Canterbury Cathedral's Rave in the Nave- Dirty dancing over the shrine of the saint

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Dr G Ashenden

Dr G Ashenden

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Ashenden Scripted.
A group of protesters plans to gather outside Canterbury Cathedral tomorrow evening to “peacefully” object to a dance event being held in the cathedral’s interior.
Labelled by some as the “rave in the Nave”, its organisers at the cathedral argue that the event called 90’s Silent Disco In The Cathedral is a way to raise much needed funds for the cathedral and to grow awareness about religion among younger generations.
The protestors, however, have branded the event - that will run for two nights - as “absurd” and described it as an “alcohol fuelled rave” that will do nothing for the faith, reports the Daily Telegraph.
All of the £25 tickets have sold out, according to the cathedral, and it is expected that 750 people will attend the disco each night. Revellers will wear headphones to hear classic 1990’s tracks as they dance. Silent discos, as they are known, are a relatively recent phenomenon, and have proved popular due to their counter intuitive and quirky modus operandi.
Due to the headphones, there is no thudding baseline and “external noise”, and people can dance, talk, laugh and clink glasses as if they were in their own home and holding a low-key party in their sitting room.
“It’s not going to make younger people take the Church more seriously, it’s not going to make people think Christians take their faith seriously - no other religions would do this and it’s not effective evangelism,” says Cajetan Skowronski, one of those campaigning against the event.
The group raised their concerns during a meeting with the Dean of Canterbury, the Very Rev David Monteith.
“While respectful of our right to protest, the Dean was dismissive of our petition, stating that we were an extreme minority - for not wanting an alcohol-fuelled rave to the music of Eminem in God’s house,” Skowronski said.
“Rev Monteith was convinced - with no evidence - that the majority of Christians would support this disco, and our petition and reasoned arguments could not change his mind.”
As Catholic Herald columnist Gavin Ashenden has described, the problem for many Christians - especially Catholics - is exacerbated by the fact that the cathedral, now in the hands of the Church of England, was once one of the most important Catholic pilgrimage sites when England was a Catholic land.
Saint Thomas Becket was martyred in the north western transept, just beyond the nave, after which people flocked to the site and “the Cathedral saw an endless line of suffering pilgrims walk, stumble and crawl over these stones begging for healing,” Ashenden says.
“Every stone on that floor carried the weight of streams of desperate people. Both the questing suffering, but equally those who walked away healed, infused with joy at the miraculous answers to their prayers.”
In short, the cathedral, especially its interior, is an especially holy location. So much so that even today there are, as Ashenden says, “those of us who have been pilgrims there and for whom love, longing and prayer were birthed and nurtured there”.
In a more recent Catholic Herald article, he highlights that the appropriation of the cathedral for the disco maintains an ongoing and troubling trend - particularly in the eyes of Catholics.
“Scarcely a month seems to go by in the United Kingdom without a small scandal relating to a medieval Catholic cathedral sequestrated at the Reformation and now run by the Church of England,” Ashenden writes. “The current cathedral custodians in different places have resorted to golf courses, helter skelters, risqué film clubs and gin distilleries.”

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@yagi3925 7 ай бұрын
Hello. A Roman catholic, I stand with all Anglicans who have kept a sense of sacred and protest against this desacration.
@sheilaoneil18 7 ай бұрын
I am an old woman, a woman of grace-given faith. Thank you Lord God. I too used to sing the most beautiful Latin plainsong and other glorious church music. I attended my beautiful church, my second home, three times on a Sunday and during the week, with great joy. Your words have moved me. There are tears in my eyes and longing in my heart. This is an alien world. What happens now? We pray unceasingly and continue to sing, albeit alone and unheard. But God will hear. God bless everyone.
@PhD777 7 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@andrewm9221 7 ай бұрын
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy, Amen.
@michielvanasten3021 7 ай бұрын
I am a catholic from the Netherlands, visited the UK and Canterbury Cathedral last summer. I has been 25 years since the last time I saw Canterbury. It struck me to see that this church has been turned into a museum. You can’t walk under the large entry gate to the premises anymore. First you have to buy a 17 pounds per person entry ticket to visit the church. Yes it is worth it, but it is almost blasphemous how the C of E turns their (stolen) property into commerce. That building is built to worship and to evangelize. A home for our risen Lord. What will be the future of this building? It worries me.
@matthewstokes1608 7 ай бұрын
As an OKS boy I cannot agree more with you… . Disturbing times - and I cannot see how Christ will forgive this flagrant disrespect by those who are seemingly no longer God-fearing “clergy” in His Church. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🙏
@DrGAshenden 7 ай бұрын
Thank you - greeetings.
@Hope_Boat 7 ай бұрын
Orthodox here. The actual buildings and what happens inside are just the tangible reality of the apostasy in the hearts of people. Lord have mercy on us all sinners.
@matthewstokes1608 7 ай бұрын
@@Hope_Boat Hear hear. It’s terrifying justice. My country - ‘my’ culture - has turned its back on God and behaved abhorrently for far too long… Now the “leaders” are so incredibly unrighteous and depraved - so it’s hardly surprising what misery is now in store as God seemingly turns His back… It’s tragic… At least unless we all as a nation WAKE UP and repent and give love and praise to God Almighty again Where did it all go so wrong? I am to blame as much as anyone. Our country literally destroyed itself through godlessness.
@Hope_Boat 7 ай бұрын
​@@matthewstokes1608 Babylon will fall because it's the will of God. There is no point lamenting about the demise of the World. Just remember what the voice from heaven said.
@billo875 7 ай бұрын
This actually brought a tear to my eye. That these holy places have been reduced to over sexualised cultural kicks.
@margaretdefrias698 7 ай бұрын
As an Anglican it appeals me to hear about this the dean should never have been appointed. How can anyone think that this is right
@margaretdefrias698 7 ай бұрын
Obviously meant appauls
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
​@@margaretdefrias698 If you click on those 3 vertical dots on the left of your comment, it will give you an edit option. Unless you left it for a reason. As autocorrect will sometimes change letters around in the very moment that you are posting - which is also appalling.
