Carl Jung, Archetypes and the Mystery of the Collective Unconscious

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THIRD EYE DROPS with Michael Phillip

THIRD EYE DROPS with Michael Phillip

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@Violet0Light Жыл бұрын
I was reminded of a couple of my soul's breadcrumbs in time. I had a very simple, sheltered, and pedestrian upbringing. My single mother of two kids tried to turn from the stoic upbringing of her dad, by raising us on the golden rule, walking in the shoes of the other, doing your best, and never saying hate. When I was very young I had a dream about looking over a rooftop, like a chimney sweep, with two peaks. On the left the roof looked normal, but the one on the right seemed to writhe and ooze; it was dark and poisonous and I somehow knew what it was. Or I felt both fear and shame. I didn't want anyone else to see it. This was one of three recurring dreams that would wake me screaming or crying. But I was Very young. When I was in my mid-twenties and in a relationship that would last for twenty difficult and soul-contractual years, old "ghosts" came to visit and one of these was a bungalow in the neighborhood where my parents lived when I was born. I told my mom about a strange dream and described the area. That was the first I heard of having been born when we lived in this house. In a subsequent dream, there was a table in a very dark room, and I saw stacks of books, thick and dusty, some of the spines showing. One of the bindings I remembered said, Jung. I didn't know who that was at the time. Later I would think of how dimly lit the house was and it occurred to me it was gas light sconces on the wall. I saw something recently that talked about our DNA being able to store data thereby taking our "sins and opinions" from life to life. We could be "recalling" knowledge embedded in our genes. My path has been a winding road of secondhand books and unlikely coincidence. This channel was a great find; looking forward to more.
@TheJAM116 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating to read
@noahtalbott6243 Жыл бұрын
Ever since a period of experimentation with the dissociative hallucinogen DXM years ago, I've always basically known in the back of my mind that we are all connected in some way. If I ever forgot this, another trip would eventually get me to remember. Recently, when I started practicing transcendental meditation, I actually saw it a few times, if only briefly. Even more recently this feeling I had has grown into absolute certainty. When I walk down the street, or look out a window, or even just go to work, I sometimes will see in my mind's eye, energies coming from each person that passes by. Some smaller, some bigger, some lighter, some darker. It's really crazy. There's definitely something more to this universe. I can't give anyone proof, but if you practice what Carl Jung talks about, and keep an open mind, you'll see it for yourself. I wish that everyone could see it.
Love it thanks for sharing
@jacerollins8029 Жыл бұрын
I think simultaneously we are being lived as the universe as itself and (just as individual cells make up the body) each of us are a fragmented piece of the body of the universe in consciousness that we have the ability to promote the expansion of creation as individuals. You help the world when you take the time to do inner work, each of us produces our own vibrational frequency that in turn contributes society’s frequency. When you recognize the worth of yourself, you simultaneously become selfless understanding your neighbor is also yourself and vise versa all while being independent. Looking into the physiology of our bodies and nature, it’s such a simple and complex system to learn from.
Well said!
@thedude5740 Жыл бұрын
Look at 2 science experiments. The amazing resonance experiment and star in a jar. Frequencies provide form to everything in the universe and frequencies create light. Frequencies are the creator of all things seen and unseen. Frequencies are God. God is a fractal pattern that is endlessly expressing itself throughout the universe. Your subconscious mind is that same energy that creates the universe and cannot be separated from it. Your subconscious mind is God. Your ego is the fallen angel of light. The devil is your ego. While God stays asleep the devil plays with reality.
@Wolv94 7 ай бұрын
Im in tears 😂 Ive literally had the same thoughts a few months back The divine in me sees the divine in you
@schoolofcreation4504 5 ай бұрын
I like your approach! I believe that consciousness ( as well as collective unconscious) is vibrational in nature. We can learn to resonate with archetypes and see our version of each of them. Once we convert our misunderstanding into the wisdom, this becomes available for others and the Universe.
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 2 ай бұрын
@Justineyedia Жыл бұрын
"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest, most intimate sanctum of the soul." - Jung
@Queenie-the-genie Жыл бұрын
Lovely - 🩵💛🩵
@Robbie_1981 Жыл бұрын
I always have this Dream.. A dark dream.. I am in my house (its not my real house, but in my dreams it is my house) and its a dark place.. same as being depressed, shadow dark.. And all the doors are open to the outside world and i feel very strong that am not alone.. I never went outside to look what is behind one of those open doors because its scares the sh!t outta me.. And then the dream stops.. I geuss i have to take a look to find out.. Someday i will
@LoveAIChatGPTMoneyMaking23 Жыл бұрын
@@Robbie_1981 perhaps you are afraid to open up to others due to some negative experience you had after opening up to someone which is represented by the door that scares you
@RezuWreksion-mi8vx 9 ай бұрын
I know i know and has any1 seen my keys ,i loose everything
@nadinewood1081 5 ай бұрын
I recently experienced a full blown mystical experience that lasted for several days! I still can't wrap my head around what all I saw and talked to and experienced. Completely amazing.
