I love with this silly beautiful man kreems his dee all over my monitor
@kreemdee9 күн бұрын
hell yeah man!
@EPHope10 күн бұрын
Who's up Kreeming their Dee ?
@kreemdee10 күн бұрын
@@EPHope me me me!!!
@RexAurum10 күн бұрын
What's up KreemDee! I also have a mistweaver monk that I have been playing for a while but I would like to know, what weakaura is that for tracking your vitality? I made a funky one but it doesn't show the percent!
@RexAurum10 күн бұрын
Ah, on the note of Vitality, I notice in your videos that you sit at 100% a lot, are you thunder brewing and using that vitality to increase heals?
@kreemdee10 күн бұрын
@@RexAurum yo man, Got it from a viewer! I can check it out when I get home and share it
@kreemdee10 күн бұрын
@@RexAurum I actually sit on 100% cause im still pretty bad at mistweaver and missing quite some uses of thunder focus tea.
@kreemdee9 күн бұрын
wago.io/51Hb_dq-7/2 alright found it its this one!