BYU Student Talks of Woke Activities and Professors At BYU

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@Elizabetha2514 Жыл бұрын
30 years ago in California, my husband heard a G.A. speak in an area conference. Addressing how members there were compromising towards the world's standards despite not having sunk as low, he said that members were on " a higher road to Hell!" This is a perfect explanation for BYU's accomodation towards the "Religion of Academia" - we are on a higher road to Hell!
@noskalborg723 Жыл бұрын
One thing we should do is teach the categories of animals as arbitrary groupings, not distant hereditary relations. I get so tired of scientism being crammed down left AND right. In school and shows.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
And guess who is in charge and letting it happen?.
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
"Wolves in sheep's clothing". Our Savior predicted this. "Even the very elect." This should not come as a surprise to any Christian.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
@@rolandsmith4394 So true.
@scotthullinger4684 19 күн бұрын
Ok, so that post up above is a year old as I type away ... Somebody tell me, what in the world is going on at BYU - if anything at all? Has this "Religion of Academia" somehow produced a very "woke" element at BYU? Seems to me as if it's perfectly possible to be simultaneously dedicated to both academia and God.
@tommystevenson2164 Жыл бұрын
Thank you all for your positive comments. This is Tommy Stevenson. What I would recommend is that you bring this video and other reports up with administration if you would like to see change happen at BYU. Thank you for having me on, Greg. Always a pleasure.
@alexandertwol Жыл бұрын
You’re the reason people continue to report each other on campus. This is not a positive video and what you’re “outing” is basic humans rights.
@bheer98 Жыл бұрын
@@alexandertwol for what reasons are people reporting others? Also, I'm interested to know what basic human rights he is outing.
@alexandertwol Жыл бұрын
@@bheer98 just simply being college kids? The honor code and “teaching woke” are dumb reasons to report your fellow students are really turn people on each other quickly. And just because you’ve got teachers advocating for LGBTQ+, women’s rights and BLM doesn’t make them criminally insane it just makes them socially acceptable. “Woke ideologies” as this channel likes to label them, are not destroying America, they’re simply people trying to belong in the country they reside. It’s not too much to ask for simple respect for trans people to respect their pronouns or for a lesbian couple to hold hands in public or for Mexican immigrants to be allowed to vote unimpeded.
@amynazza Жыл бұрын
@@alexandertwol your comment seems to be a bit vindictive without any stated facts to support it. Maybe you ought to spend some time studying Thomas Sowell before you begin to make unsubstantiated claims regarding human rights.
@paulhoffman2409 Жыл бұрын
It is definitely a human right to commit sin. It is also a human right for someone to call you out for doing it.
@herbmason3204 Жыл бұрын
First and foremost, Im a staunch member. I believe I might know why this is happening. Well intentioned, coming from a direction of love, our church is currently leading a directive of walking on egg shells towards sins popular in the world. As a result there has become a softening of conviction in standing our ground in declaring Gods very clear Will and teachings against certain sins. As a result, members are more easily being led down a path of spiritual apathy by the adversary, affraid to offend anyone our of fear of not appearing loving. As a result again, younger generations are being raised seeing both the worlds opinions being displayed more in their faces, along with an attitude that doesnt appear against it by their parents and leaders, opening more doors to being even more open to the ideas of being perpetuated by the adversary. This in turn moves peoples understandings of who God is, His personality, further away from reality, making the comprehending of the importance of the Gosple harder to reconcile, being more open to allowing these things to creep in further. Personally i believe its time to stop walking on eggshells. Its time to calmly teach with care, what is right and what is wrong, directly without fearing offending the worldly. We should not fight, we should be direct. Declare crt for what it is, a teaching inspired by the adversary. That acting on gay feelings is an grievous sin, and even thinking these things, or as the Savior put it, lusting in their hearts, is a sin as well, is not ok. To treat other issues like trans for example, for what it is, either a mental issue, or a perversion, both requiring professional help. Im sorry, but the Lord never said that the process of the separation of the wheat from the tares was going to be a clean and painless one. It's time to calmly and directly lovingly teach the gospel without apology, without being vague and without fear.
@davidsprague6250 Жыл бұрын
I agree with 99% of your comment. I don't believe the Brethren are telling us to hold hands, sing kumbaya, and that everything will just magically work itself out. For example, Elder Holland did a BYU devotional in August 2021, and in it he stated how difficult it is to show love and empathy and not have it mistaken for acceptance and approval of certain life choices. It was an awesome devotional. Pres. Nelson, in his Peacekeepers Needed talk last month he said that he wasn't talking about peace at any price. Now I believe that there are members and maybe even possibly some local leaders that may interpret it the other way. I agree with you. Sometimes, I miss the 70s, where we had good old-fashioned pulpit bangers to help keep the members unconfused, but I believe that time may be past. I believe that the Lord is seeing who really has eyes to see and ears to hear. I might compare it to Higher and Holier versus being led around the wilderness like the children of Israel. He has given us plenty of in your face guidance. Now, it might be time to see if we have really learned anything and if we are hearing Him. I agree. Now especially is the time for all of us to choose what we are, wheat or tares?
@herbmason3204 Жыл бұрын
@davidsprague6250 Thank you for your comment! I agree 100%. I too agree with your comment about the leadership of the brethren, and the importance of distinguishing between love, and enabling, and how they may be confused. In fact in teaching this last sunday Elder Uchtdorf talk Jesus Christ being the strength of parents and youth, i made sure to comment on peoples incorrect interpretation of the new For Strength of Youth book. Theres been a lot of talk of God extending more trust to the youth to make their own decisions. They take the removal of a rule from the book as a green light. I used piercings as an example to illustrate my point. In our youth it was taught 1 pair for girls and none for boys, even President Hinkley reaffirmed this in the 90s. As a result ive seen some young women adding more piercings and young men too. I taught the point that only a slothful servant needs to be commanded in all things. If we really loved HIM, not only would we keep His commandments, but even if all of Their commandments were removed for a season, we would still follow them, if thats where our hearts were found. Even though we have His guidance which we call commandments, God will not command us to Heaven, we have to willingly choose it for ourselves. We must develop a nagging hunger of the gosple and i will say, righteously covet the gifts of the Spirit. If there was a carpenter building a house, who only cut and nailed correctly if he was constantly being reminded to, he too would be a slothful employee. The house built would end up a disaster, good only to be torn down to try again. The 1% of my comment you may have disagreed with im sure stems from the difficulty many have today in discerning truth and error. I displayed my concern partly from the viewpoint that is too often being misinterpreted by so many, and allowing the adversary room mislead. We either love God and His ways, or we dont, and look for justification or excuses. Im honestly worried.
