BOEING 747 "GO AROUND, GO AROUND" At 200 feet, .. Houston Airport.(A/C on the runway)

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Captain Boeing

Captain Boeing

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A Real GO AROUND in Houston airport at a LOW altitude
both pilots ensured MAX POWER available for a SAFE GO AROUND maneuver

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@lbowsk 8 ай бұрын
FO is flying on a nice VFR day. El Cap has his hand on the yoke the whole time and then the throttles. Not just under the FOs hand backing him up, he's on top of the FO's hand. Gawd I hate flying with guys like CAPTAIN BOEING! You want to babysit and micro-manage? Fine. Please fly every leg. I'll work the radios and put you on my no-fly list as soon as we finish the trip.
@Plupx 8 ай бұрын
could be company sop's man. This isn't your average 737..
@lbowsk 8 ай бұрын
I suppose that you could be right. But even with four airlines on my resume, I've never worked at a place where a Capt did that. FO's are typed in the jet, and in most cases have pretty much the exact same training save for a high-speed abort and perhaps two engine work on the 74. Perhaps he doesn't trust the FO, or he's not comfortable being in the left seat. Or maybe he's just a control freak. Hell, maybe I"M the control freak. Most guys find that practice annoying and unsat. So, It's your jet, Ace. Show me how it's done. ;) @@Plupx
@notboeingnotgoing5483 8 ай бұрын
@@lbowsk This will be my 30th year on the queen started as a FE on the 74-1 and now Im in the left on the 74-8 so I have a ton of time and soon enough the govmnt. will come knocking for my seat if the stress from a medical doesnt get me first. Yrs ago when I was a FO on the 74-2 our companies head pilot would ride the quadrant like this with me...couldnt stand it and this was a guy that literally laughed at some semblance of CRM, he never wanted any assistance from a junior even a wet behind the ear 26yr old (myself at the time) except when I was shooting approaches into KaiTak back in 96. Some pilots (men and women) have different styles at least he's on top of things, lately I question the airmanship of a lot of young pilots that are just yoke holders. At some time with this new generation before Im retired I am going to ask the question to some of my crew that Dirty Harry gets asked..."Excuse me Captain , I know this may sound silly....but can you fly"? ....I think I know the answer
@mattwoodford1820 8 ай бұрын
@@Plupx nope, the doors stay attached 😂🤣
@johnmcgahern3946 8 ай бұрын
@@notboeingnotgoing5483"Nope, never had a lesson"! 🤣 All kidding aside, I believe there's a common element in a lot of professions today. I was in a totally different career to this one for 33 years but towards the end the similarities with the younger staff are comparable vis a vis competency.
@dan6831 7 ай бұрын
42 years flying, 33 for a major, I kept my hands on my laps. It takes a nano second to reach the controls, no need for riding the control. It only displays a weak Captain.
@bf.258 5 ай бұрын
I was born on an airplane cockpit and i second your sentiments.
@andrewnorris1987 4 ай бұрын
Or just call go-around
@robharris5467 4 ай бұрын
Imagine what would be result if there was a crash. Whose responsibility would it be? If Captain wants to fly because he is uncertain of FO ability to get through a ticklish situation - just call 'my controls'. Isn't there a facility in crewing schedules of major airlines to indicate that a pilot doesn't want to be crewed with someone?
@alexandermartinristl4634 3 ай бұрын
@Dkiwilad 3 ай бұрын
I agree. Seems you unconfident with your FO
@AlexandrosV 8 ай бұрын
This Captain‘s sickness of having his hand on the yoke is madness. CRM ZERO!
@Kwstakis90 6 ай бұрын
Feels disrespectful . better being on the radio all legs rather flying like this
@notezzzzz5798 4 ай бұрын
I always have my hands on the yoke, its not a bad thing.
@Kwstakis90 4 ай бұрын
@@notezzzzz5798 "we have controls" type of guy.
@notezzzzz5798 4 ай бұрын
@@Kwstakis90 what are your credentials??? Licenses , flight hours , senority, airline?
@notezzzzz5798 4 ай бұрын
@@Kwstakis90 There is little tolerance for carelessness and negligence in aviation!! Therefore, my hands will always be on the yoke just as this cap is doing here. His rookie FO needs more training seems like!
@Obiwan234 8 ай бұрын
That Captain looks like a CRM nightmare
@tony455 7 ай бұрын
@NathanElcoate 7 ай бұрын
What's CRM please?
@ShotgunTurtle816 7 ай бұрын
Crew resource managment, it's the protocol that has to do with professional and efficient relationships between the captain and the first officer. The FO was flying the approach and the captain was essentially "backseat driving" with his hand on the stick and being a total bossy nightmare. @@NathanElcoate
@cguimaraenz 5 ай бұрын
@@NathanElcoate The captain asked the same... lol
@chaitanyagokhale7702 5 ай бұрын
1:16 WTF was that? The guy on the right didn't want to GO AROUND, the guy on the left initiated it and pushed the hand. Is this how these pilots fly airplanes we sit it ? horrible professionalism.
@streammlock09 8 ай бұрын
Just let the captain be PF if he is going to manipulate the controls anyway
@eekamoose 7 ай бұрын
For anybody who can't imagine how this feels for the FO, imagine that you are driving your car through some curves at high speed and then your passenger puts a hand out and holds the steering wheel...
