@stephanottawa7890 Күн бұрын
Unfortunately the RC church can also act like big brother. The recent selling off of churches in Canada and the USA in order to pay the court costs for priests who just could not keep their wieners in the pants in the presence of teenage boys is an all too sad example. I have witnessed parishes being closed that were active and built by the people, yet the diocese of London, for instance, sold off the churches as if they alone could decide on such matters.
@stephanottawa7890 Күн бұрын
You are so right. You would think that the mother country would act first and then the colonies or former colonies. Yet since decades it is the other way around....USA, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada and then the UK.
@Anne-MarieGardener Күн бұрын
Apologies for repeated info ...Didn't think it had gone through
@Anne-MarieGardener Күн бұрын
Apologies for repeated info ...Didn't think it had gone through
@Anne-MarieGardener Күн бұрын
The absence and lack of Responsibility in "all areas" for our children and the next generation is a crime and truly abhorrent. The man made logic is unbelievable and scandalous . Nobody takes responsibility which is spineless & cowardly. So apt and "spot on."
@Anne-MarieGardener Күн бұрын
The absence and lack of Responsibility in all areas is a crime and truly abhorrent. The man made logic is unbelievable and scandalous
@Anne-MarieGardener Күн бұрын
The absence of responsibility is abhorrent. Thank you for this. So very apt and absolutely "spot on".
@76endurathon 2 күн бұрын
the world has abandoned Godm save for a few countries. These people are full of rage because they are possessed by satan; they have no critical thinking skills, because universities are full of blind fools. The devil who goes to uni. becomes just a clever devil
@JoyToTheWorld-v2f 2 күн бұрын
POPE BENEDICT XVI: “God wants your friendship. And once you enter into friendship with God, everything in your life begins to change. As you come to know him better, you will find you want to reflect something of his infinite goodness in your own life. You become attracted to the practice of virtue. You begin to see greed and selfishness and all the other sins for what they really are, destructive and dangerous tendencies that cause deep suffering and do greater damage, and you want to avoid falling into that trap yourselves. You begin to feel compassion for people in difficulties and you are eager to do something to help them. You want to come to the aid of the poor and the hungry, you want to comfort the sorrowful, you want to be kind and generous. And once these things begin to matter to you, you are well on the way to becoming saints.”
@jamesskinner1902 2 күн бұрын
Why professing Christians have not separated from the church of England decades ago is a mystery to me.
@user-wc3gr8sj6r 3 күн бұрын
Beautifully said. It’s so sad that these obvious and certain truths are revolutionary today. May our Lord, Jesus Christ have mercy on us and the whole world.
@aliensallaroundus1126 3 күн бұрын
May Mother Mary fill us all with her Grace
@UsmiechnietaPolska-bc5ij 3 күн бұрын
A sweet example of how Our Holy Faith works: Globalists claim they want to make Albania a hub for millions of subsaharan migrants A couple of days later I'm reading a headline that says Catholicism in Albania has overtaken islam when it comes to the percentage of believers.
@rjyahin05 3 күн бұрын
Regardless if its individual, couple or large group of people - bless people. As simple as that.
@davidwolstenholme4676 3 күн бұрын
@steveascension9626 3 күн бұрын
It is unbiblical to be so foolish as to think that paganism and apostasy will never occur in my church. The divine lineage of Adam and Eve includes Abraham, Moses, the prophets, the kings of Israel, and ultimately, Christ. It is a pagan and apostasy-filled history. Nothing beneath the sun is new. A devout man goes about his daily business. Fades away, and it starts with the influential religious class. It is now appropriate to refer to the Church of England as a pagan church. Whoops, I didn't realise that the word "church" had been removed from their lexicon.
@jeffreysharp8526 3 күн бұрын
@sketchartist1964 3 күн бұрын
The greatest proof for the truths of Christianity is the evil that men create when they abandon it.
@williamdouglas4775 3 күн бұрын
I see G Ashendens point - but I don’t see how moving to R. Catholic church solves anything - except as a protest.