@jasonmears4393 Жыл бұрын
@loenearbuckle6604 Жыл бұрын
4:47 4:49
@cecynay7369 Жыл бұрын
I agree completely! Stating clear doctrine in GOSPEL DOCTRINE has become taboo and people who are clearly going through faith crises make comments that are somehow seen as more devout. It's completely fine to be going through something, but when you're making constant comments about Heavenly Mother and what she thinks and "if She were running things".... why does no one say "huh. Okay..". Why must we act like everyone's political feelings must come before HF's doctrine??? PS. I've heard general authorities are more clear in smaller talks, but for GC, they are speaking to the entire world, much of which doesn't have the American problem.
@theforcerestored7022 Жыл бұрын
I studied Psychology at Utah Valley University, as part of that I participated in statistical and survey research programs. In one survey we were asked about belief in God. The only options to choose were: I know there is no god, I believe there is no god, I was raised to believe in god, and I think there might be a god but I do not know. I chose not to complete the survey and I submitted my response about the survey stating that there was a clear and present bias and based on the various questions and available responses it seems it that any combination of responses would all lead to the same biased conclusion and I do not think that study should hold any validity. I was thanked, my points needed in surveys were filled up for the semester and blocked from further surveys, I then was assigned a mandatory sensitivity training from the department. I informed my professor and he was shocked affirmed that i addressed the situation appropriately but nothing changed.
@jaimepiano1985 Жыл бұрын
YOU needed to be more sensitive? Oy. Thanks for standing up!
@ronpalmer2u Жыл бұрын
Twisted Analysis. The Church needs to Clean House.
@jaredshipp9207 Жыл бұрын
The good thing Cougar Chronicle did in their recent article was putting an actual name to a problem. Not simply reporting on these issues in general terms. These problem professors prefer to push their false narratives on young and naive college students behind closed doors and naturally dislike attention being called to what they're doing. Cougar Chronicle needs to do more of that.
@BrendonKing Жыл бұрын
If the church/BYU is really, truly desirous of removing this from their midst, they'll name publicly, and the ones spreading this garbage will be thrust into the spotlight.
@gtf5392 Жыл бұрын
Darkness hates the light. Someone that’s living in the light, but stumbles, will want accountability to be pointed back to the light. Accountability is a good thing.
@rodneyjamesmcguire Жыл бұрын
When I was at BYU in 1987-88, I with three others, founded "The New Americans" club, based loosely on the uber-conservative idea of a John Birch Society "chapter" (local group). We grew to about 40 or so members pretty quickly. The main speaker that we sponsored, was Abdul Halim Shams, a cabinet member of the Afghanistan government, prior to the Soviet conquest / genocide attempts. We picked him up at the SLC airport, and he stayed at the home of a local JBS member in Provo. We met in the main auditorium of the Tanner building. His message was anti-communist, anti-Soviet. He warned of the dangers of ever trusting the Soviet Communists. He told of his harrowing escape from execution at the hands of the Soviets (read, "In cold-blood; The Soviet conquest of Afghanistan"). He showed us the marks of torture on his back at the hands of the Soviet Communists. Truly a great message about seeking liberty / supporting liberty / and his faith in God. He was part of the Mujahideen resistance against the Soviets (not Taliban, which rose after America abandoned them). He was consistently interrupted by shouting from radical students, similar to what one would see today. AND, when the address was done, we had to physically escort him out of the auditorium because students were trying to surround him and hurt him. Anyways, I say this, because this has been going on for a long time at BYU. Don't be fooled by any supposed conservatism there.
@scotthullinger4684 2 ай бұрын
I was a student at BYU at that same period of time, but I never heard about any of this. But on the other hand, I didn't live on or near campus. I lived at home about 12 miles north of campus. Shouting by radical students, huh? Years ago, I would not have thought any such thing possible. But I can most assuredly believe it now, and this is after having lived in lunatic California for 18 years.
@DianeRoman-bj5sg Жыл бұрын
Good on this fine young man Tommy Stevenson for calling out these anti Christ ideas and teachings at BYU. Thank you for standing up for what’s right.
@lorenefullmer8495 Жыл бұрын
This makes me so sad to hear this about BYU. I went to BYU many years ago and I never remember any of my teachers or professors teaching anything contrary to the Church or the Gospel. I loved my time spent at BYU and I still love BYU. The BYU administration, board and staff need to remember they have an obligation to the many people who pay into BYU through tithing, tuition, and donations. They also have an obligation to uphold the teachings of the Church, because students choose to go to BYU to have a different kind of academic experience than they would get somewhere else. My parents, Roland and Dora Mae Crabtree, were major donors to BYU in the 1980s. They chose to donate to BYU because of what BYU stood for. If they were alive today, I know they would also be saddened to hear what has happened to BYU. BYU needs be different, and to stay the shining light on the hill that it was meant to be. Professors and teachers need to remember Brigham Young's counsel to Karl G. Maeser "Remember to not teach even the alphabet or the multiplication tables without the Spirit of God."
@zionmama150 Жыл бұрын
The recent BYU Women’s Conference featured a “queer” woman (Liv). She said it was part of her eternal identity to be queer and told the audience that her bishop “loved her” because he didn’t ask her “who [she] was dating or what [she] was doing”. This was in front of the former members of the general women’s presidencies in the Church (Sharon Eubank and Jean Bingham) when she did this. They also affirmed her responses! Made me feel so sick that these people I looked up to are falling into that popularity trap. It is deceiving church members. Did you see that conference? (Search queer identity activism BYU conference)
@jaredshipp9207 Жыл бұрын
Clearly someone didn't do their due diligence in who they selected to speak at that conference.
@SummerAdamsdotcom Жыл бұрын
@@jaredshipp9207 oh no, they knew exactly who they were calling to speak!
@cherylb5953 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredshipp9207 They knew very well. They were standing right there next to her on the stage. They introduce her, brought her out and said, wasn’t that lovely. There was nothing discussed about living within the Gospel standards while dealing with same-sex attraction. It was all about love and “acceptance“ I was glad to see them replaced the following general conference. It is things like this in the church that lead our youth astray. I take this very personally. If the church sounds like the world, they have nothing different to offer the youth. Then the youth decided they don’t need the church. This is exactly what happened to my daughter who started at BYU as of strong return missionary, and now has stepped out of the church. Her bishop told her she could date same sex and that’s all right as long as they don’t have intercourse. Unbelievable.
@asarg1776 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean “affirmed” her responses? And where can I see this for myself if you don’t mind?
@rigell2764 Жыл бұрын
The church has gone so soft on this nonsense. We need another Spencer W Kimball to tell folks how it is and not try to appease anyone. Maybe if Oaks becomes prophet. He seems pretty black and white on the matter and is usually given the touchy topics at conference.
