You have to discern here. God wants us to glorify him and all we do. If the music, activities, etc. is getting in the way of glorying Christ and interfering with our witness, we have to remove it. First step is asking God to guide us in that process. We can also let in a lot of demonic influence into our lives by entertaining these things. We must flee from the sight of evil. It’s a process. Trust me. I have my jams that are secular that still itch my ears, but I know that I can’t give space to the devil. God bless anyone reading this. We are in the world and in the flesh and worldly music and entertainment is going to catch our attention, but God has to truly come first and all else will flow 💕
@leximtz37476 жыл бұрын
And this message isn’t to condemn anyone or judge. Trust me I am battling everyday with my fleshly lusts and want people to be careful on what they allow into their hearts, eyes and ears.
@stevensnyder31905 жыл бұрын
Amen sister
@TheLily972325 жыл бұрын
I can no longer listen to some songs without feeling uncomfortable... especially from Beyonce. I CAN'T STAND her voice at. All.
@bailujen80524 жыл бұрын
Keep God as a need and every thing as a want since need is more important than wants
@dantesinferno3734 жыл бұрын
How does one even begin to do this? I tried this way and I don't know what to do with my time really anymore. I spent hours every day reading the word of God, and watching Christian videos, playing games with my family. But a vast majority of all entertainment is secular, truly I am confused at what I am allowed to do for fun as a Christian on my own. I am not always with my family, so what can I do on my own? I mean it really feels like I have listened to every Christian song out there so much that its just not pleasing as much anymore. What do you do for fun? Do you have places where you can get movies or if its out there God honoring tv shows?
@lifeInAFallenWorld2213 жыл бұрын
I think a person can still enjoy secular entertainment only to a certain degree. We should not take pleasure in seeing nudity in films or hearing endless curse words like John Piper is saying but a person can take time out to enjoy a movie or a secular book as long as they live and continue to live a righteous life and always put God first. The world has become so entertainment obsessed and that is not good at all. Even I am guilty.
@dantesinferno3734 жыл бұрын
Agreed, its difficult to space away from a entertainment absorbed culture that you grew up in. I just try to keep busy, if I volunteer or do work, or spend time with family then you can keep it at arms length I have noticed. I am struggling here as well, especially now that I am at home. I will pray for you, can you pray for me?
@hosannayeshua4 ай бұрын
@@dantesinferno373 I can't agree. It sounds like compromise. It sounds lukewarm. It sounds like a way to be in this world instead of all eyes all praise on the world to come with Jesus.
@dantesinferno3734 ай бұрын
@@hosannayeshua If it’s a sin against your conciousness as Paul said. Then it is a sin for you, so if you feel that way then you’re right for yourself. But the same as some feels it’s a sin to eat meat due to food laws. Same for you with worldly entertainment. I have no such qualms but that’s just me.
@Humblentough11 жыл бұрын
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17.
@KennethNicholson19726 жыл бұрын
Music is music, use your God given discernment to judge if the lyrics contain leaven. Visual arts can be tested by discerning what the image makes us feel, how it stimulates us. With movies however we have to discern what is being portrayed and glorified by its subject matter. In all these things our Holy Father has given us the skill and wisdom of His Spirit, to think for ourselves. And where we have difficulty in judgement, we should err on the side of caution and turn away from it. God bless you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
@louism8911 Жыл бұрын
Is entertainment ok, like video games which help me to reduce stress/fun/relax/peace like honey from Proverbs but too much honey is bad because of no self-control. Proverbs 25:27-28 Also, in Genesis 4:7 LORD says to Cain that he shall rule over sin (desire against you) Back up for Genesis 4:7 from New Testament, James 1:14-15 and Romans 6:12 ….However to me…It’s like Hedonism which means to pursuit for pleasure-seeking which I think I do. But I don’t encourage sin's desire to oppose me against the Lord…If possible, can I use pleasure-seeking to glorify God? Or was that an excuse? I'm not sure but I'm being cautious not to treat entertainment as an idol but instead worship God through entertainment by Philippians 4:8. I admit not all do not glorify God but discern what is right and wrong. If it's wrong from any scenes like in the middle of watching a movie, throwing into the fire or rebuke and if it's right like love, sacrifice for others, etc then I use them to worship God... But I must not forget God's Will which is part of my life. I have used my art as a talent which is to spread the Gospel and worship so that I may join the suffering with true Christians, 12 disciples just as Jesus suffered to spread the good news. Matthew 25:14-30...I'm sure this is for everybody. Use your talents if that is God’s Will according to the New Testament. What do you think about that? Or am I deceived because I use my own words? Please use your discernment with help from the Holy Spirit and test my spirit. Thank you
@Psalm119-50 Жыл бұрын
Music is music? So, is it ok to listen to Metallica and worship God in heaven?
@KennethNicholson1972 Жыл бұрын
@@Psalm119-50 The Lyrics carry the leaven Brother. use your own God given discernment to decide if the lyrics are good or bad. Music and Lyrics are 2 different things. Try reading my statement again.
@Psalm119-50 Жыл бұрын
@@KennethNicholson1972 Music is not worship. It is a means of it. But as to your statement, if the music is not theological, it does not and will not honor God! Music, is not music! The LBGTQ says "love is love!"
@ataxcollector6955 жыл бұрын
The problem is that modern art, specifically contemporary art, is completely Godless, but it became that way because society became Godless. During Renaissance, classical and even modern era works (be they art or music) were made by people who were not necessarily Christians, but lived in an era where people ascribed to a Christian worldview, which bled into their artwork. Art pieces like "The David" or Beethoven's 9th Symphony evokes Godly emotions and responses found in Philippians 4:8. From the 1850's-1900's, philosophies such as Darwinism and Marxism came into existence, and planted the seeds for the catastrophes that occurred in the 20th century. But even still, people society was still built around Judeo-Christian ethics and pieces Monet's impressionist paintings or Satie's "Gymnopedie" can be appreciated because it shows God's common grace that he gives to all people by allowing giving them the ability to be incredibly skilled artisans (which is all the more reason to honor Him by turning from sin and turning to His son, Christ, in repentance and faith 😊). Conversely, art produced since the end of the First World War are aesthetically unpleasant as well as relativistic. Interestingly, you start to see more raunchy, relativistic art during this time because people developed a more nihilistic worldview due to the atrocities of WWI. This was only exacerbated after WWII. That's when you start seeing an increasing amount lewdness beginning to creep into art. Fast-forward to 2019, and pornography as well as relativism dominates the culture and arts. Long story short. Art is a reflection of culture. The more Godly a culture, the more Godly the art, and vice versa.
