我也是一位在台灣長大的台灣人,這支影片打到很多台灣民政的矛盾,大家只想要中美之間的優點,卻不接受現實的限制。我認為台灣民眾的“想要維持現狀”是一個我們需要非常認真面對問題,未來趨勢我們只能選邊站,中美各兩大國只會有越來越多摩擦,台灣就算不想也會被迫選一位老大罩,認清這個現實很重要!You can't get the best of both worlds, it's just simply impossible. Making the difficult but right decisions is what we need to do in order to keep moving forward.
Time would have saved you but you choose war. Do you think Mainland will be communist forever? But even a democratic Mainland will not forgo the importance of Taiwan for a sovereign China. If you fall into America's trap of war, you will suffer. US will not risk fighting a nuclear power. Russia is a good example. Ukraine is levelled beyond recognition. If PRC cannot control the whole Taiwan. It will separated into two like Cyprus. The reason why PRC did not attack is the economic cost but if the west starts to fully segregate PRC, they will have the incentive to attack. But there is no benefit to attach Taiwan, it's a trap. China must not fall into this trap and they know but if you stupid Taiwanese are dumb enough to declare independence. You will find out. Use you brain, it's a game of chess, maintain status quo. You are just a chess piece like Ukraine.