Catholic reads the Quran pt 2

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Still reading the Cow. Comment and help me understand. Please explain anything I'm not getting below.

Пікірлер: 226
@monam5962 6 жыл бұрын
It's simple ... you all allowed to defend you're self if you're being attacked .
@revinger1 5 жыл бұрын
Actually to be accurate, when you defend you can't harm them more than the harm they had done. And there is another Aya in page 281 Aya 126 that speak about forgiveness (in the same issue) like a lot of Ayas in the Quran
@The_SIGMA_MUSLIM 5 жыл бұрын
he's done it intentionally
@ailediablo79 3 жыл бұрын
@Durdur1 6 жыл бұрын
This the Bible check out Luke 19:27 “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. “
@addrich1 6 жыл бұрын
Abdi-Qafar Ahmed they questions Quran but they don't questions thier bible..
@simokora-sw7gs 6 жыл бұрын
thats why he couldnt answer you bro im sure he sees youre comment but couldnt answer so
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Abdi-Qafar Ahmed Here is how I answered this question the last two times I’ve answered it. Pick an answer. A) As for Luke 19:27 that is part of a larger passage called a parable which is a type of fable. Verses 11-27 are a fictional story told in the others Gospels as well and parts of it are also told in Josephus it was so popular at the time of its telling. The story is meant to give a lesson or moral. Here warning of the destruction of Jerusalem after the crucifixion, which as this Gospel was written after the fall of the Temple it makes sense that “Luke” would allude to it in his writings. or B) that is the end line to a parable, that means fable, verses 11-27, are not Jesus speaking as himself but speaking the words of a character in the story he his telling to his audience, it was a popular common tale of that time, so popular that the story shows up in three others gospels & in a book by the historian Josephus. Also, that particular verse was an allusion to the Fall of Jerusalem & the destruction of the Temple, which happened just before Luke was written.
@Durdur1 6 жыл бұрын
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Nice try but I'm Catholic, we don't believe in literal direct transmission of the Bible anyway. What we, Catholics, understand as inspired is different than what you think we mean by that word. If you look in the introduction to any Catholic study Bible especially at the start of each Book or Gospel, or for that matter in any academic or Ecumenical bible, you will see that we understand that it began with oral tradition until it reached some place where Konie Greek not ancient Aramaic was spoken, and someone wrote the story down. Also, we understand that each Gospel was tailored and edited to suit the needs of the audience that the speaker was addressing. Also, fyi, most Protestants understand this now at days too, maybe that might be shocking to some Baptist years ago or some fundamentalist Evangelical curently but they have internet & access to public libraries (you know, where the books live) too. Also, and again I'm just speaking for myself here, but why hasn't anyone gone for the hard Levituical or Deuteronical laws? Like there's commands to stone people in there. Everyone keeps throwing verses at me that are either completely out of context and, truthfully, slighted misquoted, like does no one get metaphor anymore? And, the first time I really read the Bible the hardest part for me to understand and reconcile was not all the violence of the ancient world, because, you know, there is violence in the current world, but it was Paul. His views on women and homosexuality are truly and literally archaic, lol. But seriously, that was hard to read in a book that is mostly about love and acceptance at that point. It was actually a great comfort to me when I found out that most of his letters were probably amalgamations and synthesis of writings attributed to him. Catholics believe that science and history are real, and for better or worse most of us even trust it. (and before you send it, I've already seen the science miracles in the Quran video). Hey, honestly, tell me, are you guys like a team or something? Like apologetically? Is it a group or am I just getting the same questions and the same criticisms for some other reason. Hey, I just want to be clear, I'm cool with it. I'm just curious how much of my audience is actually watching me explore and try to learn, versus who is watching me because its like their job or something? Is job the wrong word? Hobby, maybe? I don't know. Anyway, I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever and whoever you are. And if this is somehow a very advanced bot. Beep, beep, boop, boop.
@Hale8R 6 жыл бұрын
It was interesting seeing your reaction to the translation of the Quran as a Catholic. Also thank you for your respectful approach. It is always enlightening to see from an outsiders perspective. The verse about 'fighting back in alike manner to the one who attacks you' has a historical context, it is further explained by the prophet's sayings called 'Hadith' and the next verse or two of the Quran explains the limitations. Forgiveness and the law of grace is there but there are times when a nation or a small group need to protect themselves and defensive measures is part and parcel of every country and nation's code. It's just a fact of life and a way to protect your self/nation. On a smaller scale, don't people learn self defence in order to fight back and defend their saftey/life/property in case of an attack? In Islam we have both the law of grace and justice but they are both used in their rightful place to promote a more balanced society to stop oppression and persecution.
@barbersahib 6 жыл бұрын
Hale8R well said, my thoughts exactly
@yusfusra 5 жыл бұрын
I have to say .. do justice the word at the end of the verse says ....And fear God and know that God is with those who fear Him but you dwell on revenge which is a very big topic instead of Reflecting on why God emphasized fearing Him ....One its because we like revenge and wish to excede but He said forgi eness is the best for those hoping for a home in the hereafter......please you are a good thinker I can tell but you potray sincerity but you leave out justice .....careful! you will loose it
@adelraad891 6 жыл бұрын
Remember that these verses have historical context
@yamyamalkahef2608 6 жыл бұрын
if somebody attack you of course you have the right to defend yourselves thats so simple why make it sounds so extreme. May Allah guide those people who really seek guidance.
@majda202 6 жыл бұрын
i rather slap back who slap me bcz you stand for your right bcz no one else will
@mramsey1073 4 жыл бұрын
The verse starts off by saying "if someone transgresses you" THEN you can defend youself. Rather than a direct command to transgress, its only applicable IF someone starts it first which actaully makes sense. I emjoy watching your videos and you seem like a genuinly nice person.
@user-pk2ul3dr2o 5 жыл бұрын
Islam is not just a religion it's a way of life
@barbersahib 6 жыл бұрын
What part of defending yourself and your family you don't understand.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Arshad Butt Feel free to watch any of my other videos that are not about the Quran.
@user-df9cr1cm8g 6 жыл бұрын
So you take our oil and land and we have to agree and not fight you
@mohammedhanif6780 6 жыл бұрын
The Arabic for 'verse' is pronounced aa-ya and means 'sign'. Quranic verses are signs from God. BTW you should readalonside the Muhammad Asad translation and commentary 'The Message of the Quran' which is available online. He was a European Jewish convert. Feel free to ask me questions. Also the Catholic understanding of Just War theory is exactly the same as the Quranic doctrine of jihad. The verses clearly forbid Muslims from warfare unless they are being attacked or to protect people who are being persecuted. I don't know how you could misunderstand them.