@andreasfischer9158 5 ай бұрын
My mother always does that when I am driving.
@Maloy7800 3 ай бұрын
@@andreasfischer9158 Stop stealing her car!!!!
@joso5554 Ай бұрын
@@Maloy7800or seat her in the rear seats.
@chiasson65 8 ай бұрын
I would have a major problem with the this captain shadowing the controls. You want to fly it Captain? Be my guest.....
@Southboundpachyderm 5 ай бұрын
Isn't that like a big fucking no no too? You're just increasing the chances of dual inputs and control confusion aren't you? How the fuck do you make captain flying like that? I would be so vocally annoyed by that shit.
@anthonymelis6641 4 ай бұрын
@@Southboundpachyderm DUAL INPUT. DUAL INPUT.
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
This Captain isn't shadowing the controls, he's OPERATING the controls-when he shouldn't be. It's dangerous.
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
@@Southboundpachyderm No. No confusion. When you are pilot flying and you indicate your intention to relinquish command, you must cease operating the controls when the other pilot indicates s/he has control. From that point onward you are no longer PF.
@tailwindkts2692 7 ай бұрын
It’s one of those guys ! Changed airspeed bug by 1 KNOT .
@Bren39 2 ай бұрын
Or keeps centering the heading bug. The worst is when the bug is not centered and he notices and tries not to do it immediately. Then eventually, he gives up and does it anyway.
@Karkawy Ай бұрын
Im one of those 😂😂😂
@yigitatli 8 ай бұрын
Who’s flying the airplane (both pilots have their hands on the control wheels)?
@justboredom1 7 ай бұрын
First officer, the captain is lightly holding on the yoke but not steering it.
@terren1890 6 ай бұрын
Supposed to be the FO but the captain is being a pussy
@Bart-dg6qv 4 ай бұрын
I'm not an expert, but I think FO has a right part and Capitan controls left and perhaps rudder...
@martinfierz8360 6 ай бұрын
For more than 10 years Capt on B747, for more than 30 years Capt on Boeing planes my simple comment is: This task sharing is a nightmare!
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
It's workload splitting, not task sharing. Each task is clearly delineated and assigned to the PF or the PM, not both. Trouble arises when the PM doesn't understand what "monitoring" means and flies the airplane unnecessarily or fails to monitor the PF.
@6milesup 2 ай бұрын
@@petep.2092 The Captain had his mitts on the controls as if he didn't trust the FO. That is such a passive-aggressive mode that it's not even funny. That captain literally did not know how to "captain."
@travcon8 19 күн бұрын
@@6milesup Probably just making sure they hit full power in a timely fashion, so they don't slam into the ground.
@jimosborne2 8 ай бұрын
Never saw a Captain so darn nervous in VRF conditions on smooth day. Holding the yoke on final and holding his hand over the FA hand on the go around. It would make me quite uncomfortable to see such evidence of a lack of confidence.
@markf3229 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I noticed early that he gave the pilot an unusual right glance. Him being an overopinionated domineering Captain no imput will be forthcoming from other crew in a possible critical situation because of his bullying attitude.
@vanair1488 7 ай бұрын
Nervous type of cap, are you? Can hear it in your voice. Having 24 hears of flying experience, including last 7 on 744, this is a good example of how CRM is not applied.
@keng1043 8 ай бұрын
I'm a private pilot. Never been an FO or Captain of a 747. I do know one thing that has always been like the prime directive of Star Trek. Stating "I have control" is the prime directive of flying regardless of the type of plane being flown. Either the captain says, "I have control" or keep your F**king hands off the controls. You want to fly the plane? Say, "I have control" and then fly it. That is BASIC flight protocol. ZERO Excuse for not following that procedure. ZERO, NONE, ZIP, NADA! That type of cockpit mismanagement causes accidents.
@davidzoppa6929 7 ай бұрын
Also pilot, and I agree with you. This PNF is a bit of a POS.
@dogmannz 4 ай бұрын
You mean deaths
@radiohead2206 Ай бұрын
Someone needs to report his ass.
@gianziguer7949 19 күн бұрын
Tanto pra um avião quanto pra uma moto... Complicado
@Incognito-vc9wj 6 ай бұрын
Captain, take your hands off those controls! Pilot flying is PILOT FLYING.
@rmaxwell3294 7 ай бұрын
Always nice to hear that 5 being called by the RA must have been a butter landing, great job on this video, thanks for sharing this with us all 👍
@griam7641 8 ай бұрын
It appeared it was the FO’s leg. So why did the Capt have his hand all over the yoke?
@jasonmurawski5877 8 ай бұрын
And then pushing the throttle to toga when they called for the go around. Captain needs to get off the controls and monitor
@memcrew1 8 ай бұрын
Because he wanted to touch the FO’s hand.
@heresjohnny999 8 ай бұрын
It’s obvious a training flight
@jasonmurawski5877 8 ай бұрын
@@heresjohnny999 that doesn’t mean anything. Pilot in command (the one who’s flying) should be the only one on the flight controls. Pilot monitoring controls stuff like the radios, emergency procedures, and completing checklist while watching for any mistakes the POC might make. This is the same way it’s done in training except that there will be a safety pilot in the jumpseat to take over in the event of an emergency
@memcrew1 8 ай бұрын
@@jasonmurawski5877 ??
