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The Parga Castle (Greek: Κάστρο Πάργας) is a medieval hilltop citadel complex in the town of Parga, Epirus, Greece. Located on the top of a hill overlooking the town, it has been an important landmark since the 15th century due in part to the strong fortifications used to protect the town from invasions from land and sea. Located on a strategically placed rocky peninsula overlooking the sea on three sides and the town on the forth. In antiquity the area around the castle was inhabited by the Greek tribe of the Thesprotians. The ancient town of Toryne was probably located here. Before the strong castle of Parga was built (which survives today), the inhabitants of Parga tried to keep the fortified city, which was exposed to the sea, so that they could face the invaders. In this effort, they built the first fortifications with the help of the Normans, initially in the 11th century by the residents of Parga to protect their town from pirates and later the Ottomans. In the 15th century, as Ottoman control of the region increased, the Venetians rebuilt the castle to fortify the area. The town and its castle were unsuccessfully offered by Nicholas Orsini, the Despot of Epirus, to the Republic of Venice in exchange for Venetian aid against the Byzantine Empire. During the Epirote rebellion of 1338/39 against the Byzantine emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos, Parga remained loyal to the emperor. In the 1390s it was under the rule of Gjin Bua Shpata, lord of Arta. The town finally passed under Venetian control in 1401 and was administered as a mainland exclave of the Venetian possession of Corfu, under a castellan. Venetian possession was confirmed in the Ottoman-Venetian treaty of 1419. Apart from brief periods of Ottoman possession, the town remained in Venetian hands until the Fall of the Republic of Venice in 1797. In 1452, Parga and the fortified position was occupied by Hatzi Bey for two years; part of the castle was demolished at that time. In 1537, Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa burned and destroyed the fortress and the houses within. Before the castle's reconstruction in 1572 by the Venetians, the Turks again demolished it. The castle was rebuilt with the help of the Venetians, but before it was completed, it was demolished again by the Turks.
An inscription above the outer gate dates the construction of this section wall to 1707 by Count Marco Teotochi, governor and captain of Parga.
In 1792, The Venetians began construction on the third and final fortress, with work being completed in 1808 by the French during their stay in the wider area between the years 1797 and 1814. The castle remained invincible until 1819, despite the attacks mainly of Ali Pasha of Ioannina who besieged the castle.
In 1815, with French power failing, the citizens of Parga revolted against French rule and sought the protection of the British. In 1819, the British sold the city to Ali Pasha, under the broader authority of the Ottomans. Ali Pasha made structural additions to the castle, including strengthening the existing walls, installing his harem and building a hammams with the structure and radically remodelling the castle grounds. In January 1822, Ali Pasha was assassinated, and from him, the castle passed under direct Ottoman rule.
Замак Парга је средњовековни комплекс цитадела на врху брда у граду Парги, Епир, Грчка. Смештен на врху брда са погледом на град, био је важан оријентир од 15. века делом због јаких утврђења коришћених за заштиту града од инвазија са копна и мора. Налази се на стратешки постављеном стеновитом полуострву са погледом на море са три стране и град са четврте. У антици је подручје око замка насељавало грчко племе Теспроћани. Овде се вероватно налазио древни град Торин. Пре него што је подигнут јаки замак Парга (који је опстао и данас), становници Парге су настојали да задрже утврђени град, који је био изложен мору, како би се суочили са освајачима. У том настојању, подигли су прва утврђења уз помоћ Нормана, првобитно у 11. веку од стране становника Парге да би заштитили свој град од гусара, а касније и Османлија. У 15. веку, како је османска контрола над регионом порасла, Млечани су обновили замак како би утврдили то подручје. Град и његов замак безуспешно је понудио Никола Орсини, епирски деспот, Венецијанској Републици у замену за млетачку помоћ против Византијског царства. Током епиротске побуне 1338/39. године против византијског цара Андроника ИИИ Палеолога, Парга је остала лојална цару. Деведесетих година 13. века био је под влашћу Гјин Буа Схпате, господара Арте. Град је коначно прешао под венецијанску контролу 1401. године и био је под управом копнене ексклаве венецијанског поседа Крфа, под кастеланом. Млетачки посед је потврђен османско-млетачким уговором из 1419. Осим кратких периода отоманског поседа, град је остао у млетачким рукама све до пада Млетачке републике 1797.