@gabriellabai52603 жыл бұрын
If you really study the development of impressionism, you will actually see that impressionism was meant to strike against the artworks of, what you called as "ascribed a Christian worldview". In fact, there was one time when I attended an impressionist exhibition, I learnt that many artworks, including those of Monet, were inspired by or actively seeking a mystical idea or experience, such as the Buddhist ideology. Therefore, I do not think that artworks of the early modern period were worth the praise either.
@kbg12ila3 жыл бұрын
Amen but us, and the art shouldn't be influenced by the culture but we should allow God to Influence the culture. So it's awesome to see Christian based and God glorifying entertainment when we do.
@christopherflux62546 жыл бұрын
St Paul quoted Greek poets and told people to focus on ‘whatever is lovely, whatever is honourable’ etc... What’s important is whether the work is morally good, not whether the artist is saved
@mnair263 жыл бұрын
Stay safe and love the ressurected LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!!
@yoyosekai14 жыл бұрын
That's a great explanation love it! Agree 100% percent. As we are called to walk as Jesus walked. We should hate the things God hates and not enjoy them as entertainment. And love the things that God loves, holiness etc... God bless John Piper
@michaelnewzealand18886 жыл бұрын
Good thoughtful answers John. One thing I have found is that if our heart is full worship and adoration for Christ then we gravitate away from those sinful influences, if not then we gravitate towards them. With music, I always try to go for worship music.
@xRisingForcex13 жыл бұрын
immensely eye-opening. God bless.
@zionherbert4 жыл бұрын
This help me a lot. Thank God and thank you
@tessalogan5864 жыл бұрын
Remember we are all born and raised as original sinners so naturally past experiences will linger, when you receive Christ wether young or older then yes your accountable to God for everything you do🙏
@jailahbryel3052 жыл бұрын
Jesus loves you and died so you can have eternal life. Repent and turn to Him because He is coming soon! He loves you…
@strawberryfrost49073 жыл бұрын
Beautifully, conveyed . John as always.. God bless..
@Derek_Baumgartner4 жыл бұрын
Seek to discern wisely here: to not make your life about measuring this, or that, or the other thing constantly and in a battle in your heart and mind to, in a way, "conform God to your life" (rather than conforming your life to God). God calls us to peace in Him: He gives us peace (John 14:27) and desires us not to be anxious about the future (Matthew 6:34) but to rest in Him. When you do feel such anxiousness and struggle, I imagine part of it is that you're either trying to fit God into something in your life (rather than trying to fit your life to God), or you're overly worried about the matter and viewing something legalistically. I agree with some of the other voices we see here: err on the edge of caution and give something up (even if just temporarily) if it's currently bothering you. At the least, if it's bothering you, take a break from it: don't let it rob joy from you. Seek to glorify God in how you act, and if you are considering going back to something, remember to pray without ceasing: if after that break you still want to partake in that thing, whatever it is, seek to do so prayerfully and to glorify God in how you act there. Or if you find that you cannot glorify God with that thing, you should really stay away - and perhaps repentance is in order. In some cases, maybe it's just simple wisdom to stay back from something, too. A funny thing: fasting can be done with something other than food. In the end, whatever you have to give up for God is worth it: remember all that He gave and gives!
@clarisr93664 жыл бұрын
You seem like a smart person can you answer my question please it would really be blessing. My question is can I enjoy myself for example playing video games though I'm not really doing anything for God but I'm just doing it for myself?
@Derek_Baumgartner4 жыл бұрын
@@clarisr9366 I'm no expert, so test what I say against God's Word. Long post ahead. A lot of thoughts on this matter. :P -Do you have a pet? Does the pet glorify God? -Do you eat food? Does your food glorify God? -Imagine a waiter at their job. Does their job glorify God? Our lives are meant to be toward God: He made us to rest in Him, to seek Him. Jesus died that we may be restored to Him. I disagree with John Piper on some things: the doctrine of total depravity is one such point. Yet even so, I think he is a very wise man, and that there's a lot to learn from him. And if I'm wrong, and he's right: so it is! Doctrinal differences shouldn't divide the body of Christ. Take this article for example: Now, consider: -We need food and water (or fluids: orange juice in this case) to survive. God made us that way. Do we seek to be thankful to Him in how we partake in such things? -We have relationships: family, and friends, and so forth. Do we seek to glorify God in how we carry out those relationships? -We have luxuries, as well: for most who do not work online (I have an online job, actually!), the internet is itself a luxury, as is likely the device you're using. Dogs, TV, air conditioning - video games: these are all luxuries. Are you thankful for these things? The answer may be yes to a lot of the above. That's good. So keep this in mind as well: -In being thankful for these things, are we seeking to use that thankfulness as an excuse to set something else *before* God? -Can we glorify God in how we partake in the things we're thankful for? =For something that's hard to glorify God with: should it be replaced with something else? The human heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. What looks like Biblical wisdom may be simply cleverness, instead. And similarly, we often may seek to justify ourselves before God, rather than seeking to be justified in Christ, living in that light, and (at the least) 'holding off' on actions that we're uncertain about. Sin is never worth it. So, in the end: I cannot give you a direct answer. To go personal for myself (and for a really long post): I enjoy gaming with my family - and 'for' my family, if you would. Story-centric games are one way we spend time with one another, with me 'at the helm' so to speak. Similarly, I sometimes spend time with my co-workers by gaming. Sometimes I game alone, though less so nowadays in part due to some guilt I felt regarding how some of my solo gaming habits bore fruit. Even further, I use gaming for some ministry, in a sense. I've made mods for XCOM 2 and Starbound on Steam, and I try to leave links to channels like Living Waters here and there. I've hopped on Maplestory and tried to witness to folks on there - I still do that now and then. Due to my health issues, I started witnessing online through that game when folks around me were going door-to-door: even now, during this pandemic, more folks have been online, and I've managed to talk to a lot of folks about Jesus. Other folks even use games for charity, through events like AGDQ and such. Be careful of which charities you support, of course, but