Prof. Steve Cowley - Fusion Energy: Outstanding Problems in Physics

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CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society

CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society

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@soylentgreenb 6 жыл бұрын
A romantic would say you're made of star dust. A cynic would call it nuclear waste. (and it really was very radioactive stuff; in the regions were the R-process happens you can have a mole of neutrons per square cm and second passing through)
@mylittleelectron6606 Жыл бұрын
It was interesting to hear laughter upon the mention of American Fusion efforts, especially when considering the incredible volume of scientific breakthroughs historically achieved by the United States. One might say we really shoot for the moon. The cause of this reflexive laughter is even more mysterious in light of recent events at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, making the United States the first to achieve Fusion ignition. However, the fact that this is a room full of European academics makes it a bit less surprising.
@paulvarn4712 6 жыл бұрын
When specifically asked to compare JET with "American" efforts, he mentions all the quacks and failed projects and doesn't even mention MIT's Alcator C-Mod which ran for 23 years and produced records of its own on which many current Tokomak projects learned from nor does he mention the proposed ARC project which is very similar to JET in concept and takes C-Mod to the next level with REBCO super conductors even though ARC design theory was well known by this lecture time.
@motorhead6763 6 жыл бұрын
Paul Varn Brits are funny....Shalom
@mururoa7024 2 жыл бұрын
Yes indeed. Hype is also a valid source of energy which can generate billions of VC money. 😉👍
@redd467 7 жыл бұрын
"The best job in science is PostDoc." I can second that.
@motorhead6763 6 жыл бұрын
room temp super changer now. Niobium Tin obsolete requiring 330 kelvin..
@excalipur4020 7 жыл бұрын
What was the energy Q, not power Q of the best JET shot?
@thierrymartin8378 7 жыл бұрын
0.26 If I remember
@NuclearNoMore 7 жыл бұрын
I couldn't understand what he was saying, but it looked interesting.
@davidgillman5368 3 жыл бұрын
We now have the newest almost free FUSION ELECTRIC POWER to energise all old fission nuclear and fossil fuel power stations. These old reconditioned power plants will then be virtually costless to run as they are self fuelling and this is what you need to learn about. This is the promise of the new physics of medium temperature plasma FUSION NUCLEAR POWER, that that is so urgently needed. It is cheap to build and virtually costless once running, totally green, and 24hr stable electric supply technology that can retrofit all old power stations and build new ones on any scale and on a tiny footprint, safely within our communities. There is no need then for an ever extended, ugly, and complex grid structure. Well, the knowledge and fusion prototype are here already! Many gigantic and complex super expensive plasma confinement technologies like ITER are being experimented with around the world. They are all now enormously superseded by "AUREON ENERGY LTD" and their nuclear fusion SAFIRE GENERATOR. It can also react and denature old spent fission power station fuel rod transuranic leftovers and render them radiation safe. The regular fusion physics players believe in an ancient theory of how the sun and all stars operate, which is why they will struggle to ever make commercial power. To catch up they need to study natures own way with "ELECTRIC UNIVERSE THEORY" and medium temperature plasma physics and its confining Birkland Currents, operating throughout space. Study all this at "THUNDERBOLTS​" and become a real scientist where you learn to actually throw away old theories when all the new data simply do not fit them anymore and then update all your friends and peers about what is soon to be available worldwide.
@Gizemci77 4 жыл бұрын
God damn it. Send neutrons to the center. The reaction finds the right neutron and the reaction begins. You see the neutron as the problem. Not like that. My problem was a remedy for me. Yunus Emre
@vorpalinferno9711 3 жыл бұрын
Neutrons go everywhere because the vectors that generate it are in randomized directions. You cant direct it because its neutral.
@LiveTree 3 жыл бұрын
Why do we have to find other sources of energy? #freeweb #livetree
@mururoa7024 2 жыл бұрын
So that people like you could continue wasting it on bitcoin. 😉
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
So there are multiple giant "monitors" and a public address system in what is obviously a very small "lecture hall" based upon the echo all so presumably "young adults" with good eyesight and hearing can have the "message" artificially magnified and amplified for what reason again? And that's "sustainable" how?
@yetanotherjohn 7 жыл бұрын
Despite it's impact on your research budget, I hope you can afford a proper lapel microphone soon.
@mayankraj2294 5 жыл бұрын
@@deeremeyer1749 .