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
@biIIi0us a church dance used t0 be a stapIe in c0mmunities takes a prurient repressed cath0Iic t0 make it aII ab0ut sex ! rancid
@michaelhaywood8262 7 ай бұрын
@@margaretdefrias698 the correct spelling is appalls.
@doctorbritain9632 7 ай бұрын
The church of England has lost all concept of the sacred.
@lovesong252 7 ай бұрын
Desecration in thought, word, and deed indeed. Thank you Gavin for a very moving video. Some people will be protesting in person when the raves take place on the 8th and 9th February. I made a personal pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral which was a part of my journey to Christ. What folly is going on in the mainstream churches of this country. I can't condone though I must forgive, and I repent of any bitterness. Please help us Lord
@doverbeachcomber 7 ай бұрын
If this truly is sacrilegious folly - and it is - why are you so mild about it? Why aren’t you willing to get even the teensiest bit angry when the Lord’s house is profaned this way? Perhaps if you expressed such anger and outrage, a few of the ravers might have a change of heart. As it is, all that your instant forgiveness conveys is that their colossal disrespect toward God is no big deal to you. Would a bystander be able to detect any difference between your reaction and that of one who tacitly agrees with the ravers? Reconsider your attitude. This is a time for true Britons to strike home.
@IssacharGR 7 ай бұрын
Dear 525....I share your thinking....and i too am much saddened by the degradation of our Christian heritage, But have you ever considered..... The early church had no great temples. Much of what you might perceive as 'authentic church' was part of pagan Roman culture...that was fused onto the people of God. Through history God's people have struggled with culture...and religious institutional thinking. Once again God's people (his Eclesia) need to take stock...and re-format. Lets not look at the religious institutions...for reference and direction....But look instead to the living God...Perhaps Jesus gave us some clues as to how to be church. He told us to gather together....and when just two or three gather in my name - he said...'there am i with you. Jesus collected a core of special friends...they met in homes - sometimes by a lake...or in an upper room. I network with Christians...We network...and encourage each other...We share bread and wine we remember who we are - and what Jesus did for us. I suggest to you that the old institutions have become the problem and are no longer the solution. To some extent God has left the building. Sadly many can never leave the buildings...that have institutionalised their thinking...But the next incarnation/generation of God's people will not be found in the institutional frameworks of religion...But in the places where Jesus is...'in the real world'.
@lovesong252 7 ай бұрын
@@doverbeachcomber I am travelling to Canterbury Cathedral today to join the protest, after that I'm giving out Christian tracts to those attending the rave. Tomorrow I'll be travelling there for the same purpose. I have been angry and that has been a strong motivator, along with wanting to witness to the lost. I need to deal with any bitterness in my heart. For me that bitterness is not good for my Christian walk, witness, and won't help when I'm engaging with people I share the Good News of Christ with.
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
@@lovesong252 y0ur "christian waIk", 0ne imagines, w0uId be a j0y0us march int0 gI0ri0us eternity in the b0s0m 0f y0ur savi0ur, after aII, y0u have w0n the jackp0t, have y0u n0t ? having christ in y0ur Iife ? but n0, its the bitter waIk 0f a petty, angry man getting hystericaI 0ver a pragmatic attempt t0 b00st revenue and p0tentiaIIy attendees its whinging reacti0naries Iike yer bad seIf y0ung pe0pIe want t0 av0id pe0pIe with y0ur attitude drive y0ung pe0pIe away fr0m the church n0t much 0f a I0ve s0ng y0u`re singing m0re Iike an arr0gant tantrum !
@odinsraven116 7 ай бұрын
@PosenMarkt91 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, Dr Ashenden. As one who knows the location of St Thomas's murder in Canterbury Cathedral, I share your dismay and revulsion at the proposed "rave in the nave". Is this all that is left of the C of E? Is this what its leaders think is the way to evangelise the young? Is this what Henry VIII's bloodthirty deformation of the Church has led to? Justine Welby's silence is deafening. Those narcissistic ravers who attend this profane function in the Cathedral will treat the C of E with the contempt that it deserves. On another note, I think that if the leaders of the Catholic Church in England had any sense, they would make you a Bishop! God bless you, Dr Ashenden. Continue to fight the good fight.
@bobspinelli2847 7 ай бұрын
And Francis would give him the Strickland treatment. Better to speak truth as a layman.
@marjoriehoglund8754 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ! I agree with what you have to say ! This BREAKS MY HEART !
@PosenMarkt91 7 ай бұрын
That's true. We must pray that the Bergoglio aberration will soon come to an end and that the Catholic Church will have a re-birth under a good, true and proper Pope. I have high hopes for Cardinal Peter Erdö.
@AnneEloiseOfCNY 7 ай бұрын
​@@PosenMarkt91 The sole reason I haven't fled the Catholic Church is that I want to see who is elected the next Pope, when that time comes. Our Father is a God of miracles. So I hope for a miracle! ✝️
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
​@@AnneEloiseOfCNY Noone would flee their salvation l agree. Thats like fleeing a rescuing fireman.
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
I was privileged as a Catholic to attend Vespers at Canterbury Cathedral on the Feast of the Annunciation. The hyms were so beautiful in honor of of our Blessed Mother!!! I was inspired to ask God to return that church to the Catholic Church. I've often thought that some of those once-Catholic churches could be returned to the Catholic Church in a spirit of reparation for having stolen it in the first place.
@RB-tc3tw 7 ай бұрын
The churches are not “stolen”, as some Roman Catholics are fond of alleging. They always were and remain the property of the English church. What happened was simply that in the 16th century the English Church ceased to be in communion with Rome. Whether that was a good, bad or indifferent thing, it didn’t involve appropriation of anyone else’s property.