@gefil8781 Жыл бұрын
Thanks goodness for students like these who have the courage to speak truth and take the heat.
@TRM520 Жыл бұрын
The most concerning thing to me is that it seems when people convert to the religion of academia, they teach it as if it were the undisputed truth. As if it were gospel. It seems that many of these professors give no light, or very minimal light, to an opposing view. Without contrast, we are no longer teaching critical thinking skills, we are indoctrinating. And at BYU, it's indoctrinating young, impressionable students with the philosophies of men, mingled with the words of living and ancient prophets. Incredibly sad and dangerous... because it ultimately will lead to one thing. Apostasy. Because the eternal doctrine and principles of the church will not change, no matter how much the activists come against it. Thank you both for your work!
@Jon316-y5u Жыл бұрын
Can you imagine if LDS academics proclaimed the Gospel as zealously as they push secular progressive ideals?
@nancylowe2692 Жыл бұрын
I think that any time the soft sciences are taught (Sociology, Psychology, political science, gender studies, even some child development views, to name a few) that it is inevitable that corrupted influences creep in. A bad professor here, a questionable textbook there. Over time we get the most ugly, distorted viewpoints of reality and we teach it as truth to our children.
@janh1399 Жыл бұрын
thank you Tommy Stevenson My husband's son went into byu as a conservative and came out of byu way left
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
What happened to your husband's son's mother? Sounds like she planted some evil seeds. Feminism in the Church is as bad as gender confusion ... same thing, really.
@personalitymanager1580 Жыл бұрын
Right around 1967 there were a couple of guys, students, and members of Young Americans for Freedom, were talking to Dr Richard Poll, a very liberal BYU professor. My sister, a student and I, a member of the JBS, were Standing their and listening.. It was not going well, and one of the students started to open the book, Prophets, Principles and National Survival and start quoting from the book. I will never forget that incident! Dr. Paul turned red as a beet. He was so angry he could not contain himself. He started to shake and pointed his finger at the book and said "anyone that was subscribe to that Partisan tract!." I have never seen anyone with so much hatred on their face as Dr. Poll. It actually scared me. I am 82 and it made me realize what we were up against. It is no different today,
@braydonwirth5487 Жыл бұрын
I’m going on my senior year at BYU. Was at BYUI for 1 year then BYU for 3. I’m amazed out how far from the church the classroom has come. Very rarely do we pray before class which used to be the norm. I have teachers constantly teaching principles directly contrary to teachings of the church. Biggest of which is pushing the LGBTQ community. I’ve had multiple classes that bring in the lgbtq board into our class to talk about their struggles. This is fine but each time the professor starts the conversation by talking about how we need to support them and help push the cause. One Professor even teaching blasphemous doctrine regarding exaltation and those who act within the lgbtq community. My wife and I have talked about how we don’t want our kids to go to BYU because of the things we’ve experienced…but it’s still better than pretty much any college and that’s what scary
@steveevans3753 Жыл бұрын
Really? Why do you think prayers aren't said as much? I'm going to BYU this Fall Semester to teach part-time, and I plan on opening every class with a prayer. That blows my mind that other classes don't do that much anymore.
@braydonwirth5487 Жыл бұрын
@@steveevans3753 I’m not completely sure. I’d outside of religion classes I have 1/5(roughly) actually say a prayer before class. It’s very obvious to tell which professors are 100% for God and the church
@steveevans3753 Жыл бұрын
@@braydonwirth5487 Thanks for the info. I'm trying to be as prepared as I can going into things. I'm glad that you take things seriously and recognize the importance of God at BYU. It would be a shame to see Him forgotten.
@janetdouglas5098 Жыл бұрын
I went to BYU from 1975 thru 1979 and there was Never a Opening Prayer at the start of class, except for the religion class. Not everyone in the church is hard core right wing conservative and we’re just as righteous. Extreme left and extreme right have been the ideology of dictators. Remember that Stalin was extreme left and Hitler was extreme right.
@jasontjapkes Жыл бұрын
@Brandon Did you notice a difference between BYUI and BYU Provo professors in their expression of doctrine in the classroom?
@paytonwhipple6141 Жыл бұрын
That study on political balance had some shocking data. We are one of the most balanced universities because the ratio of left to right is only 6:1. It’s astounding how a place that should be conservative is not only left leaning but considered balanced because the ratio is in single digits.
@noskalborg723 Жыл бұрын
@noskalborg723 Жыл бұрын
That IS shocking
@Mammafly Жыл бұрын
Is conservative the 6 or the 1?
@DisgruntledDanite Жыл бұрын
Thats totally nuts... sheesh. "Balanced" lol. Take anything and put it on a teeter-totter at a 6:1 ratio and see how balanced that is.
@noskalborg723 Жыл бұрын
@@Mammafly the one apparently
@janice2992 Жыл бұрын
Thank you both. It's great to listen to brave young men who tell us what is happening. Is it arrogance and self perceived power to teach ones own theory? If someone was to speak non truths from the pulpit the mic would be switched off and they would be asked to sit down while someone else took over. People should be encouraged to report lecturers teaching what they are not authorized to teach. The devil only needs to influence the people at the very top. I am glad that I am weak and simple. Love your show Greg❤
@mrmod123 Жыл бұрын
I’ve called twice to then Pres Worthens office to vent my concerns about the woke BS at byu. I did it respectfully but the gal I spoke to didn’t seem to think anything was wrong. I’m sorry but until the President of byu and even more importantly Elder Holland and Pres Nelson do something about the issue it’s not going to change.
@isaacrexx Жыл бұрын
Just graduated from BYU also. Had a great experience but the spiritual aspect of the school has been lost because of political tension. Teachers and students are walking on eggshells so there is limited discussions or arguments in class. BYU needs to be at the front line of religious discourse but it just isn’t anymore.
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Isaac I would like to hear more.
@bobwilkinson1217 Жыл бұрын
Why is it thus that Hillsdale College must lead and set the example? Our prophets have designated BYU to be the leader-- unique.
@m4oni Жыл бұрын
Our problem is, we are saying that a segment of church members are actively fighting against the Savior. They are either actively choosing the wrong side or being deceived into trying to change Christ's church. We need to see that if we stand and fight this, we are going to get extreme opposition, like when the Lord was on the Earth, or the early days of the latter day church. They will do ANYTHING to corrupt the Lord's church.
@katrina1829 Жыл бұрын
Abomination of desolation...where once they knew God they apostates now fight against him and it will only get worse! I don't think anyone should be surprised sad but not surprised. It's only throughout all our scripture we know the end of this story.
