I seem to know things others don’t, and usually can feel what other people are feeling. It’s like a 6th sense of knowledge and understanding just popping into my head. I could always see into situations and why things weren’t working. I’m more introverted but genuinely want to help others succeed and will sacrifice to help. I hate when people get stuck in their emotions because it stops the flow of energy and affects everyone around….even if they don’t see it. I didn’t understand any of this when I was young and I wish I had. I think Capricorn is a very intelligent sign, but it’s a different kind of intelligence. The video is an accurate description of the various characteristics of Capricorn. I love the strength of this sign, but you have to fight for it. It’s a worthy effort if not done in vanity or for selfish reasons.❤❤ Peace to all you beautiful Capricorns. 1/7 is my birthday 🎂. Happy birthday to all❤❤❤