@grahamsalmons2027 8 ай бұрын
Didn’t like this at all. Appreciate the SOPs in different companies vary but if the other pilot has his hands on the controls I’ll say ‘my controls’ and if he refuses to get off them then I pass control to them. I appreciate he’s just following the control column, but I’m a professional and if he doesn’t have the confidence in me to fly the aircraft he can fly it himself. In addition the change of tone and pace at the go around call smacks of alarm. Even at 200’ there’s time: PF flies the manoeuvre. The CA leans forward to the gear lever as he calls ‘positive rate’. This is highly leading and puts pressure on PF. The CA is practically operating the gear as the call comes. The aircraft will fly even with gear down and flap out all engines. A slower, more measured pace allows PF to confirm flap setting, climb is established and make the call when he’s ready. There a huge amount of drag as the doors open and gear comes down, PF needs to be confident of positive energy, and this will take a second or two. I accept I don’t know the precise reason for the call, so there may be extenuating circumstances. For reference I’m a heavy jet pilot currently operating 777
@KevinFreedman-jl2bv 8 ай бұрын
This might be a check airman doing IOE with a new first officer. I would shadow the controls at all times yoke and rudder pedals and be ready for anything.
@KevinFreedman-jl2bv 8 ай бұрын
This might be a check airman doing IOE with a new first officer. I would shadow the controls at all times yoke and rudder pedals and be ready for anything.
@KevinFreedman-jl2bv 8 ай бұрын
This might be a check airman doing IOE with a new first officer. I would shadow the controls at all times yoke and rudder pedals and be ready for anything.
@KevinFreedman-jl2bv 8 ай бұрын
This might be a check airman doing IOE with a new first officer. I would shadow the controls at all times yoke and rudder pedals and be ready for anything.
@KevinFreedman-jl2bv 8 ай бұрын
This might be a check airman doing IOE with a new first officer. I would shadow the controls at all times yoke and rudder pedals and be ready for anything.
@TakeDeadAim 8 ай бұрын
That GA was a fuster cluck on the Capt's part. No need for fire walling the sticks like that. The PF was well in control.
@charlesnicholson7539 6 ай бұрын
Yep, that’s the word to describe it lol 😂
@mehmetkara6656 2 ай бұрын
take a closer look at the flight director and attitude indicator. Neither FO is following it nor the Captain notice.
@robertp330 8 ай бұрын
If I were the FO at Go Around I would have handed the controls back to Mr. Micromanage and told him "you seem to want to do the landing so your aircraft". He's either a real jerk or he's like my wife in the passenger seat.
@EVE101Patt 8 ай бұрын
is this a line training flight or why is the captain supporting/interfering with the controls and throttle?
@mgoblue0970 6 ай бұрын
Even in check rides the pilot not flying/instructor doesn't fondle the controls.
@dodoubleg2356 8 ай бұрын
I’m SO glad you showed the 2nd/successful approach. Great frame of reference. Enjoyed the clip. ✈️ 👍✌️
@michaelmcfarlane7663 8 ай бұрын
34 yrs at a major and I never rode the controls like this captain. I was always ready in case something happened, but unless this is the F/O’s first flight on OE this Capt needs some CRM refresher training.
@bertjesklotepino 8 ай бұрын
yeah, you were always ready in case something happened, or so you assume. But that case never happened. Because you are able to write on youtube a comment like this. Do you or do you not agree that plenty of accidents have happened which would not have happened if the FO or the Captain had backed up the other person the way this Captain does? I can name at least 1 example that was in the Aircrash investigations episodes, where if the other pilot had his hand on the throttle, things might have gone different. Might. We never know. Like you dont know. You say you were always ready. But sometimes a split second is enough to determine the outcome. Can you pls explain what is so bad about what the Captain is doing? I remember this VCR recording of them guys who experienced a micro burst but did not know what it was because it was not yet known. The VCR recording is a captain shouting to his FO to push it way up. WAY UP. UP UP UP. Push it Way up. And so, the captain expects the FO to push it way up, the throttle, to increase power. What if the Captain had pushed the hand of the FO when the captain decided that it was indeed time to introduce more power????? We will never know. But we do know it did not end well. And so: Pls, i am very curious what your answer is on my question: What is so bad about this behavior?
@bertjesklotepino 8 ай бұрын
PS, considering what is said on the audio recording of that VCR of that Captain telling his FO to push it way up, i think it is clear enough that the captain did not back up the hand of the FO at that moment. He did not input anything. He just said: push it up, way up, up up up up, push it way up. Now, how long does it take to tell someone all of that, and how long does it take for that person to react the way you want them to react? Meanwhile you as a captain could do it yourself. That is just 1 example and i can come up with a few more if given the time. But in my opinion things MIGHT have looked different if the captain of that particular flight had not just vocally asked for more thrust, but also made sure the levers were pushed so to have more thrust. Do you agree with that opinion? And the other question was: What is wrong/bad about this kind of behavior? Because i fail to see the problem.
@duckfeverretrievers600 8 ай бұрын
That is a bit of an odd statement without knowing 5C training.
@plsniper 8 ай бұрын
I'm just a ppl and thought the same thing.
