Рет қаралды 12,401
PGN Game! Gukesh D Vs Vincent Keymer 2025
[Event "Tata Steel Masters 2025"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2025.01.22"]
[Round "05"]
[White "Gukesh D"]
[Black "Keymer, Vincent"]
[WhiteElo "2777"]
[BlackElo "2733"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd2 d5 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. Qc2 c6 8. Be2
b6 9. O-O a5 10. a3 Bxc3 11. Bxc3 Ne4 12. Be1 Ba6 13. Bd3 h6 14. Bxe4 dxe4 15.
Nd2 f5 16. f3 exf3 17. Nxf3 c5 18. Rd1 cxd4 19. Rxd4 Qe8 20. Bg3 e5 21. Rd6 Rc8
22. Rfd1 f4 23. exf4 exf4 24. Bf2 Rf7 25. R1d4 Bb7 26. Qd1 Bc6 27. b4 axb4 28.
axb4 Qe7 29. Qd3 Nf6 30. Rxf4 Be4 31. Qd4 Bxf3 32. Rxf3 Qe2 33. Rd8+ Rxd8 34.
Qxd8+ Rf8 35. Qd3 Qxd3 36. Rxd3 Rc8 37. Rd4 Kf7 38. Kf1 Ra8 39. Ke2 Ra4 40. Be1
Ke6 41. Bd2 h5 42. Kd3 Ng4 43. Kc3 Nf6 44. Kb3 Ra1 45. Bc3 Rb1+ 46. Kc2 Rf1 47.
Rd2 Ne8 48. Kb3 g6 49. Bd4 Rb1+ 50. Ka4 Rc1 51. Bxb6 Rxc4 52. Kb5 Rc1 53. Bc5
Nf6 54. Rd6+ Kf5 55. Kc6 Ng4 56. Rd2 Ke6 57. Rd6+ Kf5 58. b5 Ne5+ 59. Kd5 Nd3
60. Rc6 Nf4+ 61. Kd6 Rd1+ 62. Kc7 Nd5+ 63. Kc8 Rc1 64. Kd7 Rc2 65. Bd6 Rxg2 66.
Rc5 Ke4 67. Ke6 Rd2 68. h4 Nb6 69. Rc6 Nd5 70. b6 Nxb6 71. Rxb6 Kf3 72. Be7
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