@NALSAMMAH1 5 жыл бұрын
Are you telling me the Qur'an is more rough than the Bible You gotta be kidding!!
@Shah_creates 10 ай бұрын
Huh? What is that supposed to mean?
@senorspice3896 6 жыл бұрын
Quran is not pointing out shortcomings of other faiths.....but how people are changing, interpolating, corrupting and defying the original message time and time again. It is not to show the faith is at fault, it is to show us our own shortcomings, and warning us not to fall into the same trap. Don't read the Quran with a chip on your shoulder. Secondly, historical knowledge of biblical events in the Bible or other books is not a standard for the Quran but the Quran is the standard by which they are judged as authentic because it is the word of God. A very clever trick of your's to do a "going to the moon" reference while doing mundane things to show that it is something totally outlandish the Quran is adding to the biblical history. Thirdly the Quran was not revealed as a continuous book, verse by verse, chapter by chapter. It was revealed sometimes as a teaching and sometimes as instructions pertaining to matters at hand. As they were revealed and memorized by the Prophet PBUH, he would then dictate the verses to the 42 scribes and tell them to read them back to him. He would approve them if they were exactly as he had dictated. It was later on compiled in book form so don't try to imply... Oh look now it is defying itself. Read the Quran in its context according to the situation for which that special instruction was revealed. Allah is merciful and Allah is JUST. The Quran is the only book that is based on reality and tells one to defend yourself when you are being attacked (not fight someone who in your eyes or according to the Quran is sinning, as you very cleverly put in there). Over and over, time and time again Allah tells us it is better to forgive, to be patient, give opportunity after opportunity to the transgressor to stop until it becomes inevitable that they will not stop. Then to protect yourself you must defend. Just like anyone would. Fourthly religion of peace means peace by submitting your will to that of the Almighty, peace by piety and prayer, peace by doing good and staying on the righteous path and not spread corruption in His land, peace by fulfilling the rights of all the people around you, peace by helping your community, peace by accountability for your actions, and peace by justice. Tell me how there will be peace in this world without all these things? Peace doesn't just come from turning your cheek over and over again. Very disappointed to see your biased review and clouded judgment. You came off as academic but clearly, you are only leading people astray. Won't be continuing with your video's.
@bellaqurux07bella59 5 жыл бұрын
Masha Allah, well said.
@abdallahac6282 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing but facts, I was Interested in his review of Maps Of Meaning by JP and stumbled upon these videos and was heavily disappointed. U said everything that was necessary. 🙌
@shadethenovice 4 жыл бұрын
Its interesting you point this out, because in that same ayah right before that line it very much clues you in on the context needed for the line by mentioning the sacred month. That line before it also justifies the line in question by saying something to the effect of "and for every violation is a legal retribution."
@Od1n_00 3 жыл бұрын
It says defend yourself if someone attacks you but don't harm him more than attacker harmed you (You have every right to defend your life) Hope you have a good day🙂
@sabirsreeneebus5466 5 жыл бұрын
It was during the war between the different tribes. During the crusades, what instructions were given to the crusaders? Give the other cheek?
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
You do know that two wrongs don’t make a right? If one person commits an evil & the another person commits an evil in responds, all you have is more evil. If an an act is immoral, it is immoral no matter who commits it regardless of the reasons why.
@TheKindHearty 5 жыл бұрын
Find out when and why the verse was reveal because each verse(ayat) is send down according to the circumstances.
@abhattab 3 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right . I get that you had expectations of what the content would be as a “religious text”. -From the perspective of Islam it’s a guide for living on individual,social and political level . so passiveness is not on there . It’s not all “ feel good “ reading material and not meant to be . - it’s an introduction to the concept of justice in Islam. You shall stumble on similar versus ahead. While it’s applicable in some cases it’s not in others. - when you go full legislature you’ll have to dig carefully and navigate with knowledge about the context, situation and circumstances related to the specific verse . The knowledge about other verses related to the matter in other parts and context etc . And knowledge about “nasekh & mansoukh” other verses halts or over rule other verses. Thanks for the review hope this comment is helpful even though is 3 years too late ☺️
@TuRKiSH_7 5 жыл бұрын
﷽ ﴾And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah . Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers﴿ #Quran 42:41
@amadoucamara9321 6 жыл бұрын
stop doing cut and paste with quaran .you will never understand quaran if you trying to play game.I can see through you .when you said reading the verse about the cow .you can see how jews hating start . I realized you deceiver because that verse has nothing to do with hating it simplely talking about sacrifice it is a long story . As a muslim they had to explain this story to me by reading the quaran alone you won't understand it .
@omgtan 3 жыл бұрын
So it teaches to be kind, to help people, fast be charitable. But it is also letting you know. If someone harms you, defend yourself with the same force. So in reference, if someone punches you, you should not shoot them with a gun. But if the attacker asks for you to stop you should stop.
@Ibo.powersolutions 6 жыл бұрын
Are you sure you read the bible Deuteronomy 13:15 Verse Concepts you shall surely strike the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying it and all that is in it and its cattle with the edge of the sword. Jeremiah 18:21 Verse Concepts Therefore, give their children over to famine And deliver them up to the power of the sword; And let their wives become childless and widowed Let their men also be smitten to death, Their young men struck down by the sword in battle. Daniel 5:19 Verse Concepts "Because of the grandeur which He bestowed on him, all the peoples, nations and men of every language feared and trembled before him; whomever he wished he killed and whomever he wished he spared alive; and whomever he wished he elevated and whomever he wished he humbled.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Ebrahim Yes, read it six times in english front to back. I am reading it now for a seventh time. Plus I read commentaries from six different religious perspectives. Jewish, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Secular Academic, Calvinist, & Evangelical Baptist. The answer is context.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Ebrahim But if you want to cherry pick. I will gladly take which ever religion you belong to and make it’s holy book look like the worst thing ever written by human hands. Even if your an atheist.
@NALSAMMAH1 5 жыл бұрын
This is a well known Verse that speaks to specific situation addressing the Pagans of Mecca who attacked Prophet Muhammad and cut off his supply routes to starve him and his companions, then this verse came down as permission to fight back. It's not complicated or anything unless you complicate it or take it out of context your self!!