@jamesdean9957 8 ай бұрын
I just let the FO fly man… we all have a banger once in a while. Gotta let ‘em take the challenging legs to sometimes. A nice day in the whale was always fun. A captain like this one could really ruin a trip.
@urumqi1 3 ай бұрын
CN is a nervous micro manager. I have never or never had someone do that to me in all my time flying jets in particular the 747. I agree with other posters…….”you have control”.
@heep34987yt 8 ай бұрын
I’m so glad KZbin pilots are pointing out all these issues.
@bertjesklotepino 8 ай бұрын
especially the hand on the FO's hand backing up his throttle input.
@memcrew1 8 ай бұрын
@@bertjesklotepinoNah, the cap just wanted to touch the FO’s hand.
@bertjesklotepino 8 ай бұрын
that is also perfectly possible. But in my opinion it is not bad to actually make sure you actually back up the other person. We often see the Captain hovering over the hand of the FO, or vice versa. But when shit goes wrong, they still have to put their hand down onto the throttle. This captain made sure he was on the throttle, like the FO was. TO make sure that if the FO had a heart attack or anything like that, the Captain would make sure the throttles are in the correct position. And yet some people think this is just nonsense behavior from the Captain. I think this should be mandatory. Because plenty of accidents have already happened because of no back up from either the captain or the FO. @@memcrew1
@memcrew1 8 ай бұрын
@@bertjesklotepino I was making a joke.
@section8usmc53 7 ай бұрын
What's your definition of a "KZbin pilot?"
@monkeyboy8424 8 ай бұрын
Retired 744 Capt. I've watched the video several times. I'm with the Capt on this 100%. F/O seemed fixated and didn't immediately react. Up to the point of the g/a Cpt was guarding the controls for possibly a newbie on type - think inertia.
@HAL-xy3om 8 ай бұрын
I'm glad you're retired, i'm left seat on the -8 flying with youngsters all the time, i would never destroy their confidence like this pin head nervous Nelly, nothing wrong happened there...
@TRPGpilot 8 ай бұрын
@@HAL-xy3om Others have pointed out this captian's habit of hand on yoke and thrust levers for a few years now. It's not new. It messes with my brain when others did that when I was in training.
@RossoFormula 8 ай бұрын
Retired 747 CA...maybe in FSX.
@monkeyboy8424 8 ай бұрын
@@RossoFormula Oh dear, I've upset an older F/O passed over for command or, a Captain so weak he's frightened to upset the F/O fraternity.
@RossoFormula 8 ай бұрын
@@monkeyboy8424 Neither; an armchair flight simmer in his mom's basement.
@Joker77W 8 ай бұрын
Was this line indoc, I noticed the captain had his hand on the controls an awful lot for not being the pilot flying.
@Spyke-lz2hl 8 ай бұрын
It seems that this is normal for a lot of foreign carriers. I’ve seen it in other videos too.
@tristantriton8115 8 ай бұрын
The controller gave the reason but it was hard to hear what exactly she said after giving the go around command. Maybe an emergency aircraft behind on final? The runway seem unobstructed from the camera viewpoint
@robertparker9896 8 ай бұрын
I saw another jet, on the ground and apparently beginning a taxi onto the runway - just as the landing aircraft was approaching runway threshold.
@duckfeverretrievers600 8 ай бұрын
I heard the word runway. Either that aircraft holding blew the hold line (I could not tell) or there was somebody else still on the runway. It is unlikely a Mayday or Pan Pan behind would cause a go around front minimums.
@TWA727 8 ай бұрын
Captain, if the FO was the FP, why was your hand on the yoke?
@saito125 8 ай бұрын
@lbowsk 8 ай бұрын
There's also a PTT on the side panel. Not required.@@saito125
@canyonblue737-8 8 ай бұрын
@@saito125 there are multiple other ways to press PTT besides the yoke in this aircraft.
@matthancock9883 7 ай бұрын
There are TWO other PTT switches within much easier reach, and which aren't on the control column. That's not the reason, whatever he might tell you
@PilotCyrus 7 ай бұрын
I thought captains like him were all retired by now. Poor FO 😢
@nothanksmate 3 ай бұрын
Does the captain also hold the FO's hand during quiet times?
@jimgandee2570 8 ай бұрын
It’s either my airplane or your airplane!
@topcat43truffles15 8 ай бұрын
Not a pilot, but found the comments fascinating so I rewatched the original landing again. I think the Capt was a little too quick with his putting his hand over the FO’s hand in throttling the engines back up. If I was the FO, I would definitely have had an attitude towards that Capt. over that, and words would have been exchanged later. As in don’t ever F’n do that again. Seems to me that Capt either had no trust in his FO, or maybe he’s just a little too high strung. Doesn’t matter why the ATC ordered the abort, but when they say Go Around, you Go Around. Period. Definitely enjoyed the video, and education. Safe flying ladies and gentlemen….👍🏻😎
@everythingmatterstheory7043 8 ай бұрын
Capt is just that alpha. no words exchange necessary haha
@topcat43truffles15 8 ай бұрын
@@everythingmatterstheory7043 Fist to the face of the Capt later on the ground if the FO is just that Alpha…..😁
@jardabursik9574 8 ай бұрын
This close to the ground you need to increase the thrust quickly to avoid getting closer to the ground, which creates another issues. I only fly A321 but I can understand why he did this. At 500ft, there's more time for a breather. If you were an FO, you would've agreed that you froze a bit at that moment. But that's what the pilot monitoring is for.