this is still something to be considered. A video I haven't gotten around to yet, but Adam Coleman (of Tru-ID Apologetics) is also considering going into streaming games as a form of witnessing - something I may end up doing one day, perhaps. Video game streaming and Let's Plays are a particular type of thing I enjoy watching - I find such things more enjoyable than more than most things that TV has to offer, to be honest. === -Another note that I found interesting is how David Wood (of Acts17Apologetics here on KZbin) has made his enjoyment of an anime, One Punch Man, clear - how he and Sam Shamoun are often wearing shirts depicting things that are commonly enjoyable, so to speak, even though such media often have flaws or sin in some (or even much of some) of their content (Marvel, Star Wars, The Legend of Zelda, etc.). If you want to take a specific stance on an action: is what stance you take one that condemns your fellow Christian as sinful? Be very careful about taking stances that condemn your fellow man (and especially brothers and sisters in faith) if they are not very soundly grounded in God's Word. We should judge righteous judgment, to be sure: don't get me wrong. And in your life, if you're lead to be more careful in such matters - if such matters bother you more, so that you recommend folks stay away from such games, or movies, or anime - then I don't see a problem with that, either. Act in a manner that glorifies God and that does not harm your conscience toward Him, nor acts as an obstacle or stumbling block for others in their walk with Christ (or for unbelievers in their path to hopefully find Him!). (this does not mean to *not* condemn actions that are wrong: but God is the judge, not us, and if our judgments are not in line with His Word, then we'd be in the wrong - being overzealous in condemning things is something that has driven many people away from Christ, not towards Him. Recall how the Pharisees in Jesus's day acted!) --- Another note: when you're enjoying content - are you enjoying it in a manner that is sinful, or enjoying the sinful nature of something? Or are you there for other matters? Is 'getting to the good stuff' of some things more like picking bad bits out of the food, or picking food out of the trash and getting yourself filthy in the process? --- The moral content of what you partake in is also something to be considered carefully, as well. Draw the lines. We're built differently, as well - and perhaps we've wounded ourselves differently, by different sins we may have indulged in in the past. If you have a particular weak spot, don't aggravate it, even if it seems to be a 'normal' thing that other people can enjoy without harming their conscience. In a game (and movies, etc.), for example, sometimes there's things that I've trained to 'look away from' if I know it's coming. And a lot of games we simply just don't play due to the content therein. Similar to how my parents when I was younger showed me some movies and knew of some scenes, so they would 'skip them' so we could watch the movie without those garbage scenes being a part of the experience. So much that the world thinks is 'needed' - nudity and sex in particular - is shoved in as pure garbage that doesn't need to be there. And for games that receive many accolades but contain such things: they're just not worth it. Even foul language, too: a sad common thing, so guard your ears and heart as well. If your conscience is being shaped by God's Word, seek to not disobey it when it prompts you away from something: to err on the side of caution rather than on the side of indulging while uncertain. I've a long way to go: but a key thing to remember is God wants you to joy in Him, and if He's guiding you away from something, it's not because He wants you to be unhappy. Rather, He's (often, and at the *least*, though likely more) likely saving you a lot of pain, and perhaps pointing you to something better. And, again, He comes first: if you're neglecting time with Him, and time spent obeying His commands, something's wrong. It's better to miss out on a temporary thing, game, movie, video, or what have you, than to sin against a holy and just God. Sin is not just discrete actions, but also the intents and thoughts of the heart, I think. ---- A few final thoughts: -There is a tendency to look at the latest 'entertainment media' as if it's uniquely evil. Throughout even just this past hundred years we've seen stigmas against music, comics, movies, games, VR, and so forth: it will happen with each new form of media. The next big thing after VR will also likely face similar stigmatization. The truth of the matter: new technology and new media offer new ways to indulge in corruption, to be sure, but that does not mean the medium itself is vile. Just as KZbin can ferry these messages from John Piper and other Christian ministries, so does it ferry vulgar videos. Don't let stigmas color what you do: but also don't ignore the fact that the deceitfulness and wickedness of the human heart can find a way to corrupt any good thing that man invents, and offer that corruption out to the world. Be cautious. -Good things can be enjoyed in a manner that glorifies God. But it can be easy to place certain things out of order: to idolize something, and break the first commandment. This can happen with family, with friends, with - well, anything, of this world, gaming definitely included. Satan is alive and well, and wants you to get your eyes off of God, and to stop thanking Him, and to stop remembering Him throughout the day. -If you are feeling called 'away from' games for now: do it, I'd think. You can fast on more things than just food. Seek God's wisdom. -Satan doesn't want you opening up to God, or opening up to others to seek advice or assistance in dealing with trouble. God wants you to bring your troubles to Him (1 Peter 5:7) and to lay your sins down at the cross - and oftentimes we should seek wisdom from fellow Christians, too, rather than bottling up our troubles in our heart to the 'drying' of our bones (Prov 17:22). -Games (or anything, really) shouldn't be a replacement for God: don't seek to use them 'in place of' something that should be for or towards God. ==== Again, test what I said against God's Word. Take care. Hopefully this helps.
@derocdero14 жыл бұрын
Amen brother Piper, couldn't have said it better myself.
@BbVzn6613 жыл бұрын
So glad this video popped up on my screen. Thank you Dr. Piper for your analogy and explanation. I've had this heart/gut feel concerning the topics at hand. I really liked how you gave the comparison at the beginning with the laptop and the food we eat. We all need wise perspectives indeed!
@bakothegreat12 жыл бұрын
While this may be a challenge, an impossible one, we believers keep in mind that through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to accomplish all things. In fact, the reason you realize it is complicated is probably because you have experienced pursuing God but were demonically attacked and gave into your carnal mind. Ephesians 4:14 - Talks about being infants tossed and turned by every wind of new teaching. This is because our faith is not yet refined like gold.