@MultiDivebomber 6 жыл бұрын
Islam is realistic. The United States didn't gain freedom by forgiving the Britain. But, there were many cases when Muhammad was merciful, culminating to the liberation of Mecca
@TokyoHomes 9 ай бұрын
My one of the favourite Ayat: Surah 25:70 As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
@khalidshmri7685 5 жыл бұрын
Keep reading ... use your mind and your heart . Good luck
@addrich1 6 жыл бұрын
why the christian do the crusade? why they called it a holy war?
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
addrich1 (“why they called it a holy war?) Becuase historians are not very creative in their naming of things.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
addrich1 as for why did the Crusades happen; here is a brief account of events I know very little to nothing about: (from 5 minutes of research). 638 Caliph 'Umar took Jerusalem from Byzantium. 711 Islamic forces invade Spain By the 900’s Christians lost Palestine, North Africa, Syria, Sicily, and Spain to Muslim conquest. 969 Fatimids seize Egypt. 1071 Emperor Romanus IV tries to recapture Armenia. 1054 The Great Schism of the Eastern (Roman) & Western (Byzantine) Catholic Church. 1073-1085 “Holy War” between Rome & the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) 1880-1885 Robert Guiscard’s campaigns against the Byzantine Empire weakening the Eastern Roman Empire significantly. 1095 Alexius Comnenus asks Pope Urban II for help against the Turks: the Seldjuk Turks gained power and territory in Christian Controlled Lands. These incursions prompted the emperor of Byzantium, Alexius I Comnenus to send a delegation to Piacenza, Italy, asking Pope Urban II in March 1095 for help against the Turks.
@addrich1 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV... and you don't know Islam is the same religion and true teaching of Jesus or Isa?
@addrich1 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV and why don't Christian apply Jesus teaching of forgive other? why don't the christian just let go?? that's the teaching of Jesus I'm wrong??
@addrich1 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV same basic teaching which is submit yourself to God the one and only Almighty God ALLAH.. which the Christian didn't follow?
@ahmedas5605 6 жыл бұрын
it's a logical reaction... islam don't allow you to attack that the must important point.
@mdhimi 6 жыл бұрын
what is wrong on defending your self ?? did you ever read the old testament ?
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Ahmed .K I have a whole youtube series on the old testament I recommend you watch it. Just subscribe to my channel & click the playlist.
@alsamp1982 8 ай бұрын
This verse is speaking about transgressions. This is not just a simple act of commiting against person or person property etcetera. And also the verse doesnt stop their. Because qur'an verses ended always on reminding people Allah forgiveness, mercy over every punishment.
@rizwanrafeek3811 5 жыл бұрын
@alpha4IV Even if you are allowed to retaliate, your retaliation must be in equal proportion, one cannot go over board. Quran 2:190. And Quran 42:43 and 5:45, if one chooses to forgive it is up to the victim themselves. God will not forgive the perpetrator until the victim forgives the perpetrator. God of the Quran logical and rational is equal in justice, turn your other cheek for a second slap in the face is BS, isn't reality in the World stage, while there is victim of crimes in every day life. Good example: Next door neighbor boy broke your window by throwing stone, give him a second stone for other window in your home, isn't a reality, but rather it is a fairy tale.
@husseinmohamed1777 2 жыл бұрын
You are allowed to defend yourself physically. Islam is action religion
@ailediablo79 3 жыл бұрын
Simply just fight back for your right.... However, it doesn't mean what you thought. Because it fight back not hate back. In Islam you hate the sinner sin not the sinner him/her -slef back. Plus justice is more important than peace as peace without justice is wholly. Also, that is why you got to learn Arabic and flow the mainstream as well as ask a professional Muslim everytime you have a question. (Do not to forget to have a good English speaker one) Any question?
@Spectral_Nights 3 жыл бұрын
You have to read Prophet Muhammad (SAW) life journey, you will understand whole concept of every verse.
@salemm3006 5 жыл бұрын
the Aya (verse) you mentioned speaks about a specific incident. Where God (Allah) Grants the permission to defend back and or declare a limited scope of engagment as long as it does not exceed the aggression of the attacker. Moreover, if you continue reading, you will see that God always requires that Muslims to accept and hasten to peace if the aggressor asked for. ISLAM is a religion of PEACE and promotes peace. However, if attacked or aggressed upon, it requires the Muslims to defend their Family, LAND, Wealth and Country's Natural Resources. You also would agree to this concept in your daily interactions. Islam is not a passive religion. God (Allah) requires the believer to change the wrong by the hand, if not, then it requires the Muslim to Speakout, or if you still weak and can't stand up, then at least feel sorry and sad in your heart and pray that God changes the condition. and that is the weakest of level of a Believer.
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Salem m I get enough commits on my older Quran videos that youtube doesn’t update me on each one. So I am sorry that I missed yours. This was a good, logical, and non-argumentative explanation. Thank you. I hope you keep watching my channel, I’d love to get some questions from you on some of my bible stuff as well, and just to let you know I’m doing less Quran related vids now at days because I was not enjoying the online interactions & reactions to basic & honest questions & my personal schedule changed giving me less free time. So I really do appreciate this comment.
@hameedkatoor7469 2 жыл бұрын
@@alpha4IV good thanks
@samisonman6794 6 жыл бұрын
To understand the quran u need to read the historical context which mostly comes from hadith, to which the commentary already does that for you which save you ALOT of time... and you don't have to worry about believing the hadith since the faith doesn't really care what nonMuslims thing about it lol its not written for anyone in particular... and their is a science to deal with authenticity...
@petitwhite6366 5 жыл бұрын
So according to Christianity, we should kiss and forgive those who kill us. So if we have followed the Christianity's version, we would not have gone and bomb the Taliban and killed Bin Ladin.What we did is just like what the Quran said, we hit the Taliban and killed many Bin Ladin followers. So in your mind as a Christian, should we have followed Christianity and forgave and kissed the Taliban and Bin Ladin after 911? or did we do the right thing and gone after those who killed in 91 by going after those who did 911.? By going after the terrorists, we are following the teaching of the Quran.
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Again, I’m going to ask, what do the actions of a secular nation have to do with unrelated religious faith. Let alone philosophical and theological concepts.