@timothyosborn1697 Жыл бұрын
If actions, like the "Whiteness" activity" had occurred when I was a student at the Y I would've failed as a student. My returns, for that kind of assignment, would've been totally opposite to what would have been assigned.
@cristilindsay Жыл бұрын
I graduated from BYU Hawaii in 2003 and was very suprised by the white man hating and liberal ideas we were taught. I complained to the President of the University.
@skyleen Жыл бұрын
This makes me sick at heart. Why aren't these professors being chastised ? When the Church leadership is silent, it is usually taken as assent.
@pevitzachast6892 Жыл бұрын
They’ll push us to take a useless vaccine, but they can’t say a word when these teachings are driving our children away from the gospel.
@puddydat2233 Жыл бұрын
They so much as say boo to these professors and they'll go crying to the SLT. Within two days every paper in the world is running, via Reuters and AP, a hit piece on the vindictive patriarchal fascists running the mormon church.
@keithmanning2937 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps, the leaders of the Church are not being inspired yet to start separating the wheat from the tares⁉️
@BD-xi1tv Жыл бұрын
Fire these libs, they are polluting BYU...
@andrewwashburn6080 Жыл бұрын
i think that the church is trying to not alienate sinners but i think instead of helping them come to christ it might be making more people fall away instead. i am not inspired thought so i cant say i know better.
@Jimoutdoors Жыл бұрын
Graduated from BYU in 2001. Loved my time there but this garbage wasn’t going on. I shed tears over this! Where are the leaders that speak of the rattlesnake “you knew what I was when you picked me up”. Now the leaders teach, If you pick up the snake just be careful oh and help others pick up the snake as well. This hurts my soul. My heart truly breaks for conservatives. It makes me so sad to see this going on.
@brandonl2555 Жыл бұрын
Why are people afraid of calling these teachers out?! There is finally courage to talk about it happening, but everyone says “I’m not going to mention who…” how is this different than protecting these professors.
@brentyergensen2257 Жыл бұрын
Great episode. No student should have their faith compromised in a CES classroom because of the adopted ideology of faculty. Not one. The issue isn't only pervasive on CES campuses, but is claiming more and more real estate on CES campuses over time. This is much more of an urgent manner than the passive observer might think.
@bheer98 Жыл бұрын
Super glad to finally see Thomas on your show Greg! We served in the same mission together, but it wasn't until after we got home that I got to know him a little bit. He has some great insights on BYU and the gospel.
@BK-si1ut Жыл бұрын
If I ever had a child go to BYU I would try to imbue them with a healthy skepticism of some of their potential professors. I am sure that there are a lot of professors there that are committed to the gospel, but as this video lays out, there are a lot of “wolves in sheep's clothing” who teach our young adults at church schools. I would tell them to expect to encounter this type of professor from time to time and if they don’t, then consider themselves lucky. I think it would be helpful for students to understand who many of these professors are and what motivations some BYU professors might have that may conflict with the teachings of the gospel. The first thing to remember is that in order to get a professorship or to even get through an advanced degree these professors have been steeped in ideas and practices that contradict the gospel for many years. This affects their world-view and in many cases leftism will trump the teachings of the scriptures and prophets. Many professors wouldn’t have been able to graduate if they didn’t submit to the party line. Another important thing to keep in mind about many Ph.D. professors is that some of them are obsessed with preserving their reputation with other members of Academia in their career field. This is not just in the faculty lounge, but among their peers at other schools. Being conservative could make it very difficult for them to publish and of course present their research to their colleagues. They face an inner conflict between the teachings of the gospel and the expectations of their peers in the Academy. In many cases the Academy wins. These professors spent a lot of time and money getting their doctorate and the associated prestige that comes with it. They don’t want to lose their standing. Some BYU professors have a big incentive to be dishonest about their true feelings about the church and prophetic teachings. Getting a decent job in academia can be very difficult and impossible in some cases. . . unless they can present themselves as a faithful practicing member to BYU hiring committees. How many professors will admit that they don’t have a testimony when doing so would cause them to lose their job? Many of these types would like to work somewhere else, but finding another job could prove to be very difficult. These professors will do the minimum to keep up appearances. The Humanities (especially the English department) Psychology, Sociology, Education and Ethnic Studies Departments all deserve warning labels. I would advise my children to put their guard up any time a professor or anyone else in authority advocates a teaching that contradicts church doctrine and teachings. Hopefully they have been taught well enough to recognise false ideas. The final point I would try to make to a future student at BYU or BYUI is that these know-it-all professors are not as smart as they would like you to believe. In the real world outside academia they would barely qualify to work at a fast food job. In summary there are many BYU professors that are great and are worthy of respect, but many sadly are not. I wish parents would go through these points before sending their children off to BYU schools (or any other college or university for that matter).
@jamesharris6893 Жыл бұрын
there was an incident some decades ago, where some faculty with secular views referred to the Department of Religious Instruction as the "Holy Ghost Club.' There was a kerfluffle over that, and many were reprimanded.
@thelefthandedshooter5760 Жыл бұрын
Looks like trade school may be the path for my kids if BYU is going to fall.
@austinrehl8545 Жыл бұрын
I’m starting a trade school in VA within walking distance of the Institute building at Southern Virginia University.
@Ily779 Жыл бұрын
How many members of the church would join if we decided to fight this battle? Instead we are going with the world or riding the edge. We might loose some members who are on the edge but we would gain so many good and righteous people. It seems the people we try to hold on to end up leaving anyway but if we don’t stand up soon it seems everything will become corrupted.
@puddydat2233 Жыл бұрын
Great point!
@binmyrtmind Жыл бұрын
If leaders don’t stand for righteousness we will be losing the righteous members too.
@captainmoroni1776 Жыл бұрын
5 or 6
@mylifeliving Жыл бұрын
I am currently attending BYU-I through the Pathway Connect Program through the Church. I am so thankful that I have not ran into any of this with my online instructions. I was hoping not to since I am going into Marriage and Family Studies.
@ethanrobertmiller4849 Жыл бұрын
I am in marriage and family studies myself I never seen any professors either as well, so I am thankful for that as well.
@bobsanders1949 Жыл бұрын
So, here we are in Riverton, UT, age 73. Just what the Heaven are we supposed to do about this? Make calls? Write letters? stage protests? Sit home an pray? what??????
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Letters and e-mails are good.
@aarondb8300 Жыл бұрын
Food storage and bomb shelter
@HeavilyMetalled Жыл бұрын
“What the Heaven?” Is this new Utah speak? 😂
@teristokes740 Жыл бұрын
Who do we email?
