Not so much as my children are. My career can be anything, but being at the top of the world would be great, not at the cost of my kid's. I will because I feel so great, peaceful. Oh another tower, I love that, sun after the flood gate, great! Just what I need. My life is so great, you would not believe me and me doing it with my imagination, so cool! Exactly, not doing anything but pray a little and being a nice guy as always. No, actually I have been expressing a lot, like everything actually. Just here with you, because no one else is interested, but it's OK. This is enough for me to get back in order and be fine. No war here, maybe some do wage war I am oblivious about. No me not being tired of being strong and someone who has that feeling, my message is, you are probably just at the middle of the struggle, so be strong because nothing else will help. It's like that, me have been there thoughts of giving up, don't!!! I know it's hard, but you will grow q Lion Heat, God gave me one. Patience too is something that used to crush me, now....hahahaha patience is my middle name. No not tired at all, want to go to work! So eager to start being judged by the public. Actually I have been thinking about special event that will happen in 2026, a repeat of something that happened sometime in the 1990.