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
I have nuclear fusion occur and even "cold fusion" occur in my refrigerator's freezer every time I put a tray consisting of small compartments filled with tap water into it and "supercool" those moving "particles" of water to the point that they "release heat energy" and "fuse" together as ICE. Of course I have to plug that refrigerator into the wall and use electrical and mechanical energy to operate the refrigerant "compressor" so it can pump "freon" through the refrigeration system and use the "refrigeration cycle" to produce a flow of "high-pressure" liquid that flows to the system's "expansion valve". which is an "orifice" and "venturi" that slows creates that high-pressure condition by restricting refrigerant flow. At the expansion valve the high-pressure liquid is restricted and forced through a "venturi" where it accelerates and as it accelerates has its pressure reduced and it flows into an "expansion chamber" where its "boiled away" as it flows through the evaporator which lets air inside the refrigerator transfer its heat to the refrigerant at the evaporator. It absorbs as much heat as its capable of absorbing given the conditions and its flow is metered by the expansion valve or other orifice which produces that restriction and venturi effect. As it flows out of the evaporator its a high-pressure gas and is loaded with absorbed heat. Heat always flows from "warm to cold" and the hot, gaseous refrigerant flows toward and into the systems "condensor". The condensor - which is the metal "coil" on the back of any refrigerator - releases heat to the atmospheric air in my house and as the hot high pressure gas cools it releases that absorbed heat and it condenses into a low-pressure liquid. It then flows out of the condenser into the suction side of the "compressor" (liquids can't be "compressed" and all "compressors" are simply pumps for liquids/fluids that create flow with the resulting pressure increase being created by restriction to that flow) where it gets accelerated and "compressed" and leaves the compressor AS....a high-pressure liquid ready to go back through the system and cycle and remove more heat. What NEVER happens with MY "cold fusion" system? I never get a "runaway reaction" where the basic laws of thermodynamics and physics cease to apply and the refrigerant flows through the system all by itself and where "energy" from the cooled and progressively colder water and then frozen water i.e. "ice" is released in larger and larger quantities. And I can't ever unplug the refrigerator and have ANYTHING happen but the air inside and those ice cubes of "fused" energy-containing water ABSORB HEAT from OUTSIDE THE "reactor" and get WARMER and INCREASE IN THEIR ENERGY CONTENT AS A RESULT. The ridiculous myth of "fusion" is so obvious to anybody with a clue who realizes that nowhere on Earth can you get more ENERGY OUT OF SOMETHING THAN YOU'VE PUT INTO IT. Does GASOLINE SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST AND PRODUCE "MORE ENERGY" THAN IT CONTAINS IN THE "FUSION REACTOR" OF AN CAR ENGINE WHERE ITS PARTICLES ARE "MIXED" AND "COLLIDE WITH" EACH OTHER AND OXYGEN? No. Whatever heat is there is there and as that gasoline in ANY state gets HOTTER and LESS DENSE its "energy density" is REDUCED because liquid gasoline at "standard" temperature and pressure is as "warm" AND "cold" as it's going to get. Its energy content is what it is. Nothing changes that. And there is NO SUBSTANCE OR ELEMENT ON EARTH THAT HAS MORE ENERGY IN IT WHEN "COLD" THAN IT DOES WHEN "WARM". The degree to which "scientists" are incapable of even "theorizing" with any degree of credibility as long as they're "theoretical" so-called "science" keeps them completely isolated from PHYSICAL REALITIES is amazing. People who literally are "scientists" and "researches" of "theories" and who are only doing "theoretical science" because they've never been exposed to PRACTICAL SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL REALITY BECAUSE THEY GREW UP IN "EDUCATION SYSTEMS" WHERE "ECONOMICS" PREVENTED EQUIPPING CLASSROOMS AND "TEACHERS" WITH BASIC CHEMISTRY SETS AND WHERE "ELITISTS" WHO NEVER HAD TO COOK A MEAL FOR THEMSELVES AND TURN ON A STOVE OR HEAT A HOME WITH FIREWOOD AND LIGHT A