@NN-uu9qo 8 ай бұрын
That was not calm and secure captain. It was nervous, insecure, and controlling captain.
@s4aviator804 8 ай бұрын
This captain is a textbook example of a weak/low confidence captain. Can't let the other guy fly without hovering all over the controls, gets flustered by a totally routine go-around to the extent that he doesn't even trust that his colleague will push the power up on the go-around. And all this under VFR conditions, the works. When I was an FO and used to come across the occasional captain like this, I'd just start declining to fly any legs they'd offer me. If you're gonna be all over me, you might as well just fly.
@3rett115 8 ай бұрын
IMO he has good reason not to trust the FO. He seems to have tunnel vision. He hesitated with full power and after they landed the FO hung onto reverse thrust way too long. He had to tap him several times to get him to let go.
@s4aviator804 8 ай бұрын
@@3rett115 The FO managed the thrust reversers just fine. On every jet I've ever flown, the limitation on the TR's is usually that you commence stowing at 70-80 knots, to be at idle reverse by the time you reach taxi speed. I've never flown an airplane where the TR's had any minimum speed to be deployed in idle reverse. He began stowing them at 80 knots, was down to idle reverse at 70, and the captain started tapping his hand (inexplicably) to completely stow them. Totally unnecessary. Moreover, you can hear the tower give them the go-around instruction, and the INSTANT the captain hears that, he's all over the FO. Doesn't even give him a chance to fly the airplane. Either let the other guy fly, or don't. But don't try to fly the other pilot. Put this captain back in the right seat, or at the very least only pair him with the strongest of FO's. Because with a confidence level this low, that's where he belongs.
@3rett115 8 ай бұрын
@@s4aviator804 When I watch the video, the FO just barley starts to pull them. It isn't until they are below 70 and the captain taps his hand that he completely stows them. Watch a couple more times.
@s4aviator804 8 ай бұрын
@@3rett115 My point was, they don’t have to be completely stowed at that point. You can keep them out in idle reverse all the way down to taxi speed if you want to.
@canyonblue737-8 8 ай бұрын
@@3rett115 so you verbalize it... you tell the FO, "stow the reversers" etc. as a reminder. the "tapping" of hands etc. is not clear communication and it becomes confusing who is flying. Verbalize the need for corrections and if you as the Captain feel immediate physical correction must be made in the interest of safety... its simple, you say "I HAVE THE AIRCRAFT" and then you control everything yourself and discuss what went sideways later.
@StormPetrel20 6 ай бұрын
“I have control”, “You have control”… we have control?
@robharris5467 4 ай бұрын
Air France?
@КонстантинКругляков-г1у Ай бұрын
@gummel82 8 ай бұрын
So who's flying and who's the pilot monitoring?
@tommaxwell429 8 ай бұрын
Always a bit of adrenaline on a go around. Lots of things to take care of. I didn't see anything on the runway, why did the controller give the go around on this one?
@griffith211 7 ай бұрын
If I were the FO I’d just tell captain handsy that if he wants to fly, just fly. But if it’s my leg, then hands off unless you need to take control. This is a major sign of a weak/unconfident captain
@killianpotworoska3096 8 ай бұрын
It's more like a very dominant personality who is unable to relinquish control! There seems to be no reason for the go around, maybe an explanation for it would be good for this clip?
@robinwhitlatch4497 3 ай бұрын
ATC called the GA. Had something to do with another airplane that was supposed to be holding short blocked the ILS & could have interfered with the 747’s landing. Better safe than sorry.
@gbratsberg 3 ай бұрын
94 years experience as an armchair pilot, and I'm going to criticize this pilot for doing things His way!
@FlatSpin944 7 ай бұрын
WTAF is that skipper doing? I would never do that to an FO, and if I had been that FO I’d have just handed him control and let him fly it. What an absolute CRM nightmare 😮
@byronhenry6518 2 ай бұрын
He’s the guy all the “armrest graffiti” is about.
@ThePeterHagen 8 ай бұрын
always good to see the enthusiastic and happy @captain Boeing again. I have however a question. I noticed that the captain is holding on to the controls during the approach, as he is the PM and the copilot the PF. During many cockpit approaches none of the captains did this and just let the co-pilot fly also the go around. Is this company procedure?
@RomeoJulietCharlie 8 ай бұрын
It’s indicative of a captain either lacking in confidence or too wrapped up in their idea of running the show. If you don’t think your FO has the ability to operate the aircraft safely, take control and talk about why you did so once you’re parked up with engines shut down. Equally, this is at best a massive distraction for the FO. It would quite possibly be the safest route for the FO to have said “you have control” and given it to the captain. If you want your hands all over everything, you can fly the aircraft. Micromanaging the actual flying role means that you’re absolutely not fulfilling your role as pilot monitoring in any effective way. I haven’t even seen this much interference during base training.
@tonythomas8360 8 ай бұрын
For those that are wondering, you can hear atc say "Go around" at 200 feet. The Captain has his hand on the yoke because that's where the push to talk button is in case of things like this. If the Captain was flying, the FO would have his hand lightly on the yoke as well.