@teddyc2012 3 күн бұрын
That was a most wonderful breath of fresh air!
@user-fq6hv9xz5j 3 күн бұрын
Supporting the catholics from your orthodox bretheren❤
@zb7293 4 күн бұрын
Fast, pray...it braks chance.
@gladysclausing8785 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Asheden for your video on the sad reality of our country. As a cradle Catholic whose family is trying to live our traditions, iit is very unsettling. I remind myself that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will always triumph and that gives me peace. God bless you!
@keithrobert5117 4 күн бұрын
I do not understand why we, as Christians, are not joyful in these persecutions. Who, in their right mind, cares about what politicians think or do? Or do you still want to be friends with the world? Please grow up.
@simonskinner1450 4 күн бұрын
Gavin RC fails as does all Christianity because its followers are no better than the rest, as its free grace makes it free to override the NT morality just to be popular. However you did shine the light on the immorality of transgenger surgery, and that should be the sceptre of Christianity probing the wisdom and Activism of the other side, not lazy popularism but active good doing. Keep up this good work even as I am loosely CofE.
@user-ol3cv5yp3g 4 күн бұрын
They will never succeed, thier evil doings,Catholic religion is for peace love kindness,❤
@patrickcourtney796 4 күн бұрын
Lots of moral platitudes, but no scripture coming from a catholic!
@kimfleury 4 күн бұрын
@koolertrek 4 күн бұрын
The world is passing away. Spend your energy on the condition of yourself and life. Share your faith and love your neighbor and almighty God will take care of the rest.
@andip.9808 4 күн бұрын
God bless my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters throughout the world. Prayers and support from Arizona, USA. 🙏🏼❤️
@gregorybergfeld9293 4 күн бұрын
Extremist Catholics are like the radical right, defined as anything that is not woke
@elainemgardens874 5 күн бұрын
I think this would be of interest to you. It peaked my interest because Blavatski was mentioned in a critique written by Fr. Luiggi Villa Th. D of Cardinal Wojtyla (JP ll) in his Publication “ Chiesa Viva . kzbin.info/www/bejne/joKTe6l_hMZgjassi=5n_boZLb5NLUd2tZ
@elainemgardens874 4 күн бұрын
@elainemgardens874 4 күн бұрын
@jjt9201 5 күн бұрын
May I post a comment? Here it comes: What did the church and others (mostly monotheism ) sold for centuries? -> The god of the bible? Let's have a look. God made the earth. A flat earth. He made the sun, a bright golden disk that roses in the morning, a silver disk that rose at night, as well as a few shining spots in the sky. He made a few rivers and mountains, a few animals, a man and a woman (see Sistine Chapel's ceiling) . After that, a bit tired, he took a day off. The Earth was the center of the world. The sky. Say up to the clouds for when men built a tower, a tiny tower, it disturbed him. In fact: a theater stage. When? According to bishoip James usher, in 1650, the world was created in October, 23rd, 40O4 BC..... THe man at least made kind of effort. I remember a TV program, in the 70s. A young American girl 14 was upset because she had been told at church during all her life that god created the world 4000, 6000 years ago, but now she was studying geology, and the world became suddenly billions of years older? She looked very very upset. NOw this is what the church imposed upon people for centuries, In case of discrepency -> death. From XVI, XVII century? Ideas take a new turn. Amongst men that believed what they did not see, rose men that believed what they saw. I'll made it short. Galileo, Newton, Cavendish.... Satellites of Jupiter are observed, laws of motion, ... THe earth is no more flat, it is a sphere. The earth is no more the center of the world, But revolves round the sun, stars become planets... The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. Later on? Howen, Huxley, Owen, Cuviers, Mantell. and more. Fossiles won the game. Here comes astronomy, geology particularly paleontology, chemistry, physics, etc. Big vertebrae appear in Europe and the States. The world is far older than expected. Many scientists are upset. But the men that believe what they see cant help it: THe age of the world, the size of the world increases every year. The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. From XVIII, XIX century and on? Come LLegan Darwin, Planck, Wallace, Einstein, Schrodinger, Von Neumann, Feynman, Le Maître)… Hubble, Humason…. Lambda-CDM (Refered to as Big Bang) model comes up. From an already existing "small bubble" 1,616 × 10-35 in diameter that decided to expend 13 800 000 000 years ago, something pops up. A new, another universe? The world is now more than 10 billions years old and