@Skky_911 6 ай бұрын
I thought about a collective unconscious before even discovering Yung. From a very young age this idea just made so much sense to me
@swatirajsgi Жыл бұрын
I was looking for someone who studies works of Jung. Your channel is so helpful. Thank you for your work. As a practicing Buddhist, I have been heavily intrigued by the works of Jung. In my opinion, his interpretation and philosophy is very close to the Buddhism I study and practice.
@Dino_Medici Жыл бұрын
Humble U Media is fire too
@Dieaboutitt__ 8 ай бұрын
Hey! I love buddhism and Im gonna start studying it and practicing it. What books of carl jung can you recommend me? The ones you liked the most. Thanks!
@jc9love Жыл бұрын
I believe the entities met in altered states have much to do with the archetypes. I’ve thought about some similarities between descriptions from trip reports. Mind blowing stuff! Love the Jung videos, thank you.
@myrightyourleft5502 24 күн бұрын
"I want to live in a larger and more whimsical universe than I can understand and clearly Jung thought the same way" (Michael Phillips) I felt this deeply 💙. Thank you for that 😉
@rogerpetronius Жыл бұрын
Another awesome, mind-blowing video. Your skills as a mystic teacher keep getting better and better. And the video editing is superb This channel is pure gold.
Thank you my friend 🙏
@Queenie-the-genie Жыл бұрын
I agree - I am so impressed - what a treasure chest.
@laghard1 Ай бұрын
Exactly two months ago and heard a voice in my mother's village. After following the voice I found myself in a Jung's heroes journey. Today I can even feel the warmth on the back of my skull and it is hot and working like it has never worked before. I can connect the dots much more faster than before all thanks to the stories which were handed down on us either by my collective subconscience or my memory. My ways changed suddenly hungry for information feel like a newborn baby
@lien_on_your_dreams Жыл бұрын
I love how you mentioned your desire to live in a reality that is not solely based on literalism - I think we are getting to that "idleness" quoted towards the end of the video. Society seems to be diving into more egoism, nihilism (addiction/porn/accepting the default economic system of today) and giving up on a greater reality in light of religion losing its fervor with the population. Without that creative mystery of being which has driven generations to desire survival and living in an exclusively rational world, maybe our rationality loses its purpose altogether.
💯 my friend. Totally agree, I battle with that myself!
@guysome3263 Жыл бұрын
@StellaChilinharova Жыл бұрын
I see more people get into light instead.
@Alex722 8 ай бұрын
Reality is not based in logic. Logic/rationality exists only in human mind. This doesn’t mean that logic is something bad or useless. On the contrary it’s a beautiful tool, only humans are blessed with, on earth. BUT, reality goes beyond human logic and it’s not even a “secret” if you observe some simple things in every day life… Such as emotions. They don’t arise in a logical manner and they are part of our psyche anyway… For example no one will fall in love with anyone because of logic 😂 You can’t think critically and decide “now I’m in love with that woman/man”… It happens or it doesn’t. Also nature doesn’t even require a human mind or same mechanism in order to operate constantly and with grace…. There are evidence in plain view, that show that reality extends beyond logic or logic is just a part without being nor the beginning neither the highest end of reality…
@Alex722 8 ай бұрын
Even whole humanity is only part of nature, our bodies are as natural as the bodies of animals etc no difference in that aspect. Nature can live and thrive with or without humans. No limited logic is needed 😅 Only we humans need it SOMETIMES,but not to rely on it completely.
@Ashleyantoinette-vq7kc Жыл бұрын
I am so excited to have found this channel you have no idea I have been looking for others who understand this ancient knowledge and mysticism but I have yet to find anyone until now I have always felt as though I live in two realms i guess what some would call the matrix. There is my normal everyday self work, home normal life situations and interactions and then there is the deep spiritual side this deep knowing of things never learned but just knowing. Facing the shadow going through things most couldn’t fathom yet in the darkness I found my light and the beauty that has transpired because of the work because of the experience man all I can say is true happiness and wealth and not in just a physical form. It isn’t for the faint of heart and there were many situations that should have taken my life but I’m still standing not just that I am thriving. Finding this channel and you and all of the information that you have provided here wow! I’ve been waiting for this for years not necessarily on you tube but to find people who will understand that other side of me the other realms.. Thank you for this you have no idea how amazing this is for me as I have been the only one I know for years and trying to meet others who get it and there are some that do yo a degree but not like this! This is so awesome!!❤❤❤
@CALCANEUS3535 Жыл бұрын
Love your Jung deep dives. Keep ‘em coming, my brother!
Thanks my friend. I may take a break after this one, we’ll see how it goes!
@CALCANEUS3535 Жыл бұрын
@@THIRDEYEDROPS yes, a well deserved rest. I just want to thank you for giving your heart to this project. Whatever amount of praise you get for your work, it simple isn’t enough. Your content has been a vital part of my own personal spiritual questing and learning how to couple it to this wonderful, messy, painful, beautiful thing called life. I look forward to learning how your heart catches its breath and how it will give itself to the world again. Much love to you, Michael.