@talhatariqyuluqatdis 6 жыл бұрын
Some Muslims arent respectful to your religion, and when they argue they dont argue peacefully and calmly and they might make you uncomfortable. Islam tells us to do the exact opposite of this. Please just ignore these people, we dont know their position so lets not judge them either
@ranimouf 6 ай бұрын
You re reading the verse without the historical context. Read the whole verse with its context otherwise you are doing injustice to the book. Fighting here is only permitted in certain months when Muslims are forced to fight others who intiated the fighting and this in a war situation. Here is the whole verse: “The prohibited month for the prohibited month,- and so for all things prohibited,- there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
@ferdous33 6 жыл бұрын
And from those who say, “We are Christians,” We received their pledge, but they neglected some of what they were reminded of. So We provoked enmity and hatred among them until the Day of Resurrection; Allah will then inform them of what they used to craft. 15. O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you, clarifying for you much of what you kept hidden of the Book, and overlooking much. A light from Allah has come to you, and a clear Book. 16. Allah guides with it whoever follows His approval to the ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness into light, by His permission, and He guides them in a straight path.
@kharchoufmounir1673 5 жыл бұрын
In Quran the rule is not to take a single Aya and interpret it you must continue and see the following ayats and take it as a all Because you could found part of a story or an event in one sura and find more about it in another sora with more or other details
@musajallow5710 6 жыл бұрын
God looks at heart of people's and if there is gijdnedd he will guide them .May God guide you to Islam and quran my dear. You seems a giidtand sincere person
@ahmedlotfy8972 3 жыл бұрын
As the one you sayed is about war against foreign forces also Read Quran 42:40 about what's might happen between people.
@RMAhmed89 6 жыл бұрын
◄ Luke 19:27 ► Verse But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Ahmed Chaibi that is from a popular parable. That is something a fictional character was saying inside of a story Jesus was telling. If I read book 1 of game of thrones out loud that does not mean I am doing the actions of it characters, agreeing with those actions, nor telling someone else to actually do them.
@hakimhakim4216 5 жыл бұрын
That is why we have the hadith which will elaborate further on the matter.
@ChoosenOneMAK 5 жыл бұрын
search matt Davis "understanding islam."..because he explained most of the terminology you needs in order to understand the Qur'an
@tashtean 5 жыл бұрын
It was better to read the next verses as well to understand the context. It is a peaceful book and if you compare it with bible you will understand the huge difference.
@user-cq9ob1rw2f 6 жыл бұрын
Really !! Its rough to you . As an american to be told to defend yourself against any one who begins to offend you and that you are allowed to transagress who ever transagress you .. I find that rough to believe
@noreffendy608 4 жыл бұрын
The Quran could not be fully understood if have just read a part of the book except you have to read from cover to cover coz some of the verses interpreted the others verses
@kennethandreu812 4 жыл бұрын
The second surah of the holy Quran, Al-Baqarah is the heaviest surah in size and it addresses the heaviest issues in life, one being war. These verses you are stuck on are speaking about when one people attack and oppress another people. If a gang took over your house and your neighborhood and took your women and made you slaves would you not want to attack them back? This revelation was sent down because for a long time Muhammad(PBUH) and his followers would just accept the abuse and oppression and would take the pain and it reached such a bad point that Allah the Most Wise the Most High sent a revelation stating that we may fight the ones who oppress and kill and treat the people unjustly, Muhammad even states requirements are to be made before any war is allowed. And anyone who says that apostates and people leading muslims away from islam are to be put to death, their argument is completely destroyed by Baqarah 256 "There is no compulsion in islam" If someone wants to leave islam then we make prayer for them we don't harm them. There is no verse in Quran saying to kill these people. We will try to lead these people back to islam and if you kill them, you took away their chance for them to make shahadah again and you could be punished by Allah the Glorious for everyone is a creation of Allah so we must treat others with respect, and we must treat ourselves with respect.
@Astronomad 6 жыл бұрын
Religion, if it's only about peace it can't be valuable, it becomes passive and unjust, it has to be about making peace, attaining justice, and stimulating the intellect, As an Arab muslim I find the saying that Islam is a religion of peace is only telling part of the truth, for Islam is the religion of Justice above all, The Quran insists on justice and resisting oppression through out it's verses, Justice can't be claimed with love but with fighting and sacrifice, this is how God meant things to be, if the Americans didn't resist the Brits with guns, love would have left them suffering till this day, I think Yashua said that too in the bible "I have not come to bring peace but a sword." , the problem is the methodology of thinking in the christian world which have forgotten its tradition and replaced it with secular atheist systems that makes injustice glamorous and justice violent.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Astro.Nomad you do realize that what you just described is totalitarianism? One of the worst evils of the 19th & 20th century.
@Astronomad 6 жыл бұрын
this has nothing to do with totalitarianism, for polictial islam is a multicultural democratic system to its cores, the point you can't get, is that if a man rapes your wife, under islam you have the right to punish him, but under Christianity, you give him the other butt cheek, and under current atheist government, his lawyer can play with the facts and put YOU in jail. Justice vs Injustice simple as that, you have so much to learn my friend.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Astro.Nomad I’ve been trying to understand something for a while. It really is a problem when non-American Muslims talk on western channels. Look at the examples that you use. Can you not see or hear just how offense & aggressive that is. I have been doing this series for almost a year now. & at 1st I thought it was just cultural, as I have seen this approach on many other channels where pro-Muslim apologist comment. But I have communicated & dialogued enough at this point to know that this is not simply cultural. You (Muslim commenters from a Muslim majority country) can be just as sensitive to a buzz word as any western sjw. So why take this approach? It really turns people off. & the bigoted & less openminded, oversensitive westerner might take such words as a threat & use them to confirm their worst fears about Muslims & Arabs & such. And just to be clear, I am not offended. I’m just curious. This is an old vid for me & I’m somewhere in surah 47 right now, & I normal don’t engage much with my older Quran vids unless someone says something new, which you did not, but something in your wording intrigues me. You come across as intelligent & well formed in your faith, so why the lack of tact? Again, its not a problem when talking to me, but call this a passing interest & indulge me. What were you hoping my responds would be? Did you want me to actually respond? Or did you just want to vent? I ask the last part because sometimes I get the same comment in a row from 4 or 10 different commentators, & those I usually just let slide without a reply or rejoiner.