@soulmage1114 жыл бұрын
@kkallebb All things are good for us, there is no need to concern yourselves with anything other than God. We do not need to shy from something dedicated to idols, when we know all things are for the Glory of the one who keeps you and created all things, and in Him all things are held together. If you do not believe God will keep you, do not eat it. I know my God is a God of Power, which I need not worry about any other rituals done to meat offered to me for food.
@Stiggandr114 жыл бұрын
@TheTrippmeister The interesting thing about faithfulness is that you will never see it until you have faith. It takes very little faith to utter a little prayer so you wont see much of Gods faithfulness. But when you believe and say God my Life is yours. I'll die unto myself everyday I recognize you as not only savior from my sins deserving death but sovereign Lord of my life things start to happen.
@stephanietunc22403 жыл бұрын
ok so there's a boy band I LOVE listening to. They do little to no occult symbolism. They never show nakedness in there songs or videos. no cursing. no satanic anything. But 2 downfalls that made me step away. 1) Use of light makeup & Hair dying (But so do most secular artist but this is the Korean industry) 2) Recently found out most to all the members are gay (but in the beginning they were very straight men) And after finding out that about them and shining light on the rest of K-pop industry and most secular music where EVERYONE is practically gay. Its been rough seriously rough. I'm married I have a child. So I don't hate them as people but man do I hate their sin. I LOVE powerful voices and singers and I just don't get that in Christian music. The Christian singers who can are now under speculation for there worldliness etc. I gave up and let go of almost everything I loved for Jesus. -Music -Manga -Video Games Are Major Ones. I didn't really watch tv or movies so I'm not missing much there. I am also trying to love god and have faith and many more things. But its hard for me to read non-picture books (I used to read manga till I learned it was 80% Magic, witches/wizards, Vampires/Werewolf's, & Demon Loving material) I grew up catholic so I know most of the book from catholic school, children movies, and watching shows. But I know there's more in depth to what I'm missing. Anyways to the main point. I really enjoy their music. It made me extremely happy because they were goofs and wrote all they're own music. it was more original. Plus all the good artist is gay and that frustrates me. I'm even struggling to get in the grove of worshiping god in everything I do. Mind you I've done all these things in the span of 3 months. I went back to Christ and am already 80% in. Its just reading, worshiping/praying, & reading the bible.
@sarahwashington003 жыл бұрын
Wonderful ❤️ amen sister !
@JoJo-mm8sn2 жыл бұрын
kpop are gay! This is news 2 me. What is happening?
@caelperkins75262 жыл бұрын
80% in?
@chaebolnuna4374 Жыл бұрын
Try Cece Winans
@kingcrimson26439 ай бұрын
Not all manga is considered "evil" in the Christian sense. You have stories of brave heroes stopping and defeating evil. There are some manga to watch out for, but it's not all like that.
@simeonaditan Жыл бұрын
Great Answer Pastor, thank you so much
@SophiaLOVESChrist4 жыл бұрын
Pastor John 👏🏽
@TheSubwaysurfer5 жыл бұрын
great question
@milk_cow_blues Жыл бұрын
Something very particular happened to me with music. I got to the point where I would only listen to music that wasn't offensive and didn't have anti-Christian messages. However, I began to realize that I was idolizing the music. Sometimes we don't realize that sinning not only involves listening to satanic music, but having idols. Anything that begins to take up more space in our lives than God is an idol. Everyone carries their own cross. For example, I can go to a restaurant that has an open bar and I won't get drunk, I can go to a hotel that has free pornographic channels and I won't turn on the TV, but in my case, I had a very strong bondage to music that, honestly, I believe did not please God. In the end, I decided to stop listening to worldly music. And I insist, it's not like you will listen to blasphemous or offensive music. True, it is VERY difficult, but it is definitely necessary if we seek to grow spiritually. I'm not saying you go to hell if you listen to Metallica or AC/DC. But it is a fact that music can greatly influence your spirit and can lead you away from God in a big way.
@spormel9 ай бұрын
In what way would Metallica lead away from the Lord or influence badly?
@imanabiodun28223 жыл бұрын
this is so painful to hear but it convicted me so much
@TheCreepypro Жыл бұрын
may all we do glorify God
@h3o6b92 ай бұрын
Very interesting... such a point of conflict in my life.... thanks
@JohnnyDukane2 жыл бұрын
This was really great 💪🏽
@calebn43997 жыл бұрын
Part of the problem is, is Christian entertainment is un-entertaining.
@saidoterodiseno7 жыл бұрын
LOL - sorry, it sounds funny but it's true -
@christrevelation40436 жыл бұрын
Then become the change to the problem.
@magilla22826 жыл бұрын
Done by design. Christianity is controlled by the devil too.
@christrevelation40436 жыл бұрын
@@magilla2282 The head of the true church is Christ, who can never be controlled by the devil.
@damianwhite90586 жыл бұрын
very repetitive as well
@yehmiyah4 жыл бұрын
Praise YAHshua
@reclusiarchgrimaldus12693 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏
@cheslinscheepers3407 Жыл бұрын
This is such a crucial discussion for many artist out there. I am gifted when it comes to music but the world's music is so anti-God and no doubt it's enjoyable but I guess there is always pleasure in sin and also I suppose this must be the challange many christian artists need to take on today, the task of producing excellent alternatives to this sinful art that is out there.
@musakposowa14 жыл бұрын
Excellent response!
@alexwr11 жыл бұрын
they worked out it would be possible to fit all the necessary animals, food and people inside the ark itself, as to how they would have actually got there must have been a miracle if it happened. Either way it is possible measurement-wise but would have to necessitate a God to bring all those animals to that one place
@DeathMetalFatCat11 жыл бұрын
With music, just because it has profanity means nothing. For example "open your mind before your mouth, Or come and fucking get us" it's a song by the band motionless in white. It's saying that just because someone dresses differently, acts differently, has different views than you doesn't mean you can say so much hateful things. Because weather you believe in god or not, humans can only take a certain amount of hateful things where they might want to end their life.