@michelle9670 Жыл бұрын
I work with Archetypes and the Akashic Records by Clearing or Re-patterning personally embodied Archetypes that are blocked, distorted or Negatively Polarized. Your video inspired me to dig deeper and get answers to the questions you have posed. They are: 1) Are we accessing knowledge from the inside out? YES 2) Are we remembering or discovering what we already know rather than going out and collecting new knowledge? YES 3) Is knowledge innate? YES, MOST IS ACQUIRED BEFORE BIRTH AND WE CHANNEL NEW IDEAS FROM THE "HIGHER MIND/HIGHER SELF WHO "CONCEIVES" IT & SENDS IT TO OUR BRAIN WHO "RECEIVES" IT, WHO SENDS IT TO OUR MIND WHO "PERCEIVES" IT. 4) Are Archetypes more akin to Fixed Unchanging Structures? NO 5) Do Archetypes exist at some level as ontological Beings? YES 6) Do they have some level of autonomy or Free Will? YES 7) Is Carl Jung's quote about Archetypal possession true? YES 8) Should we leave room for more mystery around the Archetypes? YES! 9) Has the Collective Unconscious negatively polarized some of the Archetypes that I work with? (This was my question) YES, 17 OF THE 89 + 8 MORE NOT ON MY LIST. 10) On average, how many Archetypes do we come in with intending to use in this lifetime? (Again, my question) 4 INITIALLY, BUT WE ADD MORE AND DISCARD OTHERS DURING OUR LIFETIME.
@truthpreppin7630 4 ай бұрын
Somehow I have known all this since I was a child. My first real memories are about at 1 and a half. I have just never heard them expressed anywhere else or by anyone else. I thought I was alone and almost thought I was falling victim to schizophrenia in my teens. But it was me coming into the third. Thank you so much for spreading the word. I have been on a Carl Jung kick for the past several weeks because of finding this channel. A true blessing and no coincidence. I never knew anybody else in the world ever thought anything close to what I've dealt with my whole life. You are the man, man! Keep up the great works! And thank you again 😊
@dylangammons6596 Жыл бұрын
I can't really expect anyone to believe this, and I would be extremely skeptical had it not happened to me, but the existence of shadow archetypes as fragmented semi autonomous entities is something I can confirm. I have had extreme depression and anxiety issues since I was seven and when medicated to a functional baseline, I have intense negative responses to another persons disrespect or raised voices, yet hold it in until it reaches a white out fight response that, after calming down, I feel intense guilt over. I am highly sensitive and prioritize justice and accepting responsibility, but no recognition of my own bounderies so I freeze up contemplating whos in the wrong in a neurotic hurricane of thought that makes the repressed anger strengthen. Not long ago I had a hypnopompic hallucination for the first and only time. At first it was a series of morphing 2d fractals in a variety of shapes. Then sideways flames formed and a single eye emerged. The eye doubled and an entire face emerged. It was a pale slender face, white as paper with long jet black hair that billowed like in a breeze. The eyes were void of life, extreme negative canthal tilt with the whites showing underneath the pupils. He had a sinister half smirk. All the fractals were constantly morphing, but this face remained still, eyes deadlocked with mine (that experientially seemed to project the image outward). Then I heard 1 word. Abaddon. My shadow is THE destroyer and I had never even read the bible or heard that name. Im still trying to discover the implications of this. Like can I dissolve this from my mind, and ease my depression? Am I supposed to let it come out more without overdoing it? Does it give credence to demonic oppression, but as a a thoughtform I allowed to emerge from the collective unconscious? It is terrifying but explains so much about my history of emotional issues if jungs theories are to be believed. And yet it forces me to believe because the info seemingly came from outside my own mind.
@PsychologicalApparition Жыл бұрын
Izzit of the mind or outside uvvit? We may never know. I hope you do find the answers you seek. Your unconventional, descriptive thought process and structure is admirable, btw.