@Astronomad 6 жыл бұрын
dude i hate sjws and apologists, I am a straight forward person, i tell it how it is, for those who follow truth have nothing to apologize for. I am sorry if i came a little aggressive, I left America a couple of years ago after an unpleasant experience, but I still admire its people, I was an atheist and went through a spiritual journey to where I am now, only with knowledge and wisdom you can attain faith and submission to Elohim, The Quran says 16:125 "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided", I am here just to clear out somethings for you and also learn new things from you, that's all, have a good day/night bro.
@The_SIGMA_MUSLIM 5 жыл бұрын
I had my mouse pointer on the dislike button the entire video hoping you will be fair and give the full context... which you did not... and you started drawing the religion as an ofenssive ideology... before you read about anything you need to free yourself from anything you heard or you saw because you may have a corrupted morality... I don't know if you did it not intentinally or you have an agenda... the Quran is in arabic and I'm an arab, and even I dont try to understand it based on my own interpretation...God has send down the book with his messenger in order to explain it to the people... sorry we are not like catholics... we don't add or take verses to please anyone.
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
I really don’t care about the like to dislike ratio on my vids. This series is just a reading journal. As for your complaint, you clearly did not watch my video. I did not & never have called Islam an offensive ideology, I have also never discredited the Quran. I am very careful not to do either of those things in these videos. I even correct & reprove fellow Christians who come to my channel looking to do just that. As for context of the text, I read some hadith, & tasir, as well as watch two Imams on youtube. Nothing that I say about the Quran is made up and all the questions that I ask are both honest & reasonable. Just because you don’t like what I’m reading or what other Muslim scholars have said doesn’t mean I’m being unfair to the text. I’m not a Muslim. I have no intention of ever becoming one. I am reading these three translations just to understand what a billion people in the world believe. & to be honest, dealing with dawa types, & people who are so easily offended, make me not want to finish a book that takes more time to research than read.
@The_SIGMA_MUSLIM 5 жыл бұрын
@@alpha4IV first please don't say I haven't watch your video because I don't want to reply by you either cant read English and failed to copy my comment into Google translate... I did watch the video 3 times before I say anything and yes you didn't say the Quran is offensive but you strongly insinuated it... focusing on what you think about the verse and you ignored the context even you read it... and started by saying this is not like you learn in the bible like giving the other cheek... I don't want to give you a list of killing innocent people in the bible and verses about incest and photography... we don't have that in the Quran... next time be careful and try to do you best to not mislead the audience or I will make a reaction video to your video...
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
I encourage you to make a video responding to mine. But I’m not interested in a dialogue right now, sorry about that, my personal life has become full. I made these videos on the Quran over a year ago when I had more free time. Right now I am only uploading a vid a week and most of them have nothing to do with the Quran. I have six more Surahs already recorded & ten more after that with notes on them that haven’t written out scripts for. As for the accusation of misleading, I am quoting directly from the Quran & the Hadith & Tisar in these vids. Again, I really don’t care about the popularity of these vids one way or another that is not what this series was or is about. I am reading the text & giving my honest reaction to what I read & I don’t agree with everything the Quran claims, & I don’t agree with many of it’s theological formulas. Much of what the Quran claims contradicts what I’ve read in the Bible, the Toa Te Ching, The buddhist scriptures, The Hindu scriptures (such as the upshards), Greek Mythology (such as the Iliad & the Odyssey), & Viking Mythology (such as the elder Edda). it also goes against many doctrines in both western and eastern philosophy. such as Plato and Aristotle or Nietzsche and Hegel. Pointing out those differences is not disrespect, I am just pointing out the fact that they do not agree & where they defer.
@NileStrike 3 жыл бұрын
Yes man it's rough to defend yourself but not rough at all to kill infants and animals! Couldn't get more honest than that :)
@umermirz9632 5 жыл бұрын
This guy is acting so righteous , forgets how much violence Christians have inflicted on humanity . In their sacred text there is no shortage of extreme violence . What Quran is doing is giving permission for Retaliation once they are attacked first , and to retaliate in likewise not more than that . This was in response to a particular case anyways. I stopped watching him after his little righteous acting .
@4peace520 5 жыл бұрын
There are three type of people mentioned in Quran, here is his type. “2:7 God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes there is a covering. They will have a terrible punishment.” 2:“8 There are some who say, ‘We believe in God and the Last Day,’ yet they are not believers. 2:9 They seek to deceive God and the believers, but they only deceive themselves, though they do not realize it. 10 In their hearts is a disease, which God has increased. They will have a painful punishment, because they have been lying.”
@hamodhossain4261 Жыл бұрын
lol why is it so weird that if some one attack u first then attack him back ? are u not suppose to defend ur self if some one attack u ? i don't see Christians turn there cheeks to a thief when he attacks there home or to any one .. so turning ur other cheek was not correct idea any way .. this is Quran it talks in reality way not based on emotions .. peace doesn't mean that people should be cowards and not defend there self .. peace means that u not suppose to start attacking people without reason or justes .. and about the stories u mentioned that was common knowledge but u have no idea about .. well .. just because u don't know about it .. that doesn't mean its not a common knoledge .. it was common knowledge to those people back then when Thay has the original scriptures but now all the stories got changed that's why its not common knowledge to u
@yusfusra 5 жыл бұрын
Books are our friends they acompany us intimes of loneliness .......The quran is a friend of those depressed so please let the book talk and let people hear what their friend has to say....please!!!please!!!please!
@indoAMV 5 жыл бұрын
sir if you want to learn cooking go to chef if you want to learn abt Quran go to your nearest Masjid and do sum discussion Hope Allah giving you more understanding^
@barbersahib 6 жыл бұрын
When did the Christians ever turn the other cheek, let me think......NEVER
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Arshad Butt More than half of the saintly martyrs. Especially in the early church.