FIRE IN A FIREPLACE TO OBSERVE THE BASIC SCIENCE OF "THERMODYNAMICS" IN A PRACTICAL AND REAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT IS JUST MIND-BOGGLING. And only people who have literally never worked a day in their lives and have never started a WORKING DAY with a "full stomach" after eating breakfast because they were HUNGRY and up early and long enough to REALIZE THAT when their blood sugar and metabolism went to "post-fast" levels and who then went out and WORKED UNTIL THEY WERE HUNGRY AGAIN INSTEAD OF STOPPING FOR TEA AND THEN LUNCH AND EATING AND CONSUMING ENERGY ON A "SCHEDULE" COULD EVERY FUCKING BELIEVE ANY SORT OF "REACTOR" CAN CONTINUE TO PRODUCE HEAT ENERGY AND USEFUL WORK WITHOUT "LESS AND LESS FUEL" AND FINALLY "NO FUEL" THE LONGER THE "REACTION" GOES ON. It all goes back to living their lives in the "rarified air" of "elitism" where WORK and ENERGY CONSUMPTION and FUELING A "REACTOR" LIKE THEIR OWN BODY AFTER HARD, ENERGY-CONSUMING PHYSICAL LABOR are completely FOREIGN and ALIEN. If you've never been COLD or HUNGRY or had to GO OUT AND WORK FOR A LIVING TO MAKE ENDS MEET IN YOUR LIFE AND THE HARDEST "WORK" YOU EVER DO IS "THINK" AND "TALK" AND "TRAVEL", you're not going to have ANY FUCKING CLUE ABOUT HOW THE PHYSICAL WORLD REALLY WORKS. To listen to these FRAUDS and their brainwashed LACKEYS AND MINIONS and their ridiculous theories on "fusion" you'd have to believe that a HUMAN BEING CAN SURVIVE DOING MORE AND MORE WORK AND CONSUMING MORE AND MORE ENERGY FOUND IN THE FUEL WE CALL "FOOD" AND THAT OUR BODIES CONVERT TO HEAT ENERGY THROUGH OXIDATION OF THOSE FUELS WHEN THEY'RE MIXED WITH OXYGEN IN THE CELLS ON LESS AND LESS FOOD AND EVEN AT COLDER AND COLDER TEMPERATURES ONCE "FUSION" OCCURS INSTEAD OF "FISSION". Let's go do a REAL "experiment" and take every THEORETICAL "SCIENTIST" AND GIVE THEM A SHOVEL AND A DIET OF BREAD AND WATER PROGRESSIVELY "SMALLER" EACH DAY AND ONCE A DAY AT THE END OF THE DAY AND ORDER THEM TO WORK AS LONG AND HARD AS THEY CAN AND SEE IF THEY CAN DIG THEIR SWIMMING POOL SOONER THAN A "WORKER" WITH A "BALANCED DIET" OF AS MUCH FOOD AND WATER AS HE WANTS AND NEEDS TO FEEL "FULL" AND WHENEVER HE FEELS "HUNGRY" AND SEE WHO GETS HIS SWIMMING POOL DUG FIRST. But we should do that experiment TWICE and once at say...80 degrees Fahrenheit "on average" during the work day and again at say...40 degrees F. And lets track the food consumed by the "control" subject who is a "worker" and is eating to feel and stay "full" and as much as he wants while the "scientist" is given X amount of calories per day and less and less every day and see if the "worker" is able to dig his swimming pool in the "cold" more quickly and/or on less food intake than his "warm" swimming pool. That's what FUSION THEORY is all about, isn't it? Producing MORE ENERGY than you put in and literally getting WORK OUT OF THIN AIR AND A SMALLER AND SMALLER QUANTITY OF "FUEL" UNTIL YOU'RE NOT PUTTING IN ANY "FUEL"? AND ISN'T "COLD FUSION" WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT IF YOU'RE CREATING THAT ENERGY "CREATION" WITHOUT ADDED HEAT ENERGY? SO A "PERFECT" AND OBVIOUSLY "NATURAL" FUSION REACTION WOULD USE AN ABSENCE OF FUEL AND EXTERNAL HEAT ENERGY TO PRODUCE WORK FROM...WHAT? SOME INERT ELEMENT THAT IS "SUPERCOOLED" TO "ABSOLUTE ZERO" WHICH IS NOT A "SET TEMPERATURE" FOR ALL MATTER BUT THE "ZERO ENERGY TEMPERATURE" POINT OF ANY "ELEMENT" OR "COMPOUND". YOU CAN'T HEAT ANYTHING WITH FROZEN WATER THAT ISN'T "COLDER" THAN 32 DEGREES F AND YOU CAN'T "SUPERCOOL" ICE BY ABSORBING HEAT AND ENERGY IT DOESN'T CONTAIN OR IT WOULDN'T BE "ICE" AT "ROOM TEMPERATURE" AND WATER CONTAINS HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN - A FUEL AND AN OXIDIZER - SO A "COLD FUSION REACTOR" SHOULD BE EASY TO BUILD THAT USES ICE "INJECTED" INTO A "ROOM TEMPERATURE" ENVIRONMENT AND ALLOWED TO "FUSE"....Oh wait. It's already "fused" because And the "latent heat" of the liquid water that was "cooled" (had its heat removed) to produce the "fused" and "supercooled" liquid water called "ice" has been removed from it. That's why it turned to "ice". And what do you have to do with liquid water to "fuse" it at room temperature without "supercooling" it? You have to put it in a sealed container and subject it to high pressure sufficient