@altonlg24 9 ай бұрын
You have a choice and your choice has effects. I share the below that you may be empowered. A bit from my Journey of Peace For walking a new path, build awareness, let go of judgment, and choose to walk the path. Requests that have helped me progress: Teach me your design; Show me another way (the way of peace) A Place of Peace is devoid of judgment. Wisdom comes freely from a place of peace. Judgment binds and blinds. Face and let go of judgment, Develop and maintain awareness, Choose to interact with existence from a place of peace. Understanding that Life makes it's choices based on it's awareness/understanding and judgments in that moment and applying it to past and present interactions has had immediate dissolving affects on judgment and it's fruit. Bring awareness to the eyes. Develop and expand that awareness out from the eyes connecting at the back of the head and going down the spine. Go from tunnel vision or focused in on ___ to full or non-resistant vision. Apply elsewhere. Choose peace within and with all people, life, and existence in every interaction and moment. It's your choice. The Ever Existing One has all awareness/understanding and is therefore in an ever peaceful place completely free of judgment including it's fruit. Judgment's fruit includes Agitated/Excited state or expression Loss of sobriety Good and Evil Pain, suffering, trauma, tension Stress, Ego, Emotions of intensity like anger and fear Expectations and desires Authority, ownership, money Death The kind of peace acquired from a place of judgment can be taken by another life or existence, but the complete peace that exists in a place Free of judgment can be taken only by you. This applies to tribes, nations, and empires as well. I created this list based on my current level of awareness from a prompt to share something with my 10yo self. May sharing this bit of my journey give a light to you along your journey of peace. I'm open to communicating further if you so choose. With sincerity, experimentalness, and peacefulness, Alton Lamar Goodin
@isabelrodriguez2046 Жыл бұрын
This was definitely a synchronicity… I had an encounter just a few days ago. Of course, my 3D consciousness (arrogance) feared it as my logical mind never pictured other than a human-like looking being. Love your insight and your work. Will definitely continue learning more
@WalkToPoland 9 ай бұрын
The landscape is for sure as beautiful, as the path we take to get there. For we see the world with our own two eyes, and think accordingly to our highest form of aspiration.
@TheDarkchum1 6 ай бұрын
I once experienced what I call a genuine and potent samadhic trance state, where the veil was pulled back just for a few precious moments and I bore witness to the underlying unity of the entire cosmos, through all space and time. It was an experience outside of space time. That was almost 20 years ago and it is without comparison the most important moment of my entire life. I’m still processing it. I was left feeling overwhelming love/unity immediately after the experience. I saw God as the Love that unifies everything everywhere through all time. I now see that experience as the most precious gift a human can be given. A glimpse of cosmic consciousness. I would not trade that experience for all of the money in the world.
@zachvanslyke4341 3 ай бұрын
@Yetipfote 3 ай бұрын
I am so exited what I can learn ....uhmmmm.... I mean REMEMBER.... on KZbin! Really like your honest, down-to-earth, respectful, open way of talking about these matters, bro! Subscribed!
@daleskoglund6618 Жыл бұрын
Very good delivery and explanation of "archetypes". Well done. I came up with a contemporary example of the "collective unconscious" when I was thinking about the fact that 100 million people watch the Super Bowl. Most people watch the Super Bowl individually or with a small group, not knowing that at the exact same time they are "connected (unconsciously)" to 100 million other minds experiencing the same emotions, thoughts, moods, etc. For me, this makes the idea of the "collective unconscious" very real And I've noticed that a lot of these "viewers" carry their reaction to the game with them for days, weeks, even years, again collectively without knowing it. The collective unconscious is real. Thanks for your inspiration.
@frankmorse1195 Жыл бұрын
Very well done, thoughtful and through. One of the better talks on Jung I’ve heard! Thanks!
@Tillinghast23 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for these lucid and engrossing videos. You have a way of boiling down the essential points of complex topics and presenting them in a way that’s easy to understand and digest. As an artist, the concept of the collective unconscious has fascinated me for a long time. The question of where we get our ideas from tends to irritate many creatives, since we don’t really know the answer. I just tell people that I get them from “The Imaginal Realm” and leave it at that. I’ve done a little research on the subject and come up with a list of similar concepts from throughout time. They aren’t exactly the same as the collective unconscious but it’s still interesting to see the idea of a shared “realm” of human knowledge and experience goes back a very long way. The Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian) Hyperuranion (Plato) Alam al-mithal (Islamic) The Astral Plane (Esotericism) Yesod (Qaballah) Yetzirah (Qaballah) The Akashic Record (Theosophy) The Noosphere (de Chardin) The Over-Soul (Emerson) The Collective Unconscious (Jung) World Three (Popper) Morphic Fields (Sheldrake) Idea Space (Moore)
@aproperhooligan5950 Жыл бұрын
Good talk, I'm with you. Thank you, Michael.
@chrismelanson252 Жыл бұрын
I've always wondered why I was drawn to certain ideas, places and things. I tried to look at it all through a rational, logical lens and began to wonder if I was just delusional or perhaps going crazy. I then attempted to think along more nihilistic lines and tried to convince myself that I actually believed in nothing. However, as I looked at the patterns and places of my life, I began to realize that I had somehow surrounded myself with all sorts of adventures, mythic motifs, religious and mystical imagery. And perhaps, archetypical patterns within on the cusp of coherence and just beyond reach. I also began to appreciate that many of the practices that I routinely engage in might be a little bit more than just physical and mental activities, stress tests or an escapist's buzz. I'm still quite unsure about any of it, especially the crazy part, but at least I'm currently less stressed about it. Great content as always - thanks for that!
@kimmyfarrell Жыл бұрын
I like how 'Soul Surfing' is playing on the advert while waiting to watch this ... 💖🎵 ...
@hregan84 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for another amazing mini-meld! Would love to see a video on the oft-mentioned Hermes / Mercury, given that it is his retrograde 🪐🌠
Definitely thinking about a Hermes/Mercury/Hermes Trismegistus vid!