@kseismoloj Жыл бұрын
@@CwicShow Letters and emails to whom?
@spanky4446 7 ай бұрын
I feel like I have escaped these problems in my time at BYU. Very happy to say that within the Engineering and Math departments people still have sense.
@FTTLOMS Жыл бұрын
Comparing Kendi to President Nelson in any way is so deeply offensive that I’d be violating my covenants to give those who make such comparisons what they deserve.
@michaeljhuntsman Жыл бұрын
The Lord said, there must needs be opposition in all things. Even BYU and BYU students benefit from hearing both sides of issues. The problem happens when woke BYU teachers present "the other side" as the preferred belief
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
This is correct.
@jasontjapkes Жыл бұрын
Doesn't our tithing support BYU? I think I've heard our tithing is the lords money and it will be used to do the lords work, and to trust those in the care of the lords money? I'm not nor would ever be an activist but I would be troubled knowing that our tithing is going to do Satan's work. If children at BYU are being lead astray by false prophets and false doctrine, which appears to be the case. Then should the lords money, our tithing continue going to such places and causes that work against our lord and seek to destroy God's church?
@danielroehm2822 Жыл бұрын
I used to donate $ to Hillsdale. I would never donate money to BYU voluntarily.
@wendeerusson9815 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem that exists at BYU is that most parents and students don't know ithis is happening. happening happening
@SummerAdamsdotcom Жыл бұрын
Sending your kids to BYU is like feeding them to the wolves. Hillsdale or Liberty Univ are much better options IMO. So grateful my kids see BYU for what it is and took it off their list of goals.
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
@itsallwonky Жыл бұрын
If conservatives encourage their kids to not go to BYU, you are surrendering the school to the left. Don't just let them have it. Teach your kids about the ideologies before they get there. They're seeing it in their high schools anyway -- everyone needs to already be talking with their kids.
@brandonl2555 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it’s hit BYUI yet, I’m not sure about BYUH or SVU
@capybara39419 Жыл бұрын
There are several families in my ward, whose children left the Church while students at BYU.
@tysonfreeman3682 Жыл бұрын
It's still safe at BYU-Idaho.
@pharotman2311 Жыл бұрын
What happened to BYU ? I thought it was an LDS school??
@nospam-hn7xm Жыл бұрын
BYU shouldn't be following anyone. They should be leading the way and setting the example!
@charinabottae Жыл бұрын
26:30 "These are highly intelligent professors". It has been my observation in life that some of the most intellectually intelligent individuals are some of the most clueless in other key areas (applied sociology, common sense, mechanical aptitude, etc). They are also some of most conforming individuals around. So, I do think it could very easily be the first explanation that these professors are simply clueless about the bandwagon they are jumping on. That they don't truly understand the core facets of what Ibram Kendi stands for.
@jaredshipp9207 Жыл бұрын
The problem is these professors are lacking in Gospel understanding and belief. With them, at best you're going to get the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.
@GldnClaw Жыл бұрын
I've found that when I try and do things the "smart" way, it gets me nowhere at best. A complete spiritual overhaul seems necessary.
@TheYgds Жыл бұрын
I think the Humanities professors and Social Science professors are given way too much credit when they're called "highly intelligent". They aren't. They are the stupidest of professors, categorically. The smartest are Mathematicians, Engineers and Physicists. Below them are the hardcore chemists, biochemists and molecular biologists. Just go and read women's studies and sociology graduate theses and papers. They're laughably bad much of the time, and barely better than opinion pieces. They aren't smart, most of them, they just know how to spin a narrative and "sound" smart. Outside of true scholars, those that study classics, history, linguistics or use applied statistics and demographics, they are mostly frauds, undeserving of their positions. They make those of us in the hard sciences and STEM fields look bad. Most STEM professors can do actual work, because the lab requires actual work. You have to be able to do things, not just write about them. I've never met a STEM professor that wasn't also skilled in some other area, usually a trade. I think the STEM fields should be taught in separate schools, we aren't the same breed as these other so-called scholars.
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
It’s really a shame that our tithing has to support this university as it veers off the rails and is actively teaching “the philosophies of man, mingled with scripture”
@8dreamersfarm Жыл бұрын
Satan wants us to see uses of tithing in a negative light in a way to sway us that we’re funding evil. Many people rationalize not paying tithing because of the use of funds. Pay tithing simply for obedience to God. Trust that He knows how it’s being spent and whoever does wickedness with it will be judged for that. (I’m not saying you specifically are one of those people, I’m adding this caution for anyone who needs to hear it.)
@av8ionUSMC Жыл бұрын
@@8dreamersfarm thanks for the great point. As tithe payers, we’re doing what we’ve been asked of by the Lord. The rest, I’ll leave up to him.
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
While I do agree with the justification that many use for not paying tithing I think we absolutely have a right to be concerned with how the church spends tithing money It’s super easy to say “trust the brethren” but that sounds awful like something I would hear coming out of Hilldale/Colorado city Tithing is NOT a restored principle- it’s been around for a long, long time in both OT and NT If I gave 10% of my income to the poor, sick and needy directly- do you believe the Lord would bless me less than if I have to the LDS church? I don’t It’s a principle that can be enjoyed by all of Gods children- regardless of their denomination Personally I don’t think it’s cool or a good use of money to give it to: NAACP ( an organization that has several initiatives and arms that are contrary to the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ) The UN ( definitely an evil organization and one who you cannot accurately track your “donations”- they use it however they want) BYU- and organization that allow Marxist and anti-family, anti-church professors to be employed…and wait for it- get paid with yours, mine and ever others tithing money It’s a problem, and just saying “trust the brethren” doesn’t cover it Trust Jesus is a far better statement - he’s infallible And no matter how amazing our leadership is, it’s obvious they have and do get caught up in the latest thing from time to time ( BLM, Racism, LGBTQ issues, UN ( good global citizens) vaccines,etc… For the record- I’m a full tithe payer Just not happy with my tithing funding various branches of the Gadianton robbers
@harmagician1 Жыл бұрын
And to make matters worse, two years ago BYU cancelled the men's hockey program - the coolest game on earth and only non-woke sport on earth.
@NathanKnight-kc7yj Жыл бұрын
I’m a member of the church of Jesus Christ and don’t want to go there because of the problems there. I’m good with everything going on in the church and the prophets teachings, but I don’t plan on going to BYU as it doesn’t fully reflect the churches standards anymore.
@robsin2810 Жыл бұрын
As a old long time member, it discussed to know that my tithing is being given to fund this garbage. Why are we letting this happen. I don’t think the Saviour is too happy with us. I know longer know the Church I joined in 1961. 😥😥😥. We need to stop pampering to the World.🙏👍🇦🇺
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
God is being mocked! The Temples are being corrupted. The wolves are raging. Hold fast. We know how this ends.