billions of ligth years wide. THis is what science knows today. Data does 'nt tell more than what they tell. The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. But: Suddenly the old "has been" god of the bible mutates. Superman, Lady Bug, Bat Man, and the likes all at once. And suggests that the creation of the god of the bible is an allegory. Where do all these people stand? Easy, today, monotheism wisely gets rid of its old god of the bible, to sell a brand new one. But to get rid of the genesis or to state that it is an allegory is equal to get rid of the laws of Newton in classical mechanics: the whole theory crambles. Old habits and procedures go on: since the world is so sophisticated and "nobody knows where we come from still"l: back to square one -> god. Now here is a brand new god, culminating on a no start no end world I described before. No wonder Einstein wrote in 1953 to Gurkind: " The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. These subtilised interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them. (and more)". When Einstein said "God does not play dices". He did not mean the god of the bible. He meant kind of "watchmaker". He was very careful. When he was asked "Do you believe in god?" . He answered "Tell me which god? And I'll tell you". Clearly Einstein rejected the god of the bible. 100%. So what? False premises: The bible. There is no such thing as a god of the bible-> no son. NO FEAR OF AFTER DEATH. An allegory. When does it start to be true? If ever. Maybe a few historical facts, locations, as it happens in all legends. It is noticeable that nowadays, the catholic church teaches god, jc and dinosaurs altogether to children from 3, 4 years old. I am not ready to buy any of the gods of believers: neither the old fashion one, nor the new one. I stick to the fact that there is no explaination to "where do we come from" yet. I regret that many people behave like primitive beings still: fear of lightnings. No explaination -> god. Today: fear of complexity. No explaination -> god. The wheel rolls and rolls again.... Believers need non believers to intend to reassure themselves. To no avail. NOw be kind. Stop this kind of scenario that makes non beilievers appear as guilty. Bear in mind that non believers never waged war against themselves contrarily to what believers did and do: catholics, protestants, muslims, shiites, sunnites and the likes. Non believers are not a source of wars or genocides.
@colinminch793 3 күн бұрын
Non believers are not a source of war and genocide? Soviet Russia was literally an atheist state that murdered millions. And btw, all your evidence above has little to do with catholicism and virtually nothing to do with the wisdom expressed in this video. You may think your exposition was an easy win, like bringing a gun to a knife fight, but it was more like bringing a gun to a philosophy class.
@jjt9201 2 күн бұрын
@@colinminch793 Non believers are not a source of crime and war: true. 1/ THey all agree, there is no god. So no need to fight each other. 2/ Catholics, protestants, muslims, jews, .... fight against each other since millenia to impose their own god. To impose it on non believers as well. 3/ Russia. Add France. I am French. The French and the Russian revolutions were tremendously violent and murderous because the people was exploited to unimaginable extent. People lived in worst conditions than animal. THey were exploited by the power in place: Tsar, king, and the church, catholic or orthodox. Nice to notice that they all behave the same. It was the right of the people to get rid of all these ???? criminals. I cant find another adjective. Nothing to do with catholicism? Straight into it. Anybody sane in his mind knows that the genesis is ... better say is meaningless. No creature created the world 6000 years ago. Nevertheless , it is the cement of monotheism (catholicism is a subset of monotheism). Hard to deny: What does the catholic church shows to the public for centuries: in the sistine chapel ceiling the paintings of Michelangelo: The Separation of Light and Darkness; Creation of the Sun, Moon and Earth; The Separation of Land and Water; The Creation of Adam, and the likes. NOw this is a myth. I'll not cite Einstein twice. NOw since every body knows that the world is propably as old as 13 400 000 000 years, all this is ? wrong? a myth? an hoax? So as a result: no god of the bible, no jc as son of god.... May be the bible is ok, if you get rid of god. Philosophy??? I see none. I see people wishing to go back 2000 years, willing to impose their ideas upon others. In the end, I notice that the US gov is as worried about the catholics as the Chinese gov is. The catholic church does not want to be a power in the power. The catholic church wants all the power. Not new.