@DrGAshenden 7 ай бұрын
@@RB-tc3tw The state created a new and different church. It then set about torturing and executing members of the true church. It changed the essential elements that make a Church - its connection with the apostles, the efficacy of Jesus in the mass, and set about using the buildings for different purposes. The cathedrals and churches were built by Catholics for Catholics, and Catholics worship centred on the Mass. Look at what the ecclesial body called Anglicanism says about the Mass in its articles. It repudiates it., If you think Anglicanism is the Church - your view would follow. But if. You are a Catholic and you have a different definition of what the CHurch is, then the buildings were taken over by a different body for a different purpose. From the vantage point of the one, holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, Anglicanism, is schismatic, unholy (see the rave in the nave) Protestant, and in breach with, has repudiated the apostolic line both in lineal descent and in dogmatic difference. You may think Anglicanism is the English Church, but it is in fact a state sponsored state run, state legitimised ecclesial body. Not a Church.
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
@@RB-tc3tw Before the so called "Reformation" almost all of England was Catholic. The new state religion that came to England called themselves Anglican and did not tolerate Catholics and their beliefs. Heavy persecution & martyrdoms of Catholics became pervasive as well as the dissolution of about 800 monasteries. I highly recommend a book by Protestant author, William Cobbett called " A HISTORY OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION IN ENGLAND AND IRELAND" by Tan Publishers. It's quite an eye-opener.
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
@@DrGAshenden w0w, a reaI Iive member 0f the reIigi0us inteIIigentsia ! and this is y0ur sincereIy heId beIief ? cath0Iicism wasn`t averse t0 t0rturing and murdering t0 maintain its auth0rity as the inquisiti0n h0rrifyingIy iIIustrates fr0m the vantage p0int 0f the 0ne h0Iy cath0Iic church`s unh0Iy behavi0r {see rapist ped0phiIe priests} it has n0 m0raI high gr0und Ieft t0 0ccupy the fact a church dance has y0u reaching f0r y0ur pen is seIective 0utrage and hiIari0us and if its n0t a church anyway as, y0u cIaim, what is being desecrated/ 0ffended 0ther than y0ur 0wn m0ribund p0int 0f view?
@thomasmore4468 7 ай бұрын
@DrGAshenden@@RB-tc3tw In fact the state appropriated property paid for and belonging to the English people such as costly vestments, chalices, patterns, candlesticks, jewelled Bibles, etc etc. "Every preparation being made the robbery began, and a general plunder of the churches took place by royal and parliamentary authority! The robbers took away everything valuable, even down to the vestments of the priests." A History of the Protestant Reformation in England & Ireland - Cobbett 1827 p165. And "The ecclesiastical revenues and the sacred buildings themselves were early marked out for spoliation. In a paper, dated 15 Feb 1547 are seen "the names of those to be raised to dignity, and lands to be given to them". Amongst these are the following: "My lord of Hertford 'with his dukedom' £800 lands a year, and £200 of the next bishop's lands" " Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer - Gasquet and Bishop 1891 p20-21.
@elizabethtwomey4196 6 ай бұрын
This is heartbreaking news. When we lived in Rochester many years ago, we used to drive to Canterbury to pray in the Cathedral, even though we are Catholic. It was special. I recently watched a film about Thomas and the King. Anthony Hopkins was Thomas and Peter O'Toole was King Henry. I was in tears. It. was so sad because the King actually loved Thomas but it all weht wrong. Oh dear. Thank you Dr Ashenden, I just love listening to you. Elizabeth
@colinminch793 6 ай бұрын
I think the movie you’re referring to is Becket, and it was Richard Burton playing Thomas Becket. Great movie. I wish modern films were capable of such great dialogue.
@wolemai 7 ай бұрын
Dr Ashenden, I too, am an ex Anglican priest. I have been a Catholic for many years and have watched the C of E continue its downward spiral into Hell over many years. Unlike many others though, I sincerely believe that the downward spiral began the moment Henry VIII ripped the Church in England from the universal Catholic Church and the authority of the Pope. In other words, I believe the downward spiral began 500 years ago and has been continuing ever since. The true tragedy is that too many so called Catholics have tried, and are trying, to bring all the errors of Anglicanism into the Catholic Church. They have learnt nothing from watching the decline of Anglicanism. Unfortunately, one of those modern Catholics is our current Pope, who seems to want to convert the Catholic Church into some weird Anglican clone. For those modernists I would be labelled a Traditionalist, a reactionary Conservative - when, in fact, all I am is a Catholic, a Catholic in the full sense of the term, with all it meant and means. We live in truly blasphemous times, where there is no depth to which modernists will not sink in order to insult God. We need penance and prayer and a courage to stand up for the Faith, not just from attacks from outside, but increasingly from attacks from within.
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
Wolemai, I agree with every word you said. Particularly I like it when you said "I am just Catholic." All those precious courageous Martyrs of England and all Martyrs would applaud your faith. God bless you!
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
@wolemai I forgot to put the @ symbol in the previous comment. Hope you see it. And yes you are Catholic!
@dinospumoni5611 7 ай бұрын
Wait, you became an Anglican priest despite thinking that the Church of England was on a descent to Hell from the moment of its founding? You might want to work on your decision making skills.
@YiriUbic3793 7 ай бұрын
@@dinospumoni5611Read his comment obviously he didn’t know if he was born into a Protestant household, when people grew up in protests household they are teach to hate the Catholic Church throw lots of lies it is only when they grow up and if they are humble enough to look for more because something doesn’t sound right that’s when they find the true about the Catholic Church
@thomasmore4468 7 ай бұрын
​@@dinospumoni5611 You might want to work on your comprehension skills.
@tkoz5854 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful language around your early experiences at the Cathedral. I too am a "revert" to the Catholic Faith, but I've never lost my love for England, once known in Christendom as the "Isle of Saints." Thank you. I will pray for intervention...God's intervention.
@MichElle-zc9tu 7 ай бұрын
We have to pray, fast, almsgiving but also flee from all mortal sins.
@light1002 7 ай бұрын
When David Monteith was appointed as Dean to replace the retired Robert Willis I was quietly concerned. Now I am deeply depressed.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
A deliberately divisive appointment that scandalised the Global South and in an uncivil partnership, will it be a rainbow friendly rave?