@christrevelation40436 жыл бұрын
Benjamin Kulcsar - Jesus is one that can take away suicidal thoughts, not vague lyrics from a person obviously struggling with there own suicidal tendencies. Is the music made for God or not? that is the question.
@thejanglingman48 ай бұрын
He put it in such a good way in the end. Does the entertainment default to the world, or something more wholesome or good? basically discernment
@joshuaokoro-sokoh29933 жыл бұрын
Well He said yes, end of story.
@weiimero4 жыл бұрын
Wow. Blessed .
@love_is_sacrifice94142 жыл бұрын
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16 As Christians, we are called to be an example to the world not hide from non-believers like cowards. That means to also to be among them without compromising your love for God and sharing the gospel in a way that they can understand.
@treythoven55825 жыл бұрын
I have a question: I am a classical composer, and I want to eventually write an opera. One opera idea I had was about a woman in a marriage with a verbally and emotionally abusive husband who also had a mistress. However, I have found this debate: obviously, abuse and adultery are terrible things, and I wouldn't want to put them into a positive light. But in stories that I might write, should there be a limit to what dark stuff I could put in as long as it is represented in a negative light? Such as, when I was thinking of the conclusion, I had determined that I did not want to have a divorce in the story. But, like... should that line be drawn THERE, or should it be drawn earlier/later?
@rickycantu96955 жыл бұрын
Hey man! In my opinion so long as you polarize the negativity in the story to be purely a motivational force in the redemptive arc in the characters overcoming of the situation, you can explore the dark realistic themes without justifying any terrible actions. Use the tragedy as a springboard for hope, not a dwelling place for self loathing, since most entertainment glamorizes mental health issues as something that is commonplace and inevitable/ inescapable. I hope this helps! God bless!
@MesserMusic5 жыл бұрын
Youre a sinner
@MesserMusic5 жыл бұрын
Music is the devil
@MiskyBee5 жыл бұрын
@@MesserMusic No, Music is neutral. It's only how it's used and the content the music is being used. Unless you mean music that glorifies sin or not praising God, music itself is neither bad or good. It can be used as either good or evil.
@AJBproductionss4 жыл бұрын
@@MesserMusic your username is Messer Music. Isn't that contradictory?
@tessalogan5864 жыл бұрын
Use your discernment 🙏
@RachelLeynes4 жыл бұрын
I like watching food on tv though. Lol but then it does make you hungry after lol
@bailujen80524 жыл бұрын
Well there is an anime made by a believer, that anime is called trigun a wild western sci fi with christian references
@chessversarius22534 жыл бұрын
Oh thanks for the hint, maybe I'll look into that 👍.
@timd27894 жыл бұрын
Huh. My brother happens to be a huge fan of that show. Had no clue it contained any Christian ideology
@chessversarius22534 жыл бұрын
UPDATE A few weeks ago I finished watching Trigun (it's something like 26 Episodes) and I had a really good time. The Characters are a lot of fun to watch, it has almost no extra sexualized content (which is very rare nowadays, so this is a very good sign) and while it does have violence, it does not glorify killing, the exact opposite really. And yes It does have christian references (one of the last ones is REALLY easy to spot ^^) but don't expect to get to know the gospel through this anime. It's a scifi western anime with great characters, a good story (that gets a bit weird till the end), a good moral foundation and some christian references sprinkled in, that's how I would describe it. Overall, I can totally recommend giving it a shot, I don't regret watching it, and again thanks for the suggestion.
@deeveevideos4 жыл бұрын
I like that show! Now it makes sense why vash was so against violence and immortality!
@chessversarius22534 жыл бұрын
@@deeveevideos Did you mean to write "immortality" or did you intend "immorality"? Actually both might fit, huh. Vash is a great character.
@Deeznuts-j1v5m2 ай бұрын
@bakothegreat12 жыл бұрын
(part 2) Once your are refined, such things you mention will not be of any concern because your faith is so strong your and your roots are so deep in God's soil, that the Holy Spirit is deflecting all of the carnal (own) mind and demonic attacks, leading you to a complete wholeness and truth. As the scriptures says Hebrews 12:2 "let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." So if you are weak willed, ask for God's all powerful will, infinite God who can do all things.
@chocho15313 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video
@nanab.45068 жыл бұрын
Hello John, thanks for the counsel. I want to ask another question in addition to this. Most secular music is so immoral as you put it, but how about songs that talk about love, goodness, and positive things is a christian okay to sing such songs? is it okay for a christian to sing songs from secular artistes if the content or lyrics are clean?
@Gabe43217 жыл бұрын
The world view of love is fixed on people while Christians view of love is focused on God. The world has false worldviews when it comes to goodness, love etc.
@michaeldukes41085 жыл бұрын
Of course it is, dude.
@franceseattle13 жыл бұрын
@TheTrippmeister Believing in God is evidenced more by obedience than my mental agreement. It takes little effort to agree with something intellectually, but a whole lot more to obey. Many people ask questions forever, but really are not interested in knowing the answers or in finding the truth. Only you can know if you are one of these, or if you genuinely wish to have the truth. I could make a very convincing case, or I could refer you to C.S. Lewis' fine book: Mere Christianity.
@WardofSquid7 жыл бұрын
To me, it seems the bigger question that comes out of us is "Why not? Why say 'No' to doing X?", and more importantly "How can God be more entertaining than this? What benefit or satisfaction can I get from God than from X?". That's really tough. Sometimes doing "the right thing" doesn't feel right because it doesn't feel attractive, desirable, or as internally satisfying as everything else. I guess the answer is that God will 'change your heart', but even with that, does that even seem worth it? In saying no to your pleasures over God, what are you really gaining? It is a true challenge of faith to sacrifice your pleasures - actions that are seemingly inconsequential and innocent - for 'belief in God'. That's a true challenge. Any thoughts or advice on this?
@adriannemarie47056 жыл бұрын
God is all satisfying. The things we like to do might bring us pleasure for a moment but God will bring us pleasure forever. If we give our lives to him we will have more peace and joy. And we will find out what he made us to do. Then we will really be fulfilled in life and have peace at the end of life. And will have a close friend in Jesus who will never leave us and who we can always talk to about anything.