to raise its "triple point" enough that room temperature becomes "freezing". Is that possible? Absolutely. Go look in the bottom of an air compressor tank that's pressurized to about 150 psi and that is operated in a warm, humid environment for a period of days to weeks or months depending on how often and the atmospheric conditions. And make sure that tank hasn't been drained of condensation for days weeks or months and has been at 150 psi and held there without the compressor running and pumping in hot air for several hours or days. Then open up the valve and let the pressurized air out of the compressor very rapidly and take a peak inside. A large upright compressor with a big "inspection hole" in the side is necessary. In the bottom of that compressor air tank at "room temperature" you'll see ICE. But it didn't magically form there. It took a huge amount of electrical, mechanical and heat energy to concentrate the water vapor from millions of cubic feet of atmospheric air in that tank and a perfectly "tight" high-pressure vessel to hold that liquid water at a high enough "pressure" that its triple points were raised high enough for it to freeze at 70 degrees F. And how much energy does that ICE contain? MORE than 32-degree "unpressurized" ice at "room temperature". Why? Because less heat energy had to be removed from it to "freeze" it than 32 degree ice. Beginning with "plain water". But it took way more energy to eventually remove that smaller amount of heat in a much less "efficient" process. Modern "science" is a complete fraud
@Kalumbatsch 6 жыл бұрын
Whatever kind of drugs you're taking, flush them down the toilet ASAP, they are obviously bad for you.
@doodelay 6 жыл бұрын
God it's so sad how little physics you know compared to how much you think you know. Do you even know how to solve a single physics problem? Even the most basic, I'm sure, is years beyond you and yet you have this idea that you've got it all figured out lol Probably don't even know basic calculus and here you are, you who are mystified by the ice in your refrigerator, explaining nuclear physics to physicists lol fucking idiot
@catalindochitoiu9599 7 жыл бұрын
'Prince of uranium will skyrocket '? It would not; I know it's a side point, but we need to take into account efficiencies from molten salt reactors, thorium reactors, etc.
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
These are the same Brits who believe you can force cooling air down a duct into and through a "heat exchanger" (i.e. "radiator") used to remove heat from fluids in an airplane or car and then out the "exhaust outlet" as warmer and "more energetic" air and that it will produce "thrust" if its just done properly. Its not CONSUMING POWER AND ADDING DRAG AND REDUCING "THRUST" to send cool, dense air down a duct and through a restriction and out another duct automatically on that basis of restriction and air resistance alone. Oh no. And its not even a loss of "thrust" given the fact that the cool, dense air will be hotter and less dense and have less "mass" as it magically "jets" out of the "exhaust outlet" and the hotter and more dense a gas is the less DENSITY AND "MASS" IT HAS. So its not costing you "thrust" at least two ways just using basic "thermodynamics" and "physics" to start with. Oh no. Its magic free energy. Why not put those magic energy and thrust "generators" all over an airplane or car instead of just where they're needed to cool fluids for the powertrain? Uh...don't ask questions. Just shut up and listen to the "experts". They also believe that if I take 4 "logs" of firewood and put them in an "airtight" woodstove and my stove takes 8 hours to completely burn those 4 logs its "less efficient" than a stove that burns the same 4 logs in 2 hours because SOMEHOW MY STOVE WAS LOSING ALL THAT "EXTRA" HEAT UP THE "CHIMNEY" EVEN THOUGH MY 8-HOUR STOVE TOOK THE SAME AMOUNT OF FUEL AND BURNED IT FOR 8 HOURS AND WAS STILL HOT AFTER 8 HOURS AND THEIR "BETTER" AND "MORE EFFICIENT" STOVE BURNED THE SAME AMOUNT OF FUEL FOUR TIMES AS FAST AND WAS STONE COLD AFTER 8 HOURS.. That's how the British "think" and why they took a vast "Empire" and apparently "efficiently" used it to produce nothing but castles, wars, inbred royalty and idiocy. I won't mention slavery, theft, rape etc.