@dorisleeandelin3799 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for ore clarity. I'm truly saddened by the huge disappoint in a school I've revered for years However--sin filters I everywhere--and is helped bythose with basically confused twisted minds-that perhaps are seeking their 15 minutes of fame. Tragic and contentious of those professor. Thank you Greg & Thommie
@danielroehm2822 Жыл бұрын
Why is our presidency so blind to this?
@keithsmith5998 Жыл бұрын
A few years ago, I attended a lecture on the Universal Model. A new millennial science. The presentor was a former BYU student and was told by the professor in biology, "Forget what you learned in Sunday school and seminary concerning the Biblical account of the creation because it's wrong." He never went back.
@cuttingcrew5084 Жыл бұрын
I’m going to be a senior at byu next month. In my 3 years at this university, I can’t recall encountering any wokeness, but I’m also doing engineering which is much more exclusively based on math and physics and there isn’t really room for politics in there at all. Perhaps this is just something I haven’t experienced because of what my major is? Anyhow, woke ideology is distinctly anti God. The idea that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, that God made a mistake and “trapped us in the wrong body.” This stuff has no place at BYU of all places. The university needs to remember to put off the natural man, for the natural man is an enemy to God. Woke ideology is a result of the natural man, not God.
@russm.3015 Жыл бұрын
As a parent of three students who have attended BYU and one that went to BYUI these "professors" need to be exposed and terminated. End of story. They have no business poisoning the minds of our children. We sent our kids to BYU to protect them from the worldly garbage that is taught on nearly every other campus. Our tithing should not be spent on the salaries of people teaching students concepts that are in direct opposition to church doctrine. We need to be able to trust the administrators and faculty of the school we pay for and send our children to.
@michaelalarsen2467 Жыл бұрын
A Hillsdale-like classical education from a church school based in real science and reasoning would be great, and the only type of schooling appropriately offered by the church. If it continues this way, I won't be okay encouraging my children go to a BYU school. And if we can't send them there... then where? Of course, university students should be taught ABOUT "Critical Theory," but not converted to it as the religion it attempts to be. Really church schools should be counted on to be free from this sort of indoctrination and woke ideology antithetical to the gospel of Christ. That professors are packing it AS the gospel of Christ is so misguided and troubling-- so many people (otherwise good, though I now question their intelligence) are not understanding the finer points, nor recognizing the fruits, of the woke doctrine.
@6Cougarfans Жыл бұрын
Anti-racism= Let’s justify hating in the name of love. Hmmm.
@lynneb.2357 Жыл бұрын
I would never be able to graduate from BYU, since I would always disagree with my professor and fail the course. Other students would be in the same boat. How is this being allowed? And what are students doing about it?
@cognitiveresonance339 Жыл бұрын
There aren't very many people who can do anything about this. I suspect those who can are oblivious to the poison being spread.
@davidhuihui8382 3 ай бұрын
“if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” “And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, . . . First among those among you, . . . who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, . . .”
@puddydat2233 Жыл бұрын
According to most growth models generated in the 1980's we were supposed to see a much longer and higher growth curve. We've been sitting stagnant at about 17 mil. We lowered the missionary age, dumbed down the lessons, fenced in gospel doctrine with CFM for a minimum level understanding church wide. They have made the gospel as uninteresting as possible. I went on a mission, attended BYU, married in the temple, paid my dues, and held dozens of callings, and continue to serve. Alone. For what? CES has blithely danced through our halls and torn away people's testimonies of the brethren, Joseph Smith, while giving us a general resentment of patriarchy. They've misread our history, told us that we've been lied to, and that we should be basing our testimony on apostates and traitors. We get a rock in a hat, an unprovable Mayan narrative that is laughable - two Cumorah's? We get a second translator who really did the translating and JS just read off a dark tickertape. They deny the first vision, the visitation of angels and priesthood keys. They even put a painting on the cover of SAINTS with Mary Whitmer being visited by Moroni. Who said that?! Not Mary! She called him Bro. Nephi. But she's a dumb old woman, said her grandson that claimed it was really Moroni, and so our virtuous scholars ran with that. President Holland PLEADS with the faculty to please stop attacking them, only to be called satanic the next day. Most of my relatives have bought this garbage and left the church, many with their memberships removed. If the Church academia had held fast to the gospel and not sided with Sunstone, Signature, Arrington, Bushman, etc., there is every reason to believe the church would be moving into the 22 to 25 million member range. When someone like Bushman is quoted in every article written that ridicules -- falsely -- our faith, and we can do nothing but sit dumbly out of fear from the Salt Lake Tribune writing another hit piece against us, who is accountable? Those who say, "Believe it not".
@reaper3516 Жыл бұрын
What is your opinion on Rough Stone Rolling? Is it good research into Joseph Smith? Or anti?
@spinknitify Жыл бұрын
@plammijr Жыл бұрын
Why is everyone so afraid of naming names? It’s okay to name that Sociology professor. All organizations have people with names who make decisions. Don’t give anonymity to any organization i.e. the committee, the board, the dean, the department. Anonymity eliminates accountability. Be brave. Name names. Additionally, where was President Worthen on all this? It appears as if he was just standing idly by.
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Naming names does nothing but make you feel good about a scapegoat only to have them replaced by someone perhaps, worse. The problem is much, much larger.
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
You have a pretty good show, and I’m sure you put in insane hours of work no doubt But, man you might want to stop coming across so angry and defensive in your comments to people who watch your show It’s not personal and it’s not a good look Other than that- I appreciate the work you do
@IntermittentFlow Жыл бұрын
@@CwicShow sure, names don’t get to the root, HOWEVER at a university, naming names allow parents and students to know who to avoid and why, no one picking the class by the woke leftist will send a message to the leadership
@kseismoloj Жыл бұрын
@@jasonsmith2533 how did @CwicShow come across as angry and defensive? It is true that the person may be replaced by someone worse. What @CwicShow needs to do is help determine where the pressure should be placed. @CwicShow claims that the problem is much larger, well, then how do we address the problem? Who should have pressure placed upon them to make real change? Is it on the president of BYU? Is it on donors?
@jerry_phillips Жыл бұрын
I see enough pushback lately to give me hope that the pendulum will swing back the other direction. Hopefully it won’t swing too far however. History has a tendency to overcorrect.
@FTTLOMS Жыл бұрын
How’s that new BYU president working out for us??
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
Hmmm. This vector is Church- wide. Scares the ???? out of me.