@adriannemarie47056 жыл бұрын
I would start by askin him to come into your heart and forgive you of your sins. He will help you believe in him. Start reading your Bible maybe start in John. If you don't understand something ask God to help you understand what it means. Jesus loves you. Praying you'll grow closer to him!
@josemolina56925 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid to watch movies, listen to music, or buy things, cause I'm afraid that by giving money or views, by buying or watching these things that are not very holy and are sinful. That by me giving money im Supporting things that are not of god and are blasphemous againt the holy spirit. That and that's makes ne blasphemy againt the holy spirit. Please help me.
@bailujen80524 жыл бұрын
That is not how blasphemy against the holy spirit works.
@joyceng70754 жыл бұрын
I feel like that sometimes too. But I feel like if it does take you away from Christ it’s fine. I personally do not listen to secular music because it does not glorify God and music is a form of worship. However, I do watch secular movies as long as they do not promote ungodly messages. You are a child of God first, but you can still have fun.
@neemanico53533 жыл бұрын
the deeper you go with God, the more He will prune things out of your life things that are feeding your flesh. That's is a good fear of God, and the bible tells us the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Don't compromise because everyone else does something or sayings something is okay. I encourage you to spend more time in the word of God, pray and worship and continue to be a disciple of Jesus through the Holy Spirit how is our teacher, our guide, our consellor. The more you go deeper with God you will realize that the true joy, peace, that nothing in this world can give you that. When someone's heart is clustered with those things they become obscured, what they do they feed their flesh and they make them dull to the things of God. Please do not compromise. Keep seek God with all your heart and separate yourself and you will find true joy, peace, and he is a good God, nothing in this world can be compared to the good things that God gives to his people. God bless you
@aidenlumbao3 жыл бұрын
Well, the clothes you are probably wearing right now were probably not made by Christians, and you bought the clothes and gave money to the company. Unless you are wearing Christian clothes. But we are not of this world, but we are living in it, so whatever we do, let's do to the glory of God. Yessirrrrrrrrr!!!
@aidenlumbao3 жыл бұрын
Just make sure you don't do anything sinful though. Make sure the intentions are glorifying to Christ.
@hangulphoo11 жыл бұрын
The Bible also teaches (since we're quoting it) that you are either a slave to Christ or a slave to sin (rom 6:14-19). These are one of the black & white truths of the Bible--therefore while you might think that you are solely thinking for yourself, you're really just thinking within the chains and constraints of your sinful nature. We all have this sinful nature at birth, but it is Christ who frees us and allows us to turn from wickedness towards goodness. keep searchin man :)
@walterflores3952 Жыл бұрын
To love god is to love him more than your parents.
@arklowrockz12 жыл бұрын
I am in awe at the mental gymnastics the faithful are expected to perform. I am honestly in awe. I find thought uncomplicated by worrying if the creator deity is angry with me complicated enough...but every day of your life trying to decipher which thoughts are yours and which are Gods and which are Satans....what an exquisite torture... I don't doubt someone sincerely beholden to Pator Pipers words will find that comment patronising in the extreme but I don't really mean it that way.
@CalvinLimuel12 жыл бұрын
Very well said, Dr. Piper
@Redington93113 жыл бұрын
@TheBoxingCannabyte "IS" and "ONLY" are terms in making a philosophical statement. Science and philosophy are interconnect, I'm not trying to deny that if that's what you think my aim is. I'm saying that there are many things we can't put under a microscope in order to find out if they are certifiably true.
@305boiiii12 жыл бұрын
True speech!!
@PastorTrue937 жыл бұрын
305boiiii flashback !
@tammihazard8362 Жыл бұрын
I dont enjoy watching movies with cursing or using Gods name in vain . The Holy Spirit convicts me immensely
@yoyosekai14 жыл бұрын
@TheTrippmeister If you seek Him you will find Him.
@Redington93113 жыл бұрын
@TheBoxingCannabyte I think it can be misleading to use words like "only". It would mean that you are excluding other viable ways to make certain of the truth of what people believe in. Namely logic and perhaps historical accounts along with it as well.
@alephtav73442 жыл бұрын
@quasarqueen12 жыл бұрын
@rancantrell4 жыл бұрын
I can.
@Name-el9ps4 жыл бұрын
Yes but we need food and mostly need some technology to maneuver in this world. But we don’t need rap music ever for any reason
@johnwhite40704 жыл бұрын
What about stuff like star wars or marvel? Or stuff with fighting
@rdor01114 жыл бұрын
@smileyjarvis This brand of calvinist dogma goes way further than that, nothing short of complete self-abasement is good enough , we are but a means to an end... but what kind of God treats his created beings in a utilitarian manner? How can you call that love?
@gaipou69824 жыл бұрын
Almost everything is made my them. But what enabled them to produce what they produced is the biggest deal.
@TheBoxingCannabyte13 жыл бұрын
@Redington931, For the sake of argument, you're saying that a philosophical claim that only with science can you find beauty in having everything you believe proven wrong is invalidated because no one with a scientific background, or any peer-reviewed study has been placed on said philosophical claim? Or are you saying that I didn't elaborate on the logic behind it? As if this is the place for it, lol...
@Redington93112 жыл бұрын
@TheBoxingCannabyte There are at least three assumptions that must be believe in order to use the scientific method. You already explicitly stated two of them in your reply: that reality is logical and consistent and that we're able to perceive that logic and consistency with a degree of accuracy. The scientific method is an extension of logic, not the other way around as you seem to be thinking. If the method is the only way then it cannot explain the discovery of the assumptions it's based on.
@Grokford2 жыл бұрын
I knew that you’d mess up somewhere. Art is not meant to be solely an exercise in so-called “cultural analysis”. Art is meant to be enjoyed. To deny this is to deny the beauty of creation in both God and man. Sure some people have different preferences, not everything is for everyone. And some people have certain issues that make certain types of media dangerous for them. But acting as if enjoying art is evil or to imply by omission that non-religious media is nothing but sex, drugs and nudity is both damaging and dishonest.
@Oracle3434 жыл бұрын
I don't like using the i don't do this because it doesn't contain a realistic worldview because if you do that then you have too apply it across the board too all forms of story telling entertainment.