@sandustanBrasov 4 жыл бұрын
Stan Sandu How can God give us freedom to know some very important but also dangerous things, for example to the controlled thermonuclear reaction if we as a humanity lack a moral, spiritual, intellectual and scientific education? For example, one hundred years have passed since it was discovered that there is much hydrogen and helium in the Sun, and it was concluded that a controlled thermonuclear reaction occurs in the Sun. And for 70 years, humans have begun to build different devices or plants to make a thermonuclear fusion reaction like in the Sun. But since the late nineteenth century, human science began to be blocked because scientists, over to nickname, have misinterpreted, without reason, certain practical experiments and issued wrong laws and principles that contradict the good laws developed on the basis of practical experiments. , logical and rational. Today, most scientists have an intellectual basis, linked to standardized theory. They believe scientists because they have learned some books with standardized theories. These people cannot know the matter in its depth, with the seen and the unseen, because Albert Einstein in 1905 with his theory of relativity told them that the ETER - respectively the etheric matter does not exist. If there were no etheric matter then, they may believe that there is no spiritual matter, and they do not want to know anything about the heavenly worlds that live with us on and around the planet Earth. I, as an engineer, believe in my opinion, but also of many researchers in the field of underground soil richness, that all MATERIAL RESOURCES: coal, oil, methane gas, all minerals, do not come from a mineral or vegetable and animal source, but have they were simply created and planted or buried, or introduced into the earth's soil by our "extraterrestrial" brethren. The termination of material resources - said and natural - actually expresses a time, a period, in which our humanity must reach a certain LEVEL of scientific and technological DEVELOPMENT: such as mastering the controlled thermonuclear reaction, as the greatest source of inexhaustible energy. We must not fight among ourselves, as in the jungle, but try to awaken ourselves in the knowledge of things, to move on to the heavenly science of our creators: God and the extraterrestrial worlds. Until now, no such information was published, but it is now in the news. Every year incursions of O.Z.N.'s (heavenly ships) take place above the silos with nuclear weapons. That is, aliens deactivate our nuclear weapons for over 60 years, weapons 20 meters below the ground. When an O.Z.N. in the air above the silo and sends a red ray to the ground, on the launch screens it appears: "No gou!" And the Americans and the Russians have declared these incidents. We as a humanity have developed ourselves militarily, but not at the high level of the extraterrestrial entities that supervise us! That is why, not coincidentally, in 1985, presidents Mihail Gorbachev and Ronald Regan met and decided to build several ITER = International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, as an international scientific collaboration between the peoples of the earth's world. Researches in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion have been carried out for over 60 years, there are many installations of many kinds, and over time I have studied them, and I have come to the conclusion that controlled thermonuclear fusion can be achieved, but not after the models presented on the Internet. We can make an installation: according to the operating model of the Sun; after the description made by the patriarch ENOH in his book and after the outline of the device for the production and emission of the magnetic field flux, a sketch that is on the tombstone of Palenque - Mexico. I'm talking about Patriarch Enoch, who was very little quoted in the Bible, but he talks a lot in his book, describing everything the angels showed him in heaven, how the heavenly world works and about us people. But the Book of Enoch was considered APOCRIFY (that says too many real and clear things) and thus the Bible was covered with a great deal of information. In the Book of Enoch chapter 68, the patriarch Enoch being in a celestial ship, which gravitates around the Earth, the angels show him more things from heaven and Earth but also show him the camps of all stars and all the lights". In the south of France at Cadarache (near Nice), the experimental energy source is being built: the 42-hectare ITER, and in 2018 the construction was completed in half. If we surround the participants in the construction: Japan, China, Korea, India, Russia, the European Union, the United States of America and others, we notice that we are on the path of globalization. After about 200 Tokamak-type installations, with Laser and other types built over the last 60 years, NO ONE HAS WORKED, and then I think that what