@barbersahib 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV you got these people in every religion, am talking generally, by the way have forgotten about the Crusades
@elbansidmhamed1493 3 жыл бұрын
Islam give us tge right to defend our selfes
@sheikibrahim5595 5 жыл бұрын
@humanbeing8598 2 жыл бұрын
Quran is word of God not of Muslims, we Muslims didn't write it or modify it, so it's wrong when you say "them" or "they", " they did this" or " they say this". You have to understand that Quran is in no way like the bible or Torah which have been re-written and modified many times to suit particular agendas. Islam is not a religion made by Muslims, it's the only religion that God accepted to his creation; to surrender unto him and worship him only, that is from the start of his creation to the end of life in universe, That's why all the previous messengers and prophets known in other scriptures are present in Quran. When Moses was sent to the sons of Israel he didn't tell them that their religion is Judaism, nor did Jesus tell them that their religion is Christianity, they told them to worship the one and only God, but most of them refused to obey and thought that they are the chosen people of God and everybody else is mere cattle to be used, That's why they are mentioned in Quran many times because of their disobedience and all the evil they inflicted and will inflict in the future, so that human kind will know the truth. Just look what happened to the world because of them, the sionists which are white Jewish people who embraced satanism in order to control the world have come very close to their goals, they took control of Europe by getting rid of monarchy or by replacing kings and queens by their own, then they started a worldwide "colonization" which in fact was a worldwide genocides in all continents, after that they divided the world into communist and capitalist, then WWI and WWII etc.. to this day wars of dominance and "prevention" are waged to invade, destroy, steal and ruin then divide and so on. Just read "Pawns in the game" by William Guy Carr, if you find a non modified copy to get the full picture.
@aamina5119 5 жыл бұрын
Read the Quran with the Bible
@user-fg8uw7jy3m 6 жыл бұрын
I love your reaction to qoran
@AppleGoodman 3 жыл бұрын
Whats wrong with self defense?
@sulaxana7847 6 жыл бұрын
If its just a slap, maybe its best to forgive. But it you being attack and they want to chop your head, You have right to fight back even your oponent be dead as result.
@m.samio.4366 6 жыл бұрын
But you didn't read the verse completely. Because it's talking about the months which arabs consider the war in these months is forbidden even before Islam. 4 months were considered like sacred months nobody fought during that time. But when prophet Muhammad went to visit Kaba but the unbelievers in Macca prevent them to go in the city and they were very hostile and they were almost fight. So, God said in this verse do not surrender considering that it was sacred month. If they transgress the sacred month against you, you also can transgress it against them. Basically it's very clear if we look the whole of the verse rather than split it. "Fighting in the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution." this part is missing in what you read. So obviously it became very open to misunderstanding and misinterpretation because of splitting it. By the way turning your other cheek can be possible only about individuals. Societies don't have cheeks. Nobody can decide on behalf of the other members of the society. So that almost every societies in the history fought against to attackers including christians. It's so simple: forgiveness about our own right, justice about everyone else's right. It is the only way to build stabile and balanced societies.
@abdouking854 5 жыл бұрын
go to the masque & get what you want as many explanation as you need :) do not interprate it as you like :)
@haniasidrachailover6172 6 жыл бұрын
Well I think that on that self defence verse you are quite wrong brother.. Islam is here to impose justice among humans not to encourage injustice.. Kindness might be good on personal level but justice is essential on social level. If kindness and forgiveness and turn the other cheek was applicable then why is a muderer not forgiven by the state ? Why is the rapist punished ? Why is the pedophile punished ? And" turn the other cheek " was quite a conflicting statement said by jesus Christ peace be upon him..As in other verse of the bible he said "I have come with the sword " And the next time a thief break into your house and assaults you..hurt your family and robs you.. I suppose you will be giving him a hug in return..
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Saimka Khan 1st religious law & judicial law are two different things. One are moral precepts & the other are rules decided by a society on how to govern a geographical location. They are not the same thing. The commandments for thou shall not kill is very different than a law governing what constitutes 2nd degree murder. We have not theocratic law in America or the West; & just the idea of doing such a thing would seem abhorrent to most Americans & Westerners. 2) You, all of you, my Muslims friends commenting on religious & atheist youtube channels have to stop with the well “if someone broke into your house tonight and assaulted . . . blah, blah, blah stuff” it reads like a threat, puts a horrible light on your religion, & feeds into the worst stereotypes & fears non-Muslims have about Muslims.
@haniasidrachailover6172 6 жыл бұрын
I apologise if I offended you in some way.. I brought up that analogy of a robber just to put my point across.. Having said that.. The portrayal of kindness and forgiveness on personal level has been practically shown by our PROPHET peace be upon him through out his life but when he used to take decisions as a ruler then He used to act according to the law of the QURAN.. Just as you signified about the separation of law and personal in ISLAM it is the same.. This will be further understandable if you read the biography of Our prophet peace be upon him.. Anyways I apologise again.. I never meant any offence whatsoever.. #Peace
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Saimka Khan I wasn’t offended, it’s just a bad tactic that I’ve seen much of. & I’d like to foster some peace & dialogue. As a Catholic, when talking to Protestants or atheists, I know how inflammatory things can get. Just watch some David Wood stuff if you need some examples. Any time a Calvinist or Baptist starts talking about the Catholic Church real history goes right out the window. As my channel is small enough, I can reply to more people more often, & give slightly more intimate advice. My advice, lay off the vague the threats; try less extreme examples. Because either way the rhetoric will ramp up if the conversation goes on long enough, & if the rhetoric begins too hot, it is much harder to avoid a shouting match.
@haniasidrachailover6172 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you about the sensitivity of the situation ,people are literally on their toes and will not loose an opportunity to accuse you out of proportion but at the same time I avoid commenting on those videos too.. Yes David wood ! WatchEd his debate with brother shabir ally some time ago... Anyways keep going..👍 😊
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
also this line is just wrong: I have come with the sword. The actual quote is: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." This is not talking about violence nor war, it is talking about how his teachings will divide families, and how His way is the only true way. Also the sword is usually seen as referring to the bible, and the shield is usually understood as rosary or a prayer rope.
@firstlady4635 6 жыл бұрын
Dont give up ♥️
@numanabduljamil2644 4 жыл бұрын
Just learn the Arabic language. If you just read the translation, your understanding cannot even reach 5 %. You should understand the Arabic
@ydw8405 6 жыл бұрын
Why does this guy looks surprised ? hasnt he ever read the Bible to know that there are harsh verses like that too? or did he just cherry picked any verses he liked in the Bible , why bother reading and commenting other religion’s HolyBook while not knowing those same situation in his own Holybook.. ? that is pathetic !
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
yussy dewi Try again. I’m on my seventh read through of the entire Bible. And I have a Bible study series on this channel. Watch it & learn something.