@TheBoxingCannabyte13 жыл бұрын
I continue to search for hints of insight and instead get met with a lot of poetry and style, but very little substance underneath. Across all religions you can find the level of passion in believers like the comments below, and the people on the screen, etc. But only with peer-reviewed science do you see people finding beauty in putting all of their beliefs up on the chopping block and subjecting them to careful and educated change.
@gayowulf14 жыл бұрын
@Stiggandr1 Do you think that I would not prefer there to be a kind and loving God? But to pretend to believe in something of which I have not been convinced is, to me, far more arrogant than honesty. The simple truth is that I do not know. How am I to know that one particular religion is correct over any other - or that any of them are? I have never encountered anyone able to make a convincing case. Absent extraordinary evidence, extraordinary claims do indeed, seem arrogant to me.
@Stiggandr114 жыл бұрын
@TheTrippmeister The truth is that we all have sinned and are all worthy of death. The truth is that the our loving creator has offered us not a means away from death but a means to Him who is life. One denies this truth for a self gratifying lie, the other submits themselves to the word of God and accepts their own sinfulness and inability and Gods love and provision. Who then is arrogant?
@franceseattle13 жыл бұрын
@TheTrippmeister Have you ever heard the principle of "acting as if.."? You should spend one month trying daily to act as if you believed the Gospel. Read in the Gospel of John every day for a month, or in Luke's Gospel, and ask God to speak to your heart each day and show himself to you. At the end of the month, if you are still unconvinced, then you will make your own inference as to the truth. However, sitting on the fence for the rest of your life won't really answer your questions.
@onepunchman44816 жыл бұрын
@TheBoxingCannabyte13 жыл бұрын
@Redington931, but logic is part of the very fabric of the scientific method. Which we've been using since we firs used our sniffers to tell if food has gone bad or not, hell, before then. The scientific method IS the ONLY way we have of discovery and verification. Because the scientific method is us, a very extension of our senses and brain. And that, my friend, is not philosophy, that is fact.
@omegatafkal Жыл бұрын
Can we? Yes. BUT what is the content of the art? Mozart was a freemason, does that make his compositions bad? Certainly not. In fact, in his music we see more of the reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ, in spite of Mozart not following him Now, should we listen to AC/DC, Kanye West, Metallica etc.? Certainly not, lots of profanity. Philippians 4:8 is the criteria
@spormel9 ай бұрын
In what way would Metallica lead away from the Lord or influence badly?
@patrickhamilton78497 ай бұрын
Is it Okay for a Christian Believer to Listen to Secular Music? by David J. Stewart | May 2017 1st Corinthians 7:29, “But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none... And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.” Yes, I do believe that it is acceptable to the Lord for believers to listen to some secular music. As Christian believers, we are still a part of the world around us. Most of my web visitors were also raised up in our American culture. I recognize three types of music: RELIGIOUS SECULAR WORLDLY Most Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is just pseudo religious garbage. So you could further categorize between pseudo religious verses Christian music if you wanted. Not all secular music is bad. For example: George Strait sings some great songs, like “I Saw God Today.” The song is about his daughter being born, and he sees God in the gift of life. It's a beautiful song. But that doesn't mean I approve of all of Mr. Strait's music, such as his bad song, “Overnight Male” or his adulterous song “Seashores Of Old Mexico.” These songs promote sexual immorality. These are worldly songs. These are very different than George's song “I Saw God Today.” Do you see the difference? So, yes, I do think it is acceptable for a Christian to listen to secular music, but should abstain from worldly music. James Taylor's music is beautiful. I think it is acceptable to hear songs like “How Sweet It Is” and “You've Got A Friend.” I like Don William's song “I Believe In You.” Examples of worldly music would be Rod Stewart's “Do You Think I'm Sexy” and Madonna's “Like A Virgin,” which openly promote sexual immorality. Also, we need to discern between groups that are serving the Devil verses listening to some of their acceptable songs. Some people would argue that to listen to any of their songs means supporting the whole caboodle. I don't think so. I love the song “Til There Was You” by The Beatles. Does that mean that I support the Beatles? Never! They are of the Devil. Churches ought not play their music, because then the church would be sponsoring it. But if you personally want to listen to “Til There Was You” in your backyard at a barbeque, I do not think it is sinful. Do you see the difference? Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) used to read Zane Grey (1872-1939) novels. But Zane Grey was an adulterous heathen involved in Hollywood. Does that mean Dr. Rice endorsed everything about Zane Grey? Of course not. Dr. Rice just enjoyed reading western novels. I like singing hymns on Sunday at church. I enjoy the depth of theological meaning in the old hymns. But I like hearing Hawaiian, Country and other secular music during the week. I like many secular songs. I'm not as conservative when it comes to music as are some believers. I like all kinds of music, but stay away from heavy metal and music that promotes an evil spirit. I am a hobbyist musician and love all kinds of music. I think as believers we need to discern between music that is secular verses worldly. Also, we need to discern between groups that are serving the Devil verses listening to some of their acceptable songs. Some people would argue that to listen to any of their songs means supporting the whole caboodle. I don't think so. I love the song “Til There Was You” by The Beatles. Does that mean that I support the Beatles? Never! They are of the Devil. Churches ought not play their music, because then the church would be sponsoring it. But if you personally want to listen to “Til There Was You” in your backyard at a barbeque, I do not think it is sinful. Do you see the difference? Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) used to read Zane Grey (1872-1939) novels. But Zane Grey was an adulterous heathen involved in Hollywood. Does that mean Dr. Rice endorsed everything about Zane Grey? Of course not. Dr. Rice just enjoyed reading western novels. Clearly, “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC and “Running With The Devil” by Van Halen are of the Devil. No Christian should listen to these kinds of songs. Nothing AC/DC or Van Halen sings is acceptable. Contrawise, I also really don't care for church music myself. I like instrumentation and steel guitars, because I play them. I like a bass and some drums. Music is a passion for me, which I continually thank God for enabling me to do. Please don't misunderstand, I love singing at church, and harmonizing while singing; but given the choice, I'd rather hear Jerry Byrd playing his album “On The Shores Of Waikiki” on his steel guitar any day! That's just me. At the same time, preachers must take a Biblical stand against the dangers of ALL worldliness, rebellion and influences that corrupt our youth. There are many Country songs that I like, which would not be appropriate for a church service, but I think would be fitting for a barbecue. There are many variables to consider. Music is a powerful medium through which the human spirit is influenced. Satan fully knows this. There is music that I like by AC/DC, Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne and Van Halen, but I do not listen to it, because it negatively influences my spirit.