@spanky4446 7 ай бұрын
He mostly cares about sports honestly
@six1nyne Жыл бұрын
You know I don't understand why everyone asking where are the bretheren why aren't they doing anything. You kinda have to reap what you sow in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We as a people only have ourselves to blame. I know for a fact what we see happening at byu and trickling down into the ward level has nothing to do with what's been said from the pulpits for the last 40 years I've been alive and the 150 years or so I've studied its history. This a bottom up problem not a top down one.
@nospam-hn7xm Жыл бұрын
I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you to a degree. If I accurately understand the responsibilities of a "board of trustees," viz., establishing clear expectations and standards for the school, the Brethren have a similar responsibility to the Church itself.
@BarrettVanDyke Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the courage & content. Ideas have consequences, these can’t be avoided. However, the way we go about it is critical. Is our goal merely to defeat the other person or to win the argument? Or is it to gather the person? Those are very different courses & in my estimation it’s crucial that we be gatherers.
@kmartin2988 Жыл бұрын
Philosophies of men mingled with scripture is what is happening.
@harryabelpotter9630 Жыл бұрын
Background info needed ... you might want to consider, be mindful of your audience, namely, that not everyone is familiar with the terminology, authors, or actors in this story and provide some introductory material. Remember: you are not simply sharing or having a conversation~ you are our teacher.
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
This is one episode. You can't do everything for every episode. Go back and look at past episodes.
@windy42305 Жыл бұрын
Harry - That’s the problem with most now. Blame someone else for not doing our own research with our own questions . It’s not hard to search Greg’s info for context and what woke is.
@harryabelpotter9630 Жыл бұрын
TO: @@windy42305 What you have said is quite true, nevertheless, in writing class I was taught to consider my audience, and I was passing that tip on, not necessarily for my own benefit, but for that of others. So ... what is your message to the lazy learner ~ don't watch the program ? Do you want to chase them away? So asked in a different way, ... the question is: Are you preaching to the choir, is this a mutual admiration society, or is this an attempt to reach the lazy learner while introducing guests of a high quality. Can't we do both ? Each time we write or speak we should consider the fact that someone in our audience knows nothing. Yes, it takes extra effort, and yes the lazy learner should be the one making that extra effort... Nevertheless, that's why we are the teachers and they are not. BTW, if you haven't noticed... Usually brother Matsen does a very good job at this, . peace.
@JuanMartinez-jq1sb Жыл бұрын
So Thankful for the Book of Mormon, the prophet Mormon was certainly and absolutely led by the Spirit of Our Eternal Father in Heaven which led Mormon to write Lehi's dream of the Iron Rod. Our precious children whom we Love so much being mocked by intellectually vain professors in the spacious building 👉 fingers at our young people and other professors who attend or work at BYU , WHO ARE STRIVING TO REACH THE TREE OF LIFE, , ,,only to feel ashamed by fellow students and SOME FACULTY who permitted the mists of darkness enter their minds and finally lock in their hearts, my heart hurts for these poor victims who have bowed to the religion of Relativism that in a nut shell is attempting to destroy The Eternal Fathers Plan of happiness and journey to Celestial Spheres thats has and will always be the plan,,nothing will stop this plan of Holiness and Patriarchal Order for the Exaltation for trillions and beyond of precious humble souls in the eternal scope, One Eternal Round. Brothers and Sisters, let us pray for everyones spiritual welfare including the calculating individuals who plan and manipulate the innocent vulnerable minds of the students and some faculty at BYU and abroad. GOD BLESS YOU ALL WHO READ THIS, MAY THE ATONEMENT OF THE CHRIST PENETRATE AND CLEANSE AND FREE THE CAPTIVE HEARTS AND MINDS, LOVE YOU ALL. THE BEST TO EACH OF YOU.
@Kalamabbfan Жыл бұрын
Greg, I know you really are interested in BYU, but could you look into BYUI and see how they are doing in this regard? (BYU Grad with Grandkids going to BYUI by choice.)
@ethanrobertmiller4849 Жыл бұрын
BYU-I is still safe i never seen anything from there here
@jamesharris6893 Жыл бұрын
Much of BYU, has tilted left since I attended 1969- early 70's.
@medeirosabigail6828 Жыл бұрын
Where is the first presidency on this? Many of the BYU leaders only exit BYU as the are called as apostles or 70s? So, they are definitely seen for their work.
@gefil8781 Жыл бұрын
Westminster College in SLC has a class on porn in which students watch porn movies together in class.
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
Westminster is for LDS youth who can't get into UU.
@oldgranny410 Жыл бұрын
No it is not.
@danielroehm2822 Жыл бұрын
Good job at guest selection and topic on this.
@donquijote6030 Жыл бұрын
Great interview and great content. Thank you!
@braydenweese1407 Жыл бұрын
Responding to what you said at 26:40 around there, I listened to Jordan Peterson’s Daily Wire episode 337, with Maajid Nawaz and he talked about idea networks connecting it to the Christian principle of principalities where “we’re all imitating each other all the time.” You get enough people in the room together with the same ideas, they just feed each other all the time those ideas without any conscious effort to have their own conclusion. Let me know what you think about that discussion, Greg. 👍
@carlatamanczyk3891 Жыл бұрын
The church education committee is aware? or is not aware of all this ?? No actions to stop this garbage ??
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Numerous actions have been put in place, but they may not understand the depth of the problem
@mikesellers3392 Жыл бұрын
I certainly am not encouraging anyone to attend BYU. It used to be because of money, but it certainly has turned into the liberal agenda, not sure if the professors are members of the church and I'm not sure that those I'd encourage to attend BYU would not lose their way
@loraleisturkie4286 4 ай бұрын
The accrediting organization has a great deal of influence on everything that goes on at a university. They can claim that you violate a part of their standards and make it very clear what you need to change to get approval. In turn, those organizations have to be approved by the US department of education. I bet the church will have to create its own accrediting body eventually or lose their accreditation. The current administration would never allow a conservative accrediting organization to be created. That means no federal financial aid.
@aarondb8300 Жыл бұрын
38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies- because of the praise of the world?
@dcr1443 Жыл бұрын
Man, I hate having my suspicions about BYU confirmed. Why is this being allowed to continue?
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
These things are happening Church -wide. Wasatch Front is the worst.
@reillydevine12 Жыл бұрын
I’m sending my kids to Southern Virginia University
@daffodilfleur Жыл бұрын
You might want to look into that further. I have someone really close to me who sent her daughter and while she did graduate around 5 years ago, it was, apparently, quite overwhelmingly liberal at that time; it may have changed, for all I know, but just be aware.
@austinrehl8545 Жыл бұрын
SVU would benefit from holding to a more conservative line. My children attend there, and I really like what’s happening in VA. I’m building a Trade school within walking distance of the Institute Building so there is another option for young people who want to work with their hands.