@ATRFLYER 8 ай бұрын
There’s multiple PTT switches to use other than the yoke one!
@tonythomas8360 8 ай бұрын
@@ATRFLYER Watch the Captain's left hand during the go around. In that scenario it wouldn't be smart to go looking for a PTT button somewhere else. Plus, he can react if he had to take over manual flight.
@lbowsk 8 ай бұрын
Go looking? It's immediately available and typically the ONLY one that he uses when his FO is flying.@@tonythomas8360
@killianpotworoska3096 8 ай бұрын
Why would ATC interfere with landing unless there is an emergency happening on the field, which doesn't seem to be happening here?
@tonythomas8360 8 ай бұрын
@@killianpotworoska3096 Can't tell in this video. Could be some kind of traffic that made the landing unsafe. Another aircraft or ground vehicle.
@On-Our-Radar-24News 8 ай бұрын
I couldnt hear the ATC. What was the reason for the go around? Also the F.O. would not let go of the thrust The Captain had to touch his hand a couple of times to get him off of the reverser.
@jeffclark5268 8 ай бұрын
FO didn’t have his hand on the reversers he has hands on the throttles, as the pilot in control should, so that he can apply power if necessary such as in the case of a go around.
@On-Our-Radar-24News 8 ай бұрын
@@jeffclark5268 Look again. He has been thrust reversers still up and the Captain has to almost swat his hand away to get him off of them.
@On-Our-Radar-24News 8 ай бұрын
@climbmaintain 8 ай бұрын
@@On-Our-Radar-24News His hand's aren't on the TR, I fly the 73 for a living what about you?
@aquariumlife2929 8 ай бұрын
@@climbmaintain o don't know this airport so wasn't the reason for the 'go around' the plane on the runaway waiting to take off too close? Or was that protocol distance alright ? seemed pretty close to me ( the aircraft on land )
@artforlifelady 7 ай бұрын
Im not a pilot but I’ve worked with a few micromanagers in my time. It’s insulting to say the least!
@dogmannz 4 ай бұрын
Never take it personally. Bad mistake. It's their issue. They are the ones with the trust issues.
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
@@dogmannz Pilots are human persons. It is not logical or reasonable to tell them not to react like a person.
@dogmannz 3 ай бұрын
@@petep.2092 It is not logical or reasonable for any fully grown adult not to have the emotional maturity to be able to recognise other peoples issues as theirs and not treat them like they have something to do with them. This guy does this with everyone. It's his stuff. Yes I'd tell him to get lost if he tried this with me, not because I take it personally. Because I find his behavior unacceptable. There's a big difference between taking other peoples stuff personally and not being willing to accept their behavior.
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
​@@dogmannz Why would you tell someone to get lost if their behavior doesn't affect you personally? To whom is their behavior unacceptable? Your approach of telling the other person to get lost is unreasonable and impractical when the other person ranks above you. And when the other person is subordinate… read up on CRM, which arose from the recognition-decades ago-that the hierarchical scheme of Captain is the all-knowing, never wrong boss and everyone else says "Yessir" resulted in many preventable accidents and fatalities. CRM training has been in place for at least two decades in the U.S., hence the many comments from those who recognize that flying a complex, highly automated airplane that requires two pilots means the two pilots HAVE to mind each other's business, watch for body language cues (because not everything is spoken and humans can't read minds yet), and understand what makes humans tick and what makes humans ticked-off. People's lives are depending on their ability to do so. So getting lost is neither an option nor acceptable advice.
@waynecummins9155 6 ай бұрын
This is a simulator ? Correct me if i'm wrong.
@AlongtheRiverLife 8 ай бұрын
Sounded like the tower did the go around?
@phillambert935 8 ай бұрын
Newby here - what caused the go around?
@craigmackay1004 8 ай бұрын
Talking to my FO's many captains are twitchy and keep their feet on the rudders or hands loose on the yoke, I think this can cause confusion as to who is flying and who is non- flying. Let the FO do his job or say " My Control". State the problem, if there is one, then provide a solution.
@marka8947 2 ай бұрын
Flaps up, gear up. Maintain climbout airspeed. Raise the blue bars.. Great job gentleman!
@jayb2617 8 ай бұрын
i would not be happy to have someone pulling and pushing the controls while i was PIC and telling him when to close the reversers by tapping him on the hand is like being at home with you parents, micro managment at its best
@Justin-ts2dw 5 ай бұрын
Plane flying itself, captain doesn’t enjoy that😂😂
@BkNy02 6 ай бұрын
Are people in the comments deaf? The controller told them to go around. They both heard it and started the procedure immediately like they were trained for. The decent to idiocy in KZbin comments is embarrassing to witness.
@Trenaway 7 ай бұрын
The co-pilot has the controls, then why is the captain on the yoke too! I would hate that. That Captain needs to be disciplined for not proper procedure. If he wants to take over the craft, that is his right, but you announce my controls, not assist on the yoke.
@davidhunt3808 7 ай бұрын
I saw tge Captain give the F/O a funny look and I also thought why has the Captain got his hands on the yoke ? I am.sure the F/O was nervous as he probably could see the Captains hands and could feel the tension in the cockpit . There was a Trident crash in the UK where the toxic atmosphere in the cockpit was noted which led to some bad decisions and actions . You would think a Captain and F/O are a team.helping eachother not one standing over the other .