@hangulphoo11 жыл бұрын
true again, and yr my friend is a choice that we all have to make :) btw a question just came to me: Does "the truth" remain "the truth" whether I choose to believe it or not? (e.g. is the earth still round if i choose to reject that principle and pronounce it flat?)
@bean74964 жыл бұрын
The truth remains the same even if you dont believe it, the only thing that changes is whether or not you choose to believe. Sorry no one replied this question, I got here six years later
@reclusiarchgrimaldus12692 жыл бұрын
+ Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Amen 🙏!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man in Luke 16:24 cries: ". . .I am tormented in this FLAME." In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ." Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."
@hangulphoo2 жыл бұрын
@@reclusiarchgrimaldus1269 ? How does this tie into the conversation above?
@Userkvlnk6 ай бұрын
I find a lot of movies are brainwashing. I'll not even be saying a lot of them depict aliens /demons, wars. There are books about demons and books from mental authors that are consideted classics. A lot of movies are about broken hearts, promiscuity.. But some things made by presumably unbelievers are curious.. The geography programs, for example. Learning about the secular mathematics, the history of some countries, for example.. Still, there are a lot of controversial things. For example, India has a super fancy cinematography with songs and dancing. But the Indian dancers in their moves partly glorify a lot of gods /demons...
@rdor01114 жыл бұрын
@smileyjarvis utilitarian as in God creates man to glorify himself, and cares for (some of) his creation only so that it can achieve this end. That is calvinism.
@hangulphoo11 жыл бұрын
True, but you can't really follow Christ and discredit His word (the Bible). It was given to us for instruction as how to live and more importantly shows us the necessity of Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world. 2 tim 3:16 says: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
@CatMan_74 жыл бұрын
hangulphoo - is that to say we can watch what we want, as long as we learn from it, weather it be good or bad?
@jeffyoungblood186311 жыл бұрын
and how is it arrogant to believe differently?
@Redington93113 жыл бұрын
@TheBoxingCannabyte To state that it's only science is making a philosophical claim. Science did not experiment to prove you right in saying that. Logic must be necessary just as much as the science you speak of is; since that science is based on logic.
@rublab112 жыл бұрын
I think it is funny that you drew that conclusion all by yourself. He didn't even refer to a genre.
@twerpuser14 жыл бұрын
Interesting but I prefer John Piper the "Artists"
@stewartrogers33710 жыл бұрын
I sympathise with a lot of what John says there - I know that Evangelical Christians in the US have big problems with sexual immorality (we all do). I'd love to see a shift in movie culture there, as Hollywood matures to cinema comparable to (some) of Europe's. Sex can be a mature aspect of a narrative - and should be. In terms of other arts, I have recently self-published a work of Graphic Design from an Evangelical Christian perspective, I'd love to know what John Piper, or his followers, think of it. It's called 'The Bones of Moses,' available from The title reflects some interpretation in the book relating to the foundational myths of the Laws of Moses.
@Bev4Drawing14 жыл бұрын
@blazereef Bad things like that only happen when God's will is being disobeyed. God let us choose right from wrong. But people, who are self-seeking and want to do what they want to do, defy God and go against God. People who seek their fleshly desires use the freewill God gave them for evil. The evil of the world will be punished for eternity, don't doubt that. But why do people always point at God when bad things happen and point to the "morals of humanity" when good things happen?
@lollil33958 жыл бұрын
+John Doe Jesus is willing to feel the pain of being crucified to show his true love for us. As you said Jesus has magical powers and could fade away the pain, however, Jesus decided not to use the power and suffer just like we humans do. God gave mercy to us all. Plus, nobody is in heaven or hell now. We have to wait for the time comes. For earth to be destroyed. And God creating the new heavens for us all. If you are saying Heaven is nowhere. You are wrong, heaven is now-here. GOD BLESS
@jetexpress85753 жыл бұрын
What is this 1001 questions come on , enjoy life quite thinking lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
@kkallebb14 жыл бұрын
Sorry, is he saying that it is OK to eat meat from animals sacrificed to idols?
@TylersTrying11 жыл бұрын
I don't think that's what he's saying at all. Or are you just giving your own opinion?
@almowit68311 жыл бұрын
Try not 2 associate the charismatic chaos that modernism has produced under the guise of Christianity with that of true believers who rely on God's Word to live according to His moral will. Our thoughts must line up w/Scripture. As far as the individual will in everyday matters, we are given freedom 2 make our own choices. Like who should I marry or what college should I attend. Anyone who is waiting to "hear" from God in such matters is not making responsible choice but rather passing the buck.
@Bev4Drawing14 жыл бұрын
@blazereef Sin is an infinite crime. I can see why you don't see how big of a crime it is. The World comes up with it's own morals and it seems good. Until you compare it to the Holiness of God. (Which by your comments you have never seen) God gave us choice. He never forced us to do anything but he showed us the way that leads to life. People chose to stay slave to their sin and do what they want. God can stop all the murders and rapists but man will still do evil.
@stevenleek12542 жыл бұрын
What about Christians and serious art? You're describing "media product" and not Art. What has real Art have to do with mindless consumerism and entertainment. I'm just asking for you to make a distinction.
@gmg90104 жыл бұрын
Yes you can um the NFL
@JohnSmith-lc5jk11 жыл бұрын
A world where every single movie had some element of religious teaching!!?? God forbid!
@WeTheStrange11 жыл бұрын
Not everyone believes or is even obliged to believe this.
@christrevelation40436 жыл бұрын
Do even know what you believe?
@gayowulf14 жыл бұрын
Which is more arrogant... the worldview that claims ultimate knowledge? Or the one that claims to know nothing certain at all?