@tracietackett5104 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you covered this already but has the first presidency addressed this problem?
@anthonyjames4478 10 ай бұрын
The Brethren cannot be uninformed as to what is going on at Church schools. What to think about this is something I have not yet come to terms with. Then again, I am sure that allowing Church schools to become monolithic in nature is the first mistake. Once you permit numbers to become as large as they have become at BYU and as planned for BYUI, you can forget exercising any reasonable degree of control. This is assuredly what has happened at all major universities around the country. How much better had the Church established many smaller institutions of higher learning all around the country, institutions that actually served the members of the Church instead of inviting so many non-members, non-members mostly converted to the sinful practices of the world. And this has been occurring for decades, long before progressive ideology became so commonplace.
@HappyGeekSquad Жыл бұрын
BYU takes government money. Hillsdale can do what they do because they are private
@jaredkarns9925 Жыл бұрын
Alls well in Zion! Zion prospereth! Listen to wise leaders and medical professionals. Lets all fast for the Global economy. You know the economy of Babylon. At some point you have to look at the top
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
“Good global citizen”..,😂- no thanks man
@jaredkarns9925 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonsmith2533 it's as if they never read Ether chapter 8
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredkarns9925 - or heard of ET Benson…🤣
@jaredkarns9925 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonsmith2533 True. But that prompts a serious question. Have ever believed those things, or has apostasy been stewing that long in them. Apostasy isn't having issue with the leadership. By that metric Christ was apostate. Apostasy is rebelling against the doctrine of the scriptures and the teachings of God. By that metric many are apostate
@jasonsmith2533 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredkarns9925 / great thought , I agree
@greggweber9967 Жыл бұрын
28:45 "My kingdom is not of this world." Jesus was not there to liberate them from the Romans.
@athomas9070 Жыл бұрын
Please please name the professors!
@JoyceCollins-m6v 2 ай бұрын
Is BYU supported by tithing at all?
@asarg1776 Жыл бұрын
Who are the professors? Which courses ?
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Watch the BYU playlist on this channel
@nealljones Жыл бұрын
My son attends BYU. Only in his STDEV classes does he face political nonsense, woke stuff. All his other classes are led by faithful professors. If a child is in the Humanities or Social Sciences he/she may experience wokeism. The rest of the University isn't plagued by these ideologies.
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately this isn’t true. Certainly outside of the humanities it is a lesser problem. But these professors and even Dept Heads and Deans in the other colleges are not all free of this virus.
@nealljones Жыл бұрын
@@CwicShow I said "isn't plagued by these ideologies." Are some professors in Biology, Engineering, Business, and other hard-Science professors Marxists? Maybe, but they don't act like the professors your guest cited. Those are social science professors who are in sufficient abundance that they don't fear acting the way they do. The plague is likely limited to the social sciences. That has been our son's experience.
@rolandsmith4394 Жыл бұрын
​@@nealljonesmy daughter got "the religion department is wrong" lectures in biology. The religion department was pretty much "historical LDS" is misguided. I'm glad they still teach the scriptures in Sunday School, mixed with the philosophies of men.
@nealljones Жыл бұрын
@@rolandsmith4394 One topics, such as evolution, professors in religion used to teach principles that were not true. That isn't Marxist to say so. In the early 80s, I believe, the two departments got together and created an Evolution packet. All that the 1st Presidency had said on the topic. That was a better approach to the topic.
@eugenieandrews8874 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the basis of your opposition Greg, the issue is the intermingling of education with the Gospel. That is why I vehemently oppose all The Church's based BYU schools. It is the absolute wrong model for higher education and in my opinion should be abandoned! Stunning the Lord's tithes are used to perpetuate teaching secular education through the lens of The Gospel.
@Lurker1979 7 ай бұрын
Not the BYU of Hugh Nibley and Cleon Skousen.
@Metroid-rg9pn Жыл бұрын
I think professors see thousands of students and see first hand the trauma of a lot of adolescents, already in a hard time of their life, struggling with these issues, and compassion wins out over doctrine for them.
@salvatorecollura2692 Жыл бұрын
The church has gigantic issues which greatly overshadow a university doing what universities do. The conservative faction of the church would be so much more comfortable if the organization got out of education it seems. The fragility is not a good sign for the world view.
@lysanderxx1664 Жыл бұрын
"Milquetoast" sure isn't a word I've heard in a very long time.
@sissyk6802 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of the sports and be like BYUI
@CwicShow Жыл бұрын
That has nothing to do with the problem.
@godsoffspring4195 Жыл бұрын
One day at Disney Land "Mommy, how will I know if I'm getting woke sick?" Well dear, first you'll become confused about some simple things and people's lies will start to make sense to you, if you lie to yourself also. There's people who can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl and say one can be the other!! "Umm... what happens after that?" When it gets worse you'll always feel angry, blame others for it, holler in the streets at them and want only free things. Then you'll start to tell the same lies that first infected you making others ill and start doing some really crazy bad stuff you had already learned and naturally knew better. Jesus doesn't like it one bit either. Some people hurt their own bodies, even file down their teeth, be dirty with each other and almost everybody's hair changes into funny colors, weird hairdos and dress like aliens. "Eww!! Should I wear a mask so woke bugs can't get me?" No honey, those don't work at all but what we can do is, never ever lie to yourself and those bugs can't get in. Therefore, you won't tell those lies to others either. Woke bugs enter through bad thoughts. Practice social distancing by not listening to them when ever you can and never believe a woke person's lies and you'll be ok. To be extra safe, ask the Holy Ghost to always be with you and keep you safe so that kind of deception can't penetrate your mind, making you sick. "Well that doesn't seem too hard Mommy. Is that what you do Dad?" Sure is squirt. We also ask Jesus to help those sick people get better if they'll let Him. It helps bigly to stop spreading woke germs. Never vote Democrat these days which helps lots too. That's where most of the source is. It's a huge jungle of nasty brain bugs we don't want to get any bigger. "Good, I hope He helps us all. I Love you guys" We love you too honey. MAGA :>)
@israelblaylock5527 Жыл бұрын
Imagine being a professor and complaining on twitter 🐦 🍼👶🚼
@elenacala Жыл бұрын
Let me just be blunt. Kendi and those teaching it and pushing it, are anti-christ. They are teaching the same things we see several times in the book of mormon, such as korihor and those who espouse those teachings. The words may be different on the surface, but lets not kid ourselves and open our eyes and see this for what it really is.
@Freedom0rBust Жыл бұрын
BYU is lost.
@lukeslc-xd8ds Жыл бұрын
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