Canada's Contribution To Ukraine

  Рет қаралды 2,797

Frontline Pros

Frontline Pros

Күн бұрын

What are we doing? Where is the money going? Here is the near exhaustive list of every contribution that Canada has done for the Ukrainian People. It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
*Hopefully last video with poor mic quality, thank you for your patience!
Video Credits:
The Armourer's Bench - Colt C7 Rifles
Tenguuf - Canadian Forces Infantry C7A2 Rifle Qualification
One Man Wolf Pack - Drone Footage Welcome to Canada - Ottawa
Mokka House
Ringside - Dyalla

Пікірлер: 57
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
How do you want to see Canada step up for Ukraine?
@kudos1729 Жыл бұрын
Hey Frontline, video idea, can you do one regarding Canada’s lack of Amphibious capability? Specifically, the lost opportunity to buy those two Mistral ships, the ‘limited’ capability the JSS will provide, contrast us to others in G7 and Australia with those capabilities, Canada’s amphibious history with Dieppe and Juno (we did have the most successful beachhead on D-day), the threat China poses in the South China Sea and how amphibious ships can counter that… oh and the Lighting Carrier concept and the America Class in the US. Just a thought, I think this is a capability the CAF needs, but the NSS is pushing against it because there is no ship builder in Canada that could build a ship that big 🤔
@BrownieTheCat_ Жыл бұрын
fun fact: we have donated 8 leopard tanks now
@ianmccallum8911 Жыл бұрын
Another great video, it's really nice having someone doing videos on the Canadian military. The humour is spot on too and really adds to it.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Really nice of you to say. Thank you.
@GoatedAimz Жыл бұрын
I agree
@MrPagandog Жыл бұрын
While I agree we need to support Ukraine, we also need to prepare ourselves... The CAF is hurting right now. Like the MEL's of many Soldiers, Sailors, and Aviators... our homeguard can only work light duties 3 half-days a week....if they can afford to live wherever they do. So, equipment is all we can send them...
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Its a rough time for the Forces.
@laviothmartel9813 Жыл бұрын
The real question is what has Justin Trudeau done for Canada serving as crime minister for his last 2 terms…. We have an army of 50k and dosent even replace what we give away.
@_Matsimus_ Жыл бұрын
Here’s my thoughts on this… *redacted* and I think that it’s *redacted*. But what is most important is *redacted* and they could *redacted* because he *redacted*. Most of the best *redacted* is ready to *redacted*. But that’s just my thoughts. Great video. *checked by the government of Canada.*
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Good points, were going to put a pin in them for now but I have heard you and we are working on achieving *redacted*. I appreciate it. Thanks for stopping by Matsimus.
@theironduke1175 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad to hear you are making videos on the NASAMS and ACSV super bison, I haven't personally been able to find much information on the later. Edit: I would be ok sending Leopards to Ukraine IF we replace them.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Excellent, more to come. Thank you.
@TB-zf7we Жыл бұрын
Cumulatively NATO needs to give Ukraine all the tools they need to end this quickly, which means a total Russian defeat in Ukraine. It's outrageous for Berlin to hold up the transfer of Leopards. We should give Ukraine a few of our Leopard 2s.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
They're thinking about it. I think tanks are inevitable.
@loganholmberg2295 Жыл бұрын
I'm all for it only IF parliment passes a bill to order a replacement A6 from Germany for every tank we send over there. Also any tank we send will most likely be needed to be upgraded to the 2A6 version so they can get thermal imaging. Without thermal imaging a leopard 2 is actually inferior to Ukrains domestic tank in many ways. Perhaps we should be sending resources to help them get their domestic tank production back online. Their domestic tank is in many ways superior to the ones russia is using in ukraine.
@yuri_slava1986 Жыл бұрын
Let's think about this critically gentlemen. Everyone is quick to lable Russians as the enemy. To those serving, at the end of the day, when all the dust settles, majority of the Russians you killed or want to see killed are reflections of YOU - vastly good men and women who felt the calling to serve and protect their families, land, and sovereignty. War in short is largely good men and women sent to war to kill eachother because of the greed for power and money by the real enemy, the corrupt and crooked politicians.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
You're right, many Russians do not want this war and unfortunately will suffer for it. Creating an enemy is easy, keeping the peace is much more difficult.
@loganholmberg2295 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately until they all stop trusting the russian news which is all controlled by putine there wont be much change in Russia. I watch some russian KZbinrs who cover the situation in russia and its not as bad as many western news sources make things out to be. There are shortages in russian cities yes. In the rural russian where putin gets his troops? Not really. Rural russia is a completely different animal and they arent feeling the pinch like we hope they would and allot still support putin. They're nostalgic for the old russia, Its changing but when you control the media you can keep the public in the dark for a long time.
@patinate Жыл бұрын
