EditSMU are you satisfied with the bugaboo fox2 ? :)
@EditSMU4 жыл бұрын
@@rclyamzkiee8186 Yes! Ive used it for 8 weeks now and it is So easy to manouver. I barely have to touch it or push for it to move the way I want. The click system to take apart wotks great. We bought adapters for car seat so we dont have to take the whole thing when out to the store or doctors visits. The bag underneath is a bit small and badly shaped but all in all I am very satisfied with the fox 2 👍I have it in blue melange as the fox 1 fabrics can be used on fox 2.
@rclyamzkiee81864 жыл бұрын
EditSMU thanks! that's very helpful 🙏🏻
@HannahSpannerBailey3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree, there’s no reason to fold it like he did in the video! Just take the basinette off and it fold down tiny...the basinette also folds really thin.
@VTLIFE-so4dc4 жыл бұрын
For those rich people.
@neb-roqket87394 жыл бұрын
No. For the smart ones who invest instead of buying cheaper strollers all the time because they break over time.