@BlueOwlOracle 3 ай бұрын
This is such a comfy place to hang out ❤️‍🔥
@lorriepowers3086 3 күн бұрын
Such an enjoyable and educational lecture. Thank you!
@raysapaw Жыл бұрын
I'm very grateful for this site. It reminds me of who I was before life clouded it. Jung was my home, my reality. Life can smother who we are. I need this site. I forgot. Thanks.
@shiv.seeking 6 ай бұрын
Michael beautiful transmission brother, deep diving your content has been like finding a fellow traveler 🧳 on a lonely road - much love ❤ wishing you continued success.
Thank you much love to you!
@dinodracula24 Жыл бұрын
Man you clearly do prep work and are careful with your order of words for these talks because what comes out of your mouth transmits a message very easily. Thank you for putting in work mapping a thought all the way out. You no doubts understand what I mean by that - its all about the thought chain. 🙌
Thank you for the kind words my friend ✌️
@rm9310 Жыл бұрын
Great video. I’ve just recently discovered the idea of the collective consciousness and I feel like I’m unwrapping a gift.
@trentkuhn Жыл бұрын
Inspiring as always Michael. Did you prompt all these images ? They’re amazing
I did! Took me awhile to develop a style that I felt like fit. Thank you it was a lot of trial and error 🙏.
@mcbrogan1 Жыл бұрын
Loving this wonderful wisdom sharing!
Thank you brother!
@lmansur1000 Жыл бұрын
Michael, this is always so very interesting to me... I also feel it harmonizes with Buddhist teachings... It is an attempt to understand an aspect of who we are on a level that sometimes we are unable to articulate it clearly. To bring all this to our awareness and also to realize our oneness is work in progress that will slowly but surely transform our planet, I feel.
@thecaliforniamaniac 2 ай бұрын
Really well presented, thank you!
@hamdoolam Жыл бұрын
Just supporting the algorithm to spread the wisdom ! Thank you for your take on Jungs archetypes 🔥🔥🔥🔥✝️✝️✝️✝️
@venusonmars Жыл бұрын
Great video! I had forgotten that the persona/shadow/animus etc were also archetypes... it isn't immediately intuitive to me because they each seem unique to the person who contains them, rather than having distinct characteristics like 'the fool' or other such character archetypes. Gonna look into it further so thanks for the prompt! Also, loving the visuals.
@THOMAS_MHDS Жыл бұрын
Ye I don't see those as archetypes either and was jolted by the statements in this video.
@babywitch_tarot 10 ай бұрын
i been watching videos on this read a book and practice shadow work with tarot and astrology , it’s nice to find this channel where people like you discuss this ideas i been dissecting for a few years now . thanks
@Dino_Medici Жыл бұрын
17:19 bro you got me taking mad notes at 1 am you drop major banger key terms and phrases that I’ve rlly been looking for! SHEEESH PAPI! BEAUTY!
@naderkhaghani1135 10 ай бұрын
Oh, I need to mention, black-white, and gray as integration that you so eloquently made mention of. Thanks for your heartwarming Soul enlightening remarks.
@hypnoparti Жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic video. I rarely comment on KZbin videos but I was so deeply focused on your video it was amazing. Please make more videos like this on Jungian psychology and this school of thought. I want you to cover all of his work, it's a humble request. You explain it brilliantly
Greatly appreciate that! 🙏
@Newday2start 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing - I have come to believe that our logic and awareness lead us to contentment. Our collective consciousness is found in the way. Archetypes are the colors - much love.
@Newday2start 5 ай бұрын
Follow the way to use the words instead of using the words to follow the way.
@VedaLeen Жыл бұрын
Wow this was so good! How you explained this all in twenty minutes so eloquently and beautifully is mind blowing! I have tried to explain bit and pieces of what you said to others and I get lost in it at times because it’s not easy. Perhaps my vocabulary is a bit limited? Thanks for this!
I really appreciate that! If you watch it a couple times it will probably click. I have a bunch of other Jungian vids that might contextualize things a bit too ✌️
@m3hiran69 Жыл бұрын
I started listening your podcast for improving my english, and I am totally addicted to this awesome podcast in a way that can't sleep at night without playing your podcast and enjoying them till fall asleep !!!!!
I greatly appreciate that my friend! 🙏
@Kjt853 11 ай бұрын
A myth is not a story of something that never happened. It’s a story of something that never *stops* happening.
@epiphanydrums5427 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, very interesting. The concepts you were talking about at about 11 minutes in gave some clear language for something I’ve been thinking about.
@MimiKay-s6i 8 ай бұрын
I wrote book about my experiences that altered my life. It started 28 years ago and has never stopped.
@macbeavers6938 Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that our souls are androgynes (gender neutral) while our physical bodies change from Male to Female and back and forth during incarnations. Well done.