@samthelittleman1 8 ай бұрын
Captain needs to get his hands off the yoke and have some confidence in his FO.
@barthennin6088 5 ай бұрын
Dumb question...Why the go around? What did I miss?
@jennybroad1763 8 ай бұрын
Awesome! I've been on the 747 jumpseat for a few go rounds. I was anxious but the crew were amazing. Love it!
@martytaylor575 6 ай бұрын
Did not like the Captain hands staying on the controls. Needs some CRM refresher. As a retired Captain. I would never show this lack of trust for my 1st officer unless he was new or I had a reason to not trust his ability.
@iflyc77 8 ай бұрын
Wait, so who was flying here? I bet Captain Hoverhands there is on a lot of no fly lists. If you're going to be like that then you might as well fly every leg, and don't be surprised when your FO guards the controls while you are flying too.
@rocketman4787 8 ай бұрын
Who’s flying the aircraft? You both have hands on the control column and thrust levers at the same time! Extremely dangerous.
@GreatLaker69 7 ай бұрын
Captain hands on the controls at it again… bet he’s awesome to fly with
@ottavva 6 ай бұрын
what was the reason for GO AROUND ??
@cedarkey 3 ай бұрын
That Captain and his micro managing. Painful to watch.
@johnhunley2825 6 ай бұрын
My primary flight instructor was like that. Couldn't keep his hands off the controls while I was flying. It took me over 70 hours to get my Private.
@kayinthepursuitofhappiness2159 8 ай бұрын
I love the way they work together
@PsymonBeesley 9 күн бұрын
Glad I read these comments, i thought it was just me. I though FO was PF only because he had his hands on the throttles
@heaven-is-real 8 ай бұрын
Wow that was crazy.
@Jakesile 3 ай бұрын
In this case FO is the pilot flying, why is captain fiddling with his yoke..instead of performing the duties of pilot monitoring. May be he is doing both but that’s not the way things work up there. he is not helping himself in-terms of managing the workload. He should let FO fly the aircraft the way he see fit. He is also a licensed pilot and more than capable to fly/land the airplane.
@dhouse-d5l Ай бұрын
Yep FO would have come from left seat somewhere... he knows what hes doing. Captain should not be riding it like that.. if a problem happens with FO, it takes a second to grab the yoke.
@enverhally8990 7 ай бұрын
what caused the go-around?
@cleenlivin 8 ай бұрын
I’ve periodically watched the channel and other aircraft related ones. The crews skills, ease and professionalism always amaze me. Do all airlines have both pilots keep hands on the controls at all times? Seems like a great backup. Utmost respect to the captain, co-pilot and all those folks who excel at their job. 👍👍👏👏
@brians9508 8 ай бұрын
Not great at all. It has to be crystal clear who is flying the plane - there can be no question. Making it a shared duty means that ultimate responsibility is - no one's. You don't want to have one guy thinking "ohhh the other guy will take care of that". Clear delineation of duties is imperative.
@RonalddeRee 8 ай бұрын
Exactly those hands on the yoke is super irritating and even dangerous. Hands on knees is backup enough. Nobody speaks up just before the go around so who made the go-around decision?
@jimsanders4412 8 ай бұрын
Trying to figure out why the GA was called. Maybe a bit right of center, but nothing that couldn’t be adjusted.🤷‍♂️
@cleenlivin 8 ай бұрын
@@jimsanders4412 Did the captain see, hear or react to something the first officer didn’t catch?
@SC-dp1gv 8 ай бұрын
Horrible captain, his hands are not supposed to be on the yoke that’s not his leg, it’s not a back up, it’s distracting him from his pilot monitoring duties, gets all excited with call outs, uhhhh horrible horrible horrible
@prusaudisisill5644 2 ай бұрын
Can someone please point out which one is the captain?
@mkoualsky Ай бұрын
Always on left side
@chanrun7331 8 ай бұрын
Captain, I’d kindly recommend you to let the FO fly. I don’t know whether you are an instructor or not ( I suppose you wouldn’t with this “hands always on the yoke” mentality) but letting him fly will eventually make him more confident if there is no safety related issue. You can always tell him to go around like he flew over the glide slope during the first approach (or the ATC call)..But if you think you need to land the aircraft, take over the controls and do it by yourself. If your training management (or Flight Ops) watch this and still don’t do anything about it, I suppose there is a company culture..
@honnebombll 7 ай бұрын
Can someone explain me the reason for the Go around?
@lachmanruitspek807 8 ай бұрын
What was the reason for a go around?
@jeffreymorris11 7 ай бұрын
Is the Captain affectionately and firmly holding the hand of the FO?
@diambo4life 7 ай бұрын
lol. He should have been monitoring. There's flying pilot and monitoring pilot for a reason,
@deedeescrystalblueclassics3973 8 ай бұрын
Hello Captain Boeing, happy to see you again..your professional pilot skills were a joy to watch with the landing situation you encountered. Blessings to you 💖
@plsniper 8 ай бұрын
@sdj4112 7 ай бұрын
He will be a statistic one day.
@elijaheinstein160 8 ай бұрын
what was the reason for go around?
@dillon5155 8 ай бұрын
Captain forgot his phone at origin airport
@HartmutChang 8 ай бұрын
Not stabilize
@mikejs2004 8 ай бұрын
I would guess they were told to go around by the tower.