@Anna-jg5br 5 күн бұрын
We are living in fearful times but I will not be afraid as we have been told many times in the Old Testament and repeated by Jesus, ‘Do not be afraid’ - God is with us, Emmanuel. You are so courageous to speak out and thank you again for your insight and Christian leadership. The shepherds are dumb and offering no guidance
@frederiquecouture3924 5 күн бұрын
✔️ Vikings. Answers Catégorie.
@Monaghan3000 5 күн бұрын
The argument is over. The argument has been made, ubiquitously and winningly. This is a choice, a wholesale rejection. There's no need to restate it. The idea of reconversion of society cannot be based in the idea that society is ignorant (which it may be, and I'd say it is), but rather that under tyranny men have ch[sen comfort through conformity. They have chosen for evil, and have not summoned enough ire in themselves to right it. This is the Henry the VIII era all over, and we must be like St. Thomas More. I hope for the UK's sake a Cromwell 2.0 isn't coming in the distant future. The UK is under tyrany, now. Horrible, awful tyranny. We cannot pretend the time calls for anything other than what it does... bloody or dry, martyrs. St. Thomas More, St. Thomas Beckett, pray for us.
@stephendavies2925 5 күн бұрын
These ideologies must be rejected. The alternative is unthinkable.
@johnmoran3754 5 күн бұрын
@marcbra5074 5 күн бұрын
Not about religion but socialist control of WOKE debauchery. Marx of dirty habits that caused disease & death of his 2 daughters & wife. He never earned anything. Squandered his inheritance & felt entitled to be kept by others. He avoided responsibility & admired Jac Rousseau of French Revolution fame who enjoyed selfish pleasures as womaniser, & fathered many children without responsibility their welfare. The State is irresponsible.
@thrithgolden2748 5 күн бұрын
Very good
@user-xw5pd7dd8k 5 күн бұрын
Well said Dr Ashenden. God bless you.
@brianoriordan7281 5 күн бұрын
Is it not possible the FBI's interest in "extremist" Catholics could stem from threatening behaviour towards people approaching Clinics allegedly carrying out abortions or threatening to burn those clinics down? As a Catholic, recognising that the desire of our Blessed Lord that all may be one, His last words can never come about by calling people we disagree with,"hateful. Love your neighbour applies to all of us and to all our neighbours. Praying that hearts will change not deepening divides is probably closer to the Will of God. God bless you all, all of us are sinners, pray for our own forgiveness and for conversion not division .
@jf7243 5 күн бұрын
Yes indeed. They will be coming after you if you believe abortion is wrong, traditional biblical marriage between a man and a woman, oppose homosexual ministers or priests, the ministry or priesthood is for men alone. They will be locking you up.
@dinowalpa6648 5 күн бұрын
The similarities between a ceremony in Latin and a service in Hebrew and the ugliness of the antisemitic sodimites in power an undeniable truth.
@martinspalding374 5 күн бұрын
the bible says that we will be attacked by wicked for our faith , its just more proof that my Christian path is the right path and is feared by sinful , good let them get on with it
@thomasmccafferty8203 5 күн бұрын
Thank God for Dr Ashenden a true defender of our holy faith.
@filomenavasconcelos8536 5 күн бұрын
Então sou isso tudo pois quero um mundo católico 😂
@russellwilliams1163 5 күн бұрын
Satan is the father of lies and Satan is also the father of communism.
@kirkmulhearn7931 5 күн бұрын
Very well communicated observations, thank you for posting
@andiamolireforexcrypto 5 күн бұрын
You are a shining light, Doctor. Thank you so much.