弥助がもらったもの:装飾つきの短剣一本、家一つ、銅貨37キロ(十貫文、当時1石=0.5貫文) 三浦按針がもらったもの:刀二本、脇差一本、250石の領地、領地の名前を元にした苗字 三浦按針がドラマShogunに出たときはホワイトウォッシュとして批判されたのに、弥助が地元では名君だったと愛される明智の配下を滅ぼし、明智の功績をまるまる奪って地元を救ったと描かれるのはブラックウォッシュと言われないのはなぁぜなぁぜ? 英訳したからコピペして使ってください What Yasuke received: One decorated short sword, one house, and 37 Kilos of copper coins What William Adams received: Two long swords, one short sword, a fief of 250 koku(worth 460 Kilos copper coins per year), and a surname based on the name of the fief When William Adams appeared in the drama Shogun, he was criticized as a white washed savior, but why isn't it called a black washed savior when Yasuke is portrayed as destroying vassals of Akechi, who was loved locally as a great ruler, and is portrayed as taking away all of Akechi's achievements to save the Akechi's land?
分かってくれてありがとう。 日本人が何に怒ってるかも伝わってないのに、正しい歴史なんて伝わる筈がない。 Thank you!! Since they don't even understand what Japanese people are angry about, there's no way the correct history will be conveyed.
ところがぎっちょん、UBIのゲームディレクターが「歴史上の人物や出来事についてはゲーム中でも史実通り」つってるんだよなぁ、で、弥助は歴史上の人物だろ? >本作は、織田信長のような実在した歴史上の人物や当時の出来事を忠実に描いているので、封建時代の日本を舞台にゲームを楽しみながら、この素晴らしい時代について学ぶことができます。(出典:2024年5月15日 XBOX Wireインタビュー記事)
Discrimination against asians? Japan terrorized all of asia in ww2 and ww1 lol, i don’t think china has many positive things to say about japan.
@jyaryu45405 ай бұрын
@lukewilson6245 ай бұрын
As an overseas gamer most people I know hate political correctness because we don't want political ideology shoved in our games. We just want good games with good story and good gameplay. I just want to enjoy myself and forget about reality for a couple hours. And we hope Japanese games resist DEI virus as well. But with how aware Japanese gamers are, I'm very hopeful that Japanese games will remain authentically Japanese. Your games are wonderful and I don't want them to become westernized at all.