Lend lease all of our old stock to Ukraine. It gets it out of our inventory so we aren't spending time, space, and money on storage and upkeep. Use the saved money in procurement of more modern systems, or to have new assembly lines constructed. Being that we are a country that is covered by article 5, we can afford to not have them today, but Ukraine can't. Also, the better equipped Ukraine is, the less capable Russia will be to fight anyone else afterwards, let alone at the same time.
@justinnedrick2348 Жыл бұрын
Underrated channel, good video
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Joe3pops Жыл бұрын
Uhm. Supporting Ukraine is morally right. However, presently, our two "minesweepers" in the Baltic Sea sport merely two .50 BMG as thier only defense against any sort of attack. There are two more these vessels in the Pacific with equally dismal deck armaments. And our soon to be 6 arctic AOP patrol vessels for the north, it's only single cannon is a 25mm Bushmaster. Compare this to the Thetis class patrol vessels for Greenland & Faroe Islands of the Danish navy littoral fleet. A 76mm Oto Merlara, 11 machine-guns, a depth charge launcher, a torpedo launcher, one Lynx helicopter. There's no comparison here. We have no navy supply vessels, four dangerous to thier own crew submarines. Our littoral fleet is the laughing stock of NATO.
@TheNightlessFall Жыл бұрын
Let's not forget that there's more canadian volunteer in the Ukrainian Army than any other country with USA, UK and Poland.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I see plenty of Canadian flags on body armor when pulling content for our videos.
@GerryCorbin-xd6vn Жыл бұрын
Yes we should step up our contribution
@mattbernacki9282 Жыл бұрын
To be completely honest, we've done more than enough for Ukraine. Our own Forces are in terrible shape, yet we can somehow find better equipment and tons of money to send overseas than we can for our own frontline. Taking in refugees and supporting the people of Ukraine is one thing that we can all get behind, but I'd rather see our own troops get taken care of more.
@mattbernacki9282 Жыл бұрын
@@douglasnorth4703 why not send our old stuff then and keep the new that we've spent billions of dollars on then? Makes no sense from a logistical or economic point of view.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
All good points and replies. Looking purely at the silver lining, I view this as an opportunity to weaken a long time (and increasingly likely: a future) enemy while risking a minimal of our own people and finances. Ukraine is basically knocking Russia out from the world powers table and its only costing us some money that honestly, would never go to our CAF anyways. The damage Russia is doing to itself will cripple it for years, likely bring about positive regime and even Geo political change and still none of this speaks to the record levels of solidarity from Europe and the world that been created.
@mattbernacki9282 Жыл бұрын
@@FrontlinePros Good points on the Russia side of things, it is nice to see that they're being exposed in this war, even if it's a shame it's happened in the first place. That being said, look at the energy crisis that Europe is going through now because of Russia's stranglehold in that sector. Until the rest of the world, especially Canada, steps in to alleviate Europe's dependency, Russia will always have a way to exude global power, even with a crippled army. Such a complex situation with so many factors, though it's nice to see people still able to have a good discussion without mudslinging and namecalling. Keep up the great videos!
@chrisburke624 19 күн бұрын
The Senator vehicles have taken the lessons learned & have seen numerous improvements over the last 2 years. Thwy aren't intended to be combat vehicles, they have no armament that would allow them to attack or defend themselves. They are intended as 'battle taxis' and in that role they are quite good vehicles
@jamesjames406 Жыл бұрын
I for one am happy to see us finally step up and carry our weight. Canada has been a laughing stock for years. When it comes to defence spending, we have always under funded the military / our NATO obligations. Say what you will about the liberals - but they did increase the budget by 70%. The navy is receiving ships, the airforce is getting planes - albeit slowly. I 100% wish it was faster, but at least it’s happening - more still needs to be done. I think sometimes we get hyper focused on just this one topic of Ukraine. We forget that what we are doing is being witnessed on the world stage. If you don’t think China, North Korea, Iran and others aren’t watching NATO’s response right now - you’re wrong. That’s why it’s important we arm Ukraine. They have every right to defend themselves, but we’re also sending a signal to our foes… you hit us or our allies and we aren’t going to sit around and just be mouth pieces. I want Ukraine to win because I believe they should. But I also want our foes to pause, take note and think twice about steam rolling into Thailand, South Korea, the South China Sea, Israel, etc. This is what promises long term peace and stability. If we cowardly hide and pretend it’s not our problem then only result will be larger scale conflicts that cause even more disruptions to our every day lives.
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
I agree, well said. If the west would have stood by, who knows how far this would go... again.