@veronica_._._._ 7 ай бұрын
Don't be depressed, please, it's deliberate demoralisation, we are on a spiritual war footing - there is even "friendly fire" when God's truth comments are always deleted. God will always give us strength to bear it, more pity those who refuse to see the evils around them, they are most in peril of their souls. That ones that l love are oblivious to God's grace grieves me the most, l wonder am l a poor role model? And no l didn't deserve the spiritual awakening l received. Stand fast ... stand.
@Barbara-zp8iu 7 ай бұрын
What you've said here on behalf of this beautiful cathedral is remarkably moving, and fitting. And.. I am brought to tears by your little poem. It recalls for me something Fr. Ripperger once shared, when pressing a demonic entity to reveal the Blessed Mother's greatest moment of glory. The entity claimed it was her "standing at the Foot of the Cross, in perfect virtue." Fr. went on to say that God has complete, unbounded trust in her and her intentions. And as such, no surprise how her intercession is so longingly sought after by us, her children.
@Morningstar-xz5bl 7 ай бұрын
Pray for her intentions, and she will pray for yours. Say the Flame of Love rosary its life changing. Also the Devotion to the Holy Face, Jesus gave it for these times to defeat communism and atheism.
@carolewalker4587 7 ай бұрын
Well said Gavin. God bless you ❤️🙏
@cynthiaclarke4224 7 ай бұрын
As a convert to Catholicism from evangelicalism in 2017 I am eternally grateful for the steady hand of the Church in the face of the social influence upon " fundamentalist" leadership. God's presence is within the bricks of Catholic parishes. That's exactly what I wrote in my journal following my first Mass I ever dared to attend.
@orarerosarium 7 ай бұрын
Oh, my. This is so moving. I would like to see photos of what you speak of in this video. Based on this account, one wouldn’t have been surprised if the cathedral had been hit by lightning like the St. Peter statue was in Argentina. Gavin, I guess God was preparing you all these years for this moment in time. You were meant for these times. All of this darkness is being exposed. Thanks be to God for people like you. We see this in the culture in the states, and we’re not buying it. God is allowing this for some reason. More of us need to get our acts together, go to Eucharist, pray the Rosary, go to confession, and do the Holy Hour. We really really really need to put Christ first in our very busy lives.
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
@orarerosarium he`s taIking ab0ut a church dance n0t an inn0cent chiId being s0d0mised by a priest did the Iightnng strike because a chiId was being raped by a priest ? 0r is it just dances in churches g0d ha s a pr0bIem with ?
@elisabethsullivan78 7 ай бұрын
Dr Gavin, you are an edifying gift to the Catholic Church, you are the good news for the renewal of Christ’s Holy Church in this Millennium, keep up your wonderful missionary work, God bless you dear fellow traveler, many thanks 🙏
@wendyharrap8771 7 ай бұрын
I am shocked, horrified and saddened by what is happening to our old Catholic Cathedrals and Churches in Britain today 😢. My parents took us children to Canterbury every Summer holiday and told us of the history and Saints of this great once Roman Catholic Cathedral. It was a great site of Pilgrimage during Crusader times, on a par with Jerusalem and Compestella in Spain. 😊
@Mutasis_Mutandis 7 ай бұрын
Excellent commentary. Very sobering. Thank you, Dr. Ashenden.
@declancooney1029 7 ай бұрын
Give us back OUR churches.......we want to worship Our Lord
@simonslater9024 7 ай бұрын
Please read my comment. God bless.
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
if churches have t0 fund raise because 0f Iack 0f attendees ie christians n0t g0ing t0 church wh0 is taking y0ur churches away ? n0 0ne christianity is m0ribund and its typicaI that y0u w0uId I00k f0r a scapeg0at its the signature m0ve 0f christianity Iet s0me0ne eIse take the bIame n0 0ne is st0pping y0u "w0rshipping "
@StudentDad-mc3pu 7 ай бұрын
Then you need to pay for their upkeep.
@declancooney1029 7 ай бұрын
we have paid already in our blood all over the world and pay for so much in the world such as schools, hospitals etc. So we have no problem paying for the Churches we built centuries ago@@StudentDad-mc3pu
@goyonman9655 7 ай бұрын
​@@StudentDad-mc3pu Pharisee
@AnneEloiseOfCNY 7 ай бұрын
So, so moving Dr. Ashenten. Your last sentence made me cry, a little. The Cathedrals should be returned to the people who built them, the Catholics. That they remain stolen by Henry VIII is outright unconscionable continuing theft. Ever since seeing Richard Burton portray St. Thomas Beckett, I have been fascinated by that Saint.. Although I was (USA) Episcopal, my sentiments were always for that Brave man. Beckett. And in another era I felt the same for brave St. Thomas Moore. They were heroes of faith for me, even though I was Episcopal. And here I am, decades later, Catholic. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan NYC figured strongly in my life too. I loved the air of mystery. It wasn't ancient like in England. But it had a strong effect on me. At least that Cathedral wasn't stolen! God Bless you Dr. Ashenten. ✝️🛐💟🕊️🕯️🙏🏻🌹 (The rose is for Mary.)
@jakebarnes3054 7 ай бұрын
Anglicans are catholic. The RCC isn't the one singular infallible Church.
@AnneEloiseOfCNY 7 ай бұрын
@b-a-boon It isn't going to happen. And why nevermind about the Cathedrals (considering Welby is beyond the pale)? Thousands of Catholics were murdered, some by terrible torture, at the same time Henry VIII took over the Cathedrals, lands, and monies of the Catholic Church. And as reparation for burning at the stake and otherwise murdering Catholics. The Anglican Church has NOT repented, let alone Welby. The injury done the Catholics was tremendous. And the Cathedrals REPRESENT those injustices. Merry Ole England, the GB, has trashed even the memory of all those Catholics killed for their faith. But even the stones cry out for them. The stones of the Cathedrals. In repentance, the Anglican Church should return the Cathedrals. They are the Memorial Stones of all the Catholics slain by Henry VIII.
@Vesnicie 7 ай бұрын
It would be so great if, in the middle of the rave, a reading of the Canterbury Tales (in the original Middle English!) were to be broadcast into everybody's headphones. I can just see them standing about in confusion, swaying with drinks in hand, wondering with annoyance what just happened. It would all be very... poetic.