is being built now will not work with the model it is running, and with the technology used. The notion of: "FIRE", .. flames of fire, tongues of fire, living fire, circle of fire, vivid of fire, circle of fire burning in the four corners and ascending like rivers of living fire, all these refer to the electromagnetic field beam of the magnetic trap, which surrounds the installation and enters the thermonuclear combustion chamber again to powerfully space the thermonuclear plasma sphere of the reaction. In the heavenly ship Enoh believes that he is shown a wonderful divine vision, and he describes without knowing exactly what he describes, that energy installation, clearly seeing the unfolding of the thermonuclear reaction in the middle of that light, and in addition seeing the path of the electromagnetic fluxes of the magnetic trap. , inside and outside the thermonuclear combustion chamber. Two spherical halves joined in the middle form the spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I made the sketches from 2012, I gave them on the Internet, but few noticed them. I think this will look like the first controlled thermonuclear reactor installation, and we should call it: "ENOH-PACAL model controlled thermonuclear reactor!" This is a standard model for future energy installations, which will give us electricity for all our installations. industrial and domestic. I did some 40 years ago an attempt to make a device for the production and emission of a strong electromagnetic field flux, I saw that "something moved", but I did not have the control devices and the necessary electrical current . Then my limited possibilities did not stop. But today, when we see clearly the rapid depletion of fossil fuels, and the long questionable construction of ITER, I try by those exposed to participate as much as possible in the realization of the controlled thermonuclear fusion with the project of a simple and fast to build facility. With a team of 50 people with manufacturing experience: 20 engineers, and 30 skilled workers, you can do a working group within the ITER site, in a work area of ​​approximately 800 square meters, powered by existing utilities: electricity, cryogenics, vacuum installation, verification equipment, and with a financial fund of ten million euros, I think that one year can be obtained from starting the necessary results to build a controlled thermonuclear fusion plant for marketing that directly produces electricity without steam and turbines, without switch of heat.
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
How you going to "produce" all that "lithium"? Mine it? Better get out your picks and shovels and horses and wagons if you're going to do that on a "carbon neutral" basis. Of course you'll need carbon for the steel tools and wagon parts, etc. Get it from "sea water"? That's going to require distillation since its obviously dissolved in the sea water. That means heating the sea water to get all the "dissolved solids" out of it and then separating the lithium from all those other solids. That means "extracting" the lithium and leaving everything else behind or vaporizing the lithium and leaving everything else and then condensing the lithium vapor to a liquid and then letting it freeze into a solid. How you going to do all that without electricity and fossil fuels? Can't make steel - or any other metal - without "fossil fuels". All plastics are "oil" too. The "artificial" ones are petroleum-based. Gotta have plastic and rubber to insulate electrical wire if you're going to use "green energy" from "Wind power" or "solar power" or "tidal power" to get that lithium out of that seawater. All the heat it takes to boil it and then some ends up back in the atmosphere. No way around it. "Global warming" isn't JUST from a "greenhouse effect" and "carbon emissions" when EVERY CONVERSION OF ENERGY OR MATTER FROM ONE STATE TO ANOTHER IS A THERMODYNAMIC AND HEAT "PRODUCING" PROCESS.
@Kalumbatsch 6 жыл бұрын
The amount of energy you get out of the reaction is orders of magnitude bigger than all you need to prepare the raw materials that go into it.
@WhySoitanly 6 жыл бұрын
"For $20 billion in cash," Steve Cowley of Culham says, "I could build you a working reactor. It would be big, and maybe not very reliable, but 25 years ago we didn't even know if we'd be able to make fusion work. Now, the only question is whether we'll be able to make it affordable." This statement was made with full knowledge that even the basic premise of virtually limitless controlled fusion power on Earth has never been demonstrated. Giving fusion researchers $20 billion would thus be totally irresponsible. But if by some miracle they succeeded in solving the myriad problems of reactor degradation from radiation, stable confinement, energy conversion to a useful form, etc., finding limitless energy would still be the moral equivalent of giving a loaded gun to a mentally retarded child.