@geraldinefinegan9712 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Mr. Michael Philip. Thank you for openly discussing the Jungian concepts. I know that I have been seeking the Mother Archetype, my whole life. Geraldine Finegan
@sassduffin4274 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Michael, for a very well presented video of the complexity of Jung's work. A sample of the complexity expressed in a manner that is interesting and exciting. Indeed, the door opens to the divine and see how we are memorized, like children, agaze at its language and teachings. This is an incredible discovery that humans have gained a place where our consciousness is capable of looking at the "whimsical universe". We are fortunate to be able to explore and discover. I sit comfortably at your feet, with ears and eyes upon you listening with intent while my imagination joins in, off we go on an adventure! Thank you Michael, please keep on keeping on - with your videos.
Thank you!✨🙏✨
@justinraymund 7 ай бұрын
Your work is dope & deep. Thank you for what you do!
@LeslySoto-sn2fy 5 ай бұрын
Amazing video. Thank you
@priyasawhney 8 ай бұрын
Yes this one dream I had I will never forget it
@JackHandy7385 3 ай бұрын
We tell the same kinds of stories because we dont develop stories in a bubble. We develop them with the idea that other humans will be interested in reading them. Over time, this has turned into trends that, at the point in history we exist, have MILENNIA of experiences behind them so they appear to be some type of a priori, instinctive part of our "psyche" as you call it. When in fact, they are just trends most artists tend to stick within because they want their art to have a specific effect on a specific audience.
@lissalou6174 6 ай бұрын
If you understand Carlos Castaneda’s definition of “dreaming” it allows us to connect a few dots regarding the collective consciousness. It’s a collective dream we share, held together and reinforced by the many eyes gazing upon it. Our collective attention to what we call “reality” is what gives this world its form. That is the strength of manifestation by the collective. Regarding archetypes- I have had experiences with these. We all likely have, without realizing or recalling. Archetypes appear to us as ourselves, when doing introspection. The connotations of each archetype that this visage personifies carries a message. But they will look very much like our own self. And if we don’t know about archetypes, we may miss the distinction. It is important to know that images are the language of the soul. Images are also the language of telepathy and other intuition. Images are a universal language. This breaks the language barrier across all things. So when you think of images in terms of communication, the messages begin to come through. When we encounter images like archetypes within ourself, particularly during states of deep introspection, it is the soul /subconscious communicating with the mind/ego.
@beverlyreedscott-et4tu Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I happened upon you and am experiencing your talk as another bread crumb on my journey to find the Archetype my therapist and I happened upon in a session. When we realized a behavior I repeated which seemed to occur against my will was more than “me”. I could feel a presence it was like an uncovering but also a knowing this presence had been here but unseen for a long time. Now I am trying to learn who or what “she” is and where or what this revelation or crossroads has come to teach. Idk if this makes sense but if it does can recommend a path to engage the Archetype? It’s good to find you here Thanks for your commitment
@paulward2333 Ай бұрын
Great work. Thank you.
@SaintHoseaHermitage 13 күн бұрын
Do I believe that the personal unconscious exist? Believe? I don´t need to believe. I know it exist. :) Thanks for explaining these. I have started making my own analysis of myself and have been posting too. Some of my followers have become my co-analysts too. Nice presentation you have here.
@lampyrisnoctiluca9904 9 ай бұрын
When I am meditating with my eyes closed, I sometimes "see" things. The reoccurring things are a red bird, the lonely tree without leaves in the middle of nowhere that waits for something to happen so it could grow back its leaves and a long tunnel with the checkerboard floor on which I can only walk on black tiles because I am a bishop chess piece. It is always kinda dark. there are either dark clouds on the entire sky during the day or the sun has set down or is going to rise up soon.
This would all be very interesting active imagination jumping off points.
@naderkhaghani1135 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for an excellent presentation. I especially appreciate your last suggestion. Let's stay in the middle with open doors to both sides. Most psychic problems come from one-sided vision; conversely, not to take sides, we don't go anywhere. And here is the mystery of our existence: not so much black and white, yet gray, black and white, or, a yes and no, yin and yang, anima and animus, the list goes on. We go to this and that to make sense of the other. Do we ever? Or born in mystery and the darkness of birth we meet our ends in the same. Yet, it has been a great ride.
@terryvolbrecht9356 Жыл бұрын
Terrific and wonderful. thanks. Michael, your videos are inspiring and wise.
Thank you friend! 🙏
@rosemondemontano477 Жыл бұрын
Gréât content! Lové your video. As a coach your videos are a source of knowledge and discovery ! Thank you🙏👍💕
@Liyah-encyclopedia333 16 күн бұрын
Inspiring as always
@patriciapinto2820 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Thanks for the work and dedication ❤
@smartartification 9 ай бұрын
This is a great video and a great channel!
