Hi Rocky, I watched your vid on and off. Good for you, you did an excellent job within six years arrived in North America. You are right about most of the immigrants' situation from the day they landed; to the struggle they face each day. What you went through mirrors many immigrants experiences. I was a driver and O/Op for quite some time. Seen a lot between Canada and U.S. You vid is to the point, and describing the reality of life in North America. Keep up the good work. I also sense that you uses the vid to help you to coup with the daily life as well... to depressurize some times, and to fuel up the energy to face tomorrow.
我2008年出國之後,就不跟華人區往來 (除了去華人教會,去華人商店購物)。 首先,華人背景形形色色,不只深淺, 玩不起啊;其次,每天面對高鼻子藍眼睛的 “外國人”,我卻不得不整天中文思考說中文,讓我心裡有些不適應;再次,是想讓自己融入當地人生活,參與到當地人生活中,結交當地人朋友...一開始因為語言的障礙是很難的。 但,如果你堅持,bit by bit 你很快就會有驚喜又發現有收穫,我在當地人的公司/學校都工作過,很簡單。 上班時 say Hi 下班時 say good night...該你干的事兒干好了,幫助人家一點,人家好感激唷。 我現在活脫脫就一當地人 ~~ 思維/說話/跟人打交道的方式都是當地人的, 都是水到渠成的。我的經驗是:跳出華人圈,開拓新視野。 謝謝珞奇的製作分享。
I study And m.b.a. degree due to use Chinese dictionary Liang __ dictionary from Taiwan . No matter where I moved I always keep that big , thick Liang dictionary
Grass is always greener on the other side. Remember “ life is not waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain”. Make good decision now, after a while, you will see the benefits. Remember:” hard right, easy wrong”
在美國其中生活很討厭的跟需要花很大筆的錢就是 health insurance. 以前有人給了提議說看去大型大學或大型醫院找事, 那你也不一定說要教書或做醫療方面的事, 因為大學跟醫院有很多種不同的部門. 這樣你的 health insurance 就差不多解決了. 或者 government worker 的福利也都蠻好的因為都是經過 workers union (公會)的. 那種工作會不會滿足你是另一回事啦. 有很多職位也很需要會雙語的, 尤其是在南加那邊.