@ymadben5060 5 жыл бұрын
yeah turn the other cheeeek even if its hitler who slapppiiiinnngg
@majda202 6 жыл бұрын
verse=aya verses=ayat
@Gog3453 6 жыл бұрын
The Quran is for those who command the right and forbid the wrong. You have been warned
@TheJamalsumrein 3 жыл бұрын
The current political situation? So how do you reconcile the countries inflicting so much terror, horror and death in the world? Is that turning the other cheek? If your inference was correct about Islam being inherently violent then wouldn’t you have seen this at the earlier years of Islam and a pattern? The fact of the matter is history doesn’t support your theory but rather the political climate you may be referring to is as a result of barbaric foreign policy. When we do these studies or research why ppl act the way they do we must try to do so with honesty and consider all contributing factors for events that occur.
@serialnumber.prototype9388 5 жыл бұрын
Every person that trying to read and understand the Quran will get the same reaction that you had. When you read the Quran with the open heart you will make conversation with the Quran it's like the Quran talking to the reader. Each question will be answered and finish with zero arguement with the Quran. Keep reading brother because Islam is the only religion that logic no mystery at all and the reason for that is Heaven and Hell. Imagine you din't understand and not sure about your religion and when the judgement day you questioning God about the unexplain thing. Think..!
@bogarde 6 жыл бұрын
Deuteronomy. Bible 19:21 Have no pity; let life be given for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Atif Atifa Do you understand nothing of context? What is your point in posting this. Answer please. Because I can just post all the worst ayah from the Quran too. I don’t do that, so I ask you not to do that with my book or faith on my channel comments. Only warning, next time you will be blocked.
@Maduhutansupercianjur 6 жыл бұрын
Assalamu'alaikum / Shalom Islam = Attain peace by submitting your self to the will of the one GOD (No secretary, no associating in worship or pray) In Islam it is allow to defend your self if you or your family being attacked, robbed or plundered. I think it is common sane. In context of Quran 2:194 It is forbidden for Muslim to initiated war (or any other war) especially during 4 months of Islamic calendar, unless you being attacked first. So attacked them with the same amount of force. In Islam we have conduct/code of war: 1. It is forbidden to attack non combatant (women, children, priest, elder, some one who surrender) 2. It is forbidden to destroy churches, synagogue (or any religious site for prayer) or event plant and animal We do have transgressor and crazies who attack everyone and everything (including attacking Muslim) for mostly their political agenda. GOD know best.
@palwashahamidzada8764 5 жыл бұрын
Read about what was going on in the life of Muhammad SAAS when the Ilya u are finding so difficult to hear was happening. It might clear some thing up. Also read Martin lings book called Muhammad. It might help u out when reading Quran.
@nedalhubhub1851 4 жыл бұрын
@LirikanMataDewa 3 жыл бұрын
If you remove religion on this matter and just use logic as human being, does the prescription given by the Quran about defending yourself against transgression logically fair and applicable in real life? You might not like it but perhaps it's good for you.
@septron4206 6 жыл бұрын
"Eye for an eye", But to let you know the verse you are mentioning is for particular occasions about the non believers (pagans of macca, i.e quresh) as its mentioned in the commentary, The quresh used every possible way to kill and harm early muslim, even the innocent children,women and elderly age people at the early stage of islam, they forced the Muslims to exile from macca to madina, and when they saw that Muslims were getting stronger and Islam was spreading in madina, they decided to whipe them once and for all, BUT In the city of madina, there were some Jews tribes as well, they were very cunning enemies of islam(the Jews was ready to help any one from outside to whipe the Muslims off coz they thought that muslims were the threats to their religious superiority. I tried to explain and it's my opinion, i could be wrong but it's my understanding of the context of the verse, And Allah knows best.
@andhibrotoseno6376 5 жыл бұрын
Kamu terlalu dini menyimpulkan suatu ayat memiliki sebuah pemahaman, ayat2 di dalam al quran pada umumnya selalu berkaitan dengan ayat2 lainnya, ayat2 di dalam al quran memiliki riwayat, menurut saya anda memiliki cara yang kurang tepat dalam menyimpulkan
@Spillers72 2 жыл бұрын
That's the total opposite of Jesus that taught to do good to those that transgress you.
@hebahayed363 Жыл бұрын
the Old Testament contraindicate your claim.
@mdladdan0786 10 ай бұрын
Ok than why crusaders attacked muslims ? Why Christian countries were colonisers and still they are making weapons that can destroy whole humanity?
@mdladdan0786 10 ай бұрын
In short the teaching of Jesus may God peace be upon him are not practical ( according to your claim )
@waqemhaq4196 6 жыл бұрын
An eye for an eye, just as moses has did, turning the cheek is was jesus did
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Waqem Haq correct
@abshan22 5 жыл бұрын
You are very biased minded the verse doesn’t encourage injustice. Instead it calls for not to accept transgressions and fight them back. This what reality looks like but if you teach (like bible ) to turns your cheek verbally but practically they do the opposite
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
abshan22 I don’t get what is with commentators like you. Where do I say, in actual words, that the verse encourages injustice? I am mostly complementary of this Surah. The thing that I am enjoying least about reading the Quran is the dawah style apologetics by many of its adherents. I even mention the context of the verse. These ayah are literal inverses of Christian philosophy. That shouldn’t be shocking or offensive, or revelatory to my Muslim audience that people have different morals, ethics, & philosophies than you. Reading Richard Dawkins I don’t expect him to agree with Christian or catholic doctrine As he is an atheist & anti-theist. So why would you expect a Christian catholic to agree with your understanding? I don’t expect you to agree with me.
@catholicdefenceandtruthsee1223 3 жыл бұрын
The Quran states jesus did not die on the cross but also says that the bible is the truth - this is a contradiction because the bible clearly states jesus died on the cross if the Quran denies it then why then does iv tell us wd most belive the bible no offence to muslims I respect you as people I respect your religion but I respect jesus christ as my lord and saviour and the bible and if theirs one contradiction that goes against a statement or a verse especially from one book I stick with being catholic but still no disrespect to muslims belives
@AppleGoodman 3 жыл бұрын
The Quran is talking about the Injeel which was the early gospel revealed by God to Jesus. The bible you have today is not the same one though, because it has been corrupted and there are clear verses showing clear corruption, like 2 chronicles 22:2 kjv & 2 Kings 8:26 kjv.