Thank you my friend 🙏
@burgerhero9380 8 ай бұрын
In some collective consciousness I felt that something very sensational would happen in 2024...... This 2024 scheme has been swirling around in my head since mid 2022 by myself estimated. And just today before I found your channel I've been waiting for the correct scheduled moment to get into psychology, then in which I clicked on your channel of course. And that scheduled moment in which I planned to begin my psychological knowledge happen to be the day of the new year of 2024. I also searched and tried to discover what archetypes was, and then it came with instead 'types of archetypes' which were: ruler, creator, rebel, hero etc. So this trait that had happened on new years day must be the proof of archetypes in some miscellaneous way.
@charlesmay897 Жыл бұрын
Love and respect. Thank you
@JordRengerve Жыл бұрын
A very sound introduction to a personal recent discovery of the collective inconscient. Everything is there but nothing is taken to a deep level which would make the topic confusing. Nice background images too which make enjoy not only the voice but the image too.
@supremereader7614 Жыл бұрын
Great job on the video. I want to find those Allan Watts lectures on us being in a sort of ‘play.’
@seeexy Жыл бұрын
3:36 true af❤
@fridathethirteenth 2 ай бұрын
your earnest…ness? in these studies is shining through 🙏
@africanningmeditation3571 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the inspiring video. Yes, I strongly believe in collective unconscious. As a Shaman, I explore it and work with it almost everyday. And I can say that it’s way beyond any thoughts , words or imaginations and surprisingly alive. In this mysterious timeless “Land”past, present and future happen simultaneously speaking in the powerful language of the unconscious. And if you ask the unconscious; "What language do you speak?” He would answer you; “I speak Images, I speak Emotions”
Thank you 🙏
@africanningmeditation3571 Жыл бұрын
@@THIRDEYEDROPS You’re welcome!😀
@heritianabrichet4677 11 ай бұрын
Recently I'm seeing the archetypes driving people. But as Karl Jung explained only inderectly. That why we can not call that possession. But we are all drive by our archetype, when they could/must be super power.
@Queenie-the-genie Жыл бұрын
Your videos are amazing! Is all this artwork yours? I am mighty as impressed as I too am an artist. Whether the paintings are your originals or not, the video itself is a beautiful work of art. Bravo!🩵💛🩵
Hey my friend, thank you. Made spent a lot of time in mid journey dialing them in.
@calibos598 11 ай бұрын
I find it interesting as more of this shadow becomes integrated there are more videos like this that synchronistically appear and are made accessible.
@colinfrangicetto3430 Жыл бұрын
brilliant as usual my friend
Thanks brother 🫶
@aussieicone9359 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jake Glynenhaal Happy to have found your channel
@allisonbarrett373 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for always perking my wonder whiskers! 😹
It’s my dharma
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 2 ай бұрын
Good job! Archetypes are templates.
@GMc-iw2fy 11 ай бұрын
Brilliant lecture
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 ай бұрын
Much appreciated glad you enjoyed it 🙏
@LuvDolphins1111 Жыл бұрын
I 💯 believe in the collective unconscious/conscious. This is not something that can be proven, but can only be experienced by the individual. ❤️🙏🏻❤️
@Chuck.Spirit Жыл бұрын
Good stuff, enjoyed this thank you. Archetypes, I believe, are energised by our consciousness. Individually​ and​ Collectively. ..and I certainly know for sure, that knowledge of this comes from how we R.E.M.Ember (remember) Dreams are key to the realEYE-Sat-Ion (realisation) of this
@Chuck.Spirit Жыл бұрын
Sat-Ion is Saturn..the source of the Ember/Ether/Eternal Fire
@mcbrogan1 Жыл бұрын
Fab channel, Michael! 👏 Bravo!
@schoolofcreation4504 5 ай бұрын
I greatly enjoyed watching your podcast. I was wondering whether you have any references connecting archetypes and the Kabalistic process of creation?
Good question. If you look into “Hermetic Kabbalah” you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. It’s born out of a sort of syncretic attempt to connect the tree of life with other western esoteric ideas and archetypes.
@TheGgomez1 11 ай бұрын
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the support my friend
@nicksothep8472 Жыл бұрын
Loved your final thoughts, as I completely agree, particularly the question about who's in control. I'm a huge fan of Jung, so all content about his work is more than welcome Edit: on a separate note, it's rather eerie how similar we look. If I didn't know better I could think it's me on the screen.. 🧐🤯
@ericfullmer7170 Жыл бұрын
Yes their energies are very powerful very powerful and hard to handle sometimes again it’s easy to get if you do daily energy work
@josephgagliano6145 Жыл бұрын
I like where you are coming from.