@geriburston4315 7 ай бұрын
A thoughtful and poetic piece, and I can feel your sadness and pain. We visited the holy isles of Iona, and Lindesfarn last spring and I spent the time filled with sadness at what has befallen our originally Catholic holy sites. Now filled with climate change posters and rainbow flags….. Am preparing here in Australia for Lent. Making more time for prayer and will encourage my family also. God bless all.
@M5guitar1 7 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation. The state of Christendom has fallen into disgrace. When soon will the madness end?
@morudesouza5533 7 ай бұрын
Methodist Church of England Pentacostal Believer's etc are all characterized as Christians and in this even Catholics - But it is only the Catholic church that is good and will prevail to the end.
@frankfletcher7897 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this tragic reality. Awareness allows for prayer. May God hear my and other's supplications for the restoration of this Cathedral to its proper purpose. This desecration is so unnecessary.
@tau7260 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dr. Ashenden, for your thoughts, sentiment's and perspective about this Cathedral. I doubt I will ever be able to visit this wonderful Cathedral so, having the opportunity to sit and listen close to your every word made this sacred place alive and now part of my experience, too. Thank you.
@shirleydunnells6983 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry that a place so sacred to you, and to many other Catholics as well, (and I hope to many Anglicans as well) is to be treated as nothing more than another venue for revelry and no doubt some level of debauchery. Your pain is evident in your face as you tell of its importance in your physical as well as spiritual life. I have felt some measure of that same pain as I have watched some of the more shocking Mass Performances in some other the Catholic cathedrals. I fear we will see more of this, and worse in many of the sacred and beautiful iconic buildings of Christendom as faith fails and the love of godly beauty dies. Prayers for all involved, especially for you and all whose hearts are pierced by such cavalier sacrilege. .
@ob2249 7 ай бұрын
@shirIeydunneIs y0u are taIking ab0ut a church dance a fairIy c0mm0n thing in the past but y0ur prurient, smaII mindedness, has t0 suggest sexuaI transgressi0n ? its aII sex, sex, sex and fear 0f sex f0r y0u cath a h0Iics are y0u g0ing t0 Iist the 0ther sh0cking "perf0rmances" Iike chiid rape ? "I fear we will see more of this, and worse in many of the sacred and beautiful iconic buildings" we aII kn0w h0w easy it is t0 desecrate a buiIding with dancing I0I y0u iIIustrate why the y0ung are I0sing interest pe0pie Iike y0u
@kingcrool 7 ай бұрын
This is not what my patron saint, St. Thomas à Beckett, did not die for this.
@jmcallion2071 7 ай бұрын
As always Dr A brings light in darkness, truth against ignorance. I spent a lovely week in Canterbury over a decade ago and the mystery of that Christmas martyrdom still resonates! Stones soaked in prayers yes but also in blood!❤
@MariaDevora-eb6nv 7 ай бұрын
I myself like a dance but could not bring myself to disrespect that holy place like is planned. Quite accurate Mr Ashenden and thank you for sharing those beautiful descriptions of your time there.
@ianmaccann8042 7 ай бұрын
Sadly Catholics are not that far behind in Ireland cathedral in Mullingar used as a venue for traditional music ?
@thomasmooney5653 7 ай бұрын
It must be clear to all, even the most lilly livered, these are not unfortunate accidents of appointment, but the careful demolition of infiltrators. The long march approaching cruishendo.
@christinejones9620 7 ай бұрын
Destruction from within, intentional.
@veronica_._._._ 7 ай бұрын
"Infiltraition", traitors like St Thomas More had to contend with, The aptly named Sir Rich Rich.
@veronica_._._._ 7 ай бұрын
That why so many comments disappear, narrative management.
@philominaeapen9240 7 ай бұрын
When one hears Our Lady’s call ❤all resistance are gone and She leads them to Her Son Jesus Christ 🙏🏼✝️😇💙⛪️
@catherinedart4777 7 ай бұрын
What a speaker. So glad I have found you, Dr Ashenden.
@DrGAshenden 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Catherine.
@kathysiebers2058 7 ай бұрын
God save us
@SueProv 7 ай бұрын
God help us.
@sheepsick 3 ай бұрын
I am a Catholic also and I am so glad you love Mary and you can see clearly. A statue of the Virgin and Child has been moved from her alcove and dumped in a weedy garden in the Chalice gardens. This travesty is spreading everywhere 😞
@henrytimpson8880 7 ай бұрын
Dr Ashenden, the English people did not reform the Church, the Tudors and the craven Aristochracy did . The ordinary people had no say in the matter and their faith was stolen from them by the said perpetrators. I am amazed that the many highly educated and intelligent clerics in the CofE still propogat this schismatic organisation. If ever there was the proverbial blind alley into which one could walk, the said C of E is certainly it. The Barque of Peter still sails, albeit through stormy waters, but we need good seamen always. Come and join us, the Crewing Office is the local Catholic Church near you.
@christophergriffin4643 7 ай бұрын
Gavin is a Roman Catholic
@christopherquinn5899 7 ай бұрын
Well put. This needs to be emphasised. Time for reparations methinks.
@robwilde855 7 ай бұрын
It's not just Canterbury. Put '90's Silent Discos in Cathedrals' into your browser's search engine. Chester, Chichester, Exeter, Manchester, Newcastle, Peterborough, Sheffield... And not just in the UK - it's happening all over the western world. One can no longer pretend or hope that human society in not in serious, historically-significant, suicidal decline.
@carmelurbanoviezurbanoviez7437 7 ай бұрын
Fr Gavin, you’re a faithful man of God. Thank you for your faith, your courage and love of God. Thank you for speaking the truth.
@sandie157 7 ай бұрын
Bravo Dr Ashton. Bravo. Thank you
@johntaaffe4709 7 ай бұрын
Very well said Gavin ❤️🙏💚
@joannep9469 7 ай бұрын
I watched that video with Fr. Ripperger. What happened in 1963? The enthronement of Satan right in the chapel of St. Paul on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. What is planned for Canterbury Cathedral is horrendous and I can imagine your horror Dr. Ashenden. May our Good Lord intervene in this terrible plan. Wouldn't it be miraculous if Gregorian Chant made its way into all those ear buds.