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
Its certainly strange that as ELEMENTS the ELEMENTS are "irreducibly simple" and as the building blocks of all matter they can't be "transformed" into anything but what they are and can't be "created" or "destroyed" but yet this expert is citing another "brilliant" Brit "scientist" who "assumed" that if you combined 4 hydrogen atoms you'd end up with helium. Both elements. Neither of which can be created or destroyed according to the "laws of thermodynamics". And in a "chemical reaction" that doesn't exist because there is no "chemical" present. Chemicals are MIXTURES of elements and are also called "compounds". There is no element that "oxidizes" or "changes state" with no "external energy". Much less a "fuel" like "hydrogen" that would need a HEAT SOURCE AND OXIDIZER to ever be "burned" to produce any "oxidized hydrogen compound". And if that "scientists" and his assumptions were correct on how the sun works and its mass etc. were so consistent with the "age of the son" then shouldn't the sun be burned out And shouldn't it be getting NOTICEABLY AND MEASURABLY "COOLER" REGARDLESS OF "10 billion years" BEING ITS "AGE". Does EARTH receive A TEN BILLIONTH OF ITS ENERGY? Whatever fraction of the suns energy that reaches the earth is what needs to be "measured" and that amount of energy is a fraction of what is "sent" to the Earth since even the "vacuum of space" contains matter and that matter absorbs and scatters "solar energy". Especially since "half" the Earth is "in the dark" at all times and any "instrument" measuring the suns heat are only receiving it directly a portion of a "day" and only a portion of "daylight" since "dawn" and "dusk" occur long before and after that "instrument" is "in the shade" and out of direct sunlight.
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
As usual all the "experts" in "science" and the most "brilliant" people engaged in the "most important" research and "work" are the ones who spend the overwhelming majority of their time TALKING instead of DOING and "TEACHING" instead of DEMONSTRATING and THEORIZING instead of PRODUCING.
@deeremeyer1749 7 жыл бұрын
Why is he expressing/stating the "energy" of chemical reactions that consume and "produce" heat energy in electrical energy terms? A WATT is a unit of electrical energy and is calculated multiplying VOLTAGE times AMPERAGE. There is no "electrical energy" occurring out of "thin air" in a "fusion reaction" until HEAT is used to generate ELECTRICITY. WATTAGE is also a CALCULATION you can't "calculate" without having at least TWO of the three "variables" of OHM'S LAW. This isn't even CONVINCING BULLSHIT AND GOBBLEDYGOOK even though in TRUE "FREE ENERGY" AND "OVERUNITY" EVANGELIST STYLE, HE CONSTANTLY SWITCHES "MEASUREMENTS" AND UNITS AND ALL TO "EDUCATE" A "PUBLIC" HE ASSUMES DIDN'T TAKE A GRADE SCHOOL SCIENCE CLASS AND KNOWS EVEN LESS THAN HE DOES THAT HE IS AN "EXPERT" SIMPLY BECAUSE HE KNOWS THE "LINGO". Fucking volts and watts and meters and degrees and not a single fucking fact to be found. Anything as SIMPLE as FUSION would HAVE TO BE IF IT CAN PRODUCE "SOMETHING" FROM "NOTHING" isn't COMPLEX AND DIFFICULT TO "EXPLAIN" AND DOESN'T NEED TO BE "EXPLAINED". Just fucking DEMONSTRATE IT. All the references to RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS and "INERT" ELEMENTS LIKE HELIUM ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS SINCE NONE OF THEM CAN JUST BE "PRODUCED" OUT OF THIN AIR TO BE USE TO "FUEL" A "FUSION REACTION". They "don't exist" in "nature" in a useful form that allows them to be simply TAKEN FROM THE SOIL AND "FUSED" TO PRODUCE ENERGY.
@Kalumbatsch 6 жыл бұрын
"A WATT is a unit of electrical energy" No, it's a unit of power, energy divided by time. It applies to all forms of energy, not just electrical. Dude, pick up a book and learn something, you're embarrassing yourself. Also, you seem to have a problem with your caps lock key.
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Рет қаралды 46 МЛН
Леон киллер и Оля Полякова 😹
Канал Смеха
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The Best Band 😅 #toshleh #viralshort
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Prof. Harald Lesch: The Climate: The State of Things
Universität Stuttgart
Рет қаралды 101 М.
How Hermann Minkowski Led Physics Astray
Unzicker's Real Physics
Рет қаралды 148 М.
Breakthrough in  Nuclear Fusion? - Prof. Dennis Whyte
MIT Club of Northern California
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Nuclear Fusion: Has Its Time Finally Arrived?
Milken Institute
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The Cost of Sunshine
Illinois EnergyProf
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Inside ITER: "Preparing to Burn" (Steve Cowley)
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Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle - with Ian Chapman
The Royal Institution
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Sabine Hossenfelder - Existential Physics: What the Laws of Nature Tell Us About Our Existence
CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society
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Арыстанның айқасы, Тәуіржанның шайқасы!
QosLike / ҚосЛайк / Косылайық
Рет қаралды 692 М.