@loganholmberg2295 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure. Do you seriously think Canada would ever replace them? Also if your not sending A6 versions with thermal imaging you might as well not bother. Without thermal imaging systems a Leopard is really no better then Ukraines domestic tank. Those A4s form the core of our replacement and training fleet for the 2A6s we have. Unless I see the liberals passing a bill in parliament to purchase new 2A6s for ANY tank we send to the Ukraine we shouldn't support it. The Liberals are only spending money now on the CAF because of bills the conservatives put in place and because they are terrified of another Sea King bondogle. Don't for a second think they wont find ways to hold back funding on the future CAF if they can. Just like almost every other Canadian gov. has in the past. We are only seeing expenditures now because of plans the harper gov put in place. The only exception to this would be the new LAV program. But that's only happening because Afganistan wore out the LAv 3 fleet. Something needed to be done and its a domestically produced vehicles so the Gov is all for spending money on them.
@BradFalck-mn3pc Жыл бұрын
I think that the diplomats of ANY hostile country that have a mission in Canada should be expelled
@kudos1729 Жыл бұрын
Send 14 Leopards to Ukranie along with another group of Leopards to Latvia to boost the garrison there and train Ukrainians on the Tanks.
@eziekkiel5876 Жыл бұрын
That's actually a pretty great idea, man. We could draw from our training stock of 40 Leopard 2A4s that are not upgraded to 2A4M CAN. Throw in some add on composite armour and with thermals and night vision you got a pretty good tank Ukraine can use. All 14 tanks should be sent to Latvia at first to train the crews. No point sending any to Ukraine lol. There are no NATO personnel there, that we know of.
@loganholmberg2295 Жыл бұрын
And do you seriously think Canada would ever replace them... there's no way. Also if your not sending A6 versions with thermal imaging you might as well not bother. Without thermal imaging systems a Leopard is really no better then Ukrains domestic tank. Those A4s form the core of our replacement and training fleet for the 2A6s we have. Unless I see the liberals passing a bill in parliament to purchase new 2A6s for ANY tank we send to the Ukrain we shouldn't support it. The Liberals are only spending money now on the CAF because of bills the conservatives put in place and because they are terrified of another Sea King bondogle. Don't for a second think they wont find ways to hold back funding on the future CAF if they can.
@kudos1729 Жыл бұрын
@@loganholmberg2295 😂 replace them, maybe with Bicycles…. The way the Liberals arm the CAF we are more likely to get pictures and lots of talk about new tanks, then upgrade what we have until they run them into the ground. Though I would still send the Ukrainians what we could spare, they need them now more than we do. I hear you brother, but you can’t just blame the Libs, the Conservatives also dragged their feet with the CAF and walked away from those Mistral’s which was a steal of a deal. No matter what government we have they tend to give the shaft to the CAF. Slowly things might be changing, but don’t hold your breath. If they can buy air defense for the CAF as they did for Ukraine, maybe things will start happening. Send the Leopards, the good ones now, Ukraine needs them. We will sort out our mess eventually. I would be impressed if they replace the M-777 we sent with some self propelled artillery, that would be a move in the right direction
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
That's an easy, largely risk free commitment. I hope we contribute to the tankers training and the NATO led maintenance stations in Eastern Europe.
@tacticaltuna9293 Жыл бұрын
14 and leopards and 50 Lav 6s would be ideal
@BradFalck-mn3pc Жыл бұрын
As for donations of our tanks that's a hard no ,we don't have enough for our own needs
@Superplums Жыл бұрын
Love the little sarcastic bits 😂
@ABalance420 Жыл бұрын
@christopher480 2 ай бұрын
We cant even equip our own forces properly, not to mention the giant housing shortage and shortage of health care professionals.......we need to look after our own country first.
@moulinneuf Жыл бұрын
WE have updated CAF leopard 1 in europe they coul give those 109 tank
@richardglynn7357 Жыл бұрын
ito live a kid at xmas there's never too many giifts more help to replace infrastructure
@captaincrocblackburn2627 Жыл бұрын
@FrontlinePros Жыл бұрын
@SuperCowboyJesus Жыл бұрын
Sorry Veterans you are asking for too much the support needs to go to ukraine.
@breadtoasted2269 Жыл бұрын
Give the CanadianRangers some love sheesh
@Superplums Жыл бұрын
Are they fighting in Ukraine? Doubt'er buds 😂
@chrisharder2461 Жыл бұрын
Giving them equipment won't change a thing
@alexandertimoschuk8470 Жыл бұрын
You made me so upset that my rage could be felt into the next province. - I wish you would use your spreadsheet and start adding up the numbers rather than blurting out outrageous figures. - We gave very little "good stuff" and the cost of transporting it to germany or poland was probably over inflated. Our surveillance, is that being sold at $100,000 per day or per hour??? Do you know??? Where are these numbers coming from???? Am I for the war?? - NO - Canada should be neutral. I think Canada should help the Ukrainain people but NOT be part of the war effort. Could Canada help negotiate PEACE??? -NO its can not. First Canada should get out of NATO - We have much more to lose than we have to gain. - Canada's "darling image" as viewed from the rest of the world is definitely losing its enamour. Canada is become more and more an echo of the USA. I would not send my sons and daughters to fight for a corrupt and illegitimate government like that of Ukraine. Canada needs people and we can harbour the refugees but that should be the extent of our involvement. PS-get more informed before your next post.
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