@HarryFlashmanVC 7 ай бұрын
I wrote to the Cathedral when they first announced this. They wrote back with some claptrap about Cathedrals being 'historically public places'. I responded that the shrine of St Thomas may no longer be sacred to the Church of England, as custodians they have a duty to maintain the shrine for Catholics...
@tiamdaeoconghail7770 7 ай бұрын
The LORD between us and all harm 🙏
@MJeeEm-fg8md 7 ай бұрын
I have walked in this beautiful cathedral for many years, having lived near it for my whole life. Surely even secular people see how crass and dispiriting this is?
@CatholicIrish11 7 ай бұрын
“It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves”
@laurelannemchugh4139 7 ай бұрын
Amen to the excellent idea of returning sacred spaces to their founders. Thank you for reporting on this tragic scandal, which I pray will be cancelled. How long, O Lord? Psalm 78/79: O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; they holy temple have they defiled. The Palestrina Responsory: I wonder whether Heaven sounds like that. Such a moving treatment of that beautiful Psalm. St. Thomas, St. Augustine, pray for us.
@Morningstar-xz5bl 7 ай бұрын
I'm so happy that you are Catholic I'm sure its because of your good friend. Its so painful to hear of the desecration of ourOUR churches, usually built with money collectef from the poor who donated what little they had and the men who built these magnificent churches and Cathedrals which some would never see completed because they took in some cases decades to finish, but they built them for US that we could be struck with the beauty and so be attracted to God and heavenly things. They weren't built to destroy our youth. Jesus surely is on His way back. The Flame of Love rosary is life changing, also The devotion to the Holy Face for the defeat of communism and atheism, this devotion is for these times Jesus told a nun. Its very easy prayer, we must pray on our knees for Mary's intentions, she said anyone praying for my intentions their children and grandchildren will be protected.
@Dabhach1 7 ай бұрын
Literally dancing on the graves. By the way, Gavin, are you SURE we Catholics still know what cathedrals are for?
@rtyria 7 ай бұрын
Oh yes. At least a good number of us do.
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
I'm Catholic and I know it's meant for worship. As an aside, my understanding is there are more church going Catholics in England than Protestants. Sadly the Catholic statistics still leave alot to be desired.
@bullirish 7 ай бұрын
God help us!
@murphyorama 7 ай бұрын
Reminiscent of the fate of Notre Dame during the French Revolution, and equally blasphemous.
@rtyria 7 ай бұрын
The French erected a statue of a false goddess and "worshipped" it. All in mockery I assume, but still a bit different from a rave.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
​@@rtyria Are you sure about that? It won't be just dancing. This is a very mixed chemically intoxicated prophylactic carrying demographic David is appealing to, after all. This is a "handily large venue used to scandalise and demoralise, situation. Context: We have a special clientele venue in my City that was renamed "The Church", just for the blast of texting. "We're in the Church are you coming?" It's always been another kinky fetish remember.
@TheOrthodoxPunjabi 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Dr. Ashenden
@nickstone3113 7 ай бұрын
My neice attended King's School and sang in tbe choir and ( we are greek Orthodox) i attended many services etc in tbe cathedral and after Winchester ,its my most loved cathedral. What is taking place is pathetic and sad and offering people a stone when they asking for bread. God forgive them. But one look at Welby ( life by committee !) tells one all one needs to know.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
David Monteith, civil partnership, he keeps making these choices...
@mistermusik 7 ай бұрын
Exactly right. Just as Turkey should return all the basilicas they have also turned into mosques or museums.
@annenewton5403 7 ай бұрын
I wept when I watched your video. I went to Canterbury Cathedral many times until the 90s then about 7 years ago. I was shocked there was what I think upside down wine glasses looking like the skeleton of a boat. It didn't feel like a sacred space any longer. I so long to become Catholic, I'm still C of E.
@angelaamis424 7 ай бұрын
" And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." Matthew 21
@lolly9080 7 ай бұрын
The ancient stones must soak up the prayers as I had an experience a few years ago. I visited a library weekly to do research and for that year I met up with other likeminded researchers and one couple researching similar and we got chatting. We got into the subject, of a ship wreck and how the wood of the wreck had been used to build barns and in houses. The lady I spoke to said I will show you a piece of the wood from a beam of oak which my ancestor had obtained from another wreck but the wood had a strange energy. So the following week she brought in the wood to the library in a small plastic bag in her hand bag and brought it into the light. On doing so, i could see the wood was about a few inches long and old. She said the reason why she had it was because a few generations back the barn on her farm had caught fire and after putting out the fire the old beams were salvaged. The beams had also been previously salvaged from a ship wreck. They lay on the ground and one day one of her ancestors, as the story had been handed down, sat on the beam to rest and immediately jumped up off the beam, they felt this wave of sea sickness come over them like they were on a boat. She however told me this story after I held the piece of old beam, from that salvaged larger piece. , aAs I held the piece of wood I felt as though I was on a ship the floor beneath my feet felt unsteady and for a few hours after I felt nauseas. All I can assume was the piece of wood from the original beam which had been part of that shipwreck had retained the energy of that storm and the ships motion. As bizarre as that sounds that is a true story and it makes me sad that the stones in the cathedral will be corrupted as if indeed the piece of wood held that energy so must the ancient stones hold the prayers to make the area a spiritual place
@amymargaretabigail 7 ай бұрын
I will offer up my fast today for reparation of all sins related to this sacrilege .. and that the Lord would stop it from happening altogether. God, have mercy. I visited there in the early 1980s as an unchurched teenager and was overwhelmed by the beauty and a sense of God’s influence and presence there…oh Lord, have mercy. Return these cathedrals to Your one, true church, we beg you.
@johnknowles8526 7 ай бұрын
Beautifully put. I agree completely. It would be amazing if the cathedrals were returned. I think about that every time I am in England!