@Shweet7248 9 ай бұрын
Great video
@marjanabravani Жыл бұрын
I once dreamed that I was riding a bike on a bridge and then I had to let go of my bike as I was pulled to a spiral , in there they’re was this peace-full Devine energy , light burgundy color that words are not able to describe . There I was seeing and feeling but did not have a body , I some times when thinking about it , if I actually was the hole thing which was there ! Any how , as I first level I saw this queen and king beside each other , looking towards me then I was pulled to lower part where there was this warm golden light and in the air there was written words in gold in Arabic which I could read but couldn’t make a meaning out of the sentences and there there was this beutiful Devine Yonge man that was kind of unfolding with a very light kind of dance movement right in-front of me , this was so profound and beautiful that can’t be explained with words , then I was pulled to the lower part of spiral and there I saw a man in his forties lounging on his bed and looking toward me , the bed and his dress were white , I got the feeling that he is some one like a king or son of a king but I didn’t like his energy and his facial expression , then I was pulled down , one more time and my body started shaking inside and I was hearing these strong vibrations inside my hole body and being and I knew some thing was happening to me like I was sucked in something or some where not from this world so I said to myself , OMG it’s happening to me and I didn’t know what to do so I tried to still my body in a relax position for the energy to work … at this moment my daughter walked in the house and I woke up 😢 I always wondered what this was , who were these and what was happening to me at that night ? Do you have any idea since you are much more informative on archetypes? I have many experiences as such and have a very strong connection to dream world but sometimes can’t interpret them fully .
@joskun 9 ай бұрын
Can someone please send me the link to Alan Watts take on this. Micheal probably forgot to put them in the description. Great video!!
@hobonickel840 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this content and all your content ... your Hillman reference has been gold. My experiences, referring to to the subjects you've discussed here, can attest to complete validation of which have come from many but most especially CGJung. I can only offer a roll of the dice here in hopes you are as curious as you seem conductive. Pointing to the Mandlebrot set on the wall I can't help but "wonder," if it is there for a specific reason as this lends itself to the subject at hand. No matter, I will suggest an anomaly that goes against the odds and will raise the spirit of William Sidis as he had a special interest in what he referred to as "Reversals"... I'd be inclined and honored to talk further outside of the comments ...if this in syn synchs in anyway. You might be interested in my experiences. All willing of course .. cheers and thanks!
@user-no1mt6nx1n Жыл бұрын
Wonderful, well-researched, informative video. The part here that saddens me is the Ai generated art we see throughout the production. These images are based on real artists who made such visuals from their own compassion in understanding the esoteric, far reaches of the human mind. Why not use the art humanity has made? This Ai has no concept of The Archetypes further than the shapes and colors it has garnered from the internet, why place our visual inspiration in the hands of something which is completely unconscious, and unaware of what it creates? Again, I want to say that I really, really loved this video. It's incredibly helpful and illuminating. I suppose I wish we had gotten the chance to see more of the art humanity has made on the subject throughout the millennia.
@chrisjarmain Жыл бұрын
Might I just say fantastic video!. Secondly, I must say there is a wonderful link to Buddhism and the vast intellectual thinkers of that doctrine. These intellectual thinkers thought heavily upon the concept of self and non-self that goes without saying an undeniable set of results. But where Carl jung takes the concepts of consciousness as a subset of the Buddhism doctrine is fascinating. And what Buddhism and Carl together managed to realise is this seeming collective unconscious. Personally, I believe there is a relation to quantum physics and such concepts of quantum entanglement. Such as similar to that of collective unconscious. Two seeming opposites that are just two ends of the same pole. I wonder what your thoughts are. Kind regards.
Yes, I think quantum non locality could definitely play a role in explaining synchronicity, but I think there’s a third element as well… I won’t spoil it here because I think I may make a vid exploring it in the future.
@chrisjarmain Жыл бұрын
@THIRDEYEDROPS Yes, please do. It is insightful and fantastic, but I admire your neutral interpretation of these complex concepts. I am a writer, thinker, and explorer of the concepts of self. Who are you? Is a seemingly simple question to ask. But nobody truly 'knows' the answer outside the traditional sense of self. And this is one of the worlds problems.
@chrisjarmain Жыл бұрын
The only other theory I can think of and I believe Carl jung mentioned this also was a type or form of evolution that allows the development of consciousness to 'evolve' through time and experience. This evolution alone may not be a strong enough argument for the interconnectedness of consciousness. Other than suggestions towards the cosmos itself being conscious to a degree and we as humans pick up the frequencies we are most adapted to receive. Much like a radio picks up radio waves, we humans pick up conscious waves. But because consciousness is not our own in this way, and is a system that is perceived by our subconscious. We have no way of creating something pre created. And may thus allow a certain set of frequencies to be picked up on. Thus, collective unconscious does arise. Because each human can pick up these frequencies individually from a conscious universe itself. This massively suggests that we are not separate from the universe. We are organically a part of this universe. It is a surprisingly striking concept for some people. An apple tree has apples that grow from/ with the tree itself. We humans grew from/ with the universe. As such, a secanario has arisen where we all are connected. Much like the leaves of an apple tree. Each leaf is distinct. But ultimately connected via the tree itself. I have used concepts of the far East here as an overemphasis, but I feel it may get the point across. ☯️
@wakisakalinga6563 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much✨💙🙏🏾
Most welcome
@JasmineDaisy111 2 ай бұрын
Just wow. I love Jung.
@EsotericMajestic420 Жыл бұрын
We talked for 14 days. It was amazing.
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