Thanks for sharing. I'm always interested in how successful business people set their goals and objectives, what they actually do each day (as time management is a challenge for me) and how they think about things and prioritise. I'm currently dabbling in blogging and e-commerce and feel like I'm too thinly stretched, like I can't do both and need to focus on one. Can't decide which! So it's good to look into other people's lives for examples.
@NikArmenis5 күн бұрын
I mean this in the nicest way possible. But by dabbling you aren’t committing. I am guilty of this too! Even though I am changing directions a bit I struggle with really committing and it holds me back. By committing we get clarity and time management becomes easier. I’d say pick one or the other and really take it seriously. Each day pick one thing and set a timer. I also find journaling will help get clarity too. Or at least grab your thoughts and put them into ChatGPT or similar to find patterns. You got this
@SpeedbirdHeavy4 күн бұрын
@@NikArmenis I know you're right! I've read 'The one thing' by Gary Keller which describes the same strategy and it makes total sense. The problem I have is in picking which one to go with, in terms of my two fledgling businesses! It might have to be a coin toss. Totally get why you've chosen to rent an office - I think I need to do that too. And get myself a mentor to hold me accountable.
@NikArmenis4 күн бұрын
The one thing is great. I think it’s probably too restrictive and hard to follow but a good message. The office was a game changer for sure. I actually just completed clarity coaching with a mentor. I’m going to try help people with a similar offer as well. It was super useful
@SpeedbirdHeavy3 күн бұрын
@NikArmenis sounds interesting. I will watch this space 😀