@MrRRHHMM 7 ай бұрын
The C of E now shows us.. who and what they truly are.. Their wonton desecration and blasphemy vs the Divine and Humanity, only ever one outcome, and May Gods Pure Love Bless Us All..
@ClaireQuinn566 6 ай бұрын
Can you imagine the anger Jesus must have at a house of God used like this? It's yet more proof that Satan is very active in a world losing all sense of what is correct and in this case, sacred. God forgive those in the Church who are allowing such sacrilegious events (this includes what happened in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York recently). We must all join together to help prevent such things & pray more. With love & best wishes from Ireland. ❤️
@nonosays 7 ай бұрын
I'm speechless. Drunken revelers dancing on the space where Thomas a Becket fell? God is not mocked. No good can come of this.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
@dominionphilosophy3698Heidi Fleiss is "forgotten" Epstein Island is "forgotten" but in your dominion, "your head" it only happens where you emotionally need to scapegoat.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
@dominionphilosophy3698 Heavy handed censorship means that the the culture wide problem of wicked child harm is scapegoated onto one group only, to protect the mentally fragile from the troubling complexity of the world, which is too upsetting to address, its habituated to thru viewing online imagery and could be, anyone! Therefore vulnerable children pay the ultimate price for adult emotional funk.
@OUTBOUND184 7 ай бұрын
Bravo. How any Christian can oppose such a view is beyond me.
@jamesaustin1988 7 ай бұрын
Oh, please. Where were you when St. Stephen’s (Roman Catholic) Cathedral in Vienna had a rock climbing gym in its nave? And what will the Roman Catholic Church do with a bunch of "returned" churches when it's having a hard time filling the ones they already have?
@light1002 7 ай бұрын
I've been up all night thinking of a new branding and advertising for Canterbury Cathedral. I think I've got it - 'Just Another Entertainment Venue!'.
@racheljames7 7 ай бұрын
We should react with rage to this blasphemy. I love Canterbury Cathedral. The shrine of St Thomas is so holy. I love how you call it she and the effecting you have for the place.
@patriciarocco2610 7 ай бұрын
God have mercy. Pray for us St. Thomas. Yes, give the cathedral back to Rome.
@philipschaffer9414 7 ай бұрын
Beckett great movie Peter Tool Richard Burton
@gabriellecunningham7196 7 ай бұрын
Beautifully expressed 💔 🇦🇺
@TheUniversalPrincess 7 ай бұрын
My Respect for ☪️ just rose to 300% Enough is enough I'll have to personally go there to spread the gospel
@goyonman9655 7 ай бұрын
You're here again
@BelaMadeira 7 ай бұрын
13:24 Mic drop right there, well said Dr. Ashenden 👏🏻
@thomasjorge4734 7 ай бұрын
The Druids have returned to avenge themselves upon us, His Church and Him!
@noelbensted3389 7 ай бұрын
I grew up in Whitstable and frequently went to the cathedral and do so now ....This appals me beyond measure . We must protest . Whether one believes or not this is an attack on our history , culture and our children's future .
@francescoboneri 7 ай бұрын
One can be fairly sure such an outrage would never have occurred when Rowan Williams was Archbishop. But, frankly, the destruction of the all-male cathedral and college choir, for centuries one of the glories of England, is equally outrageous. Nowadays the Church of England is an institution only to be ashamed of . . .
@robertjarman4261 7 ай бұрын
Rowan is a servant of Satan.
@JanetHanning-f2f 7 ай бұрын
Every ruined monastery and every stone,window, rood screen and altar in English churches is filled with the holiness of the prayers of the faithful in its Catholic past. I grieve when I visit them. I visited Wells Cathedral and there is a museum containing a very old chalice and patten. It has knife scoring marks because a Byzantine rule was practiced in western England before 900 AD. In York Cathedral I prayed the rosary for the pre- Tudor man whose statue requests people to pray the rosary for him. My anglocatholic and Italian ancestors reintroduced stained glass to English churches around 1740. Take your churches back and throw this filth out. This is also what Catholics are dealing with because Rupnik and that " artist" with a bladder problem have been invited to place their art in our holy shrines.
@peterhatton9009 7 ай бұрын
As a Methodist, one of those brethren even further separated from my dear Catholic friends, than the established church, I share your pain that a building hallowed by the prayers and the blood of the saints should be used so. Here in Bristol, Wesley’s beautiful New Room is the ‘venue’ for often bawdy folk music and for a service asking God to bless the Pride March…but must we not believe that none of this can truly desecrate stones that have been hallowed by the saints? Nevertheless, Mark 13.14 surely applies here. Such things are signs calling us to flee the judgement that is surely coming upon the children of disobedience.
@samweaver668 7 ай бұрын
Horrified! Desecration of such a Holy place, I'm speecless.
@brycebell122 7 ай бұрын
Dr. Ashenden, while you’ve been very eloquent and intentional with your words, I can’t help but feel that you’ve held back, in that you need to call this for what it is - degeneracy, depravity and debauchery
@brycebell122 7 ай бұрын
@dominionphilosophy3698 for someone with “philosophy” within their name, you’ve done a good job of creating a false equivalency reflecting your own resentment
@garfieldbraithwaite8590 7 ай бұрын
Was I the only one hoping that Dr A would weave the suit of armour into his talk?
@DrGAshenden 7 ай бұрын
It is my son't flat and his suit of armour. He was rather pleased it featured in the background. So was I.
@JanetHanning-f2f 7 ай бұрын
They did this in Protestant churches in Holland too. The Peterkirke in Leiden, home of the Puritans, was a skating rink in the 1990s.
@JohnDjmj 7 ай бұрын
How beautiful (Dr. Ashenden's reminisces and reflections) and sad (the rave, the CofE today).
@user-bz3hk2fg8p 7 ай бұрын
Beware the hand of God on this beautiful place after this event. They need to remember Durham Cathedral and York Minster were both struck after ‘events’.