@SJF15 8 ай бұрын
Too low.
@kenknowles51 8 ай бұрын
If you listen carefully you can hear the controller instruct them to go around.
@blattimus 8 ай бұрын
It seems odd that they’re both holding the yoke. Do we have two pilots flying and zero pilots monitoring?
@germb747 6 ай бұрын
Capt seems freaked out by a go around.
@КонстантинКругляков-г1у Ай бұрын
Noob captain doesn't know how to fly a plane
@GarryMaslen Ай бұрын
Simply Brief the approach, Brief the Factors that apply on that day for touchdown landing roll etc. BRIEF THE MISSED APPROACH (go around)and mentally rehearse it … who does what and when etc ..Fly the approach and in a perfect world land off it. The world is not perfect so no great surprises if you have to go around and fly a missed approach. Definitely a ‘Surprise ‘ element viewed in this Captains reaction .
@Glideslopes 8 ай бұрын
Great CRM as always.
@GreatLaker69 7 ай бұрын
At any airline operation in America it is considered extremely weird and unprofessional for the pilot monitoring to grab the flight controls like that without having a reason to. The Captain here even puts his hand on the FOs hand on the throttles as he sets toga thrust. This is the kind of guy everyone hates flying with and bid avoids.
@wendyburton-smith1165 8 ай бұрын
Hi Captain Boeing it's lovely to see you again, great video as always 🥰✈️
@fairouztour-eq5xp 8 ай бұрын
It may cpt
@matthendricks9666 2 ай бұрын
I became a first officer on A320 25 years ago. And at that time I wondered why so many captains were so tense and stressed. Some were cool and teamplayers of course. Then- 10 years later- I became a first officer on A330 and A340. And I also wondered why my captains were so tense, stressed and nervous. I met many good teamworkers there, too. 6 years after that I was a captain of the A320...and 7 years after that - right now- I am a captain of an A350. Until this very day I have no idea why so many captains are like they are. Absolutely no idea.
@MarcelBrümann 6 ай бұрын
why is the captain so hectic? The FO is doing a good job. Why doesn't Captain Boing even respond to all the comments?
@martin.B777 8 ай бұрын
Epic! What was the reason for the go around?
@mlmguru 8 ай бұрын
@venomq2409 8 ай бұрын
I’ll be damned. It was called by the tower @1:16.
@disturbed4733 8 ай бұрын
I've been on a go around twice at Houston as a passenger. No idea what height we were at, but it was 'sudden and pedal to the metal'. Both were for the same reason. The plane in front of us aborted their take-off. No idea what happened here.
@ophelia2112 8 ай бұрын
Was in this situation last week at Palm Springs airport. Landing was aborted at the last possible minute and we were diverted to LAX. Reason given later was clouds were too low to land safely. However we were already under the cloud layer and runway was visible. Very scary!!
@petep.2092 3 ай бұрын
There were two airplanes waiting in line for takeoff. The one closest to the runway (Rwy 26L at KIAH) was holding short of the Runway Hold line, so it was physically clear of the runway, but it had crossed the "ILS Hold" line, so it could be distorting the ILS signals. Since the ILS approach was in use by the cargo 747 in the video, the controller had to call for a go around rather than risk a misguided 747 touching down off-runway.
@montygti 8 ай бұрын
Captain is a control freak
@WendyKS93 8 ай бұрын
Great to see you Captain, your flying skills and attention to everything in the cockpit are always topnotch.
@brimopm 6 ай бұрын
Mircro-manager Capt. Hands off, or go fly the Bus where it will constantly announce "Dual Input" and remind you unless your flying a Antonov 225, only one person can fly the jet!
@Jerry_SWMO 8 ай бұрын
Why would the Capt not let the FO fly the plane without staying on the yoke? Terrible cockpit environment to operate in.
@kenstevenson4133 8 ай бұрын
Welcome back Capt.! Go around was nicely done. Second approach and landing perfect. Thanks for sharing.
@alanduncan4207 3 ай бұрын
Seeing the captain tapping the FO's hand to get him to stow the reversers would have been my breaking point. Use your words.
@guillermodolan5131 8 ай бұрын
It seems the captain is not too confident on FO's skills.
@kevin19358 6 ай бұрын
What date did you film and what airline are you flying in from?
@someone3.2007 8 ай бұрын
I love your enthusiasm mixed with professionalism. It makes the videos more enjoyable to watch! Keep up the good work
@VilleMaunu 7 ай бұрын
This video must be joking..
@mgoblue0970 6 ай бұрын
What professionalism?
@mohamedabdulgani4133 4 ай бұрын
I'm also airline captain but this guy is a Very stressful captain. He should be flying single pilot aircraft.
@MrSuperawesome5000 8 ай бұрын
Great work on the go! When you look at the statistics it's incredible how long some crews go between go arounds. It would be easy for the procedure to be far less efficient.
@OK_ACME 3 ай бұрын
What was the reason for the go-around? Not aligned with the runway?
@tpbh46 8 ай бұрын
Who the F is flying the plane??? CA or FO?? Surely that’s not company policy to ride to controls like that… Or just a nervous captain maybe. That would drive me insane. You can have all landings brutha, I’ll get my 90 day currency in the sim. Ha ha.
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