@catholicdefenceandtruthsee1223 3 жыл бұрын
@@AppleGoodman I'm catholic kjv is protestent the bible was out in 380s AD now for the bible as you say was interfered with that didint happen till 1611 kjv some books were put in the back of the bible then in late 1800s were removed apart from the translation transferred to English and the spirit leading to the accounts put in no the bible had never been interfered with tell me this brother , where in the history of the bible can you point out that the bible never confirmed jesus was scrooged crucified and died , it's always claimed it and the original manuscripts confirm this , now can I ask you where is the original Quran that mahhamad was ment to have written , this is a question I am not talking about the Quran you have with you I'm talking about the original manuscripts , and where are they , and is their much added on from the Quran you have now to what was in the original , but first let me no where it is this original manuscript that mahhamad wrote
@Sami_f_AL-Hamdan 5 жыл бұрын
But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. 34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.… This is from the bible (we do not see Jesus peaceful here...although we Muslims do not beleive that Jesus said that
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Sami Fathi Saleem Al-Hamdan I don’t get your point. If you read the whole passage, meaning the chapter you can get the meaning. I’ve explained this verse before, but if you want me to I can explain it again I will. The sword is not literal, it is talking about how his ideas are revolutionary & controversial. Ideologically they would be separate families against each other, as they did & still do today.
@Sami_f_AL-Hamdan 5 жыл бұрын
I see some double standards here, in case of the bible; words sometimes should not be taken literally "The sword is not literal"...but when it comes to the Muslims book every word should be taken literally!!!!!!!!!!!!
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
Sami Fathi Saleem Al-Hamdan I missed your reply. But if you want to say the the Quran is not 100% literal I would be open to that. But. Almost all the Hadith & Tasir I’ve read since I made this video have said that the Quran is Literal. The bible on the other hand is composed of many genres (narrative, poetry, history, polemic) not all of it is literal, it has plenty of metaphor, analogy, humor, & parable. The bible is not inerrant nor infallible; it is on the other hand inspired & a record of people’s (here meaning the Jewish people) interaction with & understanding of God. But it was written by men, and each book within the cannon, as the bible is a collection of many different books, was written at a different time or place from a different perspective. I can say that about the bible, & still believe & keep my faith. Could you, or would you, say the same thing about the Quran? (I doubt you will, but if you do please respond as I would love to hear your understanding of the Quran if your view is truly so bold & unique.)
@palwashahamidzada8764 5 жыл бұрын
Also try watching lslam for Catholics 101 on may find it interesting.
@harrysandro7351 5 жыл бұрын
Practicing TAQIYAH & KITMAN ?
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t know what either of those things are. Please explain.
@jasskeeper8152 5 жыл бұрын
People read other people religion books without bait? Cool!
@yassinejad2838 6 жыл бұрын
Luke 19:27 "And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, bring them here and slay them in front of me." jesus christ is this the other cheek ? why didnt u turn the other cheek to hitler then
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
yassine jad that is the end line to a parable, that means fable, verses 11-27, are not Jesus speaking as himself but telling a popular common tale of that time, so popular the story shows up in three others gospels & in a book by the historian Josephus. Also, that particular verse was an allusion to the Fall of Jerusalem & the destruction of Temple, which happened just before Luke was written.
@yassinejad2838 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for the answer that explained it, i always asked myself why would he say such a thing when he also say my kingdom is not of this world. what i believe concerning turning the other cheek is jesus trying to teach the jews forgiveness? but i dont think u can turn the other cheek to someone who is trying to kill u and take over your homes and country like hitler tried to do. thats what i believe.
@mkmk882 6 жыл бұрын
Defending your self is rough so if someone try to rape your wife you just turn your face and let them do ii 😂😂😂😂😂non sense
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
You do realize that this comes off as a threat and makes your entire faith look bad. Other people can and will read what you type on my page. My videos on the Quran get at least 1,000 view per vid and up to 10,000 views if there is something interesting in the vid. So, is this statement how you want to represent your faith?
@yassinelighto1302 6 жыл бұрын
are you a pacifist? avoiding retaliation even if your family is being killed in front of you, well I disagree with you, I think that type of thinking is unpractical and doesn't work in the real world, defending yourself is just, not doing so is the injustice.
@irfaankhan1937 6 жыл бұрын
You will not understand quran just like by reading it like that. These verses a lot of them are Allah reaction to situations. There are layers of meanings, so because you are no authority on Islam your understand out of this reading is as far from actual teaching of the book then sky is from earth
@regularwarya 6 жыл бұрын
You are being extremely dishonest about that specific (Ayah) and taking it deliberately out of context which is it's self unchristian and you know what i am talking about you avoided the next verses which out line the conditions and the rules of self defence.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Regular Warya I have no idea what you are talking about. If I didn’t talk about it, it’s because it didn’t interest me. I wasn’t even doing research yet. On my Quran studies that are labeled “part 1, 2, 3” ect. I was still doing this as a reading journal for myself. I never expected anyone to watch these vids, as I had less than seven subscribers at the time and three of those were personal friends of mine.
@regularwarya 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV Wel, i understand that you really sound really some one who is not intersted in God and Truth but politics which is fine if you were an average Joe seeking enlightenment but the fact you are claiming that you are a Catholic is giving me all the reasons of the world to correct your propaganda.
@alpha4IV 6 жыл бұрын
Regular Warya Honestly, you start throwing accusations & I’ll just block you. I keep my channel clean of most of that kind of thing. As I have a wide audience of Atheists, Muslims, & some but few Christians. My videos cover philosophy, martial arts, & religion. I stay out of politics for the most part, with some toe dabbling in my questions for series, which this is not. Watch some of my channel before you start jumping to conclusions. I used to be nicer about such thing but I have been exchanging bumps (pro-wrestling term) with atheists so I’m a little more feisty than I was when I made these first talky vids.
@regularwarya 6 жыл бұрын
alpha4IV Ok brother i am Ok with that foregive me if i were harsh coz i had to, we learned in the Holey Qur'an that the Christians are the most hamble amongst the people of the book these are the matters of the afterlife and our purpose of our existence. Peace be on to you and your friends
@abdourjawara022 5 жыл бұрын
No keep reading....
@fathifathi3168 6 жыл бұрын
you have the right to defend your self man lol if a person atack your family you should defende
@musfazahosein7463 5 жыл бұрын
What is the purpose of your discourse? There is no benefit or enlightenment to anyone listening to your video. Be objective please.
@alpha4IV 5 жыл бұрын
musfaza hosein there is no objective, and there is no point. This was originally just a diary of me reading the Quran and my honest opinion on what I read.
@aimansalman2709 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the authenticity and effort you’re taking Alpha4. Really do appreciate the genuineness.
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