@GordonSou 7 ай бұрын
In the sixties, in my insurance studies with the CII, there existed an Eccliastical Dilapidations Act legislating for the upkeep of the Anglican churches by the government. The present situation is merely a reflection of the sad decay in the UK generally and, in this case, the standing of tbe Angican Church there (and elsewhere). I've returned to the UK many times since emigrating 54 years ago, each time witnessing this cultural decay socially and religiously. I seem to recall, but would stand corrected, that some years ago I read that the Archbishop of Canterbury said the Anglican Church is dead. In 1968, in the wake of post-Vatican II spirit of revolution, a saddened Pope Paul VI said - The smoke of Satan has entered the Church. Well may we say The smoke of Satan has entered the Anglican Church. Pope Paul VI declared a Year of Faith (because these things are a matter of loss of faith) and published the first Creed for some centuries - Credo of the People of God - a lengthy document emphasising those articles which cry out for obedience in our times. But tragically, the leaders of the Anglican Church (not in Africa) continue to kneel before the world and not God, ignoring Jesus' sober words regarding those who deny him before God, and their destiny.
@dalecaldwell 7 ай бұрын
Strangely, but then the evil one finds some things very helpful and uses them again and again, raves in the episcopal Grace Cathedral in San Francisco was pitched as a way to being young folks into the episcopal church.
@DKClaire 7 ай бұрын
SF Grace Cathedral lost me when they held a Beyoncé “religious” service.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
Weasel words, it gets them in, but the context( desecration) reverses any potential gain. It's just wicked rebellion.
@dalecaldwell 7 ай бұрын
@@Blissblizzard It's just a continuation of the desecration of the C of E.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
@@dalecaldwell Perhaps they should just deconsecrate their large venues at this point. Advertise them as large multi purposes spaces with considerable potential and much period charm.
@plainspeaking1688 7 ай бұрын
Oh dear Dr Ashenden what a mind you have. At these sold out dances (3000 tickets altogether) there was fun and laughter. There was no drunkeness or erotic behaviour. I'm fact it was orderly and well run. There was no copious drinking either. What was there was a great deal of enjoyment by a mostly middle-aged dancers. God is everywhere whether in a service of prayer or in a dancing rave. It is a sad thought that such events are condemned without knowing the end result.
@IamNotanumber-z3j 7 ай бұрын
So here’s a thing - I’m a Christian but I also love a good rave - love a night in a club in Ibiza - but I also love the silence and sacred beauty within a church that moment of pause and prayer . The two should not be happening together within the church .
@orarerosarium 7 ай бұрын
I am from US and don’t understand Church of England. Am I wrong in thinking King Charles could step in here? This confounds me. It’s absolutely reprehensible. I hope clergy speak up and out. I feel like even Catholic leadership should be outraged. Give us our Cathedrals back already! (Pardon my ignorance.) And by the way, Mother Angelica’s response to needing money for building her network (out of a garage) to preach the Gospel was to…PRAY more. Eucharist, Rosary, Adoration, St. Michael Chaplet, etc. Maybe the good reverend should think about his faith. This is disgusting and sad, so irreverent, so disrespectful. It’s actually kind of weird, even. Evil.
@didymussumydid9726 7 ай бұрын
The last time the royal family tried to do something good was when Edward VIII did his best to avert the second world war. Unfortunately his best was not much to speak of. Since that time, the monarch of great britain has never intervened politically to stop the complete decline and destruction of British culture. They either approve of what's going on or they have no will to stop it.
@marnatz5 7 ай бұрын
I understand the royalty are only figureheads but still speaking out on church desecration, abortion, etc. would be commendable.
@Blissblizzard 7 ай бұрын
​​@@marnatz5His interpretation is that he is a defender of faiths, not necessarily his birth one, a thankless task l would imagine, but very WEF.
@JanetHanning-f2f 7 ай бұрын
Prince William wishes to distance himself from the Church of England. He cannot legally do that because of Parliament. The royals are powerless to do anything to stop this desecration. At least Prince Phillip reverted to Greek Orthodoxy and worshipped in a private chapel on his estate.
@helenleach8491 7 ай бұрын
I don’t know about the Catholic Church (St Peter’s) knows any more than the Anglican Dean about reverence in the sacred space. Look at what the Pope did with the pachamama idol? He allowed it
@hannahjones8992 7 ай бұрын
YUK, YUK, YUK. God help the younger generations of this world, and God help those of us whose futures depe on them for any sort of worth knowing about future🙏🏻🙏🏻
@WesternMalaise 7 ай бұрын
I wonder if the Dean of Canterbury has invited the Pope to the Rave in the Nave? Sounds just the sort of de-Christianising event he might approve of. Out of interest, just watched ‘Loose Women’s’ view on this proposed event. Unanimous view that there is nothing wrong with it, for as one panelist put it, the space should be made available for all people from all religions and none to socialise and enjoy and bring everyone together. Shows just how far have we fallen from our Christian understanding of God, the divine, the transcendent, the sacred and the holy.
@whiteheatherclub 7 ай бұрын
I wonder which of the medieval cathedrals in England will be the first to become the property of the state (English Heritage) or of the National Trust.
@ciaran6171 7 ай бұрын
Never visited Canterbury cathedral, but I do so love the Powell and Pressburger film in which Denis Price gets to play the organ there.
@HannahHarbourDeep 7 ай бұрын
Jesus wept.
@fritula6200 7 ай бұрын
@markladley2934 7 ай бұрын
Went to a rave in Brixton, was shoked to find it was a beautiful old church, desiccated. Did stay long after entering in, horrible.
@jhj6636 7 ай бұрын
Guile in the aisle. Ruse in the pews.
@paulgrayshon1375 7 ай бұрын
Dreadful as this worldly use of a sacred building is it's unsurprising 😢
@britanniau.k.4352 7 ай бұрын
A sad,telling and disrespectful turn of events.Who- calling himself a guardian of this beautiful and sacred place- could sanction this outrage.Did they receive their thirty pieces of silver?
@groblerful 7 ай бұрын
We cant make God angry, but he can choose to be angry. Maybe He will choose to give us a wack! If he does it will be well deserved.
Wokeness is as old as the Bible itself. The remedy is even older.
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